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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2013, Volume 43 Issue 5
Tectonic Evolution of Epicontinental Basins in South China Sea and Their Feature of Source Rocks
Liang Jianshe,Zhang Gongcheng,Wang Pujun,Xie Xiaojun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1309-1319. 
Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (3110KB) ( 461 )  

Controlled by the expansion mechanism with nearly north-south direction,basins or depressions in South China Sea are mostly NE-SW extending, with three in the north and the other three in the south. The depressions parallel each other, and the ones in the center are wider than the ones around the margins.There are three basin types(pull-apart type, strike-slip type and extrusion type) that are divided into ten sub-types; In Cenozoic, there are four important regional tectonic movements that are diachroneity certainly, and develop three disrupt unconformities(between Early Oligocene and Late Oligocene, between Paleocene and Neogene, between Middle Miocene and Late Miocene), the era of disrupt unconformity is new gradually from east to west. Effected by the tectonic movement and sea-level change, the South China Sea develops three types of source rocks that are the lacustrine facies, the transitional facies and the terrigenous marine facies. From the north and south sides to the central basin, the source rock type gradually transit from the lacustrine and transitional facies to the terrigenous marine facies. From east to west, the layer of main source rock is gradually new(from Eocene and Oligocene to Oligocene and Miocene). The source rocks distribution is closely related to the disrupt unconformities, the earlier of the disrupt unconformity(between Early Oligocene and Late Oligocene),the main resource rocks form earlier(Eocene lacustrine facies source rocks) in basin. Otherwise, the later of the disrupt unconformity(between Middle Miocene and Late Miocene),the main resource rocks form later(Oligocene and Miocene transitional facies and terrigenous marine facies source rocks) in basin.

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Types and Characteristics of Volcanostratigraphic Boundary and Its Signification of Reservoirs
Tang Huafeng, Sun Haibo, Gao Youfeng, Yi Jian, Yao Ruishi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1320-1329. 
Abstract ( 488 )   PDF (2621KB) ( 619 )  

According to the forming process and geological attributions, the volcanostratigraphical boundaries will be divided into 5 types. They are eruptive conformity boundary(ECB, typeⅠ), eruptive unconformity boundary (EUB, typeⅡ), eruptive interval unconformity boundary (EIUB, typeⅢ), tectonic unconformity boundary(TUB, typeⅣ) and intrusive nonconformity boundary (INB, typeⅤ). Except INB, the others unconformity boundaries can be divided into angular unconformity and paraconformity/angular unconformity. The time interval of ECB and EUB is from several minutes to years. There is chilling crust or fine pyroclastic layer above and below these surfaces. The two types’ boundaries maybe curve or netlike plane, coarse and small ranges distribution. The time interval of EIUB is from decades to thousands years. There is weathered crust underlying the EIUB, and sedimentary rock bed overlying the EIUB. In most time, the weathered crust and thin sedimentary bed associate together. The boundary is smooth curve plane. The characteristics of TUB are similar to EIUB’s. The interval time of TUB is from thousands to millions years, and the distribution scale is bigger than EIUB’s. The Mesozoic volcanic rocks of NE China reveal that there is high porosity zone(mainly contribute by the primary pore) near the EUB or EIUB, and the porosity decreases when it is apart from the boundary. Both porosity and the percentage of pore rich rock of netlike boundary are higher than the curved boundary’s. The wells in Songliao basin show that there is abundant secondary pore below the EIUB or TUB. Its porosity may be enhanced when the primary pores exit . On the other hand, it is difficult to predict the change of porosity.

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Depositional Model and Evolution Characteristics of Thin-Layer Lacustrine Carbonates in Qibei Slope, Huanghua Depression
Yang Youxing, Jin Zhenkui, Bai Wuhou,Qiao Dongsheng,Diao Liying,Meng Fanyang, Yuan Minghui, Zhang Chun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1330-1340. 
Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (3343KB) ( 452 )  

The lacustrine carbonates of the lower section of Es1 Formation in Qibei slope was so thin that it was difficult to use seismic data to correlate the sublayer and understand the depositional model, evolution characteristics and the main control factors. We applyed the method of static and dynamic data matching with each other using of core, well logs, geochemistry, palaeontologic data, trace agent and entry profile to studied the lacustrine carbonates. The results show that overlap stratigraphic correlation method conform to the ture formation development. And five periods lakeshore line obviously to recognized. The lake transgression happened along the Gangxi fault trough and the central low area. Shallow lake is the mainly subfacies, include six kinds of microfacies for biological chip beach and mixed beach, et al. The organic bank accounts for 60% of the research area, at early times, the coastal sand dam was mainly developed. On the middle period, the area of shallow lake enlarged rapidly and the biological chip beach organic enlarged rapidly, too.  On the late period, both the area of shallow lake and the biological chip beach were largest. The salinization of water and the sediment of lacustrine carbonates are mainly caused by the transgression of sea and the condensation of the water in the shallow gentle slope tableland. The platformlike palaeogeomorphology and the great quantity of reproduction of the prehistoric life are also major control factors of the deposition types and evolution in Qibei slope.

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Overpressure Evolution and Its Relationship with Migration and Accumulation of Gas in Yinggehai Basin
Feng Chong,Huang Zhilong,Tong Chuanxin,Zhu Jiancheng,Zou Huayao,Fan Hongche
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1341-1350. 
Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (2568KB) ( 428 )  

Drilling data show that there is overpressure in the Yinggehai basin now. Vertically, from the shallow to the deep, the pressure zones can be divided into normal pressure zone, transitional zone and overpressure zone. Data of both acoustic travel time of well logging and seismic velocity have been used to determine the distribution of overpressure on the period of the most gas discharge (1.9 Ma ago) and at present with the method of compaction equilibrium, and to restore the pressure evolution of the wells in the Yinggehai basin. The result shows that, laterally, Ledong area has the biggest overpressure which decreases both from south to north and from west to east, but in Lingao uplift and Yinggehai eastern slope, most places are in normal pressure zone. In each well, the overpressure increases with time. This result is closely related to the centre of subsidence and different zone’s sedimentary environment. Because overpressure exists in the Yinggehai basin, gas migrates vertically under the influence of overpressure. Natural gas pools are distributed in Ledong area and Dongfang area where Huangliu Formation’s roofs and floors have large pressure differences and Yinggehai Formation’s cap rocks have big sealing ability of overpressure. The reservoirs which satisfy the above two conditions and near diapirs are favorable for the accumulation of natural gas.

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Petrogenesis of the Ore-Bearing Granitic Intrusion in the Songjiachong Au,Cu-Mo Deposit, Jiujiang-Ruichang Metallogenic District in Jiangxi Province: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Age, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd,Hf Isotopes
Chen Zhihong, Guo Kunyi, Zhao Ling
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1351-1365. 
Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (2961KB) ( 606 )  

The Songjiachong skarn Au,Cu-Mo deposit is located in the southwestern part of Jiujiang-Ruichang metallogenic district in the Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. The Songjiachong porphyritic granodiorite is the ore-related granitic intrusion. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of the intrusion suggests its emplacement age of (142.8±0.6) Ma. Whole-rock samples from the Songjiachong intrusion are metaluminous, low content of MgO(1.29%-2.58%), high content of Al2O3(15.52%-16.88%) and Na2O(K2O/Na2O=0.57-1.04). They are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (eg. Rb, Ba, Th and La) and depleted in high field strength elements (eg. Nb, Ta and Zr). These rocks are of geochemical features of typical adakites, such as high content of Sr(>618×10-6), low content of Y(<17.1×10-6), high Sr/Y(39-61), and low content of Yb(<1.45×10-6) and La/Yb(>30). They show a narrow range (87Sr/86Sr)i of 0.705 8-0.706 7, εNd(t) of -6.4--4.9 and εHf(t) of -10.1--5.1. Based on integration of the geological characteristics of the studied area, we suggest that the Songjiachong granitic intrusion was derived from partial melting of an enriched mantle source. The petrogenetic-metallogenic event probably occurred in a transitional environment from an early compressional stage to the late intraplate extensional environment.

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Qulong Porphyry-Skarn Metallogenic System in Gangdese Belt, Tibet: Evidence from Molybdenite Re-Os Geochronology
Zhang Jinshu, Duo Ji, Xia Daixiang, Zhong Kanghui,Wu Hua, Li Guangming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1366-1376. 
Abstract ( 527 )   PDF (3086KB) ( 508 )  

Nearby the Qulong gaint porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at the Gangdese belt in Tibet, there are two typical skarn Cu deposits. The Zhibula deposit is 2 km south and Langmujiaguo is 4 km southeast to the Qulong deposit. It’s reported that the Re-Os isotopic age of the molybdenite dating from Langmujiaguo skarn deposit is (17.11±0.55) Ma. Combined with the published dating data from Qulong and Zhibula, a conclusion can be drawn that those deposits in the Qulong area were derived from the common magmatic hydrothermal mineralization and they may belong to a complete porphyry-skan ore-forming system. More attention should be paid to the porphyry deposits and the adjacently skarn deposits during geological prospecting and exploration at Gangdese belt.

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Dating of Ore-Bearing Porphyritic Granite from the Machangqing Mo-Cu-Au Deposit in Western Yunnan Province and Its Geologic Significance
Chu Yating, Liu Xianfan, Zhao Fufeng, Lu Qiuxia, Li Chunhui, Xiao Jixiong, Wu Ran, Song Xiangfeng, Cai Yongwen,Cai Feiyue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1377-1392. 
Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (3257KB) ( 535 )  

The Machangqing Mo-Cu-Au polymetal deposit is a typical deposit which is associated with the Cenozoic alkaline porphyry along the Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan fault. Based on the results of CL images, LA-ICP-MS trace elements analysis, U-Pb dating of zircon from ore-bearing porphyritic granite and Re-Os dating of molybdenite, referring to theory of the transmagmatic fluid and former reseach, genetic mechanism of the Machangqing deposit are discussed in detail here. It is suggested that the Machangqing polymetal deposit and the ore-bearing porphyritic granite were formed at the same time. The process of diagenesis and mineralization are controlled by mineralizing fluid effect caused by large scale event of Cenozoic alkali-rich magma and granitic magma from deep crust remelting. The mineralizing fluid is the ore-bearing mantle fluid contained in magma unmixingly. During migration and ascent of the mineralizing fluid, the mineralizing fluid and magma separated in varying degrees, following crystallization diagenesis of magma. It shows three kinds of typical mineralization, porphyry copper deposit of orthomagmatic mineralization in the inner alkali-rich porphyritic granite, skarn copper (molybdenum) deposit of contact metasomatic mineralization at the contact zones between porphyry and surrounding rocks and the tectonoclastic altered rock type gold deposit in strata. In these processes, the property  of mantle fluid was changed from magma→supercritical fluid→hydrothermal fluid following the changes in depth and environment ,and the corresponding changes of physical and chemical conditions, and the moving fluid carried, activated and enriched ore-materials to suitable places; it was the action of fluid that accelerated crust-mantle materials overlapping mineralization, even resulted different commodities and varied types of metallogenetic influence in different localizations.

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Zircon U-Pb Ages, Geochemistry and Hf Isotopes of Granitoids and Diorite in the Chengchao Fe Deposit in Southeastern Hubei Ore Cluster and Its Significance
Yao Lei,Xie Guiqing,Lü Zhicheng,Zhao Caisheng,Wang Jian,Zheng Xianwei,He Zhefeng,Li Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1393-1422. 
Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (5465KB) ( 516 )  

This contribution has carried out LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating, geochemistry and Hf isotopes. The ages of the granite, porphyritic quartz monzonite, diorite and porphyritic diabase in the Chengchao Fe deposit are dated at (128.8±0.5) Ma, (128.3±0.5) Ma, (140.0±0.3) Ma and (125.5±0.5) Ma, respectively, showing that granitoids and diorite of the Chengchao Fe deposit formed in Early Cretaceous. Geochemical analysis indicates that the granitoids in the deposit belong to metaluminous and Itype series; the diorite and porphyritic diabase are of nature of highK calcalkalic series. These igneous rocks in the Chengchao Fe deposit have high REE contents, characteristics of LREE enrichment, obvious LREE and HREE fractionation, and weakly negative Eu anomaly. The granitoids are all rich in Rb, Th, U and La, but considerably depleted in Ba, Nb and Sr; the diorite and porphyritic diabase are rich in K, La, Nd and poor in Ta, Nb, Sr, P, Ti. The Hf isotope compositions and geochemical characteristics indicate that these igneous rocks in the Chengchao Fe deposit formed from a magma source with lower, Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic crustalderived contribution. Consistence between the metallogenic age of the Chengchao Fe deposit and the intrusion age of granitoids shows their close relations.

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Relation Between Cretaceous Shoshonite and Uranium Metallogenesis in Caotaobei Uranium Deposit
Zhang Yuntao, Pei Rongfu,Yu Bo, Chen Yongfei, Yang Dongsheng, Qiu Xiaoping
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1423-1435. 
Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (3057KB) ( 517 )  

The Huichang faulted basin is located in southern Jiangxi, where appear shoshonite rock series of Cretaceous along Shicheng-Xunwu deep fault. The shoshonitic rocks host a variety of significant mineral deposits, such as iron, copper, gold, lead, zinc, silver and uranium deposits in southeastern China, including hydrothermal uranium deposits at Xiangshan and Caotaobei respectively in northeastern and southern Jiangxi Province. The Caotaobei deposit lies in the Hecaokeng district (ore field). The host rocks for ore of the Caotaobei uranium deposit are primarily medium-to coarse-grained porphyritic biotite monzogranites of the Dafuzu intrusion and Cretaceous shoshonitic volcanic rocks. The Dafuzu pluton corresponds to calc-alkaline S-type granites, with high content of SiO2 (averaging 74.67%), strongly peraluminous ((Al2O3)>(CaO+Na2O+K2O)), high total alkalis (average (K2O+Na2O) content 7.995%), high content of CaO content (average CaO content 0.54%). The shoshonite series are characterized by: rich SiO2 (varying 45.78 % to 59.78 %),high K2O/Na2O (average 1.02), high total alkalis (average (K2O+Na2O) content 7.37%),low TiO2 content (average 0.86%), low iron content (average ∑Fe 7.09%). Uranium mineralization occurs predominantly as veinlets and massive and disseminated replacement ores in shoshonites, granite and cryptoexplosive rocks, among them, the chemical composition of uranium ore in granite and in cryptoexplosion rocks are similar with host granite. Whereas the Fe2O3+Fe2O,CaO and MgO leached out and SiO2 enriched in the ores hosted in the shoshonitic volcanic rocks, indicating U precipitated from uraniferous solution by cations (such as Fe,Mg,Ca) leached out during shoshonite series metallogenesis. Uranium mineralization within Caotaobei deposit are simultaneously with shoshonitic rocks in the Caotaobei crater, and they are closely related both in space and in genesis. Affected by thermal activities from shoshonitic magma, uranium elements activated and transferred to form uranium ores at the late stage of Early Cretaceous to early stage of Late Cretaceous. Based on petrographic, geochemical and ore-host features studies, an integrated model of the entire mineralized system is summarized, in which uranium mineralization is related to cryptoexplosive breccias caused by overpressured fluids exsolved from crystallizing shoshonitic magma below the Caotaobei caldera and simultaneously leached ore metals from the host volcanic rocks and the caldera basement (the Dafuzu granite batholith). Several potential targets such as Banling, Shangliao, Xiaofuzu are delineated for Caotaobei type uranium deposit.

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Characteristics of the Ore-Forming Fluid and Genesis of the Pulang Copper Deposit in Yunnan Province
Li Wenchang,Yin Guanghou,Yu Haijun,Xue Shunrong,Wang Keyong,Wang Chengyang,Wang Wenxu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1436-1447. 
Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (2681KB) ( 440 )  

The Pulang copper deposit is a superlarge porphyry type polymetallic deposit in northwestern Yunnan Province. It occurs in an Indosinian quartz diorite-quartz monzonite porphyry-granodiorite porphyry complex and previous study showed it was formed during the Indo-Chinese period. Comprehensive studies on petrology, microthermometry as well as carbon-hydrogen-oxygen isotope of fluid inclusions showed that there are such three types of fluid inclusions as halite-bearing three-phase, aqueous two-phase as well as vapor-rich in quartz from chalcopyrite±pyrite-quartz veins, the ore-forming fluids are of medium to high temperature, high salinity NaCl-H2O type hydrothermal solutions and mainly derived from the Indonisian magmatism; whereas three types of fluid inclusions, including halite-bearing three-phase, aqueous two-phase as well as CO2-bearing three-phase respectively are observed in quartz from molybdenite±chalcopyrite-quartz veins, the ore-forming fluids are of medium to high temperature, high salinity NaCl-CO2-H2O type hydrothermal solutions and might come from later magmatism. Only aqueous two-phase fluid inclusions are found in calcite from the latest chalcopyrite±molybdenite-calcite veins and the ore-forming fluids are of low to medium temperature, low salinity NaCl-H2O type hydrothermal solutions, a later evolution product of the former NaCl-CO2-H2O type hydrothermal solutions is presumed. In combination with the regional metallogenic background that Mo and Cu mineralization in the Yanshanian period are widely spread in the area, so the conclusion can be drawn that in the Pulang copper deposit Mo and Cu mineralization of the Yanshanian period might also co-exist.

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Three Dimensional Quantitative Characteristics of Fault Structures in Gaosong Ore Field,Gejiu
Shang Beichuan,Chen Jianping,Zheng Xiao,Rong Jinghui,Yan Qiong,Wu Zhao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1448-1456. 
Abstract ( 385 )   PDF (2453KB) ( 679 )  

The 3D quantitative analysis of fault structures can be applied to ore prospecting researches in Gaosong ore field, Gejiu. Firstly, the special ore-prospecting model is proposed, after the analysis and summary of the former researches on metallogenic characteristics in Gejiu. Then, the solid models of important geologic bodies and faults, are built to be displayed and utilized by using 3D visualization technology. Finally, based on the 3D models, regional geological background and ore-prospecting model, the analysis of tectonic intersection and central symmetry degree which are typical quantitative tectonic information, are obtained by block modeling technology. Based on the comprehensive analysis of tectonic intersection, central symmetry degree and geologic body characteristics, the result reveals the deep-seated metallogenic characteristics and indicates that mineralization is favored at the overlapping location between east-west and northeast structures, and also in the surroundings where fault-rooted rocks stands out. The conclusion corroborates the geological background and ore-prospecting model.

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LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Age from the Proterozoic Syenite in Xiaoqinling Area in the North China Craton and Its Geological Implications
Ma Guixia,Liu Fuying,Su Li,Han Yigui,Wang Qinghai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1457-1470. 
Abstract ( 424 )   PDF (3072KB) ( 521 )  

The Xiaoqinling area is an important composition of southern segment of the Trans-North China Orogen within the North China craton. It is of an important significance to study construction, metamorphism, especially magmatism for revealing tectonic history of the Xiaoqinling area during the Paleo-to Mid-Proterozoic. This paper reports zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results from the Proterozoic syenite dyke in the northern Xiaoqinling Mt. The dating results indicate that the syenite formed in(1 831.0±6.8) Ma (95% conf., MSWD = 0.37), i.e., the Paleoproterozoic. Combined with the published data, we consider that the syenite from the Xiaoqinling Mt. formed under a crust thinning environment related to a Larger Igneous Province.

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Petrogenesis of Early Indosinian Granites from the Southwestern Segment of Qinfang Tectonic Belt,Southern Guangxi: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Geochemistry
Qin Xiaofeng, Wang Zongqi, Cao Jie, Feng Zuohai, Hu Guiang, Pan Luozhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1471-1488. 
Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (3886KB) ( 431 )  

Based on geological survey of the Early Indosinian granites in southern Guangxi, two types of granites are recognized in the southwestern segment of the Qinfang tectonic belt, namely, metamorphic minerals-bearing granite and not metamorphic minerals-bearing granite. The petrological, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope data reveal that these granites chemically belong to high K calc-alkaline series, and are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g., Rb, Th, U, K and Pb) and relative depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, P and Ti). They have high values of (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.715 25-0.716 32 and low values of εNd(t)=-10.80--9.92. Such signatures display geochemical characteristics of typical subduction-related arc magmatic rocks. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating shows that the 206Pb/238U weighted average ages of zircons from hypersthene-bearing granitic porphyry and biotite monzogranite are (248.8±1.9) Ma (MSWD=1.5) and (246.0±3.4) Ma (MSWD=2.2), respectively. Together with the Early Paleozoic MORB-type metabasic volcanic rocks and Permian E-MORB type basalts formed in a back-arc spreading center setting in the region, we conclude that a Paleozoic oceanic basin could occur within the southwestern segment of the joint belt between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks (so-called Qinzhou-Hangzhou joint belt), and that the Early Indosinian granites in the region were most likely generated in the setting associated with northward subduction of the oceanic plate between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks, where the mantle-derived magma caused the remelting of the ancient crust within subducted slab, and the melts was subjected to modification of the mantlederived magma in different proportions.

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Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Granodiorite-Porphyries in Jiejinkou-Fuyuan Area,Northeastern Heilongjiang Province and Its Geological Significance
Yu Jiejiang, Liu Jiacheng, Zhang Jiahui, Ge Wenchun, Hou Xuegang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1489-1500. 
Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (2635KB) ( 399 )  

We report zircon U-Pb dating of the granodiorite-porphyries in Jiejinkou-Fuyuan area, northeastern Heilongjiang Province, with the aim of constraining formation time and tectonic setting of these granodiorite-porphyries. Most of the zircons from these granodiorite-porphyries are euhedral-subhedral in shape, display fine-scale oscillatory growth zoning, and have Th/U values of 0.31-1.23, indicating a magmatic origin. The dating results indicate that these granodiorite-porphyries formed in the Late Cretaceous (90.2-94.8 Ma) rather than previously believed Late Indo-Chinese epoch. Combined with the coeval igneous rock associations in the study area and adjacent areas and the subduction history of the Paleo-Pacific plate, we conclude that the Late Cretaceous granodiorite-porphyries in Jiejinkou-Fuyuan area, northeastern Heilongjiang Province occurred in the tectonic setting of the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the East Asia continent, and this magmatic event would mark the beginning of orthogonal subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.

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Dextrally Strike-Slipping Features of the Chengkou Arc Fault in Daba Mountain and Its Significances
Deng Bin,Li Zhiwu,Liu Shugen,Sun Dong,Zhong Yong,Li Jinxi,Tang Cong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1501-1516. 
Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (5430KB) ( 12653 )  

Daba Mountain is a geometrically systemtric, flat-crested and truncated salient, of which the main-boundary fault, Chengkou arc fault, markedly change in the trend from N-W in north, to NW in middle, and to E-W in south, and obviously truncate with its interior structures. Moreover, the salient parallels to the thrust-transporting direction from NE to SW in Daba Mountain. Analyses of the mesoscopic and microscopic structures, metamorphic and strain patterns in the Chengkou salient, show its two-stage evolution and a weakening tendency in dextrally strike-slipping deformation from north to south. The early E-W linear trend was high-angle-to-vertically superposed by the late lineation that generally parallels to the Chengkou salient. In particular, a high-to-vertical lineation with a weakening tendency in deformation (e.g. the plunge of hinges, B-axis and strain of lens) was found at the southern segment of Chengkou salient, which is composed of asymmetrical minor-fold hinge and B-axis in lens accommodated by dextral strike-slip. Furthermore, the northern segment was under a middle-high greenschist facies metamorphic condition indicated by strain of quartz and feldspar, showing strong thrusting and dextrally strike-slipping by kinematic indictors. Whereas the southern segment was under a lower greenschist facies metamorphic condition, showing gentle dextrally strike-slipping and thrusting by kinematic indictors. A weakening tendency from north to south in Chengkou salient indicates an asymmetry in metamorphism and deformation. Asymmetry in metamorphism and deformation was attributed to the indention of the Hannan basement from south to north during the Late Triassic to Jurassic collisional orogen between the South and North China blocks, resulting a strong dextrally strike-slipping along Chenkou salient.

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Determination of Rockmass Mechanical Parameters of Nuclear Power Engineering Site Based on Hoek-Brown Criterion
Zhou Nianqing, Yang Nan, Tang Yaqi, Qin Min
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1517-1522. 
Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (953KB) ( 362 )  

There are intrinsic contacts between the mechanical strength of rock mass and rock,and also have significant differences. The site rock mechanical indexes are essential for the evaluation of the site rock mass mechanical properties. The site of Sanmen Nuclear Power plant is taken as the research object. Based on the rock mechanics test in laboratory combining with the site geological investigation, the effects of rock mass structure characteristics, stress distribution state and other factors are considered comprehensively. The geological intensity index (GSI) is induced to descript the structure characteristics and weathering degree of rock mass quantitatively, and Hoek-Brown criterion is used to estimate the mechanical parameters of rock mass. At the same time, the comparative analysis of mechanical parameters of rock mass is carried out according to the method of rock mechanics classification (RMR). The rock mass of medium weathered tuffaceous sand, slightly weathered tuffaceous sandstone and slightly weathered andesitic basalt, using Hoek-Brown method based on GSI, equivalent cohesion c values are 4.03, 6.20 and 6.10 MPa, internal friction angle φ values are 31.96°, 34.37°and 33.87°respectively; Using Hoek-Brown method based on RMR, c values are 4.42, 6.44 and 7.24 MPa, φ values are 28.92°, 32.43° and 34.51° respectively. The research results show that Hoek-Brown criterion is more rational to determine the rock mechanical strength index of nuclear power site. The important basis is provided for the foundation design of nuclear power plant from the obtained rock mass mechanical index.

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Stress Field Characteristics of a Valley Slope with Complex Geological Structure  in High Geo-Stress Area:A Case of Jinping First Stage Hydropower Station
Xu Peihua,Huang Runqiu,Chen Jianping,Yuan Zhongfan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1523-1532. 
Abstract ( 551 )   PDF (2440KB) ( 345 )  

Jinping first stage hydropower station was taken as the research area to study the stress field characteristics of a valley slope with complex geological structure in high geo-stress area. According to the analysis on Jinping valley stress field features, the valley slope stress was classified into four zones, namely,the stress-releasing zone, stress-interim zone, stress-concentrating zone and stress-stable zone. The tectonic stress and the morphology of valley shape were two important factors that cause high stress at the bottom of valley. The faults in valley significantly influence the stress field characteristics. The valley stress was more easily unloaded through the fault tending outward, which was one of the reason for the unloading limitation altitude was lower in left bank than right bank and deep unloading zone in left bank slope. The slope range influenced by geo-stress state adjustment during the river cutting was wider in right bank than in left bank. The rapid unloading because of river rapid cutting was one of the reasons that induced the deep cracks in Jinping.

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Analysis on Pore Pressure of Saturated Soft Clay Subject to Cyclic Loading Considering Principal Stress Axis Deflection
Yao Zhaoming,Niu Lianseng,Xu Ying,Wang Houliang,Chen Junhao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1533-1538. 
Abstract ( 445 )   PDF (1577KB) ( 472 )  

The traditional accumulative pore pressure model of saturated soft clay under cyclic loading can not reflect the phenomenon of principal stress axial deflection. With the determination of consolidation time, under the condition of 100,150,200 kPa consolidation pressure, the undrained cyclic loading test with the principal stress axes angle of 15°,30°,45° was conducted on soft clay. The effects of confining pressure, the principal stress axis rotation angle and the static deviator stress on cycle cumulative pore pressure were obtained. On the basis of the cumulative pore pressure of the first cyclic loading and the revised dynamic deviatoric stress level, an explicit model was proposed to calculate the cumulative pore pressure of saturated clay subjected to cyclic loading. The validity of the model was verified based on undrained cyclic tests of consolidated soft clay. The parameters were of physical significance and are easy to be obtained. The proposed explicit model could reflect the phenomenon of principal stress axial deflection.

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Numerical Analysis Study on Uniaxial and Biaxial Compression Creep Tests for Interlayered Rock Mass
Xiong Liangxiao, Li Tianbin, Yang Changbin, Yu Lijun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1539-1548. 
Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (2367KB) ( 363 )  

Taking the interlayered rock mass composed of greenschist and marble as study subject, numerical analysis on uniaxial and biaxial compression creep tests of interlayered rock mass was done by FLAC3D. Lots of influencing factors such as geometric relationship between loading direction and layer, volumetric content of marble interlayer and stress level were taken into account in the numerical analysis. The research results show that the absolute values of axial strain and strain in the incline direction of interlayer increased firstly and then decreased when the dip angle of interlayer increased from 0° to 90° under uniaxial and biaxial compression states. Axial compressive deformation and dilatant deformation in the two lateral directions decreased with the increased volumetric content of marble interlayer under uniaxial and biaxial compression states. The axial compressive deformation when axial loading orientation was perpendicular to bedding plane was larger than that when axial loading orientation was parallel to bedding plane under uniaxial compression. The axial compressive deformation was the largest when axial loading orientation was perpendicular to bedding plane and lateral loading orientation was parallel to bedding plane, and was the smallest when axial loading orientation was parallel to bedding plane and lateral loading orientation was perpendicular to bedding plane.

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Study on and Application of Strength Assessment for Sandstone:In Anyang Section of Middle Line in South-to-North Water Diversion
Wang Jie, Lin Daming, Ma Fengshan,Li Kepeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1549-1555. 
Abstract ( 341 )   PDF (1115KB) ( 380 )  

To get the reasonable rock strength for engineering design and construction, sandstone in Anyang Section of South-to-North Water Diversion Project was used to carry out three kinds of rock strength assessment methods study. 1)Air drilling time was taken as an indicator to estimate the rock uniaxial compressive strength; 2)Collected available formulas were used to get the relationship between elastic wave speed and the uniaxial compressive strength; 3)Experimental data were fitted to get the empirical relationship between the point loading index and the uniaxial compressive strength. Through the above methods, three formulas for rock strength assessment were obtained. Taking AY33+600 as example, the sandstone rock strength was calculated. It was found that the three methods fitted each other well, and the error between assessment strengths and laboratory tests strength was 2%-9%. The application of these methods in Anyang section solved the problem caused by poor rock classification in the original designs.

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Modeling and Analysis of the Coupling Wear Random Process of Debris Flow Drainage Structure
Wang Yongsheng,Zhu Yanpeng,Jin Peihao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1556-1562. 
Abstract ( 309 )   PDF (900KB) ( 334 )  

The debris flow drainage structure plays a significant role in reducing damage of the surrounding buildings.  However, most drainage structures can not efficiently resist the strong wear of erosion and corrosion caused by bad surroundings. The wear erosion and corrosion mechanism of debris flow drainage structure was analyzed, and the analytical model of coupling wear for debris flow drainage structure was proposed using related computational formula. Considering the time dependence and randomness of wear process, the coupling wear random model was built, and the distribution function of coupling wear value at any time was derived to estimate the dynamic reliability and probability life of wear structure. Finally, a specific example was used to testify the practical applicability of this model, which may provided a theoretical reference for wear quantitative evaluation of debris flow drainage structure.

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Mechanism of Steep Loess Slope Rainfall Erosion in Western Liaoning
Wu Qian,Wang Changming,Ma Donghe,Song Pengran
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1563-1571. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (2290KB) ( 465 )  

A series of physical simulation experiments of slope rainfall erosion were conducted in laboratory on steep loess slope of 70° in Western Liaoning under a rainfall intensity of 2.7 mm/min.  It was found that as the rainfall lasted, the energy and erosion intensity of water flow increased. The erosion pattern verified from splash and sheet erosion to rill erosion, and finally evolved into gully erosion and collapse on top of the slope. Based on the experiment, the distribution of rainfall seepage in the slope was simulated by SEEP/W. Results showed that the water pressure on top of the slope was the highest, and it reduced as the height decreased. The microcosmic motion of soil particle was also simulated by PFC2D, it was found that particles on top of the slope were firstly washed off by water flow, and rapidly fell down. The simulation results are consistent with the indoor model experiment, which provide a reference for research on rainfall erosion properties of loess slope.

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Coupling Model of Groundwater Three Dimensional Variable-Parametric Non-Steady Seepage and Land-Subsidence
Chen Xingxian, Luo Zujiang, An Xiaoyu, Tan Jinzhong, Tian Kaiyang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1572-1578. 
Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (1921KB) ( 411 )  

In order to accurately predict the dynamic characters of groundwater seepage field and land subsidence caused by dewatering of deep foundation pit in loose sediments, a ground settlement coupling model was established in this study. In this coupling model, three dimensional variable-parametric non-steady seepage of precipitation of deep foundation pit and one-dimensional consolidation theory based on Terzaghi were used. The porosity, permeability coefficient and water storage dynamic changes with the decline of groundwater level were also considered. And a three dimensional fem numerical method was applied to solve the model. The dewatering of the deep foundation pit in Puzhu Rd station, metro line 3, in Nanjing was taken as a case study. The results showed that an optimal project was obtained by adopting 15 dewatering wells for the pit, locating the filters of the pumping wells at depth of 22.0-37.0 m and defining a pit’s diaphragm wall at a depth of 41.5 m. By using this project, groundwater level could meet the excavation requirements and surface settlement outside the pit could also be within the controlled limits. The coupling model proposed was proven reasonable and reliable. And it has more credibility to use the theories in the article to simulate and predict the groundwater flow in deep foundation pit dewatering in similar areas.

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Impacts of Low-Permeability Clay Lens in Vadose Zone onto Rainfall Infiltration and Groundwater Recharge Using Numerical Simulation of Variably Saturated Flow
Huo Siyuan,Jin Menggui,Liang Xing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1579-1587. 
Abstract ( 435 )   PDF (2879KB) ( 450 )  

Rainfall recharge is a principal source of shallow groundwater in the North China plain. Long-term over-exploitation of groundwater has resulted in the decline of water table in the past decades which made some low-permeability clay lenses moved from saturated zone to unsaturated zone and thicker vadose zone with complicated heterogeneity. It is an essential issue for infiltration process and rainfall recharge estimation effected by low-permeability clay lens in thicker vadose zone. The HYDRUS Software Package is used to establish models mainly considering the buried depth, width and thickness of low-permeability clay lens and simulate the effect of the three factors on infiltration path, recharge time and recharge quantity under single rainfall event. The simulated results show that low-permeability clay lens will restrict vertical infiltration and form faster flow around the lens relative to flow inside of the lens. It will decrease recharge peak and delay recharge time, rather than altering the starting time of recharge. The potential recharge quantity is determined by the relationship between the buried depth of lens and the limit depth of soil evaporation, and it will decrease when the buried depth of lens or the perched water caused by the lens is above the limit depth of soil evaporation.

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Regularity Analysis of Eco-Environmental Vulnerability in Luanhe Basin Based on SPCA and AHP
Yu Lei,Qiu Dianming,Liu Li,Ling Feng,Li Wei,Hu Guangxin,Liu Guocai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1588-1594. 
Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (1592KB) ( 835 )  

Based on the ecological sensitivity-resilience-pressure (SRP) conceptual model, methods of spatial principal component analysis (SPCA) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were combined to evaluate and classify the vulnerabilities of the eco-environment of Luanhe basin in 1985, 1995 and 2005, and 15 multiple systems evaluation indexes including topography, geomorphology, atmosphere, soil, vegetation and social economy were taken into account in this evaluation.  Ecological environmental vulnerability variation and genetic mechanism were obtained.The results showed that vulnerability level of Luanhe basin tended to be low, potentially vulnerable area was expanded and severe vulnerable area was reduced. Meanwhile eco-environmental vulnerability of northwest mountainous regions and jidong coastal areas changed acutely. Human activities had exceeded natural conditions and become the key factor which impacted ecosystem of Luanhe basin. The primary driving force were rapid growth of the population, change of weather conditions and irrational utilization of land resources.

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Composite Contamination Effects About Atrazine with a Variety of Pollutants Based on Fractional Factorial Design and Best Subset Regression
Li Yu, Wang Meng, Zhang Chen,Gao Qian
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1595-1602. 
Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (990KB) ( 439 )  

In order to reveal the composite contaminations characteristic of atrazine adsorption onto the surficial sediments in pesticide (dimethoate, metalaxyl, atrazine, malathion and prometryn)/heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and nickel) composite contamination system, a completely foldover design and confounding design assisted resolution Ⅲ of 210-6 fractional factorial design method and a best subset regression modeling method are used to identify the main effects and interactions of these ten pollution factors, while screening and establishing a atrazine multiple linear regression adsorption model (AT-MRAM) which includes atrazine as the dependent variable and the main effects factors and second-order interaction effects of ten pollutions were statistically significant (α=0.05) as independent variables. The study found that the main effects of lead, copper, zinc, cadmium, nickel and pesticide crystal rogor have significant effect (α=0.05) to inhibit the adsorption of atrazine on the sediment, named atrazine competitive adsorption effects, and its antagonism: Ni>Cd> crystal rogor>Zn>Pb>Cu, and antagonism account generated by heavy metals in the main effect is 63.51% of the total antagonism. Synergistic or antagonistic effects of the second-order interaction effects in nickel as the key independent variable are accounted for 35.3% of the atrazine adsorption capacity. Among them, lead, cadmium and crystal rogor inhibit the competitive adsorption of nickel and atrazine, with the adsorption of atrazine on the sediment, synergy: Cd  Nickel Lead  Nickel>Nickel crystal dimethoate, while the second-order interaction effect nickel  atrazine with nickel as the adjustment variable has the same effect with the nickel main factor about atrazine adsorption, these imply that the complexity and importance of the role of nickel in a variety of pollutants coexisting system on atrazine adsorption in the sediment. Moreover, according to the coefficient of variation of the atrazine multiple linear regression adsorption model, we also can estimate the compound pollution levels about the target pollutant on these main effects and second-order interaction effects of pollutant factors.

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Blocking Capacity of Aquitard for Nitrate at Different Eh
Zhao Xiaobo,Xie Xue,Li Ying,Ma Zhen,Li Xuqian,Fan Kai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1603-1607. 
Abstract ( 380 )   PDF (910KB) ( 339 )  

In order to study the mechanism of migration and transformation of nitrate in aquitard under different Eh, the process of migration and transformation of nitrate in groundwater by passing through aquitard was modeled by adopting clay as aquitard in laboratory under high osmotic pressure. The results showed that at most 1.45 mg nitrate could be blocked by 1 g clay and the blocking rate R=92%. The blocking capacity of aquitard is very strong for nitrate when Eh is at 0 mV, -100 mV and -200 mV. Low Eh is benefit for nitrate adsorption in aquitard. The transformational mechanism of nitrate in aquitard showed that micro-pore blocking, filtering, ion adsorption, cooperative adsorption and microorganisms give aquitard a very strong blocking capacity for nitrate.

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Protection of the Flocs by the Multi-Stage Velocity Gradients Based on Fluidized Station
Lu Yamei, Wang Yao, Zhou Dandan, Zhao Wenyuan, Wang Bing, Yang Cuihua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1608-1613. 
Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 382 )  

Theoretically, multi-stage velocity gradients contribute to a more suitable environment for flocs growth. However, most studies on the fluidized bed flocculator were based on the single stage velocity gradient by now. Multi-stage velocity gradients were set up with 800 μm and 1 200 μm resin particles as solid phases in this work, and the growth and morphological characteristics of the formed flocs were especially studied. The formed flocs were broken according to size distribution figure in the single-stage velocity gradient fluidized bed with solid phase of 1 200 μm resin particles and a flocculation time of 50.3 s. As a result, the flocculation efficiency decreased 3% as compared with that operated for a flocculation time of 41.8 s. It should be noticed that the size of the flocs increased continuously from 5.7 μm to 70.0-75.0 μm as the flocculation time extended in the multi-stage velocity gradient fluidized bed flocculator. Meanwhile, the flocculation efficiency increased 5%-10% compared with the bed operated under single-stage velocity gradient. The collision among the mini-flocs was the main growth model of the flocs.

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Early Warning Statistical Model of Sudden Geological Hazards and Its Application
Xue Qunwei, Liu Yanhui, Tang Can
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1614-1622. 
Abstract ( 357 )   PDF (1677KB) ( 479 )  

By adding geological hazard potential as a parameter, the statistical model of sudden geological hazards early warning has solved the problem caused by rainfall criterion method which could not express the geological environmental condition clearly. The calculation of potential, the design of variable parameters of rainfall and the optimization of early warning equation were also improved in this model. In order to increase the accuracy, an additional step for relatively independent geological environmental factor judging based on chi-square test was supplemented in this model. The initial value of the certainty level of the geological environmental factor and the set of initial value of the certainty level change in the weight calculation were also ruled.  And valid cumulative rainfall was adopted in this model instead of cumulative rainfall, which makes this modle more reasonable. An early warning equation based on a joint probability analysis was proposed in this study, which avoids inconsistency with the basic geological cognition and the physics law, and a lack of the equation coefficients meaning. A 24 h forecast of July 2nd, 2009 was taken as a case study. The results showed that the geological hazard points within the forecast area ratio increased from 44% to 62%, although the forecast area decreased from 101 008 km2 to 27 553 km2. It indicates that the improved early warning model will be more rigorous theoretically, increase its spatial accuracy and decrease its invalid report rate.

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Risk Assessment of Soil Salinization Within the Definition of Disaster
Gu Hongbiao,Chi Baoming,Jiang Jiyi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1623-1629. 
Abstract ( 400 )   PDF (892KB) ( 440 )  

Soil salinization has given severe damage to human beings. In order to improve the grain production and the filed management of moderate-to-low-yield farmland, to prevent the damage of soil salinization getting worse, a risk evaluation index system of soil salinization was proposed in this study.  According to the standard of natural disaster risk principle, this risk evaluation index system was constructed by grey correlation evaluation method based on entropy weight. At last, a risk index calculation model of soil salinization was successfully established. And this model was used to assess the risk of soil salinization in Songyuan irrigation district. The risk value(R) of soil salinization in these regions is between 0.10-0.36, which indicates that the risk is medium or high. The valued places are listed according the risk value from the lower to higher: Qianguo, Anzi, Youzi, Longhai, Shuizi, Dabusu, Qianzi, Taohaotai, Rongzi, Hongxing, Hongzi. The results showed that the risk value obtained by this model is in accordance with the local region's reality. It indicates that the model proposed could be used in the risk assessment of soil salinization.

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Deep Structural Study on Gravity-Magneto-Electricity Profile of Alar-Handagai in Hailar Basin and Its Geological Significance
Zhou Ximing,Ren Shoumai,Zhang Xingzhou,Chen Chao,Li Chengli
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1630-1638. 
Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (1896KB) ( 436 )  

By means of migration imaging technique of magnetotelluric data, and to explorat the characteristics of converted-wave layer below the deep geological structure, it is reveals the existence of composite anticline. Depressions within the basin have the features with low gravity, high magnetic and low resistivity, the sedimentary strata shows low-frequency and low-amplitude magnetic anomaly, magmatic rock have high-frequency and high-intensity magnetic anomaly, resistivity shows a three-layer structure of low-high-low in middle and eastern part of the profile, the magmatic rock has high resistivity and Paleozoic has low resistivity. Paleozoic strata exist in deep controlled by Derbugan and Wunuer-Elunchun fracture, with the depth of 2-6 km and thickness of 2-4 km. Paleozoic was composed with three anticlines, and the interface play a certain role in controlling of the shallow sag distribution. Mudstone, shale, limestone and slate are well developed in Late Paleozoic Carboniferous of Hailar basin, with these results we predicated that there are a good prospect for oil and gas exploration.

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Simulation Research on Coil Motion Noise Removal for Time Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Data
Yin Dawei,Lin Jun,Zhu Kaiguang,Wang Yaran,Li Bingbing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1639-1645. 
Abstract ( 426 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 419 )  

In the course of time domain airborne electromagnetic exploration, induction electromotive force is produced by the movement of the receiver coil in the earth’s magnetic field, which is the main noise source in AEM data because of its large amplitude. Coil motion noise covers mainly low frequency band. Though its amplitude will rapidly decreases with frequency increasing, it still contains higher frequency components than transmitting frequency. Therefore, the traditional high pass filter has certain limitation in dealing with coil motion noise. According to the airborne electromagnetic data characteristics, polynomial is used to approximate motion noise for each full waveform half cycle, and then Lagrange method is employed to solve polynomial coefficient of motion noise. The polynomial coefficients are calculated by matrix inverse and finally motion noise is subtracted from each half cycle electromagnetic data. Furthermore, polynomial approximation method is applied to the synthetic data contaminated by low frequency motion noise comparing with traditional high pass filter method. Simulation results indicated that, the polynomial approximation method shows more effective in dealing with coil motion noise of airborne electromagnetic data, which can increase the signal to noise ratio more than 40 dB.

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Finite Element Forward Modeling on Line Source of FCSEM for Continuous Conductivity
Tang Wenwu, Liu Jianxin,Tong Xiaozhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1646-1654. 
Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (1517KB) ( 396 )  

In order to simulate continuous conductivity of subsurface medium and inverse continuous medium, we worked on the finite element forward modeling on line source of FCSEM (frequency domain controlled-source electromagnetic) for two-dimensional block linear change of conductivity. In each unit, the linear interpolation both for electrical field and conductivity parameter was used, which would keep conductivity changing continuously between each unit. Firstly, boundary value problem and variational problem were given for finite element simulation. And the meshing, interpolation, unit analysis and total synthesis of FEM (finite element method) were discussed in detail. Secondly, sparse storage and BICGSTAB algorithm based on incomplete LU decomposition were used to solve complex equations, which had saved memory and improved compute speed. Then, a homogenous half space model was simulated and its result showed that the FEM numerical solutions of low and high frequency agreed with analytic solutions very well, which proved the correctness of this algorithm. Finally, a horizontal layered model and a vertical fault model were calculated, the contour maps both for apparent resistivity and phase reflected anomaly quite well. All of these had showed this algorithm can simulate the line source of FCSEM for continuous conductivity effectively.

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Invert Crack Density of HTI Media by Using SVD Based on PP-Wave AVA Data from Crossing Seismic Survey Lines
Liu Cai,Liu Yuwei,Feng Xuan,Guo Zhiqi,Gao Fengxia
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1655-1662. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (2430KB) ( 319 )  

Crack density is one of the important parameters which can be applied to the quantitative prediction of crackd reservoirs. Varela inverted crack density using SVD (singular value decomposition) method based on reflection coefficients various azimuth for HTI (horizontal transverse isotropy) media. We invert the crack density of HTI media by using SVD method based on difference of PP-wave AVA (amplitude variation with azimuth) data from crossing seismic survey lines. Anisotropy parameters play a more important role in the reflection coefficients difference. Firstly, the main principles of the two methods are described. Then the numerical computation was carried out and the inversion results of the two methods when reflection coefficients have random disturbances were contrasted. Finally, the stability analyses of the new improved method had made. The results show that the inversion results of both of these two methods are approaching to real value. However, the result of the improved method is better than that one of the old method, so the improved method has better anti-noise capabilities. The stability of this method goes better when the difference of azimuth increases. The influence caused by random disturbances is lowest when seismic survey lines are orthogonal intersection. The results can achieve a good stability when PP wave AVA data are with high signal to noise ratio.

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Elastic Impedance Equation Based on the Incident-Angle AVO Approximation and Inversion
Li Chao, Yin Xingyao, Zhang Guangzhi, Zhang Fanchang, Zheng Jingjing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1663-1671. 
Abstract ( 366 )   PDF (2450KB) ( 449 )  

AVO techniques have been widely used in petroleum exploration. However, when the Aki-Richards approximation is used to calculate the PP wave reflection coefficients, the incident angle is usually used as the angle parameter instead of the average of the incident and refracted angle. This calculation will bring errors to the result of the prestack inversion. The Incident-Angle approximation is the function of the incident angle, which significantly reduces the errors. First of all, an equation named the Incident-Angle Elastic Impedance was proposed based on the Incident-Angle approximation to make the inversion of elastic impedance more accurate. The new elastic impedance was normalized to overcome the problem that its dimensionality varies with the incident angle. One classical AVO model was used to prove its accuracy. Secondly, a new inversion method was established based on the new equation. Comparison of inversion results of the Marmousi2 model with the conventional method showed that the new method was better. Finally, the new method was tested with a set of real data.and the final result matched well with the well-logging data, which proved its strong practicability.

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Several Factors Affecting Cross-Hole Radar Tomography
Ran Limin, Liu Sixin, Li Yuxi, Li Jianwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1672-1680. 
Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (2725KB) ( 353 )  

Several factors affecting cross-hole radar tomography were discussed by using synthetic data, including the ray coverage angle, the regularization factor k, as well as the measurement configuration. The ray coverage angle was investigated and is found that 40-70 degree is most fitted angle for tomography. If the regularization factor k is too small or too large, the inverted image will differ from model too much. Therefore, the choice of the fitted regularization factor is very important. By studying the horizontal and various oblique anomaly bodies and related wavefield snapshots, it is found that since both the transmitter and the receivers are located in two parallel holes, the rays are mainly along the horizontal direction to propagate, the horizontal anomaly is well imaged, but the vertical or highly angle anomaly cannot be imaged well.

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Hyper-Spectral Mineral Abundance Inversion Based on FastICA Algorithm
Jiang Xiping, Wu Fenghuang, Jiang Yu, Xiu Liancun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1681-1686. 
Abstract ( 434 )   PDF (989KB) ( 359 )  

The unmixing of hyper-spectral data is the crucial base of qualitative and quantitative analysis of rock minerals. The simulated or measured hyper-spectral data can be analyzed with the FastICA algorithm to calculate the number of pure-pixels as well as the spectrum of each pure-pixel. Based on the results, the mineral abundance inversion can be carried out. The experiments show that the FastICA algorithm can effectively un-mix the mineral hyper-spectrum and estimate the spectrum of each pure-pixel, even when there is no prior knowledge of the spectrum or the mixing matrix of pure-pixels. This facilitates the mineral identification and the mineral abundance inversion. However, when the spectrums of the pure-pixels are highly similar or the non-gaussianity is bad, the precision of the mineral identification would be reduced, which in turn reduces the precision of mineral abundance inversion and vice versa.

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Interactive Terrain Modification Technology for Earthquake Disaster Scene Modeling
Liu Hao,Zhao Wenji,Duan Fuzhou,Cao Wei,Li Jiacun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2013, 43 (5):  1687-1696. 
Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1810KB) ( 307 )  

Based on the virtual earthquake disaster scene, We put forward a real-time terrain modification algorithm with controllable details, and use this method to simulate the terrain deformation of disaster area. GPU completes most of the terrain modification computation using pixel shader. Pixel shader reads the raw data from height map and executes the modification, then outputs the results to a new map, which is transferred to main memory and replaces the old data.And then the terrain is rendered again to complete the terrain modification. The algorithm is optimized by using “Ping-Pang” algorithm and batch processing. Furthermore, Perlin noise is introduced into the modification algorithm to simulate the complicated morphology of terrain surface in disaster scene. The experimental results show that this method obtains a successful application in virtual earthquake scene, and can meet the realtime modification and interactive editing of terrain.

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