Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 1047-1059.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20210822

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Electric delivery vehicle routing problem with flexible time window integrated with energy consumption estimation

Bao-feng SUN(),Jiao-jiao LIU,Tian-zi YAO,Xin-xin REN   

  1. College of Transportation,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China
  • Received:2021-08-25 Online:2023-04-01 Published:2023-04-20


Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with flexible time window is useful to increase the profits of logistics companies by loosening the time constraints with less penalty cost. In this paper, the electric logistics vehicle routing problem with flexible time window (EVRP-FlexTW) is studied as a model driven experimental approach. Firstly, an energy consumption model considering the start-brake process is proposed for electric logistics vehicles to reveal their characteristics of energy consumption. Then the influence of energy consumption is integrated into the EVRP-FlexTW model with minimum total distribution cost in consideration in additional constraints such as vehicle loading capacity, flexible time window and electrical energy. The improved Ant Colony Algorithm is also designed to solve the model. Sensitivity analysis on the trip speed and flexible time window impact to the proposed model shows that reducing the maximum driving speed is generally contributed to get the better routing solution. Satisfying the constraints of flexible time window cannot shorten the distribution distance or reduce the electricity consumption of electric vehicles but can achieve the lowest total distribution cost. As a whole, those founding can come to the proposed model validation.

Key words: transportation planning, flexible time window, electric delivery vehicles, vehicle routing problem, energy consumption estimation model

CLC Number: 

  • N945.15


Process of constructing feasible solutions by a single ant"

Table 1

The lowest total cost distribution scheme"


Table 2

eˉij of electric logistics vehicles at different vˉij"

vˉijdˉij=50 mdˉij=200 mdˉij=350 mdˉij=500 mdˉij=650 mdˉij=800 mdˉij=900 mdˉij=990 m
变速48 km/h0.0740.1880.2280.2670.3060.3460.3720.309
54 km/h0.0750.2280.2720.3150.3590.4030.4070.342
60 km/h0.0760.2920.3400.3890.4420.5100.4920.428
匀速48 km/h0.0130.0530.0920.1310.1710.2100.2360.260
54 km/h0.0150.0580.1020.1460.1900.2330.2620.289
60 km/h0.0160.0650.1130.1620.2100.2590.2910.320


eˉij of electric logistics vehicles at different vˉij"


Linear regression of vˉ2ij?and eˉij"

Table 3

Comparison of solution results under different vˉij"


Table 4

Solution results comparison of combination of flexible time window coefficients"

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