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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2014, Volume 44 Issue 3
Seismic Volcanostratigraphy of the Songliao Basin, Early Cretaceous: Typical Volcanic Seismic Facies and Geological Interpretation Pattern
Yi Jian,Wang Pujun,Li Ruilei,Zhao Ranlei,Chen Congyang,Sun Yue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  715-729. 
Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (1558KB) ( 500 )  

In order to understand the volcanic rocks filling model in basin and explore favorable volcanic reservoir in less or no well area, the systematically study of seismic facies units, their reflection characteristics and geological interpretation is necessary. With volcanostratigraphy theory and seismic volcanostratigraphy method, the typical seismic facies of the volcanic rocks were studied based on wells and inter-well seismic profiles in the Songliao volcanic rifted grabens, Early Cretaceous. The facies can be divided into 4 types and 10 subtypes of typical seismic facies units, such as the volcanic dome unit, the volcanic platform unit, the volcanic filling unit and the cutting units. Based on wellseismic contrast and the references of volcanostratigraphy study in the field, the geological models of seismic units and their response relationship are described. Seismic facie units usually correspond to the volcanic rocks with the main filling type (facies and facies association) composition; the volcanic dome unit can be interpreted as the domeshaped extrusion dome, the acid simple lava flow, the acid compound lava flow and so on; the volcanic platform unit can be interpreted as the platform-shaped basic-intermediate simple lava flow and the pyroclastic flow; the volcanic filling unit can be interpreted as the simple lave flow and volcanic pyroclastic flow which fill in the preceding low-lying land;the cutting units can be interpreted as the sheet, dike. Besides the seismic facies, the analysis of geological attributes of seismic reflection characteristics are favorable to understand geological meaning much better.

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Oil Source and Mature Oil Exploration Potential of Yuejin Slope Area in the Qaidam Basin
Lu Jungang, Yao Yitong, Wang Li, Chen Shijia, Wang Liqun, Guan Junya, Zhang Huanxu, Tang Haiping
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  730-740. 
Abstract ( 321 )   PDF (786KB) ( 509 )  

The Yuejin slope area, which is located in the south of Yingxiongling sag and north of Zhahaquan sag, is the favorable directional zone of hydrocarbon migration, and has ample oil source. The comprehensive evaluation of source rock indicates that E23 source rocks in Zhahaquan sag are characterized by large thickness, widespread distribution, high abundance of organic matter, ideal type of organic matter, which are in mature stage now and has great hydrocarbon supplying ability. The research of oil-source correlation shows that the crude oil of Yuedong structure and Yuejin-1 structure has the same characteristics, their source is both from Yingxiongling sag in the north. The crude oil of Yuejin-2 structure, Wunan-Lücaotan and Kunbei oilfield is all from E23 source rocks in Zhahaquan sag, but the oil maturity is different. The maturity of crude oil from Yuejin-2 is low which is as same as that of crude oil from Wunan-Lücaotan and preserved solid bitumen from Kunbei oilfield, but is lower significantly than that of crude oil from Kunbei oilfield, the crude oil from Yuejin-2 is the early product of source rocks at low mature-mature stage, it has not been found product of source rocks at peak hydrocarbon-generating stage in Yuejin slope area. Yuejin slope area is closer to hydrocarbon generation center of sag than Kunbei oilfield, the product of source rocks at peak hydrocarbon-generating stage is characterized by priority infill injection, the lithologic trap and structure-lithologic trap widespreading in downdip direction of slope area have great exploration potential.

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The Pore-Lining Chlorite Formation Mechanism and Its Contribution to Reservoir Quality
Tian Jianfeng, Yu Jian, Zhang Qingzhou
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  741-748. 
Abstract ( 504 )   PDF (448KB) ( 686 )  

The sandstone reservoirs containing pore-lining chlorite are commonly high-quality reservoir which is believed to be due to the pore-lining chlorite by weakening authigenic quartz cement growth on detrital grains. Based on the source of iron, the formation mechanism of pore-lining chlorite consists of transformation of precursor clay minerals, direct precipitation from iron-rich substance dissolution, and mixture of precursor clay and direct precipitation. Comparative study of domestic and foreign sandstone reservoirs with abundant pore-lining chlorite shows that the pore-lining chlorite can influence reservoir quality by retarding authigenic quartz cement growth,enhancing sandstone resistance ability to compaction, indicating the degree of early alkaline dissolution and blocking pore throat. The influence way and degree on reservoir are determined by chlorite genesis and diagenetic stage. Before period A of middle diagenetic stage, the transformed chlorite affects sandstone reservoir quality by suppressing quartz overgrowth and raising sandstone resistance ability to compaction, and the direct precipitation chlorite affects by indicating the degree of early alkaline dissolution. After accessing to period B of middle diagenetic stage, the pore-lining chlorite show full ability to weaken quartz cementation in sandstone reservoirs.

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Fault Zone Structure and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Carbonates
Qie Ying,Fu Xiaofei,Meng Lingdong,Xu Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  749-761. 
Abstract ( 615 )   PDF (2062KB) ( 447 )  

Based on the field observation and description, the factors relevant to the mechanism of fault deformation and the process of fault zone structure evolution in carbonate rock are systematically discussed, and the relationship between fault zone structure and fluid flow in the carbonate formation is analyzed. The research shows that the relevant factors to the mechanism of fault deformation in carbonate rock include lithology, porosity, deformation depth, temperature, cementation, pre-existing fractures and so on, and the factors controlling the formation of fault zone structure include sliding displacement and fracture mode. Low-porosity carbonate rock is characterized by fracture, while for high-porosity carbonate rock, deformation zone developed in the early time of deformation, fractures gradually connected and developed into fault zone. With burial depth increasing the structure of fracture zone is changing: when the burial depth is less than 3 km, the core of fault mainly develop into fault breccias and fault gouge without cohesion; when the burial depth is more than 3 km, the core of fault mainly develop into fault breccias and cataclasite with cohesion and fractures of various causes developed in the fracture zone. With the depth increasing, fracture mode changes from early fracturing into late cataclasis, eventually cataclastic flow. Fracture zone evolution is a four-dimensional process, the development of fault core and fracture zone, directly affects faults on hydrocarbon migration and seal. The research on the mechanism of fault deformation, the internal structure of fault zones and the fluid migration, can provide important theoretical basis for seal.

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The Potential Evaluation of Shale Gas Resources of Lishu Fault Depression in Songliao Basin
Liu Fuchun, Cheng Rihui, Xie Qilai, Hu Wangshui, Tang Jiguang, Li Zhongbo, Yang Xiuhui, Xu Hao, Zhou Lihua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  762-773. 
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 537 )  

Two sets of main hydrocarbon source rocks, Shahezi Formation and Yingcheng Formation, developed in the Lishu fault depression of Songliao basin, which had a favorable sedimentary environment, large thickness and wide distribution. The member Ⅱ of Shahezi Formation possessed the best conditions of forming shale gas, its TOC distribution range was 0.11%-8.20% (average value was 1.45%); Yingcheng Formation developed two members of   high quality mud shale: TOC distribution range of the member Ⅰ was 0.26%-12.01% (average value was 1.96%),and that of the member Ⅱ was 0.06%-5.03% (average value was 1.06%). The main organic matter types were Ⅱ1-Ⅲ, with few was type Ⅰ. The vitrinite reflectance (Ro) in Shahezi Formation was generally higher, whereas, in western fault depression it basically entered into over-mature phase, and it came into mature to high mature phase in gentle slope belt. In Yingcheng Formation, the range of variation of vitrinite reflectance (Ro) was large, and it reached over 2.00% in Xiaochengzi, Gujiazi and Shiwu. Mass fractions of brittle minerals of two sets of mud shale were 32.10%-62.90% which represents good reservoir properties. In the fault depression, there were several exploratory wells drilled with high gas logging show in the thick layers of mud shale in Shahezi Formation and Yingcheng Formation. The gas content was 0.62-3.09 m3/t in the member Ⅰ of Yingcheng Formation. With assessment by using the probability method, we preliminaryly forecast that Yingcheng Formation and Shahezi Formation possess shale gas resources amounting to 6 645.34 ×108 m3. It is believed that Qinjiatun region and Sujiatun subsag are favorable target areas of shale gas exploration, and Sangshutai deep subsag belt is a relatively fine target area.

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Geology, Geochemistry and Metallogenic Mechanism of  Yuerya Gold Deposit in the Eastern Hebei Province
Jia Sanshi,Wang Ende,Fu Jianfei,Men Yekai,Wu Minggang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  774-785. 
Abstract ( 498 )   PDF (1059KB) ( 379 )  

The Yuerya gold deposit is located in the middle segment of north margin of the North China plate. It is a large gold deposit in Jinchangyu-Yuerya mineralization concentration area and hosted in granite body and its contact zone with strata of the Changcheng system in the Eastern Hebei Province. Systematic investigations on geologic characteristics, fluid inclusions, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, sulfur and lead isotopes, trace element and rare earth elements, show that the ore-forming fluid has the feature of low salinities and medium-high temperature; the metallogenic material was derived from deep-source and mantle substances. Because gold mineralization is not probable for rare earth elements, the Bi element can be regarded as indicator for high-grade ore. Compared with Yuerya, the Jinchangyu gold deposit is hosted in metamorphic rock in this area. The metallogenic geological characteristics of south part of Niuxinshan gold deposit are similar to that of Jinchangyu, while that of north part of Niuxinshan similar to that of Yuerya. However, those deposits have the same ore-forming material source. These characteristics suggest that the specificities of metallogenic geological setting determine the specialties and complexities of apparent geological characteristics of gold deposits.

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Metallogenic Age and Ore Remobilization Mechanisms of Shujigou Coper-Zinc Deposit, Liaoning Province,China
Zhang Yajing, Sun Fengyue, Huo Liang,Li Bile,Ma Fang, Qian Ye, Liu Zhedong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  786-795. 
Abstract ( 396 )   PDF (954KB) ( 355 )  

Located in the Archean greenstone belt, the Shujigou copper-zinc deposit belongs to the volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposit (VMS). By LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating, it’s conformed that the ore-hosting biotite-gneiss was formed at ca. 2 565 Ma, which can also represent the ore-forming age. Multiple phase of metamorphism resulted in changing of ore textures and forming of such special textures as recrystallization, brittle deformation, durchbewegung, replacement and retrograde textures. The ore-forming components have undergone two periods of remobilization which corresponds to two phases of metamorphism and deformation events. The earlier, during the Anshan tectonic movement, mechanical remobilization played an important role, and formed “ore capsule” in the position of small pressure. The later, during the Lüliang tectonic movement, both mechanical remobilization and chemical remobilization affected the ore, the matrix sulphides and silicate minerals, moved from the matrix into the fractured individual pyrite metablasts and have replaced them to some degrees.

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Petrographic and Mineragraphic Characteristics of Yongping Copper Polymetallic Ore Deposit in Jiangxi Province and Their Significance
Ding Li, Liu Yan, Zhao Yuanyi, Wang Zongqi, Sha Junsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  796-816. 
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (2041KB) ( 365 )  

Yongping deposit is located in the Qianshan County, and is the second largest copper-rich polymetallic deposit in Jiangxi Province. Based on the detailed field work in Huoshaogang open-pit, samples collecting, petrographic and mineragraphic determination, SEM and EDS analysis, it can be considered that the ore-hosting strata are composed of interlayered andesitic basalt and andradite skarn, with siliceous rock and schist, layered and lentoid ore body, which indicates the typical oceanic bottom volcanic effusive sedimentary environment. A large number of colloidal pyrite means that there had been large-scale hot water sedimentary. Metamorphism(or skarnization) represented by recrystallization colloidal pyrite and andradite skarn played an important role in the mineralization process. The hydrothermal alteration caused the more concentration of oreforming materials. Besides copper and tungsten, we think, bismuth and indium were concentrate to the lowest level for exploration. We also have found Re-bearing scheelite, Ree-uraninite and a series of tellurium and bismuth minerals, such as native bismuth, bismuthinite, emplectite, Ag-cuprobismutite, argentobismutite, Warren Sharansky ore, tellurobismuthite, pilsenite, iron-copper-tellurium-sulfur-bismuth, Tc-hessite, bismuth-telluride-silver(?) as well as pilsenite-hessite(?).

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Petrogenesis of Early Permian Bijiashan Volcanic Rocks in Beishan Area, Xinjiang, NW China: Evidence from Petrology, Geochemistry and Isotopic Geochronology
Xia Zhaode, Jiang Changyi, Ling Jinlan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  817-834. 
Abstract ( 599 )   PDF (1460KB) ( 523 )  

The Permian Bijiashan volcanic belt is studied. Based on geochronological petrologic geochemical data of the volcanic rock, the authors discuss the genetic relationship between the volcanic rocks and intrusive rocks, magmatic evolution as well as source character. The Bijiashan volcanic rocks located at the north  Bijiashan mafic-ultramafic belts are composed of basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of rhyolite suggests an isotopic age of (285.0±2.9) Ma, belong to the Wulaer period of the Early Permian. The volcanic rocks mainly belong to tholeiitic series. The petrological and geochemical characters of basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite in this belt indicate that they are derived from tholeiitic basaltic magma by fractional crystallization, and the basaltic magma have assimilated during upwelling. The basalt has high TiO2 (2.35%-3.81%), TFeO (10.59%-13.87%) and P2O5(0.35%-0.50%), and belongs to high-Ti basalt series, which is rich in LREE and large ion lithophile elements, Nd, Sr isotopic composition with OIB affinity. It is believed that these basalts were derived from spinel-region. The temporal relationships, geochemical characteristics and magmatic evolution of Bijiashan intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks indicate that the Bijiashan mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks and the volcanics are derived from the same magma, the numerous cumulations form intrusive rocks after magma entered present chamber, whereas the evolved magma overflowed along the faulted zones or the upper boundary of magma chamber and formed the basic-intermediate volcanic rocks, and acidic volcanic rocks are caused by lower crust re-melting caused by the heat of the mantle-derived magma.

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Geochemical and Geochronological Characteristics of Triassic Basic Dikes in SW Hainan Island and Its Tectonic Implications
Chen Xinyue,Wang Yuejun,Han Huiping,Zhang Yuzhi,Wen Shunü,Cao Youjin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  835-847. 
Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (826KB) ( 565 )  

Basic dikes occurring within the Dongfangzhongsha farmland in SW Hainan Island are mainly composed of plagioclase, monoclinic pyroxene and a small amount of hornblende. These basic dikes are charactered by such geochemical features as SiO2=52.39%-53.44%, K2O+Na2O=5.02%-5.71%, K2O=2.45%-3.29% and high K2O/Na2O value of 0.91-1.63. These rocks are also featured by enrichment in LREEs and LILEs, slight Eu negative anomaly (δEu=0.76-0.84), insignificant Sr and P negative anomalies as well as significant Nb-Ta and Ti negative anomalies. These signatures show these basic dikes may come from fluid metasomatic mantle resource. The representative basic dike (11HN31A) yielded the LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of (242.2±2.6) Ma with MSWD=0.074 (n=14), interpreted as the crystallization age, which is consistent with those in east Hainan Island. Our new data, together with the available data, indicate the Indosinian basic dikes formed under the post-orogenic extensional tectonic setting in Hainan Island,in Early Triassic (-240 Ma).

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Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Settings of the Volcanic Rocks from Beishan Area,Gansu Province and Inner Mongolia, China
Wang Guoqiang, Li Xiangmin, Xu Xueyi, Yu Jiyuan, Wu Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  848-860. 
Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (735KB) ( 506 )  

By studying geochemical characteristics of Ordovician volcanic rocks in the Beishan area of Gansu and Inner Mongolia, the authors consider that the volcanic rocks in this area mainly belong to the andesitic basalt predominated by tholeiite series. The samples collected from Huaniushan and Xichangjing are presented nearly flatdepleted of LREE and the slightly enriched HREE in the chondritenormalized REE pattern, and their HFSE characteristic is similar to that of the N-MORB ophiolite. The samples from Yihatuoli and Xirehada are enriched in LREE and depleted in HFSE (Nb, Ta, Ti), which are similar with those of the island-arc volcanic rock. however, they have ratio values of (Th/Nb)N>>1 and Nb/La<1, as well as Zr/Nb similar to the the N-MORB, which suggested that the volcanic rocks were contaminated by the crust. The features of Zr>70.00×10-6 and Zr/Y>3.00 of the samples are accordant with those of intra-plate basalts. Combined with the research of tectonic evolution in the study area, the authors concluded that Ordovician volcanic rocks in Huaniushan and Xichangjing formed at mid ocean ridge settings, and Ordovician volcanic rocks in Yihatuoli and Xirehada formed at a extensional rifting setting within the plate.

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Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry of Late-Mesozoic Granite in Southeastern (SE) Zhejiang Province and Its Tectonic Implication
Gao Wanli, Wang Zongxiu, Wang Duixing, Li Chunlin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  861-875. 
Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 446 )  

The southeastern (SE) Zhejiang (southeast side of the Jiangshan-shaoxing fault) situated in coastal area of the Pacific Ocean, is an important area to understand the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate. Yantan, Xinpu and Liangnong plutons in SE Zhejiang are chosen for petrography, zircon geochronology and geochemistry study.  Combined with previous research results of the granite in this area,the authors discuss the relationship between the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate and magmatism. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results show that the Xinpu granite has an crystallization age of (145.8±1.4) Ma, and emplaced in the first stage of Early Cretaceous in SE Zhejiang Province, and the Liangnong granodiorite and Yantan syenogranite, with emplacement ages of (106.2 ± 1.4) and (94.7 ±1.4) Ma, respectively, were resulted from the Late Cretaceous magmatism. Late Mesozoic granites are charactered by such geochemical characteristics as enrichment of SiO2, Al2O3, and high ratio of A/CNK, which indicates the granite belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline granite. In the primitive mantle-normalized distribution patterns, these granitic rocks are enriched in Rb, Cs,U,Th, Pb, and depleted in Ba,Sr, Nb, Ti. Their REE patterns are highly fractionated, strongly negative Eu anomalies and low total REE, which is corcandant with those of the crust-derived granite. The authors also conclude that the Xinpu granite (ca.145.8 ± 1.4 Ma) formed in the tectonic setting shifting from compression in the Late Jurassic to extension in Cretaceous, and Liangnong granite (ca. 106.2 ± 1.4 Ma) and Yantan granite (ca. 94.7 ± 1.4 Ma) are formed in the extensional dynamic setting which are all influenced by subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.

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Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of Diorite in Xiarihamu Ore District from East Kunlun and Its Geological Significance
Wang Guan,Sun Fengyue,Li Bile,Li Shijin,Zhao Junwei,Yang Qi’an
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  876-891. 
Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 495 )  

We discuss the zircon U-Pb dating, whole-rock geochemical and zircon Hf isotope data of the dioritic intrusion (stocks) in the southeast of Xiarihamu ore district. The rock assembles of the intrusion include diorites and quartz diorites. Zircon U-Pb dating demonstrates that the concordant age of the zircon in the quartz diorite is (243±1) Ma (MSWD=0.013), i.e., the late Early Triassic. Geochemically, the diorite and quartzdiorite are metaluminous and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. The diorite is enriched in LREE and relatively depleted in HREE ((La/Yb)N=8.7-12.7), and no obvious Eu anomaly (δEu=0.84-1.01). Both the diorite and the quartz diorite are enriched in Rb, Ba, and K, and depleted in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, with a variable εHf(T) values (from -1.0 to -0.9) and ancient TCDM ages (from 1.34 to 1.84 Ga). Combined with the discrimination diagram of experimental petrology studies, the authors suggest that their primary magma maybe derived from dehydration melting from a Meso-Proterozoic metabasaltic low crust source. Moreover, some contributions from enriched mantle materials maybe the main reason of a variable εHf(T) values and TCDM ages. Trace elements and their characteristic ratio values display that the dioritic intrusion was generated within an Andean-type active continental margin setting. Taken together, in the late period of Early Triassic, the middle uplifted basement in eastern Kunlun was in the late-stage of Andean-type active continental margin setting.

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Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Gouli Mafic Enclaves and Their Host Rocks in Eastern Kunlun
Chen Guangjun,Sun Fengyue,Li Bile,Wang Guan,Qian Ye,Xu Qinglin,Liu Guocai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  892-904. 
Abstract ( 366 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 368 )  

The authors report petrographical and whole-rock geochemical data of the host diorite and mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs) within the Asiha diorite pluton at Gouli area in eastern Qinghai East Kunlun,and ascertain their petrogenesis and tectonic setting. The Asiha diorite pluton contains abundant MMEs which are mainly amphibole gabbro. The MMEs display igneous-texture and some of them are characterized by plastic flow deformation. The MMEs have plagioclase, amphibole and quartz xenocrysts and acicular apatite, which belongs to  petrographical characteristics of magma mixing. Authors systematically studied petrological and geochemical characteristics of the host rocks and the MMEs, and conclude that both are meta-aluminous, high-K calc-alkaline series-shoshonitic series rocks. The selected major oxides of the MMEs and the host rocks show a linear correlation in Harker diagrams. In addition, Al2O3/K2O-CaO/K2O and SiO2/CaO-K2O/CaO identical oxide ratio denominator covariant diagram of the MMEs and their host rocks also show a linear correlation, which indicate their composition change is related to the magma mixing and mingling. Trace elements data show that they are both enriched in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, K) and depleted in high field strength elements(Nb, Ta,  P and Ti). The MMEs are characterized by low SiO2 contents (SiO2=50.70%-53.88%), high MgO, Fe2O3 and CaO contents, as well as a higher Mg# value (Mg#=0.52-0.59), which indicates that the primary magma was derived from the partial melting of the mantle wedge. The Rb/Sr ratio of the host rocks varies from 0.22 to 0.27, which is close to but less than average values of the earth crust. The Nb/Ta ratio of the host rocks varies from 14.5 to 15.2, which is between the average values of the crust and mantle, suggesting that the magma of the host rocks is mainly from crust and experienced magma mixing. Combined with regional tectonic evolution and discrimination of tectonic setting, we suggest that the Asiha diorite pluton formed in the Andean-type active continental margin. In Early Triassic, the A’nyemaqen ocean subducted northward, the subduction slab dehydrate led to fluid metasomatism, inducing partial melting of mantle wedge to form the mafic magma. The mafic magma underplated the overlying lower crust, resulting in its partial melting and then mixed with the crustal magma to form the Asiha diorite pluton, while the MMEs are the residually basic part of magma mixing.

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Transport and Deposition of Sediment on the Shelf off Western Guangdong to Northeastern Hainan
Xu Dong, Chu Fengyou, Li Jiabiao, Yang Haili, Chen Liang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  905-917. 
Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (956KB) ( 697 )  

To better understand the transport path and deposition center of Pearl River originated sediment on the shelf off western Guangdong coast, the grain size trend of 1 515 surface sediments were analyzed by using Gao-Collins method and the modern sedimentation rate of 8 core samples was measured based on 210Pb method. The results show that outside the river mouth, the main part of muddy sediment provided by Pearl River was confined to inner shelf with water depth less than 50 m, due to the combined effects of two oppositely flowing current: the coastal current and the South China Sea warm current. A modern sedimentation rate of about 0.1 cm/a on western Guangdong muddy shelf can be maintained by Pearl River originated sediment. Two modern sedimentation centers exist, they are Chuanshan Islands-Hailing Island muddy zone and the muddy area lay east of Qiongzhou Strait, controlled by island blocking and a counter-clockwise mesoscale eddy, respectively. As the source and the way of transport of coarse and fine sediment may be different, the grain size trend result may mainly reflect the transport trend of coarse sediment but not the migrating direction of fine sediment.

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Consolidation Creep Test and Creep Model of Dredger Fill Silty Sand
Nian Tingkai,Yu Pengcheng,Liu Chu’nan,Lu Miaojia,Diao Meihui
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  918-924. 
Abstract ( 319 )   PDF (464KB) ( 369 )  

The authors research the consolidation creep characteristics of dredger fill silty sand by analyzing the effect of normal stress, dry density and sample size on its creep behavior. In comparison to the Kelvin’s model, the Burgers’s model is more reasonable to interpret the creep curve of dredger fill silty sand, so the FlCD3D method is utilized to carry out the three-dimensional numerical simulation of its consolidation creep process. The results show that dredger fill silty sand exhibits certain creep behavior and the power functions can be used to describe the stressstrain relationship and straintime relationship. For the given dry density, the larger the normal stress is, the larger the initial strain is and the longer time it takes to stabilize. When normal stress is constant, the larger the dry density is, the smaller the initial deformation is and the shorter time it needs to stabilize eventually. The instantaneous deformation and creep rate of large size sample (Ф 200.0 mm×H200.0 mm) is larger than that of standard size sample (Φ61.8 mm×H20.0 mm) and the time needed for larger size sample to stabilize is longer. In addition, the Burgers’s model proved to be superior to Kelvin’s model is feasible to simulate the consolidation creep process of dredger fill silty sand. The achievements of this research can provide helpful reference for simulations of creep test and engineering practices related to dredger fill silty sand in coastal area.

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A Stage-Divided Method for Landslide Deformation Prediction by Using Rough Set
Han Ge,Gong Wei,Wu Ting,Zhao Yannan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  925-931. 
Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (446KB) ( 394 )  

Rough set theory is introduced in variables set assessment and reduction for deformation stage prediction in the Baijiabao landslide after its multi-source monitoring data are preprocessed by means of data mining technique. On that basis, serval different algorithms are utilized to predict landslide displacement quantitatively for the purpose of comparison. The tests show that the rough set theory is capable of predicting landslide deformation stage precisely. The results obtained by the rough set contribute to improve performances of numerical prediction of the landslide displacement and the stage-divided method has an advantage over other conventional algorithm.

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Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of the Longjiapo Landslide in Cengong,Guizhou on June 29,2012:A Case of Catastrophic Landslides Triggered by Lateral Shear Disturbance
Zheng Guang,Xu Qiang,Lin Feng,Ju Nengpan,Deng Maolin,Wang Xinfang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  932-945. 
Abstract ( 582 )   PDF (1391KB) ( 450 )  

As a new landslide type, its genetic mechanism of landslide is triggered by lateral shear disturbance. The large scale landslide occurred at Longjiapo,Cengong in Guizhou Province on June 29,2012. The landslide, with its volume ranging from 300×104 to 400×104 m3, became a 20 m weir dam in height blocking up the Mapo River in the lower part and a dammed-lake with about  7×104 m3 in volume. Based on site investigation, the authors provide detailed characteristics of the landslide and  analyze the mechanism of the landslide. It is combined with in-situ grain size composition experimentation, aerial photography and other means. The results indicate that, there were weathered thick accumulation body in the landslide area, and that inclination direction of rock stratum and terrain condition of slope were the favorable fundamental conditions to the landslide. The south part of slide areas, which was a natural guiding gutter of groundwater, had been filled in large amounts of silty clay. In that case, it exerted a large additive gravity force on the ground, and it also induced local groundwater enrichment in the slope body. After the rainfall, part of water seeped into the soil mass and reduced the shearing strength of soils. Then, the slope body in the south area slid firstly, and the motion took great lateral shear perturbation to the main slide area. The main slide area was driven to slide. It deserves intensive study as it is pretty special that the lateral shear disturbance triggered a large landslide. Hence, in addition to its characteristics of rock and soil in the landslide, the geo-conditions of both sides must be investigated in disaster early warning and mitigation.

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Spatial Variation of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) in Fractured Rock Masses
Li Jiming,Zuo Sansheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  946-953. 
Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (456KB) ( 571 )  

Rock quality designation (RQD) is the key parameter to evaluate the degree of fracturing of rock masses. There is error in rock mass evaluation when such factors as the scanline length and the scanline orientation are ignored.  RQD or joint parameters is obtained on the field two-dimensional rock outcrop, RQD of any scanline orientation in three-dimensional space is derived, and the variation of RQD with the scanline orientation is studied. It shows that the RQD is anisotropy both in the space or and plane. The authors put forward the N-A RQD calculate model that makes theoretical arguments more closely and the model assumed that the scanline from joints. Moreover, the Monte-carlo simulation is used to generate random values. Random values obeyed the negative exponential distribution with different parameters and were taken as the fracture spacings under varies of fractures development intensive degree. Then, the variation of mean and standard deviation of RQD values with the scanline length was studied by using four calculate models, i.e. T-T model, N-A model, A-A model and A-A-S model. By comparison, some results are concluded as the follows:1)the longer the scanline,the more accurate the RQD; 2)the A-A-S model can obtain the more accurate RQD when the scanline was short; and 3)a much longer scanline was necessary for the more credible RQD in more fractured rock mass.

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Analysis of Failure Probability and Verification of Model Test on Underground Gas Storage’s Volume Convergence in Salt Rock
Wang Baoqun,Zhang Qiangyong,Li Shucai,Zhang Ning
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  954-960. 
Abstract ( 401 )   PDF (369KB) ( 517 )  

Because of the creep characteristics of salt rock, underground gas storage in salt rock will produce larger shrinkage deformation and affect its safe and stable operation. There is no unified national standard for analysis methods and evaluation criteria for gas storage cavity stability currently. The numerical simulation is mainly adopted to evaluate gas storage cavity stability in China. Based on numerical simulation on shrinkage deformation of underground gas storage in Jintan salt mine and using foreign evaluation criteria for underground gas storage stability in salt for reference, volume convergence failure risk evaluation matrix of underground gas storage in salt rock has been established. And the analysis and displaying performance function of volume convergence failure probability of gas storage has been established with first-order second-moment method. The results indicated that failure probability of volume convergence decreases with increasing of internal pressure under long-term constant internal pressure, while it increases with decrease of internal pressure under peak shaving short-term lower internal pressure and the minimum internal pressure should be kept at more than 4.2 MPa. By large scale three-dimensional geomechanical model test on underground gas storage in bedded salt rock under condition of alternating gas pressure, volume convergence deformation of gas storage decreases with increasing of internal pressure and the minimum internal pressure during short-term operation should be greater than 4.0 MPa. The results of model test and failure probability analysis are more similar. So, the minimum internal pressure in peak shaving shortterm should be over 4.0 MPa in order to avoid volume convergence failure for underground gas storage in salt rock.

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Application Test of DTH Hammer Reverse Circulation Drilling Technique in a Hydropower Station
Yin Qilei, Yin Kun, Liu He, Gan Xin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  961-968. 
Abstract ( 637 )   PDF (496KB) ( 438 )  

The drilling tasks in hydraulic engineering were usually under severe conditions. In the narrow closed cavity, the normal DTH hammer drilling technique was generally applied to drill boreholes, but dust pollution will seriously affect the working environment and workers’ health. To solve the dust pollution in the cavity, reverse circulation drilling technique with DTH air hammer was firstly applied to drill the drain holes in the cavity of a hydropower station, and the upward and downward holes were successfully drilled. The reverse drilling technique with DTH air hammer can control and reduce the dust pollution in the cavity. Furthermore, this technique can maintain good working environments. Two types of drill bits with different structures were designed for test, which were named as type A and B, respectively. The main difference between type A and B drill bits were the positions of suction nozzles. The suction nozzles of type A drill bit were evenly distributed between any two flat keys of the spline. While the suction nozzles of type B were distributed on every flat key of the spline. The CFD numerical simulation results had shown that the air suction rate in annular space of type A drill bit was 0.199 987 04 kg/s, which is slightly larger than that of type B drill bit with a air suction rate of 0.177 524 64 kg/s in annular space between drilling tool and borehole wall . In other words, type A drill bit can suck more air from the annulus space. The test results on drilling upward and downward holes indicated that the structure of drill bit which has double row with 12 suction holes on the spline had the stronger suction capacity and better reverse circulation effect of the slag discharge. Therefore, there was less dust in the cavity and more rock cuttings discharged from the central channel while using type A drill bit. In hence, the reverse circulation discharging effect of type A drill bit is superior to that of type B drill bit.

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Simulation Analysis and Deduction of Temperature Field Model in the Mine Floor Fracture Zone
Huang Pinghua, Han Sumin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  969-976. 
Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (605KB) ( 361 )  

In order to study the mechanism of temperature response to groundwater in the fracture zone of mine floor, the authors established temperature field models of rock mass under the action of vertically flowing groundwater and air and the excess temperature distribution models by using heat transfer theory and combining with the mathematics and physics method. The effects of a variety of heat source were given, and the analytical solution of temperature and temperature gradient and excess temperature of the corresponding models were calculated. Results show that along the groundwater flowing direction, rock temperature gradient value of the initial segment is generally small, and the temperature gradient value of the termination section is generally larger.When the temperature gradient is the opposite with the groundwater flowing direction, amplitude variation of rock temperature gradient is relatively small. When the working faces is close to the structure containing groundwater, with the distance more close to the structure of conducting groundwater, the excess temperature of rock mass increases more rapidly at the same time, which reflects that curvature of temperature curve increases. Within a certain range, groundwater can affect the temperature gradient and the excess temperature of mine rock.

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Comparison of Flux Upper Boundary and Given Head Upper Boundary in Simulation of Groundwater Flow Systems
Niu Hong, Liang Xing, Zhang Renquan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  977-985. 
Abstract ( 534 )   PDF (785KB) ( 377 )  

Due to the given water table and discharge points, the analysis of groundwater flow patterns and their transformation are limited using given head boundary(GHB). Tóthian’s typical modes of groundwater flow-systems are simulated numerically using GHB and flux upper boundary(FUB), showing that: 1)When analyzing groundwater flow patterns and their control factors, the flow patterns simulated using FUB and GHB may be completely different or perhaps similar, while other conditions are the same; 2)for the FUB, the water table can be automatically formed under given conditions, thus we can get the characteristics of different flowsystems with a change of infiltration intensity, hydraulic conductivity, or depth of a basin; 3)for the GHB, the recharge into and discharge from a basin (i.e., the flux through the upper boundary) change with changes in hydraulic conductivity and basin depth, entailing corresponding changes in groundwater flow patterns, so that the results obtained with GHB do not reflect these changes. Therefore, based on the respective advantages of GHB and FUB, during the theoretical and practical study of the groundwater flow-system, the advantages of these two methods and the practical information should be comprehensively taken into consideration to select the appropriate method.

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Risks Forecast Under Groundwater Compressive Exploitation Based on Random Simulation in Hun River’s Alluvial Fan
Su Xiaosi, Du Shouying, Du Shanghai, Song Xianzong, Shao Guangkai,Wang Huang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  986-994. 
Abstract ( 337 )   PDF (774KB) ( 358 )  

Based on the analysis of the influence of random factors to water level simulation results, groundwater flow stochastic simulation model could provide important basis for risk management and decision-making of groundwater resources. The authors took Hun River’s alluvial fan as research area, adopted the Monte-Carlo method to build random forecast model of regional groundwater and forecast the risks of rising groundwater level under compressive exploitation. The results indicate that, hydraulic conductivity is the most sensitive factor for groundwater levels, and the specific yield is the secondary sensitive factor. The sensitivities of hydraulic conductivity of riverbed and infiltration coefficient of precipitation have lower sensitivity, and the sensitivities is proportional to the hydraulic and specific yield. Although compressing the exploitation quantity of groundwater can effectively prevent the cone of depression to expand, under the condition of compressive exploit of groundwater at an annual rate of 5.0%, the groundwater water level will rise in the average of 3.3 m. However, it will also bring groundwater seepage risks to underground engineering, and the lower the safe groundwater level designed, the higher risk of groundwater seepage to the underground engineering.

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Geochemical Characteristics of Macro Elements in Soils in the Region Covered by Multi-Purpose Geochemical Survey in Eastern China
Zhang Ming,Chen Guoguang,Gao Chao,Yang Hui,Liu Hongying,Liang Xiaohong,Yin Aijing,Zhang Xu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  995-1002. 
Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (439KB) ( 397 )  

In order to explore the sources and distribution of macro-elements in soils, relationships between surface soils and deep soils, relationships between ratios and elements among different parent materials were studied in multi-purpose geochemical survey area of East China. The results showed that the macro-elements in surface soils and deep soils were significantly correlated, and ratios in mass ranged from 0.75 to 1.04 in the study area, The analysis results presented that macro-elements in surface soils mainly originated from parent material, and the distribution of geochemical elements is primarily influenced by both parent material and the geochemical characteristics of macro-element. Correlation analysis and factor analysis were applied to distinguish the paragenesis and assemblage rules in soil-forming process,which were CaO-MgO-Na2O, Al2O3-TFe2O3-K2O and SiO2. The anlysis showed macro-elements had good Inheritance from parent materials, and elements paragenesis and assemblage rules and ratios in soils can be used to distinguish the lithology, sources and soil particle composition.

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Error Analysis and Compensation of Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometer Measurements
Yuan Yuan,Huang Danian,Yu Qinglu,Geng Meixia
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1003-1011. 
Abstract ( 368 )   PDF (483KB) ( 812 )  

For the high precision full tensor gravity gradiometry(FTG)used in airborne moving platform,the authors  study the difference composite structure of gradiometry,which have 12 accelerometers installed on three different rotation disc. Upon confirmation of the structure which can restrain the common mode acceleration,reduce the interference of extent environment and have the advantage of high precision detection,the authors  analyze the error sources and influences in gradiometer measurements. Research shows that main effects include instrument inherent random noise and external deterministic noise. In order to describe the influence quantificationally,the authors derived the measuring equation of FTG in the dynamic environment, and analyzed the noise level of intrinsic factors in time domain and frequency domain, identified three main intrinsic factors: Accelerometer’sperformance mismatching;Platform instability and unstable disc rotating speed.Experiments using Simulink system can obtain the noise level of intrinsic factors and put forward the inhibition scheme. Aiming at the external deterministic noise,we also analyzed the influence of changing of attitude and quality in flight to measured gradients and put forward a method to correct the self-gradient based on a point mass.

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Translation Algorithm of Data Interpretation Technique in Full-Space Transient Electromagnetic Method
Yang Haiyan, Deng Juzhi, Tang Hongzhi, Lin Yun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1012-1017. 
Abstract ( 325 )   PDF (434KB) ( 483 )  

Full-space apparent resistivity formulas and its all-time solution methods are important components in underground transient electromagnetic theory. For the purpose of exploring all-time apparent resistivity solving method in full-space medium, translation algorithm used to solve the problem in half-space was introduced and studied in full-space. Meanwhile, theoretical data, modeling data and measured data were adopted to analyze the validity and precision of translation algorithm in full-space data processing and interpretation. The results indicate that, translation algorithm and conventional all-time solving method have a same theoretical basis, but the former can acquire unique solution which other methods can not do. Furthermore, it achieves a good application effect to adopt the joint interpretation with time cross section plotted by using intercept parameter and apparent resistivity section map. Therefore, translation algorithm used in data processing and interpretation of underground transient electromagnetic method can not only achieve satisfactory applicability and accuracy, but also posses a wider application prospect.

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Accuracy and Application of EMM2010 in Chinese Mainland
Xu Rugang,Li Zhejun,Zhang Weijing,Zhang Yi,Tan Xin,Wang Lei,Yuan Jiehao,Zhai Hongtao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1018-1030. 
Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (908KB) ( 458 )  

Using the latest geomagnetic data of 1 334 groups, including the geomagnetic declination D, the geomagnetic inclination I and the geomagnetic total intensity F at 1 302 sites and 32 observatories in Chinese mainland, the precision and application of the enhanced magnetic model (EMM2010) have been studied. Basing on the research results, some conclusions have been drawn as follows:①The general accuracy of EMM2010 for D,I and F  in Chinese mainland, is 10.45′, 8.08′ and 112.85, respectively. Among the various regions in mainland China, the precision of EMM2010 is different. The precision in Northeast China, North China and Xinjiang is 13.07′, 8.90′ and 139.57 nT, while the precision in South China, Tibet plateau and its eastern margin is 7.07′, 6.65′ and 82.43 nT, respectively. The accuracy of the EMM2010 are caused by the factors of the limited truncation order of the EMM2010, the geomagnetic anomaly condition in various regions of China, the errors of the geomagnetic observation data and so on. ②The accuracy of EMM2010 has a distinct regional characteristic in Chinese mainland. EMM2010 accuracy is closely related to distribution, complex degree and gradient of geomagnetic anomaly condition. The higher complex degree and gradient of magnetic anomaly, the lower the accuracy of EMM2010. ③Compared with WMM2010 and IGRF11, the average accuracy of EMM2010 is increased by 50% in different magnetic elements. The main reason is that the EMM2010 includes not only the main geomagnetic field, but also the crust magnetic field. ④The analysis example of the EMM2010 used in Chinese mainland shows that it has the certain applicability, but has its limitations. The EMM2010 cannot calculate the geomagnetic field in Chinese mainland accurately. Therefore, it is necessary to study a higher accuracy geomagnetic field model to best fitting Chinese magnetic field on the basis of EMM2010 with latest survey data from different sectors for practical application.

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The  Pre-Stack Seismic Data Proc4 Structure
Zhang Zhenbo, Xuan Yihua, Liu Bin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1031-1038. 
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (1184KB) ( 586 )  

In South China Sea, seismic data processing in this area is very difficult due to the complex geological structure, rapid speed variation, multiple wave and anisotropy in the region. In order to improve the quality of seismic data imaging in the deep water zone of Baiyun 6-1 working area, we introduced prestack seismic data processing technology series based on anisotropic media . The technology series is mainly composed of threedimensional GSMP, anisotropic velocity field analysis and anisotropic time migration technology. The application results show that the multiple wave model established through GSMP can effectively suppress multiple wave and make the profile more significantly. Anisotropic velocity field analysis can better describe the geological information. Energy is focused on the fault of the section based on anisotropic time migration technology process. Eventually the technology series improves the image quality of seismic data.

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Surface Survey and Velocity Model Building in Eastern Huludao of Western Liaoning Province
Ge Lihua, Jiang Tao, Xu Xuechun, Jia Haiqing,Yang Zhichao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1039-1047. 
Abstract ( 356 )   PDF (643KB) ( 365 )  

To meet the demands of seismic exploration acquisition and near-surface velocity modeling in deep exploration in China, surface survey was carried out in 2D exploration area of eastern Huludao in western Liaoning. The topography of this region is undulating, surface structure is complex, the thickness and speed of low-velocity layer and slow-down-velocity layer is unstable, leading to a prominent static correction problem. Therefore, it is a key problem to complete the job of nearsurface modeling in this region. By comparing the different results from a variety of methods, we choose following surface survey methods. Uphole survey method is given priority; then refraction method, which costs lower, in the region that meets the refraction surface conditions; at last, as a complement, lithology log method at production well reserved for uphole survey. With these methods, we analyze the difficulty and countermeasure of surface survey and determine the parameters of field construction. In this surface survey, along the profile of 16.9 km, 8 loggings is laid out. According to the micro log interpretation results, the near surface is of two or three layers; low-velocity layer thickness is 1.68-4.33 m with a speed about 350-1 000 m/s; the thickness of low velocity zone is about 5-12 m, whose speed ranges from 1 000 to 2 800 m/s; the high speed layer is pyknotic granite, whose speed is 2 800-4 900 m/s. According to the results of micro logging and the coefficiency similarity between each layer, the authors establish a near-surface model, suggest the depth of shot hole, and obtain the statics data. These works effectively guide the design of field seismic acquisition, provide the reliable basis for data processing, and supply a reference to the surface survey in other region.

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Research of Identification and Trimming of Coal-Bed Interference in Daniudi Gas Field
Qin Xuefei, Li Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1048-1054. 
Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 402 )  

Due to the powerful low frequency reflection from the coal bed, the effective signal from overlying or underlying reservoir is extremely distorted. How to identify and trim the interference of coal-bed from the seismic data is a key of coal-bed style reservoir prediction. In this paper, the Wigner-Ville distribution time-frequency analysis method is used to determine coal bed by the continuous events of high reflection energy. Results show that the behavior of coal bed is of high energy at low frequency while attenuated greatly at mid to high frequency. Therefore, the uplimit of dominant frequency is set to be 26 Hz. Furthermore, the goal aimed through multi-wavelets decompression and reconstruction technology, the interference from coal-bed trimmed effectively under the result of research, the signal of reservoir exposed extremely successful.

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Key Technology of 3D Geological Map Compilation Based on Space Integrated Way
Zhang Junqiang,Wu Chonglong,Liu Gang,Liu Fei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (3):  1055-1062. 
Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (426KB) ( 510 )  

The previous three-dimensional geological map only use a digital elevation model (DEM) to expand the plane geological map in z-axis direction, so it does not contain a true three-dimensional attribute information and spatial information. As a result, it shows obvious limitations in spatial query, analysis and decision-making. The characteristics of the ground-underground data and the existing data model is analyzed, then the UML modeling tool is used to design the ground-underground, geological-geographic, attribute-space integrated database model based on Geodatabase data model; a prototype database integration of above and below ground is designed; the ideas and methods of three-dimensional geological map compilation in ArcGIS Engine environment is discussed in the idea of integrated modeling of above and below ground; the compilation of geological map with a true three-dimensional characteristics such as spatial query, analysis is realized. At the end, a system prototype is developed to test the rationality of the method. Result shows that seamless integration problems can be solved on the ground floor underground integrated modeling three-dimensional model of the underground,integrated approach to spatial three-dimensional geological map compilation is feasible and practical.

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