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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 November 2008, Volume 38 Issue 6
The Geothermal Fluid System and Its Exploitation Engineering Scheme-Taking Kaifeng Area,Henan Province as Example
LIN Xue-yu, WANG Xin-yi, LIAO Zi-sheng
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  913-0919. 
Abstract ( 1316 )  
The studied area is a 300-1 600 m deep, low temperature(25-67 ℃) geothermal system in porous deposit in Kaifeng area. Based on the data of 50 geothermal wells with depths ranging from 440-1 580 m existing in the area, the geothermal system is divided into six sub heat-reservoirs. A rational exploitation engineering scheme was used to remedy the field well distribution. Under the designed scheme, the increasing ranging of geothermal water yield from actual field single well can be increased 500-600 m3/d compared with the designed single well (80 m designed water level drawdown) in sub heat-reservoirs, except in the deepest sub heat-reservoir (14 m3/d). The geothermal water output (43 224.0 m3/d) from 49 efficient actual field wells can be increased to 150 744.0 m3/d from 110 wells. During the simulated geothermal water exploitation period (20 years), water temperatures barely change in the heat-reservoir, which means the geothermal water can be exploited sustainably within 20 years.
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Spatial Orientation Model for Gold Mineralization in the Lingshangou Gold Deposit of Zhaoyuan,Shandong Province
SUN Feng-yue,YU Xiao-fei,FENG Zhan-shan,LI Yan-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  920-0925. 
Abstract ( 1678 )  
Present research on the geological characteristics and features of the ore-controlling structural combination of the Lingshangou gold deposit shows that the pattern of the ore-controlling structures is ring-shape. It is proven that ore bodies are controlled by the primary fault together with their secondary faults. The occurrence of the Lingshangou gold deposit is decided by the rings composed of the Lingshan-Beijie fault and its secondary faults. The spatial orientation model of the industrial ore bodies is also studied. A conclusion is drawn that the industrial gold ore body is controlled by the convergent sections of the Lingshan-Beijie faults with its secondary faults and by the ore fluid passage way. As a result, this study explained why two types of ore bodies with apparently different occurrences could coexist in same an ore mine. This provides some useful information for positional prediction of the ore bodies in the mine and its adjacent deposits.
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Reservoir Sedimentary Characteristics and Heterogeneity of Block Bei 16,Xing’anling Group in Sudeerte Oil Field
XU Zhen-zhong,YAO Jun,WANG Xi-bin,ZHANG Di-nan
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  926-0932. 
Abstract ( 1654 )  
According to core observation, well logging and boring, as well as the development performance data, reservoir sedimentary characteristics and heterogeneity and their effects on the flood development of block Bei 16, Xing’anling Group in Sudeerte oilfield were comprehensively studied. The results show that the Xing’anling Group was developed in a fan delta front in a depositional setting of coastal and shallow lake. And the physical properties of the reservoir consisting of non-equal grain size sandstones and gritstones in submerged branch channel are the best, of medium-grained sandstones in mouth bar are secondary, and of siltstones in distal bar are the worst. The heterogeneity of Ⅱ oil group is weak, but the heterogeneity of the other groups is strong. Then different development measures should be adopted based on the distribution characteristics of the sedimentary micro-facies and their differences in reservoir heterogeneity.
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Comparison of Geothermal Fields in the Huangling and Dongsheng Areas, Ordos Basin
YU Qiang, REN Zhan-li
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  933-0936. 
Abstract ( 1311 )  
The uranium deposits in the southern and northern parts of the Ordos Basin are located in the northern margin of the southern Weibei uplift and eastern part of the northern Yimeng uplift. Their geological features are similar to each other and uranium is hosted in the Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation (J2z). Both the present and ancient geothermal fields are different in the two areas. The present heat flow contour and the geothermal evolution degree in the southern part of the basin are higher than those in the northern part. Data from the coal-bearing strata of the Lower Jurassic Yan’an and the Carboniferous-Permian formations show that the vitrinite reflectance in the southern area is higher than that in the northern area. The maximum ancient geothermal temperature experienced, and the corresponding ancient geothermal gradient, both reconstructed from Ro data, also reveal that the southern area are higher than those in the northern basin. The present geothermal is lower than the paleo-geothermal because of the general uplifting in the Lower Cretaceous period. Because the erosion in the south is more intense than that in the north, the difference between the present and the ancient geothermals in the south is larger than that in the north. It is the tectonic thermal movement in the Qingyang and Fuxian areas in the south of the basin that leads to the formation of the abnormal geothermal fields and the higher geothermal evolution degree in the south.
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Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model of Big Depression Ramp Area-As Putaohua Reservoir in the Sanzhao Depression
LIU Zong-bao,MA Shi-zhong,L Yan-fang,MA Zhong-zun,TAN Wei-xiong
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  937-0945. 
Abstract ( 1709 )  
Using 4 079 log curves, 10 well cores, as well as the initial deliverability data of production wells, the authors comprehensively analyze the chief factors that control hydrocarbon accumulation in Putaohua reservoirs of the Sanzhao depression in the Songliao Basin, including the buried history of the source rocks, the palaeotectonics evolution history, the migration and accumulation field of hydrocarbon, the reservoir sedimentary character and oil-water distribution rule. The scenario is thought as the follows:the hydrocarbon of the Putaohua reservoir was derived from the underlying source rocks of the Ⅱ+Ⅲ segment of the Qingshankou Group, the initial migration period of hydrocarbon began from the final stage of the Nenjiang Group, the key stage of hydrocarbon accumulation was at the end of the Mingshui Group; the Putaohua reservoir top has undergone four stages of paleotectonics evolution, and the major hydrocarbon migration direction was along the axis of some large nose structure that dumps to depression center, some hydrocarbon migration direction seems to be “rotating”, namely, they was in northwest direction at the end of the Nenjiang Group, became near eastwest at the end of Mingshui Group; The Putaohua reservoir is identified as the single northern source, with well development of distributary channel sand bodies that controlled by shallow water delta dominated river sediment and that are intensively located and have long extension. The combination of these channel sand bodies arranged in northwest direction and faults makes up the most favorable passageways for hydrocarbon lateral migration; initial deliverability data of production wells and detailed analysis of reservoir traps indicate that oilwater distribution is controlled by local structures, and a single trap has a unified oil-water interface. Based on above research, 2 types of accumulation mode are recognized in the Putaohua reservoir in the Sanzhao depression:inheritance nose structure accumulation mode and the overlying mudstone shielding of the reverse normal fault down-throwing block in depression gentle slope. Under the guidance of these accumulation models, 101 favorable drilling traps containing 2 800×104 t reserves are forecasted. This forecast could direct the next step of exploration and development of the Putaohua reservoir in the Sanzhao depression.
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Estimation of the Ancient Lake Temperature and Paleo-Climate of the Cretaceous Period in the Songliao Basin
SHEN Jia-nian,WANG Qing-hong,HE Jiang-lin,LU Shuang-fang
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  946-0952. 
Abstract ( 1842 )  
The first location of the lake sediment deposition is at the lake bottom, so the temperature of the lake bottom not only has influence on the preservation of organic matter, but also has influence on the formation temperature under the lake bottom. The ancient water body temperature, especially the temperature of the lake bottom becomes a key aspect in estimating the exploration prospect. According to the comparison between the previous research result of the paleoclimate and the nowadays climate, the average annual temperature during the Cretaceous period of the Songliao Basin is between 14 ℃ and 24 ℃. Using the reservoir temperature calculation method, and the data on the palaeolatitude and the paleowater depth, the palaeo-temperature of the lake surface of the Songliao Basin is between 17 ℃ and 25 ℃; the temperature of the bottom water is between 6.2 ℃ and 12.5 ℃ in the deep lake; the temperature of the deepest lake bottom is between 4.0 ℃ and 11.3 ℃. During the period of the Qingshankou Group and Nenjiang Group deposition, the temperature of the lake bottom did not change much with the seasons, and the temperature was low (about 8 ℃),and the stratification was clear. Therefore, the lower temperature at the lake bottom is favor of the Cretaceous biogas exploration in the Songliao Basin.
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Pores Type and Diagenesis in the Chang 4+5 Sandstone Reservoirs of the Jiyuan Oilfield
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  953-0958. 
Abstract ( 2053 )  
The petrologic characteristics, diagenesis and pore types in Chang 4+5 reservoir of the Jiyuan oilfield in Ordos Basin are studied by varied methods, including examination of the normal physical properties, thin-section & casting thin-section, heavy minerals, X-ray diffraction and SEM analysis. The dominating pore type of Chang 4+5 reservoirs is intergranular pore and feldspar-dissolved pore, the subordinate is the dissolved intergranular pore. Assembly of the pore types is usually intergranular pore and dissolved pore-granular pore. The constructive diagenesis in Chang 4+5 reservoir is compaction, secondary enlargement of quartz and feldspar, cementation of carbonate mineral, etc. It is the compaction that reduces the primary pore space in Chang 4+5 reservoirs. The destructive diagenesis that keeps or enlarges pore space is dissolution, clay membrane of chlorite. It is insufficient for dissolution to improve the pore space.
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Experiment on Debris-Arkosic Sandstone Reformation by CO2 Fluid
QU Xi-yu, LIU Li, MA Rui, HU Da-qian, CHEN Xue,WANG Yan-ming
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  959-0964. 
Abstract ( 1732 )  
The reformation of debris-arkosic sandstone by the CO2 fluid is researched under different temperature and pressures using interaction experiments of the CO2/H2O/sandstone system in a closed container. The results of the total mineralization degree of reaction liquid, the loss of sample weight after reaction and scanning electronic microscope (SEM), indicate that the corrosion intensity of feldspar, calcite and quartz gradually enhance with the temperature increasing, and the corrosion of sandstone dissolved by CO2 has positive correlation with the temperature. At the same time, an unknown silicate mineral is found on the surface of sample at 200 ℃and 300 ℃ by SEM observation. The mechanism of the mineral dissolving and precipitation has been interpreted by the variation in pH value and in ionic density of the reaction liquid.
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40Ar/39Ar Geochronology Evidence of Strike-Slip Movement in Dunhua-Mishan Fault Zone
SUN Xiao-meng,LIU Yong-jiang,SUN Qing-chun,HAN Guo-qing,WANG Shu-qin,WANG Ying-de
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  965-0972. 
Abstract ( 1532 )  
Dunhua-Mishan fault zone is the most important branch in the northern segment of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and its large scale of sinistral strike-slip shear age has been an unsolved scientific problem. The field structural and microstructural analyses suggest the Dunhua-Mishan ductile shear zone near Zhiyi Town, Mishan County is sinistral strike-slip shear zone ,the deformational temperature of which is about 450℃ to 650℃. The biotite 40Ar/39Ar isochron age, which is (161±3)Ma, was collected in the mylonite of ductile shear zones. If the age is combined with the age of Wandashan terrane strike-slip and matching accretion, it is considered that Dunhua-Mishan fault zone made the intense sinistral strike-slip movement in the last stage of J2. The isochron age data show that the second left-lateral strike-slip age of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone occurred during the period of tectonic movement in marginal-Pacific tectonic domain. It is also the age of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone which stretches to the Northeast, China. The age of sinistral strike-slip movement of Dunhua-Mishan fault zone is identical with the age of Wandashan terrane strike-slip and matching accretion, which indicates that both are the product with the same tectonic background.
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Discovery and Its Significance of Earthquake Event Deposits of the Upper Triassic Bolila Formation in Mashuangbu, Biru County, Northern Tibet
LI Shang-lin,WANG Gen-hou,MA Bo-yong,YANG Wen-rui,ZHAO Wen-tao,LIAO Lei
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  973-0979. 
Abstract ( 1563 )  
Seinites, tsunamites and background deposits occur in the Upper Triassic Bolila Formation in Nanyaxiang Mashuangbu, Biru County, North Tibet. They are composed of three distinct sedimentary sequences: A-B-C, A-C and B-C, representing an event sedimentary sequence of earthquake-tsunami-background deposits, earthquake and background deposits(no tsunami occurring) and tsunami-background deposits(far from the center of earthquake) respectively. Earthquake event deposits in the Bolila Formation are not only the auspice of the further extension, splitting and separation of the Tethyan ocean, but also sedimentary response to the Laurasia land-Cathaysia splitting.
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The Post-Collisional Granite in the Qiaqihai Area, Western Junggar, Xinjiang
TAN Lü-gui
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  980-0987. 
Abstract ( 1580 )  
The Qiaqihai area is located in Jimunai County of Altay district and Hefeng County of Tacheng district, western Junggar of Xinjiang. The area is at the northern margin of Kazakstan-Junggar plate. The Qiaqihai intrusion is mainly pinkish red, middle-coarse grained biotite K-feldspar granite and secondly, biotite granite. They are classified as the A2-type granite based on geochemical discrimination, indicating a tectonic setting at the late period of the major collisional plate or at the extendable period of the post-collisional phase. The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age for the Qiaqihai alkali-feldspar granite intrusion is (290.7±9.3) Ma (1σ), representing the product of the post-collision magmatic activity during Early Permian. These show that Qiaqihai area has come into an extension setting of the post-collisional stage since then.
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Analysis on Biomarker of Fossil Plant Cuticles
XU Yan
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  988-0991. 
Abstract ( 1281 )  
The method on biomarker study of fossil plant cuticles is briefly introduced. Using the Soxhlet and ultrasound extraction methods, and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses, the author made extractions of dissolved organic matter in cuticles of Miocene plants from the Badaogou of Changbai Mountain area of Jilin, China and Schcrozburg of Germany.The results show that there are n-alkanes,isoprenoid alkenes,terpenes and stericles in the organics. It is necessary to pay attention to lithofacies,lithologic characters and avoiding pollution in sampling and processing for the biomarker research on the cuticles.
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Groundwater Flow Transfixion of Groundwater Source Heat Pump System and Its Influence on Temperature Field
HU Ji-hua,ZHANG Yan-jun,YU Zi-wang,WU Gang,YANG Xiao-ying,NI Fu-quan
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  992-0998. 
Abstract ( 1687 )  
A new concept of flow transfixion is suggested by analyzing the general features of aquifer. The interaction between flow transfixion and heat transfixion, and its significance to practical engineering are also analyzed. A couple numerical model of groundwater flow and heat transferring is established based on the basic of water-heat transferring in the aquifer. And then numerical analysis of the flow field and the temperature field for one GSHP in Shenyang City shows that the formation of flow transfixion is hydraulic gradient, namely, it can be judged quantitatively by whether the flow transfixion takes place or not according to hydraulic gradient. When the hydraulic gradient has no notable change, the flow transfixion takes place. Furthermore, the effect of the injecting and pumping rate (Q) to the flow transfixion shows that the shorter of occurrence time of flow transfixion, the more of the value of Q, and it is easier to occur flow transfixion for more of Q, and then to lead to occurrence of heat transfixion. In practical engineering the occurrence of heat transfixion can be reduced by reducing the value of Q, by increasing spacing of injecting and pumping wells, and by rectifying position of the injecting and pumping wells after a work cycle.
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Application of Distance Discriminant Analysis Method in Classification of Surrounding Rock Mass in Highway Tunnel
WANG Ji-liang , CHEN Jian-ping, YANG Jing
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  999-1004. 
Abstract ( 1481 )  
A method of distance discriminant analysis is used to classify the surrounding rock of highway tunnel. Based on experiences, several key factors, such as the uniaxial compressive strength σc , average spacing of joints d, values of rock quality RQD and groundwater condition, are selected to be parameters of discriminant analysis model. So a model of distance discriminant analysis is established though training a large set of surrounding rockmass samples which come from a series of tunnel projects. The discriminant results are validated and have a low misjudgment ratio. The results are also the same as the results from ANN method. Furthermore, the analysis result of the class Ⅳ for surrounding rock in selected parts of Fengshuling tunnel of Zhuyong highway in Zhejiang Province, which is calculated by the method of distance discriminant analysis, is in good agreement with standard method.
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Time Series Analysis of Surrounding Rock Pressure with Artificial Neural Networks
QIN Sheng-wu,CHEN Jian-ping
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1005-1009. 
Abstract ( 1572 )  
Surrounding rock pressure is a one of significant feedback information after tunnel excavation. Affected by excavation and other uncertain factors, the monitoring data of rock pressure is an unsmooth time series, which includes trend term and random part. The trend part of the data can be fitted with BP(back propagation) neural network and the random part is processed by a normal ARMA(auto regressive moving average) model. Combined with a progression arithmetic, time series analysis of rock pressure in a tunnel in Zhejiang Province is carried out. The results show that the method has a high prediction accuracy, is in a maximum relative error of 3.73%, and can be used in practical engineering.
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Monitoring Data Analysis of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Based on Wavelet Denoising
ZHANG Peng, LI Xian-yong,CHEN Jian-ping
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1010-1014. 
Abstract ( 1699 )  
There are many random errors in the monitoring data of tunnel surrounding rock. The monitoring data is usually denoised for reducing or eliminating the disturbance of the random errors. Based on the theory of wavelet transform, as an example, the monitoring data of a tunnel surrounding rock is processed by a technique of wavelet denoising with db3 wavelet function and heursure soft threshold. The result of pressure prediction is given by using 5-15-1 BP neural network for the original data and the de-noised data, and the training steps are 2 448 and 450 respectively. The error of the pressure prediction for the original data is larger than that for the de-noised data. The results show that the method of wavelet denoising is efficient and reliable, is sensitive to distinguish noise and useful information, is particularly suitable to analyze monitoring data of surrounding rock.
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Efficient Rock Fragmentation Mechanism Analysis of Impregnated Diamond Bionics Bit
XU Liang,SUN You-hong,GAO Ke
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1015-1019. 
Abstract ( 1393 )  
A new type of impregnated diamond bionics bit is developed by applying the bionics non-smooth theory to the bit design. Its drilling efficiency increases 30% to 80% compared with the ordinary bits. The size of rock dust particles crushed by bionics bits is larger than that broken by ordinary bits. The bionic non-smooth surface increases the specific pressure of the bit’s crown and also ameliorates the cooling conditions between the bit and rock. So it improves the drilling efficiency of diamond bits.
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Treatment of Synthetic Wastewater of Pharmacy by Pretreatment,Comprehensive Hydrolysis Acidation and Comprehensive Aerobic Oxidation
ZHANG Lan-ying, LIU Feng, LIU Na
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1020-1026. 
Abstract ( 1277 )  
The traditional hydrolysis acidation and aerobic oxidation processes were improved. Based on analysis of wastewater from the Northeast General Pharmaceutical Factory, a complex process of pretreatment, comprehensive hydrolysis acidation and comprehensive aerobic oxidation was designed and applied in wastewater treatment engineering with capacities of 30 000 m3/d . Results of the two years operation showed that this process has property of stable efficiency and strong ability for resisting shock load. When average influent COD concentration was 3 600 mg/L, BOD5 was 1 000 mg/L and SS was 450 mg/L. The effluent concentration of COD was below 300 mg/L, BOD5 was below 100 mg/L, SS was below 50 mg/L. The effluent’s concentration achieves the national pharmaceutical enterprises effluent standards for grade 3.
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Effect of Biodegradation of Atrazine in the Waterbody by Immobilized Microorganism in Low Temperature
LIU Hong, ZHANG Lan-ying, LIU Na, LIU Peng
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1027-1031. 
Abstract ( 1530 )  
For remediation of the surface water and groundwater polluted by atrazine in the low temperature, the most effective microorganism for the degradation of atrazine was studied using the mixed strains, W2、L1、L2、N8 (1∶1∶1∶1). The activated carbon was selected as the immobilized carrier of microorganisms, and the optimal immobilising conditions were: the diameter of activated carbon 0.5-1 mm, pH=8.Under the conditions, the expriments of atrazine biodegradation by suspended and immobilized microorganisms were compared, the results showed that the biodegradation rate of immobilized microorganisms reached as high as 99.91% in 6 days.
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The Organic Materials of Different Age Landfill Leachate Retarded by Vadose Zone
ZHOU Rui, ZHAO Yong-sheng, WU Qian-fang, LI Hong-shun,REN He-jun, QU Zhi-hui
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1032-1036. 
Abstract ( 1461 )  
The retardance of organic contaminants in acetigenic and methanogenic lanfill leachate by different vadose zone lithology was studied in laboratory columns. Experimental results demonstrated that the organic content of clay and fine sand in the vadose zones was increased from 0.70% and 0.87% to above 0.80% and 1.00% contaminated by young leachate and decreased to below 0.70% and 0.50% polluted by old leachate. In the vadose zone the organic matter content rose when contaminated by young leachate, however decreased when polluted by old leachate. Silt as the vadose material was more easily impacted by leachate than clay. It means that the property of landfill leachate influences the organic matter content in the vadose zone; furthermore silt would more likely exaggerate the effects more than clay.
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Evaluation of Eco-Environmental Quality Based on Coupling of Gray-Clustering and 3S Method-A Case Study on Da’an, Jilin Province
TANG Jie, L Chuan, LI Zhao-yang, WANG Chen-ye, ZHANG Jing-cheng,LI Hai-yi
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1037-1043. 
Abstract ( 1861 )  
Da’an region is one of the typical fragile ecological environmental regions in the western Songnen Plain. Based on the characteristics of ecologically fragile zone, the ecological environment quality of the Da’an City in Jilin Province was evaluated using gray clustering dynamic model. Multi-factor eco-environmental index system was established based on the spatial and non-spatial data which contain 21 index items according to the features of the agro-pastoral zigzag zone. The spatial information indexes using 3S technology were acquired by 1989, 2000 and 2004 remote sensing image data processing. The digital maps were produced by ArcMap. The grading results show that the eco-environmental quality of the township in Da’an City continues deteriorating in the year of 1989-2004. Nearly one-third of the township level is in Ⅴrange (poor) in 2004. Climatic factors, geological conditions, human resource development and utilization are closely related with the results.
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GIS-Based Suitability Partition of Agricultural Ecology in Jilin Province
LU Peng, LIU Wan-song,YANG Chang-bao,CHEN Sheng-bo,ZHOU Yun-xuan
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1044-1048. 
Abstract ( 1568 )  
To take full advantage of the previous experience and GIS technology, the authors collected precipitation, temperature, and soil from 1975 to 2004 based on the information from field surveys. Combining with local geographical situation, a comprehensive analysis of these data was made. The research shows that the maize is the best suitable in the central and southern Jilin Province, suitable in the central areas, such as Jilin City, Liaoyuan, and less suitable in the northwestern Jilin Province and most parts of Yanbian and Baishan, not suitable in northwestern Jilin Province.
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The Derivatives Calculation Based on Wavelet Analysis of G/M Data and Its Application
FANG Dong-hong, ZENG Zhao-fa,CHEN Jia-lin
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1049-1054. 
Abstract ( 1817 )  
The wavelet analysis is widely applied in geophysical data processing and interpretation for its multiple resolution analysis, and got very good results. The biorthogonal wavelet analysis was used as original basis of wavelet for high accuracy derivates calculation, which serves as important information of anomaly analyses and interpretation, and also as the basic data for further calculation as Euler deconvolution, analytic inversion and source parameters interpretation. Based on the wavelet coefficients, the Monte-Carlo method was applied to calculate the parameters of noise. The cases study from real data shows that the algorithm has high accuracy, and its results can help the geological mapping and strata study.
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Secondary FieldBased Two-Dimensional Topographic Numerical Simulation in Magnetotellurics by Finite Element Method
ZHAO Guang-mao, LI Tong-lin, WANG Da-yong, LI Jian-ping
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1055-1059. 
Abstract ( 1705 )  
An efficient method has been presented which is named secondary field finite element method for two-dimentional magnetotelluric numerical modeling. The two-dimentional electromagnetic differential equations of secondary field have been derived, and the equations of secondary field can be solved by finite element method when the boundary conditions are simple; it is easier to simulate topographic earth by taking subdivision to the rectangle mesh. We have calculated several models and compared with previous researcher’s results using total field method. The results obtained indicated that the algorithm provided in this paper was correct. And it can be confirmed that the topographic abnormalities both in TE mode and TM mode are obvious. The apparent resistivity of H-polarization is affected by terrain more easily than that of E-polarization. The shape of apparent resistivity is positive correlation with terrain in TE mode, but that is opposite in TM mode.
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Application of Transient Electromagnetic Pseudo-Seismic Interpretation Imaging Method to Explore Permafrost Strata in Mohe Region
HAN Jiang-tao,LIU Guo-xing,TANG Jun-hui
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1060-1064. 
Abstract ( 1708 )  
TEM method is used to study the space distribution regularity of permafrost strata in order to offer the base for further research of the northeast natural gas hydrate prospective investigation. This method gets better geological result by using pseudoseismic interpretation imaging technology to inverse TEM field data to divide the reflect interface and electric level and then inferred the distribution of permafrost strata of Mohe region successfully. The inverse result shows that the permafrost strata of the south-north second measurement line developed well with large thickness, had certain continuity, and was consistent with the result of VES.
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Primary Study on the Relationship between Primary Wave Frequency Characteristics and Structural Zone-Its Applications in the CCSD
WANG Zhu-wen,LIU Jing-hua,NIE Chun-yan
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1065-1069. 
Abstract ( 1469 )  
The identification and determination of fractural zone plays an important role in achieving the research targets of the China Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) and providing the basic physical parameters in the drilling hole for geological study. The parameters of primary wave frequency spectrum derived from array acoustic logging provided the possibility to achieve this aim. Based on the analysis on primary wave frequency characteristics, some conclusions can be obtained: there were variations obviously for the characteristics of primary wave frequency spectrum in fracture zones, such as the dominant frequency shifted towards the low frequency, at this location the amplitude (energy) increased rapidly, and there were significant differences from the surrounding unbroken rocks. By using these characteristics, the structure fractured zones can be identified and determined properly. And also this paper suggested several parameters, such as main peak amplitude, the location drifting of the basic frequency, the width of main peak half-amplitude and the main peak energy of the basic frequency, and had acquired a good result by making use of these parameters to identify and determine the structural zones in CCSD.
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Simulation on Passive Microwave Radiative Transfer in Inhomogeneous Lunar Regolith
MENG Zhi-guo, CHEN Sheng-bo, LIU Cai, DU Xiao-juan, L Hang
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1070-1074. 
Abstract ( 2201 )  
Based on radiative transfer equation and geometric spatial model, the mechanism of the microwave radiation transfer in the inhomogeneous lunar regolith is simulated. The results indicate that low frequencies are good for the simulation on passive microwave radiative transfer in the lunar regolith. The differences of the microwave radiation brightness temperature of lunar regolith in low frequency is much bigger, and the corresponding detectable thickness is much deeper than those in high frequency for exanvples in 3 GHz, the maximum detectable thickness is up to 12.4 m. The maximum detectable thickness of lunar regolith declines drastically with the increasing of the frequency. And the detectable lunar regolith thickness in high frequency is falling into the detectable range of that in low frequency. Based on the results, a look-up table between lunar regolith thickness and brightness temperature is established. The lunar regolith thickness can be obtained from the observed single-channel brightness temperature using the look-up table.
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Analysis Thermal Anomaly Preceding Xinjiang Earthquake Using NCEP Data
QIN Kai,WANG Bin,GUO Guang-meng,YANG Jie
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1075-1080. 
Abstract ( 1648 )  
The reanalysis data of NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction ) can be used as a new data source for monitoring anomaly preceding earthquake. The data of NCEP for one month before Xinjiang earthquake occurrence at 21 march 2008 was analyzed. It is found that the thermal anomaly occurred near the epicentral regions at 6 o’clock 18th February (UTCS) , then it continued and moved to the epicenter. At 18 o’clock 20th, the variation of temperature had reached 7 K and the abnormal area had covered the epicenter entirely, at last the anomaly ended at 12 o’clock 21th. It can be known that the thermal anomaly area keeps consistency with the fault distributing. The abnormal center will correspond with the future epicentral location. This maybe has some relation between the thermal anomaly amplitude and the earthquake magnitude. The obtained conclusion will be have some important sense for the earthquake forecast.
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Identification of Quaternary Sediments Types Used by Multi-Purpose Geochemical Data-With Probabilistic Neural Networks Method
HAO Li-bo,JIANG Yan-ming,LU Ji-long,SUN Shu-mei,BAI Rong-jie
J4. 2008, 38 (6):  1081-1084. 
Abstract ( 1469 )  
Aiming at the issue of using multi-purpose geochemistry data to study the classification of quaternary sediment, recognition model based on probabilistic neural networks was put forward and the method and steps of selection of geochemical index, index normalized and the setting and training of neural networks were given. Eight kinds of genetic quaternary sediments were distinguished availably by probabilistic neural networks in Songnen Plain,the central and western Jilin Province, and the problems for the genesis of quaternary sediments was solved well in this area, which showed that the method was of strong nonlinear recognition ability. The recognition ability of the probabilistic neural networks model for Quaternary sediments is higher than that of traditional multivariate statistical analysis. And this model with simple structure provided can be trained fast, thus alsois the valid method using multi-purpose geochemistry data to recognize the quaternary sediment types.
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