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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2009, Volume 39 Issue 2
The Mesozoic Sedimentary Sequences, Correlation and Geological Significance for Petroleum of the North Margin of South China Sea
WANG Liao-liang,CHENG Ri-hui,LI Fei,ZHANG Li,XU Zhong-jie
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  175-0182. 
Abstract ( 2026 )  
The Mesozoic strata outcropped in the central-east part of Guangdong Province may divided into 15 of Ⅲ rank sedimentary sequences, while there are 12 of Ⅲ rank sequences of Mesozoic identified in the seismic profiles and well LF35-1-1 in offshore Chaoshan depression in the north margin of South China Sea. The sequences including 6 of Ⅱ rank and 2 of Ⅰrank, reflect the environmental changing processes from sea to land. The lithography, sedimentary facies and sequence of the Mesozoic both outcropped in land and occurred offshore may correlate well. The characteristics of stratigraphy and sedimentation and its model based on the outcropped strata are helpful to study the related subjects of the Mesozoic offshore and can be a guide to petroleum exploration.
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Improvement of Calculation Method of Gas Accumulation Rate in Gas Reservoir-41 Large and Medium Gas Fields in China as Examples
FU Guang,GENG Qi
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  183-0189. 
Abstract ( 1869 )  
In order to study gas accumulation capability and rate accurately, on the basis of previous research on the calculation method of gas accumulation rate and taking into account the gas diffusion amount after the formation of gas reservoir, the calculation method of gas accumulation rate in gas reservoir was improved. The authors selected 41 large and medium gas fields in China as examples and calculated their gas accumulation rates by use of calculation method of gas accumulation rate in gas reservoir before and after improvement. It was considered that gas accumulation rates of these gas fields calculated respectively by original and improved methods are quite different. The improved is 1.01-3.05 times of the original, and 1.29 times on average. It shows that gas accumulation rates calculated by improved calculation method are much closer to the true values than original methods, and they reflect better the underground actual situation.
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Study of Reservoir Flow Units of Jin 45 Block
LI Jun-hui,LU Shuang-fang,LIU Cheng-zhi,LI Xiao-mei,SU He-cheng,YANG Yu
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  190-0195. 
Abstract ( 1964 )  
Correct division of reservoir flow units has vital significance for forecasting the remaining oil distribution, adjustment of development plan, enhancing the recovery ratio, ect. The unified multi-parameter cluster analysis and fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation have been used for the division of reservoir flow units. Based on the division of flow unit, the plane distribution of flow units has been forecasted using the BP networking. The research indicated that reservoir flow units of the research area can be divided into four types. Type I is the best. There are some wells still have certain productivity, although the development degree is high and most of the wells are already closed; Type Ⅱ is better, it is the current primary area for oil production which has lower flooding degree and has certain remaining oil. Type Ⅲ is worse, which has commonly development effect and has been poorly produced. it is the potential tapping area in oilfields; Type Ⅳ is the worst, which has poor original oil-bearing saturation, it is not the primary area for distribution of remaining oil. Detailed analysis has been carried out to study the characteristics of each kind of flow unit, which provides detailed geological basis for synthetical control of the oil field.
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The Dominant Principle on Natural Gas Accumulation of Mud-Fluid Diapirs and Significance on Exploration in Yinggehai Basin
JIN Bo,LIU Zhen,LI Xu-shen
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  196-0204. 
Abstract ( 1799 )  
Yinggehai basin is a young Cenozoic sedimentary basin with high geothermal and overpressure, few faults, many diapirs, strong action of thermal fluid. There are specific migration and accumulation principles in the extend and transform sedimentary basin contrasting with the fault basin. Based on ideas of the key factors to control the forming of the natural gas reservoir, the viewpoints of the dominant principle on natural gas accumulation of mud-fluid diapirs in Yinggehai basin were presented by analyzing the forming and the distribution of the natural gas reservoirs in the basin. The natural gas accumulates in the diapirs area in the central depression and was trapped on the top, both sides and around the mud-fluid diapirs. It indicates that the slope belt near the depression is not always the most promising target area in the depression according to this viewpoint. It provides a new clue that only the belts and traps in the basin meeting with the dominant principle may accumulate the natural gas in the Yinggehai basin. It shows that the significance of exploration on natural gas in Yinggehai basin.
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Properties and Influence Factors Analysis of Reservoir in the First Member of Yaojia Formation of the Changjiaweizi Region,Northern Songliao Basin
ZHU Jian-wei,JIANG Li,GUO Dian-jun,YUN Hai-fu,CHEN Xing-xia
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  205-0210. 
Abstract ( 1932 )  
The reservoir strata of the first member of Yaojia Formation of Changjiaweizi region in the northern part of Songliao basin, are mainly composed of fine feldspathic debris sandstone with A-substage of late diagenesis. And mass appearance of secondary pore improve the capability of gathering, even the primary pores were poorly preserved. The pore types, porosity, permeability and control factors of the reservoir were studied by observing normal and casting thin section, micropolariscope, core testing, mercury intrusion test,scanning electron microscope(SEM), cathode light and so on. The main reservoir pores were composed of corrode expanding intergranular pore and corrode inner pore; pore structures mainly belong to ⅡA,ⅡB; porosity rangs from 10% to 15% and permeability rangs from 0.01×10-3μm2 to 1×10-3μm2; the reservoir is an axial canal and a low permeability layer; the reservoir quality is mainly influenced by micro sedimentary facies, grain size and dissolution; the permeability is influenced mainly by the type and filling form of hydrosyalite.
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Characteristic and Ore-Controlling Condition of Oil Shale of Jiufotang Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Kazuo Basin
WANG Yu-lin, GUO Qiang, XIAO Qian-hua, WANG Wei,YANG Chun, WEI Heng-fei, LIU Jin
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  211-0216. 
Abstract ( 2195 )  
Field geological investigation, petrology and geochemistry study showed that three oil shale groups in Kazuo basin were developed in Member 1,2,3 of the Jiufotang Formation of Lower Cretaceous, the third oil shale group located in 3rd member have the greatest industrial significance. Oil shale always has the accompanying relationship with overlying sedimentary tuff or other tuffaceous strata.The oil shale(ore) of this area have four types, including mudstone, calcareous mudstone containing silty band, marlite and shale, and the former two are main types. The recoverable oil shale composed of 50% low-grade, 42% middle-grade and 8% highgrade oil shale. All of them are high-ash oil shale. Based on this, the authors discussed that the organic matter type of oil shale is humic-sapropel, and originated from the lower plants. The type of oil shale (ore) which formed in shallow-semi-deep lake environment is calcareous mudstone, and that in deep lake is mudstone. Mother rock types of provenance controlled the characteristics of chemical composition and types of ash component of oil shale. The volcanic eruption of the catastrophic event terminated the mineralization of the oil shale.
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Lithification of Dawsonite-Bearing Sandstone in the Qingshankou Formation in the Qian’an Oil Field of the South Songliao Basin
LI Fu-lai,LIU Li,YANG Hui-dong,QU Xi-yu,LIU Na,ZHAO Guo-xiang
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  217-0224. 
Abstract ( 1983 )  
The Qingshankou Formation in the Qian’an oil field of the south Songliao basin contains abundant dawsonite-bearing sandstone. The clastic composition, cements, authigenic minerals, diagenetic paragenesis succession and fluid evolution are investigated through polarizer microscope, scanning electron microscope, alizarin red-staining, X-ray diffraction etc. The results shows that the sandstone is fine-grained and micro-grained, poorly to moderately sorted silt dawsonite-bearing arkoses and silty dawsonite-bearing lithic arkoses. The dominant cements and authigenic minerals include dawsonite, ankerite, calcite, secondary quartz oergrowths and authigenic clay mineral (kaolinite and illite ). Part of dawsonite occurs as radial, bundle and plate, and some are very special as large massive condensates. The paragenetic sequence are in the order of calcite-kaolinite, secondary quartz overgrowths-illite-dawsonite and ankerite. The authigenic minerals formed before CO2 charging include multi-stages of calcite assemblages, kaolinite and secondary quartz overgrowths assemblages. While the main cements formed after CO2 charging are dawsonite and ankerite. Fluid evolution are in a sequence of alkaline-acidic-the transition from acid to alkaline fluids and/or transition from meta-alkalescence-alkaline fluids.
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Characteristics of the Dark Marine Mudstone of the Lower Carboniferous Luquantun Formation in the Panshi Area, Central Jilin Province
HONG Xue, PENG Xiao-lei, LIU Li, QU Xi-yu,LI Fu-lai,YANG De-ming
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  225-0231. 
Abstract ( 2013 )  
Through geological exploration, typical profile measuring, sample collection and experimental analysis, the author confirmed that the Lower Carboniferous Luquantun Formation was the main horizon that contains dark mudstone in the Panshi area, central Jilin Province. Study by organic petrology and organic geochemistry methods show that the average residual organic carbon of the dark mudstone could reach 1.99%; its organic matter type isⅡ1-Ⅱ2; vitrinite reflectance of 80% samples between 2%-4%, and is mainly at high-to over-mature evolution stage. The Luquantun Formation was potential hydrocarbon source rock in the Songliao basin, and the geochemical index of the dark mudstone was better than those of the Late Paleozoic source rocks. It is of high gas-generating potential.
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Sedimentary Facies Analysis and Stratigraphic Sequence Division of the Second Member of the Yingcheng Formation in the Southeastern Uplift Region, Songliao Basin
PANG Zhi-ying,SHU Ping,JI Xue-yan,DING Ri-xin,LI Qiu-ying
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  232-0237. 
Abstract ( 1849 )  
Based on geologic reconnaissance for Jiutai of Jilin Province and using the theories and methods of sequence stratigraphy, the 2nd Member of the Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation (K1y2) was detai1ly divided according to their lithology, lithofacies and internal configurations. The thick conglomerate of the K1y2 field outcrops belong mainly to braided channel sediments and were formed by vertical cutting and piling, and can be divided into three-stage base-level cycle sequences(one long-term, three middle-term and eight short-term base-level cycles).
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40Ar/39Ar Isotopic Dating and Geological Significance of Mafic Rocks from the Jixi Basin, Heilongjiang Province
ZHU Zhan-ping, LIU Li,MA Rui,QIU Zeng-kai,MA Sheng-hui
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  238-0243. 
Abstract ( 1850 )  
The Chengzihe Formation in Zhangxin area of Jixi basin,Heilongjiang Province is intruded by the algorite sill. The mafic rocks are pure, porphyritic and contain no xenolith. The phenocrysts include ordinary augite and plagioclase and make up 35%-40% of the rock. The diabase has same 40Ar/39Ar platform and isochron age of 96-101 Ma within error limit, showing a formation age of the Albian-Cenomanian. Considering the feature of this episode of regional magmatic event, the measured age reveals that the Zhangxin area of the Jixi basin, Heilongjiang Province during the later stage of the Early Cretaceous and Early stage of the Late Cretaceous was under backarc extension within a general tectonic regime of ancient Pacific plate(Izanagi-Kula plate) subduction underneath the East Asia continental plate.
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Overthrust Development and Its Relationship to Gold Mineralization in the Northern Belt of the Xiaoqinling Gold(Molybdenum) Province, Central China
ZHANG Yuan-hou,LI Zong-yan,ZHANG Xiao-min,QIAN Ming-ping,YANG Zhi-qiang,HE Yue,ZHANG Shuai-min,ZHANG Li-zhi,WANG Jian-ming
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  244-0254. 
Abstract ( 2132 )  
The authors have carried out on faults with near EW-trending, controlling gold ores, by recent field work at Qiaoshangzhai, Linghu, Dahu and Qinnan-Taiyanggou gold deposits from the northern metallogenic belt in Xiaoqinling gold (molybdenum) province, Henan Province. Felsic mylonite and tectonic cataclastic rocks are predominated in this fault. The S-C fabric in felsic mylonite and angle of cleavage with fault plane are an indicative of reversal fault. This fault is offset and intercepted with each other in plan. The field evidence suggests that the fault system with near EW-trending, which is composed of, from north to south, F1, F8, F7, F35, F5, and F6, is an overtrust fault system in northern metallogenic belt in the area. These faults are controlling the formation of gold deposits, in part which auriferous quartz vein is deformed as banded texture, suggesting that this fault is formed before the time 123 Ma. Later faults corresponding to hill fault are normal fault, and destroyed the gold ores in the area.
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The Assessment of Geochemical Blocks of Gold in Southern Chifeng Area, Inner Mongolia
LEI Wan-shan,WANG Miao,ZHANG Zhen-ting,LOU De-bo,LIU Ya-jian
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  255-0261. 
Abstract ( 1682 )  
Based on the theory of geochemical blocks, the authors build up a prospecting model for gold deposit in southern Chifeng. 1 geochemical block and 8 geochemical anomalies are delineated. Necessary requirements to confirm a metallogenic prospect have been put forward:the intersecting portion of the northeast trending faults (fracture zones) with west-east trending fracture,Archean stratum and their adjacent areas,Early Yanshanian intrusive rock and their adjacent areas.
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The Deformation Structure and Component Migration of Middle-Lower Crustal Rocks in Differential Stresses State with Melt
LI Hua-qi, LIANG Yi-hong, MA Rui, XU Zhi-qin
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  262-0268. 
Abstract ( 1558 )  
Through particular thin section observation and stress-strain analysis on gabbro, granulite and plagioclase amphibolite samples studied by high temperature and high pressure deformation experiment, a conjugate fan structure model, which was proved reasonable, was set up. Two kinds of orientational fabrics, one being compressional stretching orientation, the other shearing orientation, were distinguished out of at the same time. With identification of the major deformation minerals and deformation fabrics, the deformation structure and deformation mechanism of three typical rocks, gabbro, granulite and plagioclase amphibolite from middle-lower crust level were described particularly, such as the dispersing band structure of gabbro sample and conjugate fan structure of granulite and plagioclase amphibolite samples. Conclusions of the paper include: (1)In the middle-lower crust, the deformation of lithosphere is mainly concentrated on one or several components which can flow most easily. (2)With the concentration of deformation, certain component can also concentrates. (3)Deformation is not only the important factor to control the physical or chemical condition of deep inhomogenous lithosphere, but also the important controls to form deposit.
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Hydrogeochemistry Evidence of Groundwater Circulation Features in Ordos Cretaceous Basin-A Case Study in Chabu Well Field
SUN Fang-qiang, HOU Guang-cai, DOU Yan,FANG Chang-sheng,JIANG Jun,ZHANG Le-zhong
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  269-0275. 
Abstract ( 1995 )  
The authors introduces the hydrogeochemical evidence of groundwater circulation pattern in Chabu well field in Ordos Cretaceous basin based on the horizontal and vertical distribution features of hydrogeochemistry. The horizontal distribution features of hydrogeochemistry and its evolution differences between eastern and western parts of the well field indicates that Groundwater is mainly recharged in eastern part and the groundwater moves form east to west, and discharge in the western parts The vertical distribution features of hydrogeochemistry indicate that groundwater moves downward in the area east to Baolehaoxiao,while upward in in the area west to Baolehaoxiao. The circulation depth of intermidiate groundwater flow system and the regional groundwater flow system is about 150-200 m and 600 m below the land surface respectively.
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Research and Application of a Method Considering Runoff Distribution Through A Year During Partitioning Runoff into Abundant and Low State
DING Zhi-hong,FENG Ping,MAO Hui-hui
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  276-0280. 
Abstract ( 2047 )  
Based on analyzing the shortages of current methods considering runoff distribution through a year when partitioning runoff into abundant and low state, a new method, weighting method based on factor analysis, for obtaining weight values of each month in a yearI was presented. This method was applied to partition yearly average flow of Wuzhou hydrological station on the main branch of Xijiang River into abundant and low state, and then Markov process method was applied to study the probability characteristic of state series. The results showed that self-conservative characteristics weakened orderly as low, normal and abundant state; no matter what initial state runoff was, the transition probabilities decreased orderly as low, normal and abundant state; during long evolvement of runoff, the emergence probabilities reduced orderly as low, normal and abundant state.
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Characteristics of Thermal Springs and Genesis of Thermal Underground Waters in Hainan Island
GAO Fang-lei,YANG Xiao-qiang,WU Guo-ai,FU Yang-rong,CHEN Yu-wen
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  281-0287. 
Abstract ( 2250 )  
The regional structural geology,igneous rocks and spatial relationships among the springs, as well as the springs’ hydrochemistry and isotope datum were analyzed. The characteristics of thermal springs in Hainan Island could well be concluded by this study, and formation of thermal underground water can be detected. The thermal springs distribute over northwest and southeast areas which are located at lower altitude. The type of water is mainly HCO-3 dominant, and slightly alkaline, high fluorine and silica. However, those from Quaternary beachfront region are the type of NaCl dominant because of seawater influence. Data on hydrogen, oxygen, helium isotopes and gas chemical composition showed that the underground thermal water was originated from local precipitation, then this precipitation was heated by the surrounding rocks when it cycled in earth’s upper crust and warmed to hot underground water finally. Geothermal source belongs to a low-medium temperature convectional geothermal system, and equilibrium temperature of the geothermal reserve in the range of 59.5-161.2℃ with the average temperature of 128.5℃. The heat energy is not influenced by magmatic activities but related to the higher regional geothermal flow in deeper region. The out-crops of thermal underground water are controlled by the regional NE, EW trending faults.
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Reliability Analysis of A Slope Considering the Randomness of Groundwater Table
HE Peng-peng, YAO Lei-hua, LIU Li-peng, CHEN Qing
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  288-0293. 
Abstract ( 2006 )  
Water pressure of groundwater can be separated into hydrostatic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure in evaluation model of slope stability and the mechanical analytic model of slope stability is developed by using residual thrust method when considering water pressure of groundwater. Formulas are also induced to calculate the thickness of aquifer and water head in any point between the two points in which groundwater table is given. Taking groundwater table and shear strength index as stochastic variables and the distribution features of these two variables can be obtained basd on the monitored and tested data, the analytical method of slope reliability based on Monte-Carlo method and residual thrust method has been put forward to analyze the slope reliability of a highway slope. Analytical results show that there is a positive correlation between the change of groundwater table and the change of failure probability of slope. Failure probability of slope is approximately 60% when taking groundwater table as stochastic variable, but is 10%-30% when taking groundwater table as determinable variable during the periods of July, August and September when groundwater table changes dramatically.In other months, groundwater table varies slightly and failure probability of slope also varies slightly, but the failure probability of slope when taking groundwater table as stochastic variable is always higher than that when taking groundwater table as determined variable.
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Design Calculations for Air Directional Drilling
ZHANG Ya-chun,LIU Qiang,XIANG Jun-wen, LONG Dong
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  294-0299. 
Abstract ( 1399 )  
The well was analyzed by dividing it into the vertical portion, build-up portion and horizontal portion according to the air directional drilling characteristics. The design and method of air directional drilling were introduced. The theoretical air injection volumes at four correction methods were compared for better application of this technology. The results showed that the experimental correction method was the safest and most reliable method by taking into account of various factors, namely, the air injection volume where the theoretical down hole pressure was increased to 1.7 times was taken as the actual injection volume.
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Experiments and Design of Bionic Non-smooth Spiral Bit
HE Long-fei, SUN You-hong, GAO Ke, LIU Bao-chang, XU Liang, WANG Chuan-liu
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  300-0304. 
Abstract ( 1504 )  
The bionics theory was applied on the spiral bits, and then a non-smooth spiral bit was designed and processed for carried out the problem of serious sticking. Experiments finally proved that the bionic non-smooth spiral bit has a significant effect in the area of desorption and reducing resistance, compared with the conventional spiral bit, the desorption rate and drilling efficiency have been enhanced 70% and the fuel consumption has been decreased 53.3%. So it is novel tool for drilling of large diameter spiral.
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Preliminary Study on the Sources of High Cadmium Value Belt of Stream Sediments in Yichang Section of the Yangtze River
XIA Jin-xia,LI Fang-lin,YANG Dong
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  305-0311. 
Abstract ( 1522 )  
Contribution factors and enrichment factors were applied for research of the high cadmium value belt of sources in Yichang section of the Yangtze River. The result showed that the stratas in the study area made a different contribution to the high Cd-value belt, which from big to small is the Sinian system, the Permian system, the Devonian system and the Silurian system. However, the Pre-Sinian system, the Cambrian system, the Ordovician system, the Triassic system, the Jurassic system and the Cretaceous system slow down the formation of high Cd value belt. Combined study of contribution factors, enrichment factors and MapGIS spacial analyses, it showed that the major natural sources were from the processes of weathering and draining of the Sinian system and the Permian system, which are enriched of mine and cadmium. During the process of mining beneficiation, a large number of tailings and waste water were accumulated and discharged into the branch river directly, which should be the important anthropogenic pollution sources.
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Degradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Confirm of bphA1 Gene Core by Pseudomonas DN2
REN He-jun, LIU Na, GAO Song,ZHANG Lan-ying,ZHANG Yu-ling,ZHOU Rui
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  312-0316. 
Abstract ( 1752 )  
A polychlorinated biphenyls-degrading DN2,which can use biphenyl as the sole carbon source and energy, was isolated from the long-term PCBs-contaminated soil by enrichment in the soil first. According to 16S rDNA sequence analysis results,the strain was identified as Pseudomonas sp preliminarily. This pure strain was tested for biodegradation of several different PCBs by grew cells with transformer oil as food. The results showed the isolated strain degraded up to 67% of 10 mg/L Aroclor 1242. The bphA1 gene core, encoding the catalytic site of the large subunit of biphenyl dioxygenase, was also detected by PCR amplification and confirmed by DNA sequencing. It’s also showed Glu-X3-4-Asp-X2-His-X4-5-His domain existed in its constitution by bphA1 gene core.
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Application of VR-GIS in Studying Ground Fracture in the Western Region of Wuxi Area
ZHU Lin, SU Xiao-si, LIN Xue-yu, GONG Hui-li, YU Jun
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  317-0322. 
Abstract ( 1679 )  
The development platform of simulate ground fissures was built by applying VR-GIS in the western region of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. On the base of digital elevation modeling, combining with the distribution feature of ground fissures and the texture collected from field, the authors adopted geometrical algorithm and texture mapping technique to simulate the ground fissures and building fissures, respectively. Then in small scale, the ground fracture and its affection on building is vividly simulated. At the same time contracting the fissured building with the discrepancies in the forms of bedrock and the accumulative land displacement, researchers can learn factors which induce ground fracture. The authors utilized Visual C++ as an interface development tool and OpenGL(open graphics library) as a graphic tool. All the work is a primary study aiming at supply an interactive platform for researchers to learn the ground fissures by a vivid style.
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Integrated Geophysical Profile Geological Explanation of Dangbi Town-Baoqing County in the East of Heilongjiang Province
MENG Ling-shun,LIU Dan,DU Xiao-juan,ZHANG Feng-xu,MA Guo-qing,ZHANG Ming-ren
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  323-0327. 
Abstract ( 2024 )  
An geophysical profile has been collected from Dangbi Town to Baoqing County(DB02) in the east part of Heilongjiang Province. After the analysis of the geophysical characteristics in the study area, and according to gravity Euler deconvolution calculation results, DB02 geophysical profile could be divided into sections within 9 fractures and 7 structure regions. Sedimentary basement and oil-gas prospect areas were calculated and forecasted. The results show that the low-resistivity area in the eastern Boli basin is not a conducive area of oil, but a favorable area for coalbed methane; Baoqing depression have nappe structure in the upper, while the low resistance reservoir area in lower are suitable for oil and gas accumulation.
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Characteristics and Origin of Low-Resistivity Reservoir Controlled by Petrophysics Mechanism and Geology Target Optimization
YANG Chun-mei, ZHANG Ji-chang
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  328-0333. 
Abstract ( 1880 )  
A relationship between petrophysical and geological genesis of low resistivity contrast pay has been established. Combined analysis of sedimentary environment,diagenesis and tectonic evolution has been applied to obtain the origin characteristics of low resistivity contrast pay. Five typical low resistivity exploration targets have been presented: (1) low-relief lithologic-structural traps in the gentle-slope depositional system, (2) natural water-flooding areas with fluid heterogeneity characteristics in relatively active tectonic movement zone, (3) shallow layers with high content of montmorillonite among clay mineral and slowly depositional fine sandstone layers, (4) weakly hydrodynamic thin multilateral sand and shale with resistivity anisotropy and (5) electrical conductivity mineral developed areas such as pyrite. However, the effect of mud invasion on formation resistivity is engineering reason.
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Improving Compensated Neutron Log Vertical Resolution Under Deviated and Horizontal Well Conditions and Its Application
YU Hua-wei,SUN Jian-meng, LAI Fu-qiang, WANG Min, YANG Jin-zhou
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  334-0341. 
Abstract ( 2021 )  
In order to reasonably improve the vertical resolution of the compensated neutron log (CNL) in deviated and horizontal well, Monte Carlo simulation was applied to study the vertical geometrical factors of CN241 tool in the well of different deviation angle. The geometrical factor was regarded as response function coefficient, and resolution matching method was used to improve the resolution of the log curves in simulated formation and true formation. The vertical geometrical factors obtained from the simulation data proved that there would be some error when the geometrical factor of vertical well was applied to deviated or horizontal well, and the maximum porosity error could be as high as 10% when the formation thickness is 40 cm. The results also showed that geometrical factors were different with different deviation angles, therefore the corresponding geometrical factor should be used as response function coefficient when to improve CNL resolution of deviated or horizontal well.
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Development of Wavelength Demodulation for Fiber Bragg Grating
MENG Xian-wei, ZHANG Qing, SHI Yan-xin, HAN Yong-wen, JIANG Fan
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  342-0346. 
Abstract ( 1833 )  
The wavelength demodulation with fiber Bragg grating bases the property that the average refractive index and grid period of fiber grating are sensitive to the environment variation, and the drift of Bragg wavelength depends on the environment parameter change, thus the environment parameter may be demodulated from the drift of Bragg wavelength. The multiplying technology has been used to construct the fiber grating sensing network. With the network, a light source and Bragg wavelength detecting circuit, hardware has been developed. Using LabVIEW, the corresponding software has been designed. Both the hardware and software have been tested in the lab. The experimental results indicate that under the same test conditions the variation of FBG wavelength is stable, the processing data is repetitive, and the system is reliable.
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BTR-4000] In-Situ Testing Equipment of Strata Thermophysical Properties and Its Application
WANG Qing-hua, SUN You-hong, CHEN Chang-fu, WU Xiao-han
J4. 2009, 39 (2):  347-0352. 
Abstract ( 1570 )  
The field testing equipment of strata thermophysical properties includes fluid circulation line,data collection and control system and electrical control system.An in-situ testing with the rig gets the correlation curve between the inlet and outlet circulating water temperature which gradually turned to be stable with time and quantity of heat transferring of the pipe and soil nearly constant with time.Based on the line-source and cylinder-source heat transfer model, combined with parameter estimation method, the authors get the mean value of thermal properties of soil and well. For soil, the thermal conductivity λ=2.428 W/(m·K),thermal resistance R=0.102 (m2·K)/W; and for well, λ= 2.164 W/(m·K),R=0.086 (m2·K)/W.By ensuring testing duration and accurate specific heat capacity,correct parameters of thermophysical properties would be achieved.The results give a basis for designing the groundsource heat pump system.
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