
• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王春艳1,孙捷1 , 王桂茹1, 赵艳秋2   

  1. 1.吉林大学第一医院干部病房,吉林 长春 130021 ; 2.吉林大学第二医院电诊科,吉林 长春 130041
  • 收稿日期:2006-03-19 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-01-28 发布日期:2007-01-28
  • 通讯作者: 孙捷

Relationship between resting heart rate and carotid arterial intima-media thickness in senile patients with essential hypertension

WANG Chun-yan1 ,SUN Jie1 ,WANG Gui-ru1 , ZHAO Yan-qiu2   

  1. 1.Department of Cadre Ward, First Hostpital,Jilin University, Changchun 130021,China; 2. Department of Electrodiagnosis , Second Hospital ,Jilin University, Changchun 130041,China
  • Received:2006-03-19 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-01-28 Published:2007-01-28
  • Contact: SUN Jie

摘要: 目的:探讨老年高血压患者静息心率(RHR)与颈动脉内-中膜厚度(IMT)的关系。方法:入选老年高血压患者164例,按血压水平分为A组BP1 (140/90mmHg≤BP<160/100 mmHg)72例;B组BP2(160/100 mmHg≤BP<180/110 mmHg)55例;C组BP3(BP≥180/110 mmHg)37例。每组按RHR分为RHR1组 (RHR<60次•min-1)、RHR2组(60次•min-1≤RHR<70次•min-1)、 RHR3组(70次•min-1≤RHR<80次•min-1)和RHR4组(RHR≥80次•min-1)。入选患者空腹测血糖、血脂、颈动脉超声检查测颈动脉IMT和颈动脉内径(CAD)。结果:RHR4组的GLU、TC、TG、BSP均高于RHR1~RHR3 各组(P<0.05或P<0.01);RHR4、RHR3组与RHR1、RHR2组比较TMT增厚、CAD增大(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:随着RHR的增加颈动脉IMT和CAD的数值有明显的增加,RHR的增加是老年高血压患者颈动脉IMT增加的原因之一。

关键词: 静息心率, 颈动脉

Abstract: To investigate the realationship between resting heart rate(RHR) and carotid arterial intima-media thickness (IMT)in senile patients with essential hypertension .MethodsAll 164 elderly essential hypertensive patients were divided into three groups according to the levels of blood pressure (BP): the first group, 140/90 mmHg≤SBP<160 mmHg/100 mmHg;the second group, 160/100 mmHg≤BP<180/110 mmHg; the third group, BP≥180/110 mmHg. Each of the groups mentioned above were devided into four groups according to the levels of RHR. RHR1 group :RHR <60 beats/ min; RHR2 group :60 beats/min ≤RHR<70 beats/min ;RHR3 group :70 beats /min ≤RHR <80 beats/min ;RHR4 group : RHR≥80 beats /min.Blood lipids ,blood glucose, carotid ultrasonography were performed .Carotid arterial IMT and carotid arterial diameter (CAD)were measured. ResultsThe blood glucose,blood triglyeride,blood total cholesterol ,systolic blood pressure in RHR4 groups were higher than those of RHR1-RHR3 groups (P<0.01 or P<0.05). The number of carotid arterial IMT and CAD in RHR4, RHR3 groups were higher than those in RHR1,RHR2 groups (P<0.01 or P<0.05).ConclusionWith the increasing of RHR ,the numerical value of carotid arterial IMT and CAD also increase significantly. The increasing of RHR is one of the reasons of the carotid arterial IMT increasing in senile essential hypertensive patients.

Key words: resting heart rate, carotid artery


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