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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2006, Volume 36 Issue 03
Sequence and Distribution of the Pyroclastic Deposits of the Greatest Eruption of Changbaishan Volcano During the Period of History
LIU Xiang
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  313-318. 
Abstract ( 2104 )  
The recorded 1199~1200 A.D. eruption is the largest among all the Changbaishan volcano eruptions in history. It can be subdivided into two phases of Plinian eruption, the first is named the Chifeng phase and the second the Yuanchi phase. The eruptive pattern of the Chifeng phase is: Plinian column (the Chifeng pumice fall deposits) → pyroclastic flow (the Changbai pyroclastic flow deposits) → lahar (the Erdaobaihe lahar deposits) mainly triggerd by pyroclastic flow. The eruptive pattern of the Yuanchi phase is from Plinian column (the Yuanchi pumice and ash fall deposits) → pyroclastic flow (the Bingchang pyroclastic flow deposits). The total volume of both the first and the second Plinian falls has been estimated at about 120 km3. The bulk volume of the Changbai pyroclastic flow deposits was estimated about 8 km3; that of the Bingchang pyroclastic flow deposits about 0.5 km3 and of the Erdaobaihe lahar deposit about 2 km3. The author deals with mainly the sequence and distribution of the pyroclastic deposits of the 800 a.B.P. eruptions.
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The Relation Between Gold Deposits and Wuduoshan Granite in Eastern Qinling
CHANG Qiu-ling, LU Xin-xiang, LIU Dong-hua, LI Ming-li
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  319-325. 
Abstract ( 2178 )  
The geological setting,deposit features,metallogenetic fluid and the genesis of the gold deposit hosted in the Wuduoshan granite were systematically discussed. The faults controlled the mineralization mainly and connected the deep with the surface by the upward migration of the deepderived auriferous metallogenetic fluids via the fractured zones and by their later precipitation. The host granite and the gold deposit are not directly, but are indirectly associated. This cognition is of great significance in searching the same type of gold deposits.
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Mineralizations in Basalts of the Gejiu Tin Deposit in Yunnan Province
LI Ying-shu,QIN De-xian,DANG Yu-tao,XUE Chuan-dong,TAN Shu-cheng,HONG Tuo
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  326-335. 
Abstract ( 2189 )  
Located in eastern Gejiu area, the Gejiu tin ore deposit is a superlarge polymetallic deposit dominated by tin and copper mineralization and featured by characteristics of the volcanosedimentary ore deposits. Reworked by granites of the Yanshanian epoch, the basalts of the Gejiu Formation underwent intense metamorphism. The authors deal with the geological and geochemical features of the basalt and related mineralization in the area. The results of the research are: The contents of Sn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au in the Indosinian basalt in the area are higher than those in average basalt of the world;The sulfur isotopes of sulfides in the deposits are between -1.5‰ and 4.0‰, similar to those of the mantle; Model ages of lead isotopes of the ores can be divided into two groups: The first group ranges from 180 Ma to 240 Ma, which represents basic volcanosedimentary mineralization of the Indosinian epoch, while the second group ranges from 80 Ma to 140 Ma representing the superimposed mineralization of the Yanshanian granite. It’s believed that the Indosinian basalt provided the oreforming materials for the ore deposit and was directly related to the mineralization in the area.
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Petroginesis of the Carboniferous Qi’eshan Group Volcanic Rocks in the East Tianshan
LI Xiang-min,XIA Lin-qi,XIA Zu-chun,XU Xue-yi,MA Zhong-ping,WANG Li-she
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  336-341. 
Abstract ( 1819 )  
Study on the petrogeochemistry of the volcanic rocks of the Qi’eshan Group in the Nanbeidagou in the Tuwu ore area indicates that a majority of the Qi’eshan Group volcanic rocks belongs to tholeiitic series while minority belongs to calcalkaline series; The Qi’eshan Group volcanic rocks consist of basalt, basaltic andesite, dacite and rhyolite. Studies on REE, trace elements and Sr,Nd isotopic compositions reveal that the Qi’eshan Group volcanic rocks were formed in a continental rift setting; their source region was most likely an asthenospheric mantle with lithosphere mantle involvement; Silicic magmas were derived by fractional crystallization of the basaltic magmas.
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InSitu Raman Study of Olivine Under High Temperature
MA Yan-mei,CUI Qi-liang,ZHOU Qiang,HUANG Wei-jun,LIU Ye,PENG Gang,ZOU Guang-tian
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  342-345. 
Abstract ( 1433 )  
Insitu Raman spectra of olivine have been studied at temperatures 273 K to 1 113 K and at ambient pressure using resistancewire heating.Temperature of the sample was measured by an alumelchromel thermocouple.The Raman study reveals that the Si-O stretching modes above 800 cm-1;the Si-O bending modes between 400 cm-1 and 700 cm-1;SiO4 rotation and metaloxygen translation modes below 400 cm-1.The authors determined the temperature dependences of the Raman bands of olivine and observed for the first time that the Si-O bending modes corresponding to the ambient 541cm-1 band have a weaker temperature effect than other bands.
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Deformation Characteristics of Coals From Qinshui Basin Through Hightemperature and Confining Pressure Experiment
YANG Guang, LIU Jun-lai, MA Rui
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  346-350. 
Abstract ( 1295 )  
Through hightemperature and confining pressure deformation experiments on the five sets of coal samples from the Qinshui Basin, it is clearly seen that the stressstrain intensities of the different coal samples are nearly the same under the conditions of lower temperature and lower pressure and are different under higher temperature and higher pressure. The intensity of higher rank coal such as the No.3 sample is the lowest under certain temperature and pressure (100℃/100 MPa), which might be related to the effect of maceral. The stressstrain intensities of coal samples are negatively related to temperature under hightemperature and highpressure (temperature is larger than 200℃ and pressure is larger than 200 MPa). The stressstrain intensities of coal samples are very low under the conditions of 100℃/100 MPa and 500℃/500 MPa but with intrinsic differences for the two conditions. The stressstrain intensity of coal samples under 100℃/100 MPa condition only represents part of the real intensity of the coal samples when strain (ε) is less than 3% and the persistent stressstrain intensities of coal samples(ε>3%) might show the effect of the confined pressure. But the stressstrain intensity of coal samples under the condition of 500℃/500 MPa is very low, which shows some malleable characteristics of the coal samples resulting from the effect of temperature on the coal samples.
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Carbonate Reservoir Properties in Member 1 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in the Dongxin Oilfield, Shandong Province
GUO Hong-jin, LI Yong, ZHONG Jian-hua, WANG Hai-qiao
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  351-357. 
Abstract ( 1700 )  
Lacustrine carbonate rocks in member 1 of Shahejie Formation consist of biolithitic and oolitic limestone and minor ancylus fluviatilis limestones. Biolithite, made up of stratums with biofragment and fossils, have admirable pervasion ability, in which dissolve pore, organism pore and framework pore play important roles in preserving oil and gas;In general oolitic deposits were formed in shallow and high energy surroundings, and usually the elongate and loop oolites with biogenic cores predominate. As an excellent reservoir rock, oolite limestones have excellent pervasion ability and are incarnated in intergranular pore and inner pore. Rocks of Member 1 of Shahejie Formation were formed by various processes of cementation, dissolution and dolomitization under favorable conditions.
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Research on the Diagenetic Facies of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Western Sichuan Foreland Basin
DU Ye-bo,JI Han-cheng,ZHU Xiao-min
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  358-364. 
Abstract ( 1635 )  
Based on diagenetic analysis, the reservoir of the upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Western Sichuan foreland Basin can be divided into eight types of diagenetic facies such us compactionpressolution facies, carbonate cementation facies, lining chlorite facies, dissolution facies and fracture facies based on single factor. Then the distribution of diagenetic facies of the single factor and their origins are studied based on the analyses of the reservoir’s structure, sedimentation and diagenetic background. Then the comprehensive diagenetic facies of the upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation are suggested also. It is concluded that that the compactionfracturesiliceous cementation facies of the thrust belts and the compactiondissolutionchlorite coating facies of foredeep zones are more favorable for hosting oil.
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Dissolution of Tuff Filling and Its Effects on the Porosity of the Coalformed Gas Reservoir in the Suligemiao Area of the Ordos Basin
ZHANG Fan-qin,WANG Wei-feng,WANG Jian-wei,SUN Fen-jin,LIU Rui-e
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  365-369. 
Abstract ( 1750 )  
The Permian coalformed gas reservoir in the Suligemiao area is characterized by heterogeneity, secondary pore and abundant nonstable tuff fillings. The simulative experiment shows that tuff fillings is obviously dissolved under the acid conditions. And with higher acid concentration, the dissolving ability of tuff fillings is intensive. However, the simulative experiment reflects only the dissolution of tuff fillings under open water environment. But under enclosed burial water environment, because the dissolvable products can not be discharged in time and acid becomes weaker, the dissolution of tuff fillings can not be processed fully and tuff fillings is preserved well. The secondary pores induced by dissolution of tuff fillings may improve the storage capacity of reservoir, but they also destroy the interconnection of reservoir to some extent. This is just the reason why the Permian coalformed gas reservoir under study is heterogeneous and is of very low permeability.
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Formation Mechanism and Mode of Sand Lens Reservoirs
DU Chun-guo, ZOU Hua-yao, SHAO Zhen-jun,ZHANG Jun
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  370-376. 
Abstract ( 2150 )  
The presence of episode compaction/fracturing phenomena of mud rocks and the discovery of boiling fluid inclusions in the sand lens show that the episodic charge mechanism of the overpressure fluids is a predominating cause for the reservoir formation. Based on the migration/accumulation dynamics and mode, on the type of conduit framework and mode of fluid flow and on the formation characteristics, migration/accumulation mechanism and the reservoir formation model, the dynamic types of sand lens reservoirs formation are classified into capillaryoverpressure control and single overpressure control types. The mode of fluid flow is discussed. It is believed that there may be both lateral and vertical flows in the sand lens under the overpressure condition.
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Study on the Source and Migration of Oil and Gases in the Beier Depression in the Hailaer Basin
HUO Qiu-li, WANG Zhen-ying, LI Min,FU Li,FENG Da-chen
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  377-383. 
Abstract ( 1831 )  
Being hydrogenrich (mainly type II) and mature, the mudstone in the Nantun Member in the Beier depression served as the main source rock for oil and gases in the area while the Damoguaihe Member is the secondary source rock. These source rocks are mainly distributed in the western Beier sag and the central Aonaohai sag. Comparison of the crude oils in the Beier depression reveals their similar biomarkers and other features, indicating their similar sources. The correlation of oil to rock shows that the oil was mainly generated from the source rock in the Nantun Member. Hydrocarbon migration direction is studied using the maturity parameters of the biomarkers and the indexes of the pyrrolic nitrogen compounds. The migration of oil in the Suderte tectonic belt was from west to east, the oil in the Huhenuoren tectonic belt came from the source rock in the north of the west Beier sag. Vertically oil migrated from the lower to the upper levels. The migration channels in the Beier depression are mainly unconformities and faults. Both sides of the faults are favorable area for exploration.
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Characters and Controlling Factors on the Archean Fracturetype Reservoirs of the Ciyutuo Buried Hill in the Liaohe Basin
HAO Qi,LIU Zhen, ZHA Ming, LI Chun-xia
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  384-390. 
Abstract ( 2075 )  
Based on core observation, thinsection analysis, physical property testing, fracture statistics, fluid inclusions analysis and fracture fractal research, it is concluded that there are four types of metamorphic rocks in the Archean Ciyutuo buried hill. Biotite feldspar gneiss is the main type of reservoir rock with mostlydeveloped fractures; the fractures in biotite potassic feldspar gneiss were less developed while altered lamprophyre and biotie hornblendite granulite could not serve as reservoir rocks. The main reservoir spaces in Archean are mainly tensional, steeply dipped fractures oriented in NE and NW directions and microcracks formed in the middle or the Late Mesozoic. Parts of tension-shear fractures were formed in the Late Paleogene Period. Small and micro fractures are the most developed fractures in the buried hill reservoir, whose width and areal porosity are positively related. The main controlling factors on fracture development in the Archeozoic reservoir of Ciyutuo buried hill involve the lithology, fault, depth, weathering, dissolution, magmatic intrusion, fissure assemblages and so on.
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Groundwater System in Ordos Cretaceous Artisan Basin (CAB)
HOU Guang-cai, LIN Xue-yu, SU Xiao-si,WANG Xiao-yong,LIU Jie
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  391-398. 
Abstract ( 2008 )  
Groundwater system study is an important base to assess regional groundwater resources and to set up the rational groundwater development patterns. Based on lithopaleogeography of the waterbearing media and its spatial distribution of Ordos Cretaceous artisan basin(CAB) and the features of regional groundwater flow regime,hydrogeochemistry regime and monitoring data about the groundwater level and isotopic analysis at different depth sampled by Packer sampling system in the deep drilling holes, the authors have explored the main characteristics of the groundwater systems in CAB. The groundwater flow system in CAB can be classified into three types: local flow system, medium flow system and regional system. Bordered by the surface divide of Baiyushan Mountain, the CAB can be divided into two groundwater subsystems and five groundwater branchsystems. Among them, the groundwater subsystem in loess playa in south CAB is characterized by typical artisan basin and the groundwater subsystem in desert playa in north CAB is typical of phreatic basin.
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Centrifuge Modeling of Stability for the Wharf Made of Superdeep Block
WU Chun-yong,WANG Jian-ping,LI Jing-lin,WANG Qing,SHI Bin
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  399-403. 
Abstract ( 1426 )  
A study on the centrifuge model test for the stability of gravity concrete block wharf wall has been carried out. Two schemes are compared for revealing the stability differences between two super-deep gravity concrete block quay with top sizes of 9.5 m(scheme 1) and 8.5 m(scheme 2), respectively. The results show that the horizontal displacement is 42 mm and 82 mm, the ground subsidence is 110 mm and 222 mm, as well as the pore pressure is 320 kPa in the groundsill, respectively. It is confirmed that centrifuge model test for wharf wall stability is effective. The value of horizontal displacement and ground subsidence of scheme 2 is larger than the scheme 1, which is out of permission of criterion, and the disbennifit to the stability of project is obviously due to the excess pore pressure disappeared slowly. The conclusion is that the scheme 1 with top size of 9.5 m is preferable.
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Research on Systematic Frame and Some Problems of Engineering Geology of Loess Mass
LU Quan-zhong, PENG Jian-bing
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  404-409. 
Abstract ( 1549 )  
Based on the special properties of loess, such as structure, water sensitivity and fissure, the systematic frame of engineering geological research on loess mass is established, including its research object, basic theory, contents, route and methods. It is pointed out that the research object is loess mass and the characteristics of structural planes and their associated engineering geological problems are studied little in engineering geological research on loess mass. Some problems, such as sort and grade of structural planes, structural types, surrounding rock classification and water sensitivity of loess mass, are also discussed. According to the scale and activity of structural planes in loess mass and their effect on the stability of engineering, loess mass structural planes are classified into 6 grades. And loess mass structures are divided into four types as homogeneous, stratified, columnar, blocky and cloddy pulverescent structures based on the sedimentation characteristics of loess, features of structural planes and range of engineering loess mass. To emphasize and strengthen research on those problems will be helpful to know the characteristics and solve the engineering geological problems of loess mass.
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A Study on Singlecycle Salt and Frost Heaving of Sulfate (Sulfurous) Saline Soil
WANG Jun-chen,LI Jin-song,WANG Chang-ming
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  410-416. 
Abstract ( 1538 )  
Research about salt and frost heaving is helpful to further know the engineering properties of sulfate (sulfurous) saline soil. In order to find the characteristics of salt and frost heaving, the authors introduce the results of the tests of singlecycle salt and frost heaving for the sulfate (sulfurous) saline soil on fine soil plain of Shuimohe Valley in north Tianshan.The test results show that: (1) The singlecycle salt and frost heaving rate increases with the decrease of temperature, and the soil expansion is mainly salt heaving before soil frozen but saltfrost heaving after frozen. The saltfrost heaving tends to stable when below -15℃. (2) The inception temperature of heaving decreases with increase of water content in the same sulfate content, and it depends on sodium sulfate crystallization temperature, sodium sulfate crystal content, soil microstructure, internal frictional resistance, cohesion, attraction among soil particles and extent of adsorption of sodium sulfate in void. (3) The singlecycle salt and frost heaving rate interval increases with increase of sulfate content.
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Study on Element Compositions of Alkaline Dust Aerosols in Western Songnen Plain, China
HU Ke, CHEN Bing, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, JIE Dong-mei, ZHAO Kui-tao
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  417-423. 
Abstract ( 1449 )  
The concentration of the main elements of the alkaline dust storm from Western Songnen Plain follows the decreasing order of Na, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Ti, Ba and Zn, which is compatible with the element composition of local saline soil but quite different from the normal sand dust and municipal aerosols. The relationship between wind and aerosol composition suggests that at the critical wind speed of alkaline dust storm (ADS) of 8.0~17.1 m/s,the concentration of the main elements follows the decreasing order of Na,Ca,Al,Fe,Mg,K,Ba,Ti and Zn.Enrichment factor (EF) values of element Na increase sharply during ADS, in contrast to the decrease of Zn, B, Cu etc., which indicates that EF values of most hazardous metals are smaller during ADS periods than no ADS periods. The lower EF values of these hazardous metals during ADS periods can be ascribed to the excessive input of saline components, such as Na, Ca. EF value of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Sr, V is around 1~4. As EF values of major elements are almost the same between two sampling sites, while the trace elements, such as B, Ba, Cu and V can be used to distinguish the dust sources because of the considerable differences between the two sampling sites.
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Geological Hazard Exploration Information System for Three Gorges Reservoir Area
LI Wei-zhong, WU Chong-long, TAN Zhao-hua
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  424-428. 
Abstract ( 1506 )  
Activities of investigation and management of geological hazards in Three Gorges reservoir area involves a great amount of engineering projects, which produce huge data and documents in short time periods. An information system is in need, with which not only the demand from the basic working units is satisfied and the requirement raised for data management and analysis postprojects must be met as well. A pointsource information system, GeoHazard, is developed to fulfill the tasks described above. The system has a thematic database of pointsources as its core. Solutions for data acquisition based on a geographic base map, GISbased map production, visualized query upon maps and webbased remote data gathering are provided. A number of functions is implemented, which includes data input, graph and map produce, data storage and management, computeraided output. The system supports geohazard investigation activity as a whole. It features with the standardization of terminology, code and metadata, integrated management of all types of data and documents, and visualized data analysis, query and presentation.
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Study on Acidate Bacteria Activity in Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
SONG Tie-hong,ZHAO Yong-sheng, CUI Yu-bo, HAN Xiang-kui,DONG Chan
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  429-432. 
Abstract ( 1531 )  
Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was used as a hydrolysisacidogenesis unit, and INTdehydrogenase enzyme activity was used as an indicator to assess microorganism activity of each compartment of ABR. The relation between acidate bacteria activity and acidate ratio and the influence factors on acidate bacteria activity in each compartment has been discussed. The results shows that at the condition of OLR=2.4 kgCOD/(m3·d),acidate is proportional to INTdehydrogenase enzyme activity of acidate bacteria in each compartment of ABR. The acidity rate of both the first room and the second room makes up to 73% of the total acidity rate and INTdehydrogenase activity in middle reactor is higher than in the bottom in each room.
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A Quantitative Computation Model of Water and Soil Conservation Value in Songnen Plain
SUN Ping-an, LIN Nian-feng, LI Zhao-yang, TANG Jie, WANG Xue-ge
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  433-442. 
Abstract ( 1333 )  
In recent decades, the ecological environment of Songnen Plain had deteriorated severely and the desertification in Songnen Plain expanded rapidly, which is related to the durative descending of territorial function of water and soil conservation. Applying the theories of bionomics, economics, environmental science and the technology of 3S, a multiple computation model for water and soil conservation value in Songnen Plain is put forward based on DEM and TM/MODIS data. The calculation results indicate that the water and soil conservation value was 6.626 3×1010Yuan RMB in 2001 in Songnen Plain. The water and soil conservation value per unit area in forest was the highest with the value of 1.735 9×106 Yuan per km2 and the grassland and the cropland was 7.04×105 Yuan per km2, 2.453×105 Yuan per km2 repectively. The land that was difficult to use had a value of 2.89×104 Yuan per km2. The water soil conservation value tended to be digressive from northeast to southwest in spatial distribution. The water and soil conservation value was descending from 1.938 6×106 Yuan to 1.887×105 Yuan per km2. These results indicated that the key to heighten the function of territorial water and soil conservation is to enhance the ecoconstruction for forest and grassland, and it should strengthen the water and soil conservation work especially in middle and western area of Songnen Plain. The trial to quantitatively evaluate the water and soil conservation will supply a basic data for green GDP accounting.
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Evolutions of Aperture Gaps and Grain Sizes in Surface Layers of Southern Xiangtang Carvings and Related Environmental Pollutions
ZHAO Yi-xin,BING Ying, ZHAO Bu-diao,HUANG Ji-zhong, ZHANG Lin-tang, ZHAO Ying,BAI Xu-dong
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  443-448. 
Abstract ( 1751 )  
The surfaces of southern Xiangtang rockcut stone carvings has been destroyed more and more seriously and the structure, the aperture gaps and the grain size on the surface layer of the stone carvings has changed to some extent, such as the surfaces of cultural relics become coarse, cracked, and even completely destroyed. The composition and the structure of the every layer in the crust weathering,mainly the a grain sizes of the stone carving surface layer and the characteristic aperture gaps has been researched systematically with the help of polarizationmicroscope, SEM, IR, and ZHISS graphical analysis instrument and the variation rules and the corresponding origins of the aperture gaps and the grain sizes has been summed up.The research result shows that environment pollutants are responsible for the epigenetic transformation induced destroys of surfaces of stone relics.
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Ratios of Specific Elements and Their Implications for Original Source of Sediments and Redox Condition within Sedimentation Profile of the Marsh in Semiarid Areas
WANG Guo-ping,ZHANG Yu-xia,ZHAI Zheng-li,JIA Lin
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  449-454. 
Abstract ( 1549 )  
Accumulative sediments during marsh development really recorded the region environment change and marsh processes.A case study on the Xianghai marsh wetlands at downstream of an interior river-Huolin River has been conducted and ratios of specific elements in the typical sedimentation profile has been revealed on the basis of 137Cs,210Pb dating result. The ratio of dual stable elements Ti/Al can be served as a good indicator to determine whether original source of sediments came from the same provenance and the fluctuation of Ti/Al ratio represented the change of the original source of sediments that might be caused by flooding events. Totally the ratio of V/(V+Ni) is a good indicator to judge the oxygendeficient facies sedimentation environment of marsh wetlands. The sediments in Xianghai marsh wetlands is typically characterized by dysaerobic environment and much or less anaerobic or aerobic environment.Frequent vibration among them indicates the character of frequently change between arid and humid environment in periods of surface water downstream of an interior river in semiarid region.
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Study on the Screening and Characterization of Special Effective Bacteria of Degrading Thiuram in the Waterbody
GAO Song,SONG Ying,WANG Lin,JIANG Buxin
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  455-457. 
Abstract ( 1423 )  
Three odd bacteria named TM1, TM2 and TM3 were screened from the soil contaminated by thiuram in a landfill of a rubbermanufactured factory and then these bacteria were added into the water with a certain concentration of thiuram. Experimental results show the best conditions with the highest ability to degrade thiuram and TM1 has the highest ability to degrade thiuram among the three bacteria. The four new bacteria ( T1,T2,T3 and T4) mixed with the three odd bacteria by a certain form have been used to study the ability of degrading thiuram under the former optimized conditions,and the T1 mixed bacteria has the highest ability with degrading rate of thiuram of 95.77%.
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Examination and Study of Catalytic Oxidation in Sight Water Resumption
WANG Li-jun,LIU Guo-cai,HUANG Ji-guo,LI Yue-qian,CONG Ying,SHEN Zhao-li,ZHAO Xiao-bo
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  458-461. 
Abstract ( 1436 )  
The experimental research about application of catalytic oxidation in sight water resumption has been carried out through our own test device. The slight water to be disposed has low organic capacity with large range of water quality and the concentration of CODCris in the range of 25-35 mg/L and 2.2-3 mg/L for NH3-N and 0.55-0.85 mg/L for TP respectively. The experimental results show that at the suitable operating conditions biological catalytic oxidation could lower the concentration of CODCr, NH3-N and TP to be 14.62 mg/L,0.26 mg/L,0.19 mg/L respectively to high extent, which is lower than the standard of Ⅲ class water quality and can meet the need of sight water.
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Coherent Noise Elimination Technique Based on Wave Field Transform Using Apparent Velocity
WU Ya-dong, ZHAO Wen-zhi, ZOU Cai-neng, LI Ming, GAO Jian-rong
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  462-467. 
Abstract ( 1557 )  
The authors elaborate a noise elimination technique for prestack high energy coherent noise, such as multiplerefractions, sound waves, and surface waves. It combines the apparent velocity wave field transform technique, nonlinear filtering and the singular value decompose (SVD) filtering. Apparent velocity based wave field transform produces the transformed wave field. Filtering is then applied. The noise eliminated prestack data are obtained by performing the inverse wave field transform on the filtered channel set. More attention is paid to the nonlinear filtering technique. A detailed description on the principle, procedure, application and validation of the coherent noise elimination technique is provided.
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Crosswell Seismic Constrained Acoustic Impedance Inversion
YANG Qin-yong, HAN Li-guo,CAO Hui,WANG De-li,CHEN Guo-jin,XU Zhuo
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  468-473. 
Abstract ( 1974 )  
Seismic traces obtained from crosswell reflection imaging and well log data are used in the multi well log restriction random inverse acoustic impedance inversion. First the crosswell reflection imaged data was inverted to obtain an acoustic impedance profile. Then some acoustic impedance traces extracted from the inversion profile were used as virtual log and combined with well log data to implement the crosswell and surface seismic joint inversion. The modeling and filed data inversion results shown that crosswell and surface seismic joint inversion can provide more restriction in the surface seismic inversion and can improve accuracy of inversion.
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A TopologyConcerned and EntityOriented 3D Vector Data Model
ZHENG Kun,LIU Xiu-guo,WU Xin-cai,YANG Hui
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  474-479. 
Abstract ( 1785 )  
Topological data model and entityoriented model are two kinds of traditional 3D vector data models. The topological model has certain difficulty in the expression of geographical entity of complex and its partial data local update. On the otherhand, entityoriented model has some shortcomings of complicated topological information processing and large data storage. Aimed at the advantages and disadvantages of these models, the authors design a new entityoriented 3D vector data model, which takes into the consideration of topological relations. This data model combines strongpoint of conventional topological data model and entityoriented model, which is able to meet the data model requirements in applications such as 3D landscape, TIN, and urban 3D geology.
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From Space to Time-A Research on SpatioTemporal Data Model
JIANG Xiao-yi, ZHOU Yun-xuan
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  480-485. 
Abstract ( 1614 )  
On the basis of the spatiotemporal vision in geography, the authors provided a review on spatiotemporal data model (STDM), the stateoftheart and its evolving trends. STDMs currently available are categorized. Definitions and characteristics of typical STDMs are discussed in detail. Meanwhile problems and their causes in STDMs are analyzed particularly. The authors pointed out that it would not satisfy the expression needs of STDMs by simply expanding the existing spatial data models with a temporal dimension. On the contrary, the essential variation and process of geographical phenomena must be analyzed and modeled systematically. An objectoriented and processoriented STDM method that is also spatiotemporal semantic, which matches human logical vision, is the foundation to the study of temporal GIS.
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Spatial Data Fusion in Geological Data Warehouse
YIN Pan, HU Guang-dao
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  486-490. 
Abstract ( 1532 )  
Spatial data fusion is a difficult problem in the field of geoinformation. The structure of Oracle geological data warehouse (GDW) and its advantages in storage and analysis are introduced in this paper. The spatial data organization model of Geodatabase of ArcInfo is elaborated. The authors emphasize on the study of storage model, spatial data and spatial index form of oracle spatial. The procudures of spatial data fusion is illustrated. Through customized development with ArcGIS, the GDW could fuse the spatial data in a high efficiency.
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A Study and Implementation of the Distributed Publication Service of Massive Imagery Data Based on J2EE
XU Sheng-wei,WANG Ming-chang,BAI Ya-hui,ZHANG Xue-ming
J4. 2006, 36 (03):  491-496. 
Abstract ( 1548 )  
To realize the distributed publication service of massive imagery data, a J2EEbased distribution service structure is initiated. It is concentrated on several key techniques, including index of massive imagery data, multicache strategy, and multiserver cluster technology. A dynamic publication system of massive imagery data has been developed. And the system is validated in a LAN and the maritime network, repectively.
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