Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (8): 2393-2400.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20231159

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Experimental on mechanical properties of simulated Mars soil crust and its crusting

Zhao-long DANG1(),Meng ZOU2,Jia-feng SONG2,Bai-chao CHEN1,Yan SHEN2,Ying-chun QI2()   

  1. 1.Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,CAST,Beijing 100094,China
    2.Key Lab. for Bionics Engineering of Education Ministry,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China
  • Received:2023-10-26 Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-08-30
  • Contact: Ying-chun QI;


Except the loose soil on the surface of Mars, there is a kind of special type of soil names Crusty-cloddy, where the ground surface is brittleness and the underlying is loose sand. That is deceptive for Mars Rover. This article take theMars-1and Mars-3 simulant Mars soil as the raw material, to formed hard-shell structures under the nature dry, then studied on the mechanics of these crust, the results showed that the crust of fine particles Mars-1 soil is best when the liquor is saturated NaCl, which has the biggest area, strongly integrity and small thickness; while the Mars-3 crusted the best when liquor is 10% MgSO4, which has a small area, large thickness but weak integrity. The crusting velocity of Mars-1 is faster than that of Mars-3. Concerning about loading properties, the peak broken force for crust of Mars-1 decreased with the increasing of the concentration of NaCl but increased with the increasing of the concentration of MgSO4. Two kinds of crust have the biggest penetration resistance under the liquor of 10%NaCl. For Mars-1, the penetration resistance increases with the increasing of the concentration of NaCl but decreases with the increasing of the concentration of MgSO4.The above research can provide the reference and basis for the planet ramp mechanism optimization design and performance evaluation.

Key words: simulated mars soil, hard-shell structure, load-bearing properties, trafficability

CLC Number: 

  • V476.4


Mars soil simulant for experiment"


Crusting experiment of Mars-1"


Comparison of crusting between two simulant soils"

Table 1

Thickness of crust under various liquor mm"

10% NaCl8.349.229.529.169.060
10% MgSO47.427.8610.7011.689.415


Phoenix fire shovel digging soil sampling"


Situation of ground simulation"


Drying time under various liquor"



Experimental process of plate loading test for Mars-3"


Force-displacement curves of Mars-1"


Force-displacement curves of Mars-3"


Peak force of soil crust for Mars-1 and Mars-3"

溶液直径60 mm直径80 mm
10% MgSO41.765.2112.046.51


Peak force of soil crust of Mars-1"



Penetration resistance test for crusting"


Penetration resistance curves of Mars-1 soil crust"


Penetration resistance curves of Mars-3 soil crust"


Penetration resistance curves of Mars-1 soil crust"


Sinkage experimental of Mars rover on soil crust"


Power and Current Intensity curves of Mars rover during trips on two crust soil"

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