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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2010, Volume 40 Issue 1
Sedimentary Characters of Fan Delta of Paleocene in Tangyuan Fault Depression
LIU Zhao-jun, SUN Ping-chang, DU Jiang-feng, FANG Shi, CHEN Yong-cheng, JIA Jian-liang, MENG Qing-tao
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  1-8. 
Abstract ( 2086 )  

Fan deltas are widely developed in Xin’ancun and Dalianhe Formation of Tangyuan fault depression. According to core observation, well logging, seismic, lithology identification and grain size analysis, three subfacies including fan-delta plain, fan-delta front and pro-fan delta and eight microfacies are identified. From fan-delta plain to fan-delta front, the sedimentary characteristics of different microfacies changes regularly. The sediment textures such as the supporting type change from matrix-support to grain-support, the contact relationships between grains change from points to surfaces, grain separation from bad to good, the maturity from low to high, and the size of sediments from coarse to fine. The sedimentary bedding structures are massive bedding being miscellaneous in gravels that developed in fan-delta plain, and small-scale cross bedding with low angle and wave bedding developed in fan-delta front. The cumulative relative frequency curves are one-step and two-step type with low angle in fan-delta plain, but are two-step with steep slope and three-step type in fan-delta front. In the C-M diagram, the point group of fan-delta plain mostly concentrates in PQ section with large C and M value, and fan-delta front mainly concentrates in QR and RS section. Based on these studies, and combined with core characteristics and grain size analysis, it can be concluded that hydrodynamic mechanism of fan delta in this area is mainly traction current deposit, but gravity flow also plays some action.

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The Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Source Rock in Volcanic Rocks During Yiliekede Formation of Early Cretaceous in Mohe Basin
GAO Fu-hong, GAO Hong-mei, FAN Fu
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  9-14. 
Abstract ( 1305 )  

The source rocks discovered first in Yiliekede Formation during the Early Cretaceous in Mohe basin are analysed by rock pyrolysis, chloroform bitumen extration, gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrogram analyse. The results indicate that source rocks are composed of coal, oil shale and shale, TOC content is more than 10%, organic materials take type Ⅱ2 kerogen mainly, the distribution of Ro ranges from 0.56% to 0.59% which belongs to low mature stage. The source rock has been of high grade. The organic materials of source rock are mainly from terrigenous plants combined with abundant aquatic organisms input, which reflects the mixed-source of organics input  of  terrigenous  plants and hydrophilous alga. During Yiliekede Formation, the salinity and reduction of water change a lot so that salt water lake alternates with fresh water lake and it presents obvious chemistry stratify, which contributes to the retention and invert of organic.

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Method of Gas Generated from Asphalt and Its Application to |Asphalt Sandstones of Silurian, Tazhong Area
WANG Min, LU Shuang-fang, GAO Song, LI Ji-jun, WANG Nai-jun
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  15-20. 
Abstract ( 1228 )  

The asphalt is ubiquity in the superimposed basins, NW of China, but now there are no quantitative evaluation methods of gas generated from asphalt. In response to this scientific issue, according to the mechanism of gas generated from asphalt, the method of chemical kinetics, which is successfully used for quantitative appraisement the oil-gas generated from kerogen and gas from oil cracking, is firstly applied to quantitatively evaluate the gas generation quantity from asphalt. Chemical kinetic model of gas generated from asphalt and from group compositions of chloroform bitumen “A” are established, and then kinetic models are extrapolated to the Silurian asphalt sand of Tazhong area, Tarim basin, combined with the thermal history of research area. The results indicate that, the process of gas generated from non-hydrocarbon is relatively earlier in the research area, and its transformation ratio increases significantly around a 3 500 m depth; the secondary process is the gas generated from asphaltene; and the latest is the gas generated from saturated hydrocarbon, which transformation ratio increased significantly around 4 200 m depth. Gas generation amount from Silurian asphaltic sands of Tazhong area is calculated using this established method.The result indicates that, the total amount of gas generated from saturated hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, non-hydrocarbon and asphalteneis 8 160.68×108m3, 6 573.21×108m3, 9 719.3×108m3 and 5 926.82×108m3,respectively. The cumulative gas generation total amount reachs 30 377.97×108m3.

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Proterozoic Reservoirs Features of Damintun Depression and Controlling Factors
LI Jun, YOU Gui-bin, GAO Qing-sheng, LIU Bing-lin, LI Jin-Peng
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  21-29. 
Abstract ( 1346 )  

Proterozoic era of Damintun depression is the important oil and gas producing reservoir in Liaohe field, which mainly distributes in the west and north of the depression in step array in north trend ang east trend. Up to date,Jing’anbaobei oilfield, Ping’anbao oilfield,Anfutun oilfield have been established. Through geological study, Proterozoic is divided into two formations, i.e, Dahongyu Formation and Gaoyuzhang Formations which are further divided into 18 zones with 7 sedimentary cycles. The dominant reservoir rocks are carbonate and quartzite. The reservoir features are studied and summarized indicating three kinds of hydrocarbon storage spaces, which are fractures, pores, and cavities, and the high aperture fractures are the dominant storage spaces. It is found out that dolomite rock reservoir is the fractured reservoir, and quartzose reservoirs mainly are fractured reservoir and the secondary important reservoirs are crystalline pores, crystalline vuggy and crystalline fissures reservoir. Based on the logging data, oil and gas bearing reservoir identification and comprehensive evaluation are made, in addition, the analysis on the factors controlling the reservoir storage properties is done, and it is found out that reservoir hydrocarbon storage spaces are very complicated and highly heterogeneous, which are controlled by lithology, fault, karst, paleo-weathering.

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Characteristics of Sedimentary Micro-Facies for Chang 6 Reservoir in Jianyucha Region of Zibei Oilfield in Ordos Basin
CAO Jin-zhou, REN Zhan-li, GAO Xin-jun, KANG Li-ming, ZHANG Na, HAN Wei, WANG Min
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  30-37. 
Abstract ( 1694 )  

By means of comprehensive study on petroleum geology, modern test technology,well logging technology, and the combination of macroexamination with microexamination, regional information with well data, through the petrology, grain size, signs of logging, etc, the authors studied micro-sedimentary facies and distribution law for the Chang 6 reservoir of Triassic in Jianyucha region in Zibei oil field. New understanding of sedimentary microfacies is concluded as followed:Chang 6 reservoir belongs to the delta plain distributary channel sedimentary which includes two main types of sedimentary microfacies-distributary channel and distributary bay.The sandbody is controled by distributary channel which alignment is from northeast to southwest, and the main sandbody trend and distribution have a certain succession in profile section. The delta plain distributary channel sedimentary is beneficial to oil-gas gathering.

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Reservoir Feature and Sedimentary Facies of Chang 2 Bed in Hanqu-Zhangtianqu Area in Ordos Basin
YANG Xian-chao, LI Dan, KANG Li-ming, QING Ying, REN Zhan-li
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  38-47. 
Abstract ( 1340 )  

According to the comprehensive analysis of the regional geology, logging, sandstone thin section, casting lamella, scan electronmicroscope,X-ray diffractions and other means, the sedimentary facies and reservoir features of Chang 2 Formation in Hanqu-Zhangtianqu region of Ordos basin have been studied.The results show that the sand bodies of the Chang 2 oil reservoir are mainly deltaic plain deposits,and the distributary channel sand bodies in Chang 2 Formation are the advantageous places for Petroleum accumulation of this area. The main porosity type of reservoir is primary interparticle pore. The porosity and permeability of reservoir are about 15 % and 5×10-3μm2 separately, which belong to low porosity and low permeability reservoir. Located in the flat Shanbei slope with weak tectonic activities,Chang 2 oil pool belongs to the tectonic-lithologic pool. Channel sand bodies,lithologic lateral bareier and the shale cap rock of Chang 1 Group are the main dominant factors for the petroleum accumulation in Chang 2 sand bodies.

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Investigation on Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Carboniferous Volcanic Reservoir in the 6th|the 7th and the 9th Areas of Karamay Oil Field
ZHAO Fei, LUO Jing-lan, ZHANG You-ping, WANG An-sheng, LIU Wen-feng, WU Bao-cheng, BAI Lei
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  48-55. 
Abstract ( 1297 )  

The reservoir characteristics including lithology, lithofacies, pore type of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the 6th,the 7th and the 9th areas of Karamay oil field are analyzed based upon core observation, thin section identification, scanning electron microscope analysis and well logging interpretation. The reservoir pore space types, relationship between the reservoir spaces and flowing passageway and main parameters affecting the reservoir quality are also studied. The results indicate that the major rocks are lava which includes basalt and andesite, pyroclastics and pyroclastic sedimentary which includes volcanic breccia, tuff and sedimentary tuff. Three types of reservoir spaces including vesicles, pores and fractures can be classified based on the pore structures, and the primary and secondary pores can be identified based upon origin. The major controlling parameters for reservoir quality are petrology, lithofacies and tectonic action as well as weathering and leaching processes.

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Recoverable Analysis of Geothermal Resources in Dongying Formation of Banqiao Depression through TR21-Hole Pumping Test
CHEN Rui-jun, LI Yuan-Yuan, JIA Zhi
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  56-60. 
Abstract ( 1400 )  

In Tianjin Banqiao depression, the Dongying Formation contains abundant ground pressure-type geothermal fluid resources. Because the exploitable water level is deep, both survey and development of the resource are difficult for local government. Combining with the pore structure and ground pressure of Dongying Formation, the authors analyzed the data of the pumping test of well TR21 and suggested that Dongying Formation is in overpressure condition, having a starting hydraulic gradient. By iterative fitting of the data from 0 and 3 stage drawdown pumping test, the calculated starting hydraulic gradient is 1.16(1 160‰)and the overpressure coefficient of permeability is 1.896 m/d. These data indicate that the geothermal fluid of Dongying Formation receives  recharged from the underlying overpressure Shahejie Fomation. Dongying Formation can trap underlying strata overpressure of 5.12-6.25 MPa which provides the probability for the formation of overpressure of underlying strata and the preservation of overpressure of the Dongying Formation. The overpressure coefficient of permeability is higher than the one obtained(1.392 m/d)by permeability, suggesting that the coefficient of permeability of geothermal reservoirs increases under overpressure conditions. The overpressure and increase of coefficient of permeability of the reservoir facilitate the exploitation of the resources.

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Ore-Forming Fluid Features and Metallogenesis of Yajishan Molybdenum-Copper Deposit, Chifeng Area, Inner Mongolia
LI Bi-le, ZHANG Juan, ZHANG Han, HU Qing-lin, XU Ze-xin
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  61-72. 
Abstract ( 1521 )  

The studied area is located in the Wenduermiao-]Wengniuteqi fold belt, one of the most important nonferrous metal metallogenic belts in China. Tectonically, the belt belongs to the Mongolia-Okhotsk orogenic belt. The orebodies are hosted in the monzonitic granite in the hanging wall of EW-striked F1, and strictly controlled by EW-and NE-striked faults. Naturally, the deposit belongs to altered rock type and quartz vein type, and the sulfides in ore veins are dominated by pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite. Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals can be further classified into three subtypes; aqueous and gas two-phase,daughter crystal-bearing three-phase and pure gas phase. The salinities of fluid inclusions range from 2.06% to 44.00% NaCl eqv,concentrated in two ranges of 40%-44% NaCl eqv and 4%-8% NaCl eqv. The densities of fluid inclusions range from 0.85 to 1.25 g/cm3,concentrated in two ranges of 1.2-1.24 g/cm3 and 0.88-0.92 g/cm3. The homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions range from 167℃ to 380℃,concentrated in two ranges of 320-360℃ and 200-220℃. The salinities,densities and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are all bimodal in the histograms. During the early ore-forming stage,the ore-forming fluids are magma fluids with high temperature, salinity and density, and the coexisting fluid inclusions of daughter crystal-bearing three-phase and pure CO2 indicate they were formed by boiling or immiscibility during the late magma crystallization. In the late ore-forming stage,the ore-forming fluids are mixed fluid with low salinity and density and moderate temperature. According to the diagram of liquid-vapor relations for the NaCl-H2O system and coexistence surface,the ore-forming pressure is estimated in the range of 274.7-368.5 MPa, corresponding to the ore-forming depth of 8.32-11.2 km. Genetically, the Yajishan molybdenum copper deposit is defined as mesozonal,meso-hypothermal deposit.

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The Character of Lead Geochemical Blocks and Assessment of Lead Resources in Northern Chifeng Area, Inner Mongolia
WANG Miao, LEI Wan-sha, MA Yan-ying, CHENG Dong-xiang
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  73-79. 
Abstract ( 1322 )  

Based on 1/200 000 geochemical exploration data of northern Chifeng area and the theory  of geochemical blocks,the authors have studied the characteristics of Pb geochemical block and Pb mineral resources, and identified two Pb geochemical blocks and six relatively small geochemical anomaly areas. Through analyzing the controlling factors of Pb geochemical blocks, the authors suggest that the contacting zone or outer contacting zone of Yanshanian intermediate-felsic intrusive rocks are the favorable locations for the blocks, and the Permian Huanggangliang and Dashizhai Formation, Jurassic Manitu and Xinmin Formation, and Upper Silurian Xingshuwa Formation are considered as the main strata for those blocks. The size of blocks is obviously controlled by NW-and NE-striking faults. By taking 1 000 m as the criterion, the total predicted mineral resource of Pb is 18.935 3 million tons in the study area. The study area was subdivided into nine Pb prospect areas, and three of them (No.1113-1, No.1411-1 and No.3111-1) are first-order areas.

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Geochemistry and Tin Metallogenic Potential for Qitianling Granite Mass in Southern Hunan
LI Xiao-min, HU Rui-zhong, BI Xian-wu, PENG Jian-tang
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  80-92. 
Abstract ( 1539 )  

Furong super-unit is a part of Qitianling granite mass which is Yanshanian complex pluton, and is mainly composed of adamellite and moyite. K2O+Na2O in content ranges from 7.32% to 10.01%, the average is 8.17%. In the granitic classification diagram of K2O-Na2O, the most samples are plotted in the area of A-type granite, but they are characterized by high TiO2, CaO, MgO, and lower FeO*/MgO contrasted with the typical A-type granite. The REE distribution patterns of granite are similar to each other, and show typical LREE enrichment, an obvious negative Eu anomaly pattern. The LREE distribution curves are light right deviation and the part of HREE almost smooth. For the trace elements of granite, Rb and Th are enriched strongly, Sr and Ti appear as strong depletion, and Ba, Ta, Nb, Nd, Zr and Hf also show a character of enrichment in a certain degree. Qitianling granite with high tin background content is favorable to tin mineralization in space environment and time stage, showing a good potential to tin mineralization.

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Geochemical Characteristics of the Mudanjiang Blueschists in the NE China and Its Tectonic Implications
ZHOU Jian-bo, HAN Jie, ZHANG Xing-zhou, ZENG Wei-shun
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  93-103. 
Abstract ( 1354 )  

The Mudanjiang blueschists are the typical outcrop of the Heilongjiang high pressure metamorphic rocks in NE China. The Mudanjiang blueschists occur as tectonic lenses and/or tectonic fragments which mainly distributed in the area of Yiziquan and Modaoshi along the Mudanjiang fault. The protolith of the blueschists is the subalkali-basalt according to their geochemical characteristics. Both the REE patterns and spidergrams of trace elements for these basalts are similar to that of the typical E-MORB.This study together with the studies from regional geology,petrology,geochemistry, and geo-chronology, suggests that the protolith of Mudanjiang blueschists at Yiziquan and Modaoshi is mainly dismembered E-MORB affinities formed in an initial spreading mid-ocean ridge setting. The authors suggest that the Heilongjiang blueschists are of ophiolitic nature and represent a high-pressure metamorphic zone formed due to the westward subduction of Jiamusi block and finally collided with Songnen block. The presently preserved blueschists represent the remaining part of large-scale accretionary complex overthrusted above the Jiamusi block during the Mesozoic. The results, together with our recently published SHRIMP zircon and Ar-Ar dating age, suggest that the final closure between the Jiamusi and Songliao blocks took place during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic as a result of westward subduction of Pacific Ocean.

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Temperature Influence on Pyrite Crystallization Growth Under Conditions of ThermalSulfurization
KOU Da-ming, HUANG Fei, YANG Da-yong, LI Guang-lu, WANG Yue-song, TAN Wei, GUO Yao-yu
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  104-108. 
Abstract ( 1493 )  

Natural conditions and formation process for pyrite were simulated. A laboratory vacuum tube furnace heater was used through the thermal curing process between 250℃ and 410℃. Responses were captured from the experimental study at different temperatures under the conditions of pyrite crystallization growth. Using the methods such as scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis, the authors analyzed the pyrite in crystal form and structure. The results show that it is formed between 250℃ and 410℃, but it is low in degree of crystallization between 250℃ and 280℃. The partial crystal faces begin to grow between 310℃ and 340℃, and better crystal planes occur at 360℃. It has euhedral crystals that appear as cubes and octahedrons at 380℃. When it is 410℃, the pyrite crystallizes completely with a single composition.

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Vegetation and Climate Since 10 000 aB.P. in Lantian of Guanzhong Area, Shaanxi Province
LI Bing-cheng
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  109-113. 
Abstract ( 1035 )  

Based on the geological investigation in the vicinity of Lantian Town, Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province, the vegetations since 10 000 aB.P. are reconstructed by using diagrams of pollen and spores in this area, and the climatic changes are revealed. Abundant pollen and spores from 17 samples of the loess section in the Dongcheng reservoir of Lantian Town are found, and three assemblage zones can be recognized during the Holocene. Zone I is characterized by abundant Artemisia. Zone Ⅱ is characterized by the sudden rise of arboreal pollen. The lower part of Zone Ⅱ is represented by temperate deciduous broad-leaf forest or conifers and broad-leaf forest. The upper part of Zone Ⅱ is represented by temperate broad-leaf tree grassland or mixed broad-leaf and pine tree grassland. Zone Ⅲ is characterized by woodland or forest grassland dominated by pine and wormwood. This indicates that in the Early Holocene the climate was cold and dry, and the vegetation was grassland dominated by Artemisia. During Middle Holocene, the climate was getting warm and wet, and the vegetation was tree grassland. The climate changed to dry and cold in Late Holocene, and vegetation changed to pine tree and wormwood grassland.

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Development and Utilization Mode of High Salinity Shallow Groundwater from Low Permeability Aquifer in Eastern North China Plain
LIU Shao-yu, JIN Sheng-hai, HAN Shuang-peng, SONG Shu-hong, WANG Zhe, ZHOU Xiao-ni
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  114-120. 
Abstract ( 1281 )  

Development and utilization of shallow groundwater from low permeability aquifer in low altitude plain of the eastern North China is the key issue to excavate resources potential of water and soil and increase resource utilization of light-heat biological environment. Based on the lessons from home and overseas study and investigation and construction in situ, different types of demonstration projects were successfully implemented in Tianjin, Cangzhou, Hengshui and Jiyang, such as “radial well of pumping salt water and replacing fresh water”, “recycling well of river water-rain floods-phreatic water”,  “enhancing pumpage well by siphone-conectivity way”and has achieved good results under the condition of low-cost. It has not only solved the problem of irrigation water shortage in fresh water, brackish water, even salt water distribution areas, but also made large-scale utilization of shallow salt water become possibility, and provide a feasible way for reasonable development and utilization of soil and water resources.

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Variation Characteristics of Annual Precipitation in Da’an Area Based on Wavelet Transformation
LEI Wen-xi, CHEN She-ming, WANG Chen-zi, LIU Lei, GU Hong-wei, LV De-quan
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  121-127. 
Abstract ( 1152 )  

The variation characteristics of the annual precipitation in Da’an area of Jilin Province from 1959 to 2007 were discussed based on wavelet analysis method. The analysis result shows that the annual precipitation sequence of Da’an area represents a non-uniform time-scale distribution in its calculation period with a obvious local features, in which 4-6 years scale mainly occurred in the period of 1959-1969 and the year after 1984, the 10-12 years scale mainly occurred in the period of 1965-1999 and the 20-25 years scale occurred throughout the calculation period. In different time scales, the alternated change is different in the situation that the precipitation on the high side and low side. Simultaneously, the analysis shows that the sequence of precipitation of the region has a main period of 4 years, 10 years and 21 years, and the period of 4 years is the first main period.

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Seepage Analysis and Forecast of the Seepage-Control Schemes of Hongxing Reservior in Suihua City
YE Xue-yan, DU Xin-qiang, YANG Yue-suo
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  128-133. 
Abstract ( 1448 )  

After the construction of Hongxing reservoir in Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, a water storage test showed that the reservoir has a severe seepage problem. According to the field survey works, the main reason of the severe seepage is discontinuous distribution of clay at surface of the reservoir. Based on the analysis of hydrogeological conditions and characteristics of groundwater flow, FEFLOW was adopted to construct the groundwater numerical model for the study area. The seepage fields under the conditions of five different seepage control schemes (no impervious wall and four types of impervious wall)were simulated by using threedimensional groundwater simulation model. The results showed that the seepagecontrol of the section with dam is very effective, it can decrease 70% of the total reservoir seepage quantity which without any seepage-control conditions. The seepage quantity and seepage gradient linearly decreased with increase of seepage-control length. The best effective scheme for seepage-control is the whole dam section with impervious wall and 1 000 m and 1 700 m impervious wall in east and west part respectively of the reservoir south bank.

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Evaluation on Reservoir Immersion in Songbei District of Harbin
QIN Yu, ZHANG Li-jie
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  134-139. 
Abstract ( 1343 )  

Reservoir immersion is one of geolgocial hazards in plain area. Based on influence factors of reservoir immersion in Songbei district located on the north bank of Songhua River in Harbin, reservoir immersion was evaluated for different prumping aschemes by using numercial simulation technique. The reservoir immersion criteria related hydrogeological conditions in the study area were proposed with the considerations of land cover, basement types of buildings: depths to water table are 2.50 m, 1.50 m for silty clay and silty fine sand rspectively in irrigation area; 3.50 m, and 3.00 m for silty clay and silty fine sand rspectively in urban area. The study area can be divided into potential immersion zone, transition immersion zone, and non immersion zone. The areas for each immersion zone were determined.

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Hydrology Environment Characteristics of Buried Ancient Channels near |Zhoushan Islands and Yangtze River Estuary
LIU Kui, ZHUANG Zhen-ye, LIU Dong-yan, YE Yin-can
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  140-147. 
Abstract ( 1171 )  

Many buried river channels were revealed by applying high-resolution geophysical detection methods in the area near Zhoushan Islands and Yangtze River estuary. The characteristic parameters of the buried channel profiles were counted and analyzed. Some characteristic parameters of hydrological environment of the profiles were figured out by using some river formulae. The river patterns of the study area were analyzed by the latest channel pattern discrimination in the last glacial maximum and deglaciation of the Late Pleistocene. The hydrology, sediment, environment parameters of the ancient channel in the study area, width-depth ratio F=22.22, suspended sediment concentration M=10.10%, channel curvature P=1.52, meander wavelength L=1 647 m. These parameters can be used as hydrological classification indicators.

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Evaluation of Soil Slope Stability Based on Cellular Automata Ant Algorithm
WANG Yu, XIAO Sheng-xie, FENG Wu-yi, ZHANG Yuan-cai, XU Yi-hua
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  148-152. 
Abstract ( 1219 )  

How to ascertain the sliding surface and the factor of safety is the key problem of slope stability, the method of ant colony algorithm(CA)fitting was used to solve the stability analysis of soil slopes, and the structure of CA and the transfer probability formula were modified.An adaptive operator was introduced to change the selection mechanism of ants and prevent the phenomena of stagnation and premature in the evolutionary process.Thus,a new ant colony algorithm,called adaptive ant colony algorithm (CA-AA),was presented.The stability coefficient of Wenwu slope is 1.37, which is less than the value of imbalance push method recommended by “The Rock Soil Engineering Reconnaissance Specification”, and its defect is overcomed, and the  new method applied to soil slope stability evaluation shows that it can exactly find out the global optimal solution and the search efficiency is higher.

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Fractal Feature of Overbreak-Underbreak Figure of Tunnel Section
XIAO Yun-hua, CHEN Jian-ping, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Li
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  153-158. 
Abstract ( 1235 )  

Overbreak-underbreak of tunnel is a common phenomenon. To the very irregular overbreak-underbreak of tunnel, fractal geometry is a new idea. On the basis of the measured data, applying fractal geometry, it  indicates that the overbreakunderbreak curve of tunnel has a self-similarity. According to analyzing the relation between rock mass classification and fractal dimension of overbreak-underbrak curve of tunnel, for a certain diameter tunnel, the fractal dimension reflects better the relation between structure of rock mass and tunnel axes. This is a basis of the prediction of the overbreak-underbreak state of the tunnel.

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Prediction and Verification of Critical Flow Velocity for Jet Nozzle of |Hammer Hydro
LI Guo-lin, BANG Jian-ming, LIU He, ZHAO Zhi-qiang
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  159-163. 
Abstract ( 1189 )  

The technique of CFD dynamic analysis was used in the simulation of the critical flow velocity at the nozzle of the fluidic in SC71B liquid-jet hammer prototype, the result shows that the critical flow velocity ranges from 20.305 m/s to 22.565 m/s, which is obviously lower than the value of 40 m/s by empirical prediction value. In order to verify the theoretical value by CFD dynamic analysis, a laboratory test was carried out on the machine of SC71B liquid-jet hammer, the laboratory value is 21.83 m/s, which  highly coincides with the theoretical value. CFD dynamic analysis is proved as a validated prediction method, meay while the lowest critical flow velocity is obtained, this value can provide very important reference to develop liquid-jet hammers controlled by fluidic elements with low critical flow velocities for oil and gas drilling.

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Pollution Plume Control and Removal Efficiency of Chlorobenzene in Groundwater by Air Sparging
QIN Chuan-yu, ZHAO Yong-sheng, ZHENG Wei, LI Yu-song, SUN Meng
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  164-168. 
Abstract ( 1400 )  

Air sparging (AS) has been proven to be one of the most effective means of removing volatile organic compounds in saturated soils and groundwater. Firstly, the effect of air flow rates on air saturation and radius of influence (ROI) was investigated using a two-dimensional laboratory sand tank. The results show that improving air flow rate can increase higher air saturation and wider ROI. However, the increases of air flow rate and air saturation, ROI are disproportionate. With the increase of air flow rate, the increase amplitude of air saturation, ROI becomes slow. Then the effect of different air flow rates on chlorobenzene migration and removal in sand tank with a certain hydraulic gradient was also studied. The air injection into groundwater can reduce the hydraulic conductivity within the zone of influence, can slow down groundwater flow and contaminant migration. When no air flow injected, the proportion of chlorobenzene migrated out of the sand profile with the effluent groundwater is 19.7% after 130 hours. While the proportions were only 3.6% and 0.9% at air injection rates of 0.1, 0.2 m3/h respectively. Meanwhile, 68.2% and 78.6% of the initial chlorobenzene mass has been removed at the two air injection rates respectively. This result reveals that AS can effectively control and remove contaminant migration in groundwater. This effect will be more obvious when higher air flow rate is used.

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Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment and Its Biological Phase in Combination with Biological Technology
LIU Peng, ZHANG Lan-ying, LIU Ying-ying, LIU Na, LIU Feng, LIU Hong, CUI Zhe, XU Guo-xin
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  169-175. 
Abstract ( 1246 )  

The biological technology (hydrolytic acidification-activated sludge-biological aerated filter technique) was used to treat the pharmaceutical wastewater. The results indicate that removal efficiency of the process for both COD and BOD5 are higher than 90%, and all the indexes already met the second class of “National Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard”(GB8978-1996). The microscopic observation shows that the sludge flocs and the biofilms grow well and there are amoebas, rotifers and vagiles in succession. After separation and purification of bacteria in every unit, 8 species in hydrolytic acidification tank, 3 species in activated sludge tank, and 6 species in biological aerated filter tank are found and identified by BIOLOG bacterial identification system respectively.

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Element Flux and Sources from Atmospheric Bulk Deposition in Western Jilin Province
LI Bo, LIU Ya, YAO Yan, FANG Fang, ZHANG Zhi-qiang, XU Xue-chun
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  176-182. 
Abstract ( 1354 )  

The element flux from atmospheric bulk deposition in western Jilin Province was detected, and its possible sources were tracked, so as to examine the main influencing factors of atmospheric environment in western Jilin Province. Point distribution was used to collect 55 points samples from July 2006 to July 2007 with a sampling density of 15/10 000 km2; All measurements were performed in the Changchun Supervision and Inspection Center of Mineral Resources, Ministry of Land and Resources. Factor and enrichment factor analyses were used to assess depositions of elements. Results showed that macro elements such as Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, N and C in the air had relatively higher yearly deposition flux than other elements, while the deposition flux for elements in their solid atmospheric form was higher than that of the same elements dissolved in water. The average enrichment factor for each element and factor analysis results (except for Zn) showed that all enrichment factors for the elements in the main factor F1(which included F, Ni, Mo, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn, P, Hg, Ca, Fe, and Mg) that influenced atmosphere quality were close to 1 or much less than 1. This indicated that elements in F1 might mainly come from nature or dust particles produced by sandy soil or rock decay. In the secondary factor F2(U, Th, Pb, C, As, Al, K, Na, B, and N) of influencing atmospheric quality,the elements U, Th, K and Na, considered to have come from nature, the other elements were considered came from mainly produced by human activities pollution. Over all, every element detected was in the solid form, predominantly existing in the atmospheric bulk deposition; Natural sources or particles produced by sandy soil or rock decay were the primary factors that influenced atmosphere quality, followed by human activities.

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Effect of Clay Minerals Adulterated in Sediments on Sorption Ability of Cu and Zn
WANG Xiao-li, LI Yu, WANG Yi-zhe, DU Xian-yuan, WANG Ting, LIU Jian-lin
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  183-187. 
Abstract ( 1277 )  

The feasibility of illite and montmorillonite to immobilize Cu and Zn in the contaminated sediments was investigated by analyzing the adsorption capacities of illite and montmorillonite, the adsorption/desorption characteristics of the sediments before and after the clay minerals adulterating. The results indicate that the adulterated illite and montmorillonite reduce the adsorption capacity of Cu with the maximum decrease of 5.4% for illite and 3.8% for montmorillonite, and the adulterated illite also decreases the sequestration of Zn in the sediments with the maximum decrease of 4.4%, but the adulterated montmorillonite enhances the adsorption and sequestration ability of Zn into the sediments with the maximum increase of 5.7%. Therefore, the montmorillonite is recognized as the most suitable materials for stabilizing and immobilizing Zn in the contaminated sediments,but it can not enhance Cu stabilizing in polluted sediments.

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Fast Algorithm of the Expanding Wavefronts Finite-Difference Traveltime Calculation Based on the Three Branch Tree Structure Heap Sorts
YANG Hao, SUN Jian-guo, HAN Fu-xin, MA Shu-fang
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  188-194. 
Abstract ( 1205 )  

Traveltime calculation using the expanding wavefronts finite-difference method is characterized by its explicit physics meanings and causal stabilities, but the method needs to search the minimum traveltime point frequently when expanding the wavefront. The method becomes more time consuming when there are too many grid nodes, particularly for 3D calculation. Two main characteristics of the wavefront points are found through this study: ①The wavefront points is updated frequently. Generally several new points are inserted to the wavefront points set after the minimum traveltime point is removed. ②The traveltime of new calculated wavefront point is often larger than that of others. The authors try to improve the efficiency of traveltime calculation by using the binary tree structure heap sorts. According to the  first characteristic of the wavefront points, the original binary tree structure heap sorts is ameliorated in that the inserting and removing operations on the heap is optimized which improves the calculation efficiency by about 20%. From the second characteristic of the wavefront points, three branch structure heap sorts is introduced which improves the calculation efficiency by another 5%.

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Inhomogeneous Plane Wave in Anisotropic Weakly Viscoelastic Media by Improved Perturbation Theory
HAO Qi, HE Qiao-deng, WANG De-li
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  195-202. 
Abstract ( 1142 )  

After proposing a viewpoint that the perturbation of slowness and polarization is fully due to the inhomogeneous parameter D of inhomogeneous plane wave, the authors have improved the original perturbation formulas used by Cerveny and Psencik for the slowness and polarization of the inhomogeneous plane wave propagating in anisotropic weakly viscoelastic media, with new perturbation formulae for slowness and polarization, which are more concise than the previous and are exact for homogeneous wave. Numerical modeling for imaginary part of slowness Im(σ) and particle motion shows that the new perturbation formulae are better than the original ones for qP and qSV wave and have almost the same accuracy as the original for qSH wave.

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Three-D Seismic Description of Volcanic Gas Pool: A Case Study from Exploration to the Lower Cretaceous Volcanics in Xujiaweizi Fault Depression, Northern Songliao Basin
JIANG Chuan-jin, LEI Shuang-fang, ZHANG Yuan-gao
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  203-208. 
Abstract ( 1530 )  

Volcanic rocks, facies belts of volcanic edifices, reservoir prediction and hydrocarbon detection of Xujiaweizi fault depression are analyzed by using of full 3-D seismic data, and the detail description of the volcanic gas pools is made . According to eruptive types, the volcanic rocks of Xujiaweizi fault depression are classified into fissured type, central type and compound type. The volcanic rocks of fissured type have wedge outer shape with strong amplitude, low frequency and bad continuum. However, its inner characteristics are bad continuous reflection, middle-strong amplitude, paralleldiagonal structure. The volcanic rocks of central and compound type have mound outer shape with strong amplitude, low frequency and bad continuum. And their inner characteristics are blankchaotic reflection. Volcanic edifices are divided into crater-near crater facies belts(CNCF), proxy facies belt(PF), distal faceis belt(DF) and volcanic-sedimentary facies belt(VSF). The CNCF has mound shape and chaotic reflection. The PF has bed reflection. The DF has bed shape and good continuum. The VSF has filling structure and good continuum. And volcanic facies belts can be recognized by using of coherence cube technique. According to the results of well-seismic integrated reservoirs inversion and hydrocarbon detection of attenuation attributes ,the relative errors between reservoirs prediction results and new-well is decreased to 17.0%(the average value is 10.2%). The accuracy of hydrocarbon detection is increased to 75%. All above provide foundation for exploration of volcanic gas pools.

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Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Porosity Response Under the Condition of Air Drilling
ZHANG Feng, GUO Jian-fang, WANG Xin-guang
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  209-214. 
Abstract ( 1331 )  

Air drilling technology, an underbalanced drilling method, affects the neutron porosity logging. The neutron porosity calculation model in open hole has been established, and the neutron transport processes were simulated with Monte Carlo method under the condition of different porosity, lithology, shale content, hole size and air pressure.After studying the ratio of thermal neutron count and porosity, it could be concluded that the thermal neutron count increase at first, then after a point, decrease with the increase of porosity. The count ratio from limestone is higher than that of sandstone; and the higher the shale content, the larger the ratio. Moreover, the ratio is influenced by hole size; it is especially significant for large porosity formation; the bigger the hole size is, the smaller the ratio is; thus makes the determination of neutron porosity more difficult. However, the gas pressure has little effect over the ratio of thermal neutron. As a result, in air drilling, neutron porosity should be re-calibrated and correction should be done according to lithology, shale content and borehole size.

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Determinating Clay Mineral Content by Natural Gamma-Ray Spectral Logging Data
LIU Jing-hua, WANG Zhu-wen, YI Qing-ping
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  215-221. 
Abstract ( 1187 )  

Basing on the chart analysis for clay mineral content, a cross plot of clay mineral content and radioactivity element concentration was obtained, and a multivariate linear relation between clay mineral content and radioactivity element U, Th and K was established, deriving a regression equation to estimate clay mineral content. Through the regression analysis of the data from different well sections or the same well section of different formations, a typical linear regression model was provided. The application of the model to a real well section got a vertical variation of clay mineral, which was in an excellent agreement with the practical interpretations.

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Lanczos Algorithm for Kernel Principle Component Analysis on Large Scale Samples
CHEN Yong-liang, LIN Nan, LI Xue-bin
J4. 2010, 40 (1):  222-226. 
Abstract ( 1299 )  

The key technique for solving the problem of kernel principle component analysis is to determine the several biggest eigenpairs of the kernel matrix. Lanczos algorithm is applied to the problem. Basing on the method, along with the thick-restart strategy, a highly effective algorithm is laid out. A corresponding visual C++ program for computing the parameters of a kernel component analysis model on large scale samples is developed on clapack and nu-TRLan software packages. Experiments are conducted to process hyperspectral remote sensing images to get the kernel principle components. The results illustrate the practicability of the algorithm in computing the parameters of a kernel principle component analysis model for large scale samples.

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