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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
24 November 2011, Volume 29 Issue 6
Research on Interference Alignment Based on Dynamic Power Allocation in Multi-Cell
ZHOU Zhi-Dong, XIE Xian-Zhong, SHAO Qi
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  504-510. 
Abstract ( 1025 )  

In multi-user MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Out put) interference channel environment, in order to fully utilize the system's total power,disruption to the user to maximize overlapping, thereby improving system performance. The MIMO interference channel model and interference subspace scheduling algorithm analysis are given; to maximize the use of system power, a dynamic power allocation algorithm for interference arrangement is presented. Simulation results show that the program is only at a small expense of system capacity, but significantly reduces the system's average error rate and interference power, to prove that the algorithm is better than the algorithm given the power advantage.

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Design and Implementation of LDPC Decoder for DVB-S2
WANG Xiu-Min, CHEN Hao-Wei
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  511-517. 
Abstract ( 979 )  

The hardware architecture of the DVB-S2 LDPC (Low Density Parity Check Code) code decoder is researched. According to the cyclical feature of the check matrix we have realized a decoder of the DVB-S2 LDPC code whose rate is 3/5 and length is 16 200 bit. Experiment result shows that the total consumption of the LDPC decoder are 24 004 logic cells,6 437 registers and 448 594 bits of RAM. And the throughput of  is up to 289 Mbit/s.The structure of decoder using shared memory banks and writing the LLR (Log Likelihood Ratio) back to the RAM has low area and high throughput.

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Transmission Improvement of ZigBee Signal in Intelligent Community
REN Li-li, FAN E-Ya-qin, KANG Bing, YAN Dong-mei
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  518-522. 
Abstract ( 1082 )  

To solve the problem of poor efficient and high\|energy\|consumption of ZigBee signal transmission in the intelligent community,the safe and efficient transmission of ZigBee signal is studied based on experiments. And an improved method that combines lower-power ZigBee module with high-power ones is presented based on the analysis of the the products of CC25xx,and the series of JN51xx modules. Research shows that the improved algorithm has guaranteed the efficiency and low energy consumption and improved the safty of the Zigbee net. The improved algorithm gains high feasibility and superiority,saving cost by 34.7% in one community.

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Detection of Two Phase-Code Signal Based on Wavelet Transform
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  523-528. 
Abstract ( 777 )  

For the detection of phase-code signal with low SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio), two phase-code signal was studied based on  double-scale wavelet transform, according to the combination of rough orientation and accurate orientation. The modular maximum of big scale is used to find the range of the singularity, the exact point of the singularity is found on a small scale, so that the detection of two phasecode signal would be achieved. Through the computer emulation, this algorithm can realize the detection of the two phase-code signal accurately when the SNR exceeds 0 dB,detection probability would be upon 95% when the SNR exceeds 3 dB.

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Study on Supervision Charging Standards of Communication Engineering
ZHANG Qing-shan, ZHANG Xue-feng, REN Feng-shuang, ZHANG Qiu-Jie
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  529-534. 
Abstract ( 1413 )  

To address the communication issued by the State engineering supervision fee charges for the various sections of the table is missing billing amount within the range and interpolation, and project billing amount range, charging base price, interpolated, the amount of fee billing correspondence between the base price is not clear, the problems can not be properly calculated. The objective of the charges, and identify the sections of the scope and amount of charges interpolated to determine the correspondence between each child, to supplement and improve the charges, and finally we give an example of using interpolation method of supervision fees instance.

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Design of Wireless ECG Monitoring System Used in Community Hospitals
HE Xin-ying, WANG Jian-gang, YANG xu
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  535-541. 
Abstract ( 837 )  

In order to solve the problem of poor real-time and the difficulty of multiple patients monitoring at the same time in allusion to the current ECG(Electrocardiograph)monitors, a design method of wireless ECG monitoring system used in community hospitals is proposed. In this system,high performance ARM9(Advanced RISC Machines)was selected as microcontroller, and a Bluetooth model was used for data transmission. WinCE was used as the embedded operating system. The experiment results show that the system can realize real-time ECG data acquisition, compression and storage, abnormal ECG signals analysis, display, alarm and wireless communications with PC. It exhibits features of low power consumption, small in size, anti-jamming and easy to handle.

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Design and Research of High Speed Digital Image Acquisition and Display System
DONG Ya-ze, WANG Shun
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  542-548. 
Abstract ( 923 )  

In order to  display digital image in realtime at  high speed,the Camera Link interface and VGA(Video Graphics Array)interface protocol standard is analyzed, according to the VGA interface which has a variety of display mode,adigital image acquisition and display program is designed by the FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)as the core processor, and the FPGA acquired image data through the Camera Link interface, then the image is cached and processed, as well as FPGA structure timing signal of VGA interface and control the video D/A digital simulation, finally realize real-time display of images,simple control and transmit to long distance after prosessed image.

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Design for Control System of Stepmotor Based on MSP430F169
DONG Lei, WANG Chun-Min, YIN Jing, DI Hong-Yi
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  549-553. 
Abstract ( 795 )  

A position control system of stepmotor based on MSP430F169 is designed, at the background of focus system in O-E (Optical and Electronical) theodolite. Using a potentiometer as position feedback device in this system, the internal  A/D(Analog to Digital) module in the single chip captures and converts the analog position information into digital consults. Compared to the given position setted by the keys, when the error is less than a certain threshold, the stepmotor arrives at the designated location. The hardware system consists of single chip,interface circuit, driving circuit of stepmotor, LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) circuit,and  keyboards. The stepmotor can stop at the given position setted by the keyboard, and then the LCD displays the information. In the end, this thesis exhibits the results of the control accuracy experiment(variance:0.000 003 67~0.000 012 92).

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Design of ECG Monitoring System Based on C8051F320
MIN Shan, ZHANG Xin-Dong
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  554-560. 
Abstract ( 1138 )  

In order to promote the digital and intelligent development of modern ECG(Electrocardiograph) monitoring system,we describes an ECG monitoring system based on the SCM C8051F320. First use amplifier and filter circuit as the ECG processing to amplify ECG signal and filter noises; then we LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) to real-time display the heart rate and we SD card to store ECG data; finally ECG data is transmitted to the PC terminal, the PC uses LabVIEW to realize virtual instrument function. Test results show that this virtual instrument system is simple operation and feasible function setting, which is suitable for acquisition, real-time display and later analyzing of human ECG signal.

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Design and Implementation of Missle Launcher Integrated Test System
LIU Cheng-Liang, FAN Hui-Lin, BAO Hua-Liang, ZHU Wu-Lin
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  561-564. 
Abstract ( 619 )  

The detection methods of a missle launcher has the problem of time-consuming and laborious, and the test results were not accurate and intuitive. Therefore, based on the analysis of testing requirements.We chooese the right card, design a power supply module and a signal conditioning circuit, and build a comprehensive testing platform and a integrated system of a missle launcher based on PC104 embedded computer under the development environment in the VC++6.0. Applications prove that the test system is  advanced in technology,rational in design and simple to  operate, it is reliable to detect the missle launcher, and it has high accuracy and short time detection, and effective guarantee of the operational and training missions.

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Design and Development of GPS Hand-Holding System Using Google Earth
JIN Yu-Shan, SUN Shi-Hao, YANG Ren, ZHANG Wei-Jie
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  565-570. 
Abstract ( 750 )  

Aiming at the problems that some of the current GPS(Global Positioning System)  system could not provide map support and could not give map information about the location,based on 89C51 microcontroller, a GPS hand-holding system is designed and implemented by using GE(Google Earth).The system employs SR-87 module manufactured by Taiwan Progin corporation as its core GPS module. Through the Enhanced ShockBurstTMpatent agreement of RF chip nRF24L01, hand\|holding transmitter seamlessly and efficiently sends data to PC(Personal Computer) receiver. Making use of the GE's ability to support external devices, PC receiver imports the packaged data in line with international standard GPS protocol NMEA(National Marine Electronics Association) into GE software, so as to achieve positioning, navigation and other functions. Results show that the system can display information of latitude, longitude, altitude, time, number of satellites,and obtain map information with the GE on PC side. This system is valued to field sports, expedition, the environmental sciences and other fieldwork\|related activities.

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Linear Synchronization for Lorenz Chaotic System
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  571-575. 
Abstract ( 821 )  

In order to solve the problem of synchronization of two Lorenz system with different initial value parameters,and the error system is divided into two subsystem.Based on the small gain theorem and linear feedback method,synchronization of a chaotic system called Lorenz chaotic system is studied.The sufficient conditions and range of the controller's parameter of Lorenz chaotic systems are derived.Numerical simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed chaos synchronization.

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J2EE Based on Ajax,Struts,Hibernate and Spring
LI Xiang, SUN Yong-Wei, HU Bing, WANG Yang-Shuang
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  576-584. 
Abstract ( 1079 )  

To improve effectively developing efficiency of Java technology, shorten developing periods, reduce developing cost in the enterprise application, the mechanism of four open-source frameworks of Ajax, Struts, Hibernate and Spring are introduced. According to basic ideology of MVC(Model-View-Controller) model, a developing strategy of J2EE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) application based on the four frameworks is advanced. How to use the four frameworks together more efficiently in building a high efficient developed, steady runned, straightforward maintenance, convenient for transplanted and easy expanded J2EE framework, the picture of this framework is given, and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.The online learning system, which is put in use successfully and based on the framework is realized. The application result indicated that  the framework has the outstanding portability, extension and maintenance, reduces the complexity and coupling degree of application, improve the developing efficiency.

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Hopfield Neural Network Parameter Optimization Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm
QI Xiao-Gang, WANG Yun-He
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  585-589. 
Abstract ( 1081 )  

In order to solve the parameter setting problem during the application process of Hopfield neural network.The working principle of Hopfield neural network is described, the neural network model parameter selection problem in the TSP(Traveling Salesman Problem) problems solving process is analyed On the basis established the evaluation function of network by using normalized on output data, and then use simulated annealing algorithm to select the optimal parameters. The results show that, after optimization of parameters, Hopfield neural network can obtain the optimal solution of TSP problems more effective and more quickly.

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Approach to Verify |Soundness of Workflow Process Models Based on Petri Net
WANG Li-Jun, GUO Xiao-Dong
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  590-594. 
Abstract ( 629 )  

In order to ensure the correctness of workflow modeling process,we conclude the potential errors for workflow process models based on the Petri net. On the basis of the conclusion, we make an analysis of the requirements of a sound process modeling. Aimed at the free choice Petri net, an efficient verification algorithm is given.

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Application |of Fuzzy Neural Network PID Controller in Sewage Treatment
REN Min, WANG Meng-Fang,REN Yang
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  595-599. 
Abstract ( 906 )  

In order to establish fast  real response, dynamic regulation performance, strong robustness of the sewage treatment automatic control model, using the combination of fuzzy logic control, neural network control and conventional PID(Proportion Integration Differentiation) control of three major technologies,a fuzzy neural network controller of Fuzzy-PID sewage treatment is designed.Simulation result and field application show that after the controller being used,the whole control system convergence, robustness and dynamic response are improved greatly, and the system has good stability and adaptability.

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Image Denoising Method Based on FPGA in Digital Video Image Transmission System
ZHAO Hai-Li, LIU Yan-Xia, CHEN Zhi-Qiang, LI Ke-Qiang
J4. 2011, 29 (6):  600-606. 
Abstract ( 946 )  

In shooting range dynamic test, in order to save money and time, it will need a lot of high-speed video image to be transmitted and stored for post-processing. An image denoising method based on FPGA in digital video image transmission system is studied, the FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) image filter is designed and the software simulation using Matlab is completed. At last a conclusion is drawn,it is adaptive median filtering method that has more ideal filtering de-noising effects for image information polluted by mix noise.

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