Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 1719-1729.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221084

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Stability analysis of novel ground anchor and beam string debris flow grid dam

Yong-sheng WANG1,2(),Bao-hong LYU1,2,3,Jin-ke WANG1,2,Da-jiang YANG1,2,Si-zhe XIONG4,Bin-wei ZHANG5   

  1. 1.School of Civil Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China
    2.Western Center for Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China
    3.China JK Institute of Engineering and Design,Xi′an 710043,China
    4.Faculty of Science and Technology,University of Macau,Macao 999078,China
    5.School of Civil Engineering,Longdong University,Qingyang 745000,China
  • Received:2022-08-21 Online:2024-06-01 Published:2024-07-23


In order to prevent the stability failure of the novel ground anchor and beam string debris flow grid dam before the strength failure, resulting the whole structure fails. Based on the simplified calculation method of novel structural components, the local stability and overall stability were analyzed. The energy method was used to derive the in-plane buckling load formula of the beam string structure under local instability. This method avoids directly solving the internal force of the beam string structure and greatly improves the solving efficiency. The influence of rise-span ratio and sag-span ratio on buckling load were analyzed. The calculation method of the safety stability factor of the overall instability failure of the novel structure under empty, half and full storage conditions was proposed. Combined with theoretical analysis, the new structural design calculation software was upgraded, the algorithm was optimized and the stability calculation module was developed. The finite element model is established by SAP2000 to verify the theory, the results show that the calculated value of in-plane buckling load of beam string structure is in good agreement with that of finite element method, which can be used as the basis for stability design of beam string structure in-plane; the increase of rise-span ratio and vertical-span ratio is beneficial to improve the in-plane stability of beam string structure; In the application of novel structure engineering, the selection of beam string structure parameters can be given by referring to the two-hinged arch. The overall instability failure under empty and half storage conditions are earlier than that under the strength failure, and the overall instability failure should be emphatically considered, especially the overturning of the middle column under empty storage conditions.

Key words: disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, debris flow, control structure, novel ground anchor and beam string debris flow grid dam, local stability, overall stability

CLC Number: 

  • P642.23


Two-dimensional map of novel type groundanchor and beam debris flow grid dam"


Three-dimensional map of novel ground anchor and beam debris flow grid dam"


Simple-supported beam string structure"


Hinge-supported beam string structure"


Simplified calculation diagram of beam string structure"


Schematic diagram of side pillar tilting of novel structure"


Schematic diagram of column tilting in the novel structure"


Overflow of empty warehouse with novel structure"


Overflow of semi-library with novel structure"


Overflow of full reservoir with novel structure"


Mechanical calculation model of side column stability"


Mechanical calculation model of middle column"

Fig. 13

Finite element model of beam string structure"


Simplified finite element model of beam string structure"


Internal force comparison of beam string structure"

Table 1

Buckling loads under two conditions"

本文简化计算值/kN38 631.66036.74
有限元计算值/kN41 951.16374.5


Influence of rise-span ratio on in-plane stability of beam string structure"


Influence of vertical-span ratio on in-plane stability of beam string structure"


Finite element model of new structure"

Table 2

Debris flow impact situation"


Table 3

Comparative analysis of tilting moment"


Table 4

Safety stability coefficient of anti-dumping"


Table 5

Internal forces of steel members ofthe new structure"














Main interface of computing software"


Calculation software specific module interface"


Local instability of novel structure"


Overall instability of new structures"

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