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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 July 2013, Volume 43 Issue 4
Theoretical Framework of Methodology of Deposit Modeling and Integrated Geological Information for Mineral Resource Potential Assessment
Ye Tianzhu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1053-1072. 
Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (783KB) ( 980 )  

This paper mainly focuses on the following aspects: the analysis of the tectonic facies in studying the regional metallogenic geological background, the application of the formation analysis in studying the mineralization, the studies on metallogenic characteristics of the typical deposit and the predicted region in determining the scope of work region according to mineral prediction type and drawing the predictable maps according to the predictable method. Moreover, this paper also introduces the methods of defining the predictable region and estimating the amount of the mineral resources on basis on the  synthetic analysis on data of geophysics, geochemistry, remote sensing and placer mineral survey.

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Some Progresses of Mineral Prediction Theory and Method in Important Mineral Resource Potential Assessment of China
Xiao Keyan,Lou Debo,Sun Li, Li Jingchao, Ye Tianzhu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1073-1082. 
Abstract ( 353 )   PDF (906KB) ( 785 )  

The mineral potential assessment of 25 important mineral resources has been the most important prediction by far in China. In this projection, methods of deposit model and integrated geological information are used to predict mineral resource potential. Some methods are put forward to solve some difficulties in mineral prediction such as lack of unbalance of geological works, 3D prediction, integration of qualitative prediction with quantitative prediction, as well as data integration of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and remote sensing. During the prediction work, we put forward some methods as followings. Firstly, sedimentary formation is linked with metallgenitic settings by using type of mineral prediction to compile Formation-Tectonic map. Secondly, the quantitative prediction model can be founded by studies on deposit model and prediction factors. Thirdly, the transformation from 2D to 3D is completed by using geological parameter volume method to estimate resources.

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Methods of Geological Statistics in Prediction of Mineral Resources
Chen Jianping,Yan Qiong,Li Wei,Shang Beichuan,Ding Chengwu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1083-1091. 
Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (1803KB) ( 562 )  

The block method and the geologic body unit method are two most common statistic methods in mineral prediction, but both have advantages and disadvantages. Taking contact metasomatic iron copper deposits in Qimantage as examples, authors introduce the mineral resource prediction of these deposits by the two methods mentioned above on basis of the prospecting prediction model. The geologic body unit method is used to delineate the boundaries of geological bodies; meanwhile, the geologic block method is used to divide the geologic body into geologic grid. The results of the two methods are consistent with each other, which indicates that the new body method is credible. Finally, the authors prospect the target areas based on the forecast area. The target areas are not only the high value areas in posterior probability but also the most favorable mineralized areas.

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Prediction Type of Mineral Resources and Its Application in the Assessment Work of Mineral Resources Potential
Wang Denghong, Chen Yuchuan, Xu Zhigang, Sheng Jifu, Zhu Mingyu, Liu Xifang, Zhang Changqing, Wang Chenghui, Wang Yonglei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1092-1099. 
Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (665KB) ( 763 )  

The Prediction Type of Mineral Resources is a new division method for mineral resources, in the view of metallogenic prognosis and assessment for mineral resources potential. Each prediction type of mineral resources, with mineral deposit type to be its theoretic basement, has a general regularity of typical deposits and is featured by regional geological characteristics. This paper introduces the research history of this new idea of prediction type, and stresses its importance and advantages in assessment work. Based on the case studies of Ashele-type, Dachang-type, Jiama-type and Daye-type, authors discuss the relationship between the metallogeny series and prediction type of mineral resources, implying that the type of mineral deposits can serve as the base of the division of prediction type of mineral resources. In addition, it’s also pointed out that only by strengthening research on ore-forming regularity for each prediction type of mineral resources, it can be applied scientifically to the assessment work of mineral resource potential. Some problems existing in the national use of the concept of prediction type of mineral resource since 2006 are also discussed.

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Prospecting Breakthrough of the Deep Porphyry Ore Body and Its Significance in Jiama Copper Polymetallic Deposit, Tibet, China
Tang Juxing, Zheng Wenbao, Chen Yuchuan, Wang Denghong, Ying Lijuan, Qin Zhipeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1100-1110. 
Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (2271KB) ( 686 )  

Jiama copper polymetallic deposit is a superlarge porphyryskarn one in the middle-eastern Gangdese metallogenic belt. It has the highest level of prospecting, a variety of ore-forming elements and ore body types, and brings huge economic benefit for Tibetan. Based on the “quaternity” prospecting model and nearly 350 drillholes in more than four years, not only has the skarn mineralization prospecting been achieved, but also the porphyry copper-molybdenum ore bodies have been proved from the 0 line to 40 line. In depth, porphyry molybdenum (copper) ore bodies are located in the monzonite granite porphyry and quartz diorite porphyrite. Porphyry ore bodies are generally below 4 600 m,with the strike NW-SE, dipping in NE direction, nearly vertical, and with vertical extension  over 350 m. The porphyry ore is characterized by veinlet-disseminated structure, ore minerals mainly include chalcopyrite and molybdenite, with rare bornite, and the gangue mineral is mainly quartz. It is preliminary ascertained that the orebearing rock of the copper mineralization is mainly quartz diorite porphyry, with potassic alteration typically formed by the phenocrysts and matrix of hornblende replaced by the fine-grained hydrothermal biotite. The ore-bearing rock of molybdenum mineralization is acidic monzogranite porphyry, with the major alteration of silicification, secondary epidotization, argillization and potassic alteration. The huge skarn ore body, over 200 m wide, usually occurs around the contacts between the carbonate and porphyry. There develops endoskarn on the side of the porphyry. The deep porphyry ore body in Jiama deposit not only confirms the view that the deposit belongs to the porphyry-skarn deposit, but also perfects the metallogenic model and exploration model of Jiama deposit.

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Determination of Quantitative Parameters in Deposit Model Area
Ding Jianhua, Xiao Keyan,Ye Tianzhu,Deng Gang, Lou Debo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1111-1118. 
Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (1066KB) ( 504 )  

“Prognosis model”is considered as bridge to combine metallogenic theories with modern exploration techniques, and to combine exploration techniques with GIS. During the performance of National Mineral Resource Assessment Project, geologists use “Deposit Synthetic Information Modeling Volume Method” to estimate the potential resource. The main principle of this method is to estimate the potential resource of the predicted areas by the ore bearing coefficient of the model area. The authors choose Hongshishan nickel deposit as model to show in detail how to delineate the area and depth of ore-bearing formations. Compared with those quantitative models now used in both domestic and abroad, the method discussed in this paper takes genesis into account by identifying “ore-bearing formation”, which can improve the confidence level of quantitative assessment results.

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Resources Estimate and Results Contrast of Iron Deposit in Lujiang-Zongyang Area, Anhui Province, China
Wu Libin, Gao Shuguang, Zhao Xianchao, Chen Jingjing, Sun Mingming, Yang Daokun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1119-1128. 
Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (837KB) ( 462 )  

Quantitative estimation of mineral resources is an important step in resources assessment. Five methods such as geological volumetric method, quantification theory type I,Delphi method, grade-tonnage model method and magnetic quantitative estimation method are used in the studied area. The first four estimation results are as follows: 1.49 billion tons, 2.022 billion tons, 0.455 billion tons and 1.335 billion tons, respectively. There exist 0.502 billion tons (gradeⅡresource volume) and 3.046 billion tons (grade Ⅲ resource volume) by the last method.  The first method takes advantage of a variety of geological conditions; the result is accordance with the actual case in the studied area. Therefore, the method shows better performance in this area.

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Quantified Research on Potential of Pyrite Mineral Resource in Guangdong Province,China
Wu Guozhong,Gu Zhihong,Xu Yanjun,Yang Fengjuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1129-1135. 
Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (1020KB) ( 605 )  

Based on the data of pyrite deposit, the regional geology, geophysics and geochemistry of Guangdong Province, the minimum prediction area is delineated under the conditions of different prediction of types and assessment working area by the methodology of deposit modeling and integrated geological information for mineral resource potential assessment.According to the resource abundance in each prospective area which was merged by the minimum prediction area, the authors studied pyrite prospective areas in Guangdong Province. It’s suggested that Dajiangping, Xiniu, Helang, Fankou, Makou, Dabaoshan and Bao’an be prior to develop. By the way, the method of analysis in the paper gives an example of mineral resources potential analysis in other provinces.

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Prospecting Model of Cangyi Iron Metallogenic Belt in Shandong Province, China
Hao Xingzhong,Yang Yiheng,Li Yingping,Wang Qiaoyun,Wang Yingpeng,Wang Ligong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1136-1142. 
Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (715KB) ( 555 )  

Cangyi iron metallogenic belt, located in the Cangshan-Zaozhuang area, is a large sedimentary-metamorphic iron metallogenic belt and contains huge iron ore reserves. In order to adapt to the new situation of the iron ore exploration, the forecasting and prospecting model of this iron deposit type are built to improve the exploration efficiency in the region. The authors introduce metallogenic geological background briefly and clarifies the iron ore deposit characteristics of Nashan Villige area in detail. The iron ore bodies occur in the strata of the Shancaoyu Formation of the Neoarchean Taishan Group, displaying layered and stratiform-like. In this deposit, the iron ore is magnetite-amphibole quartzite and magnetite quartzite, and its industrial type is weak magnetic dressing type. This iron deposit belongs to the Anshan type of iron deposit.  The hydrogeological condition belongs to simple-medium classification associated with simple engineering geology feature and medium environmental geology type. The previous iron exploration in the region confirmed that the obvious part of magnetic anomaly is one of the most important prospecting criteria of Cangyi iron metallogenic belt. The regional comprehensive forecasting and prospecting models of this belt are built based on the rock types, mineralization age, ore-bearing strata, ore-bearing and ore-controlling structure, mineral assemblages, texture and structure, orebody occurrence, magnetic anomaly, gravity anomaly and topography.

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Metallogenic Geologic Body Volume Method Applied in Copper Resource Appraisal of Dexing Area, Jiangxi Province, China
Huang Chuanguan, Liu Chungen, Ding Shaohui, Jiang Junjie, Lei Liangcheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1143-1150. 
Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (898KB) ( 636 )  

The metallogenic geologic body volume method is a resource appraisal method based on varied comprehensive geological informations of known ore deposit model. The algorithm is: the calculated mineral resources=minimum appraisal area×dip extension×area parameters of the ore-bearing geological body×similarity coefficient×ore-bearing coefficient of the model area. The obvious advantage of this method is that it quotes resource quantity of large known deposits as a guideline of resource quantity in the deep and periphery portions of the ore-bearing gological bodies in the appraisal area, thus greatly improving the accuracy of ore-bearing coefficients in model zone, and making the appraisal  result more reasonable and reliable.Taking the potential evaluation of a copper mine in Dexing area,Jiangxi as an example, the authors elaborate the application process of metallogenic geologic body volume method. 7 671 100 t of potential copper resource is estimated for above 2 000 m level.

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Metallogenic Prognosis of Copper Polymetallic Mineral Resources in Narenbaolige Area on Basis of Weights of Evidence Method and GIS
Li Jianguo,Xiao Keyan,Liu Yongshun,Yang Junquan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1151-1158. 
Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 791 )  

On the basis of metallogenic regularities of copper polymetallic deposits in Narenbaolige area and adjacent region, multivariate geological prospecting information is extracted by GIS software, including geological, geophysiccal,geochemical and remote sensing data. These data were divided into 18 mineralized variations. Weight of evidence modeling is applied to map copper polymetallic potential areas based on MRAS software in this study area. Four grades metallogenic condition and nine mineralization vision zones were delineated based on the posterior probability map. The result indicated that the model is efficient,and up to 95% deposits are located in the area which was equal or better than Grade-D favorable prospecting area. Among the ore-forming and ore-controlling factors, strata of Zenglongchang Group and Agulugou Formation, liner structure, combination RS alteration and combination geochemical anomalies of iron group elements have greater weight than other factors. Narenbalige mineralization vision zones and South Huogeqi mineralization vision zone have good prospects for finding undiscovered Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe mineral resources.

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Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Biotite-Bearing Plagioclase Amphibolite from Hongtoushan Cu-Zn Deposit, Liaoning Province, China and Its Implications on the Exploration of VMS
Zhang Zengjie, Xing Shuwen, Ma Yubo, Du Xiaohui, Sun Jinggui,Huang Mingran,Cui Dayong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1159-1168. 
Abstract ( 372 )   PDF (1400KB) ( 479 )  

Hongtoushan Cu-Zn deposit is a typical VMS deposit in Northeast China. To reconstruct the history of the diagenesis and tectonic thermal activities of the area and to investigate the process of the metallogenesis by different approaches are vital to the studies of the deposit.The zircons from biotitebearing plagioclase ampibolite, a typical host rock of Hongtoushan deposit, were studied to discuss the process of the mineralization of the deposit. The zircons are granular in shape and were formed during the emplacement of the calcalkaline basalt of the area, the parental rock of the plagioclase ampibolite under this study. According to the results of the analyses in the paper, the zircons were formed at 2 500 Ma which represents the age of the Hongtoushan deposit. The deposit was suggested to be formed in a back-arc basin shortly after Anshan movement during which ancient oceanic plates disappeared, continents collided, and granite emplaced . The related thermal activities were responsible for the high grade copper ore pillars in the deposit. Considering the oreforming processes and the mechanism of the deposit, more attention should be paid to the following two aspects during the exploration of the copper deposit:  1) this type of deposit is hosted in the bimodal volcanic rocks of the greenstone belt; 2) the high grade VMS ores should be localized in the collision belt of continents of the Anshan movement.

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Comprehensive Evaluation Model and Resource Potential Analysis of Lead-Zinc Resources in Jiangsu, China
Wang Haiou, Huang Zhen, Huang Jianping, Wei Fang, Lai Youdong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1169-1178. 
Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (1822KB) ( 691 )  

In order to evaluate the resource potential of lead-zinc deposits in Jiangsu Province, the authors firstly analyze the lead-zinc resources situation,then based on the exploration data at moderate or large scales,and by the method of  integrated geo-information modeling, three comprehensive deposit evaluation models are established for different type of deposit and four evaluation working areas are divided in the province. Following above works, the evaluation unit division of the geological unit method are determined, and the 29 smallest evaluation areas are determined by eigen-analysis method. The potential resources of lead-zinc deposits for above 1 000 meters deep in Jiangsu Province are estimated at 968 300 tons  for lead and 1 629 500 tons for zinc respectively. Four potencial areas of lead-zinc deposits west of Nanjing-Zhenjiang area are suggested based on metallogenic condition and the resource potential studies. The present study is benefical to lead-zinc deposit exploration in the province.

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Primary Halos Characteristics of Caixiashan Pb-Zn Deposit and Prediction for Deep Mineralization
Sun Li,Xiao Keyan,Gao Yang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1179-1189. 
Abstract ( 401 )   PDF (1091KB) ( 636 )  

Caixiashan hydrothermal Pb-Zn deposit is located at the south margin of Hazakstan-Jungar plate. The study of the primary geochemical halos of No.36 section in No.Ⅱ ore body shows that: 1)Cd, Hg, Zn, As, Cu are front elements. Ag, Pb, Sb are proximal elements while Sn, Mo W are tail elements of the ore body. 2)The axial zonation of the elements delineated by zonation indexes is as follows:  Zn-Mo-Hg-Cd-Cu-As-Ag-Sb-Sn-W-Pb. Multivariable statistical methods such as correlation analysis, cluster analysis and factor analysis were used to study the relationship among the ore0forming elements, associated elements and major elements and the corresponding evaluation criteria such as (Cd+Hg)/(W+Mo), F1 factor,Fe2O3,Na2O, and Na2O/K2O were built. The distribution of the criteria shows that the mineralization is prospective in the deep portion of  the ore body under study.

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Metallogenic Rules and Regional Prediction of Lead-Zinc Deposits in Luoshigou of West Kunlun
Xu Shiqi,Feng Jing,Tian Jiangtao,Zhao Tongyang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1190-1199. 
Abstract ( 493 )   PDF (1161KB) ( 773 )  

Sixteen deposits, including iron and base metal, copper and lead-zinc have been found in high potential west Kunlun area,an important metallogenic belt in southwestern Xinjiang. Based on the study of the Baotashan and Luoshigou lead-zinc deposits and gravity, magnetic, chemistry and remote sense information, a regional evaluation conceptual model has been set up, regional ore-controlling law of lead-zinc deposits has been summarized and the predictive components have been determined by the present authors. Using weights of evidence law and 12 variables from geology, geochemistry, geophysics, and remote sense, the mineralized posteriori probability is calculated and five smallest predicted areas are delineated by the present authors.Through summarising the geological constrains of lead-zinc deposits, it is concluded that the Luoshigou area of western Kunlun is the most favorable for looking for hydrothermal lead-zinc deposits.

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Mineral Prediction and Quantified Research on Tin Potential in Hunan Province, China
Li Shengmiao, Xiao Keyan, Luo Xiaoya
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1200-1209. 
Abstract ( 442 )   PDF (1357KB) ( 769 )  

According to the Methodology of Deposit Modeling and Integrated Geological Information, and on the basis of geological, geophysical, geochemical, remote sensing and placer survey data in Hunan Province at the middle and large scales, 16 predicted areas are delineated by different prediction and evaluation models. By analyzing the ore-controlling factors and metallogenic regularity, combining with the comprehensive information ore predicting theory of GIS, the tin potential is predicted by quantitative and position finding methods. 221 minimum tracts are delineated, and potential resources amount is estimated at about 6.906 6 million tons, including 1.240 8 million tons proved reserves. The quantitative analysis is carried out for the predicted resources on basis of prediction models, depths, precisions and availability. Moreover, 24 exploration areas are determined, which provide scientific basis for the reasonable planning of tin exploration.

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Gold Assessment Models and Gold Resource Potential in China
Niu Cuiyi,Han Xianju,Qing Min
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1210-1222. 
Abstract ( 326 )   PDF (1143KB) ( 607 )  

Based on the national gold resource potential assessment, authors classify the predictive types of gold deposit in China into 12 categories, such as hydrothermal type associated with the intrusive rock, cracked-alteration type, porphyry type, skarn type, marine volcanic type, continental volcanic type, micro-gruanlar disseminated type, hydrothermal type located in matamorphic clastic rocks, greenstone formation type, placer gold type, weathering crust type and conglomerate type gold deposits. Among these deposits, the first three types are dominated with the percent of predictive gold resources respectively as 38%, 21% and 14% in turns. According to the spatial distribution and metallogenic geological settings of gold deposits, 55 gold metallogenic areas (zones) are determined. The gold deposits mainly concentrates in such areas as Jiaodong, southern edge of North China platform, western Qinling, eastern Qinling, the eastern Liaoning, the triangle area of Guizhou-Guangxi-Yunnan and Ailaoshan etc. According to the geologic background of gold deposits, combining with the national gold potential assessment and recent gold deposit prospecting progress, authors put forward some advices for the further exploration program.

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Resource Potential Prediction of Gold Deposit Concentration Zone in Northwest Jiaodong Area, Shandong Province, China
Ni Zhenping, Li Xiuzhang, Wen Guijun, Ma Zhaotong, Wang Qiaoyun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1223-1234. 
Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (1691KB) ( 489 )  

Based on ‘metallogenetic series of mineral deposits’ proposed by Chen Yuchuan, authors pick up five key prediction factors and establish regional predicting models combined with metallogenetic characteristics from typical deposits. By the methodology of deposit modeling and integrated geological information, four essential gold ore-forming factors are concluded, which are Mesozoic Linglong admellite and Guojialing granodiorite, ore-controlling and ore-forming factors caused by extensional tectonic environment under intensive subduction settings, Jiaodong intrusive rock within Jiaodong tectonic magma belt under magma arc tectonic background in continental margin, as well as NNE and NE ductile and brittle fault belt. The important ore-controlling factors of gold deposits are presented as follows, Jiaodong superficial rock system and Early-Paleozoic subducted additional complex, late-Yanshanian mineralization, natural gold and pyrite assemblage, and wall-rock alteration of potassium and beresitization. Besides, there are four clues indicating gold deposit, including regional gravity-magnetic anomalies, aeromagnetic anomalies, stream sediment anomalies and natural placer mineral anomalies. Authors used predicting models to plot prediction zone relying on integrated predicting factors. The boundaries of prediction zone are defined by ore-bearing texture, gold geochemical exploration, placer mineral abnormal features, gravity anomaly gradient belt, favorable magnetic field, etc. Moreover, the deep boundaries are further confirmed by the accurate scope of controlling-ore texture, controlling depth of proved ore bodies and possible extensional features of deep ore bodies. Total 63 predicting potential regions are proposed, including 17 A-grade ones, 11 B-grade ones and 35 C-grade ones. In addition,gold potential resources of total prediction zones are estimated quantitatively, which are 3 250 tons in less than 2 km depth according to different area, segment, depth and grade respectively.

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Location Prediction of Gold Deposits for Ore Field Grade in the Tianzhu-Jinping-Liping Area, Southeastern Guizhou, China: The Method on Potential Assessment of Mineral Resources of Low-Exploration & Study Degree Area
Tao Ping, Chen Qifei,Wang Liang, Hu Congliang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1235-1245. 
Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (964KB) ( 1194 )  

Gold deposits are of low-exploration and study degree in the Tianzhu-Jinping-Liping area, southeastern Guizhou Province. To carry out mineral prediction of gold mineral resources in this area, some special topic studies should be concerned such as the geological background, metallogenic regularity, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing, prospecting indicators, etc. Some main factors affecting mineral prediction, for example, the geological background and metallogenic regularity must be identified. When the prediction conditions are not ripe in these areas, the potential assessment of mineral resources in ore field or deposit scale can be carried out, the prospecting perspective of each gold field can be evaluated and the possibility to find new deposit can be analyzed. The authors use the sum of weight of various forecasting elements to locate predicted mineral resources, instead of carrying out quantitative prediction based on GIS, intended to emphasize the importance of special topic researcher, and to explore the possibility of simplifying the process of mineral prediction. The simplified process of the location prediction for ore fields that suitable for this area includes studying on related topics and prediction elements, calculating the probability of mineral occurrence, classifying exploration prospective area and potential assessment of mineral resources for ore fields. According to this method,ten prospecting areas are determined including four class A,three class B and three class C.

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Comprehensive Information Prediction of Gold Deposits in Baiyun’ebo Group, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhang Tong,Xu Liquan,Yan Jie,Zhang Tingting
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1246-1253. 
Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (1069KB) ( 505 )  

Baiyun’ebo Group is an important ore-bearing strata in central-western of Inner Mongolia. It contains rare earth metals, iron, gold and other elements and has good ore-forming potentials. Mineral resources of more than 30 metallic elements, such as niobium, tantalum,uranium, thorium, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, silver, copper, lead, zinc, manganese and so on have been discovered in the group. Through comprehensive study of geological, geophysical, geochemical, remote sensing data and their corresponding interpretating results,a stratabound gold deposit model of the Baiyun’ebo Group is established for gold deposits in Baiyun’ebo districts. A variety of varibles closely related to gold-mineralization have been selected. Based on GIS, sites of gold mineralization is forecasted using the weights of evidence approach and the amount of resources is estimated using the volumetric method of comprehensive geological information of the ore deposit model. 57 smallest forecasted areas are delineated and 402 834 kg gold is predicted.

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Prospect Appraisal of the Jinlongshan Style Micrograined Disseminated Gold Deposits in Zhen’an-Xunyang Area, Shaanxi, China
Guo Lihong,Zhu Hongzhou,Li Jing,Yuan Xudong,Li Xinlin, Chen Yan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1254-1261. 
Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 482 )  

The authors take the Jinlongshan style micrograined disseminated gold deposit  in Zhen’an-Xunyang in  Shaanxi as example and makes a  through study of the metallogenic regularities of typical deposits. It is concluded that: the ore-bearing strata are mainly the Devonian Gudaoling Group (D2g), Upper Devonian Nanyangshan Group (D3n), Xinghongpu Group (D3x) and Lower Carboniferous Yuanjiagou Group (C1y); the clastic rocks are the main, and the carbonates are minor orebearing rocks; the distribution and development of gold ore bodies are closely related to the faults structures; Au, As, Hg, Sb combination is direct indication of gold deposits and Au and As abnormalities are most closely fitted. Take above ore constrains as regional prognosis factors, use overlay analysis method to delineate metallogenic prediction units and employ characteristic analysis for optimization in the MARS software application, six gold metallogenetic prospective tracts are finally outlined.

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Regional Metallogenic and Synthetic Information Prediction Models of Mo Deposits in Henan Province, China
Peng Yi, He Yuliang, Zeng Tao, Zhong Jiangwen, Xu Guoli, Su Xiaoyan,Chen Jun, Peng Songmin, Li Zhen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1262-1275. 
Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (2847KB) ( 562 )  

Based on the metallogenic geological backgrounds and mineralization characteristics of Mo deposits of different periods in Henan Provence, the metallogenic models have been established and regularities of metallogenesis have been summarized for main types of Mo deposits. The synthetic information prediction models of porphyry-skarn Mo deposits corresponding to conceptual geological model have been established based on the data processing of synthetic information and the discussion about the forecast factors of different types of Mo deposits. The most important molybdenum deposits of Early Cretaceous belongs to offshore Western Pacific tectonic domain and are controlled by the East Qinling-Dabie intracontinental magmatic arc. Because of strong magmatic activity, the large coarse-grained granite batholith of shallow-derivation, hypabyssal and fast tectonic emplacement and fine-grained granite, granite porphyry and intrusive breccia of slightly deep-derived, hypabyssal and thermal emplacement occur in the same level of denudation. Not only  small intrusions contain large deposits, but also large deposits at the margins or sides of big batholiths. Although the prediction variables are slightly different for same type of mineral resources at different tectonic settings, usually the low residual gravity, positive magnetic anomaly of ΔT reduction-to-the-pole and gradient mode can be used to delineated the contact zone and the positive anomaly of the Mo metallogenic factor score and the negative anomaly of the Pb-Zn-Ag metallogenic factor score can be used to define metallogenic range of the Skarn-Porphyry Mo-W deposits. The position of concealed ore body can be effectively predicted by the comprehensive profile survey of CSAMT-SIP-crack geochemistry.

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Integrated Prospecting Forecasting Model of Xuechuan Region in Lin’an, Zhejiang Province, China
Huang Guocheng, Dong Xuefa, Wu Xiaoyong, Li Xiang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1276-1282. 
Abstract ( 326 )   PDF (1334KB) ( 534 )  

With complex geologic structure and advantageous mineral formation-conditions, the Xuechuan region has become an attracting mineralization area in Zhejiang Province. A series of mineral exploration and evaluation have been done in this region, but only for single minerals or using monotonous prospecting information. Taking the theory of minerogenetic series of mineral deposits as our guidelines, we preliminarily summarized the metallogenic regularity of mineral deposits in this paper by analyzing the characteristics of geological background, mineral deposits distribution, geophysics and geochemistry, and then extracted the prospecting criterion on geological, geophysical and geochemical information. Finally we built an integrated prospecting forecasting model of Xuechuan Region. Early Cretaceous Epoch granite, fault, special alteration mineral association, negative residual gravity anomaly, aeromagnetic anomaly and geochemical anomaly are all important prospecting criteria. It is concluded that the northeast of Shunxi granite has high prospecting potential.

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Metallogenic Prognosis and Prospecting Orientation of Granite Type Uranium Deposit in Taoshan Area,Jiangxi Province, China
Cai Yuqi,Xu Hao,Guo Qingyin,Zhu Pengfei,Wang Yuanzhi,Xie Yingchun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1283-1291. 
Abstract ( 380 )   PDF (1310KB) ( 438 )  

With mostly favorable ore-forming conditions for uranium mineralization, Taoshan area is one of the four important granite-type uranium ore fields in South China. Previously a lot of research work have  been done, but the integration of geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing information of the entire area and quantitative evaluation of uranium mineralization potential are lacking. By studying on some typical uranium deposits of Taoshan area, such as Dabu uranium deposit, the authors investigated the ore-forming factors and prediction varibles in the modeling area and summarized the relations among lithology, structure, alteration and uranium mineralization. Using the prediction varibles, smallest predication zones have been delineated and selected based on GIS. It is concluded that the area have expanding uranium resources potential and the SW and NE section of Taoshan fault should focus on the silicified zone subtype and the cataclastic altered rock zone subtype respectively. Furthermore, the deep of the NE section also has great mineralisation potential.

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Comprehensive Integration and Application of Three Basic National Conditions Survey Result Data in Mineral Resources Field
Gao Guangda,Wang Yongzhi,Qu Honggang,Miao Jinli,Song Yue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1292-1300. 
Abstract ( 378 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 444 )  

National mineral resource potential assessment, the survey for utilization of national mineral resource and the national mining rights field verification are the three nationwide projects for basic national conditions survey in the field of mineral resources. They contribute more than 10 Tb geological information data. Boosting the integration and share of geological data is conducive to promote the service abilities for prospecting breakthrough strategy action,enterprises and community. The authors propose the geology information one-map idea after have analyzed the data integration requirements of three survey result data with typical massive and heterogeneous characteristics.The study about sharing and application launched from data integration and application integration. The various clients can use geological data resources and computing resources by service interface. Users can complete the following businesses online through GUI:geological data access,analysis,fusion show and thematic maps generation. Recommending two new kinds of geological material service types:one is provide information on demand online,another is submit the request online and process data offline to produce new geological products. The integration and sharing trial platform of the three specialized projects is built preliminarily using regional outcomes data of gold and iron ore as basic data objects,and using GIS components to implement the prototype system. The system can achieve spatial data analysis and all kinds of maps generation with automatic configuration cross projects flexibly. The solution is operational and it is able to contribute valuable references for the nationwide integration and land resources one map.

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A Rapid Modeling Algorithm of High Precision Block Model on Large Scale Mineral Assessment in Three Dimension
Li Nan, Xiao Keyan,Ding Jianhua, Lou Debo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (4):  1301-1308. 
Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 534 )  

Cubic model is one of methods for predicting blind orebodies. It is called block model in 3D computer graphics. Block model is one of the most important expressions and calculation model for geological body and it is suitable for expressing non-uniform distributed data. Block model is widely applied in 3D geophysical inversion, exploration and mineral assessment, etc. Currently, the general method of block modeling of complex geological body is to convert the surface model of a geological body to its block model. However, there are two key problems during the general process. One is numerical intersections calculation between triangles and voxels (cuboids)(≥106). The other is search of internal cuboids in complex geological body. In order to deal with the problems, the authors proposed a rapid block-modeling algorithm from complex geological body by applying uniform plane subdivision and flood-fill algorithms, whose time complexity is O(n). It is creative for applying two-dimension algorithm idea to successfully construct 3D block model. Besides, the algorithm is suitable for constructing block model from arbitrary surface in 3D except for self-intersection surfaces. At the end of the paper, the time complexity analysis and experiment are carried out and the result shows that the method is efficiency and general.

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