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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
28 September 2012, Volume 30 Issue 5
Design of GPS Positioning Intelligent Crutches
WEI Qing-li|XU Peng|LI Jun|SUI Yu-peng|FANG Yuan-tao|DIAO Shu
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  445. 
Abstract ( 730 )  

In order to ensure that the old travel safely and they can seek for help quickly when unexpected circumstances appear.Through the analysis of the remote location technology,according to the satellite positioning of the quickness and accuracy an intelligent positioning crutch is designed using MSP430F149 single chip as the core processor,GARMIN OEM(Orignd Equipment Manufactuce)  as the GPS(Global Positing System) chip,nRF905 as the wireless transceiver,Ampire12864 as the LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) monitor.nRF905 receive and send data,and display accurate position through the LCD.This increased security for the old's travelling.

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Wireless Dynamic ECG Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Technology
LI Su-yi|ZHANG Hong-jing|LU Xia|HAO Cheng-long
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  450. 
Abstract ( 585 )  

The traditional dynamic ECG(ElectroCardioGram)  monitoring device is complex due to many wire connection.The patient‘s body is limited resulting in a sense of restraint and the quality of ECG is  affected.To overcome these drawbacks,we designed a wireless dynamic ECG monitoring device based on ZigBee.The device has the advantages of low power consumption,low cost,light weight,and small size.It is mainly composed of a signal acquisition module and wireless transmission module.The acquired ECG signals are converted to digital signals by the A/D in CC2530,and sent through the wireless module.Via ZigBee wireless transmission,the ECG signals are received by  receiving module and uploaded to PC machine in  serial for real-time display.This study describes the design of the hardware circuit,and gives the flow chart of software program.The device has been tested in the laboratory,and  the real-time ECG waveforms  show that the achieving ECG signals with little distortion can be used for clinic analysis and diagnosis.

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Stability Analysis of Singularly Perturbed Uncertain Systems with Time-Varying Delay
SUN Feng-qi
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  456. 
Abstract ( 491 )  

In order to deal with the stibility,a class of sability control problem for uncertain time\|varying delay systems with state delay is investigated.By materializing the uncertained structural informations,we construct a newly simpler LK(Lyapunov-Krasovskii) functionals for SPSs(Singularly Perturbed Systems) with time-varying delays, the new robust stability  criterias are derived by constructing appropriate L-K functional based LMIs(Linear Matrix Inequalities) method. Which theorems deduced possess universality. The proposed methods do not depend on the system decomposition and therefore can be applied to both standard and nonstandard SPSs with time-delays. 

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Implementation and Application of Multiple-Access Technique Based on SDMA
SHE Ming-hui|YANG Bin,ZHAO Dong-feng
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  462. 
Abstract ( 628 )  

To solve the signal the whole bring to the emission of electromagnetic pollution and interfere with each other,a new multiple access smart antenna systems.On the basis of the multiple access technology, the introduction of the SDMA(space-division multiple access) system model,and space division multiple access system to carry out a more detailed and comprehensive analysis. The SDMA combined with the traditional multiple access, analyze the application.The computer simulation results show that the simulation and theoretical consistency.

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High Performance Low Drop-Out Linear Voltage Regulator with 0.35 μm CMOS Technology
LIU Yang,LI Qiang|YU Zhao-jie,QI Zhong-xue,YIN Jing-zhi
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  470. 
Abstract ( 607 )  

In order to reduce chip load fluctuations and power supply noise on the system output,thereby improving system performance.A high performance off-chip capacitor-free LDO (Low Drop-Out) linear voltage regulator is designed with 0.35 μm CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology and Cadence,the circuit proposes the enhancing structure of load transient response and power supply interference rejection.The experimental results show that the circuit has a good line regulation and load regulation,the parameters meet standards,when the input voltage from 3 V to 5 V,the system can stabilize the output voltage at 2.8 V,the off-chip capacitor-free LDO power supply interference rejection capacity can be achieved about -46 dB at 1 MHz,the output voltage overshoot is less than 55 mV.

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Design of Embedded Browser Based on 3G Communication
YAN Qi|GAN Mang|SONG Zhan-wei
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  475. 
Abstract ( 476 )  

In order to meet the special demands of visiting website in intelligent transportation systems,a embedded browser based on Qt/Embedded is designed.The 3G(3rdGeneration) module is successfully used in Linux,and wireless internet access is achieved through dial-up in browser terminal. The embedded browser based on the graphicsview architecture and QtWebKit module has been designed.Finally,we test the browser‘s functionality and performance,and the results show that the needed memory space is 2~4 MByte,the response time of visiting website is 3~5 s,and the design meets the basic requirements for using in intelligent transportation systems.

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WIFI-Based Embedded Target Location and View Terminal
MENG Xiang-lei|GAN Mang|ZHANG Ting|SONG Zhan-wei
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  480. 
Abstract ( 558 )  

In large-scale projects,the entire project could not be completed on time caused by the lack of co-coordination between the mechanical manipulators for their unknowing of other machinery’s location and status information.This researched a kind of terminal that can be applied to a construction team where mutual transmission of image information and position information are needed.By watching the displayed on the terminal,we can know the position information and the image information of the other terminal,so it can effectively promote the mutual cooperation between the team,and improve work efficiency.It combined embedded processors,wireless networking,camera and GPS(Global Positioning System) module,designed target location and view terminal,and the interaction of position information and image information among the  terminals can be achieved.After   debugging and experimenting,it was proved to be stable,the position and image information transmission speed is excellent,and the information was reliable.It had achieved the desired effect.

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Electronic Image Stabilization Algorithm of Jitter Video
ZOU Gang,HE Kai,HE Hai-long,ZHUO Lei
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  487. 
Abstract ( 672 )  

An efficient algorithm of electronic image stabilization based on ROI(Region Of Interest) was proposed in order to solve the jitter problem in video sequences.Firstly,the Gaussian pyramid is constructed by the captured images and each frame is downsampled in the following.And then fine estimation is performed by using the optical flow gradient algorithm.So the parameters of affine transform are obtained.Finally,motion compensation is conducted to each frame and the stabilization sequence is acquired.Experimental results show that the subjective effect of the algorithm is good.The algorithm proposed suits for the motion with translation,rotation and scaling while it has better robustness and precision.Compared with the original images before process,the PSNR(Peak Signal\|to\|Noise Ratio) of the stabled sequences improved approximate 10 dB.

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Equal Precision Frequency Meter Based on EPM240 and MSP430
ZONG Fa-bao|GUO Chang-hua|DU Wei-ning|WANG Jun|DIAO Shu
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  492. 
Abstract ( 777 )  

In order to improve the accuracy of frequency measurement,an equal precision frequency meter based on EPM240 and MSP430 was designed.It includes constant temperature crystal oscillator,equal precision counting module, frequency calculation and display module.The CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device) chip EPM240T100C5 and MCU(Micro Controller Unit) chip MSP430F149 is the core of frequency meter,YM1602 is the display module.The theory calculation and conclusion of experiment shows that the range of frequency meter is 0.5 Hz~10 MHz;relative error is always below 2×10-8;it meets the demand of frequency measurement in the project.

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Statistics System Design on Flow of People Based on CC1100 Wireless Transmission
QIAN Cheng-hui, HAN Xiao-hui, WANG Wen-ying, LING Zhen-bao, GAO-le
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  497. 
Abstract ( 606 )  

To instantly monitor and control the flow in a public building, a statistical system based on the CC1100 wireless transmission module has been designed. The data transmission part combines the CC1100 wireless transmission module with microcontroller system to communicate wirelessly according to the communication protocol which automatically queries the address. Tested data can be transferred from one of the slave controllers wirelessly to the host one to reach the remote observing and controlling function on the instant flow at each collection point so the system is easy to operate, cost-effective and low-powered with simple wiring.

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CAN-Bus Fault Analyzer Based on FPGA
DAI Shou-gang, GAN Mang, SONG Zhan-wei
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  503. 
Abstract ( 512 )  

In order to meet the demands of testing physical transmission performance of CAN(Controller Area Network)bus, we propose a CAN-bus fault-testing system based-on FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array), which detects faults through collecting physical layer waveforms. We first analyze the principles of the testing system, provide the design of the system, and then describe the implement methods of the key technologies, including the automatic identification of frequency, the frame extraction
, the analysis of faults on bus and the data storage. Functional simulations were carried out on the fabricated testing system, experiments were also carried out. The results exhibit that the system can correctly identify the bus faults and output related information.

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Design of Electro-Hydrodynamic Analogue Instrument Based-on Single Chip Microcontroller STC12C5408AD
HO IN-CHOL|LI Peng-fei,DUAN Qing-ming
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  510. 
Abstract ( 578 )  

The instrument of electro-hydrodynamic analogue current using has the following problems:low accuracy of data,complicated to operate,high failure ratio.In order to solve the problems,the design structure of electro-hydrodynamic analogue instrument based on the single chip microcontroller STC12C5408AD was proposed.The 1 kHz bipolar square wave was added to the wheatstone bridge.The upper bridge arm of wheatstone bridge was consisted by eight precision resistances controlled by relay,while the lower was imitated natural flow field with conductive paper.Finding out the potential points on conductive paper that suited to the resistance ratios on upper bridge arm and connecting them then we can get the water head gram.Compared with the existing system,the data accuracy of the system was improved,the procedure was simplified.

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Research of Planning Recognition Based on U-Planning Graph and Related with Action Effect
GU Wen-xiang, QI Xiao-long, WANG Hui-ling, HUANG Xiu-lin
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  517. 
Abstract ( 518 )  

We do a reserch on the reasoning of action effects that observer observed in present planning recognition system. It puts forward the FSas algorithm, this algorithm solves the case that action supporting action effects is unique, and solves the case that supporting actions are many. The FSas algorithm starts from the proposition layer and action layer and uses the observed action effects, actions and mutually exclusive computing to reduce the space of supported actions, which can determine the actions that support the action effect and further realize planning recognition. Example shows that the of algorithm's execution process and proves that the algorithm is reasonable and feasible.

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Design and Realization of Information System of Agricultural Geological Survey
LI Bo-qiang,HAO Li-bo,ZHAO Yu-yan,LU Ji-long
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  523. 
Abstract ( 519 )  

In order to solve the network management of agricultural survey data,the ASP(Active Server Page),SQL(Structured Query Language) Server 2005 database,Windows 2000 server have been used to develop the information system of agricultural geological survey.Rights Management is used in system,system access graphic data from dynamic database directly,provide a variety of ways to search and do its best to enhance the data read speed for users.It shows the content and interval of different chemical elements and index through draw real-time in pages as pie charts and histogram.It enablesd system to accomplish the interaction among data safely and swiftly and achieve the data processing efficiently and accurately.

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Application Research in Medicine Based on Texture Features Association Rules Mining
YU Chao, WANG Lu, WU Qiong, PEI Zhi-song
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  529. 
Abstract ( 610 )  

In order to meet the requirement of medical image auxiliary diagnosis, we present a feature fusion algorithm based on Apriori algorithm: texture features and patient natural features in HIS(Hospital Information System). Accordingly, the combination of pruning methods associated rule base, prototype system for a CT(Computer Tomography) image is divided into normal and abnormal categories. Experiments were evaluated in accordance with the system, showing that association rules established by the algorithm library, in the auxiliary doctor diagnosed, with good results.

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Simulation of Ultraviolet Atmospheric Propagation Characteristics
ZHANG Li-quan
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  534. 
Abstract ( 561 )  

In order to further understand the propagation characteristics of Ultraiolet signal in different atmospheric conditions, based on the ultraviolet NLOS(Non Line Sight) propagation Monte Carlo algorithm model. The ultraviolet signal propagation characteristics is simulated under different conditions in the atmospheric. The results showed that: single pulse signal with the increase of distance, pulse width and pulse delay is more obvious; under clear, cloudy, rain, fog of different weather conditions, the rain of the propagation signal energy attenuation is maximum.

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Semi-Structured Data Model Extraction Based on Frequent Patterns
LI Ying, ZHANG Xiao-xian, SUN Jia-hui
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  540. 
Abstract ( 483 )  

In order to overcome the complex characteristics of semi-structured data storage, we propose a semi-structured storage model based on dynamic tree. We extract mode by introducing the mode into the Apriori algorithm, and setting the minimum support threshold filter unnecessary information to output the longest frequent path collection. Experimental results show that this algorithm deal effectively with the branch and loop part at the same time, and also it can avoid infinite loop.

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Improved Feature Selection Method
GUO Xiao-dong, JIANG Yu-ming, FEI Fei
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  544. 
Abstract ( 525 )  

Marginal probability has a greater effect on traditional mutual information feature selection method, which may leads to evaluation of rare words bigger than common words, resulting in selecting low frequency words. In order to improve these insufficiencies, we analyze several traditional feature extraction methods, associates the mutual information method with characteristics of word frequency by introducing disparity and average frequency, and increases the accuracy of mutual information classification Experiment shows that this method makes better classification results.

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PSO Algorithm in Multi-Nuclear Environment
WU Hai, SUN Yong-xiong, HAN Wei, LI Yan-min
J4. 2012, 30 (5):  549. 
Abstract ( 485 )  

In order to solve the particle swarm optimization problems in the multi-nuclear environment, we presents an improved PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm
which is very efficient in multi-nuclear environment by introducing the multi-nuclear design patterns and methods and analyzing the corresponding part, which could be executed in parallel. The experiments show the improved algorithm is effective in this environment, comparing with the traditional PSO.

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