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Journal of Jilin University Science Edition
ISSN 1671-5489
CN 22-1340/O
主 任:韩啸
编 辑:赵立芹 王健 单凝 李琦
电 话:0431-88499428
地 址:长春市南湖大路5372号

Table of Content
26 September 2015, Volume 53 Issue 05
Porous Medium Equation with Boundary Degeneracy
ZHAN Huashui, YUAN Hongjun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  829-834. 
Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (318KB) ( 360 )  
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Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for a Fractional Anti-periodic Boundary Problem with NonlinearTerm Containing Integral Operators
LIU Huaying, SUN Yi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  835-840. 
Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (305KB) ( 254 )  

A nonlinear fractional antiperiodic boundary problem was considered, the differential operator of which is the Caputo sense of order 2<α≤3. The feature of this problem is that nonlinear term contains integral operators about unknown function. The existence and uniqueness of solution were proved via the Schauder fixed point theorem and the contraction mapping principle.

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Travelling Asymptotic Solution for a Class of HigherDimensions Generalized Disturbed Soliton Equation
OUYANG Cheng, CHEN Xianfeng, MO Jiaqi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  841-845. 
Abstract ( 174 )   PDF (358KB) ( 234 )  

A class of (2+1)dimentions disturbed breaking soliton equation was studied via the travelling wave transformation and perturbation theory. Firstly, the corresponding typical breaking equation was considered, and its exact soliton solution was obtained by means of  the undetermined constants projectile method. Then, the soliton travelling wave asymptotic solution of a disturbed breaking equation was found by  a perturbation method.

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A Class of Second Order Nonlinear Boundary Value ProblemsInvolving Distributional HenstockKurzweil Integral
WANG Hongmei, YE Guoju, LIANG Bing
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  846-850. 
Abstract ( 140 )   PDF (302KB) ( 324 )  

Using the method of upper and lower solutions, in the sense of generalized derivative, we studied the existence of solutions of the second order nonlinear boundary value problems involving the distributional HenstockKurzweil integral. First, we introduced the definition and nature of the distributional Henstock-Kurzweil integral. Then, by the method of upper and lower solutions, we got the conclusion that operator A is progressively increase and relatively compact through three steps. Finally, we demonstrated through examples that the solutions of this kind of problem exist.

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Adomian Decomposition Method for Sloving Systems ofNonlinear Volterra Integral Equations of Fractional Order
QUAN Xiaojing, HAN Huili
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  851-856. 
Abstract ( 172 )   PDF (371KB) ( 209 )  

During solving the numerical solution of systems of nonliner Volterra integral equations of fractional order by the Adomian decomposition method, the Adomian series solution was obtained by combining the multivariable Adomian polynomials with the definition of fractional order integral. At the same time, the convergence of the series solution was discussed  with the help of Laplace transform. It was shown that the series solution converged to the exact solution. And the maximum absolute truncated error of the Adomian series solution was also given. Finally, effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed Adomian decomposition method were shown by numerical example.

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Existence of Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problems ofFractional Differential Equations with Fractional Differential Operator
DENG Xuejing, LIU Xiping, WANG Xiao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  857-862. 
Abstract ( 135 )   PDF (311KB) ( 296 )  

We discussed the existence of positive solutions for a class of boundary value problems of fractional differential equation with fractional linear differential operator. Based on the LeggettWilliams fixed point theorem and the fixed point theorem in cones, the existence theorems of one positive solution or three positive solutions, existed at least, have been established, respectively.

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Guaranteed Cost Control of the TimeInvarying SingularlyPerturbed Control Systems with TimeDelay
SUN Fengqi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  863-867. 
Abstract ( 167 )   PDF (309KB) ( 204 )  

The author analyzed  the problem of guaranteed cost control for singularly perturbed systems with timeinvarying time delay via Lyapunov stability theory and with the help of matrix analysis method. Based on a new quadratic LY performance index, the sufficient quadratic stability conditions, state feedback guaranteed cost control rate and the guaranteed cost index were presented by showed LMIs, and the minimum performance indication upper bound was derived.

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Rationalized Haar Wavelet Method for Solving Nonlinear Fractional Fredholm IntegroDifferential Equation
HUANG Jie, HAN Huili,LIANG Liang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  868-873. 
Abstract ( 143 )   PDF (362KB) ( 173 )  

Based on the rationalized Haar wavelet operational matrix of fractional integration, a numerical method was presented for solving nonlinear fractional Fredholm integrodifferential equation. And numerical experiments verify the accuracy and validity of the proposed algorithm.

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Properties and Generalized Directional Derivativeof Locally Lipschitz Fuzzy Function
ZHANG Xia, XU Yihong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  873-876. 
Abstract ( 286 )   PDF (293KB) ( 332 )  

With the help of lefthand end point and righthand end point of fuzzy number, an equivalent characterization of locally Lipschitz fuzzy function was given, and with the aid of Hausdorff separation and Hausdorff distance between two sets, some properties of locally Lipschitz fuzzy function were discussed. With the introduction of generalized directional derivative of the locally Lipschitz function, the method for calculating generalized directional derivative was demonstrated with an example.

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Stability Versions of Veljan-Korchmaros Inequality
YANG Shiguo, BIAN Ge, SUN Yuting
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  877-886. 
Abstract ( 152 )   PDF (395KB) ( 166 )  

Using the deviation regular metric and theory of geometric inequalities to study the stability versions of Veljan-Korchmaros inequality of an ndimensional simplex, we obtained some generalizations of the stability versions of VeljanKorchmaros inequality so as to get the more better stability versions of VeljanKorchmaros inequality.

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H8-Module Algebra Structures on M2(C)
GAO Fengxia, GAO Xueqin, YANG Shilin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  887-892. 
Abstract ( 184 )   PDF (331KB) ( 172 )  
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Gracefulness of Two Types of Graphs Relatedto Cycles of Length Four
TANG Baoxiang, REN Han
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  893-896. 
Abstract ( 155 )   PDF (765KB) ( 198 )  

The graph marked Fn,4 that is formed by n pieces of 4cycles with one common vertice in order. Let ui1 and ui2 be two vertices in graph Fn,4, which connect ui1 and ui2 with m paths of length 2 for ui1vijui2(i,j=1,2,…,n). The resulting graphs are denoted as m-Fn,4. Let G represent the graph obtained by connecting every vertex of graph m-Fn,4 isolated vertex w to an edge of it. Let m-Fn,4+En(m+1) be the graph obtained from G by attaching n(m+1) pendent edges to the vertex w of graph G. The constructor method gives graceful labeling of m-Fn,4 and m-Fn,4+En(m+1), thus proving graceful graphs m-Fn,4 and m-Fn,4+En(m+1). Thus, a series of graceful graphs can be constructed from one graceful graph.

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Transformational Characterization of Markov Equivalence for Directed Maximal Ancestral Graphs
LI Yanying, YANG Youlong, YANG Wenming
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  897-903. 
Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (549KB) ( 271 )  

To describe the transformational characterization of Markov equivalence for directed maximal ancestral graphs, the authors proposed a sequence of transformation of bidirected edges to directed edges which preserve Markov equivalence. Therefore, any two equivalent directed maximal ancestral graphs can equivalently transform to each other via changing bidirected edges to directed edges, changing directed edges to bidirected edges and reversing directed edges.

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(L,M)-Closure Fuzzy Neighborhood Spaces
ZHAO Hu, LI Shenggang, YANG Hailong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  904-908. 
Abstract ( 180 )   PDF (328KB) ( 210 )  

The notion of Lfuzzy weak neighborhood system was firstly transformed to an (L,M)-closure fuzzy neighborhood system, then the relationship betweeen (L,M)-closure fuzzy  neighborhood systems and (L,M)-closure system was expounded, and  the initial structures and the final structures of the category (L,M)-closure fuzzy neighborhood spaces and their fuzzy continuous mappings were studied. At last, as an application of the obtained results, coproducts and products of this category were described.

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P Point *Lie Derivation of Factor von Neumann Algebra
ZHANG Fangjuan, SHI Donghe, WANG Lihong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  909-913. 
Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (294KB) ( 141 )  

Using methods of operator theory, the authors discussed P point *Lie derivation on factor von Neumann algebras. Let M be a factor von Neumann algebra acting on a complex Hilbert space H with dim H ≥2. We proved that if : M→M is a linear map satisfying ([A,B]*)=[(A),B]*+[A,(B)]* for all A,B∈M with AB=P, where P is a fixed nontrivial projection, then  is a *derivation.

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Smash Product of Bimonads
GUO Shuangjian, ZHANG Xiaohui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  914-920. 
Abstract ( 165 )   PDF (1526KB) ( 185 )  

The aim of this paper is to define and study the Smash product of two bimonads. Assume that F and G are bimonads, GF denotes their Smash product, the monoidal structure of GF was discussed via the theory of 2category. We showed that the bimonad structure of GF is equivalent to the monoidal structure of GFmodules. Finally, we gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the category of GFmodules to be a monoidal category.

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Moderate Deviation Princilie and Its Applicationfor Poisson ARCH(1) Process
YU Shihang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  921-924. 
Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (296KB) ( 293 )  

The author provided the exact forms of moderate deviation for the Poisson ARCH(1) process. In addition, the author used Poisson ARCH(1) process to model the claim frequency in the risk model. With the help of moderate deviation result, the author derived the uniform asymptotic formula for the finitetime ruin probability.

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Credibility Premiums under  EntropyBalanced Loss Function
SHENG Danshu, WANG Dehui, HUANG Kaiyin, LIU Chunyang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  925-929. 
Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (318KB) ( 212 )  

The authors  introduced the asymmetry of balanced loss function gave the credibility premium and optimum credibility premium under this loss function. At the same time, we also gave the nonparametric estimation of the credibility factor, and stochastic simulation to verify the  feasibility of the method. Compared with the symmetric loss function, this asymmetric loss function can better measure risk, and more fairly obtain premiums.

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Boundary Layer of Vanishing Diffusivity Limitfor a Class of Boussinesq Equations
LI Huapeng, ZHU Xiuli, XU Zhonghai, YUAN Hongjun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  930-933. 
Abstract ( 183 )   PDF (286KB) ( 268 )  

We considered an initialvalue problem for a class of Boussinesq equations using the energy estimate method. We mainly studied the boundary layer effect and the convergence rate as the thermal diffusion parameter ε→0, giving that the boundary layer thickness is of the order O(εβ) with 0<β<2/3. Compared with the existing methods, the present method presented  more thinner BLthickness. In addition, the convergence rate was also improved.

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Equivalent Representations of α-DiagonallyDominant Matrix and Its Applications
TAI Zhiyan, LI Qingchun, HU Shuo
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  934-938. 
Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (296KB) ( 201 )  

Based on the theory of inequality, the necessary and sufficient conditions of strictly α-diagonally dominant matrix were presented. According to the properties of strictly α-diagonally dominant matrix, simple and practical criteria to judge nonsingular H-matrix were obtained. The validity and superiority of the results were verified by a numerical example.

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Strong Limit Convergence Properties for Weighted Sums of φ-Mixing Sequences with Non\|identical Distribution
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  939-942. 
Abstract ( 172 )   PDF (307KB) ( 189 )  

With the help of the moment inequality of φ-mixing sequences and the truncated method, the problems of strong limit convergence properties for weighed sums of φ-mixing sequences with non-identical distributed were resolved, and some new results were established. The obtained theorems generalize and improve the corresponding results of independent and identically distributed random variables.

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Multiplicity of Solutions for Asymptotically LinearFractional Elliptic Equations
JIA Xiuli, WANG Ping, WU Linzhe
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  943-946. 
Abstract ( 195 )   PDF (277KB) ( 189 )  

This paper deals with the multiplicity of solutions for some fractional elliptic equation (-Δ)su=f(x,u) in bounded domain under Dirichlet boundary condition. Using variational method, we obtained some new multiplicity results of the fractional elliptic equation when the nonlinearity is of asymptotically linear growth.

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Maximum Modulus Estimation to the Solution of Quasi\|linear Equations with Variable Exponents
MENG Fanhui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  947-949. 
Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (283KB) ( 230 )  

This paper is devoted to the maximum modulus estimation to the solution of a p(x)-Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary condition. With the help
of the modified iterative lemma, the author estimated the nonnegative non\|increasing function |Ak|∶=meas{x∈Ω: |u|>k}. As a result, the author obtained the L regularity by means of De Giorgi iteration technique.  Using this technique one can obtain the accurate dependency of the solution on  the index. On the other hand, this modified technique can be applied to some partial differential equations with degeneracy and singular lower order terms.

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Dynamic Online Map/Reduce Stream Processing Modeland Topology Management Protocol
WEI Xiaohui, LI Xiang, LI Hongliang, LI Cong, ZHUANG Yuan
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  950-955. 
Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (654KB) ( 186 )  

To meet the requirements for online processing massive stream data, the authors proposed a novel system model, Flexible workflow, which is different from the traditional Map/Reduce stream data processing. This model conducts the online Map/Reduce parallelization of the process unit of workflow and executes a system of SPATE. A set of topology management protocol was designed for dynamic online Map/Reduce stream data processing model. The protocol includes a group of communication rules about setting up, managing and maintaining jobs. The experimental results validate the topology management protocol is effective, and can manage the Flexible workflow processing model availably.

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RuleBased Method for Unsupervised PartofSpeech Tagging
PENG Tao, DAI Yaokang, ZHU Fengtong, ZHANG Bangzuo, LIU Lu, YAN Zhao, QIAN Feng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  956-962. 
Abstract ( 214 )   PDF (883KB) ( 200 )  

A rulebased tagging method for unsupervised partofspeech was proposed. More than 200 grammar rules were used to create 26 kinds of rules functions. After it was preprocessed, the initial tags of words in the input sentence were obtained, the 26 kinds of rules functions were applied to each word to attain all the tags of the input sentence. Experimental results on Brown corpus show that the accuracy of our method is up to 93.95%, thus, our rulebased method is feasible and effective, and improves the accuracy and the simplicity of English partofspeech tagging.

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Multifunction Vehicle Bus Arbitration RealTime Scheduling Algorithm
WANG Hongzhi, XU Jinquan, HU Huangshui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  963-968. 
Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (739KB) ( 183 )  

According to the train communication network and multifunction vehicle bus network realtime transport protocols, the authors presented a dynamic priority roundRobin algorithm. Multifunction vehicle bus (MVB) is used widely in train communication networks to realize interconnection among different devices. It must meet the realtime performance while multifunction vehicle bus is used to transmit data according to the ICE613751. In the multifunction vehicle bus network, the delay among transmission equipments mainly includes waiting to be sent delay and transmitting the data packet delay and so on. Based on the priority of nonperiodic data to achieve arbitration scheduling, the algorithm can improve the realtime performance of multifunction vehicle bus network to transmit the nonperiodic data by means of optimizing the complexity of algorithm and reducing waiting delay and blocking delay. The simulation analysis shows that the algorithm can improve the realtime performance and fairness performance of MVB transmission. At the same time, the algorithm also meets the requirements of the ICE61375-1.

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Provably Secure Clock Synchronized Aggregate Signature Scheme
WANG Daxing, TENG Jikai
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  969-974. 
Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (483KB) ( 249 )  

For the problems existed in computational efficiency, communication cost and security in the current synchronized aggregate signature schemes, a clock synchronized aggregate signature scheme based on Camenisch Lysyanskayasignature was proposed, which proved to be secure under LRSW as sumptions. Further, compared with existed schemes, the new scheme has the excellent features with a short length of the public key and that of the signature, and it improves the computational efficiency of the signature algorithm.

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Dimensionality Reduction for Image Feature Based on FPCA and ReliefF Algorithms
QI Yingchun, SUN Ting
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  975-980. 
Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (1598KB) ( 326 )  

For the problems of a large amount of calculations, unremovable redundant information and unconsidered correlation in the traditional dimensionality reduction method for the image feature, a method based on the fast principal component analysis (FPCA) algorithm and the ReliefF algorithm was proposed. Firstly, the FPCA algorithm was used for the initial dimensionality reduction of the sample data to remove the redundant information; then the ReliefF algorithm was used to calculate the classification weights of the sample features which were used to perform optimized combination of features. In the algorithm implementation process, the recursive remove strategy was used to further enhance the ability of the algorithm to find the optimal characteristics. Simulation results show that the image features selected by the algorithm in this paper can better improve the clustering result, which is very suitable for practical engineering application.

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Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet PacketAnalysis and Relevance Vector Machine
LU Yonghua, PENG Huiping
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  981-986. 
Abstract ( 178 )   PDF (668KB) ( 179 )  

In order to improve the fault diagnosis accuracy of analog circuit, the authors proposed an analog circuit fault diagnosis model based on wavelet packet analysis and relevance vector machine. Firstly, different fault output signals of analog circuit were collected and decomposed by wavelet packet to extract normalized energy features of signal, and then the feature vectors were input to relevance vector machine to train and establish analog circuit fault diagnosis model to realize the classification and identification, and finally the simulation example was used to test the performance. The results show that compared with other analog circuit fault diagnosis models, the proposed model not only improves the fault diagnosis accuracy rate but also increase the fault diagnosis speed of analog circuit.

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Distributed Network Traffic Analysis System Based on sFlow
GUO Fenghe, LIU Shufen
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  987-991. 
Abstract ( 188 )   PDF (826KB) ( 413 )  

The authors designed a distributed network analysis system, which uses the way of distributed computing to process large amounts of sFlow data. This system avoids the sFlow collector becomes a system bottleneck when it is dealing massive data.

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OnLine Incremental Labeled Topic Model
CHEN Yongheng, ZUO Xianglin, LIN Yaojin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  992-998. 
Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (955KB) ( 342 )  

Based on the introduction of the features of time series and labels of the document into latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model, an online labeled incremental topic model was presented. Firstly, online labeled incremental topic model realizes the predicate of multilabels on the basis of the optimized label and topic mapping relation and improves the clustering results. Secondly, the online labeled incremental topic model achieves the reasonable correlation of text streams with the help of dynamic dictionary and the optimization calculation of hyperparameter. The experimental results suggest online labeled incremental topic model can improve the decision accuracy of multilabels, optimizing the generalization ability and operating efficiency.

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A Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based onBackground Subtraction and Particle Filter
WANG Jiangtao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  999-1005. 
Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (4083KB) ( 232 )  

To solve the problem of low realtime tracking caused by the increased particles in a complex environment based on the algorithm of particle filter, the author introduced the background subtraction into the particle filter to propose a new algorithm. After getting the detection result from the image background subtraction, the particle that has been detected to be on foreground pixel is defined as “the important particle”, whose weight grows. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can achieve better tracking based on fewer particles, and it also improves the realtime tracking.

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Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Android Platform
RUAN Wenhui, XUE Yadi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1006-1013. 
Abstract ( 195 )   PDF (3523KB) ( 240 )  

In order to obtain more ideal effect of the image enhancement, the authors presented  an image enhancement algorithm based on Android platform. Firstly,  homomorphism filtering was used to preprocess the image, and wavelet transform was used to decompose the image, and then the contrast stretching and brightness enhancement were used to eliminate the unfavorable influence on the image, and wavelet transform was used to reconstruct the components
after image enhancement, finally, the image enhancement algorithm was implemented at the Android platform and the performance was tested by simulation experiment. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has the advantages of Android and can obtain more ideal visual effect, speeds up the image enhanced speed, so it can meet the image enhancement real\|time requirements.

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An Improved Clustering Routing Algorithm Based onDoubleCH Clustering and Data Fusion in WSN
LIU Zhuang, FENG Xin, WANG Yanlong, LI Teng, ZHANG Jingjing, YANG Wenlong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1013-1017. 
Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (590KB) ( 185 )  

We proposed an algorithm based on double cluster heads clustering and data fusion in wireless sensor network to solve the problems of uneven distribution of clusters and high energy consumption using low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH). In the improved protocol, the network uses a clustering algorithm to establish clusters, and then each cluster selects two CHs. One CH is close to sink node and transmits data from its cluster to sink node, and the other CH is close to centroid of the cluster and receives data from general nodes and performs data fusion. Simulation experiments show that the improved protocol reduces the energy consumption of network and extends the lifecycle of network.

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TwoPhoton Spin States and Entanglement States
WANG Guangde, LIU Xiaojing, LI Hong, MA Ji, LI Xue, ZHANG Siqi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1018-1022. 
Abstract ( 188 )   PDF (296KB) ( 272 )  

We gave the spin states of twophoton using quantum theory approach, i.e., twophoton spin eigen states were expressed by the superposition of the direct product of two single photon spin states. Then, we obtained the quantum representation of twophoton entanglement states, which are different from the classical polarization vector expression of twophoton entanglement state. The results could be used in quantum communication and quantum computation.

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Transmission Characteristics of OneDimensional Photonic Crystal
LIU Xiaojing, MA Ji, MENG Xiangdong, LI Xue, WANG Jiao, ZHANG Siqi, LI Hong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1023-1026. 
Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (736KB) ( 157 )  

We studied the quantum transmission characteristics of onedimensional photonic crystals using quantum theory approach. On the basis of quantum transform matrix and quantum transmissivity, we calculated the effects of defect layer number, thickness and refractive indexes on quantum transmission characteristics. The results show that the change of defect layer parameters affacts the position of forbidden band and defect model and the intensity of defect model.

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Amplified Spontaneous Emission Propertiesof a BODIPY Derivative
ZHANG Lei, YANG Yang, LIN Jie, LIU Xingyuan
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1027-1030. 
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (787KB) ( 163 )  

Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) properties of a BODIPY derivative (PhBOD) in toluene solution were studied under optical pumping. The ASE threshold was decreased with the increase of the concentration in a range of 0.006—0.04 mol/L. The ASE threshold is about  99 kW/cm2 at a concentration of 0.008 mol/L. The ASE efficiency reached the highest value of 231% at a concentration of 0.013 mol/L. The ASE intensity remains 85.4% of the initial value after 2×105 pulses at the same position, which implies a very high photostability of the PhBOD material.

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Selection of Coal Thickness and DetectorPosition in Neutron Activation Analysis
WANG Eryong, MA Yugang, GONG Yalin, ZHANG Wei, LI Jian, MA Sai, MA Chunhui, LU Jingbin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1031-1033. 
Abstract ( 132 )   PDF (708KB) ( 246 )  

Fourteen MeV pulsed neutron irradiated coal sample of certain thickness was simulated with the aid of MCNP5 package. Inelastic and capture γ spectra were acquired by controlling the tally time. Collection location of γ spectra is determined by count rates. Trends of inelastic and capture γ spectra of coal samples with different thickness were observed.

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Polyaniline Nanofibre/Fe3O4 Nanoparticle MagneticHybrid for Fast Separation of Pb2+ in Water
ZHAO Xia, LI Jia
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1034-1038. 
Abstract ( 151 )   PDF (4380KB) ( 162 )  

Multifunctional polyaniline nanofibre/Fe3O4 nanoparticle hybrids were synthesized by a simple selfassembly method. The application of the nanocomposite in the adsorption of trace amount of Pb2+ in water was investigated. The excellent dispersability of the nanocomposite in water and small size of the subunits ensure its fast adsorption of metal ions in water. The magnetic properties and high chemical stability also endow the nanocomposite with excellent reusability, with the help of acid washing by HNO3 solution.

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Aminopropyl Modified M41 as the Sustained Release Carrier of Insulin
TIAN Runan, HAO Fengqi, LI Jingmei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1039-1044. 
Abstract ( 192 )   PDF (6126KB) ( 186 )  

M41 was synthesized by hydrothermal method and modified by 3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane. Both M41 and aminopropyl modified M41 were used as the carriers of insulin,which could reduce blood sugar, to obtain assemblies M41\|Ins(M/Ins) and aminopropyl modified M41\|Ins(AM/Ins). The structures of the prepared materials were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT\|IR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), powder X\|ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and low temperature nitrogen adsorption\|desorption technique at 77 K.  The release process of prepared drug sinasimulated body fluid solution was studied and the release rate was determined. The experimental results show that aminopropyl modified M41 also had a typical hexagonal pore structure, with the loading capacity of AM/Ins larger and the drug release rate of AM/Ins was slower than those of M/Ins.

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Transient Surface Photovoltage and Optical Limiting Propertiesof Selfassembly of Meso4(hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin
ZHENG Wenqi, SHI Yingyan, SHAN Ning
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1045-1048. 
Abstract ( 139 )   PDF (762KB) ( 233 )  

Comparing  two  5,10,15,20meso-4(hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin (H2THPP) compounds  synthesized at different time, we found that one was  H2THPP monomer and the other was  H2THPP selfassembly dimer. We found two types of oxygen atoms by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), and the optimum configuration of H2THPP dimer was calculated with the help of  chemical simulation.  H2THPP monomer did not show transient surface photovoltaic signal,   while  H2THPP dimer showed strong transient surface photovoltaic signal. The optical limiting properties of H2THPP dimer are better than thoes of H2THPP monomer.

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Electrochemical Behavior of Liquid Electrolyte and Gel-Electrolyte Made of Glycerol Carbonate as Solvent
SUN Donglan, LI Rujuan, CHENG Shaoling, XIAO Dagang, DONG Danxia
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1049-1053. 
Abstract ( 156 )   PDF (715KB) ( 279 )  

Glycerol carbonate was synthesized by the transesterification of glycerol with dimethyl carbonate in the presence of calcium oxide as catalyst. The liquid
 electrolyte was composed of lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) as solute and glycerol carbonate as solvent. The ionic conductivity of the electrolyte with 0.75 mol
/L LiClO4 in GC was 3.34 mS/cm. As a plasticizer, the electrolyte was used to prepare poly (acrylonitrilemethyl methacrylate)(P(ANMMA)) based gel electrolyte. The gel electrolyte was obtained by putting the P(ANMMA) membrane in the liquid electrolyte. The gelled membrane sucked with 75% of the liquid electrolyte vs the dried membrane presented an ionic conductivity of 094 mS/cm at room temperature. When the gel electrolyte applied to the electrochromic devices (ECD) with the configuration glass/FTO/WO3/electrolyte/CeO2TiO2/FTO/glass, the transmittance change of the ECD reached 20% at 550 nm and the coloration efficiency of the ECD was 6.89 cm2/C.

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Prokaryotic Expression and Characterization ofCysteine Protease from Zea mays
LIU Huimin, CHEN Fangqi, ZHENG Mingzhu, CHENG Guodong,ZHAN Dongling, LIU Jingsheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1054-1059. 
Abstract ( 144 )   PDF (1539KB) ( 125 )  

Cysteine protease from Zea mays (zmCP1) was cloned by PCR with corn genome DNA as template, and ligated to pET28a(+), expressed in E.coli BL21(DE3). The recombinant enzyme was identified by SDSPAGE and Western blotting, finally purified through Nichelating affinity chromatography. The purity can reach 95%. The properties characterization of zmCP1 showed that the optimal temperature was 55 ℃, and the optimal pH was 6.0, the halftime was 39.82 min at 90 ℃. The enzyme kinetics researches with RAMC and LAFR-AMC as substrate show that zmCP1 has better affinity and catalytic activity to small substrate.

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Response Relationship Analysis of HydroChemicalFactor during Cleanse Process of Scoria forPetroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater
QIAN Hong, ZHANG Yuling, LIU Jinyu, LIU Mingyao, GAO Kan, LI Lemeng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1060-1064. 
Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (990KB) ( 175 )  

Abundant, economic and ecosafe scoria was used to decontaminate groundwater contaminated by petroleum. This essay shows the response
relationship between its decontamination process and hydrochemistry factors. The main investigation hydrochemical factors included Fe2+,Fe3+,Mn2+,SO2-4,NH+4,Ca2+,Mg2+,NO-3,NO-2 and so on. The results show that scoria adsorb petroleum hydrocarbons (total petroleum hydrocarbon, TPH) in the water: it is not affected by Mn2+,SO2-4,Ca2+,NH+4, but affected by Fe2+,Fe3+,Mg2+,NO-2,NO-3. The Fe2+,Fe3+,Mg2+ and NO-2 have the inhibition effect on the adsorption of the scoria for TPH, while NO-3 has the promotion effect on the adsorption of the scoria for TPH. In the purification process of scoria for TPH, it can simultaneously remove all the ions. The removal rate of Ca2+ is between 42% to 56%, those of SO2-4,Mg2+,NH+4 are between 60% to 80%, while those of Fe2+,NO-3 are greater than 80%, and Fe3+,Mn2+,NO-2 are almost completely removed and the removed rates are more than 95%.

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Enhanced Biodegradation of Multiple Estrogens withAssistant of Calcium Alginate and Ultrasonic
QIU Youli, ZHANG Chen, LI Yu
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2015, 53 (05):  1065-1072. 
Abstract ( 165 )   PDF (711KB) ( 141 )  

We aimed at studying the effects of calcium alginate immobilized bacteria and ultrasonic assistance on the enhanced biodegradation of estrogens in E1,E2,E3,EE2 and BPA soil. The central composite design was utilized for the experiment design of ultrasonic time, the concentration of calcium alginate and the amount of immobilized bacteria. At the same time, the design was combined with the response surface method to optimize, to find the optimal degradation conditions of estrogens in soil and provide a theoretical foundation and basis on estrogens removal. The enhanced biodegradation mechanism of estrogens in soil by calcium alginate was analysed qualitatively. In the meantime, quantitative structure biodegradability relationship (QSBR) was utilized to analyze the effects of estrogenic physicochemical properties on the enhanced biodegradation mechanism, which was from the perspective of external and internal reasons. The results of our experiments and analysis show that under the addition of calcium alginate assisted with ultrasonic, the optimal condi
tions for the biodegradation of five estrogens were as followed: ultrasonic time was 3 minutes, the mass concentration of calcium alginate was 5%, and the amount of bacteria liquid was 6 mL. Under the optimal conditions, if the system was degraded 3 d, the biodegradation rate of E1 approached 100%; degraded 7 d, the biodegradation rates of E3,BPA,EE2 and E2 achieved 52.65%, 96%,96.90% and 100% respectively. The mechanism analysis also demonstrate that polar surface area (PSA), hydrophobicity (represent by lg Kow) and surface tension of estrogens were the dominant parameters affecting estrogen biodegradation. In addition, the interaction of PSA and log Kow performed a synergistic effect on the degradation of estrogens, the interaction of lg Kow and surface tension also performed a synergistic effect on the degradation of estrogens. Therefore, it is clear that calcium alginate with ultrasonic assistance can significantly improve the biodegradation rates of estrogens in soil.

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