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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2008, Volume 38 Issue 5
Late Paleozoic Tectonic-Sedimentation and Petroleum Resources in Northeastern China
ZHANG Xing-zhou, ZHOU Jian-bo, CHI Xiao-guo, WANG Cheng-wen, HU Da-qian
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  719-0725. 
Abstract ( 2048 )  
Geotectonically, Tectonic setting in NE China during the Late Palaeozoic is traditionally referred to as a Variscan fold belt or orogenic belt. Therefore Late Palaeozoic rocks as a basement of Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins are regarded to be impossible for hydrocarbon exploration. Our recent studies indicate that a crust consolidating event occurred in the individual massifs in NE China in 500 Ma(±). The consolidated massifs amalgamated along the east margin of Daxing’anling Mountain, forming a composite massif as an independent evolution unit (we re-named Jiamusi-Xingmeng massif).The Late Palaeozoic Group is the first regional sedimentary cover on the composite massifs, which consists of marine sediments with abundant of well-preserved fossils. It is noteworthy that the Late Palaeozoic group is not subjected to the regional metamorphism and associated granites with large areas are not formed in Variscan, but Mesozoic time (220-180 Ma). Palaeogeographic features show that sediment setting of Late Carboniferous-Permian was a huge marine basin facing Paleo-Asian Ocean in south. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic lift basins represented by Songliao and Erlian basins are developed on the base of the Late Paleozoic marine sedimentary basin. Thus we suggest that the Late Palaeozoic sediments are not the metamorphosed basement in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins, they are superimposed basins. So the Late Palaeozoic group in NE China has tremendous potential for oil and gas resources, and should be an important new area for deep hydrocarbon exploration.
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The Dynamic Mechanisms and Deep Gas Resource of Natural Gas of Lamadian,Saertu & Xingshugang Oil Field in Daqing Placanticline
MA Zhi-hong, WANG Lian-sheng, GUO Zhan-qian, LIU Li, LI Fu-lai
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  726-0730. 
Abstract ( 1710 )  
The gas-oil ratio of Lamadian, Sartu and Xingshugang region in Daqing placanticline rose up continuously, and the higher saturation pressure, gas-oil ratio and the content of CH4 in the north are higher than that of in the south, the only gas cap isn’t in the highest structure in placanticline and the carbon isotope values of CO2 indicate the CO2 is from pyrolysis of carbonate in the basement. These phenomenon indicate that the gas in placanticline is in a state of moving. The deep gas source enter into Lamadian structure firstly and goes to Sartu and Xingshugang structure gradually. The results shows that there is a giant gas field in the deep of Daqing Changyuan which continuously added natural gas fie.
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The Key to the Site Prediction of the Gold Lodes-Analysis on Major Ore Constraints
LI Xu-jun, XI Ai-hua, CHEN Jing
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  731-0737. 
Abstract ( 1616 )  
Take the site prediction of three gold lode deposits as examples, the authors try to show the key role of major ore constraints in site prediction-strategic directing. The major constraint of the Reshui Gold Deposit in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia is a gently dipping dioritic porphyrite, which controlled the distribution of the gold lodes in the deposit and 100-300 m distance over the hanging wall of the dioritic porphyrite is the best site for gold mineralization. The merging sites of three major faults near the contacts between the Linglong granite intrusion and the Guojialing granodiorite intrusion controlled the ore bodies in the Jiehe gold deposit, Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province. The major ore constraint of the Jiudian gold deposit, Pingdu, Shandong Province is a NW trending silicified fault zone and all the auriferous quartz veins at both the footwall and hanging wall of the fault zone are within a range of 2 km. To determine the major ore constraints of gold deposits is significant to site prediction of gold lode deposits and needs detailed examination of mine data, exhausted geological study of the mine and comprehensive exploitation of geochemical and geophysical data.
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Multi-source Information Metallogenic Prognosis with Weighting of Evidence Based on MRAS in Shangri-La
XUE Shun-rong,XIAO Ke-yan,DING Jian-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  738-0744. 
Abstract ( 1549 )  
Based on study of minerogenetic background and typical deposit-Pulang porphyry copper deposit, the space relationship between known occurrences and regional geologic gravity, aeromagnetic, geochemical and remote sensing data were analyzed in Shangri-La area. The prospecting criteria of porphyry copper deposit were generalized, according to which geologic variants have been extracted and established. Weighting of evidence based on MRAS was used here to calculate posterior probability of all grid cells of 2 km by 2 km forecasting prospect areas have been divided into three grades of A,B and C. Comparative analysis shows that Pulang super-large porphyry copper deposit, Hongshan skarn-porphyry copper deposit, and some copper polymetal deposits (occurrences) such as Songnuo, Qiansui, Yaza and Laba were all matched with grade A prospect area, which shows that the assessment results can reasonably reflect potentiality of porphyry copper deposit in Shangri-La area, and the results can be used as reference to deploy the further work.
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Flow Units Division by Applying the Sandstone Micro-Model for Water-Oil Displacement Experiment
XIE Wei,ZHAO Lei,SUN Wei,FU Xiao-yan
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  745-0748. 
Abstract ( 1671 )  
Twenty six samples from Chang 82 reservoir in wellblock Zhuang-19 of Xifeng oilfield are tested by means of sandstone micro-model for water-oil displacement experiment for the collection of the parameters of their permeability,oil saturation before displacement, remaining oil saturation and displacement efficiency under the different waterflood time and pressure. Based on these parameters with the employment of statistic software SPSS, the authors divide the samples into three types of flow units E, G and M. With the facilitation of the dynamic observation of the experiment and data analysis, the authors demonstrate that different types of flow units have different flow path, displacement model, displacement efficiency and effect of press to displacement efficiency.
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Study on Multi-Parameters Discrimination Method for Flow Units-Taking W93 Wellblock in Ordos Basin as An Example
KANG Li-ming,REN Zhan-li
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  749-0756. 
Abstract ( 1832 )  
Selecting discretion parameter is the key of multi-parameters to identify flow units. Taking reservoir of fluvial facies of Yanchang Formation in the area of well W93 in Ordos Basin as an example, utilizing SPSS statistical analysis software, through analyzing the discretions and their correlation between eleven parameters of reservoirs and choosing permeability, effective thickness, filtrational coefficient, storage energy coefficient,FZI, RQI as discretion parameters, the discretion function of flow units has been established, the characters of flow units have been investigated. The results show that the flow units consist of type A, B, C and D which distribute in sedimentary microfacies of subaqueous distributary channel, mouth bar, crevasse splay, interdistributary bay and subaqueous natural levee, respectively. Different flow units have different filtrational and reservoir ability,so different methods should be adopted according to the different flow units of reservoir.
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Study of Reservoir Heterogeneity of Intricate Fault-Block-A Case Study of Es33 Formation of Shen84-An12 Block in Liaohe Oilfield
LI Jun-hui,LIU Cheng-zhi,LU Shuang-fang,ZHANG Jun-long,SUN Hai-lei,ZHENG Jing-fa
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  757-0764. 
Abstract ( 1651 )  
According to core thin section, rock thin section, scanning electron microscope(SEM), physical property, injection-Hg capillary pressure curve and so on, A in-depth research has done on Es33 reservoir heterogeneity of Shen84-An12 block in Liaohe basin and its impact on exploitation. The result shows that the reservoir displays strong heterogeneity in the interlamination, the plane and the intraformation. Under microscope it shows that the pore has a bad connectivity, the coordination number is low and the ratio of hole to throat is high. Using its parameters, there is a comprehensive evaluation and classification to the reservoir. Research shows that the mainly petroliferous sandstones layers are Ⅲ reservoir in the area. At the same time, aiming at the influence of heterogeneity to waterflood development, separated zone production, multipass pour water into water injection well and other suggestions have been proposed. After the implementation, the watery ascending rate has been under control, the availability of pour water into block fault has been a positive raise, improved the effectiveness of artificial water drive, raised the recovery ratio of fault block, increased the recoverable resources.
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Formation and Evolution of Overpressure of K1n1 Mudstone in the North of Songliao Basin
WANG Guo-min, FU Guang, GENG Qi
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  765-0770. 
Abstract ( 1986 )  
By use of the changes of acoustic logging data with buried depth and equivalent depth method, formation and evolution characteristics of overpressure of K1n1 mudstone in the north of Songliao Basin was studied. It was considered that the overpressure of K1n1 mudstone was universally developed in the north of Songliao Basin at present. The area of high value of overpressure distributes in Qijia-Gulong depression, and the maximum can reach up to more than 9 MPa now. Overpressure of K1n1 mudstone mainly formed during K2m2 sedimentary period and then increased gradually. At the end of K2m and E sedimentary period, the overpressure had ever decreased because of the activity of T1 faults. According to the formation and evolution process of overpressure and hydrocarbon generation-expulsion histories of source rocks, it was considered that ①the main hydrocarbon expulsion phase of K1n1 source rock was at the end of E sedimentary period; ②the longest distance of migration downward of oil and gas from K1n1 source rock was about 190 m. In most parts of Daqing Placanticline, Sanzhao depression, Qijia-Gulong depression, Longhupao terrace and Mingshui terrace, etc, oil and gas from K1n1 source rocks could migrate downward into underlying Saertu oil layers. Only in local areas the oil and gas could migrate downward into Putaohua oil layers. ③Formation period of overpressure was earlier than the main expulsion period, which was favorable for sealing oil and gas. ④Overpressure of K1n1 mudstone underwent ever depressure at the end of K2m and E sedimentary period after its formation, but its seal ability continuously increased until now. These conditions should be significant for the accumulation and distribution of oil and gas in Saertu, Putaohua oil layers in the north of Songliao Basin.
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Uplift and Topography Evolution Research at FT in Cenozoic of South-Eastern Slope of Daxing’anling Mountains
FANG Shi,LIU Zhao-jun,HUANG Xiang-tong,GUO Wei,LIU Zhi-qiang
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  771-0776. 
Abstract ( 1534 )  
According to AFT thermal chronology, the research shows the uplift rate is 29.68 m/Ma,the uplift quantity is 1 944 m,the average reduced temperature is 103.5 ℃,the average gradient of ground temperature is 53.24 ℃/km in Cenozoic of south-eastern slope of Daxing’anling Mountains.In the domain of time, uplift of south-eastern slope of Daxing’anling reveals its act character; its velocity shows 5 lowliness and 4 highnesses. And 4 highnesses are 56.44-49.65 Ma,40.40-31.80 Ma,25.00-17.91 Ma,11.72-4.45 Ma.In the domain of space, the uplift-denudation and topgraphy evolution showed 4 phases. The first phase is pinned divide model whose pin is at FT4 point in 65.50-56.44 Ma. The second phase is downwarp model in 56.44-40.40 Ma. The third phase is pinned divide model whose pin is at FT1 point in 40.40-8.00 Ma. The fourth phase is pinned divide model whose pin is at FT7 point in 8.00-0.00 Ma. The types of topography transformed during the high speed period of the whole uplift.
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Flow and Deformation Mechanisms of Hornblende Rocks-Example of Deformed Amphibolites from the Paleoproterozoic Fold Belt in Liaodong Peninsula
GUAN Hui-mei,LIU Jun-lai,ZHAO Sheng-jin
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  777-0783. 
Abstract ( 1786 )  
Microstructural studies of three types of tectonites from eastern Liaoning area with different deformation characteristics (gneissic, banded and mylonitic structures) by means of microstructural analysis, transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis shows us they have different microstructures and submicrostructures. Through geothermometry and geobarometry, the temperature and pressure conditions of the three types of amphibolites are calculated, gneissic amphibolites: 597.0 ℃,0.536 GPa, banded amphibolites: 617.3 ℃,0.455 GPa, mylonitic amphibolites: 558.8 ℃,0.514 GPa. From the trend of variation of temperatures and pressures and in combination of microstructural analysis of three types of tectonites, it is suggested that they are formed and deformed at different stages in the same episode of deformation and metamorphism. In combination with experiments data, the dynamic and rheological structure of the lithosphere is discussed.
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Geochemical Characteristics of the Mafic Dikes from the Gan-Hang Tectonic Belt
QI You-qiang, HU Rui-zhong, LIU Shen,QI Hua-wen, FENG Cai-xia
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  784-0794. 
Abstract ( 1706 )  
The SiO2 content of the mafic dikes from Gan-Hang tectonic belt ranges from 46.88% to 53.69%. The dolerites from middle and west of Gan-Hang(Jiangxi-Zhejiang) tectonic belt belong to sub-alkaline and alkaline series, respectively. The trace elements of the mafic dikes are characterized by enrichment in LREE and LILE (Ba, Rb and K) and depletion in HREE and HFSE (Ta, Nb, Zr, Hf and Ti). The REE of the mafic dikes decreases gradually from Guangfeng to Yujiang and Dongxiang, and then to Yongfeng and Xiajiang. The mafic dikes from Yongfeng have obviously Eu anomalies. The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of mafic dikes are of a wide range, (87Sr/86Sr)i varying from 0.704 635 to 0.708 769, (143Nd/144Nd)i from 0.512 173 to 0.512 758, and εNd(t) from -6.8 to +5.6, revealing that the mafic dikes were derived from partial melting of different magma sources. The mafic dikes from Yujiang, Dongxiang and Xiajiang were derived from depleted mantle, while the mafic dikes from Guangfeng and Yongfeng were produced by partial melting of EMⅡ-type enriched mantle due to mantle metasomatism. In addition, there occurred fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxenes, plagioclase and Ti-Fe oxide during the magma ascent. The mafic dikes were related with the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific, different tectonic locations may account fro their different petrologic characteristics.
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Geothermal Distribution Characteristics of the Xitieshan-Golmud-Yadong Profile in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
ZHAI Li-jian, BAO Hui-hui, BI Si-wen
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  801-0805. 
Abstract ( 1537 )  
Geothermometry of the Xitieshan-Golmud-Yadong profile in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau shows that the highest temperature is found in the northern Chadum Basin and the geothermal temperature of the massifs in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has an increasing tendency from north to south. In the Plateau, the temperature of the Lahsa-Gangdisi massif is the highest, the Himalayas massif comes next, and then the Qiangtang, Kekexili-Bayankela and the Kunlun massif. The geothermometry measurements coincide well with the division of each massif and the fault boundaries. Temperature at the faults is obviously higher than the adjacent massifs, and the temperature at the Shiquanhe-Yalu Tsangpo River fault is the highest. The research on the geothermal state of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau lays an important foundation for the study of geothermal dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
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Characteristics of Volumetric Weight in Loess-Paleosols Since the Last Interglacial
JIN Chun-sheng, ZHANG Li-yuan, HAN Jia-mao, LIU Tung-sheng
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  801-0805. 
Abstract ( 1626 )  
Through establishing of volumetric weight sequences of loess-paleosols since the last interglacial in both the Luochuan section and Baicaoyuan section, and after comparing between volumetric weight, magnetic susceptibility, particle size and deep sea oxygen isotope, the authors demonstrated that the values of volumetric weight of the loess-paleosols of different climate regions at the east to west sides of the Liupanshan were different and were caused by different causes. To the east of the Liupanshan, loesspaleosols volumetric weight is controlled by East-Asian summer monsoon in semi-humid and semi-arid region and is influenced by pedogenesis,while to the west of the Liupanshan, loess-paleosols volumetric weight is controlled by East-Asian winter monsoon in semi-arid region and is influenced by particle size. Further more, volumetric weight values increase from northwest to southeast in the Chinese Loess Plateau.
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Water Resources System Evolution and Impact of Human Activities in Heihe River Basin
LIU Shao-yu,ZHANG Guang-hui,ZHANG Cui-yun,ZHOU Xiao-ni
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  806-0812. 
Abstract ( 1643 )  
The precipitation of Heihe River Basin was concentrated in mountains and scarce in plains. For more than 50 years, in addition to that the regions of mid-eastern upper reaches had abundant rainfall in 1970’s-1980’s, other areas had normal changes; the evaporation was gradually increasing from mountains to plains,evaporation of the middle reaches was stable, the mountain and downstream areas had decreasing trends; the runoff showed steady changes for many years, but it had been a very obvious reduction process in Zhengyi Hydrometric Station between the middle and lower reaches since middle 1980’s. This was impacted by the increasing exploitation, the decreasing supply and the falling water level of groundwater in the middle reaches. The main reason was the increase of population, expanding irrigation and hydraulic building. Human activity intensity was calculated to be 18%,28%,54% in 1950’s, 1960’s-1970’s and 1980’s-1990’s respectively, and 1%,87%,12% in the upper, middle and lower reaches, respectively, which indicated that the most human activity intensity was present in the middle reaches in 1980’s-1990’s. Therefore, the article proposed some advices about respecting evolvement laws of groundwater system, restricting the affect of human behaviors, and maintaining a balanced use of water resources.
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Establishment of Comprehensive benefit Assessment Indicator System on artificial recharge for ecological restoration
ZHANG Shu-jun, ZHAO Feng,LUO Tao-lu,YAO Wen-feng,BIAN Jing
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  813-0819. 
Abstract ( 1483 )  
Based on the artificial recharge project for ecological restoration of Heihe River, the authors established the evaluation index system on comprehensive benefit of supplement of eco-water from the aspects of ecological environment, social efficiency, economic efficiency, and resource value. Ecological indexes comprise biodiversity, dominance, biological productivity and resistance. Economic benefit index is evaluated by the method of cost-benefit analysis. Social benefit indexes comprise population carrying capacity and the change of social welfare, which are evaluated by the Engel coefficient and the Gini coeficinet.
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The Application of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Technology in Landslide Monitoring
SHI Yan-xin, ZHANG Qing, MENG Xian-wei
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  820-0824. 
Abstract ( 1791 )  
Using the distributed optical fiber sensing technology in landslide monitoring, the main specialty of the landside may be obtained and the monitoring efficiency may be improved. Fiber bragg grating (FBG) and brillouin optic time domain reflectometry (BOTDR) are two kinds of the most representative distributed optical fiber sensing technologies. FBG obtains the strain or the temperature by measuring the change of the reflected light wave length. BOTDR realizes the distributed temperature and strain measurement by measuring the shift size of backward Brillouin scattered light. The sensitivity of FBG sensor is high but it only measured the discrete distributed sensing spots. The BOTDR sensing part is the optical fiber. It may realize the long distance, the uninterrupted and distributed monitor. But for its technical limit, the measurement distance resolution of BOTDR is not high. Based on this, the authors put forward a notion, that BOTDR combines with FBG to monitor landslide. In Canlian landslide located in Wushan, the monitoring optical fiber was laid on the entire landside and BOTDR was used to obtain the outline information of it. FBG was installed at the certain essential spots, the strain fissures, to obtain their strain information. Thus the landside can be monitored from dot to line and future to surface. Finally the completed strain information of the landslide can be obtained.
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Study on Potential Failure Surface of Man-Made Slope-the Example of A Man-Made High Slope in Guangzhou Science City
XU Pei-hua,CHEN Jian-ping,SHI Bing-fei,ZHONG Zhi-cheng
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  825-0830. 
Abstract ( 1726 )  
The shape feature of slope failure surface isn’t changed obviously when the rock mass strength parameters are varied,cohose characteristic is used to determine potential failure surface of slope in the process of numerical simulation. This way is simply and easily applied. It is applied in the study of a man-made high slope stability in Guangzhou Science City. In the course of three dimension numerical simulation, the rock mass strength parameters are reduced to get the distribution maps of shear strain increment. The potential failure surfaces of different profiles are obtained from these maps. There is different between the potental failure surfaces and medium erosion surface that is usually thought potential failure surface. The stability of slope is computed by limit balance method. It is known that the safety factors of different profiles are greater than 1.2, so the slope is thought as stability, but need to be reinforced by some ways. The results obtained by limit equilibrium method and numerical simulation are consistent. So the potential failure surface is searched properly and these results are reliable. It should be considered as one of these methods of searching potential failure surface of slope.
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Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Behavior for Cohesive Soils
DAI Wen-ting, CHEN Xing, ZHANG Hong-qiang
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  831-0836. 
Abstract ( 2315 )  
The dynamic tri-axial instrument of DTC-306 made in Japan is used to make cyclic triaxial test of silty clay under dynamical loading by load control. On the basis of various parameters and data offered from the test, utilizing common finite element procedure ABAQUS to set up the three-dimensional finite element model of the dynamic tri-axial sample, the dynamical deformation behavior of silty clay under cyclic load is simulated.Through a lot of contrast analysis to the dynamic tri-axial test relation data, the reliability of the model is validated. Then based on the finished three-dimensional finite element model, the relationship between dynamic deformation and the influence factors is researched, and the results are as follows: the first important influential factors of soil plastic deformation are initial elastic modulus, damping factor and type of cyclic load,then the magnitude of cyclic load, surrounding stress, frequency and the number of cyclic times,and the minimum influential factor is type of load wave. The numerical simulation method of finite element can substitute the dynamic tri-axial test to a certain extent.
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Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Division of Engineering Geo-Environment of Cities-An Example of Fushun City
CHEN Li, LIANG Hai-an,ZHANG Wen-juan,RONG Fan
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  837-0840. 
Abstract ( 1755 )  
Based on the qualitative analysis and analog, the authors select the geological structure, topography, strata, groundwater conditions and harmful geological disasters as a geological evaluation factor. The authors analyze and evaluate the engineering geology environment quality of Fushun region through the method of fuzzy mathematics on the basis of its geological analysis, and the engineering geoenvironment in Fushun region is divided into three zones: the bad engineering geo-environment quality zone(Ⅰ);the poor engineering geo-environment quality zone(Ⅱ);the general engineering geo-environment quality zone(Ⅲ). It provides engineering geology environment background support for planning work of resource exploiting and engineering constructions.
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Synthetical Evaluation of Jilin Province Black Soil Structure on the Basis of Gray Fuzzy Clustering Method
QIN Yan,WANG Qing,CHEN Hui-e,FAN Jian-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  841-0846. 
Abstract ( 1787 )  
According to quantitative study results of soil structure, nine structure indexes of granulometric composition, aggregate and porosity are used to establish structure synthetical evaluation system. Black soil structure is synthetically evaluated by the means of gray fuzzy clustering method and the structure quality grade and fertility situation of Jilin black soil are determined. Results show that soil with moderate-low fertility quality occupies 53% of Jilin black soil, which demonstrates that there is a worse fertility condition of Jilin black soil. It doesn’t need to establish classifying standard in soil structure evaluation using gray fuzzy clustering method,and the best clustering analysis can be done according to the actual condition of evaluated objects. It is feasible that structural parameters are used in the evaluation of black soil fertility and degradation.
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Chemical Speciation and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Different Environmental Mediums Around Ni-Cu Mine Area
LI Xiao-hu, TANG Zhong-li, CHU Feng-you
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  847-0853. 
Abstract ( 1668 )  
The contamination by heavy metals is a major environmental problem in urban areas near mines. The heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in various environmental mediums around a Ni-Cu mine in the City of Jinchang, Gansu Province, were analyzed using ICP-AAS. These mediums include the cultivated soils, the weathering and atmospheric deposition on waste slagheap surface, the tailings, and the sludge in the drainage ditch by the tailings. The results showed that the heavy metals in various mediums were mainly Cu and Ni, and those concentrations were, in the descending order, in ditch, tailings, slagheap and cultivated soil. In the tailings and the sludge of the ditch, the concentrations of Ni were obviously higher than those of Cu. Whereas, in the soil and the weathering and atmospheric deposition of the waste slagheap surface, the concentrations of Cu were higher than those of Ni. This means that in the first two mediums, Cu and Ni mainly originated from the tailings, while in the latter two mediums, Cu and Ni mainly came from the atmospheric deposition of airborne particles of the smelting. Cr and Zn were mainly in residual fraction, Cu was mainly in oxidizable and residual fraction, Ni was mainly in reducible and acid-soluble fraction, Pb was mainly in reducible and residual fraction.
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Experiment on Selection of PRB Media and Remediation of Chromium Contaminated Groundwater
YANG Wei, WANG Li-dong, XU Li, YANG Jun-feng
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  854-0858. 
Abstract ( 2014 )  
The selection of the economical and feasible reactive media was studied on in-situ remediation of Cr(Ⅵ) contaminated groundwater in Permeable Reactive Barrier technology through experiment. Four kinds of matrials, viz. the modified bentonite (MB), Fe0, the fly ash and the activated carbon were selected for PRB media testing. The effective and economical modified bentonite was carried on the dynamic experiment as the PRB media. The experimental results indicate that the Cr(Ⅵ) concentration decreases from 0.50 mg/L to 0.05 mg/L which is less than the national groundwater quality Ⅲ standard. Simultaneously, the MB shows the large adsorption quantity, easier liquid-solid separation,no desorption and secondary pollution. It is feasible that the modified bentonite as the PRB media is to remedy the Cr(Ⅵ) contaminated groundwater.
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Residues Characteristics of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane in Agricultural Soil in the Middle Jilin Province
LU Ji-long,WANG Xu-hui,HAO Li-bo,ZHAO Yu-yan,YU Xin-min,LIU Zi-feng,BAI Rong-jie
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  859-0863. 
Abstract ( 1592 )  
The residual characteristics and ecologic risk of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane(DDT) in agricultural soil were discussed on the base of study on the content and composition in the middle Jilin Province. The results showed that DDT was detected commonly in the agricultural soil with the lower level ranging from 0.384 μg/kg to 54.159 μg/kg and p, p’-DDT and p, p’-DDE were the major isomers. The composition of DDT indicates that the residues include the DDT used before forbiddance and their degrading products as well as a small amount of DDT used recently. There was some ecological risk of DDT in this area which should be paid attention to.
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Optimum Conditions of Compound Bioflocculant Producing Bacterium YL3
ZHANG Yu-ling,YAO Jun,ZHAO Xiao-bo,CAO Chun-ying,ZHENG Song-zhi
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  864-0868. 
Abstract ( 1094 )  
The authors deal with the optimization for culture condition on compound bioflocculant producing bacterium by experimentations through the study of decreasing for composition of culture medium, influence of source to C and N, content of culture medium’s composition and exoteric condition at culture time. The results indicated that the optimal components of the culture were glucose 2.0 g, K2HPO4·3H2O 5.0 g,KH2PO4 1.0 g,MgSO4·7H2O 0.20 g,(NH42SO4·7H2O 0.20 g,distilled water 1 L and the initial pH of the culture is 7. The external conditions of the culture medium were as follows: the sterilization pressure is 0.06 MPa, the temperature was 20-30 ℃ and the rotation speed of surge was 100-140 r/min. It reduced transform cost of compound bioflocculant and enhanced of the flocculating capability.
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The Determination of Cr(Ⅵ)in Water Samples by Using Micelle Enhanced Spectrophotometry
XIAO Guo-shi, LAI Ya-wen, ZOU Lian-chun, CHEN Bo
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  869-0872. 
Abstract ( 1327 )  
A method of spectrophotometric determination of trace Cr(Ⅵ)with salicyl-fluoroketone in CTMAB micelle was described. The coexist interferential ions such as Fe3+, Cr3+ and Co2+ etc. were masked by diethylenetriminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), then Cr(Ⅵ)was successfully determined. The standard deviation of 0.246(n=10),relative standard deviation of 2.56%,and recovery ratio of 93.00%-110.0% were obtained. This result is satisfactory for determination trace Cr(Ⅵ)in environment water samples.
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2-D Three-Component Seismic Modeling for Monoclinic Media with Background of Random Isotropic Media
WANG En-li, HAN Li-guo, TANG Qi-jun, LIU Qian-kun, LIAN Yu-guang, GONG Xiang-bo
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  873-0878. 
Abstract ( 1428 )  
The snap-shots and synthetic seismograms in monoclinic media with the background of the random isotropic media of Von Kraman pattern autocorrelation function are simulated by staggered grid finite difference. Numerical results show that wave field in the complex media reveals the characteristics of both monoclinic media and random media. And the properties of crack-filled materials determine the anisotropy of qP wave and qS wave; dry crack impacts qP wave more remarkably than qS wave, while opposite case for water-saturated crack; in the case of same variance, when the scale length became smaller, the disturbance caused by random media became stronger.
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Comparison of Three Generalized Effective Medium Resistivity Models in Laminated and Dispersed Shaly Sands
SONG Yan-jie,TANG Xiao-min,ZHANG Chuan-ying
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  879-0886. 
Abstract ( 1489 )  
Evaluation on complex hydrocarbon-bearing shaly sand reservoirs is a difficult problem in logging technology. Since conductance mechanism in complex hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs is different from that in common hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs, a new conducting theory should be proposed to describe the conducting mechanism for complex hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs. The theoretical and experimental comparison of three effective medium resistivity models in laminated and dispersed shaly sands is addressed in detail. Theoretical analysis shows that asymmetrical effective medium resistivity model comes from HB equation and parallel conductance theory, and symmetrical effective medium resistivity model is established from symmetrical theory of resistivity interpretation and parallel conductance theory, while effective medium pore combination resistivity model is derived from conductivity integration equation of mixed medium. Also symmetrical effective medium resistivity model can be applied to the multi-continuous formation with more than two continuous components; asymmetrical resistivity model and pore combination resistivity model can be used only in the formation of a continuous component of water. The asymmetrical effective medium resistivity model and effective medium pore combination resistivity model can be simplified to Archie equation, and symmetrical effective medium resistivity model can be simplified to an equation similar to Archie equation in clean sand with non-conducting matrix grains. One set data from synthetic core sample of dispersed and laminated shaly sands, two set data of the rock sample of dispersed shaly sands, and one set data of artificial sample with conducting matrix grains show that the three models can be applied to dispersed and laminated shaly sands, and their application accuracy is about the same.
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The Potential Monitoring Technique During Inject Steam to Drive Thick Oil
NIU Jian-jun, ZHANG Xiao-pei, DU Li-zhi
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  887-0891. 
Abstract ( 1608 )  
The authors established the relationship between the reservoir resistivity’s variation and surface potential’s variation based on electrodes potential model, which provides a theoretical basis for dynamic monitoring the movement pattern of viscous oil by using potential measurement method. This technique was used in a project carried in an oilfield in Xinjiang. The authors conclude the advancing direction and affect area of stream flooding by measuring the variation of electric field, delimit different regions depending on the effect of stream flooding. The region has larger variation of potential. The stream flooding’s effect is more obviously, which shows the higher production of oil it should have.
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Application of Radiometric Measurement for Underground Thermal Water Detection in Jiamusi City
LIU Jing-hua,WANG Zhu-wen,WANG Xiao-li,YI Bing,ZHAO Yu-yan,WU Zhi-qing
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  892-0898. 
Abstract ( 1623 )  
Making use of soil and water radon measurement and soil gamma ray spectrometric measurement, the exploration for favorable prospecting area of thermal underground water in Jiamusi urban area of 50 km2 was conducted. Factor analysis was employed to reduce the number of parameters deduced from multiple radiometric methods. The derived principal components f1, f2 are undependent with each other and of identified geological means. The trend analysis on f1 and f2 was conducted to extract the remainder anomalies which reflect the radioactivity elements enrichment formed by fracture structures and locate the spatial positions of thermal underground water. The results coincided well with the linear structure intersections interpreted by remote sensing, reflecting the effectiveness of radiometric measurements in underground thermal water exploration.
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Application of Factor Classification in Geological Mapping in Tahe Area, Heilongjiang Province
SHI Yan-xiang, HAO Li-bo, LU Ji-long, JI Hong-jin
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  899-0903. 
Abstract ( 1666 )  
The geochemical unit is identified by factor classification in Tahe area, Heilongjiang Province and geological mapping of thinly-covered areas is studied according to the theoretical geochemical meaning of each unit and its relationship to the corresponding geological units. Geochemical information is extracted sufficiently from regional geochemical data and the studied area is divided into five geochemical units with clear geological and geochemical meanings. Among these, the assemblage of Be, Nb, Sn, Y and Rb shows the distribution of the Paleozoic intrusive bodies and acid or alkali volcanic rocks. The assemblage of Co, TFe, Cr, Ni, V, Ti, MgO corresponds to the distribution of the Proterozoic intrusive and metamorphic rocks and Paleozoid basic rocks. The assemblage of SiO2, K2O and Na2O reflects the Paleozoic intrusive bodies,the acid or alkali volcanic rocks, and the sedimentary rocks. The forth type, Al2O3, Li and F, implicates the distribution of Mesozoic volcanic rocks. And the fifth assemblage, CaO, Sr and Ba, largely corresponds to the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, implying a steady deposit environment probably dominated by bio-deposition. Furthermore, The NE, NW, SN and EW faults in the area under study are deduced and recognized based on the element distribution and their boundary trends.
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Determination of Geoid by GPS and Gravity Data
YU Xiao-ping, ZHANG Ting-yu, LIU Cai, CHEN Zeng-bao, XU Hui-ping,PANG He-min
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  904-0907. 
Abstract ( 1660 )  
As an application and test of GPS/gravity boundary value problem, a local geoid located in N area is determined by 600 GPS/gravity data and 48 GPS/leveling data. The accuracy analysis by GPS/leveling data matching and direct correction of system difference show that a centimeter accuracy of local geoid can be achieved by combining the method of GPS/gravity data and the method of GPS/gravity boundary value problem.
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Dynamic Simulation Technology of the Original Flood Evolvement Based on Geo-Process
ZHANG Bing-ren,QIU Dian-ming,FENG Yu-lin,Li Yuan-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (5):  908-0912. 
Abstract ( 1415 )  
The rendering of flood evolvement simulate system includes 3D landform modeling and real-time rendering to landform and physiognomy. The key technology of the dynamic simulate of the original flood evolvement is the design of the self-control search model of the boundary of the watercourse’s drainage area. Using the breadth-first search(BFS) and the watercourse self-control search(WSS) as primary arithmetic, visual C++ 6.0 as platform and OpenGL as graphics program interface, and taking the process of lake water level rise for example, an original-flood evolvement simulate system based on the 3D landform sight is developed. The dynamic system can simulate the process of water level rise in lake basin and water overflow at the exit of lake basin during the period of water level of lake rising and boosting. Also it can simulate the flowing direction of water along watercourse after it overflows the exit of a lake basin.
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