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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2008, Volume 38 Issue 2
Isotopic Characteristics and Its Significance of the Xinlin Town Pluton,Great Hinggan Mountains
ZHANG Yan-long, GE Wen-chun, LIU Xiao-ming, ZHANG Ji-heng
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  177-0186. 
Abstract ( 1871 )  
The Xinlin Town pluton locates in the northern Great Hinggan Mountains. Lithologically, it comprises granodiorite, adamellite, quartz-monzodiorite and alkaline-feldspar granite, with locally fine-grained gabbroic and dioritic enclaves. Petrological and geochemical characteristics indicate that the pluton is high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of two granodiorites yielded emplacement ages of (132±3)Ma and (131±3)Ma. The ages indicate that the pluton was the product of the Early Cretaceous magmatic event. Though Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the samples are relatively uniform, their εHf(t) values are relatively varied, ranging between 1.32 and 8.32; the yielded Nd and Hf model ages are Neoproterozoic. The isotopic data indicate that the granitic magma mainly originated from the juvenile Neoproterozoic accreted crustal materials with the involvements mantle components. The isotopic characteristics indicate that the Erguna terrain accreted in Neoproterozoic at least,
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Monazite Ages and Its Geological Significance of Granitoid Gneiss in the Jiamusi Massif
WEN Quan-bo, LIU Yong-jiang, LI Wei-min, HAN Guo-qing, DING Ling
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  187-0193. 
Abstract ( 1631 )  
The granitoid gneisses in the northern Jiamusi massif is suitable for dating by Chemical Th-U-Total Pb isochron method (CHIME).Monazite dating of 415 Ma indicates a magmato-thermal event in the Late Silurian. The dating results of (494.36 ± 23.6 )Ma,(506.96 ± 52.20)Ma and(481.04±23.19)Ma provide the conclusive evidence for a 500 Ma Late Pan-African high-grade metamorphic event in the northern Jiamusi massif. Combined with the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating results from the southern Jiamusi massif, it is concluded that the entire Jiamusi massif has undergone a 500 Ma high-grade metamorphic event. The Jiamusi massif and Songnen massif could have amalgamated and linked together before and were affected variously by metamorphic event during 500 Ma.
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Geochemical Characteristics of Ore-Forming Fluids of the Linglong Gold Deposit in Shandong Province
WANG Ke-yong,ZHANG Chun-yan,FAN Yue-ming,ZHANG Xiao-dong
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  194-0201. 
Abstract ( 2183 )  
Four types of primary fluid inclusions developed in quartz that intergrowth with goldbearing pyrite in the Linglong gold deposit, namely, Ⅰ aqueous two-phase; Ⅱ carbon dioxide-bearing three-phase; Ⅲ carbon dioxide and Ⅳ only liquid aqueous phase, respectively. The laser Roman spectroscopic analysis for composition and the microthermometric study of fluid inclusions indicate that: ①type Ⅰa fluid inclusions, in which the vapor volumes occupy 10%-15%, their homogenization temperature is 162.7-235.6℃, salinity is 4.65%-7.59% NaCl, the average composition of vapor phase is 96.48 mol% H2O and 2.4 mol% CO2; ② type Ⅰb fluid inclusions, in which the vapor volumes occupy 30%-45% , their homogenization temperature is 266.9-349.2℃, salinity is 10.8%-13.4% NaCl, the average composition of vapor phase is 69.75 mol% H2O and 24.74 mol% CO2; ③ type Ⅱ fluid inclusions, with a wide range of 20%-90% for the carbon dioxide volumes in fluid inclusions, their homogenization temperature is 193.5-321.6℃, salinity is 2.9%-5.3% NaCl, the average composition of the carbon dioxide phase is 27.72 mol% H2O and 70.60 mol% CO2. Comprehensive study of compositional and microthermometric analysis of fluid inclusions leads to the conclusion that fluid mixing between meteoric water-derived and mantle-derived hydrothermal solutions existed in the metallogenetic process of Linglong gold deposit. The former are mixed with CO2-rich fluids separated from mantle-derived solutions and then captured at different ratios formed type Ⅱ fluid inclusions; whereas mixed with CO2-unsaturated fluids which was the remnants of mantle-derived solutions after CO2 separation, could be captured to form type Ⅰb fluid inclusions. The changes in physico-chemical conditions of ore-forming solutions resulted from two kinds of fluid mixing have great significances to gold mineralization.
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Geochemical Characteristics of Trace Elements in the Xiaoshiren Gold Deposit in Jilin Province
LIU Ya-jian, FAN Ji-zhang, LI Zhong-shan, LEI Wan-shan
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  202-0210. 
Abstract ( 2022 )  
Based on the trace element analysis of different rock(ore) types in the Xiaoshiren gold deposit in Jilin Province and viewed from data structures, the authors discuss the geochemical characteristics of these trace elements. Statistical parameters showed that the trace elements studied are of apparent concentration and enrichment features in deposit area. Different rock(ore) types have the different trace element distribution characteristics, and based on which the authors classify the rocks(ores) in the deposit into three types-normal, weak-altered and strong-altered(or mineralized). The multivariate statistical analysis results indicate that all the trace elements studied had taken part in the gold mineralization processes. However, their behavior was quite different. Based on the multivariate statistics characteristics, the authors divided the trace elements into three assemblages: namely Au, As, Sb, Bi, Hg, Mn; Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Co, Ni, V. The first assemblage is oreforming and halo-forming elements, the second assemblage polymetallic mineralized elements and the third assemblage is the elements related to pyritization. These assemblages are also related to different mineralization stages, revealing gold metallogenic processes and corresponding features. The trace element profiles of soil and rock show that their spatial correlation except Mn that is negatively related to Au and was abnormally enriched in the outer zone of the Au mineralization.
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The Ore-Prospecting Model of Gold Deposits in the Laoling Metallegenic Belt
WANG Shi-yuan, FAN Ji-zhang, WANG Miao, LEI Wan-shan, LIU Ya-jian
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  211-0216. 
Abstract ( 1719 )  
Gold is a commodity being mined and of great potential in the Laoling precious metals polymetallic metallogenic belt. The quartz vein and altered rock types of gold deposits, with similar geological environments, ore-constraints and distribution laws, predominate in the belt. Take the gold deposits as the research object, the relationship between the geological, geochemical and geophysical data were studied and the ore-prospecting model of the gold deposits consisting of direct and indirect information is established.
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Dolomitization Characteristics of Carbonate Rock in Xisha Islands and Its Formation:A Case Study of Well Xichen-1
WEI Xi, JIA Cheng-zao, MENG Wei-gong
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  217-0224. 
Abstract ( 1595 )  
Carbonate rock strata in well Xichen-1, Xisha islands consist of 3 layers of dolostone and 4 layers of limestone. In dolostone layers, the micritic dolomite, containing 91.1%-100% of dolomite, can distribute in all kinds of contents such as framework grains and inter-grain fillings. Isotopes of the dolomite are as follows, δ13C varies from 0.80‰ to 3.16‰, averaging 2.24‰; δ18O varies from 0.56‰ to 5.23‰, averaging 2.56‰. These characteristics reflect that dolomitization occurred in synsedimentary heavy brine environment when paleosalinity is 36.88% and paleotemperature is 1.07℃. The limestone layers with dominant calcsparite contain dolomite in general less than 25%, in which dolomite are concentrated in pore or fissure fillings and absent in framework grains. The fluid inclusion homogenization temperature measured in domolite range 102.5-296℃ with an average of 156.3℃; the salinity is 0.55%-6.25%, averaging 3.75%; the density is 0.95-0.99 g/cm3, averaging 0.97 g/cm3; the pressure is 20.65-42.65 MPa, averaging 33.65 MPa. These characteristics reflect that dolomitization may be in connection with post diagenetic hydrothermal event.
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Significance of Tempestite from the Cambrian Qingxudong Formation in Yutang Area of Northwestern Hunan Province
KUANG Wen-long, YANG Shao-xiang, LIU Xin-hua,CHEN Xin-yue, YU Pei-ran, LAO Ke-tong
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  225-0232. 
Abstract ( 1374 )  
There is a unique succession of tempestite, with typical geological characteristics and special sedimentary sequence, from the Lower Cambrian Qingxudong Formation of Yutang area in northwestern of Hunan Province. Erosional bases at the tempestite sequences are clear. Thickness variation of each section is great, grain size of clastic sediments is finingupward. Superposed hummocky cross-lamination, parallel bedding and ripple-bedding are common. All of these features indicate sedimentation in an offshore environment. The succession of tempestite had important fundamental implication for us to creat sedimentological section and proble into the space variation characteristics of tempestite sedimentary pattern and make sure metallogenical environment or metallogenical geological characteristics.
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Basin Filling Features and Evolution of Sequence Stratigraphy of Paleogene in Wushi Sag
SUN Wei, FAN Tai-liang, ZHAO Zhi-gang, WANG Hong-yu, GAO Zhi-qian, DUAN Rui-hui
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  233-0239. 
Abstract ( 1690 )  
By means of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology and with comprehensive study of core section, cuttings, well-logging, seismic informations, fossils and geochemistry data the authors recognized three kinds of unconformities and classified the Paleogene into seven seismic sequences of third grade, vertical section of which is transgression, regression and aggradation respectively. Tectonic subsidence play dominant role in their geometric shapes, basin fillings, sequence evolution and sediment distribution in the Wushi Sag. Outline of the sequences are in shape of box-wedge or sheet-wedge and boundaries of sequences are varied from bilateral fault to monoclinal fault overlap, so that the sequences show distinct semigrabens which overlay in different ways. Seven sequences were formed in different stage of tectonic evolution. The sequence of SQ1 formed in initial rift stage and deposited alluvial sequence. Sequences SQ2-SQ4 developed in intense rift stage and sediment lacustrine sequence. Sequences SQ5-SQ7 formed in late period of rift before thermal subsidence and deposit mere and delta sediment. The place adjacent to the synsedimentary fault is the subsidence center and depocenter; meanwhile, controlling fracture migrates in horizontal made subsidence and sedimentary center of the sag changed.
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Geochemical Characteristics of REE and Trace Elements of Middle to Late Triassic Sedimentary Rocks and Its Tectonic Setting in Zoige Basin
WANG Wei, SUN Liang,LI Fang-lin, BAO Zheng-yu
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  240-0248. 
Abstract ( 2000 )  
Situated in Northeast of Songpan-Ganzi terrain, the Zoige Basin is a significant sedimentary area of this terrain from Middle to Late Triassic. 37 greywacke samples of Middle and Late Triassic collected from Hongcan well in Zoige were analyzed by ICP-MS for REE and trace elements. The result shows that these samples were originated continental crust because they enriched in Cs,Rb,Th and high REE contents and depleted in Sr,Nb and Ta. Negative Eu anomalies and strong differentiation between heavy and light REE are significant. Both the contents and ratios of the inactive trace elements and the results based on discriminant diagrams indicated that the sedimentary tectonic setting of Zoige Basin was dominated by continental island arc and the sediment in this basin was strongly affected by continental island arc between Middle and Late Triassic. The change of REE composition between the upper and lower samples from Hongcan well implied the tectonic setting and property of the sediment provenance in Zoige Basin were altered obviously between late-period of Middle Triassic and mid-period or late-period of Late Triassic. This change was probably due to elevation and erosion of the matured continental crust on the east of Zoige Basin, and lots of clastic materials transported into the basin in late-period of Late Triassic.
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Forming Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of Halahatang Formation in Yuqi Block in Akekule Arch, Tarim Basin
KUANG Li-xiong, GUO Jian-hua, HUANG Tai-zhu
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  249-0254. 
Abstract ( 2021 )  
Yuqi block is an important oil & gas exploration target of Tahe oilfield in Akekule arch, Tarim Basin. The research results indicate that the oil & gas in Yuqi block are from Cambrian to lower Ordovician source rocks in the south of the Akekule arch. Halahatang Formation in Yuqi block has definite exploration potential. The crude oil density of Halahatang Formation is low, the content of sulfur is also low, and the content of wax is high, the gas in Halahatang Formation belong to typical mixed gas. The trap types are mostly tectonicly controlled, which are low scope, the oil & gas distribution is mostly faultbounded. There are at least three episodes of oil/gas charges, i.e., Jurassic-Cretaceous, late Palaeocene-Eocene and early Oligocene-Miocene. The oil & gas accumulation model in Yuqi block is outward source-bidirectional expulsion of hydrocarbon-multistage accumulation or hydrocarbon sourced from the old rocks and preserved in the young rocks-bidirectional expulsion of hydrocarbon-multistage accumulation. and its evolution has two stages.
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Mode of Structural Control about Groundwater Pour-in Mechanism in Xiadian Gold Deposits in Shandong Province
ZHOU Yan-zhang, CHI Bao-ming, LIU Zhong-pei
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  255-0260. 
Abstract ( 1767 )  
As the typical structural fissured water pour-in deposits, the groundwater pour-in mechanism of Xiadian gold deposit, Zhaoyuan City in Shangdong Province, is evidently influenced by Zhaoping mineralizing structure. It is particular for the study of groundwater pour-in mechanism controlled by the structure. The structural information and evolution of the fissured-water pour-in on the basis of theory about Zhaoping structure mineralized dynamic system are analyzed. Meanwhile in virtue of the hydrogeological conditions and groundwater pourin characteristics, the mode of structural control about groundwater pour-in mechanism in Xiadian gold deposit is discussed, and made the conclusion that the structural fissured water dominated by Zhaoping structure dynamic system is the primary source of pit water.
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Artificial Regulation Groundwater Depression Cone in West of Daqing
GAO Shu-qin, SU Xiao-si, DU Xin-qiang, XIE Yi, QI Su-wen
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  261-0267. 
Abstract ( 1701 )  
Large quantity of continuously groundwater pumping in an area forms regional groundwater depression cone, and overexploitation leads to a series of environmental and geological problems. Groundwater level can be recovered by artificial regulation of water resource in the empty underground space of the depression cone. Artificial regulation in groundwater depression cone is significant to Daqing, where groundwater is the main water supply resource. The authors designed and simulated four artificial regulation projects in the depression cone zone in west of Daqing, which are current pumping, reduced pumping, and artificial recharge based on current and reduced pumping. The result indicates that reducing the exploitation quantity and using artificial recharge methods can accelerate the recovery of depression cone. When reducing the quantity of groundwater pumping by 5% every year and executing artificial recharge(0.45×108m3/a), the recovery effect of groundwater level is more obvious than other projects, and groundwater level of the centre of depression cone will be recovered by 7.7-10.3 m up to the end of 2010.
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Determination of Weight Factor with Extenics Evaluation Based on Rough Set Theory
CHE Qian,CHEN Jian-ping,QUE Jin-sheng
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  268-0272. 
Abstract ( 1526 )  
To avoid the excessive subjectivity influenced by the conventional determination methods of weight factor, the rough set was introduced to the solution of the weight factor in the extenics evaluation. The problem of the weight factor was transformed to the evaluating of the attribute significance. The decision table was established by the rough set theory to make the knowledge reduced and determine the relevant evaluating indexes. According to the significance of evaluating indexes, the weight factor can be calculated. By comparing the weight factors figured out by the rough set theory and by the dependent function method in the practical engineering, its known that the weight factor based on rough set is more reasonable and with higher reliability.
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Test of Improved Mixture of Saline Soil at Zhabuye Salt Field in Tibet
LI Chang-hong,ZHANG Ji-liang,LIN Qing-hua,ZHANG Yong-sheng,FANG Xue-song
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  273-0278. 
Abstract ( 1667 )  
To improve properties of saline soil, different proportions of lime or cement was mixed with saline soil according its physical and chemical properties.By shot-solid testing, anti-shear strength testing and anti-press strength testing, the results show that the maximum dry-density, the optimum water-ratio and strength of mixture were all increased, in particular, the cohesion was rapidly improved. The properties of the mixture of soil-cement or soil-lime are greatly improved, and they can be used to construct the bank of salt field.
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Influence of Basic Properties of Seasonally Frozen Soil on Moisture Movement in Changchun Area
LI Yang, WANG Qing, ZHAO An-ping,CHEN Hui-e
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  279-0284. 
Abstract ( 1638 )  
Samples from Changchun-Siping highway, Changchun-Songyuan highway and North Changchun-Jilin highway were studied.Studied from microstructure of frozen soil, combining physicochemical tests and mechanical tests, the influence of properties of seasonally frozen soil in Changchun area on moisture movement is evaluated,which provides the experimental evidence for study of moisture movement of seasonally frozen soil and the road frost heaving and mudding in Changchun area. It is concluded from the experiments that the diameter of pore of seasonally frozen soil in Changchun area is mostly less than 5 μm, which is benefit for the migration of gravitational and capillary water. With high content of mineral substance, large cation exchange capacity, rich clay content, regular particle shape and great hydration specific surface area, it is benefit for the formation of hydration membranes. The external loads influence the moisture movement.And sample 3 has the largest quantity of moisture movement, then sample 1,and sample 2 the lest.
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In-Situ Monitoring and Stability Analysis of Surrounding Rock of Joint Arch Tunnels in Partial Pressure
AN Peng-cheng, CHEN Jian-ping,QIU Dao-hong
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  285-0289. 
Abstract ( 1720 )  
To study the stability of surrounding rock of joint arch tunnels in partial pressure, the authors introduce SIGMA module of GeoStudio program to simulate it and adopt the calculation result as the guideposts. Pressure cells were installed and monitoring data were treated by the method of weighted regression analysis, which got the steady pressure of the monitoring spots. Contrasting calculation result and monitoring data, it is gotten that the surrounding rock of tunnel is stable. The results indicate that the FEM and weighted regression analysis have a good result for judging the stability of surrounding rock of joint arch tunnels in partial pressure.
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Analysis of Foundation Scheme on Large-Scale Backfill Soil in the Proposed Urban Area
WU Xu-jun,FAN Li-ming,YIN Qi-lei
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  290-0292. 
Abstract ( 1295 )  
A new city zone will be built on a large area of backfill, and according to the complex engineering geology conditions, the CFG pile composite foundation scheme was finally selected. The isolated foundation and strip foundation were calculated and piles were designed after comprehensive analysis and comparison on economy, technique and construction period of various approaches like natural foundation and compound foundation etc. The CFG pile composite foundation is a kind of composite foundation that consists of CFG pile, soil among the piles and broken stone underlay. The CFG pile body is of good quality, short construction period, fast construction speed and big bearing capacity which can be more than 350 kPa. The CFG pile composite foundation should be adopted,if the maximum load of a pile is not more than 4 000 kN or there is a sand and gravel bed which is of high hydraulic permeability in the soil stratum.
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Content of Fluoride in Tea Leaves and Distribution of Fluoride in Soils from Different Tea Gardens
XIE Zhong-lei, CHEN Zhuo,SUN Wen-tian, YIN Bo
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  293-0298. 
Abstract ( 1706 )  
The contents of fluoride in tea leaves and the distribution of fluoride in tea garden soils as well as their relationships were discussed in this paper by sampling the tea leaves and soils from the twelve tea gardens located South Center and Southwest China. The contents of fluoride in tea plants ranged from 221 mg/kg to 1504 mg/kg for old leaves and 49.0 mg/kg to 602 mg/kg for young leaves, respectively, the fluoride contents in old leaves were 2.5-8.1 times higher than that in young leaves. There were not a unified changing tendency for each form of fluoride in different soil layers, but the concentrations of different F forms for each soil layer were all in the order of residualFe-Mn oxide>organic>water>exchangeable. The distribution of fluoride in tea garden soils was obviously related to the soil properties. The concentrations of fluoride in the tea leaves increased significantly with the water soluble fluoride, but other forms of fluoride were not of the same correlations with the contents of fluoride in tea leaves.
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Effects of Treatment and Storage Methods on Partitioning Pattern Analysis of Metals in Surficial Sediments
WANG Xiao-li, LI Yu, WANG Ting, DU Xian-yuan, LI Xu-qian
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  299-0304. 
Abstract ( 1444 )  
Effects of treatment and storage methods, including refrigerating, freezing, freezedrying, oven drying and air-drying on the partitioning patterns of metals in surficial sediments, were investigated through the modified sequential extraction procedure. The results showed that there were different affections for the partitioning patterns of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb by the five methods, and the effect of the five methods on partitioning pattern of Fe (<3.3%) was found lowest among the metals of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb, and Mn the highest (up to 10.2%);The lowest effect of the methods on partitioning patterns of all the metals was the freeze-drying (<4.6%). It was also observed that the effects of oven drying and air-drying on distribution of Cu, Zn and Pb in exchangeable fractions (Ⅰ+Ⅱ) or non-residual fractions (Ⅰ-Ⅴ) were higher compared to the other three treatment methods. Thus, it was concluded that the method of freeze-drying was the most suitable treatment and storage method while investigating the partitioning pattern and bioavailability of metals in surficial sediments.
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Adsorption of Pb2+ by Filamentous Green Algae in Fresh Water
CHENG Dong-xiang,LI Xu-qian,LI Hong-yan,CHEN Ming-fa,YIN Da-ju,ZHENG Wei
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  305-0308. 
Abstract ( 1527 )  
Through the lab study on Pb2+ in water adsorbed by green algae in fresh water,such as stigeoclonium, cladophora and spirogyra, it opens out the adsorbing relationship between green algae and Pb2+ and the main influence factors. The experiment showed that the green algae in fresh water had a strong adsorption on plumbum, and the adsorptive efficiency would be 40% when pH was 4,the temperature reached 28℃ and the 2 g algae adsorbed the 20 mL liquor which contained Pb2+ of 100 mg/L.
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Pretreatment of Sorbic Acid Wastewater by Method of Three-Dimensional-Electrode
ZHAO Wen-sheng, DENG Xi-bin, ZHAO Yong-sheng, ZHANG Feng-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  309-0312. 
Abstract ( 1523 )  
The method of three-dimensional-electrode was used to study the pretreatment of sorbic acid wastewater. The operational parameters that affected the efficiencies of the wastewater treatment were discussed, including electrode material, applied voltage, pH value, electrolysis time, and so on. The experimental results showed that the removal ratio of COD reached to 48% and the BOD/COD increased to 0.40, when the voltage was 20 V, the working electrodes distance was 11 cm, the electrolysis time was 20-30 min, the pH value of wastewater was 4.0±0.2, under the condition of stainless steel as anode, graphite as cathode and cylindrical activated carbon as particle.
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PHEs’ Vertical Distribution and Migration in Soils in Zhangshi Irrigated Area
SUN Da-zhi,LI XU-qian,SHANG Shu-bo,PAN Xiao-feng
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  313-0318. 
Abstract ( 1576 )  
The rule and mechanism that total organic carbon, clay content and soil water content affected PHEs’ vertical distribution and migration were shown by testing and analyzing soil samples from vadose zone and aquifer in the typical environment district-Zhangshi irrigated area. The research of representative sampling spots indicated that the tend of the total content of PHEs decreased generally with the depth of the profile section; while that of upper soil varied slowly from 5 cm to 20 cm beyond the plough pan.Then,the relationship between PHEs and total organic carbon, clay content and water content was analyzed separately by two variable correlation analysis, and the findings calculated by Pearson coefficient demonstrated that the total organic carbon, clay content were the important factors influencing the PHEs’ vertical distribution and migration, but soil water content was neglected. SPSS factor analysis is further used to ensure that total organic carbon is the key factor which limits the PHEs vertical distribution.
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Shanghai Estuarine and Coastal Wetlands Change Analysis Based on Remote Sensing and GIS
LI Gui-dong,ZHOU Yun-xuan,TIAN Bo,LIU Zhi-guo,ZHENG Zong-sheng
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  319-0323. 
Abstract ( 1986 )  
Taking into consideration of the information of vegetation zoning, reflectance spectral signatures of land cover and field investigations, the estuarine and coastal wetland distribution information of Shanghai region is extracted from multiple Landsat-5 TM images on the basis of the determination of pixel threshold for land cover classification. With ArcGIS, spatial data of the wetlands both of tidal flat and terrain beneath water are integrated. Therefore the wetlands distribution in the past and present and changes are analyzed. Results show that the reclamation of the wetlands kept an increased trend for the past 15 years. Although the tidal flat still grows, the deposition speed obviously decreases and it does not catch up with the reclamation activities. Thus the size of wetlands of middle to high elevation has a decreasing tendency.
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Method of Quickly Locating Polarizable Body from TDIP Data
HAN Jiang-tao, LIU Guo-xing, LIU Wei
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  324-0329. 
Abstract ( 1491 )  
Window curve method, a simple method to quickly locate a polarizable body from time-domain induced polarization (TDIP) method is addressed. In the method, the shape and depth of a polarizable body can be calculated from the horizontal derivatives of TDIP abnormal. And window curves can be generated from the functions of different shape factor and depth. From the cross point of different window curves, a final shape factor and depth information of a polarizable body can be estimated. The method has been applied to theoretical data with or without noise, as well as experiment and field data. The results shows that the derived shape and top buried depth of abnormal body agrees well with the known information. The relative error between the interpretation results and the theoretical values is basically less than 10%.
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Application of Electromagnetic Method in Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness Measurement
GUO Jing-xue, SUN Bo, CUI Xiang-bin,TIAN Gang
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  330-0335. 
Abstract ( 1459 )  
The authors present an electromagnetic(EM) technique which can efficiently measure the sea ice thickness. Due to the rather large resisitivity contrast between sea ice and water, EM method can readily determine the distance between EM antenna and ice/water interface. And after subtracting the height of EM antenna from sea ice surface, the sea ice thickness can be estimated. A formula to estimate the apparent conductivity and sea ice thickness has been obtained after the correlation analysis of the EM apparent conductivity and drill-hole data. The sea ice thickness estimated by the formula agrees well with drill data. Application of the method to an Antarctic test shows that the level ice distribution in the Antarctic Neila Fjord ranges from 0.8 m to 1.4 m in the summer of 2005-2006.
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Ray-Tracing of Wavefront Construction by Bicubic Convolution Interpolation
HAN Fu-xing,SUN Jian-guo,YANG Hao
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  336-0340. 
Abstract ( 1472 )  
To overcome the problems of the interpolation of the velocity and velocity derivative on non-grid during wavefront construction, a more accurate interpolation algorithm, called bicubic convolution interpolation, has been presented. Numerical results show that the interpolation method can get more accurate rays. And comparing with the double 3-order polynomial interpolation method, the velocity and velocity derivative on non-grid in wavefront construction can be computed more accurate and faster by the bicubic interpolation method.
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Array Acoustic Logging Signal Analysis Based on the Local Correlation Energy
WANG Zhu-wen,LIU Jing-hua,NIE Chun-yan
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  341-0346. 
Abstract ( 1632 )  
A new time-frequency signal analysis method, Rihaczek distribution, based on local correlation distribution of signal energy between time and frequency domains is proposed. The distribution has an evident physical significance. This method was provided with the abilities to distinguish and identify different kinds of lithologies and structural responses. And the Rihaczek distributions of array acoustic logging signal have evident differences for different rocks and structural fractures zones. Using the corresponding pattern recognition method, the lithologies and structures can be distinguished and identified effectively.
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Application of GPR in Active Fault Detection
XUE Jian, JIA Jian-xiu,HUANG Hang,YI Bing,ZHANG Liang-huai,ZHANG Yu
J4. 2008, 38 (2):  347-0350. 
Abstract ( 1650 )  
GPR method has been used to detect active faults under shallow overlay. The best parameters of data gathering and optimal processing procedure of the method have been obtained through experiments. The upper conformation and the depth of the top broken points of active faults, as well as the soil structure, can be revealed from the final GRP profiles. With the help of logging information, the activity of active faults can be analyzed and estimated through the GPR profile comprehensive analyzation of the Quaternary structure and the layer position of the top brokenpoints of active faults.
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