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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 July 2006, Volume 36 Issue 04
Geochemical Characteristics of the AluminumEnriched Spinels in Xenoliths from the Upper Mantle Shear Belt in Yitong,Northeastern China
JIA Dacheng, XING Lixin, PAN Jun, M. J. van Bergen, H. van Roermund
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  497-502. 
Abstract ( 1292 )  
The lherzolite, wehrlite and pyroxenolite are three main kinds of xenoliths in Yitong upper mantle shear belt, Northeastern China. Spinels in the xenoliths are characterized by aluminumenriched in compositions. The spinels in pyroxenite xenoliths are aluminum spinel with higher Al content and lower Cr content and green in color in thin sections. Compared with it, the spinels in lherzolite and wehrlite xenoliths are aluminumenriched chrome spinel with relatively lower Al content and higher Cr content and brown in color in thin sections. The color of the spinels are related to Al,Mg and Cr,Fe contents. The compositions of the spinels in the different xenoliths have their own variable ranges and have some correlations one another. The obvious negative correlations between Mg# and Cr#,Mg# and Fe2+, Cr and Al, and the positive correlation between Mg# and Al# reflect that those spinels were derived from a same source and have relationships in genesis. The differentiation between Al and Cr is obvious in the processes of partial melting and crystallization. The variations basically obey the relation of octahedral Cr[CD*2]Al substitution in the solid[CD*2]solution condition. Differences in the spinel compositions may be the results of differentiation in the processes of partial melting and crystallization and ion substitution in the solid[CD*2]solution.
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Mantle Fluid’s Action in the Processes of Petrogenesis of Alkalic Porphyry and Associated Mineralizations,Western Yunnan, China-Constraint of Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry
LIU Xian-fan, SONG Xiang-feng, LU Qiu-xia, TAO Zhuan, LONG Xun-rong
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  503-510. 
Abstract ( 2285 )  
There are welldeveloped alkalirich porphyry polymetallic deposits in the eastern Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan fault, western Yunnan. The alkalirich porphyries in the region have been discovered containing deep xenoliths.The studies on the geochronology for deep xenoliths, their host alkalic porphyries and mineralizing quartz viens show that the diagenetic age of the deep xenoliths are older than that of their host alkalic porphyry, and the alkalic porphyry’s diagenesis and associated mineralization are almost same in age. Combined with the studies of Pb-Si-Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry, it is indicated that during the period of alkalic magma diagenisis the alkalic porphyry and its country rocks were suffered metasomatic alteration by the siliconrich mineralizing fluids which were contaminated with crustal rocks, meanwhile, the ore deposits were formed. The mineralizing process of the siliconrich fluids is essentially a continuation of the mantle fluid metasomatism during mineralizing processes in the crust. The mineral crystalline age (116.0 Ma) of the mantle fluid metasomatism and the age (51.2 Ma) of the siliconrich mineralizing fluid suggest that the mantle fluid had been active through the whole processe of the alkalic magma diagenism and associated mineralization. The mantle fluid resulted in the concentrations of Si, Al, Na, K, Siincompatible elements and ore elements, and the transition of Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry from depleted mantle to enriched mantle,and the high temperature mineralization in the porphyry and the low temperature mineralization in the country rocks. The action of the mantle fluid is not only an internal constraint to wide spread Cenozoic mineralization but also an important geochemical background for the formation of large and superlarge deposits in the western Yunnan, China.
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The Relationships between Geological and Geochemical Variables at Shancheng Gold Deposit in Jiaodong Area
ZENG Dao-ming, JI Hong-jin, CHEN Man,HU Da-qian, ZHU Yong-zheng
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  511-515. 
Abstract ( 1696 )  
In order to study the orecontrolling factors and to prospect the hidden ore bodies at Shancheng gold deposit in Jiaodong Area, the relationships between geological and geochemical variables are revealed by using Rmode factor and cluster analyses. Meanwhile, a method called orderreverse transform is developed to solve the problem that the negative correlation between variables can not be shown in cluster analysis. The results show that the mineralization of chalcopyrite and nervate pyrite, associations of Au, Ag, Cu and As, Sb, Hg are related, and are controlled by the lengthways undulation of the main structure surface in this deposit; and that the thick quartz vein, the mineralization of siderite and granule pyrite, associations of Pb, Ba and Co, Ni are related, and are controlled by the dip undulation of the main structure surface. These results are consistent with geological conclusions, but its studying processes are more convenient and rapid.
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The Discussions on Some Problems of Sandstone Type Uranium Ore by Using Uranium Isotopes
LIU Jin-hui, SUN Zhan-xue, SHI Wei-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  516-520. 
Abstract ( 1679 )  
Based on the studies of uranium isotope characteristics in the front of ore roll and uraniumbearing layer in the 512 deposits, the forming processes and ore prospecting markers of uranium isotopes are discussed. The results indicate that the forming process of the sandstone type uranium deposit is a multiphase rolling dynamic process from oxidation to reduction environment. The uranium ore body is mainly located in the sector Ⅲ. It is reasonable that the sector A should be named as the geochemical conflict sector according to the distributions of uranium isotope samples in the different oxidation-reduction zones and rolling features of forming process of the ore body.
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Composition of Oxygen Isotopes and Discussion on the Formation of Changkeng Au-Ag Deposit, Guangdong Province
ZHUANG Wen-ming, CHEN Guo-neng, LIN Xiao-ming, PENG Zhuo-lun, MA Hao-ming
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  521-526. 
Abstract ( 1605 )  
Oxygen isotope analyses of the samples collected systemically from six bores of the 16th prospecting line of Changkeng goldsilver deposit indicate that the δ18O values of rock increase from the deeper silver ore body to the shallower gold ore body and from the center of ore body to the wall rock, which consistent with the decreasing of alteration intensity of the wall rocks. Combining with the zoning characteristics of the oreforming elements clarified by the insitu melting hypothesis of granite formation in recent years, it is suggested that the Changkeng deposit should be a hydrothermal deposit, the hydrothermal fluids likely came from the concealed granite in the southern part of the region, and it is possible to find out lead, zinc and copper deposits below the silver ore body.
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Geological Features and the Rule of Oil and Gas Accumulation of UrxunBeier Depression in Hailaer Basin
LIU Zhi-hong,WAN Chuan-biao,REN Yan-guang, LI Chun-bai, ZHANG Hong,LIU Hang-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  527-534. 
Abstract ( 1866 )  
Urxun-Beier depression in Hailaer Basin is the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin located in the Paleozoic orogenic belt in Inner Mongolia-Daxing’anling area. Based on the sequence stratigraphic theory and sporopollen assemblages, stratigraphic sequences of the Lower Cretaceous have been recognized from bottom to up as: Xing’anling Group, Tongbomiao Formation, Nantun Formation, Damoguaihe Formation, Yimin Formation. The four structural belts with different directions are found in the area. The faults with NE, NEE and NS trends formed earlier with longterm activity, and control on the basin evolution; the faults with NW trend formed later and overprinted on the early structures. The structures of the area experienced four deformation stages in the Cretaceous period, which controlled on the migration, accumulation and distribution of oil and gas, and the later structures destroyed or reformed the earlier oil and gas accumulation. The unconformity within the area is an important migration pathway and good reservoir of oil and gas. The four structural belts with different trends and unconformities are the favorable zones for oil and gas accumulation in Urxun-Beier depression.
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Geochemical Characteristics and Origin of Oil and Its Source Rocks in the ShallowMiddle Level:A Case Study of Tangjiahe Oil Field
GAO Yuqiao1, LIU Li, LIAO Qian-jin, SUN Xiao-ming, TENG Yun
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  535-542. 
Abstract ( 1786 )  
According to the geochemistry analyses such as carbon isotope, chromatogram and chromatogrammass spectrum of crude oil from the main layers in shallowmiddle level and their source rocks from all layers in Tangjiahe oil field, δ13C and appropriate biological marker parameters, e.g. G/C30H,O/C30H,Ts/Tm,ααRC27/C29,ααRC28/C29,C3122S/(S+R),C2920S/(S+R) are chosen to correlate oil and its source rocks. It is indicated that crude oil in the layers of shallowmiddle level is derived not from Member 1 of the Shahejie Formation and the Dongying Formation, but from Member 3 and Member 2 of Shahejie Formation in the deep level. In view of a little thickness and limited oilforming potential of source rock of Member 2 of the Shahejie Formation, the source rock in Member 3 of the Shahejie Formation is considered as the main source of oil and gas.
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Analysis of Metallogenic Conditions of InSitu Leachable Sandstone Type Uranium Deposit in the Southeastern Margin of Songliao Basin
YU Wen-bin, DONG Qing-shui, ZOU Ji-bin, FENG Ben-zhi
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  543-548. 
Abstract ( 2320 )  
The analyses of the sedimentary facies, rock geochemistry and reformation after the sedimentation from the Upper Cretaceous Quantou Formation to Nenjiang Formation indicate that the beneficial sandbodies of the uranium deposit are mainly Quantou Formation’s braided channel and Qingshankou Formation’s delta sandstone types. By summarizing and analyzing the geological setting, uranium source, paleoclimate, hydrology, lithologiclithofacies conditions in the region, it is indicated that the Quantou Formation in Fanjiatun-Jiutai area and the Qingshankou Formation in Yangdachenzi area are potential metallogenic prospective areas for insitu leachable sandstone type uranium deposit in the region, which develop braided channel or delta marginal sandstones, and possess favorable forming conditions of interlayer oxidation zone, and constituting supply-passage-discharge system of abundant uranium source.
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Study on Eustatic SeaLevel Change Rule in Cambrian-Ordovician in Tarim Basin
GAO Zhi-qian, FAN Tai-liang, LI Yan, LIU Wu-hong, CHEN Yu-lin
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  549-556. 
Abstract ( 1769 )  
The eustatic sealevel change rule has been studied by using element geochemistry feature and seismic geometric configuration feature in the Cambrian-Ordovician in Tarim Basin, and the comparative sealevel change curve has been obtained, which can be divided into three firstgrade cycles, eight secondgrade cycles, seventeen thirdgrade cycles and more high frequency concussion cycles in the Cambrian-Ordovician in Tarim Basin. There occurred the secondgrade eustatic sealevel change cycle three times during Cambrian and two times during the early Ordovician, and the extent of the sealevel rise in the early Ordovician is higher than that in Cambrian. In the middlelate Ordovician there occurred the secondgrade eustatic sealevel change cycle three times, and the first time occurred at low system tract of sea level with small rise extent of the sealevel, but the sealevel rapidly reached the highest water level state in the later two times. The eustatic sealevel change controls on the basin sediment infilling and sequence formation evolution. The cyclicity of the sealevel changes are corresponded with the cyclicity of the basin sedimentation, and are represented by the sedimentary facies evolutions.
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Types of Sedimentary Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy, Early Cretaceous in Tanzhuang-Shenqiu Depression of Zhoukou Sag
KONG Qing-ying,CHENG Ri-hui,HU Yan-fei
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  557-562. 
Abstract ( 1671 )  
Early Cretaceous terrestrial lake sediments of Zhoukou Sag mostly deposited in Tanzhuang-Shenqiu depression during the stages of Shangshui, Yongfeng and Bacun. The main sedimentary facies can be recognized including alluvial fan, fan delta, shallow lacustrine and deep lacustrine. It is divided into three sequences,being a supper sequence controlled by tectonics. The development of those sequences was controlled directly by lake level variation. Evolution of the sequences reflects that the area had gone through three lake level changes, and tectonics controlled the sequence changes.
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Application of Fractal Theory on the Fracture Prediction in the Buried Hill of Bed Rock in Beier Depression
SU Yu-ping, LVYan-fang, FU Xiao-fei, FU Guang, LIANG Yu-jie
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  563-569. 
Abstract ( 1543 )  
Both fault and fracture are the cracks with different relative displacements and broken extents, and are formed in the same stress field. They are complex anomalistic object of selfconformability, so it is possible to study them by the fractal theory. Based on the studies on the planar fractal distribution of the faults on top of the buried hill of the Budate Group in the Beier depression and the vertical fractal character of the fractures in the cores of the Budate Group from the buried hill, an quantificational relation between them has been established and applied in forecasting favorable fracturedeveloped area to offer an new method to predict fracture. The forecast results show that the higher the information dimension of faults is, the higher that of fractures is, where the information dimension of fracture is more than 1.4 is the favorable fracturedeveloped area.
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Evaluation of Lake Water Quality Based on Classification Algorithms of Support Vector Machines
XU Hong-min, YANG Tian-xing
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  570-573. 
Abstract ( 1725 )  
Support vector machines (SVM) were developed from the machine learning theory of small samples based on statistical learning theory (SLT) by Vapnik et al, which were originally designed for binary classification problems. It can solve smallsample learning problems better by using structural risk minimization in place of experiential risk minimization. Moreover, SVM can convert a nonlinear learning problem into a linear learning problem in order to reduce the algorithm complexity by using the kernel function concept. A multiclass classification method of SVM is applied to lake water quality assessment. A case study shows that the method is reliable in the classification and evaluation of lake water quality.
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The Design and Realization of Groundwater Resources and Geological Environment Information System Based on ArcGIS Engine
ZHANG Wei-hong, ZHAO Yong-sheng, DI Zhi-qiang,GUO Xiao-dong, ZHANG Wen-jing, ZHANG Nan
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  574-577. 
Abstract ( 1889 )  
On the basis of the project of China Geological Survey,Northeast groundwater resources and geological environment information system was developed with advanced ArcGIS Engine and Visual Basic.NET. The system can integrate the spatial database and attributive database. It supplies the function of spatial data analysis, inquiring in map and data, providing diagram automatically, linking multimedia information and others,which makes it possible to server for regional geology, water resources and ecoenvironment studying, management and decision.
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Study on Contaminants Attenuation Rule of Landfill Leachate in Pollution Plume
HAN Rong, ZHAO Yong-sheng, DONG Jun, LIU Ying-ying, LI Zhi-bin, ZONG Fang
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  578-582. 
Abstract ( 1524 )  
A soil column is constructed to investigate temporal and spatial transportation and transformation rule of landfill leachate pollutants in pollution plume, and to study the biogeochemistry mechanisms of the pollutants attenuation in the landfill leachate plumes. Experimental results indicated that in the pollution plume of landfill leachate, the concentration of TOC decreased with the distance, and its removal efficiency was up to 99.87% in the initial phase. The concentration of TOC increased with time and its removal efficiency in the final phase is only 55.21%. TOC is easy to transport. The spatial change of ammonium was familiar with that of TOC in the initial phase; its removal efficiency could be up to 99.58%. However, in the final phase, the concentration of ammonium increased first and then declined with the distance. The concentration of ammonium increased with time, but its transport ability is less than that of TOC. The removal efficiency of ammonium in the final phase reached 90.12%.
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Fractal Structure of Granularity Composition of Soil in Roadbed in Seasonal Frost Regions
ZHAO An-ping, WANG Qing, LI Yang
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  583-587. 
Abstract ( 1817 )  
There were three groups soil as research objects, which came from Changchun-Siping A road, Changchun-Songyuan A road and some road in north of Changchun, many tests were done in lab and many datum were gotten. According to these tests and datum to fractal theory,discuss fractal structure of granularity composition of soil in roadbed, compute fractal dimensions and look on it as one index of soil granularity component,discuss relations between fractal dimensions and soil heave form, soil freeze capacity. Researches discover: soil is easy to form original heave when fractal dimensions are bigger, and its freeze capacity is smaller. Whereas, it easy to form segregate heave and freeze capacity is bigger. The regression relationship between fractal dimension and physical and mechanical property of soil indicates that fractal dimension characterizes the soil engineering geological features.
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A Test Research on Longitudinal Wave Velocity of Artificial Frozen Clay Under Different Temperature and Moisture Conditions
PAN Dian-qi,ZHANG Zu-pei,PAN Dian-cai,CHEN Yi-min,XU Rui
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  588-591. 
Abstract ( 1682 )  
Using SYC-2 type supersonic wave test instrument and 20 kHz energy transducer, the authors are able to measure the longitudinal wave velocity of frozen silty clay under different temperature and moisture conditions. Experiment results show that the velocity increases as frozen temperature decreasing in general when moisture is kept constant. The velocitytemperature curve has two turning points, which appear at -7℃ and 20℃ , respectively. The former indicates the velocity increasing and the latter is the indication of a faster velocity increasing. Fixing the frozen temperature, the velocity and strength of the frozen clay show a decreasing trend as moisture increasing. 20% moisture is the velocity changing turning point. When the moisture content is larger than 24% , the wave velocity increases gently.
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Distributions of Simultaneously Extracted Metals(SEM) and Its Implication for Bioavailability in the Jiaojiang Estuary of Zhejiang
YE Si-yuan, ZHOU Yong-qing, DING Xi-gui
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  592-598. 
Abstract ( 1139 )  
Three undisturbed cores were sampled from the tidal zone of Jiaojiang estuary of Zhejiang in the May of 2003. The study mainly focused on acid volatil sulphide (AVS) and simultaeously extracted metals (SEM) by using cold HCl extruction techniques to digest each sample, and by the iodine method to measure AVS and by ICP-MS(or ICP-AES) to measure trace metals (or Fe). The formation processes has been analysed for sediment profiles of trace metals at high tide, midst tide and low tide land. Futhermore, the chemical activtity and bioavailability of trace metals in various tidal zones have been evaluated based on the molar ratio of SEM-Me/AVS. The results suggest that the layer with the ratio of SEM-Me/AVS more than 1 is thiner than 6cm at high tidal or low tidal land, which indicate that the trace metals appear to be of less reactive or unbioavailability, and is thick (around 26 cm) at the midst tide land, which suggest that the trace metals are more reactive or bioavailability. Moreover, there is an organic carbon highly riched layer in the upmost sediments (it may be several millimetre).
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Fractionation and Its Affecting Factors of Nickel in Tea Garden Soils
XIE Zhong-lei, YANG Bai-ling, BAO Guo-zhang,DONG De-ming
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  599-604. 
Abstract ( 1700 )  
The pollution situation and fractionation of nickel in tea garden soils as well as the relationships between nickel fraction and total content of nickel and soil properties were studied by collecting the natural tea garden soils from 13 tea gardens located in main tea areas of China. The results showed that: some of the tea garden soils were polluted with nickel to some extent; the distribution of chemical fractions of nickel in the tea garden soils was residual>exchangeable>FeMn oxides>organic>carbonate; the contents of the others except for exchangeable increased significantly with increases of the total contents of nickel in the soils; carbonate, FeMn oxides and residual increased significantly with the rising of soil pH, however, the exchangeable decreased but not significantly; only FeMn oxides decreased obviously with the organic content, the others increased or decreased but not significantly; carbonate, organic and residual were all increasing significantly with cation exchangeable capacity increased; all of the fractions increased with the clay content but only residual was significant.
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Effects of RTD on NH4-N Removal of Inner Loop ThreePhase Biological Fluidized Bed Reactor
JIANG Nan, MA Xiao-fan, WANG He-li
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  605-608. 
Abstract ( 1466 )  
Hydraulic Residence Time Distributions (RTDs) in an inner loop threephase biological fluidized bed reactor were measured under different flow regimes using pulse stimulusresponse technique method. The number of tankinseries measured was approximately 1 in aerobic area of the reactor, therefore the reactor can be seen as a Continued Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). By comparing different Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT), the authors found that at HRT of 1.5 h, the capacity usage reached the optimum level. Meanwhile the maximum NH4-N removal efficiency, more than 90%, was also obtained when HRT was 1.5 h The results validates the reliability of RTD test and provides the basis of sizing and scaling up of the reactor.
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The Application of the SelfOrganizing Feature Map Neural Network in Testing the El Nino Event
LIN Ding, LIU Wei, ZHANG Zhi-guo
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  609-612. 
Abstract ( 1462 )  
The causes of the El Nino events was analyzed. The selforganizing feature map (SOFM) neural network forecasting model was built up according to the numbers of the earthquakes, the conditions of solareclipses and average of seatemperature in 1973~1994 with the method of the SOFM network and examines the El Nino events happened in 1995~2000. Its accuracy rate is 83.3%.
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Treatment of Synthetic Dying Wastewater with Immobilized Biological Activated Carbon
ZOU Dong-lei,YUAN Jing-min, ZHAO Xiao-bo, YUAN Wen-shuang, YANG Zhong-ping
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  613-615. 
Abstract ( 1561 )  
Synthetic dying wastewater was treated by immobilized biological activated carbon in multistage baffled bioreactor. The water quality of effluent was stable and peptide bond of alkenes was shorted. The CODCr removal ratio and BOD5 removal ratio were 96.46% and 99.77%. The removal ratio of total sulfate radical and magnesium ion exceeded 80.37% and 78.66%. Volumetric loading rate of baffled reactor reached 2.8 kg COD/(d•m3). The treatment effect wasn’t impacted after the biological immobilized of activated carbon, further more the service life of activated carbon was prolonged greatly. Immobilized biological activated carbon could afford shock loading and recover soon.
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The Calculation and Study of Petrophysical Property Interfaces and Their Deep Structural Feature in Tianjin Area
JIAO Xin-hua,CHEN Hua-ran,WU Yan-gang,FAN Mei-ning
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  616-621. 
Abstract ( 1507 )  
The density and magnetic interfaces have been gained from the calculation based on gravity and magnetic data in Tianjin area. The result show that the interface, whose average depth is about 6.5 km deep under earth’s surface, is coincident with the relief of Cenozoic era surface in this area. So the viewpoint is taken shape that the strata have been formed steady and continuously since beginning of the Cenozonic era; There has been the activity of igneous rock obviously in south by west of the area. Combining the analysis and study on magnetic interface ,the authors think that the crust structure here is controlled by “a pile up slopes poker face to face”, which is a accepted as the growth model of Bohai gulf basin widely; There is a deepmajor fault along northeast in west of the area. Its extension in deep is to southeastward which coincides in most of the faults in this area. More attention should pay to the activity of this fault.
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A NMO Method Adapted to Deep Seismic Reflection in Orogenic Belt
WANG Hai-yan,GAO Rui,XUE Ai-min,ZHAO Yu-lian,WANG Li-li
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  622-626. 
Abstract ( 1614 )  
The authors introduce many NMO methods and analyse their advantages and disadvantages in allusion to disadvantages. According to the elevation NMO method that Liu brought forward, the authors actualize a NMO method based on surface, which considers synchronously rugged topography and varied velocity near surface. At the same time processing theoretical and practical data,the authors certifis the NMO method based on surface is available and effective in data processing,and obtain better effect in processing deep seismic reflection data of orogenic belts.
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Numerical Simulation for Seismic Exploration with Vibrator
WANG Zhong-ren, CHEN Zu-bin, JIANG Tao, ZHANG Lin-hang
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  627-630. 
Abstract ( 1893 )  
The authors perform the numerical simulation for 2D seismic exploration with a vibrator which produces a Chirp signal,translate the reflective Chirp seismic signals into pulse seismic signals with correlation processing technique so as to form a correlation seismogram section, and compare the correlation seismogram section with a synthetic seismogram section produced by a pulse source. In correlation seismogram section, the position corresponding maximum absolute value of event waveform indicates real position information of an interface. Correlation seismogram section possesses higher resolution than the synthetic seismogram section with the pulse source. Tapering the sweep signal can partially reduce the side lobes of reflective seismic signals in correlation seismogram section.
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Analytical Recursion Scheme Method of the Nonlinear Earthquake Response Analysis of One-Dimension Soil Layer
GAN Yang,LI Fan,LI Da-hua
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  631-635. 
Abstract ( 1616 )  
A digital algorithmanalytical recursion scheme method for the structural dynamics to solve the earthquake response problem of the soft clay foundation is put forwarded. From the outcomes of the research, the analytical recursion scheme method can obtain more accurate calculating results. It is a general numerical algorithm in nonlinear vibration problem, especially suits for the seismic response analysis of soft clay foundation. For onedimension earthquake response analysis of soft clay foundation, a more sufficient comparison is taken between the analytical recursion scheme method and the equivalent linear method for the result of account in manifold ground. The outcomes show: (1) In the soft soil seismic response analysis, the difference between these two methods is relatively greater;(2) When the value of the inputting earthquake waves are greater, the difference between these two methods is relatively greater; (3)For the medium hardness soil layer earthquake waves was stronger, the two methods got similar results. The validity of the proposed analysis method and computer program has been verified.
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An ObjectOriented 3D Vector Data Model for Subsurface Modeling
HAN Li-tao, ZHU Qing
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  636-641. 
Abstract ( 1466 )  
According to the 3D spatial continuity of subsurface space and requirements of interactive modification and analysis in the process of modeling, an new 3D vector data model for subsurface modeling is proposed. Objectoriented method is adopted to represent all kinds of subsurface spatial objects and important topological connective relations among geometric primitives and spatial objects are well maintained by segment primitives and topological faces, which benefits the implementation of analytical algorithms such as cutting, excavating, topological query and so on. This 3D spatial data model has a good performance in data storage, spatial query and rapid rendering, and can be applied to modeling underground space.
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Study of ObjectOriented Based Remote Sensing Image Classification
YANG Chang-bao,DING Ji-hong
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  642-646. 
Abstract ( 2040 )  
A limitation in efficiently applying image classification is often represented by the spatial resolution of the image. By merging the multi resolution remote sensing image, importing the object oriented based idea, it effectively renewed the low resolution problem of multispectral images. This method was made up of a series of image segmentation and classification technique. First, the orthograph revised SPOT image was segmented by applying a regionbased segmentation algorithm. Based this reference map, TM image was classified using the maximum likelihood classifier and additional empirical rules. Finally, the resulting land cover map was tested for accuracy and gained some effects.
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Design of the FeatureBased ObjectOriented Data Model and Implementation of Prototype System for a Virtual GIS
FU Zhe,ZHOU Yun-xuan, LIU Dian-wei, LIU Wan-song
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  647-652. 
Abstract ( 1534 )  
On the basis of data models that are applied in the fields of CAD, virtual reality and simulations, a new featurebased objectoriented data model for virtual GIS is initiated, in which featurebased modeling techniques and objectoriented approaches are applied. With Oracle ORDB management model an objectoriented virtual GIS database framework is thus established. Making use of the new data model, a Client/Server structured virtual GIS prototype system is implemented.
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A Study of MDABased GIS Applied System Development
ZHOU Dong-dai,YE Yu-xin,HU Guang-dao,CAI Hai-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  653-658. 
Abstract ( 1512 )  
MDA is a new way of applied system analysis and design,which does not depend on infrastructure platforms, through defining models and driving transformation among models. The authors introduce a new GIS development method based on MDA. Using this method, developers can make modeling, model transaction behavior and elements of specific domain crossing different GIS platforms, and focus on application regardless of the characteristics of GIS platforms. The authors also presents principles and methods of building platform independent models through establishing domain models and general GIS models, and mapping platform independent model to platform specific model based on UML Profile, as well as the way of generating software codes from platform specific models using model developing tools.
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The Preparation and Characterization of the Kaolin-Hydrazine Intercalation Complex
LI Xian-zhou,LIU Yan,LIU Li-hua,NING Wei-kun,FAN Hai
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  659-662. 
Abstract ( 1405 )  
With natural mineral kaolinite as raw material, 50% hydration hydrazine as intercalation chemicals, the authors intercalated hydrazine molecules (NH2-NH2)between the layers of Kaolinite successfully by direct liquid intercalation,stirring at the same time,and prepared the hydrazine-kaolin intercalation complex material. The product was characterized by the infrared reflectance spectroscopy and the granularity analyse apparatus . The IR spectrum indicate, the new hydrogen bondings was formed in the N-H-OH interaction between the N-H in the hadrazine molecules from intercalation chemicals and the hydroxypyzidone(-OH) in the inner surface of kaolin. The average particle size of the products has increased by 46.84%,and the percent for the particles which radius is less than 5 micron has decreased 10.55%.
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Influence of Alkali’s Activation on the Types of Zeolite Synthesized from Fly Ash
MA Ming-yan, ZHANG Dong-li, WANG Yu-jie,HU Da-qiang, ZHU Huai-zhi, JIANG Yin-shan
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  663-667. 
Abstract ( 1687 )  
Zeolite Y, P and HS were synthesized hydrothermally from flyash which has a higher SiO2/Al2O3 ratio. The influence of alkali’s activation conditions, including baking method, alkalinity and NaOH/flyash mass ratio on synthetic zeolite was investigated. XRD analysis shows that the type, granularity and relative content of synthetic zeolite were affected by these factors. Baking in a short time twice at 620℃ can improve activation effect. And zeolite P was synthesized in lower alkalinity and NaOH/flyash mass ratio condition, while zeolite HS was synthesized in higher alkalinity and NaOH/flyash mass ratio condition. The synthetic condition of zeolite Y was between them. The synthetic products have high crystallinity, purity and cation exchange capability.
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Effect of Natural Zeolite Supports for Photoactive TiO2 During the Photodegradation Process
MU Bai-lin,LI Fang-fei,HOU Tian-yi,SUN Shen-mei,WANG Ying-wei,ZU Sheng-nan
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  668-672. 
Abstract ( 1297 )  
The porous natural zeolites have been employed as the TiO2 supports, and the photocatalytic process of TiO2/zeolite on methyl orange (MO) has been studied. The interface mechanism between the TiO2 and the natural zeolite has been discussed, and the change of the kinetic process before and after TiO2 loading has been studied for the first time. The “super reaction area” model has been brought out for liquid system, in order to explain the photocatalytic process of the TiO2/zeolite system. The AFM, IR and spectra analysis, a certain amount of TiO2 combined with natural zeolite by Ti-O-Si or Ti-O-Al chemical bond. At the initial stage of photcatalytic degradation (PCD) of MO, the addition of nature zeolite supports have made the initial reaction change from original poor “adsorption controlled” process to the “reaction controlled” process. Since all of the reaction rates of TiO2/zeolite are higher than the pure TiO2 powder, it’s obvious that the zeolite supports have enhanced the rate of the slower adsorption process resulting in the increase of the initial reaction rate R0. The firstorder reaction rate k1 shows that no matter what kind of process controlled the PCD process at the initial stage the whole process of PCD must be an adsorption controlling process undoubtedly because of the proliferating of the medial product.
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Study on Adsorption of Phenol Using Shredded Tire
FAN Dong-ling,ZHAO Yong-sheng,DONG Jun
J4. 2006, 36 (04):  673-676. 
Abstract ( 1218 )  
It is studied that the feasibility of shredded tire which is recycled from waste tires that will be used in the sewage disposal. The batch adsorption of phenol from aqueous phase under different conditions using shredded tire was investigated. The shredded tire is shown a good sorbent by which phenol can be reduced hugely as a result of adsorption (the phenol remove ratios ranged from70%to 83.19%).It is demonstrated that the removal efficiency is affected obviously by the phenol concentration, temperature, shredded tire size, quantity of shredded tire, which is benefit from low phenol concentration, high temperature, large size of shredded tire; while it is influenced less obviously by the presence of inorganic compound.
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