J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 945-952.
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LI Zhang-lin, ZHANG Xia-lin, WENG Zheng-ping, YANG Cheng-jie, SUN Ka
The Zijinshan gold mine, in Shanghang Country, Fujian Province in China, is famous mainly for its very low cutoff grade adopted in exploitation compared to exploration. This research aims at dynamical expressing both the geological structure and properties of the gold mine and its underlying copper mine, under different conditions of deposit industry index mainly consists of grade parameters. According to the idea of transforming the property model to geometric structural model, a new 3D geosciences modeling method, named kriging block (KB) is proposed. By this means, along with applying indicator kriging for the estimation of the grade values and a mixed 3D model (solid+block), a series of typical 3D deposit models of the Zijinshan copper-gold mine with different cutoff grades were successfully built. Because of the dynamical characters of the adopted modeling method, the results can serve mine exploitation and production. In addition, this method is extensible for other similar deposits or other geological bodies.
Key words: deposit modeling, geo-statistics, smooth effect, gold mines, indicator kriging
CLC Number:
LI Zhang-lin, ZHANG Xia-lin, WENG Zheng-ping, YANG Cheng-jie, SUN Ka. Dynamical Modeling of Zijinshan Copper-Gold Deposit in Fujian Province[J].J4, 2011, 41(3): 945-952.
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