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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2009, Volume 39 Issue 5
Salt Lake Sediments of the Upper Cretaceous in Eastern Guangdong and Its Significance in Oil and Gas Exploration of the Mesozoic in the Northern South China Sea
SHEN Yan-jie, CHENG Ri-hui, WANG Liao-liang, LI Fei, XU Zhong-jie
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  759-766. 
Abstract ( 1757 )  

Yetang Formation of the Upper Cretaceous outcropped widely in the eastern Guangdong Province. It is the salt lake sediment determined with lithology,lithofacies and paleontology-stratigraphy characteristics of the outcrop. This set of sediments can be correlated to the sediments of the upper Cretaceous in well LF35-1-1 in the Chaoshan depression. Both were sedimentary series containing gypsum which formed in the dry-hot environment. Main lithology of both sets of sediments are mudstone,siltstone and sandstone,mudstone and siltstone interbedded with thin gypsum layer or gypsum crystal stock cementation in sandstone. The Chaoshan depression has been a favorable oil-gas exploration area in the Mesozoic basin, and which has good petroleum geological conditions. The salt lake sediment of the Mesozoic in the eastern Guangdong Province has similar sedimentary environment to the Chaoshan depression. The basis for the correlation of the onshore outcrop to the marine Mesozoic formation is the similarity of climate,lithology and lithofacies in two sets of sediments. The correlation of the salt lake sediment of the Mesozoic in the eastern Guangdong Province to the marine formation in Chaoshan depression favors  the preliminary solving the problems which the impossibility of formation outcropped directly observed and the relatively lacking of drilling data during the processing of oil and gas exploration in marine formation. This correlation of two sets of formations can learn from the deposition of the marine research result which has important guiding significance to terrestrial salt lake basin exploration.

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Tectonic Movement of Buried Hill and Hydrocarbon Accumulation--An Example from Beier Depression in Hailaer Basin
KANG De-jiang, ZHANG Bin-chi
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  767-772. 
Abstract ( 1704 )  

The research taking Budate Group of Beier depression in Hailaer basin as an example, investigated on intensity, stages and pump function of tectonic movements in the study area and the temporal and spatial evolvement. Using the fractal theory, it attained the tectonic intensity after accounting and calculation which indicated that the tectonic movement with the maximal intensity occurred in Suderte, index from 1.5-1.8, and weaken to the surrounding regions. The large quantity of associated fractures is in favor of forming the various kinds of secondary hydrocarbon reservoir owing to their improving in reservoir space. Through the profile of equilibrium and the calculation of fault growth index, combined with buried period, it documented that the strongest tectonic movement occurred in Lower Cretaceous Nantun Formation and has good matching relation in space-time. All of them provided better transport pathway and advantaged reservoir space for oil accumulation. Furthermore, the pump function generated by faults is the main force to transport the hydrocarbon. A large number of faults in Beier depression experienced three stages: unsealing-sealing-open again. This kind of evolution has matched primary hydrogen generation of source rock, and formed abundant petroleum reservoirs in the buried hill of Budate Group finally.

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Cap-Rock Characteristic and Sealing Ability Evaluation of Deep Xujiaweizi Fault Depression
XU Dan, FU Xiao-fei, LV Yan-fang, FU Guang, HU Ming
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  773-780. 
Abstract ( 1456 )  

By use of drilling, logging and analysis data, combined with gas reservoir profile, it is concluded that there are two types of cap-rocks in Xujiaweizi fault depression, that is, mudstone and volcanic rock. By analyzing the identification mark, distribution and seal ability of cap-rock of deep gas in Xujiaweizi fault depression and its controlling action to gas accumulation and distribution, it is considered that there are two sets of regional cap-rocks (K1q1+2 and K1d2), local cap-rock (K1yc1) on top, and interlayers in K1yc1 and K1yc3 of deep gas in Xujiaweizi fault depression. Regional and local cap-rocks are widely distributed with large thickness, higher displacement pressure and strong seal ability, which control regional accumulation and distribution of deep gas in Xujiaweizi fault depression; Interlayers are limited distributed with thin thickness, low displacement pressure and weak seal ability, which only control local accumulation and distribution of gas in reservoir.

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Relationship of Sandstone Diagenesis and Relatively High Porosity Areas in Nantun and Tongbomiao Formation: A Case from the Southern of Wuerxun Depression in Hailaer Basin
YOU Li, LI Chun-bai, LIU Li, LI Cai, WANG Hai-yan
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  781-788. 
Abstract ( 2140 )  

The types of sandstone from Nantun and Tongbomiao Formation of Wuerxun depression in Hailaer basin are mainly debris-feldspar sandstone, sightly feldspar sandstone and feldspar-debris sandstone. The diageneses include compaction, cementation, metasomatism and dissolution, etc. With depth increasing, the porosity and permeability decrease. There are four relatively high porosity arears in about 1 500 m,1 850-2 050 m,2 300 m and 2 600-2 800 m. The reasons of relatively high porosity areas appearance are the preservation of primary porosity and the development of secondary porosity.The weakness of compaction and cementation, existence of clay coating and microcrystalline quartz are favor to the preservation of primary porosity;in the processing of thermal evolution of organic content and the conversion of clays, secondary porosity forming occurs.

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Geochemical Characteristics of Strontium Isotope of the Paleokarst Reservoirs in the Huanglong Formation at the Margin of Southern Daba Mountain
WEN Hua-guo, ZHENG Rong-cai, SHEN Zhong-min, ZHANG Bing, CA Jia-lan, LUO Ai-jun, SHU Yi-xin
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  789-795. 
Abstract ( 2423 )  

Karstic rocks of the Huanglong Formation exposed at the margin of the southern Daba Mountain can be divided into four types: slightly-corroded, moderately-corroded porous,intensely-corroded brecciated and intensely corroded and altered secondary calcic karstic rocks. The strontium isotope compositions of various karstic rocks are analyzed systematically and are compared with the rocks without karst corrosion. It is indicated that during the karst formation process, a positive deviation of  87Sr/86Sr ratio can be seen from infiltrating fluid belt to active underflow belt while an intense negative deviation appears gradually in the inactive underflow belt. Under the water-rock interaction system of the same karst fluid regime, the matrix are more enriched in  87Sr compared to breccias. However, the secondary calcic karstic rocks are poorly enriched in 87Sr when compared with those of dolomitic karstic rocks. The high 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the varied genetic and differently corroded karstic rocks are caused by the injection of high 87Sr groundwater involved in the water-rock interaction and the intense 87Sr enrichment of the matrix dolomite. The strontium isotope of different karstic reservoirs can provide meaningful geochemical information for forecasting and evaluating the development and distribution rules of the Huanglong Formation at the margin of southern Daba Mountain in time and space.

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Structural Features and Determination of Deformation Time in the Nanyishan-Jiandingshan Area of Qaidam Basin
LIU Zhi-hong, WANG Peng, LIU Yong-jiang, ZHAO Cheng-xiang, GAO Jun-yi, MO Chuan-biao
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  796-802. 
Abstract ( 2134 )  

Nanyishan-Jiandingshan area is in the northwest of Qaidam Basin, and it is adjacent to Aerjin slope zone. A series of NW trending tight anticlines and the gentle synclines in the between constitute the structural framework of the area. Research shows the study area underwent mainly two stages of deformation since Mesozoic: (1)during Early to Middle Jurassic, the area was mainly dominated by extension and featured by the formation of the dustpan-like faults; and (2)during Shizigou Period to present, the area has been controlled by the SW-NE trending compression. The formation of Jiandingshan anticline started in Shizigou Period, and the underlying early depression-controlling normal fault was inverted because of compression, forming large scale fault-propagation folds. The formation of Nanyishan anticline started in Qigequan Period, which was formed by a shallow anticline superimposed on a deep one, the deep anticline was a large scale fault-propagation fold, while the shallow one was a box anticline similar to detachment fold which was formed above the fault by the opposite thrust of two step thrust faults which forming Type-I triangle zone. The forms of Nanyishan anticline and Jiandingshan anticline are relatively integrated, the formation time of structure matches the time of maturity and migration of oil and gas well, indicating very favorable oil and gas exploration prospect.

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Characteristics of Volcaniclasitic Rocks Developed in Member 2, Yingcheng Formation, Lower Cretaceous, in the Eastern Margin of Songliao Basin
LI Fei, CHENG Ri-hui, WANG Pu-jun, HOU Jing-tao
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  803-810. 
Abstract ( 1958 )  

The volcanic lava, tuff and tuffaceous sandstones were recognised in member 2 of Yingcheng Formation, Cretaceous in the survey of outcropped geological section with a detailed measurement in the eastern margin of Songliao basin. The tuff rocks include ignimbrite, lithic crystal tuff, ash ball tuff and breccia tuff. It indicates that a certain scale of volcanic activities still existed during the forming of member 2 of Yingcheng formation, which was a stage without strong volcanic activities. This kind of deposition distinguished from the normal deposition, has a special characteristics controlled by both volcanism and sedimentation. The member 2 of Yingcheng formation is a suit of transition rocks between volcanic rocks and terrigenous clastic rocks, and the provenances derived not only from syngenetic volcanic eruption, but also from the member 1 and the lower member of Yingcheng Formation, as well as the weathering of older strata. These suits of rocks are special in types because of the existence of the two kinds of provenances including volcanic substance and terrigenous denudation substance, and the two kinds of mechanisms including volcanic accumulation and normal sedimentation. It is indicated that special volcanic-deposit types were existed, during the stage of member 2 of Yingcheng Formation which are pyroclastic flow channel deposits in alluvial plain, base surge deposits and air-fall volcanic ash deposits in flooding basin.

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Genetic Mechanism and Development Periods of Fracture in Yanchang and Yan’an Formation of Western Mahuangshan Block in Ordos Basin
DENG Hu-cheng, ZHOU Wen, JIANG Wen-li, LIU Yan, LIANG Feng
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  811-817. 
Abstract ( 2219 )  

The formation of the fracture is a complex process, so it must through many data to comprehensively analysis and determine genetic mechanism and terms of the fracture. First, in order to research the fracture of western Mahuangshan block in Ordos basin, the field investigations aiming at the fracture of analogous outcrop zone were done,the results show that the fracture systems are unstable, and the fractures are controlled by the structural deformation intensity and shape, structural deformation is the stronger the density of crack growth is larger. According to the core’s observation and the description of 23 wells, it shows the fractures are mainly vertical fractures and large angle-extensional fractures. From the segmentation, limitation and combination relationship, it indicates that the fractures formation have two stages. At last, based on the characteristics, genetic mechanism and forming stages of the fractures, experiments of acoustic emission experiment of rocks and carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of fracture fillings, and the background analysis of structural evolution in this study area indicated that the fractures are divided into two stages which are corresponding to the second and the third episodes of Yanshanian Movements, respectively.

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Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Multi-Elements and Prospecting Criteria in Northwestern Guizhou Province
XU Ya-ming, LIAO Gui-xiang, LIAO Li-ping
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  818-823. 
Abstract ( 1702 )  

The northwestern Guizhou Province is located in a rift basin with some lead-zinc deposits controlled by the faults and strata. The authors discusse systemically based on several aspects from studies on regional geochemistry, stream sediment geochemistry, geochemical stratigraphy and geochemical block etc. Important prospecting criteria in the area include: located at the both sides of the fracture and/or adjacent to fracture junction, at rock contact zone, within Pb-Zn anomalous zones and in the concentration centers of geochemical block. Special attention should be paid to the comprehensive, anomalous zones consisting of several elements. In addition, the northwestern Guizhou Province are featured by banded geochemical concentration blocks  and by intensely enrichment of Pb and Zn, thus is highly potential for hosting the Pb-Zn deposits.  It is suggested that more comprehensive studies are need to find some large, even superlarge lead-zinc deposits.

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Experimental Research on Cobaltic Existence State and Distill of Ocean Manganese Nodule
XU De-li, ZHANG Pei-ping, XIAO Guo-shi, ZHANG Dong-li
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  824-827. 
Abstract ( 1387 )  

To distill and utilize the ocean metallic resource effectively and reasonably, the chemical and mineral composition of the ocean manganese nodules was tested and their cobaltic existence state was analyzed. The method of reduced ammonia marinate was selected to do the distill experiment of cobalt and of other metallic elements from ocean manganese nodules and the iron in marinated solution was removed with ammoniojarosite and cobalt was separated from other metallic element with method of sulfuration deposition. The result indicates that the content of cobalt in ocean manganese nodule can reach up to 0.30% and it is hosted in cobaltic silicate, oxide and sulfide. The method of reduced ammonia marinate can dissolve many kinds of metallic elements from manganese nodule effectively with a maximum cobaltic distill ratio of  93.25%. Ammoniojarosite can remove iron from the marinated solution entirely. The distilled cobalt is pure as except trace chromium, no other metallic elements can be found in it.

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Characteristics of Plume-Related A-Type Granites: An Example from the Emeishan Large Igneous Province
ZHONG Yu-ying, XU Xi-hang
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  828-838. 
Abstract ( 2088 )  

Comparison of petrologic and geochemical characteristics of plumerelated (Panxi area) and non plumerelated (South China, Central Asian Orogenic Belt) A-type granites have been carried out in this study. It is shown that the plume-related A-type granites are characterized by (1) the close temporal and spatial association with maficultramafic rocks; (2) high zircon saturation temperature (860-960℃); (3) high Nb/Th and Ga/Al ratios, and (4) positive εNdt) (but usually <5) and no significant difference between Nd model age and the formation age of the rocks. All these characteristics, largely relevant to the nature of the plume-generated magma source and/or parental magmas, and magmatic evolution, can be used to identify similar rock types in natural occurrence.

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Geochemical Characteristics of Syenite and Its Genesis in the Luzong Basin
LI Hong-ying, ZHANG Rong-hua, HU Shu-min
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  839-848. 
Abstract ( 1790 )  

Majory and trace elements compositions of the syenite in the Luzong basin  show that SiO2 contents of the syenite are 60.86%-68.85%, with total alkaline (Na2O+K2O) values of more than 9.82%, Rittman indexs of more than 3.73 basically, and high K2O contents, which indicate that the rock  can be assigned to high potassium shoshonite series. In addition, the rock is enriched in large ion lithophile elements, such as Rb, U, Th and Pb, but relatively depleted in high field strength elements, such as Nb, Ti. Total values of rare earth elements (∑REE) are (205.16-496.61)×10-6, δEu are 0.28-0.78,and they are enriched in LREE.It shows that the magma forming the syenite in the Luzong basin was derived from a deep source, most likely resulting from the partial melting of an alkali basalts along the deep fault, and obviously contaminated by continental crust material.

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Hf isotopic Characteristics and Geological Significance of the Chahayan Pluton in Northern Daxing’anling Mountains
SUI Zhen-min, GE Wen-chun, WU Fu-yuan, XU Xue-chun, ZHANG Ji-heng
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  849-856. 
Abstract ( 2194 )  

The Chahayan pluton is located in the Eerguna block in the eastern Daxing’anling Mountains, and mainly consists of porphyritic biotitic syenogranite. The zircon grains separated from the syenogranite sample in the Chahayan pluton show generally euhedral form with fine oscillatory zoning on their CL images, and high Th/U ratios (0.32-1.12), which exhibit the features of magmatic zircons. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating reveals that the Chahayan pluton emplaced at (236±1) Ma, belonging to the products of middle Triassic magmatism. Chahayan pluton displays massive structure without obvious deformation, and is characterized by enriched LILEs such as LREEs, Rb and K with negative Nb, Ta, P and Ti anomalies in geochemistry, which is similar to that of post-orogenic I-type granotoids, indicating the pluton probably formed in an extensional tectonic environment. Combined with previous studies in regional tectonics, the petrogenesis of Chahayan pluton is related to the lithosphere extension after the collision orogenic processes between the North China craton (NCC) and the Siberia plate. The Chahayan pluton has εHf(t) values ranging from -3.94 to 2.19 with model ages from 1.1 to 1.5 Ga close to those of Early Paleozoic and Mesozoic granotoids in this region, indicating that the crustal accretion event of Eerguna block occurred mainly in Middle-and Neo-Proterozoic period.

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Phytolith Characteristics and Paleoenvironment Changes |in the Swamp Sediments of Tumen River Estuary, China
ZHANG Xin-rong, WANG Xi-Kui, ZHENG Hong-bo
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  857-862. 
Abstract ( 1631 )  

According to the analysis on the phytolith of the swamp profile in Tumen River estuary, the phytolith assemblages can be divided into six zones, which are corresponding to the paleo-climate phases of “cold and dry-cool and wet-cold and dry-cool and wet-warm-moderate and humidity”. Comparison between the phytolith analysis results and the results from Na, K, Ba, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn analysis of this profile shows that the phytolith is not as sensitive as elements such as Na, K and Fe on the humidity reflection, but it is more sensitive than the reflection of peat development to the humidity. Regional paleo-climate contrast indicates that phytolith paleo-climate process of the profile under study has a good response to the regional climate evolution and will play an active role in the global changes and regional responses research.

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Generalized Finite Difference Method and Its Application of Bedrock Waterflow |Three-Dimensional Mathematical Model Solving
MA Rui-jie, ZHAO Yu-qi, ZHANG Jing, HUANG Ping
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  863-867. 
Abstract ( 1417 )  

Confined pore and fissure aquifer in Cretaceous bedrock is one of the main aquifers in Changchun area and the hydrogeological conceptural model can be simplified as anisotropy and heterogeneity. According to the movement’s feature of groundwater system, the mathematic model of three-dimensional transient flow is assumed and generalized difference method is used to solve the flow equations and the groundwater flow model has been calibrated and verified. The model simulation result is in accordance to the actual hydrogeologic condition and the caculated water table is consistent to the monitored water table. The results can provide a scientific theoretical foundation for sustainable management of groundwater resources in the study area.

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Formation Origin of High Concentration-Fe in Shallow Groundwater in Deyang, Sichuan Province
DING Ai-zhong, HAO Na, CHENG Li-rong, ZHANG Dan, TAN Wen-jie, ZHANG Li-zhong, LIN Xue-yu
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  868-873. 
Abstract ( 2494 )  

Deyang, situated in Sichuan Province, is rich in groundwater resources,which serves as the most important source of drinking water for the local people. However, high concentration of iron in groundwater has been found in many places. Laboratory leaching experiments were carried out to examine the factors that may increase the concentration of iron in groundwater, including pH, microorganisms, ammonium nitrogen, redox conditions and organic matter content. The results showed: (1) the leaching solution had higher concentration of ferrous iron in acidic conditions; (2) ferrous iron concentration increased with organic matter content in soil; (3) the ferrous iron concentration in solution decreased when microorganism activities were inhibited; (4) in reducing environment, ammonium content had little influence on ferrous iron concentration; (5) in reducing environment, it was easier for iron in soil to be leached comparing to oxidizing environment. Together with the hydrogeological and geochemical condition in the area, the causes of high concentration of iron in groundwater were the weak acid of shallow groundwater in Deyang, high organic matter content in soil as well as the reducing environment.

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Formation Mechanism and Stability Analysis of the Pianshan Landslide in Geheyan Reservoir Area of the Middle Reaches of the Qingjiang River
ZHAO Xin-wen, JIN Wei-qun, PENG Ke, CHANG Hong, LI Qing-hua, LI Xi-yong, XUE Yong-heng
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  874-881. 
Abstract ( 1881 )  

Pianshan landslide, one of the large-scale landslides in Geheyan reservoir, occurs 54 km far away from Geheyan dam in the middle-reach of the Qingjiang River. Since the stability of Pianshan landslide maybe directly threaten the safety of local more than 200 lives and normal operation of the Geheyan reservoir, it is of significance to carry out the study on the formation mechanism of landslide by the means of field investigation techiniques such as engineering geological mapping, drilling, geophysical, trench exploration and so on. The result shows the external driving factor is the mainly influencing factors on the landslide stability,such a as rainstorm and the water level fluctuation of the reservoir and topography, lithology, physical structures are the secondary factors.Monitoring results from deep displacement, surface displacement and surface cracks show the landslide is now in the creep stage and the deformation formed in partial section. Stability calculation of the landslide combined with the formation mechanism and influence factors show that the landslide is in the state of the integral stability, but the stability coefficient will be decreased and even slumping occur in local place under the conditions of rainstorm and sudden drawdown of reservoir water level.

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Neural Network Method in the Penetration Rate Prediction of Percussive Drilling
PIAO Jin-shi, YIN Kun, FAN Li-ming
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  882-886. 
Abstract ( 1306 )  

Percussive drilling has an incomparably priority to traditional rotary drilling methods in the aspect of penetration efficiency and the previous prediction of the drilling rate is only refered to rotary drilling. Practically, accurate prediction of the rate of penetration (ROP) of percussive drilling is very important in that it can help make the planning of the rock excavation projects in high efficiency. The multilayer neural network with back propagation algorithm (BPNN) has been employed to analyze the influence of the different parameters (i.e. thrust, rotational speed, pressure of compressed air, volume of compressed air, drilling depth and drilling bit operation time etc.) to ROP and a method of predicting ROP for the hollow-through type DTH drilling is also studied and applicated in the field drilling work with a very good agreement to actual values in the fields. At the same time, drilling parameters have been optimized to guide the penetration operation based on the prediction results.

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Current Situation of pH and Wet Deposition of Heavy Metals in Precipatation in Changchun City, China
YANG Zhong-peng, LU Wen-xi, LONG Yu-qiao, LIU Xin-rong
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  887-892. 
Abstract ( 1953 )  

A series of investigations were performed to show the current situation of  pH of precipitation and wet deposition of heavy metal, in Changchun City, China. A total of 12 samples of atmospheric precipitation were collected at three representative sites using bulk deposition sampling method in the periods of 2006-2007(about one year). The heavy metal content were analyzed by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric (ICP-MS). According to the analytical results, the average pH value of the precipitation was 6.43, which was neutral as a whole. The content of Hg, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Pb and Cd in precipitation in Changchun is generally low with the concentrations of 0.042,3.59,9.25,148.6,18.44,21.71,0.933μg/L respectively. The concentrations of heavy metals were generally higher in the spring and winter period than that in the summer and autumn period,which might be the result of washouting effect in rainy season, meanwhile, the concentrations of heavy metals were generally lower in the area of automobile factory than in the other areas. According to the calculated results, the wet deposition fluxes of As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg,Pb and Zn in Changchun were 2.13,0.21,1.70,3.74,0.019,6.82,65.78 mg/(m2·a), respectively. The deposition fluxes of heavy metals were generally higher in the March to September periods than that in the other periods.

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Isolation of Atrazine Degrading Low Temperature Bacteria and Researching of Atrazine Biodegradation
LIU Na, BI Hai-tao, LIN He-jun, JI Ke-ning, ZHENG Song-zhi
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  893-898. 
Abstract ( 1481 )  

One strain that can grow with atrazine as sole nitrogen source, W4 was isolated and screened from sludge of workshop in the pesticide factory under 10℃.This strain was identified as Pseudomonas through 16S rDNA basic sequence detection and comparison. The optimum degradation conditions were optimized as following: the initial pH is 7-9, and the carbon source is sucrose and lactose. Under the optimum conditions, degradation kinetics of atrazine follows zero-order kinetics equation at the initial concentration of 34 mg/L,22 mg/L and 10 mg/L, and degradation kinetics of atrazine follows firstorder kinetics equation at the initial concentration of 5 mg/L. GC/MS analysis shows that atrazine can be hydrolyzed and dehalogenated by strain W4; the biodegradation product- hydroxyatrazine is confirmed.

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Study on Landscape Spatial Pattern Topography Distribution and Its Ecological Effects based on GIS-A Case Study in Maoershan Region in Heilongjiang Province
GONG Wen-feng, DU Chong, FAN Wen-yi
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  899-906. 
Abstract ( 1821 )  

Terrain niche index was used to describe the regional terrain difference and nondimensional distribution index was used to quantitatively analyze the spatial distribution characteristics based on the spatial information of landscape components. The characteristics of landscape spatial distribution was proclaimed by the terrain difference and the ecological model was used to study the integrated ecological effect and environment ecological quality of land use with the assignment of the value of landscape components.The result showed that the regional landscape pattern of nature landscape plays a leading role and the artificial landscape takes the second place, while the role of half-natural landscape is dominance. In terrain niche,the spatial distribution of different landscape components has obvious difference and the competition of landscape component in lower district is obvious with centralized distribution.While in higher district,the existence of some landscape components is restricted with single distribution. Nature landscape, natural and artificialmade landscape and artificial landscape has priority in the area of good,medium and bad environment respectively.

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The Relationship of Land Surface Evapotranspiration and Land Use/Cover Change in the West Jilin Province
WANG Li-ming, ZHOU Yun-xuan, WANG Qin-jun
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  907-912. 
Abstract ( 1501 )  

As one of constituents of land surface moisture balance and energy balance,the land surface evapotranspiration is a key driving factor of land use/cover change. The amount of evapotranspiration influences the process of land use change and vice versa. In order to make clear how they interact each other and reveal the effects of land surface evapotranspiration on the process of environment changes, the land surface evapotranspiration amount in western Jilin Province in 1986,1996 and 2000 had been calculated based on surface energy balance theory, and the relationship between evapotranspiration distribution and grassland degradation, land salinization and soil desertification had been also discussed by overlaying the evapotranspiration data and land use data. The calculating results shows that the annual average evapotranspiration(AAE) amount in grassland,sand land and salinization land in western Jilin Province increases from 1986 to 2000. The AAE amount in sand land increases at the highest rate, the grassland follows, and the salinization land AAE was the lowest,which provides a desirable condition for transforming from natural land to sand land and salinization land and the evapotranspiration can aggravate grassland degradation, land salinization and soil desertification, in the area at a certain extent.

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Study on Preparation and Properties of Copper-Doped TiO2/Bentonite Composite Photocatalyst
ZHANG Dong-li, SHA Li, XU Ze, ZHAO Xiao-yuan
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  913-917. 
Abstract ( 1210 )  

Using natural sodium bentonite as vector, the composite TiO2/bentonite photocatalyst doped with copper has been prepared by hydrolysis of titanium tetrachloride. The effect of Cu2+ on modification TiO2/sodiun bentonite with different content of Cu2+ and its photocatalysis activity under different lighting conditions were studied. Experimental results were characterized by UV-Vis,XRD,IR,TG-DTA etc.The experimental results showed that the doping of Cu2+ can heighten the photocatalysis activity of TiO2/sodiun bentonite. The photocatalysis effect will be highest under the condition of UV with the 10.9% Cu2+ doping content of cation exchange with natural sodium bentonite,and sunshine with the 16.4%Cu2+ doping content of cation exchange with natural sodium bentonite respectively.The ideal photocatalysis effect on the composite TiO2/bentonite photocatalyst can be obtained under the  heat treating temperature of 500 ℃.

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Computation of Magnetic Fields of Point Current Source in Layered Medium
LIU Yun-he, CHEN Yu-ling, WENG Ai-hua
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  918-922. 
Abstract ( 1538 )  

The method to compute magnetometric resistivity response of a point current source in a layered medium was introduced. This method was based on rotation formula of the current magnetic field and the magnetic fields can be expressed by a double integration about spatial radial coordinate and spatial wave number of Bessel function. The double integration can be simplified to standard Bessel integration through the relation of Bessel functions. At last a direct numerical integration method is applied to computing the integration, and in this process continued fraction expansion was used to speed up integral summation. With the method, the magnetic fields of seabed gas hydrate model had been computed. The result shows that the existence of seabed gas hydrate can bring obvious changes in magnetic fields.

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Treatment of Singularity in Integration Equations for 3D D.C. Electrical Field
ZHANG Jin-hui, SUN Jian-guo
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  923-928. 
Abstract ( 1570 )  

In the integral equation for the direct current electrical field the kernel function is the magnetic dyadic Green’s function. In comparison to the electrical Green’s function, the magnetic Green’s function has a different mathematical formulation. As a result, one cannot use the published singularity removal formulas directly to the magnetic Green’s function, because the formulas are developed solely for the electrical Green’s function. To find a way for removing the singularity of the magnetic Green’s function, we present the concept of the quasi-source dyadic for the magnetic Green’s function, after the corresponding work done for the electrical Green’s function. Furthermore, we compute the quasi-source dyadic for some forms of neighborhoods of the singular point of the magnetic Green’s function, such as spheres and cubes. Using the computed quasi-source dyadic in the integral equation for the direct current field, we can establish a numerical scheme only containing regular integrals. If the numerical scheme is used in the quasi-analytical theory on the direct current field, the fast modeling of the direct current electrical field can be carried out.

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Finite Element Numerical Simulation on Line Controlled Source Based on Quadratic Interpolation
ZHANG Ji-feng, TANG Jing-tian, YU Yan, LIU Chang-sheng
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  929-935. 
Abstract ( 1877 )  

Under the quasi-static conditions, finite element numerical simulation of 2D line source boundary value problem was performed using rectangular grid unit and dual quadratic function interpolation on the frequency-domain. Under 2D geoelectric conditions, the boundary value problem and variational problems were given, and the finite element method was used for element subdivision, interpolation, integration and general synthesis. By solving the complex equations, the surface apparent resistivity response was obtained. Pseudo-delta function was introduced to simulate line source, weakening singularity of the source. Through comparison with the analytic solution for the earth with uniform and layered media models, the average relative error amount to 0.71% and 1.12% respectively. And the establishment of two abnormal body models was created and numerical simulation shows that the abnormal response is more obvious, and it provided the foundation for three-dimensional controlled-source electromagnetic method of finite element numerical simulation.

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Investigation on Streamer Dynamic Positioning Precision on Gas-Hydrate Semi-Three Dimension Seismic Survey
DIAO Qiang-xian, HAN Li-guo, WU Zhong-liang, CUI Jie
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  936-941. 
Abstract ( 1562 )  

During the gas-hydrate investigation on the some China Sea, the method named “single source Single streamer semi-three dimension seismic survey” was used to get a satisfying 3D imaging of gas-hydrate mineral body. There are many factors influence the effect of 3D imaging, and streamer dynamic positioning precision is a most important and direct one. Based on a large amount of test data, the authors discussed the influence of compasses on the streamer dynamic positioning precision. And the results were accorded well with sea test data and domestic and overseas seismic data. This will provide a guiding significance for gas-hydrate semi-three dimension seismic survey. According to the result, and with a certain positioning error, the authors confirmed that a streamer array length of 2 400 meters (192 channels) could achieve higher dynamic positioning precision. From the drilling in this area in 2007, the gas-hydrate sample was first found in China. The accordant result of drilling with the seismic data confirmed that the positioning precision had reached a higher level on semi-three dimension seismic survey.

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Characteristics of Lunar Craters on the First Image of Chang’e-1 Satellite
JIN Li-hua, JIN Cheng-ye, CHEN Sheng-bo, CUI Teng-fei
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  942-946. 
Abstract ( 1448 )  

Craters are one of the major features on lunar surface, it is important to study their characteristics. The craters identified from the  first image Chang’e-1 can be classified into 4 types, such as the normal, central mound, flat-bottomed and concentric craters. The morphological characteristics of different craters are described. Making using of remote sensing professional software, the diameter information and spatial distribution of the craters were extracted with Bessel geodetic algorithm. The results showed that craters’ diameter are mainly concentrated between 300 and 700 meters.Their spatial distribution is inhomogeneous, and its densest degree rises with diameter decreasing.

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Simulation and Predicted Research on Changbai Mountain Landscape Pattern Process
WANG Ming-chang, NIU Xue-feng, YANG Yi-heng, XING Li-xin
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  947-952. 
Abstract ( 2152 )  

Using the remote sensing and geographic data respectively collected in 1985 and 1999, we extract the landscape pattern information TuPu of Changbai Mountain for the recent 20 years, and build a model for the simulation and prediction of the landscape pattern information based on the geo-info-spectrum, landscape ecology theory and Geo-CA model. We perform a point-to-point comparison of the simulated 1985 and 1999 landscape pattern information TuPu of Changbai Mountain with that from the corresponding remote sensed image, and get a general precision of 84% in 1985 and 82% in 1999. The Moran I index is used to get the quantitative evaluation result,0.56,0.53 and 0.72,0.70 are individually the genuine and simulative Moran I index of 1985 and 1999.We can conclude that the simulation result is close to the actual situation.

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Design and Implementation of National Oil-Gas Resource Database Management System Based on ArcGIS and SOA
WANG Yong-zhi, BO Mao, HE Wen-na
J4. 2009, 39 (5):  953-958. 
Abstract ( 1949 )  

National oil/gas database system is built to integrate and manage the multi-sources, heterogeneous national oil and natural gas data together those supplying for macroscopic decision of national resources utilization. The authors design an integration model for oil/gas data that has tow-level ETL tool, build the framework of system based on SOA using Web services as basic components. It uses Oracle 11g as the background spatial database, and uses C# as programming language to implement the system based on ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server in secondary development method. This system can gather, integrate, publish and share the national oil/gas data. It combines the property data with spatial data to perform a number of spatial analyzing rapidly, such as buffer analysis. It provides the scientific data support for the history analysis and the future forecast of national oil/gas resources.

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