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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2008, Volume 38 Issue 1
Strata Sequence of the Late Mesozoic and Basin Evolution in the Southeastern Liaoning
PENG Xiang-dong,LI Shi-chao
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  1-0007. 
Abstract ( 1409 )  
The Late Mesozoic strata in the southeastern Liaoning were not well developed, but it shows that the basins have two evolutional stages, i.e. Early-Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, which include two extension events and two contracting reversion events. Based on the studying of petrologic strata sequences, the characters of the biostratigraphic assemblages, the chronostratigraphy in the southeastern Liaoning and regional stratigraphical correlation, the basin evolution phases and patterns have been discussed. The Paleo-Pacific Ocean plate subduction to the eastern Asia continental margin and the Siberia plate extrusion to the south controlled the subsidence processes and the tectonic reversions of the Late Mesozoic basins in the Northeastern China. These may have some elicitations on studying the Late Mesozoic lithosphere evolution and geodynamics setting of the North China craton.
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A Further Discussion of the Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implication of the Mazhashan Syenites in the Bachu Area
SUN Lin-hua, WANG Yue-jun, FAN Wei-ming, ZI Jian-wei
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  8-0020. 
Abstract ( 1881 )  
The Mazhashan syenites in the Bachu area were formed in the Late Permian with the zircon SHRIMP age ranging from 286 to 277Ma, and these ages are consistent with the ages (300-260 Ma) of the post-collisional granites in the southern Tianshan orogen. These syenites are high in silica and alkaline with SiO2=62.98%-67.29 % and K2O+Na2O=10.08%-11.22% , and often show Na2O>K2O. Most of the samples have positive Eu anomalies and slightly negative Sr and significantly negative P and Ti anomalies. They formed in an intraplate rifting setting as they have geochemical affinity with A1type granites with Ga/Al =(2.84-3.28)×10-4 and Zr+Nb+Ce+Y =(405.11-606.49)×10-6. The syenites have more depleted Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(t) =+3.4-+4.3, ISr=0.703 03-0.703 44) and younger Nd model ages (TDM=0.6-0.7 Ga) than the coeval mafic dikes. Geochemical data indicate that the syenites were originated from the remelting of the underplated mafic lower crust which composition had been changed by the asthenospheric upwelling. Combining with regional geological data, the authors found that the magmatic activity differences between the Tarim Basin and the South Tianshan Orogen in the Permian stage were probably related to their different tectonic localities. The Permian magmatism in the Tarim Basin was related to the active rifting triggered by the asthenospheric upwelling, this is different from the magmatism during the postcollisional extension in the South Tianshan Orogen, which was controlled by the preexistent mobile zone (suture) or by the extensionresulted detachment zones.
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Two Phase Overprinting Mineralization in Huangbuling Gold Deposit in Northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula
ZHANG Yuan, LIU Lian-deng,SUN Jing-gui,CHEN Guo-hua,ZHANG Hong-xi,YAN Fu-chuan, YANG Kai-chun
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  21-0026. 
Abstract ( 1870 )  
Huangbuling gold deposit locates in the Zhaoyuan-Laizhou gold deposit belt in Northwestern Jiaodong peninsula, at the hanging wall of the Huangbuling-Fenghuangshan NE trending fault. It consists of 18 ore veins with different scales. The study shows that the NE faults controlled the early stage intermediate gold vein, and the NNE faults controlled the late stage shallow gold vein. The early phase mineralizations are different from late phase. The early stage intermediate gold deposit consists of quartz, pyrite, molybdenite, electrum, gold, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and others; while the late period gold deposit consists of quartz, calcite, pyritogelite, electrum, silver, sulfosalt minerals and others. The overprinted part of the early and late stages is the ore shoot part in the ore area.
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Structural Features and Deformation Stages of the Dayangshu Basin in Northeast China
LIU Zhi-hong,WU Xiang-mei,ZHU De-feng,CUI Min,LIU Hang-jun,LI Xiao-hai
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  27-0033. 
Abstract ( 1921 )  
Dayangshu Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin which is located on the east part of Daxing’anling orogenic belt. It is in a long narrow shape with the NNE trending and next to Songliao Basin to the east. Dayangshu Basin experienced multistage deformations, which is characterized mainly by extensional structures, and was superimposed by compressional structures and positive inversion structures. The basin was suffered NWW-SEE extension during Longjiang stage of the Early Cretaceous, a series of listric normal faults was formed, and the half-grabens were developed on the hanging wall of the controlling fault. Dayangshu Basin was controlled by NW-SE compression during Jiufengshan stage of the Early Cretaceous, the early faulted depressions were inversed by contraction to form inversion structures, and fault propagation folds and thrust faults were formed in some places. Dayangshu Basin was suffered extension again during Ganhe stage of the Early Cretaceous, a series of small NNE trending fault depressions formed. Dayangshu Basin was suffered intensive compression during late stage of the Early Cretaceous to early stage of the Late Cretaceous, and the early depression-controlling normal faults were inversed, and fault propagation folds formed on the upper part of the basin. The basin was raised completely and suffered erosion. Dayangshu Basin was in extensional setting in the Quaternary period, and a series of small extensional half-grabens were formed.
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Diagenesis and Its Influence to Porosity Evolution of Tongbomiao Formation in Beier Sag, Hailaer Basin
ZHANG Xin-tao,LIU Li,WEI Wen-yan
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  34-0042. 
Abstract ( 2010 )  
The Tongbomiao Formation consists of pyroclastic, volcanic-sedimentary and terrigenous clastic rocks in Beier sag, Hailaer Basin. Diagenesis is mainly controlled by volcanic clastic materials in pyroclastic rocks, volcanic-sedimentary rocks. The main diagenesis includes compaction, cementation, corrosion and dissolution, etc. which belongs to stage A of middle diagenesis phase. The study of porosity evolution shows the compaction is the main cause resulting in the disappearance of primary porosity, and the next one is cementation. The losing of primary porosity by the early compaction and cementation reach over 83% totally, the later dissolution of rock fragment and feldspar adds to 6.53% porosity which improved reservoir effectively. However, the different types of rock’s diagenesis influence porosity greatly.
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Characteristics and Distribution of Tectonic Fractures in Chang 61 Low-Permeable Reservoir in Wuqi Area in Ordos Basin
ZHOU Xin-gui,ZHANG Lin-yan,FAN Kun
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  43-0049. 
Abstract ( 1517 )  
The chang 61 low permeable reservoir in Yanchang Formation in the Upper Triassic is the main oil layer in Wuqi area. According to outcrop, drilling core observations, thin-section analysis, and the paleomagnetic orientation method of the drilling cores, the authors have done a detail description and statistics of the tectonic fractures qualitatively and quantitaively. The authors find that the well-developed fractures are NE and NW directions which are regional conjugated high-angle tectonic fracture system. The density of tectonic fractures is 0.4-1.9 unit per meter, the most of tectonic fractures are tensional and mostly filled (about 57%). The invalid tectonic fractures are in dominant (about 68%). Based on finite element simulation method, together with rock burst method and strain energy method, the predicted math model of tectonic fracture is established. The authors quantitatively predict and evaluate the distribution and development degree of tectonic fractures according to the model. The fracture development, sub-development and un-development areas have been separated, and tensile-shear fracture directions are predicted. These results supply important geological references for the further petroleum exploration in Wuqi area.
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Quantitative Reconstruction of the Eocene Palaeoclimate in the Fushun Basin, Liaoning Province
SHI Ji-zhong, LIU Zhao-jun, LIU Rong, DU Jiang-feng, ZHANG Jian, LIU Feng
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  50-0055. 
Abstract ( 1484 )  
Using the coexistence approach proposed by Mosbrugger and Utescher in 1997, the Eocene paleoclimate of the Fushun Basin in Liaoning Province had been quantitatively reconstructed. The Eocene paleoclimatic parameters of the Fushun Basin obtained are as the followings: the mean annual temperature(MAT) 14.3-19.8℃(the median is 17.05℃ ), the mean temperature of the warmest month (MWMT) 24.1-27.7℃, the mean temperature of the coldest month (MCMT) 2.5-10.9℃, the difference of temperatures between the coldest and warmest months (DT) 17.7-22.7℃, the mean annual precipitation(MAP) 803.6-1 113.3 mm( the median is 958.45 mm),the mean maximum monthly precipitation (MMaP) 179.4-268.1 mm, the mean minimum monthly precipitation (MMiP) 10.2-12.7 mm. Compared with the current climate, the temperature of the Eocene is about 9.25℃ higher than that of nowadays(7.8℃), and the mean annual precipitation is about 224 mm more than that of nowadays(734.5 mm). The Eocene climate belongs to subtropical monsoon while the present climate belongs to temperate monsoon.
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Geochemical Characteristics of the Oils in the Kongdian Formation in the Southern Slope of the Dongying Sag and Their Source Rocks
WANG Jian-wei, SONG Guo-qi, SONG Shu-jun,ZHAO Mi-fu, GAO Xia
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  56-0062. 
Abstract ( 2263 )  
Based on comprehensive analysis of the biomarkers such as isoprenoid paraffin, steranes, terpenoid and carbon isotope composition of oil samples from the Kongdian Formation in the southern slope of the Dongying sag, the typical geochemical characteristics of oils of the Kongdian Formation are recognized. The oils from the Kongdian Formation are featured by steranes composed mainly of regular steranes with low isomerasation, by C29 regular steranes enrichment and high content of tricyclic terpenoid, by ∑tricyclic terpenoid /∑terpenoid ratios ranging from 0.15 to 0.53 and by δ13C of less than -29‰. Because no genetic links to the three known types of source rocks have been found for the oils from the Kongdian Formation, there must be a set of undiscovered source rocks in the studying area. Judged from the typical biomarkers of the oils, it is concluded that the undiscovered source rocks should be in the deep zone of the Eogene rocks and contain high content of humus and low content of clay.
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Characteristics and Distribution Regularities of the Oil-Gas Reservoir-Forming Assemblages in the Chengbei Fault-Ramp
GAO Chang-hai,YANG Zi-yu,ZHA Ming
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  63-0068. 
Abstract ( 1692 )  
Based on the basic characteristics of the source, reservoir and cap rocks, three types of oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblages, called the lower, middle and upper assemblages respectively, as well as two derived, called the lower-middle and the middle-upper assemblages respectively, have been divided in the Chengbei fault-ramp. Different oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblages are of different characteristics. Tectonic activities led to the difference of the strata and sedimentation and to the difference of the source, reservoir and cap rocks from north to south of the fault-ramp. So the lower and the lower-middle oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblages are mainly distributed at adjacent sag areas, i.e., the first and the second step regions. The middle oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblage is mainly distributed in the second and the third step regions. However, the upper and the middle-upper oil-gas reservoir-forming assemblages are distributed in the third step region and in the southern slope area.
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Oil Sand-Forming Conditions and Evaluation on Resource of Oil Sand in Tianjingshan Structure in Northwest Part of Sichuan Basin
DENG Hu-cheng,ZHOU Wen,QIU Dong-zhou,XIE Run-cheng
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  69-0075. 
Abstract ( 1489 )  
Oil sand in quartz sandstone of the Lower Devonian Pingyipu Formation has been found for the first time in the Tianjingshan structure in the Northwest of Sichuan through detailed surveying and evaluating of oil sand resource in the Sichuan Basin. The authors have analyzed the ore-forming conditions for this mineral occurrence according to oil geology and metallogenic theory. The hydrocarbon source rock of oil sand is likely to be the Early Cambrian and Early Silurian black shales. During the Indosinian orogeny, liquid hydrocarbons were migrated through reverse faults of the Indosinian orogeny and were concentrated in the traps of the Lower Devonian Pingyipu Formation to form oil enriched reservoirs. The reservoirs were uplifted to be exposed and be denuded and were changed into the present oil sands finally during the Himalayan movement. It is calculated that the oil sand resource below 500 meters of the surface in the Tianjingshan structure, based on the calculating method proposed by the new nationwide evaluation program of oil and gas resource, are about 5 356.4×104 t.
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Organic Geochemical of Solid Bitumen from the Northeastern Sichuan Basin
WANG Yong-quan, XIONG Yong-qiang, WANG Yan-mei
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  76-0080. 
Abstract ( 1563 )  
Solid bitumen from the Northeastern Sichuan Basin is investigated by the present authors using selective chemical degradation combined with various organic geochemical analyses. Biomarker parameters and bitumen reflectivity indicate that the solid bitumen has experienced a relatively high thermal maturity. The facts that C16 and C18 fatty acids are the predominant biomarkers released by chemical degradation and fatty acids are of remarkable even-odd predominance suggest that the precursor of the solid bitumen may mainly derived from bacteria and algae input. The products of chemical degradation also contain some n-alkanes, steranoids and terpenoids. Comparison reveals that they possibly have same source as the corresponding components in the extracts of solid bitumen, but display a relatively lower thermal maturity than the latter. Carbon isotopic compositions of the individual compounds suggest that the precursor of the solid bitumen was mainly formed in a half deep water-deep water environment, and hydrogen isotopic composition indicates a possibly D-enriched marine environment.
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Laboratory Simulation Experiment of Evolution of Island Freshwater Lens
ZHEN Li, ZHOU Cong-zhi, SHU Long-cang, CAO Ying-jie,GENG Hai-tao
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  81-0085. 
Abstract ( 1628 )  
Freshwater lens, as the main or even the only freshwater resources of island, it’s law of evolution in the condition of nature and exploitation has become the primary research content of island freshwater resources use and management. Using self-study model to simulate freshwater lens evolution at laboratory, it’s formation process in the condition of rainfall has been simulated, the process of upconing movement has also been simulated without any recharge. When the pumping rate reached 3.73 × 10-5m3/s,the upconing moved into pumping well and the freshwater lens was breakdown.
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Evaluation of Tunnel Rock Quality with Routh Sets Theory and Artificial Neural Networks
QIU Dao-hong, CHEN Jian-ping, QUE Jin-sheng, AN Peng-cheng
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  86-0091. 
Abstract ( 1365 )  
To evaluate the tunnel rock quality, six parameters reflecting the general properties of rock engineering was selected to build the decision table, which was evaluated by extenics theory and expert examination, and rough sets theory was applied to reduce the original decision table and to analyze the relative importance of every parameter. Finally, the reduction results are transformed into rules, which are used as input of the BP neural networks. Combining rough sets theory with artificial neural networks, then the evaluation model of tunnel rock quality was established. Through the case study, the model can efficiently simplifies the networks structure, reduces the networks training period and has better study efficiency and can more precisely reflect the engineering characteristics of tunnel rock.
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Modified Creep Model and Its Stability
YANG Cai-hong,MAO Jun,LI Jian-guang
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  92-0097. 
Abstract ( 1345 )  
In order to express the creep characteristics of rock, a creep model, H-K-VP-(H‖N-‖St.V), where is a non-Newtonian viscosity mode, is put forwarded, according to the analysis of the creep curves and model of rocks by adopting of negative elasticity module and non-ideal viscosity model. Through the theoretical analysis and data fitting, the data is obtained from uniaxial compression creep test of shale specimens by application of modified model. The results show that the model can express various characteristics of rock creep, especially in the process of accelerating creep, furthermore, the stability of the modified model is analyzed, the outcome shows that physical parameter of rock is a important factor of influencing the rock creep stability.
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Subgrade Treatment Effects for Collapsibe Loess Subgrade of Fuxin-Chaoyang Freeway in West of Liaoning Province
XING Yu-dong,WANG Chang-ming,ZHANG Li-xin,KUANG Shao-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  98-0104. 
Abstract ( 1740 )  
In order to determine the technical program and technical parameters for stabilizing collapsible loess of subgrade treatment in west of Liaoning, some experimental research of stabilizing subgrade, such as, dynamic compaction, impact-rolling and lime soil pile, has been carried out. Combining insitu test with laboratory experiment, the physical and mechanical properties in experimental areas are compared before and after treatment, and some conclusions are drawn out such as:(1) It is effective to treat 4 m to 6 m in depth under 800 kN·m to 1 600 kN·m in compaction energy without with not less than 8 tamper times;(2) Lime soil pile is suitable to improve subgrade with thick loess, which can dispel the loess collapisibility either in the range of pile length or in a certain extent from pile end;(3) The method of impact-rolling is useful to treat loess with the less thickness of the layer and topsoil with about 1m in depth, and impact rolling is optimal in 40 times. The result mentioned above provided a technical references for collapsible loess sudgrade treatment in this area.
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Assessing Heavy Metals Contamination of Soils Based on the Pollution Index and GIS Methods in Dexing Mines, Jiangxi Province, China
CHEN Cui-hua, NI Shi-jun, HE Bin-bin, ZHANG Cheng-jiang
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  105-01050111. 
Abstract ( 1550 )  
In order to assess the extent of heavy metals contamination resulting from past mining activity in Dexing region, nine hundred nineteen soil samples were collected and analyzed for the content of As, Hg, Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu and Pb in 2004. Heavy metal levels were determined using inductively couple plasma-atomic emission spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry procedures. The current assessment of heavy metals contamination in soils was performed from three aspects, original testing data, pollution index (single-factor pollution index and multiple pollution index ) and contamination spatial analysis by means of GIS methods, respectively. The results of assessment indicates consistently that there were different extents of contamination of As, Cd, Zn and Cu, especially in the areas of the Dexing mines, coal mines along the lower courses Le’an River, coal mines in the northwest and the areas around battery factory.
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Groundwater Remediation Using Two Kinds of Waste
ZHOU Rui,ZHAO Yong-sheng,ZHANG Wen-jing,REN He-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  112-0116. 
Abstract ( 1606 )  
Fly ash and mineralized refuse as two kinds of waste were used in reactive barrier in order to treat polluted groundwater which was contaminated by leachate. Two reactors A and B filled with mineralized refuse and fly ash were designed, which have the ability of adsorption, cation-exchange and microorganisms decomposition. The results indicated that COD removal ratios in column A and B were respectively up to 66% and 59%, NH+4 removal ratio in column A was up to 92.7%, then stayed at 81% which was better than that in column B. Besides the removal ratios of nitrate and nitrite in column A were higher than column B. In conclusion, mineralized refuse used as medium in reactive barrier was cost-effective and feasible to application, which is a strategy of controlling waste by waste.
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Nitrite Serving as Electronic Acceptor for Simultaneous Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal
LI Xiang-kun, ZHOU Ye-jian,GAO Mei-ling,WANG Li-jun, JIAO Zhong-zhi, HUANG Rong-xin, LIU Dong-feng
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  117-0120. 
Abstract ( 1305 )  
In order to inspect the phenomenon of anoxic phosphate uptake with simultaneous denitrification using NO-2 as electronic acceptor, a series of batch experiments under sequencing anaerobic/anoxic conditions were carried out. Wide variety concentrations of NO-2 were added during the anoxic condition. The results show that under anoxic condition, NO-2 had no inhibited behavior to phosphorus uptake bellow the concentration of 3125 mg/L, but at the concentration of 375 mg/L, phosphorus uptake inhibition happened. If the sludge of DPB was domesticated, NO-2 can serve as electron acceptor even at very high concentration (75 mg/L). Therefore under anoxic condition, phosphorus and nitrogen can be removed simultaneously via the process of denitrifying dephosphatation with nitrite as electron acceptors. Maximum specific rates of phosphorus uptake is 3.16 mg P/(gMLVSS·h) and denitrification rate is 514 mgNO-2-N/(gMLVSS·h).
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Application of ASTER Data for Land-Use Classification in Coastal Area of East Shenzhen
TIAN Bo, ZHOU Yun-xuan, JIANG Yun-an, HOU Chang-mou
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  121-0128. 
Abstract ( 1723 )  
Based on radiometric and geometrical correction of ASTER imagery data, the land-use classification of coastal area in the east of Shenzhen were investigated in this study. The sample sites were established through field investigation and vectorization. The reflectance map of each ASTER band and the overlay map of 12 classes of land-use type between bands were derived from the sample sites vector data. Also vegetation index and PCA of the five SWIR bands were mapped and analyzed. With a GIS tool, the study area was classified using knowledge-based decision-tree, which contains information from single ASTER bands, SWIR PCA1, vegetation index, and terrain parameters derived from ASTER stereo-pairs. The classification was validated with an accuracy of 85.1% and the case study showed that the ASTER imagery data can be used in land resource investigation with a low cost and acceptable accuracy.
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Response Characteristics of the 3D Whole-Space TEM Disturbed by Roadway
YANG Hai-yan, YUE Jian-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  129-0134. 
Abstract ( 1558 )  
The 3D whole-space response characteristic of the sheet conductive body located in uniform medium has been imitated with a magnetic dipole, and adopting non-uniform grid and time step length, the 3D time domain finite-difference formula has been deduced, the contour figure of the magnetic field and itshave also been plotted on the basis of the data obtained at quite a few surveying points. The diffused regularity of the transient field, the characteristic of the field affected by roadway and boundary plane was analysised in detail. The results showed that diffused velocity of the transient field reduced and its attenuation slowed down, when magnetic field passing through the boundaryplane between the sheet conductive body and the earth; and as the iterative number increasing, a ring-contour shaped at the center of the sheet conductive body; the effect of laneway was obvious at early time and feeble at late time. The objectives are to provide interpretation guidelines for the whole-space TEM anomalies.
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F-K Demigration in Media with Constant Velocity:Basic Concepts, Formulas, and Applications in Inhomogeneous Media
SUN Jian-guo
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  135-0143. 
Abstract ( 1469 )  
Starting from the formulas in classical F-K migration, we present an F-K demigration theory in constant velocity media and the corresponding implementation steps as well as its applications in inhomogeneous media, by way of mapping wavenumbers into angular frequencies. In comparison to the Kirchhoff type demigration theory under the same conditions, the theory given here contains no approximations. Therefore, it is an exact demigration theory for models with constant velocity. For general inhomogeneous media, we use the method of the localization, which is widely used in establishing migration theory in inhomogeneous media, and the basic idea of the phase shift plus interpolation (PSPI) migration. Specifically, for treating the demigration problem in inhomogeneous media we assume that the migrated image is thoroughly determined by the velocity distribution in a thin slab corresponding to the current downward extrapolation interval. Furthermore, it is assume that the demigrated wavefield is a continuous function of the velocity. As a result, we can use the local (windowed) Fourier transform with respect to the depth interval under consideration and a set of constant reference velocities to construct the approximate solution to the demigration problem in inhomogeneous media. In algorithmic aspect, the constant velocity F-K demigration is a one-step procedure without recursion, and the varying velocity F-K demigration is a multi-step recursive procedure. Specifically, in a varying velocity F-K demigration the computation should be started at the bottom of the model and realized in a layer-by-layer way from the bottom of the model towards the surface, until the surface is reached.
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Forward Modeling and Parallel Algorithm Based on High-Order Finite-Difference Method in Frequency Domain
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  144-0151. 
Abstract ( 1696 )  
For finite difference numerical simulation in elastic-wave frequencyspace domain, difference grids and boundary condition are the key for elasticwave modeling. 25-point finite-different operators were adopted to suppress grid dispersion in numerical simulation and finite-difference matrix equations were constructed. Making use of the idea of match-layer attenuation boundary condition, the numerical simulation algorithm of elastic-wave finite difference in frequency-space domain was designed. Besides, the computing loads were increased observably by using high-order finite-difference method to improve accuracy. So for elastic-wave numerical simulation of finite difference in frequency-space domain, parallel algorithm was also studied in combination with divided-conquer and pipelining technique to enhance computational efficiency, so that elastic wave propagation in elastic medium was simulated much more accurately in reasonable computation time.
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Seismic Sequence Identifying with High Resolution in Time-Frequency Domain
CHEN Xue-hua,HE Zhen-hua,HUANG De-ji
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  152-0155. 
Abstract ( 1586 )  
The non-stationary variation of frequency content of seismic signal with time characterizes information related to the properties of the subsurface reflection stratification. Time-frequency analysis of seismic signal was an important tool for detecting local properties of spectral content. In order to adapt to the seismic signal processing in real application, a generalized S transform (GST) was presented by altering the normal S transform. The seismic sequence identification section with high resolution was achieved by applying GST to analyze and compensate the high frequency content of seismic signal. The real data processing demonstrated that using GST-based time-frequency decomposition, the properties analysis of seismic stratification of sandstone reservoir possess both high resolution and better signal-to-noise ratio. Time-frequency spectral decomposition of seismic signal based on GST can aid in the classification of seismic sequences and serve as an important tool for seismic interpretation.
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Application of Ground Penetrating Radar Polarization in the Concrete Structure Detection
ZHANG Wen-bo,WEI Wen-bo,JING Jian-en,JIA Zheng-yuan
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  156-0160. 
Abstract ( 1672 )  
Dipole ground penetrating radar (GPR) antennas radiate linearly polarized wave with the predominant polarization direction parallel to the long axis of the antenna. Receive antennas are very sensitive to the electric field component parallel to the long axis. For conductive cylinder,when the radius-to-wavelength ratio is small, the backscattering width of TE polarization is narrower than that of TM backscattering. Examples of bridge structure detection confirm that the antenna configuration in which the transmitting and receiving antennas are oriented parallel to each other and perpendicular to the long axis of the reinforcing bar can reduce the backscattering and enhance the potential of deeper target identification.
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Design and Realization of Metal Deposit Exploration Information System
ZHAO Yu-yan, HAO Li-bo, ZHANG Zhi-li,LU Ji-long, SUN Guang-rui
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  161-0166. 
Abstract ( 1513 )  
In consideration of the requirement of metal deposit prospecting and construction of land resources information, the metal deposit prospecting and exploration information was summed up through scientific and rational filtration and induction, and then the design programs were made, which were made up of three subsystems: information collection subsystems (client), information retrieval system (client) and network database services (server), including seven main modules: attribute information collection module, space information collection module, original data collection module, data maintenance module, attribute information retrieval module, space information retrieval module and original data retrieval module. A metal deposit prospecting and exploration system having a friendly customer interface was developed adopting the integration development method of VB + MapGIS components + SQL Server, which can serve for the geological exploration departments, government departments and the public. The VB code of some technical issues settled in project development process was also given.
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Spatial Object Modeling Based on 3D Laser Scanning Data
LU Xing-chang,ZHANG Yan-hong
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  167-0171. 
Abstract ( 1438 )  
Using the spatial data captured via ground-based three-dimensional (3D) laser scanner, a study on three-dimensional modeling of spatial objects was conducted. Taking a building modeling as the case study, the building objects to be modeled were extracted from the laser scanning data, and noise reduction was carried out on the objects data. To obtain a 3D surface model of the building, the noise-reduced building data were registered and matched with the original scan data, which were re-sampled and registered as well prior to the mosaic process. The triangular meshes of the building model were thus obtained. The modeling result showed that the constructed 3D surface model represented appropriately the geometric features of the building objects. The outdoor experiment indicated that the process mentioned above can bring about rapid 3D visualiz ation modeling of buildings.
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Development of Monitor for Driller Parameters Based on Single Chip-Microcomputer
JIAO Yang, LING Zhen-bao, WANG Jun, ZHAO Da-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (1):  173-0176. 
Abstract ( 1240 )  
For the insufficient of drilling parameters of resources exploration drilling rig in real-time display, an online parameter monitoring system for the drilling depth, drilling speed, drilling power, rotational speed, lifting/drilling force, torsional moment, compressor air quantity, and compressor pressure of the driller based on single chip-microcomputer MSP430 was designed and realized. And the experimental results were obtained: 1 cm drilling depth precision, 1% FS pressure precision, 0-1 000 r/min rotational speed range and 0-1 000 kN drilling/lifting force.
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