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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2016, Volume 46 Issue 1
Discussion on Genesis Difference of Lake Beach and Bar
Wang Guanmin, Wang Qun, Wang Chunyang, Fu Yao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  1-10.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601101
Abstract ( 883 )   PDF (1461KB) ( 588 )  

A beach and bar is one of the common shore shallow lake sedimentary system. Since 1990 s, the beach and bar has drown an increasing attention because of being good reservoir of hydrocarbon. Based on a great amount of domestic and broad references and modern sedimentary study, this article gives definition and classification to loch beach and loch bar according to the hydrodynamics and deposition pattern. Beach is the banded (or sheeted) sedimentary body because of the migration of clastic sediments of perpendicular to the shore which is roughly parallel to shore. Beach is connected to the shore plain, where a beach ridge or beach trough interphase is distributed. A underwater beach ridge is customarily referred to an offshore bar. Bar is the sedimentary body formed by littoral current; and one end of which is connected to the shore, while the other end freely extends. There should be a bay or lagoon between shore and bar. Beach and bar are different in hydrodynamic condition. They cannot be symbiosis in the plane. It is impossible that bar is one special type of beach.

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Types and Characteristics of Volcanic Reservoir Pore-Fracture Units of Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, NE China
Xiu Lijun, Shao Mingli, Tang Huafeng, Dong Changchun, Gao Youfeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  11-22.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601102
Abstract ( 507 )   PDF (1866KB) ( 517 )  

To evaluate volcanic reservoirs, only the parameters of porosity and permeability are now focused; while the void space, which is the controlling factor to influence the porosity and permeability, is ignored. It hampers the research of volcanic reservoirs. Types of pore-fracture units and their porosity and permeability are analyzed based on the cores of Yingcheng Formation in Early Cretaceous of well Y1D1 and well Y3D1 in Songliao basin. The main results are followings:1)There are five kinds of primary pores,three kinds of secondary pores,three kinds of primary fractures, and three kinds of secondary fractures. The most pores and fractures have been reformed by compaction and dissolution. According to the formation process and distribution pattern, the reservoir spaces are assembled to seven kinds of pore-groups and two kinds of fracture-groups. On the basis of combined characteristics of pore groups and fracture groups, the volcanic reservoirs are divided into seven types of pore-fracture units as below:unit ① assembling of scatter vesicles group (SVG) and secondary fracture group (SFG), unit ② assembling of directional vesicles group (DV), devitrification pore group (DPG) and SFG, unit ③ assembling of scatter intergranular pores group (SIPG) and emposieu group(EG), unit ④ assembling of SIPG, EG, and primary fracture group(PFG), unit ⑤ assembling of SIPG, EG, and SFG, unit ⑥ assembling of directional intergranular pores group (DIPG), EG, and SFG, and unit ⑦ assembling of PFG and SFG. 2)The porosity and permeability of the pore-fracture units have high value except unit ② and unit ⑦. There are three groups of slope of correlation function of pore-fracture units between porosity and permeability comparing to that of the total samples. Group A includes unit ① and ②, whose slope is smaller than the total's; Group B includes unit ③,④,⑤ and ⑥, whose slope is bigger than the total's; Group C is unit ⑦, whose slope is much bigger than the total's. 3) The pore throat sorting coefficient of pore-fracture units are positive correlation with pore throat average radius; this means that the heterogeneity of reservoir becomes stronger. Most pore-fracture units consist of complex lithology and lithofacies. The distribution characteristics of pore-fracture units are correlated to the types and facies belts of volcanic edifices. Based on the above, for reservoir evaluation, the pore-fracture units have also to be considered in addition to their parameters of porosity, permeability, and correlation function; although the units ① and unit ② bear in lava, they have distinct characteristics in porosity and permeability, and it is necessary to treat them individually.

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Diagenesis and Pore Evolution of Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei Region,Junggar Basin
Chen Bo, Wang Zitian, Kang Li, Zhang Shuncun, Shi Ji'an
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  23-35.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601103
Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (1958KB) ( 545 )  

Base on core observation and casting thin section, combining with the analysis on scanning-electron microscope, as well as the comprehensive logging and mud logging data, the characteristics of reservoir sandstone, physical property, diagenesis, and pore evolution of the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei region,Junggar basin were studied. The results show that the study area of sand-conglomerate reservoir is low in composition, structure maturity, porosity, and permeability; and the pore types are mainly intergranular dissolution pores. The reservoir buried deeply in the study area, and the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei region is mainly formed in the late diagenetic stage B period, experienced complex diagenesis, including mainly compaction,cementation,dissolution. The compaction is the main factor that caused the original porosity reduction,By 19.5%,and cementation decreased the porosity for about 7.2%; while dissolution is constructive to the reservoir property as it can generate a great quantity of secondary porosity. Dissolutionin increased the porosity for about 5.2%. The secondary porosity zone formed by dissolution has become a high-quality reservoir zone with the background of low porosity and permeability in the study area.

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Quantitative Analysis on Jurassic Reservoir Controlling Factors and Prediction of Favorable Reservoir Areas in Junggar Basin
Gao Shuai, Ma Shizhong, Pang Xiongqi, Gong Lei, Chen Changxu, Gao Ang, Qin Qi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  36-45.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601104
Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (1869KB) ( 409 )  

Jurassic System is the main oil and gas bearing stratum in Junggar basin, which contains enormous potential resources.However, the exploration degree of Jurassic System is very low. Only 17.5% of oil and 3% of natural gas are found. The pattern of oil and gas accumulation is very complicated. By applying the multi-factor recombination model, we predicted the favorable reservoir areas of Jurassic System in Junggar basin. Based on this model, the authors studied the geological characteristics of the four controlling factors (cap cover, sedimentary facies, paleo uplift, and source rocks) of Jurassic reservoirs in Junggar basin, established the quantitative mathematical model of the four controlling factors, and obtained the comprehensive index on the weighted average probability of single controlling factor. According to this index, we predicted the favorable accumulation areas of Jurassic System in Junggar basin. The results show that the most favorable areas of Jurassic System are Luliang uplift, Chepaizi-Mosuowan paleo-uplift, and Shabei fault zone. The probability to find a reservoir is more than 90% in the favorable areas predicted by the model. It proves the validity and feasibility of this model.

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High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Characteristics of Putaohua Reservoir in Shengping Oilfield
Liu Weifu, Liu Shuanglong, Sun Lixin, Zhang Shaochen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  46-56.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601105
Abstract ( 490 )   PDF (2019KB) ( 343 )  

According to the three-dimensional seismic, 15 well cores,and 356 well logging data, by using the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory, the authors identified the cycle surfaces of Putaohua reservoir at different time base level cycle in Shengping oilfield. The stratigraphy is divided into one long-term, two medium-term, six short-term and 13 super short-term cyclic sequences. The high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework has been established by taking the super short-term cycle sequence as the isochronous stratigraphic correlation unit in the region. The gradually southward thinning and missing stratigraphic model has been proposed in Putaohua super short-term base level cycle sequence, which was resulted from the tectonic uplift. The main sand distribution of Putaohua reservoir has been clarified through the research on the characteristics of single sand body distribution in the super short-term base level cycle. It is indicated that the continuous stacking thick sandbodies developed at the ascending hemicycle in the delta channel and the fine-grained sediments deposited at the descending hemicycle represent the main development stage of regional restraining barrier and cap rock. Based on the above analysis and application of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the isopach map of sandstone, the ratio of sandstone to mudstone, the sedimentary microfacies map, and 3-D simulation of sequence indicator of sandbody distribution are plotted in a chronological stratigraphic framework.

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Application of Seismic Sedimentology to Subaqueous Fan Complex Systems:A Case Study on Palaeogene He3 Section in Biyang Sag
Geng Xiaojie, Zhu Xiaomin, Dong Yanlei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  57-64.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601106
Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (1655KB) ( 399 )  

Controlled by the boundary faults, Pingshi and Liyuan subaqueous fan complex systems are developed in the southeast of Biyang sag. In order to anticipate the distribution of sandbodies of subaqueous fan system, the high resolution sequence framework of He3 section is established, and on which the 90° phase shift technique, stratal slicing,and quantitative seismic sedimentology are used to analyze the characteristics of four sequential layers in He3 section, and further combing with the log data the sedimentary model of the He3 section is achieved. Based on this study, we find that during SQH34-SQH33 when the boundary faults were active strongly, the fans spreaded into a large area; while during SQH32-SQH31, the fans' distributions were relatively stable. Sandbodies of middle fans and slump turbidite are the targets for oil and gas exploration.

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Seismic Sedimentology Research on Turbidite Fan Body of Different Stages:In case of the Gentle Slope Belt of Chexi Depression's Che40-44 Area of Upper Submember of Es3
Li Baojuan, Dong Chunmei, Lin Chengyan, Cheng Junyang, Ren Lihua, Guo Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  65-79.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601107
Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (2802KB) ( 520 )  

Taking the gentle slope belt of Chexi depression's Che40-44 area of Upper Submember of Es3 as an example, the authors study a set of methods for identifying and describing different stages of turbidite fans based on seismic sedimentology. The turbidite fan body of the studied area has such characteristics as "single stage is difficult to identify for its thickness, as it is overlapped vertically with many others; single fan body is difficult to identify for its shape, as it extends horizontally with many others together". In the limit of chorostratigraphy which is determined by well and seismic combined calibration and frequency-division interpretation, and under the guidance of sedimentary facies model, a method combined with seismic facies analysis and horizontal attribute slices is used to describe the shape of turbidite fan body, and to summarize the longitudinal evolutionary pattern of fans, so that the turbidite fan of different stages are precisely identified and described. Following conclusions can be drawn from this research:1)the top and bottom boundaries of Es31 and Es34 can be calibrated by well and seismic data in combination, and its isochroneity can be determined by the spectral decomposition interpretation technique; 2)according to the distribution and characteristics of seismic facies, it can be found that all turbidite fan bodies locate in the descending stage of the contemporaneous fault, and they are usually overlapped in vertical and shifted in horizon; 3)by analyzing the strata slices and mean root of seismic waveform amplitude, evolutionary law of turbidite fans of different stages can be drawn that they are prone to be affected by terrains and spread like ribbons in horizon,and number of fans increases and continuity enhances from top to bottom in vertical.

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Characteristics of Hydrothermal Superimposed Mineralization and Source of Ore-Forming Fluids in Zhenzigou Pb-Zn Deposit,Liaoning Province
Wang Keyong, Fu Lijuan, Wei Liemin, Wang Zhigao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  80-90.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601108
Abstract ( 445 )   PDF (1878KB) ( 517 )  

Zhenzigou Pb-Zn deposit is a representative one of Qingchengzi Pb-Zn ore field. The deposit mainly occurs in Gaojiayu and Dashiqiao Formation, and is controlled by strata,magmatism, and tectonism with the main ore types being stratiform,stratoid,and veined ore bodies. The deposit experienced three metallogenic episodes such as submarine exhalation,metamorphism or deformation, and hydrothermal superposition. Hydrothermal superposition mineralization played an important role in the formation of the veined ore bodies and the local hydrothermal transformation of stratiform ore bodies. It can be classified into two stages:pyrite-galena-sphalerite-quartz(stage Ⅰ)and pyrite-galena-quartz-calcite(stage Ⅱ). According to the fluid inclusions and C-D-O isotope research, aqueous two-phase is developed in stage I with minor vapor-rich and CO2-bearing three-phase in the quartz fluid inclusions, and the ore-forming fluids are of middle-low temperature,low salinity, and low density CO2-H2O-NaCl system with enrichment of H2O,CO2, CH4, and N2. The δDH2O-SMOW,δ18OH2O-SMOW and δ13C of the fluid inclusions in the quartz are -96.5‰ and -95.4‰,-0.62‰ and 0.04‰, -4.8‰ and -4.4‰ respectively, which shows some characteristics of a fluid mixture of meteoric water and magma water. In stage II, aqueous two-phase fluid inclusions are developed in quartz; and the ore-forming fluids are of the low temperature,low salinity and low density H2O-NaCl system, containing a small amount of CO2, CH4, and N2. The δDH2O-SMOW and δ18OH2O-SMOW of the fluid inclusions in the quartz are -88.4‰--80.0‰ and -7.93‰--5.57‰ respectively, which shows the characteristics of meteoric water with δ13C of -12.6‰--7.9‰, a characteristics of magma water. Based on the above, we can infer that in the early mineralization stage, the ore-forming fluids were the mixture of meteoric water and magmatic water in Yanshan period, and in the late mineralization stage the blending proportion of meteoric water increased.

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Infrared Micro-Thermometry of Fluid Inclusions in Sphalerite and Geological Significance of Huize Super-Large Zn-Pb-(Ge-Ag) Deposit, Yunnan Province
Han Runsheng, Li Bo, Ni Pei, Qiu Wenlong, Wang Xudong, Wang Tiangang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  91-104.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601109
Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (2367KB) ( 677 )  

Infrared micro-thermometry technique is efficient to study fluid inclusions in opaque-translucent minerals by connecting the infrared microscopy with cooling-heating table. The sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions in Huize super-large Zn-Pb-(Ag-Ge) deposit have been studied by this technique. There are six types of sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions, including pure gaseous inclusions(V), pure liquid inclusions(L), gas-aqueous inclusions with aqueous-rich(L+V), gas-aqueous inclusions with rich gas(L+V), three-phase inclusions containing a daughter(L+V+S), and LCO2+LH2O+VCO2 three-phase inclusions. Two types of gas-aqueous fluid inclusions with rich liquid and pure liquid(L) can be only seen in calcite. The homogenous temperature of sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions ranges from 100 to 364℃, in which two distinct temperature sectors are 150-221℃ and 320-364℃, with the average capture temperature 232℃. The salinity of sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions has three distinct sectors of 1.1%-5.0%, 5.0%-11.0%,and 12.0%-18.0%. The homogenous temperatures of sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions of different mineralization stages reflect the evolution of the ore-forming fluids in the whole process; while the calcite-hosted fluid inclusions indicate the middle and late mineralization stages of the ore-forming fluids. Comparing with the paragenetic gangue mineral, the homogenous temperatures of fluid inclusions in sphalerite are higher, which indicates that sphalerite-hosed fluid inclusions carry more information of ore-forming fluids. From early to late mineralization stages, ore-forming fluids might have experienced the evolution of medium-high temperature and medium salinity →medium-low temperature and medium salinity →medium-low temperature and medium-low salinity. The capture temperature of fluid inclusions reflects that ore-forming fluids of early stage occurred in medium-high temperature. The features further confirm that different from the typical MVT Zn-Pb deposit, Huize deposit is not a low-temperature deposit. The infrared micro-thermometry technique has provided an ideal method to study the p-T-x conditions of ore-forming fluids and the genesis of Zn-Pb deposits in the northeast Yunnan Province.

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S,Pb,H and O Isotopic Geochemistry of Laojunshan Tin Poly-Metallic Metallogenic Region, Southeastern Yunnan Province, China
Jia Fuju, Yan Yongfeng, Wu Wei, Liu Xiaowei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  105-118.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601110
Abstract ( 507 )   PDF (1811KB) ( 462 )  

Laojunshan tin poly-metallic metallogenic region is an important resource base of tin, tungsten and other metals in the Southwest of China. S, Pb, H,and O isotopes of the typical deposits are tested, and geological interpretation is discussed. The results show that the sulfur isotope δ34S ranges from -1.50‰ to 8.61‰, with an average 2.06‰, a mantle-crustal mixed source. The early crystallized minerals are characterized by mantle-source sulfur; while the late crystallized ones are tend to be with crustal source sulfur. The sulfur in stratiform skarn related ores is mantle source; while in granite and porphyry related ores the sulfur is crustal source. Quartz vein type ores could be divided into two kinds according to the sulfur source of mantle or crust. Pb isotopic characteristics indicate a mixed source of mantle and crust with the major from the crust. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions indicate that the ore forming fluids were composed of magmatic fluids in the early stage and of meteoric water in the late stage. The formation of Laojunshan tin poly-metallic metallogenic region might have been resulted from the combination of the volcanic exhalation sedimentary of Early Caledonian, the regional metamorphism of Indo-chinese,and the granitic superimposition of Late Yanshanian.

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Geochronological and Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of Qiong' Amutaike Pluton in Northeastern Pamir
Zeng Zhongcheng, Lin Lujun, Zhu Haiping, Liu Ming, Liang Bin, Gao Qianqian, Peng Jianming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  119-134.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601111
Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (2202KB) ( 444 )  

Qiong' amutaike pluton located at Qiangtang block in the northeastern Pamir has a close relationship with Bangong Lake-Nujiang suture zone. The granitic rocks are composed mainly of tonalite, granodiorite, and monzogranite. The zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating of Qiong' amutaike pluton yields the concordant age of (107.0±1.2) Ma (MSWD=0.55), indicating a Late Early Cretaceous. The geochemical analysis shows that the major elements are characterized by high CaO (2.08%-4.21%), K2O (2.16%-5.13%), alkali (K2O+Na2O=5.19%-8.00%), and slightly high Al2O3 (13.79%-16.62%), suggesting that the granites belong to the typical calc-alkaline series. The samples are enriched in LREE (light rare earth elements) and depleted of HREE (heavy rare earth elements) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.51-0.76). The chondrite normalized REE pattern curve shows right-sloping type. The trace element studies demonstrate an enrichment of Rb, Th, U, K and depletion of Nb, Ta, Ti, and Hf. The granites might be the product of basic rocks from melting or partial melting of the lower crust. Based on the tectonic environment of the region, we suggest that Qiong' amutaike pluton and evolved into the rich-potassium series from the mid-potassium calc-alkali rock series, generated in a transitional setting of syn-collisional (compressional) and post-collisional (extensional), indicating the collision between Qiangtang massif and Gangdisi massif. These rocks are post-orogenic granites.

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Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of Volcanic Rocks of Haerjiawu Formation in Qiada, West Junggar
Tian Zhixian, Li Yongjun, Tian Meng, Yang Gaoxue, Xiang Kunpeng, Tong Lili
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  135-145.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601112
Abstract ( 421 )   PDF (2040KB) ( 398 )  

The Early Permian volcanic rocks in Haerjiawu Formation are distributed in eastern Tangbale ophiolite belt on the southwest margin of Junggar basin. The volcanic rocks are mainly composed of greyish-green or purplish-red (vesicular) (amygdaloidal) basalt, basaltic andesite, and andesite. The high-precision LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating reveals that they were formed in Early Permian at the age of (296.6±8.1) Ma, MSWD=7.7(93% conf.). Geochemically the volcanic rocks belong to sub-alkaline series. They have relatively high content of alkali (w(Na2O+K2O)=3.95%-6.39%), and enriched in sodium. The LREE are relatively enriched ((La/Yb)N=3.49-14.66) and well fractionated ((La/Sm)N=1.68-3.51); while the HREE fractionation is weak ((Gd/Yb)N=1.38-2.56). Only some of the samples have weak negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.88-1.15). All samples are enriched in LILE; while HFSE are relatively depleted in Nb and Ta but slightly enriched in Zr, Hf. These characteristics, along with element correlation diagram, indicate that the volcanic rocks in Qiada area mainly generated in intra-plate continent with partial island arc environments. These volcanic rocks were from extensional setting of post-collisional period. These island-arc characteristics are inherited from pre-collisional arc component.

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LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons from Linxi Formation and Its Geological Implications in Hexigten Qi, Inner Mongolia
Li Hongying, Zhang Da, Zhou Zhiguang, Liu Changfeng, Li Pengju, Chen Lizhen, Gu Congnan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  146-162.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601113
Abstract ( 641 )   PDF (2006KB) ( 435 )  

Hexigten Qi is located to the north of Xar Moron River, tectonically on the south margin of Xilinhot massif. The authors conduct the analysis on the detrital zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating for the metasiltstones of Linxi Formation from a ca. 5 km outcrop in the northeastern Hexigten Qi. The samples yield 4 groups of ages principally at:258-298 Ma (peak at 285 Ma), 377-474 Ma (peak at 430 Ma), 1 261-1 727 Ma, and 1 853-2 513 Ma. Besides, two zircons yield the age of 321 Ma and 937 Ma respectively. Zirons aged 258-298 Ma show oscillatory zones in CL images, reflecting the magmatic events in Late Paleozoic along Xing'an-Mongolia orogenic belt. Zircons with 377-474 Ma ages are featured by both magmatic and metamorphic origins, suggesting that the provenances of Linxi Formation in Hexigten Qi probably were from Ordovician-Devonian magmatic and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. Zircons yielded ages of 1 261-1 727 Ma are dominated by magmatic zircons, with some metamorphic zircons; indicating that the Mesoproterozoic magmatic and metamorphic rocks are also the provenances of Linxi Formation. Most of the Zircons aged 1 853-2 513 Ma are of magmatic origin, showing the old age information from North China Craton (NCC). The youngest age from this metasiltstone is 258 Ma, which constrains the deposition age of Linxi Formation to Late Permian. The broad scope of ages reflects the tectono-magmatic events both in NCC and Xing'an-Mongolia orogenic belt, and indicates that Linxi Formation has two provenances, and also implies that NCC and Siberia plate had amalgamated before Linxi Formation deposited.

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Strike-Slip of Altyn Tagh Didn't Result in Qaidam Basin Rotation Since Middle-Miocene
Pei Junling, Zhou Zaizheng, Li Haibing, Sun Zhiming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  163-174.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601114
Abstract ( 473 )   PDF (1851KB) ( 446 )  

Based on the magnetostratigraphic study at Nanbaxian section, Qaidam basin, a magnetic polarity sequence of Shangyoushashan Formation has been established. The magnetostratigraphic result suggests the age of 7.5-9.0 Ma. A stable high temperature characteristic remanence component is isolated by stepwise thermal demagnetization from 320 samples through a positive reversal test at the 95% confidence level, which may possibly represent the rock's primary remanence. The mean direction is Dg=358.5°, Ig=40.5°, k=28.5,α95=4.2, Ds=1.0°, Is=41.5°, k=34.0,α95=3.8,corresponding to a paleopole at λp=75.9°N, φp=270.5°E, dp=2.8°, dm=4.6°. In comparison of this paleomagnetic poles from the Qaidam basin with those from adjacent region, no tectonic rotation in Qaidam basin has been identified; however the tectonic rotation of Subei basin has been occurred and resulted from the left-slip of Altyn Tagh fault since Middle-Miocene.

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Regional Landslide Risk Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
Peng Ling, Xu Suning, Peng Junhuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  175-186.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601201
Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (2095KB) ( 567 )  

Landslide risk management is an effective way for disaster prevention and mitigation, in which risk assessment is essential. The head area of the Three Gorges is selected as the study area. Using multi-source remote sensing data as the major data source, the authors extracted the environment information pregnant with landslides including geomorphological, land cover, geological, and hydrology by stereo image processing and spectral analysis, and analyzed the landslide hazard by using the random forest model. Furthermore, the rule of extraction for typical elements at risk is established through the approach of object-oriented image analysis, and then the building and road information is extracted from the high-resolution satellite images. Finally, a landslide risk map is developed by integrating the elements at risk and landslide hazard datasets. According to the map, 9% of the study area is identified as high-risk zones encompassing 41 km2, and these high-risk areas are located in county and towns covered by transportation networks and other urbanized areas with high density of populations and property. The results of the risk assessment are basically consistent with the field observation and survey.

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Analysis on the Bottomhole Flow Field and Structural Optimization of Air Reverse Circulation Drill Bit
Gan Xin, Yin Kun, Yin Qilei, Li Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  187-194.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601202
Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (1673KB) ( 428 )  

In order to improve the application effect of the reverse circulation air hammer drilling technique,on the construction of rock-socketed pile by using software Fluent, the authors analyzed the horizontal inclination angle θd of flushing nozzles and horizontal inclination angle θk of pressure-restoring grooves on the reverse circulation drill bit used in the construction of rock-socketed pile. The effects of the θd of flushing nozzles and the θk of pressure-restoring grooves on the suction coefficient ω of reverse circulation drill bit are obtained. Meanwhile, aiming at the deficiency in the structure design of central hollow-through hole on the reverse circulation drill bit, we optimized the structure of reverse circulation drill bit; and thereby, the suction capacity is obviously enhanced. A 660 mm reverse circulation drill bit adopted to the optimized structure is processed, and the field tests are carried out. It can be concluded from the test results that the effect of reverse circulation formation is good, the average penetration rate is 6.00 m/h, the surface of weakly weathered rocks is successfully drilled out. This meets the requirements on drilling out the surface of weakly weathered rocks and stability of borehole wall without borehole collapse.

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Maintenance Mechanism of Freshwater Lens in Vadose Zone on Coastal Saline Areas
Zhao Lin, Mo Huiting, Zheng Yi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  195-201.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601203
Abstract ( 539 )   PDF (1519KB) ( 444 )  

Rainfall recharge is an important source for the shallow groundwater of coastal saline areas. The depth of saline groundwater level is shallow. In the process of precipitation infiltration into the soil at different permeability in vadose zones, freshwater lens will be formed above phreatic surface at a certain time. The freshwater lens can partially stop the soil and plants from being damaged by the underground salt water, and supply plants with water to some extent. The authors made an indoor physical simulator for this study. By controlling soil structure, the formation and regression process of freshwater lens under precipitation infiltration was simulated; and the maintenance of freshwater lens in different type of soil was discussed. Also, by using suction pipe to simulate the plant roots water absorption, the changes of freshwater lens were observed under different water absorption conditions. The results showed that the freshwater lens maintained the best in the soil structure where the upper layer was medium sand and the bottom layer was silty clay. The freshwater lens reached maximum thickness at about 15 cm in 1500 min and maintained about 7500 min. The stable freshwater lens formed in the double layers soil could separate the underground salt water, and provide 243.5 mL freshwater for the plants above.

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Trends Mutation Nodes of Groundwater Dynamic in Jiansanjiang Area of Heilongjiang Province
Wei Runchu, Xiao Changlai, Fang Zhang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  202-210.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601204
Abstract ( 871 )   PDF (1653KB) ( 437 )  

Groundwater dynamic law is an important basis for agricultural water management in agricultural regions. Two-dimensional regression mutation analysis method was used to find the trend mutation of groundwater depth series of 15 farms in Jiansanjiang area, and comparative analysis of the annual growth data of rice cultivation area was performed to find out the response-ralationship between the groundwater dynamic trends mutation and the rice irrigation area. Simultaneously, the method of standardized precipitation index was used to study the impact of precipitation on groundwater dynamic trends mutation. It is showed that the groundwater drawdown trends have time-segment character with declining quickly in initial and last stage while relatively more slowly in intermediate stage and the downward trend mutation of groundwater levels of the most farms occurred from 2000 to 2001 and from 2006 to 2007.The groundwater drawdown trends were controled both by the annual growth data of rice cultivation area and precipition in the first and second stages, while mainly controlled by the former in the last stage.

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Feasibility of Oilfield Wastewater Disposal in the Underpressure System of Basin
Yu Peng, Ma Teng, Tang Zhonghua, Zhou Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  211-219.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601205
Abstract ( 473 )   PDF (1729KB) ( 389 )  

The distribution of oil and gas in Shiwu depression of Songliao basin is complex, the prospecting degree is high, and the conventional technology for huge scale oilfield wastewater treatment is not ideal. Four thousand meters below of the strata in the study region is pressure negative, we can apply it for storage of the oilfield wastewater in engineering if the storage medium parameters are suitable in terms of the corresponding geological landfill conditions. Based on the hydrological and geological conditions of Shiwu depression in Songliao basin, the groundwater flow and pollutant transport model are constructed to predict storage ability and describe space distribution features of the underpressure area under the condition of infusing wastewater. The formation mechanism and characteristic of distribution of underpressure are analyzed in calculating process, and the environmental effect of wastewater is predicted based on the simulating virtual particle tracer and injection process. This research shows that the underpressure system of Shiwu depression is a natural closed storage reservoir with capacity up to 1.241×108 m3, which is suitable for wastewater injection and storage. The system pressure gradient is 0.005-0.008 MPa/m,and the pollutants are less likely to escape.

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Suggestions for Geothermal Genetic Mechanism and Exploitation of Zhacang Temple Geothermal Energy in Guide County, Qinghai Province
Li Xiaolin, Wu Guolu, Lei Yude, Li Chongyang, Zhao Jichang, Bai Yinguo, Zeng Zhaofa, Zhao Zhen, Zhang Shanshan, Zhao Aijun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  220-229.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601206
Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (2007KB) ( 520 )  

The regional distribution of the thermal anomaly is studied by the macroscopic interpretation of satellite remote sensing, aeromagnetic heat, and gravity anomalies. At the same time, the exposed conditions and hydrochemical characteristics of hot springs are discussed through field investigation and test. On this basis, the heat channel and infiltration channel of the hot spring are analyzed, as well as the geothermal genetic mechanism and exploitation. The temperature of Zhacang hot spring is 93.5℃, which is related to the local pressure. The precipitation, hot ditch water, and upper gully water are the recharge source of the hot springs;the east-west tension cracks are the filtration channels;the metamorphic belt between the middle Triassic sandy slates and granodiorite is the runoff channel of the hot reservoir;covering by the sandy slate, Reguang fault of NNW(F1) is the heat source channel. It belongs to a fracture-deep cycle geothermal system. The temperature of hot reservoir could be up to 136.0℃,and could be used for generating electricity. The temperature at the depth of 2000 meters near the F1 fault could reach 195.0℃, and the hot dry rocks are valuable for future development and utilization.

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Dispersivity Experimental Investigation Based on Fracture Network Pipe Model
Liu Bo, Wang Mingyu, Zhang Min, Li Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  230-239.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601207
Abstract ( 564 )   PDF (1531KB) ( 870 )  

In order to investigate the effects made by different geometric parameters on solute transport in fracture networks, a fracture network pipe flow conceptual model was established based on the discrete fracture network model and preferential flow groove theory. A representative physical model was built in different pipe diameters with different methods of connection. A set of fluid flow and solute transport experiments were carried out. In order to quantitatively analyze the effects made by the different pipeline network geometric parameters on solute transport, a modeling software package CHEMFLO-2000 was used to set up an equivalent porous medium model and calculate the equivalent dispersivity. The results show that with the same connective method, no obvious difference of equivalent dispersivity is found among pipe networks in different pipe diameters, the solute transport time increases with the increasing of diameters, and the curves breakthrough smoothness is similar to each other. Moreover, the more complex the connection mode is, the bigger the equivalent dispersivity is. Furthermore, the longer the transport path is, the bigger the equivalent dispersivity is. In conclusion, this parameter of equivalent disperisivity can be used to characterize the influence of the fracture pipe network on solute transport like that in porous media. The equivalent dispersivity has a positive correlation with the number of pipelines and pipe surfaces, and grows with the increase of spatial scales correspondingly.

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Lithology Lithofacies Identification and Deep Structure of Tuquan Basin in Great Xinggan Range Area Based on High-Precision Gravity-Magnetic-Electrical Survey
Wang Dandan, Li Shizhen, Zhou Xingui, Li Aiyong, Wen Quanbo, Lin Yanhua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  240-253.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601301
Abstract ( 377 )   PDF (2434KB) ( 455 )  

In the latest round of oil and gas resources nationwide survey and integral deployment, the western district of Songliao basin and its periphery are taken as the study area to do the Mesozoic oil and gas resource potential evaluation. To gain further insight of the oil & gas resource potential of the new regions and new layers,the high precised gravity, magnetic and electrical geophysical methods are used to study the stratigraphic distribution, deep structural styles, and hydrocarbon accumulation combination of Tuquan basin. The research results indicate that the sedimentary strata gradually slopes from the edge to the centre of the basin with a gradual increase of the burial depth; 13 regional faults develop mainly in NE and NW direction in Tuquan basin, and these faults control the basic structural framework of Tuquan basin, the Mesozoic and Upper Paleozoic upwarping-downwarping pattern, as well as the sedimentary strata. We delineate four Mesozoic tectonic unites:the secondary salient of north part, the secondary depression of Dequan, the secondary depression of Baizimiao, and the secondary salient of southeast part.These perceptions and results provide important deep structure evidence of the basin for the next oil and gas exploration, and also have important theoretical and practical significance for the Upper Paleozoic-Mesozoic oil and gas resources assessment of the new oil and gas district in Northeast China(Western Songliao Basin and external area).

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Weighted Laterally-Constrained Inversion of Time-Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Data
Yin Changchun, Qiu Changkai, Liu Yunhe, Cai Jing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  254-261.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601302
Abstract ( 572 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 638 )  

The resistivity and thickness inverted by traditional single-site 1D methods for time-domain airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data frequently demonstrate sharp variations along a profile. This phenomenon occurs even between neighbor stations, resulting in non-smooth layer interfaces, which can seriously complicate the interpretation. Considering that AEM systems generally have a high spatial sampling rate, and the underground structures in areas like sedimentary formations are continuous, we use the weighted laterally-constrained inversion (WLCI) algorithm to invert the time-domain AEM data. Data fitting,lateral constraints on resistivity,thickness and depth are considered at the same time, and further the constraint strength is adjusted by using the weighting factors (chosen on geological information). Through testing the above algorithm on both synthetic and survey data, and comparing the results with those from conventional inversions, the WLCI algorithm is proved to be a very reliable and effective tool to process the time-domain AEM data. The inverted results by WLCI algorithm are smooth and continuous with clear layer interfaces. Weighting for different constrained parameters can also improve the stability of inversion. The weighting factors have an important impact on the inversion results. To choose the appropriate weighting factors, the field geological information should be taken into account.

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Wavelet Entropy Threshold Seismic Signal Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
Liu Xia, Huang Yang, Huang Jing, Duan Zhiwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  262-269.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601303
Abstract ( 587 )   PDF (1836KB) ( 593 )  

In view of the threshold of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) threshold denoising algorithm selected by experience, and its inability to effectively distinguish useful information in the intrinsic mode function, the authors use the wavelet transform of the intrinsic mode function to process each layer of wavelet coefficients so as to highlight the effective information and suppress noise. After the effective signals and the mutation points of the detail coefficients are set to zero, the new detail coefficients are equally divided into several intervals. We select the wavelet entropy as the high frequency wavelet coefficients of the architectural interval average noise variance, and calculated the threshold value. The threshold selection method is based on the characteristics of the wavelet entropy, adapted to the energy characteristics of the corresponding scale signal itself in determination of the scale of the threshold. The algorithm is applied to the simulation signals and real seismic signal denoising. The results show that the method is better than that of the wavelet threshold denoising based on EMD; at the same time it can better protect the effective signals.

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Using Geophysical Information to Describe Effective Reservoirs of Archean Buried Hill
Zhang Xinpei, Yu Xuefeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  270-278.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601304
Abstract ( 509 )   PDF (1910KB) ( 484 )  

Based on the high precise pre-stack depth migration data of new acquisition and processing,we described the structures of inner buried hill combining with the information of seismic,geology and oil reservoir,which effectively improved the accuracy and reliability of analyzing inside fault and boundary of buried hill. The pattern of Dongshengpu buried hill is an anticline which is NW-SE trend; and the NE-NW and nearly EW-trending faults develop within the buried hill. The NE-trending fault is the major fault. According to the difference of log responses and the characteristics of microscopic reservoir space between multi-types lithology of metamorphic rocks of buried hill,six kinds of lithology are qualitatively identified combining with the data of 3700 logging system. We build a comprehensive chart to distinguish advantageous lithology and favorable-reservoir, by which the logging evaluation technology for porosity-fractured reservoirs in Archaeozoic metamorphic is further improved. Combining with the "hard data" of wells and the "soft data" of seismic, we analyze the key factors which influence the feature of inner reflection through the feature of rock matrix and fluid in reservoir and so on. 38 kinds of near well seismic attributes extracted are purposefully used to analyze seismic reflection characteristics for searching the matching relationship between lithology, fracture, seismic reflection, and production capacity. The prediction of inner favorable-reservoirs is achieved through selecting energy attribute,and the result indicates that the favorable-reservoirs are focused in some segments,the most favorable-reservoirs are in the range of 50-300 m under the top surface of the buried hill,and the reservoirs take the form of anomalous lentoid which are the favorable potential area in Dongshengpu buried hill oil pool.

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Method of Permeability Model Establishment Based on the Complex Reservoir Controlled by Particle-Size
Zhao Jun, Dai Xinyun, Gu Li, Qi Xinzhong, Chen Weizhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  279-285.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601305
Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (1824KB) ( 363 )  

Particle-size is one of the main feature of sedimentary rock structures, the main indicators to evaluate the rock lithology, and also the main controlling factors on the sediment's permeability. As the sedimentary environment manifests differences in vertical, the permeability controlled by particle-size also shows heterogeneity in vertical. In order to describe the heterogeneity of the permeability caused by particle-size precisely, the authors utilize GR, CNL, DEN, and DT curves, combine with the particle-size analysis data of cores, abstract several parameters which are sensitive to particle-size, and set up a model to calculate the particle-size. Then, the permeability model under the conditions of different particle sizes is established. Through field data processing and contrast of core data, this model has been proved to be feasible in reflecting the control mechanism of sediment particle-size to the permeability, and in describing the heterogeneity of the permeability in reservoirs with complex lithology more precisely. A more accurate permeability profile is thereby provided for geological research and development.

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Fine Evaluation of Permeability of Conglomerate Reservoir Based on Flow Unit
Zheng Xiangwei, Wu Jian, He Shenglin, Hu Xiangyang, Liang Yunan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  286-294.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601306
Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (1680KB) ( 445 )  

With the exploration and exploitation in western Southern Sea, there are an increasing number of conglomerate reservoirs being found. In the conglomerate reservoirs of the study area, the pore structure is complicated, permeability varies greatly among reservoirs of basically equal porosity, and the response in logging to oil-water layers is not obvious in hypotonic conglomerate reservoirs. Facing these issues, the authors analyze the pore structure characteristics and its influence on reservoir electricity, and generalize the permeability distribution and other factors in different sedimentary environments. Regionally, closed to its provenance, the quickly piled debris heteroaryl fills the pores, and this results in the low permeability of the reservoir; While far away from the provenance, the pores are improved by dissolution effect, yielding a good pore connectivity and permeability unless the reservoirs suffered strong compaction. Microscopically, pore-throat radius of rock determines permeability to some extent. According to different sedimentary environments and pore structure characteristics, by use of flow unit analysis, the conglomerate reservoirs are divided into three types. The reservoir performance factors, including compensated density, compensated neutron, mud content and lay flow index, are used for ambiguous clustering analysis to get the Fisher linear discrimination model so as to set up the logging interpretation model for three main kinds of conglomerate reservoirs. The permeability model built by the flow unit method is more accurate than that by conventional methods, and also more practical in the areas of interest.

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Leakage Detection in Waterproof Curtain of Soft Soil Foundation Pit
Meng Qingsheng, Han Kai, Liu Tao, Gao Zhen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (1):  295-302.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201601307
Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (1533KB) ( 512 )  

The leakage of waterproof curtain is a serious problem for the stability of soft soil foundation pit. In respect of the leakage detection methods of waterproof curtain, the numerical simulation and indoor physical model test were performed to verify the ability to determine the leakage position of the three different arrays of 3D resistivity methods and GPR method, and to discuss the anomaly characteristics in detecting profile. At the same time, the judgment of whether the waterproof curtain leak or not and the interpretation method of leakage position were also made. The research shows that:the resistivity method can reflect the existence of leakage position effectively by Wenner array, dipole-dipole array, and Wenner-Schlumberger array; it reveals high resistivity of soil inside foundation pit compared with that of outside the foundation pit without leakage of waterproof curtain; on the contrary, the resistivity will decrease at the bottom of saturation soil inside foundation pit, and it will increase outside the foundation pit and presents the funnel-shaped anomaly with leakage of waterproof curtain; using the cross point among the low resistivity anomalies and the curtain, we can also find the leakage position of waterproof curtain; in addition, there will show a hyperbolic reflection events in GPR detection profile after leakage of waterproof curtain, and we can also determine the leakage position through the vertex of the hyperbolic reflection. The results proved the feasibility of these two kinds of geophysical methods to carry out the leakage detection of waterproof curtain for soft soil foundation pit.

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