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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2011, Volume 41 Issue 2
Structural Features and Determination of Deformation Stages of Hongqi Sag in Hailar Basin During the Early Cretaceous
LIU Zhi-hong, HUANG Chao-yi, WANG Peng, WU Xiang-mei, MEI Mei, ZHOU Fei
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  327-334. 
Abstract ( 1726 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 984 )  

Hailar basin is a meso-cenozoic basin which superimposed on the Inner Mongolia-Greater Hinggan Mountain Paleozoic collision orogenic belt. The north-east trending basin consists of five first-order structural units (three depressions and two uplifts) including Zhalenuoer depression, Cuogang uplift, Beier Lake depression, Bayanshan uplift and Huhe Lake depression from west to east, respectively, The Hongqi sag is a secondorder structural unit in the north of Beier Lake depression. Research indicates that the Hongqi sag underwent four deformation stages during the Early Cretaceous: Stage of NW-SE extension during the deposition of Xing’anling Group and the Nantun Formation, NE trending half-garben controlled by large scale dustpan-like normal fault as depression-controlling fault developed; Stage of NW-SE compression during the deposition of Damoguaihe Formation and the first member of Yimin Formation, thrust fault formed due to the intensive inversion of early normal fault, the thrust of the hanging wall lead to the uplift of the NW boundary of the sag near the depression-controlling fault, and the block of thrust sliding of the deep part of the depression-controlling fault in the shallow area lead to the rotary uplift of the SE slope zone during the inversion, hence, the size of the sag dwindled obviously, and the large scale NE trending fault-bend fold formed in the center of the sag which consists of the central fault-uplift zone of Hongqi sag; Stage of EW trending extension during the deposition of lower part of the second member of Yimin Formation, the early depression-controlling fault showed features of normal fault, and the newly formed depression-controlling fault had features of sinistral discrete slip; Stage of EW compression during the deposition of upper part of the second member of Yimin Formation, the early depression-controlling fault showed features of thrust of hanging wall again, inverted anticline developed in the hanging wall near the fault, forming fault-bend fold in the sag. During each deformation stage, there were some differences of the structural features of Hongqi sag in space.

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Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in Lower Permian Maihanhada Formation in Hangwula Region of Alashan Right Banner
LU Jin-cai, WEI Xian-yang, CHEN Gao-chao, WEI Jian-she, LI Yu-hong
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  335-342. 
Abstract ( 1773 )   PDF (1260KB) ( 1117 )  

Based on the study of lithologic characteristics and oil and gas geochemical features of dark mud shale in the Lower Permian Maihanhada Formation in Hangwula region of Alashan Right Banner, the vertical distribution, organic matter abundance, kerogen type and thermal evolution of the source rocks are summarized here. The total thickness of the enriched dark mud shale is 160.1 m which contributes 33.3% of the clastic rocks.The thickness of the dark mud shale controlled by samples is 94.1 m.The average organic carbon content is 0.75%, and 93.5% samples are more than 0.3%.Among the samples controlled dark mud shale, the better source rocks with organic carbon content over 1.0% are 23.6% with total thickness of 22.2 m,the middle source rocks with organic carbon content between 0.5%~1.0% are 48.3% with total thickness of 45.5 m, the worse source rocks with organic carbon content between 0.3%~0.5% are 17.5% with total thickness of 16.5 m.The sterane relative content is obvious  advantage of C27 and the content of saturated hydrocarbons of group composition is obviously higher than aromatics.The kerogen is type II.The average general vitrinite reflectance is 0.77% which indicates that the kerogen underwent mature stage. The maximum pyrolytic temperature (Tmax) is from 350 to 550 ℃,which shows the source rocks belong to mature or high mature stage. It is concluded according to comprehensive evaluation that the source rocks in the lower Permian Maihanhada Formation have better hydrocarbon genesis potential, and mainly produce gas.

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Source Rock Characteristics of Marine Strata|Sichuan Basin
XU Sheng-lin, CHEN Hong-de, CHEN An-Qing, LIN Liang-biao, LI Jun-wen, YANG Jun-bin
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  343-350. 
Abstract ( 2073 )   PDF (1804KB) ( 1597 )  

Marine strata deposited from the Sinian to the Middle Triassic in Sichuan basin which was important to oil and gas exploration. Mudstone deposited during the Doushantuo stage of Lower Sinian, the Qiongzhusi Formation of Lower Cambrian and the Longmaxi Formation of Lower Silurian. Two types of source rocks deposited within the Qixia Formation of Middle Permian and the Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian. The distribution characteristics of each stage are studied in detail. According to this study, the main hydrocarbon generating center of Doushantuo Formation locates in the Fuling district, the main hydrocarbon generating center of Qiongzhusi Formation locates in the area from Chengdu to Zigong. There are two main hydrocarbon generating centers which are Wanxian district and Luzhou-Qijiang area during the Longmaxi Formation, three hydrocarbon generating centers during Qixia Formation, and single hydrocarbon generating centers in Wanxian-Wushan district during the Wujiaping Stage. The maturity evolution of source rocks turns to matured or over-matured stage and the hydrocarbon-generating intensity is controlled by the abundance of organic matter and thickness of source rock. The stage of TST within the second-order sequence is better to deposit regional source rock. The types of source rock,organic matter and abundance of organic matter are mainly controlled by the sediment settings, the distribution and the maturity evolution of source rock are mainly affected by the tectonic movement.

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Macroscopic Heterogeneity and Hydrocarbon of Nantun Formation in the Eastern Structural Belt of Tanan Depression
ZHANG Jun-long
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  351-358. 
Abstract ( 1568 )   PDF (1793KB) ( 826 )  

Nearshore subaqueous fan deltas developed in the Nantun Formation within the eastern structural belt of Tanan depression and deltas developed locally. Complex fill patterns formed complicated lithological reservoirs. On the basis of lithology, petrophysics and oiliness, reservoir heterogeneity is classified. Combing with sandstone genesis, sandstone superimposed pattern, lateral distribution and permeability rhythmicity, reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity is analyzed according to interlayer, plane and intralayer. This result reveals that sequence cycle controls vertical lithology and petrophysics changes. Tuffaceous facies devastate reservoir and influence petroleum migration. Subaqueous channels and channel sandstone are preferential for hydrocarbon accumulation. Middle fan of subaqueous fan deltas accumulates most of petroleum.

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Comprehensive Liquid Identification of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in GrabenLike Fault Basin: A Case Study in Chaluhe Depression, Yitong Basin
XU Sheng-chuan, DONG Qing-shui, YAN Li-ping, ZHU Jian-feng, CAO Peng
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  359-364. 
Abstract ( 1501 )   PDF (1206KB) ( 1042 )  

Paleogene in Chaluhe depression, Yitong basin is graben-like fault basin sedimentary, and the reservoir is lacustrine subaqueous fan of gravity flow origin  and characterized by proximal provenance, fast accumulation rate, various lithology of sandstones. Under the influence of later diagenesis, the sandstones have variable parameters in physical property, and are at a high level of heterogeneity. In order to evaluate this hydrocarbon reservoir via conventional log data, and promote the success of log interpretation, we establish a suit of interpretation model for the lithology, physical property and hydrocarbon-bearing characteristics in this region, by the method of comprehensive analysis of reservoir rock types, physical character and hydrocarbon-bearing nature, integrating with the test result of production well. The cross plots of different log interpretation parameters can remarkably distinguish gas lay, oil lay, gas and water lay, oil and water layer, water layer, and dry layer with different hydrocarbon characteristics. The cross plots indicate that oil and gas reservoirs have the limited oil saturation lower than 20% by volume, and gas-productive layers have much higher resistivity dispersion of deep-shallow dual laterolog. The pure water layers have oil saturation less than 20% by volume, although with high quality physical property. The dry layers have more than 22% muddy content by volume, causing the total porosity less than 10.5% by volume, and become the ineffective reservoirs because of the bad physical property.

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The Diagenetic Reservoir Facies of Chang 8 Reservoir in Baibao Oilfield
XUE Yong-chao, CHENG Lin-song
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  365-371. 
Abstract ( 1129 )   PDF (1546KB) ( 701 )  

Based on sedimentary facies research,  using all kinds of analysis data, the petrology, reservoir space and diagenesis of Chang 8 reservoir in Baibao oilfield have been studied in detail. The results show that compositional maturity is low and structural maturity is moderate, intergranular pore and feldspar dissolution pore are the main pore types, the pore throat is thin or tiny. According to authors’ method, four kinds of main diagenesis are quantitatively evaluated. The diagenesis is medium-intense compaction, medium-intense cementation, medium-intense metasomatism, medium erosion in the area. Finally, according to the research, four types of diagenetic reservoir facies are identified including mixed pore diagenetic reservoir facies with strong solution and weak cementation, compositional pore diagenetic reservoir facies with moderate compaction and moderate solution, residual pore diagenetic reservoir facies with strong compaction and moderate cementation, micropore diagenetic reservoir facies with strong compaction and strong cementation. The first diagenetic reservoir facies is the best for oil accumulation and seepage, the fourth diagenetic reservoir facies is resistant to oil accumulation and seepage.

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The Diagenesis and the Origin of Abnormal High Porosity Zone in the Deep Clastic Reservoir in Changling Fault Depression
ZHANG Yun-feng, WANG Guo-qiang, FU Bao-li, LI Jing, WANG Chun-xiang
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  372-376. 
Abstract ( 1280 )   PDF (1829KB) ( 2399 )  

Utilizing the analysis of drilling cores, rock thin section, scanning electron microscope and cathodoluminescence, the deep clastic reservoir petrology, diagenesis and secondary pores’ distribution and genesis in Changling fault depression in the south of Songliao basin are researched. The results show that deep clastic reservoir lithology of Changling depression is mainly lithic-feldspar sandstone, feldspathic litharenite. The compositional maturity is lower. Diagenetic stage is mostly in middle stage, the main diagenesis types are compaction, cementation and multi-period dissolution. Compaction and cementation led to further loss of primary pore, but the dissolution forming secondary porosity plays a significant role to improve the porosity and permeability of the reservoir. There are two abnormal high porosity zones in the vertical section, whose formation is mainly owing to dissolution of organic acids and CO2 acidic water.

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Differences in Geochemical Characteristics of Oils Trapped in the Upper and the Lower Series of Strata of Chepaizi Uplift Along Northwest Margin of |Junggar Basin and Their Significances
LIU Luo-fu, MENG Jiang-hui, WANG Wei-bin, JIN Jun, TUN Lin, ZHAO Yan-de, WANG Ping, ZHI Dong-ming
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  377-390. 
Abstract ( 1951 )   PDF (1803KB) ( 1132 )  

Oils from intervals in the Chepaizi areas of Junggar basin are divided into two groups based on physical properties, chemical components, biomarkers and stable carbon isotope composition of the oils. One group includes the oils trapped in the reservoir beds of Jurassic and the beds below Jurassic (named as the lower series of strata oils), and another one includes those in reservoir beds of Cretaceous and the beds above Cretaceous (named as the upper series of strata oils). The oils in same group have similar physical and chemical characteristics, while those in different group are of differences in these characteristics. The lower series of strata oils have the same source and come from the Permian source rock, and the upper series of strata oils have the same source as well and are from mainly the Jurassic rock. Results of oil-sources division and correlation for these oils by making use of nitrogen compounds distributions are completely identical with those by density, viscosity, group composition and other biomarker parameters just mentioned above, indicating that nitrogen compounds could be used in oil-sources division and correlation. Finally, oil-pool forming model is established for the Chepaizi uplift. it is just next to sag areas with favorable structural location, and has abundant oil-gas resources. The uplift is the dominant destination for hydrocarbon migration. Multiple faults and uncomformable surfaces of this area form excellent migration pathways. Lateral migration happened when oil and gas migrating vertically along faults encountered uncomformable surfaces. Thus in the space Z-chart or a ladder migration routes form and finally multiple oil pool types and hydrocarbon-bearing layers are formed.

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Comparision on the Characteristics of Biomarkers of Oil Shale Between Huadian Formatin in Huadian Basin and Green River Formation in Uinta Basin of Western United States
MENG Qing-tao, LIU Zhao-jun, LIU Rong, SUN Ping-chang, HU Fei, ZHANG Jing
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  391-399. 
Abstract ( 1856 )   PDF (1439KB) ( 1474 )  

Based on the field geological work, core observation and a lot of test data, the authors aim to develop comparative study on the characteristics of biomarkers of oil shale, including isoprenoid, steranes and terpanes, between Eocene Huadian Formation of Huadian basin in northeast China and Green River Formation of Uinta basin in western United States. The differences on the origin of organic matters and sedimentary environment of oil shale in the two places have been discussed. In GC spectra, the Pr/Ph of Huadian oil shale varies from 1.47 to 2.03, which shows that pristane is in dominated. However, the Pr/Ph of Green River oil shale varies from 0.34 to 0.44, showing phytane is in dominated. In the m/z217 GC-MS, the regular steranes C27-C28-C29 of Huadian oil shale distributes with inverse “L” shape, and ∑(C27+C28)/∑C29 ratio varies between 0.63 and 2.52, but Green River oil shale distributes with asymmetric “V” shape with obtuse angle, and ∑(C27+C28)/∑C29 ratio varies between 0.96 and 1.20. In the m/z191 GC-MS, C29 terpene in Huadian oil shale is most abundant, ββ configuration of hopane by the second, and then αβ configuration of hopane. But in Green River oil shale, C30 hopane is most abundant, according to the relative abundance, pentacyclic triterpane are characterized by highest abundances, the tricyclic terpane by the second, and then tetracyclic terpane, and abundant gammacerane and βcarrotanes can also be detected. The characteristics parameters of biomarkers of oil shale in the two places reveals that the organic matters of Huadian oil shale are characterized by double origins from aquatic organisms and higher plants, but bacteria and algae are dominate, and the oil shale mainly forms in weak reduction environment with fresh water. However, the organic matters of Green River oil shale mainly are aquatic organisms, including bacteria and algae, and the oil shale forms in high reduction environment with salt water.

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Application of Spectral Analysis to Identify Milankovitch Cycles and High-Frequency Sequences-Take The Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation of Mid-Tarim Basin as An Example
ZHANG Yun-bo, ZHAO Zong-ju, YUAN Sheng-qiang, ZHENG Min
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  400-410. 
Abstract ( 1391 )   PDF (2413KB) ( 1154 )  

Based on the division in 3th-sequence about loggings and drillings and the study on high-frequency sequence about the outcrops in Bachu area, the authors identifies the high-frequency sequences with the characteristics of Milankovitch cycle, via the filtering, fast Fourier transform, wavelet analysis and tuning processing of the natural gamma spectrometry log ln(Th/K) curves of sequence OSQ2 of Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tazhong162 and 43 drillings, Tazhong area, Tarim basin. The results show that the most obvious cycle is the obliquity, the period is 37.0 ka, which is the controlling factor of the development of 6th-meter-scale cycle that shallowing upward oriented. The average thickness of the primary cycle is 4.55 m in Tazhong162 drilling and 3.97 m in Tazhong43 drilling in the platform margin facies belt, while 2-4 m in the half-restricted platform-open platform facies belt. The short eccentricity cycle, which period is 95 ka, is the mainly controlling factor in forming the 5thparasequence. The long eccentricity cycle period, 413 ka, which approximately represents the forming time of 4th-parasequence sets, is not obvious in the stratigraphic record. According to the analysis of the high-frequency sequence superimposition and the preliminary estimates about the average number of main cycles, the forming time is approximately 4.92 Ma in the sequence OSQ2 of Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tazhong-Bachu area. The thickness of the sequence OSQ2 in Yingshan Formation is eroded for about 192 m due to later tectonic uplift. Combined with the forming time(413 ka) of 4th-sequence(parasequence sets) and the superimposition analysis of Milankovitch cycles, and the tuning curves of the wavelet transform, the sequence OSQ2 in Yingshan Formation is preliminarily divided into 12 parasequence sets in Tazhong-Bachu region. The natural gamma ray spectrometry ln(Th/K) curve contains the relative change information in ancient water depth during the deposition period and thus could better reflect the characteristics of Milankovitch cycles caused by the climate change.

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Petrological Recording of Mantle-Magmatic CO2 Leakage on a Large-Scale in Honggang Anticline, Southern Songliao Basin
LIU Li, LIU Na, ZHOU Bing, ZHAO Shuang, MENG Fan-qi, JIANG Long
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  411-420. 
Abstract ( 1684 )   PDF (1963KB) ( 887 )  

The petrological records of mantle-magmatic CO2 leakage, which occurred in Honggang anticline, southern Songliao basin, can be revealed by studing on spatial distribution and the occurrence of dawsonite cements and also the characteristics of fluid inclusions in dawsonite-bearing sandstones. In Honggang anticline, dawsonite is widespread in Qingshankou Formation, in Quangtou Formation and Yaojia Formation come second. Most of the dawsonite-bearing sandstones do not contain CO2, while some of the dawsonite-bearing layers contain oil. There is a weak positive association between the content of dawsonite cements and bitumen, which distribute in both oil and dry layers. Two different diagenetic associations, belong to pre-injection and post-injection of CO2, respectively, can be distinguished in dawsonite-bearing sandstones. The first phase hydrocarbon inclusions which are mainly liquid hydrocarbon inclusions, can be found in the preinjection association, while in the post-injection association, the second phase hydrocarbon inclusions develop, which are liquid-gas phases inclusions by primary. The CO2 leakage on a large-scale can be recorded by the existences of dawsonite cements occurrence  on non-CO2 gas reservoir, and the bitumen. Among them, the bitumen can be the result of separating of the light-heavy components which induced by the decreased of the strata pressure when the CO2 leaked. As a consequence, the channel for CO2 leakage is Honggang fault, while the leakage time should be early than the second section of Mingshui Formation.

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Generation of Dawsonite Cement of Pyroclastic Rocks in Tongbomiao Formation in Tanan Sag of Tamtsag Basin in Mongolia
DONG Lin-sen, LIU Li, MENG Qi-an, ZHANG Ge, WANG Li-juan, ZHAO Shuang, ZHOU Bing
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  421-431. 
Abstract ( 1556 )   PDF (2171KB) ( 971 )  

Dawsonite cement is abundant in pyroclastic rocks in Tongbomiao Formation in Tanan sag of Tamtsag basin in Mongolia. The types, diagenetic sequence of cements and authigenic minerals of dawsonite-bearing pyroclastic rocks are investigated by palarizering microscope, SEM and X-ray diffraction. Their diagenetic sequence is clay coating cementation-calcite-early microcrystalline quartz cementation-early kaolinite cementation-dawsonite cementation, later microcrystalline quartz cementation, later kaolinite-ankerite cementation. The stable isotope compositions of dawsonite and ankerite are investigated by MAT253 stable isotope mass spectrometer. Dawsonite δ13C values range from -8.15‰ to -2.81‰, and the calculated values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -12.91‰ to -7.55‰, with analogy of Hailaer basin and BGS basins, which show that CO2 for forming dawsonite almost from mantle-magma, and andesite debris, crystal feldspar and detrital feldspar, vitric debris and volcanic ash supplying Na+ and Al3+.Ankerite δ13C values range from -6.76‰ to -2.65‰,which are similar with dawsonite, with related geological and geochemical simulation examples, which note that CO2 for forming ankerite also from mantle-magma. Andesite debris, vitric debris, volcanic ash and montmorillonite which contain ferrum supply metal ions for the formation of ankerite.

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Micro-Area Characteristics and Implications of Hydrothermal Plume-Derived Particles in Lau Basin
LEI Ji-jiang, CHU Feng-you, XU Xiao-guo, LI Xiao-hu, YAO Chun-hui, YANG Ke-hong
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  432-439. 
Abstract ( 955 )   PDF (1925KB) ( 712 )  

Particulate samples(>0.45 μm) from a hydrothermal plume in Lau basin are collected by filtering on deck and analyzed by scanning electron microscope(SEM) and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS). Four types of particles have been morphologically characterized. i)Biogenic detritus mainly device from background water. ii)Microbial particles include filamentous and clustered configuration; and these specific morphology suggest specific microorganism community. iii)Amorphous particles are divided into S-Zn-Ba-Ca phase, Fe-oxide phase containing trace of Ba-Zn-Ca, Fe-Mn-Ca-Ba phase containing trace of Zn, sulfide particles and polymetallic particles, and the amorphous forms should originate from precipitation in the external part of sulfide chimney or the fragmentation of chimney rocks. iv) Automorphic particles are probably formed in an area where the chemical conditions are homogeneous, i.e. the internal part of sulfide chimney. So many particles related to hydrothermal activity and the distributions of amorphous particles in different water layers indicate  that our study station locats at the incipient stage of formation of hydrothermal plumes, and during the several hundreds meters there may exist an active hydrothermal vent area.

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Element Geochemistry and Genesis of Early Paleozoic Granite in Yingchengzi Gold-Field, Eastern Zhangguangcai Mountain and Its Tectonic Significance
CHEN Xing-shi, ZHANG Peng, SUN Jing-gui, TANG Chen, CUI Pei-long, LI Yi-xin
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  440-447. 
Abstract ( 1743 )   PDF (1905KB) ( 1128 )  

Geology,petrography and element geochemistry for granites are studed from Yingchengzi gold-field, eastern Zhangguangcai Mountain. The granites are characterized by high SiO2 (SiO2=71.12%-75.66%), high fractionated index (DI=90.53-94.42), and belong to Potassic calc-alkaline rock(σ=2.37-3.94). They are enriched in LILE (LREE/HREE=11.20-14.62,w(Rb)=(270.6-165.3)×10-6, Na2O/K2O =0.18-0.67) and depleted in Ba,Nb,Sr,P and Ti, as well as negative Eu anomalys. These characteristics indicate that the granites belong to metaluminous and highly fractionated I-type granites, whose parent magma may be I-type granitic magma, and the magma for the granites is formed after fractional crystallization for parent magma dominated by plagioclase. Combined with zircon geochronology, it may be established that the magma was formed after the fractional crystallization for magma chamber during the Mashan period deep metamorphism, and the magma chamber was triggered by anatectic magmatism for the crust.The magma emplacement took place in intracontinental orogenic of the Mashan period, and the process may be lasted for about 20 Ma.

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The Porous Media Clogging Due to Suspended Solid During the Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
LU Ying, DU Xin-qiang, CHI Bao-ming, YANG Yue-suo, LI Sheng-tao, WANG Zi-jia
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  448-454. 
Abstract ( 1463 )   PDF (1847KB) ( 923 )  

Techonology and development about the groundwater artificial recharge have been limited by clogging due to physical, chemical or biological reactions during recharge. Laboratory column was used to describe the clogging process by injecting water with suspended particles into virgin quartz sand. The results indicated that clogging occurred at the beginning of the reduction of the hydraulic conductivity(K) in the upper layer, and extended deeper to about 10 cm until about 100 h when K of the upper layer became steady. The calculated clogging rates(λ) of different layers decreased with depth, the largest value of which is 0.038 3 h-1 in the upper 1 cm. Moreover, the overall hydraulic conductivity began to fall later than the surface layer, and increasingly affected by the clogging layer within the time.

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Daily Discharge Forecast of Karst Underground River on Non-Linear Time Series Model of A Small Sample
WEN Zhong-hui, REN Hua-zhun, SHU Long-cang, WANG En, KE Ting-ting, CHEN Rong-bo
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  455-458. 
Abstract ( 1151 )   PDF (1764KB) ( 677 )  

Considering the high nonlinearity of karst aquifer system and under the conditions of time-series on a small sample, the authors introduce the support vector regression method, which can be used to solve the small sample size and non-linear problem, use the partial least-squares regression to analyze the numerous factors impacting the daily discharge of underground river and extract the principal component as the input variables of support vector machine and use genetic algorithms to optimize model parameters. PLS-Genetic-Support vector regression model is established for the daily flow forecast of underground river and is use to forecast the daily flow of the typical karst underground river area in Houzhai, the mean square error and average relative error of PLS-Genetic-Support vector regression model is 0.25% and 6.89% in simulation period, and it is 0.65% and 6.03% in forecast period, the mean square error and average relative error of artificial neural network model is 0.24% and 7.30% in simulation period, and it is 0.84% and 7.39% in forecast period, and the mean square error and average relative error of multiple regression model is 0.28% and 9.3% in simulation period, and it is 1.10% and 10.54% in forecast period. The results show that prediction accuracy of the model is significantly better than the BP neural network and multiple regression model.

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Vertically-Mixed Runoff Model and Application in Beisan River of Tianjin
LI Fa-wen, FENG Ping, ZHANG Chao
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  459-464. 
Abstract ( 898 )   PDF (1766KB) ( 713 )  

Based on the complex variation of land cover in plain area, Beisan River of Tianjin area is classified into the water surface, farm land and urban construction land, runoff models are adopted according to different land cover. The land for farming is mainly dry land, in which exist plough pan, so the unsaturated zone is plotted out plough layer, plough pan and basic layer, which adopts respectively the excess storage, excess infiltration and excess storage runoff mode, and the influence of macropore in plough pan on runoff is considered. Hydrologic data of 1966,1971,1974,1975 and 1976 in the 9th area of Beisan River are used to establish the runoff model, which is checked by data of 1977 and 1982, resulting in a comprehensive qualified data up to 85.7%. Application of the model has proved that the model conforms to the actual situation and may truly reflect the characteristics of the Beisan River, and may serve as a reference for hydrologic analysis of plain area.

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Fractal Geometry of Consolidation Settlement of Soft Soil Based on Simulation Experiment
WANG Qing, SANG Wei-feng, XU Li-ming, NIU Cen-cen, ZHOU Fu-jun, YANG Jing
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  465-470. 
Abstract ( 925 )   PDF (1926KB) ( 818 )  

A more accurate and simpler method is suggested to calculate and predict settlement of soft soil by analysis and evaluation of fractal geometry. In this paper, SEM, settlement and void ratio of samples in different consolidation periods are obtained by laboratory experiments. Software WD-5 is used to process the SEM images of samples in different consolidation periods based on the simulation experiment. And then the fractal dimension of pore distribution is obtained. Finally the relative equation is established between degree of consolidation and fractal dimension. The results show that fractal dimension of pores distribution decreases with the increasing of settlement. There is a clear turning point at the time of 42.33 h in the consolidation. Results of the calculation are basically agree  with the measurement in tests.

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Collapsible Deformation Characteristics and Its Changes in Microstructure of Loess in West of Liaoning
WANG Chang-ming, LIN Rong, CHEN Duo-cai, ZHANG Xian-wei, WANG Ke
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  471-477. 
Abstract ( 1023 )   PDF (2051KB) ( 842 )  

The initial moisture content has important influences in collapsibility of loess. The collapsible deformation characteristics is studied in laboratory under a set of man-made samples with different moisture contents. And the microstructure of the samples are tested by using SEM technique, furthermore the microstructure of samples is analyzed by the quantitative method and fractal theory. The results are shown in the followings as:1)the initial moisture content obviously effects the collapsible deformation of loess in west of Liaoning. The collapsible deformation increases with the initial moisture content and increment of collapsible deformation is getting small under a certain pressure. 2)The relation between vertical stress and vertical strain for samples with different moisture contents can be all described by a hyperbola function. 3)The microstructure of loess samples is getting dense, the average number of pore of samples obviously increases and the pore area decreases after the sample is collapsed. The collapse is a process that small pore increases, fractal dimension decreases, and complexity of the pore increases.

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Application of Thermometric Method and Calorimetric Method in the Measurement of Unfrozen Water in Frozen Soil
LENG Yi-fei, SUN You-hong, YANG Feng-xue, JIANG Long, ZHAO Yi-min
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  478-483. 
Abstract ( 1120 )   PDF (1971KB) ( 685 )  

Unfrozen water content is not only an important evaluation index of water migration in frozen soils, but also a common parameter in thermotechnical calculation. The principles of two unfrozen water measurement methods  are analyzed respectively, which are temperature measurement method and calorimetric method, and some problems on principle of temperature measurement method are put forward. Unfrozen water content at any temperature can be obtained by calorimetric method, while by temperature measurement method it can only get the initial water content at its initial freezing temperature, as the curve can not reflect the unfrozen water variation with temperature. The contrast test of the two methods are carried out using six samples which contains different water content. The results show that there is a uncertainty in the result obtained by temperature measurement method. Therefore the calorimetric method is suggested to use if the test condition permitted.

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Comprehensive Treatment and Evaluation Decision Method of Gravel Soil Landslide
XU Xing-hua, SHANG Yue-Quan, WANG Ying-chao
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  484-492. 
Abstract ( 1309 )   PDF (2114KB) ( 741 )  

Gravel soil landslide is a type of landslide which initiates sliding failure under rainfall action. In order to realize comprehensive treatment and evaluation decision of landslide, it is an unnegligible research subject that how to proceed treatment stability analysis and effect evaluation of gravel soil landslide. Based on the actual geological condition and the situation of deformation failure of Guanjia landslide, the deformation failure mechanism is studied and the influence factors of landslide stability are analyzed. Based on these, programming and disposition of engineering treatment and stability analysis of landslide are implemented. Then, with reference to rainfall and landslide deformation, the load-unload response ratio model is constructed to feedback the stable state of landslide and evaluate the effect of engineering treatment. The research results show as follows: Rainfall action or groundwater variation is the main dynamic factor of deformation failure of gravel soil landslide. According to the principle of drainage and antislide, the comprehensive disposal measures of landslide treatment are determined. Through stability analysis, the safty coefficients of landslide improve obviously, which also can completely satisfy the standard requirement which demands the coefficients are no less than 1.25. Moreover, based on the load-unload response ratio model analysis, the landslide is in a safe and stable state nowadays by comprehensive treatment. The treatment measures are implemented scientifically and rationally, and the effect of engineering treatment is significant. Through the comprehensive action, the landslide has well stability, and is safe and reliable.

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Effects of Underground Erosion on the Crystalline Schist Landslide: Example of Zentoku Landslide of Japan
HONG Yong, ZHENG Xiao-yu, WANG Yue-hong
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  493-497. 
Abstract ( 993 )   PDF (1995KB) ( 675 )  

In order to study the effects of precipitation on the landslide activities, the underground erosion of a typical crystalline schist landslide of Japan-the Zentoku landslide and its relation with the landslide movement are studied by employing extensometers, three-dimensional displacement meters and underground sediment discharge meters on the site. Based on the results of long-term observation, two main types of underground erosion are defined. The observation data indicate that the seasonal concentrated heavy rainfall is the main factor of inducing the significant underground erosion that can cause the abnormal activities of Zentoku landslide. The relation between underground erosion and sliding mass movement shows that the effects of underground erosion present different features on different sliding blocks. Especially, for the sliding block being of shallow sliding plane (10-20 m), the influence of underground erosion is most outstanding.

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Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Rock Mass Deep Fractures at Dam Area of the Baihetan Hydropower Station
HAN Gang, ZHAO Qi-hua, PENG She-qin
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  498-504. 
Abstract ( 1276 )   PDF (2318KB) ( 829 )  

There were a large number of deep fractures within the slope of the Baihetan hydropower station dam area,which was neither tectonic origin nor different from conventional unloading fractures,the formation mechanism of such special geological phenomena and their impact on engineering construction of hydropower stations had become a problem that needed to solve. The characteristics and distribution pattern of deep fractures was summarized on the basis of detailed description of deep fractures and the formation mechanism was analyzed by combining with tectonic evolution, valley evolution of canyon and the theory of near surface action and by the result of in situ stress testing and dating, using the mechanism analysis of geological processes. The results show that the deep fractures is epigenetic structure with NW and NE orientation, tensile characteristics, concentration distribution,location above the dislocation belt and is in the stress fluctuation zone of slope. The primary reason of deep fractures formation is strain energy release and residual tensile stress caused by difference resilience. Formation age of deep fractures is after Ⅲ terraces appearance,namely Late Qp2-Early Qp stages.

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Experimental Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Turfy Soil Under Roadbed Filling
LIU Fei, NAI Lei, LV Yan, XU Li-na
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  505-510. 
Abstract ( 1155 )   PDF (2023KB) ( 782 )  

By using GDS stress-controlled triaxial instrument to simulate the roadbed filling process, the variation characteristics of pore pressure, strain, stress path and strength were studied by controlling the drain valve and loading rate. The test results show that each mechanical index has less change at initial roadbed filling under different test conditions, so that the variation of mechanical index depends on the initial consolidation state. Comparing the developments of every curve change from the second shear stage, undrained loading condition makes the effective stress decrease rapidly because the pore pressure cannot dissipate but increase sharply. Fast loading makes increment of pore pressure and roadbed strain large, and makes the foundation strength decreased, which is unfavourable to the stability of roadbed. Oppositely, slow loading let foundation strength decrease slowly but will add loading time and detain construction time.

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Numerical Simulation of Geometry Parameters for Optimization Design of Orifice Sealer Used in DTH Hammer Drilling
FAN Li-ming, YIN Kun, ZHANG Xiao-guang, WANG Chuan-liu, ZHAO Zhi-qiang, ZHAO Rui-zhi, PIAO Jin-shi
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  511-517. 
Abstract ( 1030 )   PDF (2218KB) ( 985 )  

For the purpose of directional dust collection, improving sampling rate and reducing air pollution caused by dust during the hole drilling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique is employed to investigate how the structure types of traditional orifice sealer, clapboard orifice sealer and streamline orifice sealer and their geometry parameters(clapboard location(L), outlet diameter(d) and outlet angle(θ) )influence the orifice seal effect. And optimal parameters are selected to carry out structure design of the sealer. According to the results, the seal effect of three types of sealer is obviously affected by their types and the outlet diameter(d). When d=40-160 mm, clapboard orifice sealer and streamline orifice sealer perform much better than the traditional sealer, and when d>160 mm, the performance of clapboard sealer becomes lower than the traditional sealer. However, the streamline orifice sealer always performs the best among the three of them. On-the-spot experiment shows that when using the orifice sealer, the effect of dedusting turns out to be satisfied and the average of sampling rate which can reach 97% is also acceptable.

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Cutting-Ground-Breaking Mechanism of Compressed-Air-Jet
ZHANG Yong-guang, YIN Kun, WANG Ru-sheng, CAO Li-na, PENG Jian-ming
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  518-522. 
Abstract ( 1235 )   PDF (2246KB) ( 878 )  

Cutting-ground-breaking mechanism of compressed-air-jet is the technical and theoretical basis of the reverse circulation constant sampling and compressed air spurting drilling technology. The reverse circulation constant sampling and compressed air spurting drilling technology are efficient and environmentally protective drilling technologies of soft ground. So it is important to the research of cutting-ground-breaking mechanism of compressed-air-jet on the reverse circulation constant sampling and compressed air spurting drilling technology. First, the cutting ability of jet is 2.868×103 kPa in the diameter of 8 mm by CFD software analysis. It is the same as the result of weighbridge method 2.468×103 kPa, and it is larger than the breaking strength of soft ground. Secondly, the depth is 2.33 mm in 18 μs when using one jet by analysis of LS-DYNA. It applies the theoretical basis of the air spurting drilling. Finally, the pressure distribution of inside of soil body and the contour of air velocity is obtained by CFD software analysis. The results show that cutting-ground-breaking mechanism is divided into three steps artificially. First compressed-air expands sharply after entering into fissuring and microfissuring of soil body. Then the air continues expanding and outspreading during gaining confining pressure of drill. Finally soil body is broken and broken away from matrix as the result of reverse circulation suction force. It fits with the fault principle of soil micro-fissuring.

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Method of Classification for Susceptibility Evaluation Unit for Geological Hazards: A Case Study of Huangling County, Shaanxi, China
HUO Ai-di, ZHANG Jun, LU Yu-dong, CHENG Yu-xiang, YAO Yi-liang
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  523-528. 
Abstract ( 1717 )   PDF (2333KB) ( 1499 )  

To improve the accuracy of the evaluation of the regional geological hazard in a large scale,this paper focuses on the question that what kind of spatial resolution can be used to raster-based data on these quantify factors that is more appropriate to the accurate evaluation process, and analyzes the factors which affect choosing spatial resolution. With slope unit as an object of study, it develops a suitable new method for accurate evaluation which a study area can be automatically divided in to units using geographical information system (GIS) and hydrological analysis tools. Large parts of the study area, which is in Huangling county, Shaanxi Province, are classified into 6 258 evaluation modules, with a model of geological hazard accuracy contribution scoring to measure the distribution of degreeprone for each evaluation unit. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been tested in a practical application to a geo-hazard susceptibility evaluation in Huangling County of Yan’an City. Evaluating results show that Huangling county is divided into five level according to different geological hazard accuracy region. High accuracy areas account for 9.94% and are mainly situated in vaueies of Luohe River, Juhe River and Koujia River, which are the important areas for prevention and treatment of geological disaster in the future.

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Threshold Regressive Model and Cluster Analysis of Sediment-Related Disaster
ZHANG Hai-yan, WANG Xin-min, YIN Hui, ZHANG Yi-chen, WANG Yan-liang, WANG Li-chun
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  529-535. 
Abstract ( 973 )   PDF (2236KB) ( 815 )  

By using 10-year monitoring data of geological disaster in Jilin Province, we focused on risk assessment and partition of susceptible area of geological disaster with statistics methods. Firstly, hierachical cluster analysis was improved by introducing into weight coefficient based on the importance of different factors, and the accuracy of partition was tested to achieve 94.87% by discriminant analysis. Secondly, a threshold regressive model whose accuracy got to 99.996 2% was used to learn the forms of disaster caused by all kinds of factors and master their features and differences of disaster formation under numerical values of different sizes of different factors. The high level of accuracy of the combination application of weighted hierachical cluster analysis with threshold regressive model showed it was proper methods to resolve the issue of risk assessment and our partition of susceptible area of geological disaster was precise.

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Research on Biochemical Treatment Process of Morpholine Wastewater
ZHANG Lan-ying, ZHANG Lei, YUE Jian-wei, LIU Na, SUN Heng-zhan
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  536-540. 
Abstract ( 1293 )   PDF (2111KB) ( 923 )  

The combined aerated stripping-adsorption-biological process was used to deal with the high concentration morpholine and N-methylmorpholine organic wastewater in laboratory scale. The results were as follows: after twice aerated stripping, the ammonia nitrogen concentration of the raw wastewater was reduced from 62 500 mg/L to 431 mg/L, meanwhile COD was reduced from 50 840 mg/L to 26 051 mg/L. After the adsorption by activated carbon, COD was reduced from 26 051 mg/L to 2 769 mg/L and the concentration of ammonia nitrogen was reduced from 412 mg/L to 134 mg/L. In the biological treatment process, the combined process of activated sludge reactor and biological aerated filter (BAF) was used. In the activated sludge reactor system, when influent pH was 7.5, DO was 4.3 mg/L and hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 30 h, COD removal rate reached 83.1%. In the BAF process, when DO was 3.3 mg/L, COD removal rate reached 55.8%.Continuous monitoring of the biological process was made in the optimum conditions, when influent COD was 2 769 mg/L, the average effluent COD was 387 mg/L, the removal rate reached 85.9%.The effluent COD of the morpholinecontaining wastewater was reduced to 387 mg/L from 50 840 mg/L through this combined treatment process.

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Influences of the Freezing and Thawing Action on the Performance of Landfill Liners
DONG Jun, WANG Chun-li, YIN Yu, LOU Quan-zheng, WANG Xing-shuai, YANG Zi
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  541-544. 
Abstract ( 1062 )   PDF (2080KB) ( 617 )  

A series of simulated experiments were conducted to investigate the influences of the freezing and thawing action on the performance and pollutants removal efficiency of landfill liners. The experimental results indicated that the freezing and thawing action could destroy the landfill liners, and had adverse effects on the permeability and pollutants removal efficiency. The permeability of liners without the freezing and thawing action were lower than national standard (1.0×10-7 cm/s). However, freezing and thawing process could make the permeability of landfill liners increase 2-6 times; the removal efficiency of COD, NH+4 and Cl- varied from the initial 68.6%, 31.6% and 70.5% to 86.2%, 18.2% and 23%, respectively.

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Study on Gravity Gradient Tensor of Oil-Gas Model
JIANG Fu-yu, GAO Li-kun, HUANG Lin-yun
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  545-551. 
Abstract ( 1158 )   PDF (2362KB) ( 801 )  

A cosine transform technique has been developed to calculate the complete gravity gradient tensor from pre-existing vertical gravity data which provides an alternative determination of the gravity gradient tensor components. Gravity gradient tensor components are computed for different thickness of three dimensional oil spherecoronal models. The characteristics of gradient tensor are similar to homogenized three dimensional spherecoronal model when the thickness of oil is low, and the components of Vxx and Vyy show the symmetric characteristics of “one low value between two high values”. Vxy reduced gradually and reached minimum in center, there are four higher values in the center of four boundaries and show symmetric characteristic.  Vzz component shows high in the middle and low on all sides; Vzx and Vzy are lower in west and south, and higher in east and north, respectively. However, when the thickness of oil is great, Vxx and Vyy show the symmetric characteristics of “one high value between two low values”. Vxy accreted gradually and reached maximum in center. Vzz is lower in the middle and higher on all sides , and changed more acute. Vzx and Vzy are higher in west and south and lower in east and north, respectively. The studies on gravity gradient tensor of three dimensional oil sphere-coronal models could provide a theory basis for finding storage anticline tectonic.

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A New Apparent Resistivity of CSAMT Defined by Electric Field y-Direction
TANG Jing-tian, ZHOU Cong, ZHANG Lin-cheng
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  552-558. 
Abstract ( 1380 )   PDF (2145KB) ( 1224 )  

Under the quasi-static conditions, the measurement sector, features and advantages of electric field y-direction (Ey) of controlled source audio-frequency magnetotelluric are discussed according to  the formula of electromagnetic field data from horizontal electric dipole. The amplitude range of electric field y-direction is different from the common scalar CSAMT measurement.  Ey component data can be gathered and uesed to expand the CSAMT field observation sector and reduce the acquisition costs. According to the basic principal for definition of apparent resistivity in electrical prospecting, a new apparent resistivity defined by Ey is put forward and the sounding significance by frequency of which is explained. Through numerical calculation of several typical layered models, such as homogeneous half-space, D, G, H, K, KH and HK typical models, Ey apparent resistivity is compared with wave-area apparent resistivities defined by ExHyZxy、Re(Zxy) and full-wave apparent resistivities defined by ExZxy. The results show that the derivation of  Ey apparent resistivity only needs  the coordinate of the sounding station and one direction E-field intensity and the iterative procedures are unnecessary. The new apparent resistivity easily calculated can satisfactorily eliminate the distortion effect of the near and transient area,because it can converge to a stable value at low frequency parts.

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A Method of Automatic First Arrival Extraction Based on One-Dimensional Slice of Cross-Fourth-Order Cumulants
FENG Zhi-hui, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, WANG Dian, ZHANG Xian-wu
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  559-564. 
Abstract ( 1281 )   PDF (2443KB) ( 860 )  

The modern fundamental theory of statistical signal processing is introduced to the analysis and processing of seismic signals. Based on one-dimensional slice of cross-fourth-order cumulants, a novel method of seismic signals detection and first arrival pickup is proposed with the principle and the algorithm. Using horizontal waveform similarities, as well as in allusion to the non-sensibility of  one-dimensional slice's cross-fourth-order cumulants to Gaussian noise, and thereby the method achieves first arrival automatic extracting. The result shows this method can effectively extract first arrival take-off time in the environment of strong Gaussian colored noise interference,and the signal-to-noise ratio reaches -3 dB. In the implementation of real data,this method can quickly and accurately determine the position of seismic signal first arrival, and the results are basically consistent with the manual extraction.

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TT Transform Method of Surface Wave Suppression
MA Jian-qing, LI Qing-chun
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  565-571. 
Abstract ( 1327 )   PDF (2526KB) ( 797 )  

In seismic exploration, surface waves have lower frequency than effective signals, and often needs to be suppressed to enhance effective seismic waves. TT transform (time-time transform) has very good frequency gathering property and can concentrate higher frequencies more strongly around diagonal positions in TT field. The surface wave can be suppressed by extracting the diagonal elements of TT spectrum. Compared with the traditional high-pass filter method, processing results by TT method about physical model and real seismic data shows that TT transform is the extending of S transform and has a close relation with S transform. It is invertible and has good frequency gathered ability. TT transform shows good effect in the suppression of surface wave, however,it loses some low frequency effective signals and retains parts of the high frequency interference waves during extracting high-frequency,and suppressing low-frequency, which is the shortage of TT transform in signal analysis. Therefore, TT transform and S transform should be combined in practical applications to avoid some mistakes of interpretation.

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Time-Frequency Peak Filtering Algorithm for Reducing the Discrete Error
LIN Hong-bo, LI Yue, XU Xue-chun, MA Hai-tao
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  572-578. 
Abstract ( 1274 )   PDF (2404KB) ( 938 )  

The improved time-frequency peak filtering (TFPF) method is proposed in order to reduce the stairs errors at the segmentation points. By studying the discrete error caused by frequency modulation and peak filtering in time-frequency plane, and scaled processing, we find that the stairs errors are inversely proportional to the length of discrete Fourier transform, and also related to the varying value scaled from zero after signal scaling. TFPF based on the fixed zero signal scaling is proposed, and converts the zero to the fixed value in the range of instantaneous frequency to reduce the departure from zero, so that the stairs error are decreased. The results of TFPF processing for simulation and real seismic signals show that the improved TFPF can effectively attenuate the random noise and reduce the steps of sub filter at the sub-section.

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Study on the Inversion of NMR T2 Spectrum with M-P Generalized Inversion
LI Peng-ju, JIANG Da-peng, LI Peng-fei, SONG Yan-jie
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  579-585. 
Abstract ( 1575 )   PDF (2270KB) ( 1085 )  

The authors discussed both the cutoff method and damping method for NMR T2 spectrum inversion, which are based on the theory of generalized inverse and singular value decomposition. At first, the solution of M-P generalized inverse of the inversion problem is presented. Then M-P generalized inverse of coefficient matrix is obtained by means of singular value decomposition. The stability and resolution of the solution are ensured by discarding some small singular values or adding damping term. Finally, the non-negativity constraint of solution is realized by iterative technique. Numerical simulation and practical application of core demonstrates:As to bimodal spectrum, when the signal to noise ratio(SNR)≥10, T2 spectra inverted have high resolution and stability. Cutoff factors have a small range of option while damping factors have a large range of option. When SNR<10, the resolution and stability of solution are poor in cutoff method while stability is well though low resolution of short-components, high resolution of long-components in damping method. As to trimodal spectrum, when SNR≥20, T2 spectra inverted with both methods has trimodal feature with good continuity and smoothness. When SNR<20, both methods cannot invert trimodal spectrum close to the artificial spectrum. As a result, both of the methods can be applied to the T2 spectrum inversion of bimodal spectrum when SNR≥10 and of trimodal spectrum when SNR≥20. Taking the resolution and stability of solution, ability of smoothing noise, difficulty of selecting cutoff and damping factors into account, the damping method is a little better than cutoff method.

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The Advance of ΔlgR Method and Its Application in Songliao Basin
HUO Qiu-li, ZENG Hua-sen, FU Li, REN Zhi-gao
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  586-591. 
Abstract ( 1546 )   PDF (2486KB) ( 902 )  

A new baseline expression (named as ΔlgRbase) of ΔlgR for non-source shale was introduced to automate ΔlgR-based TOC interpretation and improve both the accuracy and the repeatability of the result. The improved ΔlgR method was then applied in the Songliao basin and the result is showed as follows: ΔlgRbase varies little with the average at 2.4 in the Qingshankou Formation(K2qn), which is supported by the quiet lacustrine deposition environment in that period; the coefficient (expressed as a) of w(TOC) and ΔlgR is not rigorously correlated to maturity (vitrinite Ro%) and the relationship of w(TOC) and ΔlgR can be generously expressed as w(TOC)=5ΔlgR+0.3 for the low-mature to mature source rock in the K2qn, indicating that the coefficient “a” is constant, i.e a=5; organic-rich source-rocks were mainly deposited in the K2qn1  and the lower part of K2qn2+3 , and the thickness of these organic-rich source-rocks decreases from south-east to north-west in horizontal.

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The Application of Electrical Resistivity Imaging in Stone Mineral Deposits Exploration
MENG Gui-xiang, YAN Jia-yong, LV Qing-tian, ZHANG Kun, CHEN Wei-min
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  592-599. 
Abstract ( 1246 )   PDF (2972KB) ( 1176 )  

Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) was introduced to stone mineral exploration in order to resolve some actual problems such as ore body boundary determination and integrality distinguish. The ERI was used in a Heibinghua stone deposit exploration in Xinjiang. High resolution survey data was acquired by change survey line dispose and select appropriate equipment and then both 2D inversion and 3D tomography was done based on these dataset. The inversion results can be display, operate interactively realized by 3D visualize technology and then accomplish both interpret and evaluation for stone mineral. The result of ERI exploration indicate that this method can depict 3D shape of stone ore which have high resistivity, and it also indicate that ERI have stronger recognition capability for disadvantage factor such as mantle rock and cranny.

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Wetland Dynamic Change in Three Provinces of Northeast China Since 1970s
XING Yu, JIANG Qi-gang, WANG Kun, WANG Geng-ming, YANG Jia-jia
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  600-608. 
Abstract ( 1482 )   PDF (2635KB) ( 814 )  

Using the MSS data in 1976, ETM data in 2001 and CBERS data in 2007 as data source, we obtained the wetland data by the way of man-machine interactive interpretation and field checkout. Under the support of GIS technology, the authors analyzed the spatial-temporal change characteristics of wetland by dynamic degree, conversion matrix, landscape pattern index and barycenter excursion in three provinces of Northeast China. The results show that the natural wetland decreased largely, and landscape pattern tend to complication; artificial wetland area increased rapidly, and tend to regularization in the past 30 years. And many marshes have been translated to the artificial breeding-cultivation. Although the natural wetland is a slight increasing under increased rainfall and wetland protection measures recently, the coastal wetland is still degraded.

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Atmospheric Correction Research on Vegetation Patterns of Multi-Angle Hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba Data
WANG Ming-chang, WANG Ya-nan, CHEN Sheng-bo, LU Peng, TAO Yu-long, XU Lian-ju
J4. 2011, 41 (2):  609-614. 
Abstract ( 1731 )   PDF (2581KB) ( 1007 )  

Atmospheric correction of remote sensing data is a prerequisite for quantitative remote sensing valuation, what will have a direct impact on the later quantitative analysis, information extraction and remote sensing applications. Choosed the multi-angle hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba data of Changbai Mountain area on Aug 30, 2008, according to the characteristics of vegetation patterns in multi-angle hyperspectral CHRIS data, filter methods are used for stripe noises removal, atmospheric correction are carried out based on the principle of MODTRAN model, and results are compared with the transit MODIS atmospheric correction products at the same time, the maximum reflectivity error within the same wavelength is 0.001 6, what provides an important basis for further quantitative remote sensing inversion of vegetation parameters, biomass and other information.

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