
• 基础研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


钟 铧1,2,王晓彤1,程凯亮3,韩 青1,高 倩1,王 颖1,郑雨轩1,邵 浦1,周建英4,李幼琼1,付 强2   

  1. 1.吉林大学白求恩医学院人体解剖学教研室,吉林 长春 130021;2. 西藏大学医学院
    人体解剖学教研室,西藏 拉萨 850000;3.吉林大学中日联谊医院放射线科,吉林 长春 130033;
    4.吉林大学第一医院二部麻醉科,吉林 长春 130031
  • 收稿日期:2013-03-20 出版日期:2013-09-28 发布日期:2013-12-13
  • 通讯作者: 周建英(Tel:0431-84808174,E-mail:7752407@qq.com); 付 强(Tel:0891-6826427,E-mail:fuqiang5577@163.com) E-mail:7752407@qq.com;fuqiang5577@163.com
  • 作者简介:钟 铧(1981-),男,河南省辉县市人,讲师,在读医学硕士,主要 从事断层影像解剖学研究。
  • 基金资助:


Measurement of hippocampal formation volume in fixed brain 
area using magnetic resonance imaging and results analysis

ZHONG Hua1,2,WANG Xiao-tong1,CHENG Kai-liang3,HAN Qing1,GAO Qian1,WANG Ying1,ZHENG Yu-xuan1, SHAO Pu1,ZHOU Jian-ying4,LI You-qiong1,FU Qiang2   

  1. 1.Department of Human Anatomy,Norman Bethune College of Medicine,Jilin Univ
    ersity,Changchun 130021,China;2.Department of  Human Anatomy,Tibet University Medical College ,Lhasa 850000,China;
    3. Department of Radiology,China-Japan Union Hospital,Jilin University,Changchun 130033,
    China;4. Department of  Anesthesiology,First Hospital,Jilin University,Changchun 130031,China
  • Received:2013-03-20 Online:2013-09-28 Published:2013-12-13


脑进行3D-fSPGR序列扫描,利用Centricity DICOM viewer 3.0软件对双侧第4脑室外侧缘和
双侧玻璃体外侧缘之间的区域进行矢状面10等分,在等分后的图像上逐层勾画HF的面积,乘以层厚计算HF体积。通过SPSS 17.0软件分析HF体积与年龄、性别之间的
关系,分析左右两侧HF体积之间的差异和HF体积校正前后差异。结果:HF体积与正常成年人年龄之间不存在线性关系(P>0.05) ,男性和女性间HF体积
比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);校正前和校正后右侧HF体积均大于左侧(t=2.091,P<0.05;t=2.032,P<0.05),女性校正后左侧和右侧HF体积均大于校正前 (左侧t=-2.092,P<0.05;右侧t=-2.100,P<0.05);正常成人HF平均体积右侧为2 649.92~2 903.17 mm3,左侧为2 579.42~2 803.27 mm3。结论:选择对第4脑室外侧缘至玻璃体外侧缘之间的区域进行矢状面10等分的HF体积的研究方法可较全面地对HF体积进行磁共振成像测量,并易于使其研究的标准统一化。

关键词:  , 海马结构, 体积, 磁共振成像, 矢状面


Objective To discuss the feasibility  of magnetic resonance imaging
 in measurement of hippocampal formation volume in  fixed brain  area,and to provide relevant data for research on  neurodegenerative diseases.   Methods
68 cases of adult volunteers from China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University were selected (33 males and 35 females). The brains of subjects were scaned using  3D-fSPGR sequence. 10 sagittal images were aquired equally in the area between the bilateral lateral margin of the fourt
h ventricle   and corresponding lateral border of vitreous body. After the outlines of the hippocampal formation were drawed,the volumes of hippocampus were calc
ulated by multiplying by the thickness between two slides and then corrected by cranial cavity volume. The correlations including hippocampal formation

volume and cavity volume,hippocampal formation volume and ages or gender were studied. The data were analyzed by using  SPSS 17.0 software. 
Results  No significant differences were found between the volumes of hippocampal formation and ages (P>0.05) or genders (P>0.05). Significant differences were found between the right and lefe hippocampal formation(before correction: t=2.091,P<0.05;after correction: t=2.032,P<0.05). Significant difference in the volume of hippocampal formation between before and after correction only existed in female group(left:t=-2.092,P<0.05;right:t=-2.100,P<0.05). According to our
 data,the average volumes of left and right hippocampal formations in adults were (2 649.92-2 903.17) mm3 and ( 2579.42-2 803.27) mm3,respectively. Conclusion Magnetic resonance imaging  measurement of hoppocampal formation by ten equal sagittal planes,from the lateral border the of fourth ventricle and the lateral border of vitreous body,could standardize the measurement of hippocampus.

Key words: hippocampal formation, volume, magnetic resonance imaging, sagittal plane


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