J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 559-564.
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FENG Zhi-hui, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, WANG Dian, ZHANG Xian-wu
The modern fundamental theory of statistical signal processing is introduced to the analysis and processing of seismic signals. Based on one-dimensional slice of cross-fourth-order cumulants, a novel method of seismic signals detection and first arrival pickup is proposed with the principle and the algorithm. Using horizontal waveform similarities, as well as in allusion to the non-sensibility of one-dimensional slice's cross-fourth-order cumulants to Gaussian noise, and thereby the method achieves first arrival automatic extracting. The result shows this method can effectively extract first arrival take-off time in the environment of strong Gaussian colored noise interference,and the signal-to-noise ratio reaches -3 dB. In the implementation of real data,this method can quickly and accurately determine the position of seismic signal first arrival, and the results are basically consistent with the manual extraction.
Key words: cross-fourth-order cumulants, one-dimensional slice, seismic wave, first arrival automatic extraction, colored Gaussian noise
CLC Number:
FENG Zhi-hui, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, WANG Dian, ZHANG Xian-wu. A Method of Automatic First Arrival Extraction Based on One-Dimensional Slice of Cross-Fourth-Order Cumulants[J].J4, 2011, 41(2): 559-564.
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