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Phytolith Distribution in the Surface Peat Deposit of Northeast China

ZHANG Xin-rong1,HU Ke2,FANG Shi1,WANG Dong-po1   

  1. 1.College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061,China;2.College of Ocean Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083,China
  • Received:2007-03-21 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-09-26 Published:2007-09-26
  • Contact: ZHANG Xin-rong

Abstract: Phytolith analysis in the surface soils is not only an important approach of studying phytolith assemblages in the Quaternary sediments, but also a basis of Quaternary environment reconstruction. Phytolith from 41 sites of 6 areas and 3 climate belts of Northeast China were extracted and classified into 11 types: dumbbellshaped, saddleshaped, fanshaped, squareshaped, rectangularshaped, laddershaped, capshaped, pointshaped, crenateshaped, elongateshaped, and othershapes. Analysis showed that, there were relations between the phytolith distribution and the latitude, the altitude, temperature and heat: with the increase of the latitude and altitude, the contents of dumbbellshaped, saddleshaped, fanshaped, squareshaped, rectangularshaped and laddershaped phytolith decrease, or vice versa; a warmer temperature is always corresponding with higher contents of fanshaped and dumbbellshaped phytolith, the more humid, the higher content of fanshaped phytolith.

Key words: Northeast China, surface peat deposits, phytolith, distribution

CLC Number: 

  • Q914
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