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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
24 September 2011, Volume 29 Issue 5
Simulation of HARQ System Based on LDPC Code
WANG Yin, CHU Yu-Hong, TUN Yun-Qian, HUI Ji-Hui
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  395-400. 
Abstract ( 762 )  

In order to transport data efficiently and reliably without reducing the transmission rate of data, minimize the bit error rate and improve the system throughput,LDPC(Low-Density Parity-Check Code)are used as forward error correction code in HARQ(Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request) system, and it combined with ARQ(Automatic Repeat Request) technology. The ARQ scheme chooses SR-ARQ, namely selective request ARQ,it will choose the error data block to retransmission, and using type-I HARQ pattern to do request controlling. The model is built and system is designed on simulink.Combined Matlab modulation,the throughput of code with different length and different code rate is analyzed, and the results are shown by using ARQ scheme and without it,the results indicate that the system with ARQ scheme has better performance on throughput.

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Modified Algorithm of QRS Wave Detection Based on Wavelet Transform
TAO Cheng, CI Yu-Juan, LANG Liu-Qi, HAN Song-Xiang
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  401-407. 
Abstract ( 766 )  

After analyzing the theory of wavelet transform's detection of signal singularity, we have modified a QRS wave detection method based on wavelet transform, which focuses on the interval mapping of R peak through observing the coefficients of wavelet decomposition, the omission of R peak, the retraction of R peak, the judgment of the forward R peak and the reverse R peak, and put forward a new kind of follow threshold. Using this algorithm,the QRS wave detection was experimented on 14 ECG(Electrocardiogram) data in MIT\|BIH database within the Matlab simulation environment. The experimental data shows that, with the use of the algorithm, the detection rate of the normal ECG and the abnormal ECG reaches 99.98%, which has high practical value.

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Multi-Type Data Transmission System Design in Large Area Based on McWiLL
ZHANG Yu-Hua, GU Li-Min, LI Zhong
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  408-412. 
Abstract ( 552 )  

To solve multi-media data transition difficulty in large scale water pump sensor network, a new sensor network based on McWiLL broadband wireless access technology was designed. Components functions  of sensor network  were designed, network plan was studied, and small testing sensor network containing one base station was established. In the testing system, delay time in data transmission of the covered area were measured. Comparing the network based on McWiLL with network based on GPRS(Gerneral Packet Radio Service), testing results show that the sensor network based on McWiLL can sample and transmit multi-media data. Average delay time in McWiLL is decreased by 20%. Maximum data transmission delay is decreased to 1/3 of GPRS. Covering area radius of single base station is 16 km. The designed data transmission system can satisfy the design requirement.

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Design of Dynamic-Water Supply System Based on CDMA Network
SUN Hong-Yan, LI Yan, LIU Yang, HONG Beng-Zhan
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  413-418. 
Abstract ( 722 )  

In order to assure of the stability and security of dynamic-water supply system, according to the analysis of data acquisition techniques, a new static data acquisition method is put forward. And the design of the real-time monitoring system is based on the deep wells at a power workshop. Meanwhile, the real-time display and controlling are realized in this system. The monitoring results indicate that the design is rational and the datum are in conformity with the operating conditions.

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New Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure for Ultra-Wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise
GUO Yan-Lin, LU Hong-Min, LI Meng-Ru, WANG Shen, HU Yue, WANG Xiang-Rong
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  419-423. 
Abstract ( 443 )  

A new EBG(Electromagnetic Band Gap) structure is proposed for ultrawideband suppression of SSN(Simultaneous Switching Noise). The characteristics of the stopband and signal integrity are simulated by software. The results indicate that the suppression bandwidth of -30 dB from 130 MHz to 10.45 GHz is realized by using the proposed EBG structure. Compared to the Z-bridged EBG structure with the same parameters, the relative bandwidth is increased by 58.8% and the lower cut-off frequency is decreased by 130 MHz. The signal integrity of the proposed EBG power plane can be improved by using differential transmission lines.

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Design of Video Acquisition and Network Transmission System
LUO Xiao-Hua, ZHANG Bo
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  424-428. 
Abstract ( 832 )  

In order to meet the special industry needs for high resolution video monitoring,a video acquisition and network transmission system based on FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) is presented. According to IIC(Intel\|Integrated Circuit) protocol, FPGA is used to initialize the registers in image sensor. The image sensor outputs 16\|bit YCbCr video signal to FPGA. The video signals definition is 1 024×768 and its frame rate is 8 Hz. FPGA samples the video signal with the rate of 4 Hz. Utilizing a piece of DDR SDRAM as frame buffer, the video signal is inverted to Ethernet data frame format with the Ethernet controller module in FPGA. The Ethernet data frame is transmitted to physical layer chip by the physical interface module. So the video data captured by the image sensor will be transmitted by Ethernet. The design of the system is realized with VHDL(Very\|High\|Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) and verified on Xilinx FPGA board.The results show that the system can effectively transfer the high resolution video image.

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Generator-Side Converter Control Strategies of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Wind Turbines
FU Guang-Jie, CUI Hai-Long, DAN Xuan, ZHENG Lian-Liang
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  429-435. 
Abstract ( 725 )  

Traditional wind turbine converter uses wind speed sensors to measure wind speed as a control conditioning signal, which makes the cost too high, and the measured wind speed has some delay, affecting the response speed of motor control. For this purpose the paper presents a new control strategy of synchronous permanent magnet wind generator-side converter. By using the combination of hill-climbing searching algorithm and synchronous motor vector control of decoupling to realize the maximum wind capture and variable speed constant frequency control. The wind turbine model and the synchronous generator wind turbine model are built on the Simulink platform. The simulation results validate the rapidity and feasibility of the control method.And it shows that the control strategy can be quickly and accurately to achieve control objectives. It omits wind speed measuring sensor and reduces cost compared with traditional control strategy.

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Method for Prediction of RNA Interference Efficiency Based on Sirna Sequence Characteristics
XU Bao-Lin, XU Da-Chuan, GAO Dong, ZHANG Gao, LIU Yuan-Ning
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  436-443. 
Abstract ( 809 )  

To predict the siRNA(Small interfering Ribonucleic Acid) efficiency accurately, by the statistical analysis of 2 431 siRNA,we found a reliable new method of forecasting.We selected 19 sequence characteristics related to siRNA efficiency with statistical method and made out a clustering method for siRNA inhibiting efficiency level with these characteristics,the correct rate is up to 81.1%. This method provides orientation for high efficient siRNA design.

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Adaptive Super-Resolution Method Based on Morphological-Edge Preserving Operator
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  444-450. 
Abstract ( 683 )  

Aiming at the restoration of blurred image, an improved adaptive super-resolution algorithm proposed which is based on morphological edge preserving operator. First, we define a morphology edge preserving operator,and the operator can keep adaptive adjustment as iteration.Secondly, applying the operator to the regularization during super-resolution reconstruction, so the constraint reconstruction is reinforced in the edge region and the regularization is emphasized in the smooth region. Experimental results demonstrate that the improved method preserves edges clearer and has better result in speed and robust for the regularization parameter.

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Design and Implementation of Remote Control Application Based on iPhone Operating System
LIU Ying, QIN Gui-He
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  451-456. 
Abstract ( 759 )  

The remote control has become a very practical application due to the popularization of intelligent telephone. Considering the weakness of the remote control application such as the poor compatibility. A remote control application to PC(Personal Computing)  based on iOS(iPhone Operating System) was designed. This application used the open-source TightVNC(Tight Virtual Network Computing) Server program on PCand referred to TightVNC Viewer to build a client on portable device. Based on iOS of the clients and BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution) socket, this application can control PC through both Internet and temporary computer-to-computer network. The evaluative and the experimental result showed that this application's structure is simple, and practical. The practical function is well.

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Principal-Agent Theory of Logistics Companies Handling Workers'Incentives
FENG Wen-Cai, XU Qiang, JIA Jing
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  457-463. 
Abstract ( 643 )  

For the logistics company's most important human resource-front-line employees incentives for research is relatively small, and the lack of quantitative research.We use multiple principal-agent model to analyze the logistics enterprises there are two types of front-line employees, that is around the network of logistics companies and logistics companies handling workers, transit workers, warehouse outlets handling the incentive problem and come to specific incentives. The results of the logistics enterprises to implement specific incentives have some reference.

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Control of Four-Rotor Aircraft Based on PWM
LI Xiu-Yang, LIU Pan-Bo
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  464-472. 
Abstract ( 918 )  

Based on AVR MCU(Micro Control Unit)which is produced by ATMEL company a four-rotor aircraft IC(Intergrated Circuit) control system is proposed for reliable controlflight. Four-rotor aircraft system mainly includes drive system composed by brushless DC motors, master control system composed by the micro-controller and gyroscopes and wireless remote control system composed by the 2.4 GHz wireless remote control receiver. Firstly, the author uses the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal produced by AVR MCU to drive the control module. Secondly, after the analysis of four-rotor aircraft, the author studies control parameters and achieves the corresponding control algorithm. Thirdly, the author programmes to simulate the corresponding flight attitude. Finally, after many experiments the author will achieve a control design for unmanned flight including turn and three-dimensional control.

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Compressed Format Full-Text Index Based on Improved Huffman Code and Its Implement
KAN Jun-Man
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  473-476. 
Abstract ( 545 )  

To solve the problem of index structures compression of full-text indexes,we introduce the canonical Huffman code to encode the BWT(Burrows-Wheeler Transform) of a text. In the end, we present an efficient construction algorithm for this index, which is on-line and linear.Experimental results show that, without reducing the efficiency, the effective storage space compression is gained, which improves the effectiveness of the method.

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Self-Correction Design Based on Twisted Ring Counter 74LS161
MA Jing-Min, LUN Chu-Xian
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  477-480. 
Abstract ( 872 )  

The self-correction is designed based 74LS161 twisted ring counter, aiming at exploring logic modification technique of MSI(Medium Scale Integrated circuit) programmable counter by unconventional use of changing the application direction, that is to change the counting rules by changing the logic output state of programmable counter 74LS161, achieve the timing relationships of“next state=setting data” by that the state output the feedback to the preset number of inputs and to modify self-correction logic design, achieve the self-correction design of twisted ring counter, thus achieve the logical extensions. The Innovation is to propose the logic modification method of MSI programmable counter changing the application direction,Design progress of twisted ring counter is simplified.

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Research on Security Telecommunication of MPICH Parallel Computing System
DONG Yan-Hua, LI Xiao-Jia, ZHANG Ye
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  481-483. 
Abstract ( 618 )  

In order to improve the security of remote access based on SSH(Secure Shell),and to give consideration to the  efficiency of access. Based on the principle of RSA/DSA(Rivest Shamir Adlemen /Digital Signature Algorithm) password-free certification, three kinds of executive plan about telecommunication security of the parallel computing system based on MPICH(Message-Passing Interface Chameleon) are put forward,which aim at the telecommunication security of the parallel computing system based on MPICH. This research can offer the plans of security and efficiency for the construction of the parallel computing system and the remote access based on SSH.

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Pricing Strategy of Third-Party Electronic Market
QIU Jia-Xian, TONG Mu, LIN Zhang-Xi
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  484-493. 
Abstract ( 531 )  

Based on the characteristics of third-party electronic market in China, a two-sided market competition pricing model was builded to analyze and explain the pricing problems faced by the market. The results imply the complementary relationships between the optimal lump-sum fee and per-transaction fee paid by users of one side in a platform, and also between the total fees paid by users of two sides in the same platform. For different platforms, the total user fees are positive correlated each other. The optimal lump-sum fee is declining and the optimal per-transaction fee is increasing as the total fee charged by competitive platform is increasing. Platform will set a higher per-transaction fee and a lower lump-sum fee if the matching technology is advanced or the consumer's expected transaction frequency is declined, and vice versa. Based on the equilibrium analysis, the pricing problems of China's C2C(Customer-to-Customer)and online P2P(Peer-to-Peer)market are analyzed and explained.

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Improvement on Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on PCA Default-Values
TAO Jin-Bo, TU Yi-Cheng, XU Zhuo-Er, LI Hui-Min
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  494-497. 
Abstract ( 766 )  

With the rapid lincrease of users and commodities, user-item rating matrix has become the High-dimensional sparse matrix, causing collaborative filtering algorithm being low quality. Using the principal components analytic method to reduce the dimension of the user-item rating matrix so as to improve its sparsity. The experimental results demonstrated that compared with other collaborative filtering algorithm, recommendation quality of this algorithm is improved obviously.

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Image Enhancement Algorism Based on Information Segmentation of Target Subject and Its Background
LI Yun-qi
J4. 2011, 29 (5):  498-503. 
Abstract ( 549 )  

The main object is to improve image contrast, highlight the target area, and solve the darker image, the poor contrast,the obscure target area,and the difficulty to analyze, so that the right judgments can be made to identify the problem. The image of the target,the  background separation,and the two parts of the gray values were processed in order to highlight the target and inhibit the background,so that people or machines can make a better analysis and processing. And the X-ray image is used as an example simulation. The experiments show that the algorithm can achieve image enhancement, can enhance the target area,can inhibit the background region, thereby enhancing the image contrast, the target area stand out from the background area, the image will help us to observe, analyze, judge and process.

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