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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
24 January 2015, Volume 33 Issue 1
FastICA for Blind Interference Alignment Algorithm
AI Di, ZHAO Xiaohui
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  1-6. 
Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (1045KB) ( 511 )  

To overcome the problem of the interference alignment schemes without CSIT(Channel State Information at Transmitters), we present a new IA(Interference Alignment) algorithm with blind source separation for K user MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) interference channel on the basis of already built interference align
ment design at transmitters. According to the BSS(Blind Source Separation), we build the objective function for the model of the interference alignment. We
 centralize data by the method of separation individually, separate out each independent component, so that the desired signal is extracted by FastICA(Fast
 Independent Component Analysis) algorithm at receivers. Simulation results in Matlab show that this algorithm can effectively realize interference alignment w
ithout CSIT, and keep good BER(Bit Error Rate)performance.

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Speed Estimation Research and Simulation Based on UKF Algorithm
LU Bing, XIE Xiaohua, CAI Ketian, MENG Fankun
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  7-11. 
Abstract ( 455 )   PDF (1349KB) ( 267 )  

Obtaining vehicle velocity information accurately is of great importance to guarantee the safety when driving. In order to estimate the vehicle velocity, a velocity estimator was designed based on UKF(Unscented Kalman Filter) algorithm, and a comparision with the estimator based on KF(Kalman Filter) algorithm was made. Both the estimators took vehicle model with seven degrees of freedom as platform, and the models of UKF and KF algorithms were established in Matlab, then a comparative analysis experiment was done. The result shows that when the input produces mutations, the absolute error rate between UKF algorithm and
 real value is always less than 4 percent, the error rate dropped by 3 points compared to KF. The simulation result proves that UKF speed estimator can forecast vehicle velocity change tendency accurately, the performance is better than KF.

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Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors System Based on Sliding Mode Control
HE Yuxuan, XIE Xiaohua, ZHANG Aichun
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  12-18. 
Abstract ( 335 )   PDF (2062KB) ( 801 )  

Traditional permanent magnet synchronous motor control method, torque ripple is big, poor anti-jamming capability of defects, and cannot meet the requirement of the high performance, ISMC (Integral Sliding Mode Control) method is introduced into the permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system, and deduced the corresponding control law, to achieve the speed and torque overshoot is effectively suppressed, and strong anti\|jamming capability, with fast and good, higher precision. By Matlab 7.8 Simulation results show that: for a given change in the system, as well as outside interference, integral sliding mode controller has better robustness than traditional direct torque control, the proposed method can achieve permanent magnet synchronous motor output switch moments fast response and accurate tracking of performance requirements.

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Design of Sliding Mode Variable Structure Controller for Anti-Lock Braking System
LIU Bainan, GUO Hongyan, YU Ru, CHEN Hong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  19-25. 
Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1882KB) ( 401 )  

In the light of highly nonlinear problems existed in Anti-lock Braking System, using error between the current sliding rate and the current road optimal sliding rate as the control value, a sliding model variable structure controller is designed. We firstly established the model of the vehicle driving wheels, design a sliding mode variable structure controller and handle the chattering problem existed in the sliding mode controller. The method used by this paper effectively disminishes the chatter. In the end, applying the designed sliding mode variable structure controller to veDYNA software to make hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The simulation result shows that the designed controller effectively prevents the lock of the vehicle wheels.

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Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Amplitude Decay of Ultrasonic Levitation Bearing Systems
SONG Yunguang, SUN Xiaodong, FAN Zunqiang, TIAN Fengjun, SHI Yaowu
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  26-32. 
Abstract ( 369 )   PDF (1842KB) ( 632 )  

In order to improve the stability of shaft speed of ultrasonic levitation bearing systems, the ADRC(Active Disturbance Rejection Control) controller is designed insuring the piezoelectric transducer that is the core of the system devices to work under the state of resonance, and to make the ultrasonic bearing system to be stable, through the control of amplitude. According to the equivalent model and experimental parameters of piezoelectric transducer, the simulation system of piezoelectric transducer was built, using Matlab 7.0 software simulation environment. The step response of system and the performance of anti-disturbance is simulated. The simulation results show that the proposed ADRC controller with the comparation of the PID(Proportion Integration Differentiation) controller provides good speed of response. With the working conditions changing, it can control the attenuation of amplitude. Moreover, it has good ability of anti-disturbance.

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Mixed Rain Attenuation Compensation Algorithm ofKa-Band Satellite Communication System
YU Miao, KANG Jian
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  33-38. 
Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 567 )  

In order to reduce the influence of rain attenuation on Ka-band satellite communication system, the paper puts forward a mixed rain attenuation compensation algorithm. This algorithm combines the adaptive power control method based on principle linear forward prediction principle with rate of diversity, which can predict the rain attenuation value at moment  n according to the rain attenuation values before moment n, then adjust the power. When the power control reaches to the limit, it can dynamically lower information rate according to SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) and obtain lower BER(Bit Error Rate). The simulation results show that this method has better compensation effect and can effectively reduce BER lower than 10-7.

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News Video Shot Detection Based on Weighted Color
ZHANG Jing, WANG Xuejun, JIANG Enyuan
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  39-44. 
Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (970KB) ( 627 )  

Aiming at the change of color characteristics when news video shot transit, a method based on the weighted color histogram is proposed. The weighted color histogram is used to calculate the difference in the two adjacent frames. Then compare the difference with the adaptive threshold to determine the potential shot boundaries. In addition, in order to filter out the impact of flashlight scenes which is often appears in the video and determine the final shot boundary, the method of secondary detection is used which is based on an improved method of sliding window, and the method reduces the impact of rapid motions in videos effectively. The experimental results show that the method is easy to implement and it performs better result and lower complexity.

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Real-Time Electronic Image Stabilizing Approach Based on CUDA and Kalman Predictor
ZHU Zhenwu, HE Kai, WANG Xinlei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  45-51. 
Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (6202KB) ( 766 )  

The traditional electronic image stabilization approaches cannot be realized in real time. For this reason, we proposed a novel method based on SURF ( Speed Up Robust Features) registration algorithm. Additionally, CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture) programming and Kalman predictor are used for algorithm acceleration and real-time prediction. The proposed method extracts, selects and registers feature points based on CUDA parallel programming, and then obtains the motion vector between video frames. The Kalman predictor is used to predict the motion vector of the current frame, and then to realize the motion compensation as well as the real-time image stabilization. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively remove the shake between frames, obtain perfect image stabilization effect, and deal with the question of real time process.

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Research on Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Based on Photoplethysmograph
LIU Guangda, CAI Jing, SUN Maolin, SONG Qianli, LIU Mengwan, WANG Qingji
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  52-56. 
Abstract ( 586 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 1214 )  

The clinical method of blood glucose measurement at present is extracting blood from the patients, which is based on the principle of biochemical reaction. This invasive methord is painful, susceptible and discontinuous. To deal with these problems, we focus on a non-invasive way on the strength of the photoplethysmography detection theory by irradiating the finger with two beams of near infrared lights of 805 nm and 940 nm. The wave of 805 nm is sensitive to glucose, while the 940 nm one acts as the reference. By processing the information of the blood glucose extracted from the transmitted lights, the blood glucose value can be calculated.Experiments have convinced that the continuous non-invasive blood glucose measurement can be achieved.

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Design of Vehicle CAN Bus Redundancy Gateway Based on ARM7
LI Xiaolong, SONG Xin, XU Qiang, SONG Zhanwei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  57-41. 
Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (3627KB) ( 268 )  

In view of the single bus structure of present vehicle internal CAN(Controller Area Network) bus gateway can not guarantee the stability of communication between ECU(Electronic Control Unit) when meeting with wire damaged, this paper proposed a redundant gateway design scheme based on ARM7. The scheme used ARM7 processor as central gateway controller, utilized the ideas of bus redundancy design, spared an auxiliary CAN bus for the prime CAN bus, used μC/OSⅡ real-time operation system as software platform which supported multitasking real-time scheduling. Software programming on ADS completed the data communications between nodes and gateway, data relay of the gateway, switching the bus when the prime bus breakdown. Expe
rimental results showed that the gateway can complete not only data communication between nodes, but also relaying function between high CAN bus nodes and low CAN bus nodes, in addition, it can switch to the auxiliary CAN bus in time if the prime CAN bus met fault, all of this can make the whole vehicle CAN network stable and reliable.

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Automobile State and Fault Monitoring Terminal Based on GPRS
GUO Shanshan, SONG Xin, ZHOU Qian, SONG Zhanwei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  64-71. 
Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (2327KB) ( 456 )  

To realize car production and sales service center monitor cars status and remote control car which appears failure characteristics. In this paper,combining embedded system and GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) wireless communication technology, we realize the design of new cars state and fault monitoring terminal. The terminal can send the vehicle state and fault information in a particular data frame format to center using GPRS network signalwhen the car runs fixed distance and appears failure characteristics, the center analyzes mass state data through comparing with the standard parameters, solves the safety hidden trouble and improves the design and construction of the product and remote control the car which appears failure characteristics. At the same time, this paper analyzes the effect of vehicle motion on data communication, and effectiveness of this system have been proved by experimental test.

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Supporting Multi-Aspected Concept Discovery for Exploratory Search
ZHANG Yin, GAO Kening, ZHANG Bin
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  72-78. 
Abstract ( 238 )   PDF (807KB) ( 228 )  

In order to help exploratory search users discover important and valuable concepts for domains, and understand aspects of the concepts and comprehensively understand the problem domains, based on a concept usage model, concept importance and how problem aspects affect concept importance are analyzed to attain a method supporting multiaspected concept discovery. Such a method considers mutual affects between concept importance and problem aspects of concepts, leading to a simultaneous analysis on the two factors. Experimental results show that the proposed method could reduce search interactions by 48.8% and could improve concept occurrences by 24.3%.

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Normalization of MAPGIS Graphic Changed Parameters
GAO Zhiyong, XING Lixin, YUAN Nannan, CHEN Xiao
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  79-84. 
Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 584 )  

When several non-standard maps are joined together and the geographic files are combined, the graph parameters will be changed to make pixel disordered. To solve the problem mentioned above, the paper seeks the characteristics of map transformation, graph parameters as well as pixel size, and analyzes their relationship to achieve the parameter's correction. Eventually, it fulfills the normalization and obtains the sheet which has uniform original parameter's including the projection, type plotting scale and map parameter. The work in this paper provides method instruction for non-standard sheet's standardization and improves the efficiency of non-standard sheet's making.

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Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Image Threshold Segmentation
HUO Fengcai, SUN Baoxiang, REN Weijian
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  84-93. 
Abstract ( 347 )   PDF (6569KB) ( 736 )  

The image segmentation threshold is acquired to use gray level images information of pixels and histogram in order to segment between backgrou
nd and objects quickly and accurately. An IABCQ(Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Quantum) in image threshold segmentation is proposed based on the quantum operation and basic ABC(Artificial Bee Colony) algorithm's mechanism. Firstly, this novel algorithm brings qubits probability amplitude's sinusoidal component into the encoding, then adjust the phase angle to update the qubits probability amplitude, which makes the employed bees move to the optimal nectar source to avoid the algorithm's search blindness. Secondly, the chromosomes sine and cosine components are exchanged by quantum non gate so that followed bees nectar source can update complementarily. Thirdly, the limitation in the artificial bee colony is applied so as to avoid the local optimal solutions and fixed point. Finally, many types of images and algorithms comparison can verify that convergent speed of this novel method in image threshold segmentation is reduced about 20% and this algorithm has good stability and anti-noise ability.

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Design of Program for On-Line Coal Element Contents Analysis
LI Xin, LV Jianxiong, CHENG Daowen, LI Wanlong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  94-98. 
Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1796KB) ( 224 )  

In order to perform on-line coal element contents analysis based on NIPGA (Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis), a program of C# for automatic control and parsing spectrum is compiled. FileSystemWatcher is used to watch whether a spectrum document is produced, whose data is read by StreamReader. Then the data is smoothed by a 5-point quadratic polynomial. The sum count of eleven channels is used for finding the peak position. The contents of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in coal are computed by the linear regression equations. The program can compute the element contents and can control the hardware of the analyzer, such as neutron detector, Multi-channel pulse analyzer, gamma-ray detector and D-T neutron generator. On-line test results indicate that the equipment failure rate caused by the program is almost zero, and the time of parsing spectrum is less than 1 second which can meet the requirement of on-line coal element contents analysis.

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Research on Similarity Measure for AST-Based Program Codes
ZHU Bo, ZHENG Hong, SUN Linlin, YANG Youxing
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  99-104. 
Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (1732KB) ( 3065 )  

In order to solve the program code similarity detection measurement which ignores the program semantics and the invalid measurement, we present
 an AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) based on the program code similarity measure method. Through the pretreatment redundancy removal in AST generation and the lexical grammar analysis, get the corresponding AST; and then according to the adaptive threshold method,using the AST traversal which include the sequence and process attributes to take the similarity calculation;finally,determine whether plagiarism and generate the test report.The experimental results show that this method can effectively detect a variety of plagiarism java code.

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Merge Sort Algorithm Design Based on Multi-Thread
SUN Linlin, HOU Xiuping, ZHU Bo, SUN Shiming, GAO Can
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2015, 33 (1):  105-110. 
Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (1552KB) ( 419 )  

In order to solve the traditional recursively merge sort algorithm serial execution efficiency of general problems, we used data dependence analysis methods on recursive merge sort algorithm parallelism analysis. The analysis shows that the algorithm itself has the characteristics of parallel, and multi-core processors can be used to compile OpenMp direct guidance statement on parallel processing algorithms. In case of large amount of data, use multiple threads in a multi processor system, divide the sequence into several groups and set each thread operation of a group of data in order to make the algorithm performs faster. Finally, the research merged a plurality of partial results which were ordered. Experiment result shows that this method of parallel algorithm can improve the speed of execution of the algorithm.

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