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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2009, Volume 39 Issue 1
Distribution, Occurrence and Their Petroleum Significance of Dawsonite from Mesozoic Basins in Northeastern China and Adjacent Area
LIU Li, QU Xi-yu, DONG Lin-sen, WANG Xiao-qin, LI Fu-lai
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  1-0008. 
Abstract ( 1824 )  
Dawsonite of Mesozoic strata in Northeast China and adjacent area distribute in Lower Cretaceous strata from Hailaer basin,Tamtsag basin, Erlian basin, Kailu basin and Fuxin basin, and Upper part of Lower Cretaceous and Lower part of Upper Cretaceous from southern Songliao basin. Optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis have revealed that dawsonite mainly occur in the feldspar-rich sandstone and pyroclastic rocks, either as cements filling inter-grain pores as radical, bunchy, rosette, intricately trichoid, and platy collectives, or as replacement of feldspar and lithic grains with bunchy and paty shapes. More and more evidences suggest that dawsonite is a indicative mineral of CO2rich fluids and record CO2 and petroleum dual infilling. The infilling time of CO2 and variation of partical pressure of CO2 during infilling process can be determined from dawsonite-bearing clastic rocks.
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Study on Forming Conditions and Metallogenesis of Kuhai Mercury Deposit, Qinghai Province
DING Zheng-jiang, SUN Feng-yue, LI Bi-le, ZHAO Jun-wei, LI Shi-jin
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  9-0016. 
Abstract ( 2553 )  
Kuhai gold-bearing mercury deposit is located in the southern orogenic belt of Eastern Kunlun. Its wall rocks are a suit of shore to shallow sea facies carbonaceous carbonate and quartz sandstone formations. Ore bodies are jointly controlled by both strata and structures, and usually they are distributed in folded layers’ fissures, structural fissures and joints or in the broken belts of fold flanks. Metallogenic fluids are mainly rock formation water and meteoric water as well as possible addition of magmatic hydrothermal solutions. The ore-forming fluids contain NaCl of 1.90%-5.70% and the density is in the range of 0.78-0.97 g/cm3. The fluid inclusions show homogenized temperature at 118.8-291.6℃. The metallogenic pressure is about 43.24 MPa, correspondent to a depth of 4.56 km. Studies indicate that the Low Permian carbon-bearing strata in the area has provided the main ore-forming materials which were further mobilized by magmatic hydrothermal fluids during the Late Triassic tectonic activities and finally formed as mineral deposit at the broken folded belts. Overall, Kuhai mercury deposit is a middle to low temperature hydrothermal mineral deposit and is considered as an epizonal deposit in terms of orogenic gold deposit series.
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Distribution Characteristics and Main Controlling Factors of Carbonate Cements in the Paleogene Reservoirs in Dongying Depression
ZHANG Yong-wang, ZENG Jian-hui, GAO Xia, ZHOU Shi-ying
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  16-0022. 
Abstract ( 2187 )  
Carbonate cementation is the main type of cementation of sandstone reservoir of Dongying depression. Studies suggest that content of carbonate cementation gradually increases with the burial depth in Dongying depression. The relatively thick sand layer with carbonate cements is mainly distributed in Es3, followed by Es1 and Es2. Calcareous sandstones in Es4 are only seen in the small depression surrounding areas. Within Dongying depression, carbonate contents at the north steep slope belt, central rise belt, and south gentle slope belt are significantly different with the north belt contain more carbonate cements than the south belt. Under the same burial depth, the carbonate contents in the south and north are higher than that in central rise belt in Dongying depression. In faulting areas, carbonate contents are variable and dispersedly distributed, whereas in small depression areas, carbonate contents are of minor change and distributed in a roughly similar depth. The favorable facies belts for the deve-lopment of sandstone layers with carbonate cements include near-bank subaqueous fan, underwater alluvial fans and deep-water turbidite fans, and generally high carbonate contents in coarse grained sandstones. Under the same burial depth, the smaller thickness of the sandstone layer is, the stronger carbonate cementation is. When the sandstones are surrounded by carbonates or thick mudstones, then high carbonate contents will be found in the sandstones.
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Physical Properties and Control Factors of Reservoir in Beier Depression, Halaer Basin
CAO Rui-cheng, QU Xi-yu, WEN Quan, BAO Chun-yan, LIU Jian-ying, LIU Na, LIU Li
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  23-0030. 
Abstract ( 2187 )  
The reservoir in Tongbomiao-Nantun Formation in Beier depression is characterized by low to medium porosity and low permeability. There are two anomalously high porosity zones in Beier depression; one is in the depth of 1 300[CD*2]1 800 m, and the other is at 2 400-2 700 m. The controlling factors for these two zones are as follows:①pyroclastic materials can be dissolved and form secondary pores;②the coating of detrital grains is suitable for conservation of primary porosity;③leaching of meteoric water has led to the formation of secondary porosity;④corrosion of organic acid has resulted in the generation of secondary porosity.Among them, leaching of meteoric water has contributed less to the formation of anomalously high porosity zones compared to other factors. As pyroclastic rocks are the main objects dissolved by organic acid and the newly generated cations are the major components forming chlorite and illite, the major controlling factors for the formation of anomalously high porosity in Beier depression are the physical properties of those special reservoir rocks.
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ICA and Its Application in the Identification of Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Flow
LIU Hong-lin, LI Hai-shan
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  31-0036. 
Abstract ( 1689 )  
The independent component analysis (ICA) is applied to study the two-phase flow identification. According to the improved J-H algorithm of ICA which based on higher order statistics, the reliability of the method was conformed using given modulate signals and different fluid flow of monophase of oil, gas and water response signals to emulate tow-phase and three-phase mixed up signal sources. The field productive well logging gas and liquid two-phase signals which responded by muli-channel sensors were separated, compare and analysis indicate that signals which characterize the gas and liquid information respectively are successfully separated from mixed signals of well logging.
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Oil Accumulation Model and Main Controlling Factors of Putaohua Oil Layer in Shangjia Region
WANG Wen-ming ,WANG Cheng-wen
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  37-0044. 
Abstract ( 1637 )  
According to the comparison between source rock and oil, oil of Putaohua oil layer in Shangjia region was mainly derived from K1q1n source rock in Sanzhao sag. There is a strong ability of supplying oil of K1q1n in Sanzhao depression. Based on the spacial relationship between oil distribution of Putaohua oil layer in Shangjia region and K1q1n source rock in Sanzhao sag, the dynamic force and transporting pathway of oil migration, oil accumulation model was considered as oil from K1q1n source rock in Sanzhao sag migrated downward into Fu-Yang oil layer through T2 faults under overpressure. Oil of Fu-Yang oil layer in Sanzhao sag migrated laterally to Shangjia region through sand body connected by faults under the buoyancy. Oil of Fu-Yang oil layer in Shangjia region migrated upward into Putaohua oil layer through T2-T11 fault under the buoyancy and accumulated in fault block, fault seal and faultlithology traps to form oil reservoirs. The relationship between oil distribution of Putaohua oil layer and main accumulation conditions, oil accumulation and distribution of Putaohua oil layer in Shangjia region was mainly controlled by oil distribution of Fu-Yang oil layer, distribution of T2-T11 faults and trap development. That is, oil distribution of Fu-Yang oil layer controls oil distribution of Putaohua oil layer. Distribution of T2-T11 faults controls exact places of oil accumulation in Putaohua oil layer. Trap development provides spaces for oil of Putaohua oil layer to accumulate and distribution.
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Indication of Oil-Gas Migration & Accumulation with Fluid Inclusion Characteristics and Illite Dating in Yanqi Basin
YU Ming-de,WANG Pu-jun,SHI Chang-rui,ZHANG Hui,TANG Hua-feng,LI Feng-xun
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  45-0052. 
Abstract ( 1874 )  
The fluid inclusions of Jurassic reservoir in Yanqi basin Northwest China mainly distributed in Sangonghe Formation and Badaowan Formation, its homogeneous temperature mostly was 101-110℃ and 121-130℃. The N-alkane carbon atomic numbers assumed two kurtosis in its inclusion component, the first main peak carbon was nC18 or nC20, the following main peak carbon was nC26 or nC27, these characteristics instructed that the basin occurred two oilgas accumulation phases during the midlate Jurassic; But the autogenetic illite isotope dating in its reservoir instructed similarly two oil-gas accumulation phase in the north depression of the Bohu sag, namely the MidLate Jurassic (142.26-183.15 Ma) and the Late Cretaceous (75.07-142.26 Ma),thereinto the oil-gas accumulation phases in the south topographic depression and the Benbutu structure belt respectively were the Mid Jurassic and the Mid-Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, the K-Ar dating increased with its burying depth in the identical structure belt on the longitudinal, which reflected that the oil-gas injected, migrated and adju sted gradually from the low structure spot to the high structure spot.
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Experimental of Microscopic Pore Structure Heterogeneity and Flow Mechanism of Chang 8 Reservoir in Xifeng Oil Field
SONG Guang-shou, GAO Hui, GAO Jing-le, SUN Wei,REN Guo-fu, QI Yin, LU Yong, TIAN Yu-hong
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  53-0059. 
Abstract ( 2499 )  
Representative samples are selected from Chang 8 reservoir of Xifeng oil field of Ordos basin to develop water displacing oil of in-situ sandstone microscopic model and water displacing oil of CT scanning for analyzing the impact of microscopic pore structure on flow mechanism of ultra-low permeability reservoir. The experimental results of water displacing oil indicate the water displacement efficiency always presents direct ratio with permeability for the core samples without microcrack. However, the existence of microcrack increases the heterogeneity of microscopic pore structure,then the flow mechanism changes completely, and the water displacement efficiency differs. The laboratory findings of water displacing oil of CT scanning also demonstrate microcrack increases the microscopic heterogeneity of pore structure to some great extent, makes the water displacement effect worse. Casing pressure has major affection on water displacement efficiency of dual porous medium reservoir. It is obvious that the microscopic pore structure heterogeneity is the main reason to cause low sweep efficiency and worse water displacement effects for ultra low permeability reservoirs.
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Gas Production Rate:The Key Index for Evalution of Industrial Values of Oil Shale-Case on He 1 Well in Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin
LU Jin-cai, WEI Xian-yang, LI Yu-hong, WEI Jian-she
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  60-0064. 
Abstract ( 1960 )  
Through analysis on the industrial indexes of oil shale in Triassic Yanchang Formation of He 1 well in Ordos basin, it is found that there is a good positive linear relationship between hydrocarbon-production rates in the oil shale. Based on the analytical results of 70 oil shale samples, the average oil production rate is 5.9%, gas production rate is 3.7%, and total oil and gas production rate is 9.6%. Among them, gas production rate accounts for 38.5% of the total hydrocarbon production rate. The data suggest that gas production rate is high and is a key index in evaluation of oil shale.
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Characteristics of the triassic oil shale in the Hejiafang area, Ordos basin
LI Yu-hong,LI Jin-chao,JIANG Ting,WEI Jian-she,LU Jin-cai,HANG Jian
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  65-0071. 
Abstract ( 2228 )  
In order to understand deposit characteristics, grade quality and exploration prospects of the Chang 7 oil shale mineral deposit in Yanchang Formation and provide a reference for further investigating oil shale in the Hejiafang area, Shannxi Province, the author has studied metallogentic background of the Triassic oil shale in the Hejiafang area and analyzed the data of the oil shale samples. The author has also compared the variations of parameters of oil shale between surface and underground and concluded that the oil shale is high in thickness, concentrated and stable in distribution, and high in oil production rate, and therefore is considered as medium-grade sulfer-rich oil shale. The oil shale on the surface show opening foliation, abundant pore volume and low density because of less overburden pressure. The utilization values of oil shale are reflected by their oil and gas contents, and therefore comprehensive utilization of gas must be considered during the mining of oil shale. The studied area is abundant with Triassic oil shale and shows good exploration potential.
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Reference Sections of Carboniferous and Permian Boundary in Xing’an-Mongolia and Jilin-Heilongjiang Orogenic Belt
ZHOU Xiao-dong,SUN Chun-lin,PENG Yu-jing
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  72-0079. 
Abstract ( 1320 )  
According to the international stratigraphic chart of 2004, the Fusulinid fossil zones close to the boundary of Carboniferous and Permian in some known sections in the Xing’an-Mongolia and Jilin-Heilongjiang orogenic belt can correlate to the typical sections in Southwest China. There are three typical Carboniferous and Permian boundary sections in the region. They are Huangyu section in Yongji, Jilin Province, Guangpigushan section in Shuangyang, Jilin Province, and Mihangaoqiaogaolu section in Xiwuqi, Inner Mongolia. All these three sections develop carbonate facies at the boundary of Carbonife-rous and Permian. The Fusulinid zone, represented by Pseudoschwagerina uddeni or Pseudoschwagerina borealis overlies Triticites zone in the region. The feature is the similar to sections in Luodian and Ziyunchang in Guizhou Province, and Yishan section in Guangxi Province. So the authors consider that the bottom of Pseudoschwagerina uddeni zone to be the boundary of Carboniferous and Permian.
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Distribution and Geochemical Characteristics of Adakites and Adakite-Like Rocks in Sulawesi, Indonisia
ZHU Zhang-xian,ZHAO Cai-sheng,YANG Zhen-qiang
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  80-0088. 
Abstract ( 1562 )  
The authors recently worked on the geological research project about East-Southern Asia, read a lot of geological publications of Sulawesi during the latest 10 years and discovered about 25 midacidic rock samples that may be considered as normal adakites or adakite-like rock according to rock-chemical analysis data. These adakites and adakite-like rock samples are distributed in southern, central, northwestern and northern Sulawesi respectively to form a Cenozoic adakite belt at the Sundaland margin. The rock types of adakites in Sulawesi belonging to the tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and high potassium calc-alkaline series, are characterized by low values of Y and Yb of heavy REE elements and high contents of Sr. There are positive Th ,Sr anomaly value peaks and negative Nb,Ta anomaly value valley on the spider grams of the trace elements. And there are enrichments in high-field strength elements (HFSE) and large-ion thophytes elements (LITE). The adakites and adakite-like rocks of Sulawesi can be divided into two types: the first belonging to tholeiitic/calc-alkaline series may be considered to be oceanic island arc and/or continental margin volcano arc with characteristics of REE pattern of oceanic island arcs(O type). The other type belonging to high potassium calc-alkaline series may be related to continental adakites(C type) is located at continental within-plat related to main continent-continent collision or post-collision of Sulawesi.
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Experimental Study on the Relationship Between Differential Stress and Quartz Fabrics
MA Rui, TIAN Hai-min, ZHANG Gang
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  89-0092. 
Abstract ( 1434 )  
In order to discuss the formation conditions of coesite, the authors use biotite gneiss from Archean Fuping Group in Xibaipo, Pingshan county, Hebei Province to conduct the deformation experiments under high temperatures and pressures. Under experimental temperature of 800 ℃ and confining pressure at 0.2 GPa, the stress degree is 10% and the stress rate is 10-5/s. Experimental results indicate that the laser Raman spectra of quartz grains in different sites of the deformed sample show obvious changes compared with that of standard quartz, suggesting that differential stress may change crystal lattice of quartz.
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Pollen Record and Climate Changing Since 12.0 ka B.P. in Erlongwan Maar Lake, Jilin Province
LIU Yu-ying,LIU Jia-qi,HAN Jing-tai
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  93-0098. 
Abstract ( 1505 )  
A vegetation-environment history has been reconstructed according to the pollen characteristics of Erlongwan Maar lake since the last 12.0 ka B.P.. During 11.76-9. 81 ka B.P., there is conifer/broad-leaved forest, and climate is cold and dry. Between 9. 81-4.11 ka B.P., the vegetation in this region is broad-leaved forest, which indict tepid and dry climate in first stage (9.81-8.86 ka B.P.) and warm, humid climate in late stage(8.86-4.11 ka B.P.). After 4.11 ka B.P.,there developed conifer/ broad-leaved forest again, and climate changed to cool gradually before 1.62 ka B.P.. After this, the climate in this region is changed into more cool and dry. The pollen records of Erlongwan Maar lake shows Younger Dryas event(11.56-10.21 ka B.P.) and 4.0 ka B.P. climate event stand out in the region.
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Partition of the Palaeoclimate Stages in the Holocene on the Susceptibility of Loess in the Loess Plateau of the Jingyang, Guanzhong
LI Bing-cheng,HU Pei-hua,WANG Yan-juan
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  99-0106. 
Abstract ( 1715 )  
By lithological description, classification and correlation of the Holocene loess-palaeosol stratum in typical sections of loess plateau in southern Zhaitou and Xinzhuang villages in Jingyang county, Guanzhong area of the Sannxi Province, and combined with the age determination of AMS14C and age data obtained by other scholars, the loess deposition age sequence of the studied area is established. Based on the character of the susceptibility curve, a substitution indication of ancient climate, the authors can expound the changing regularity of this substitution indication in the section. At the same time,the authors can make inference on the strength and changing character of the winter and summer monsoons in East Asian reflected by the loess section. The available evidence suggests that the fluctuation of the ancient climate in the Guanzhong area have the consistent trend with that in Northwest China and the globe. During Holocene, under the general global climate changing tendency, the climate evolution of the Guanzhong area is represented by the nature of cycle, unstability and trend. The susceptibility curve of the section is also compared with the temperature curve reconstructed from sporopollen by other scholars. On the base of careful analysis and verification, the palaeoclimate stage features during the Holocene in the Guanzhong area are thoroughly discussed. Seven climate stages in most recent 10000 years have been suggested and they are: stage 1, 10.0-9.0 kaB.P., being a conversion stage when the climate turned from cold to warm; Stage 2, 9.0-7.0 kaB.P., a frequently fluctuated climate stage; Stage 3, 7.0-6.0 kaB.P., a warm phase; Stage 4, 6.0-5.0 kaB.P., a mild warm stage; Stage 5, 5.0-3.4 kaB.P., a turbulent, warm and cold alternated stage; Stage 6, 3.4-2.0 kaB.P., a stage with temperature decreased at first and then increased and finally; Stage 7, 2.0 kaB.P. to present, a warm semi-humid and semi-arid stage.
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Development and Utilization Division of Groundwater Resources in Nanjing City
WEN Zhong-hui, WANG Bin-bin, LU Cheng-peng, YAN Ling-xiang, HUA Hua
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  107-0113. 
Abstract ( 1996 )  
The distribution of groundwater resources was very uneven,and the exploitation of groundwater resources was unreasonable in Nanjing City. In order to achieve the sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources, the development and utilization division was researched. The structure of regional aquifer system was expressed by GMS software according to the hydrogeological conditions in Nanjing City. And the numerical simulation model was constructed to calculate the amount of groundwater resources with Visual MODFLOW, while the water balance method was also used. On the basis, the distribution characteristic of groundwater resources was analyzed quantitatively, and then a groundwater resources information system of Nanjing City was established on GIS platform, which is used to achieve the development and utilization division. Finally, the groundwater resources in Nanjing City were divided into three zones including developing and utilizing zone, potential zone of development and utilization and unsuitable exploiting zone.
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Analysis on Theory of Strength Reduction FEM Based on Artificial Neural Networks
ZHANG Chen,CHEN Jian-ping,XIAO Yun-hua
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  114-0118. 
Abstract ( 1378 )  
Application of theory on strength reduction FEM was analyzed based on improved BP neural networks. BP neural networks can simulate human brain and deal with complicated nonlinear relationship in different slope parameters under the condition of unknown relation between data distribution form and variables. Just taking the advantage the authors forecast the accuracy of every strength criterion in evaluating the slop stability. Take known data to the system to train the networks. According to different strength criterions, the different networks were trained. After that, the networks with new data were checked up. In the same way, the authors also analyze different slope damages considering character of dilatancy. The results show that using DP4 and DP5 criterions may obtain a favorable effect;meanwhile, the error is the largest in DP1 criterion. The conclusions would offer useful information for further application of strength reduction FEM.
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Study on Shearing Creep Characteristics and Constitutive Mode of Huangshi Mucky Soil
ZHANG Xian-wei, WANG Chang-ming, WANG Gang-cheng,CHEN Duo-cai,MA Dong-he
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  119-0125. 
Abstract ( 1268 )  
The shear rheological behaviors of Huangshi mucky soil by indoor test are studied. The test results that the shear creep deformation of Huangshi mucky soil is similar to linear features. The creep behaviors can be seen under some levels of Shear stress. The shear stress is higher; the shear creep deformation is more obvious.Under the high stress, the viscosity of soil increase, and the liquidity of soil decline. The shear module has power function decline in relations with time. The coefficient of viscosity has no large change with the change of shear power. According to the experimental results that linear regression analysis can make sure the creep coefficient and improve the accuracy, the creep model and experience Burgers’ model can both rightly describe the shear creep law of muddy soil in this area. In comparison, it is good to make use of experience model to describe the character of soft soil non-linear shear creep.
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Application of Stepwise Discriminant Analytical Method in Screening Factor in the Water Quality Evaluation
LU Wen-xi, LI Jun, YU Fu-rong, YU Guo-qing,LIU Lei
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  126-0130. 
Abstract ( 1749 )  
Screen the factors of water quality evaluation through the stepwise discriminant analysis method. By hypothesis-testing analysis of the monitoring water quality factors, lead in the most effective factors and establish the discriminant equation. Then the evaluation results of the water quality of an example showed that the posterior probability of factors are over 90% and have a significant impact on the identification and classification. The stability of the established discriminant function and the reliability of the results of the evaluation were enhanced. The appraisal result of the water quality of Shitoukoumen reservoir is Ⅱ from year 2001 to 2004,and it is Ⅲ in 2005. Accord with the fact pollution has shown increasing trend year by year,in line with the facts. The appraisal result of water quality without the variable screening is Ⅱ in 2005,and the posterior probability is about 52%, the result shows the error rate is high.
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Transfer Behavior of Heavy Metals in Soil around Cu-Ni Mining Area in Jinchang
LI Xiao-hu, TANG Zhong-li, CHU Feng-you
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  131-0136. 
Abstract ( 1852 )  
Transport behavior of various speciation and each chemical form of heavy metals in soil from the different field around Cu-Ni mining area in Jinchang were assessed. The results show that the mean transfer coefficient of acid-soluble/exchangeable, reducible, oxidisable and residual fraction is 0.13, 0.51, 0.30 and 0.54, respectively. Furthermore, transfer coefficient between total content and variable speciation including acid-soluble/exchangeable, reducible, oxidisable fraction of heavy metals are different. Transfer coefficient of total Cr is 0.65 in tailings area, but that of variable speciation is 0.26. In contrast with Cr,transfer coefficient of total Ni is 0.26, but that of variable speciation is 0.67. The similar characteristics on Pb and Zn in cultivated soil, namely, transfer coefficient of total Zn is high, but low for variable speciation, which is reversed for Pb. Transfer coefficient of total content and variable speciation in abandoned soil are low compared with above two fields soil, especially, variable speciation of Cu and Ni are not transported almost down soil profile. The transport behavior of heavy metals in soil is closely related to the distribution of chemical forms of heavy metals. The transfer coefficient of variable speciation can effectively reflect transport feature of heavy metals in soil and its potential harmfulness.
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Simulation Research on Attenuation of Contaminants in Different Lithology Landfill Leachate Contaminated Sites
LIU Ying-ying,ZHAO Yong-sheng,LIU Peng,DONG Jun,HAN Rong,QU Zhi-hui,MA Bai-wen,YANG Ling
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  137-0141. 
Abstract ( 1904 )  
The four static experiments selected fine sand, silt sand, clay and soil were carried out to investigate the temporal changing trend of pH, NO3-N, NH4-N, organic matter, bioactivity and its' correlation in different lithology landfill leachate contaminated sites. Experimental results indicated that the order of the four media for pH was fine sand >silt sand >clay >soil, for ammonia nitrogen,organic matter and bioactivity was soil >clay >silty sand >fine sand, but for nitrate nitrogen, the order in the initial phase was soil >clay > silt sand >fine sand, in the metaphase was fine sand > silt sand >clay >soil, but at the end of the experiment was soil >fine sand > silt sand >clay. In addition, SPSS was used to analyze the general temporal correlation of the indexes in the four media. Results showed that there existed a good negative correlation between pH and organic matter, and the correlation coefficient was -0.649. However, there existed a good positive correlation between organic matter and bioactivity, and the correlation coefficient was 0.640. There existed a good positive correlation between ammonia nitrogen and bioactivity, and the correlation coefficient was 0.757.
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Fatalness Zoning of Earth Fissure Harzard in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area
JIAO Xun,SU Xiao-si,YU Jun
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  142-0146. 
Abstract ( 1546 )  
As a kind of geological hazard, earth fissures brought serious side effects to the development of the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area. It is difficult to use linear methods to finish the work about the zoning of earth fissure hazards on account of the nonlinear process during the birth of earth fissures and the complexity of action between each influencing factor. With analyzing the primary influence factors of earth fissure-the discrepancies in the forms of bedrock, the aggradations’ structure of Quaternary period, the asymmetry of land subsidence and excessive development of ground water, six evaluating indicators-the depth of bedrock burial, the degree of bedrock relief, water level, the gradient of land subsidence, transmissivity and the thickness of clay soil are selected to be input to the GA-ANN model, which combines BP with GA and is established to evaluate the fatalness of earth fissure in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area. According to the danger classification, the research area is divided into four zones-danger zone, sub-danger zone, sub-safe zone and safe zone. The danger zone is centered in the east of Changzhou, the middle of Wuxi and the south of Jiangyin. The safe zone is mainly distributed in the northeast of Zhangjiagang, the east of Changshu City and the north and southwest of Changzhou City. The sub-danger zone and sub-safe zone is the transition zone.
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Research on Improving the Saline-Sodic Soil by Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria
ZHANG Jing, WANG Qing, LI Xiao-ru,SUN Tie, QI Qian-ying
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  147-0151. 
Abstract ( 1631 )  
The sulfur-oxidizing bacteria have a characteristic of oxidating sulfur and sulfide into sulfuric acid. With the biological characteristic of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, sulfur is oxidized into sulfuric acid which neutralizes the OH-, so as to achieve the purpose of improved saline-alkali soil. The authors use four types of soil experiment, such as dredger fill, salina soil, farmland soil and green soil. Put certain volume of thiobacilus thiooxidans, thiobacilus thioparus and sulfur into the soil samples, then detect the pH and conductivity of the soil supernatant fluid once per 12 hours.The result shows that the thiobacilus thiooxidans and thiobacilus thioparus have significant effect to lower the pH value of soil from 7.5 to 7.2, have effect on improving the saline-sodic soil.
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Denoising Via High Resolution Radon Transform
GONG Xiang-bo,HAN Li-guo,WANG En-li,Du Li-zhi
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  152-0157. 
Abstract ( 1729 )  
Radon transform is widely used in the seismic processing, such as the events identification and estimation can be obtained a good result. By contrast the Radon domain data between the least squares inversion and the sparse constrained inversion which based on Bayesian principles, the latter is better and its convergence of the energy is with higher precision. And also the spatial truncation effect of the discrete calculation is suppressed. Through the analysis of model data with noise, compared high resolution Radon transform and 2D mask filter in Radon domain, both are better performing and have similar results, but the latter is more efficient. For the actual record, the denoising effect and computation efficiency of FK filtering, high resolution linear and parabolic Radon transform, 2D mask filter methods were also compared, the result showed that the 2D mask filter method is the best choice.
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Response Characteristics of Dual Laterolog for Net-Fractured Igneous Reservoir
YAN Wei-lin,FAN Xiao-min
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  158-0162. 
Abstract ( 1824 )  
Aiming at the attributes of Budate reservoir, finite-difference method based on resistor network is applied to modeling of dual laterolog for igneous reservoirs with parallel fractures and net-fractures. The dual laterolog responses was calculated for the reservoirs in case of a series of parallel fractures, two series of parallel fractures in different angle, and net-fractures with invasion. The log characteristics are summarized for the parallel fractures and net-fracture system: high dip parallel fractures induce positive difference on dual laterolog, and low dip corresponds to negative difference. Both dip and angle of two series of parallel fractures that form a netfracture system influence the response. If the angle is small, the laterolog response tends to that of a series of parallel fractures. As the angle grows, the resistivity drops down and the influence of dip tends to diminish. The existence of mud invasion leads to positive difference on dual laterolog, and makes the effect of dip and angle vaguer. The results will provide theoretical basis for the identification and evaluation of reservoirs of these types.
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Study on Near-Surface Water Content Measurement by Ground-Penetrating Radar
DONG Hang, LIU Si-xin,WANG Chun-hui, ZENG Zhao-fa, LU Qi, WANG Zhe-jiang, YI Bing
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  163-0167. 
Abstract ( 2091 )  
For the sake of verifying adequately the feasibility of GPR method in the use of measuring near surface water content, based on GPR reflected wave method, according to the relations of dielectric constant, electromagnetic wave velocity and volumetric water content, the corresponding theory and characteristic of GPR reflected wave method was analyzed in detail. A velocity analysis algorithm that applied to high frequency radar signal was introduced, and a local aquifer model was established. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method was used to model the GPR response of the local aquifer under different measurement acquisitions. On the combination of the velocity analysis theory and the Topp formula, the water content were obtained by inverse modeling.
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Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) Neural Network Method in Reservoir Quality Synthetic Evaluation and Its Application in Yanji Basin
QIE Rui-qing ,XUE Lin-fu,WANG Man,WANG Li-hua
J4. 2009, 39 (1):  168-0174. 
Abstract ( 1808 )  
Beginning with analyzing advantage and disadvantage of the existing methods used in the reservoir quality synthetic evaluation, the authors put forward to applying SOFM (self-organizing feature map) neural network method to be used in the oil reservoir quality synthetic evaluation on spatial database and have appraised the Dalazi group reservoir of the Yanji basin using the method proposed. The results indicate that the first category reservoirs were mainly developed in the Chaoyangchuan central-depression and at the western margin of Yan-D4 well with oval-shaped distribution pattern and at the western margin of the Chaoyangchuan depression-that is , in between Yan-D6 and Yan-3 with crescent-shaped distribution pattern; The blocks of the second category reservoirs were quite big and they are collectively distributed at the peripheral of the Chaoyangchuan-depression and the Maoershan bulge, are irregularly distributed at the eastern and southern margins of the Qingchaguan depression and at the northern margin of the Dexin depression; The third category reservoirs were mainly developed in the Chaoyangchuan centraldepression and to the south of the Chaoyangchuan Town, and they are also distributed at the eastern margin of the Qingchaguan depression as small, sporadic strips and patches; and also irregularly distributed in the Dexin depression; The fourth category reservoirs are mainly developed in the western uplift and the Lianhuadong ramp area, also are sporadically distributed in the center of the Qingchaguan depression; Areas belong to the fifth category of poor reservoirs.
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