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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 July 2008, Volume 38 Issue 4
Dual-Phase Sedimentary Basins and Old Crystalline Basement in China and Deep Oil and Gas Reservoirs in Northeast China
TENG Ji-wen,TIAN You,LIU Cai,HAN Li-Guo
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  527-0552. 
Abstract ( 1919 )  
On the basis of dual-phase sedimentary basins in China and foreground of deep lithologic and stratigraphic potential oil and gas in Northeast China, we must hold the sedimentary construction, undulations of crystalline basement, distribution of volcanic rocks and spatial distribution of different lithofacies in the shallow and deep area of the oil and gas basin in the whole region. Especially, on the guidance of new conception, we should break the existing framework to reregionalize the hydrocarbon prospects and study the deep dynamical process of the hydrocarbon generation and distribution of reservoir space. So revealing the structure of the sedimentary layer and crystalline basement and studying the deep dynamic response of crust and mantle are very important to discover the large and super large potential oil and gas fields in our country. Through analyzing the distribution of oil and gas resources at home and abroad and studies in the process of industrialization and economic development, we suggest that we must be established in mainland and strengthen establishment of save, reliable and sustainable development reserved energy base while multivariate sharing the world sources. Base on analyzing and studying the hydrocarbon reservoir, sedimentary construction and crystalline basement of sedimentary basins in China, we discover that there exist the marine sediments beneath the continental sediments widely, i.e, dual-phase sedimentary basins (continental phase and marine phase). Here the basement is not the bottom of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basement, but is the old metamorphic rocks basement, i.e, the top of crystal crust. From the information mentioned above and several examples of the sequences of dual-phase sedimentary basins, we consider that exploration of oil and gas sources has a broad space in deep part. Carrying on high-resolution investigations in the dual-phase sedimentary construction, volcanic rock distribution, old crystalline basement and deep process and dynamics response of the formation of hydrocarbon and basins are necessary to discover new hydrocarbon reservoirs in the deep area and around oil filed (e.g. Daqing) and improve the potential space of hydrocarbon reservoir in Northeast China. Finally, we propose the dispositions and suggestions for finding out the dual-phase sedimentary construction, old crystalline basement, volcanic rock distribution and geophysical exploration of the second-depth space (5 000-10 000 m) and overall planning in Northeast China.
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Analysis on Prospecting Potiential of Eastern Kunlun Metallogenic Belt in Xinjiang, China
WANG Bao-jin,CHI Xiao-guo,BAI Jing-zhe,LIU Zhong, XU Ren-yu,YUAN Ping,YU Xi-wen
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  553-0558. 
Abstract ( 1795 )  
The degree of geological research in the eastern Kunlun metallogenetic belt, Xinjiang is very low. However, 47 deposits (occurrences), including the Baiganhu W-Sn deposit, and 114 geochemical anomalies in scale 1∶50000 have been found recent years through varied mineral assessments in the area. It is concluded that the area belongs to a geochemical block of W. Based on the analysis of the geological setting of the area, the geological features of the Baiganhu W-Sn, Kalaquha Cu and Kezile Au deposits were studied,the prospecting potential of the mineral resources of the area and of the Baiganhu W-Sn deposit are discussed. It is suggested that the W-Sn potential of the area is great.Four metallogenetic prospects and 18 potential metallogenetic tracts are defined in the area.The Baiganhu W-Sn deposit should be super-large.
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Model of Regional Mineral Resource Potential Assessment-A Case of the Gold Deposits of Honghuagou in Chifeng, Inner Mogolia
LOU De-bo,XIAO Ke-yan,SUN Yan,LEI Wan-shan, WANG Miao, DING Jian-hua, FAN Hua-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  559-0565. 
Abstract ( 1750 )  
Model of regional mineral resource potential assessment includes factor associations of delineating tracts, optimally selecting tracts, estimating numbers of deposits and resources in methodology of mineral resource potential assessment for deposit models using integrated geological information. It successfully solves the problems of information asymmetry and combination of knowledge and data. Based on the position and quantification prediction of the Yanshanian magma-thermal gold deposit in Chifeng, 11 tracts have been delineated which include 4 A-grade tracts, 3 B-grade tracts and 4 C-grade tracts, and the 8 potential deposits and 306.532 tones resources have been predicted. Results of gold mineral resource potential assessment are good and indicate that potential of gold resources is very large and deserves to do the further exploration.
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Characteristics of Fluid Inclusions and Genetic Model of Wufeng-Wuxingshan Gold (Silver) Deposit, Yanbian
CHEN Lei, SUN Jing-gui, ZHAO Jun-kang, MEN Lan-jing, LIANG Shu-neng, CHEN Dong,PANG Wei
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  566-0575. 
Abstract ( 2305 )  
The Wufeng-Wuxingshan gold (silver) deposit in Yanbian area, Jilin Province is a large epithermal gold deposit of low-sulphidation type. The deposit is composed mainly of quartz-calcite veins, quartz veins and veinlet-dissemination sulfide breccias in altered rocks. The mineralization can be divided into four metallogenic stages: pyrite-bearing bulk quartz,chalcedony quartz vein, calcite-quartz vein and calcite-quartz, with the second and third stages being the main ones. The study of the fluid inclusions from the deposit reveals that:(1) most of them are two-phase isolated primary inclusions and chained secondary inclusions along fractures in minerals;(2)homogeneous temperature is mostly 180-280 ℃;(3)the salinity is 4.8 to 7.02 NaCl% and the density is 0.75-0.92 g/cm3;(4)the depth of the mineralization is at 0.15-0.32 km;(5)Laser Raman Spectroscopy analysis of the fluid inclusions reveals their predominant H2O constitute. These features of the fluid inclusions, combined with hydrogen and oxygen isotope studies (δD is -66‰--98‰,averaged at -87‰;δ18O is 3.18‰--7.2‰ and averaged at -5.1‰), suggest that the ore-forming fluids of the deposit came from the circulating atmospheric waters heated by the deep thermal flow. Under tensile tectonic regime, these hydrothermal fluids migrated through fault zones. Quartz-calcite veins and quartz veins were formed at the upper portion of the Wufeng deposit by filling while the veinlet-dissemination sulfides and breccias were formed at the lower portion of the deposit by fluid boiling. This opinion is different from the previous one that suggested the deposit was formed solely by fluid boiling.
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Composite Volcanic Apparatus and It’s Ore-Controlling Significance in the Ermi Area, Jilin Province
WANG Jian-xin,CHEN Xue,ZHAO Li-gang,ZANG Xing-yun,XIE Hai-dong,LIU Qiang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  576-0580. 
Abstract ( 1724 )  
The Ermi composite volcanic apparatus is located at the Songdingshan, the intersecting portion of an EW and NS trending crustal faults. Firstly the site was invaded by the subvolcanic rocks (diorite), then the marginal contact zones of these diorite served as the sites for the parasitical, subordinate volcanic vents, which were filled with granite stock and made up the inner circular of the composite volcanic apparatus. Though the main copper mineralization of the area is located in these granite stocks and their adjacent host rocks, the general strike and distribution of the copper mineralization in the area is controlled by the contact zones of the diorite. Combined with the regional metallogenic rules, the study on the relationship between the rock and ore formation reveals that gold mineralization is also significant besides copper ores in the area. The metallogenic model of the Ermi copper-gold ore deposit has also been set up.
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Relationship between the Ductile Shear Zone and the Gold Deposit at Hongtugou-Chuancigou in Northern Qilian Area
WU Hong-mei, TONG Hai-kui, LIU Feng,REN Wen-kai,XU Guo-wu,WANG Wei
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  581-0586. 
Abstract ( 1909 )  
Based on the study of the relationship between the basic characteristics and gold mineralization at Hongtugou-Chuancigou in northern Qilian area, it is found that the gold mineralization in the area is controlled by the structural-altered rocks formed under ductile-brittle shearing in the ductile shear zones. The ductile shear zone served as ore-controlling and ore-hosting structures, and also severed as a channel for deep fluid transportation, provided a better condition for the movement and enrichment of the hydrothermal liquids and resulted in the formation of bonanza in the deposit. Supercritical fluids at the middle to lower crust levels could dissolve considerable amount of gold and other ore-forming elements in the form of sulfur complexes, and migrate upwards to shallow crust levels along some ductile shear zones. The rapid decrease of gold solubility in the fluid at shallow crust level led to precipitation of gold and formation of large gold deposit. The gold deposit at Hongtugou-Chuancigou in the northern Qilian area occurs in an Early Paleozoic collision orogenic belt, is a typical ductile shear zone gold deposit.The gold ore types are mainly cataclastic and altered rock type.
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Pressure Matching Types between Caprock and Reservoir and Relation between Them and Gas Reserves Abundance in Gas Reservoir
FU Guang, GENG Qi, WANG You-gong, YANG Yong-liang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  587-0593. 
Abstract ( 1885 )  
By the study of characteristics of displacement pressure of caprock and pressures of reservoir, pressure matching types between caprock and reservoir of gas reservoirs and the relationship gas reserves abundance have been studied. Matching between highest pressure of caprock and low pressure of reservoir is considered to be the most favorable for gas to accumulate. The second are the matching between highest pressure of caprock and normal pressure of reservoir and the matching between higher pressure of caprock and low pressure of reservoir. The other matching types are bad. The statistics shows that there are 4 pressure matching types between caprock and reservoir in 46 large and medium gas fields in China. The most matching type is highest pressure of caprock with highest pressure of reservoir. The second matching is highest pressure of caprock with higher pressure of reservoir. The less matching is highest pressure of caprock with normal pressure of reservoir. The least matching is highest pressure of caprock with low pressure of reservoir. The statistics indicate that within the 46 large and medium gas fields in China the most are in low gas reserves abundance. The second are in high and middle gas reserves abundance. The minor are in lower gas reserves abundance. The study of relation between pressure matching types of caprock and reservoir and gas reserves abundance of 46 large and medium gas fields in China suggests that matching type of highest pressure of caprock with normal pressure of reservoir and matching type of highest pressure of caprock with highest pressure of reservoir are the best pressure matching types to form large and medium gas fields with high and middle gas reserves abundance.
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Study on Hydrocarbon-Generating History of Hydrocarbon Source Rock in Upper Permain E. Sichuan Basin with Hydrocarbon-Generating Kinetics
XU Li-heng,CHEN Jian-fa,LU Shuang-fang,MA Guang-yu,LI Ji-jun
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  594-0599. 
Abstract ( 1927 )  
In the Eastern Sichuan Basin the study of hydrocarbon-generating history of the Upper Permian source rocks has not well done up to now. Firstly, the hydrocarbon-generating history are not separately evaluated for Ⅰ-Ⅱ1 limestone and Ⅲ mudstone. Secondly, there are limitations in the evaluation of source rock maturity when conversing vitrinite group reflectance of marine facies to vitrinite reflectance by fitting formula. Trying to solve the problems above, we demarcated two kinds of dynamic parameters for oil-generating and gas-generating of source rocks by thermal modeling and chemical dynamic methods. Combined with thermal history and burial history of the Eastern Sichuan Basin, we fitted out a transformation ratio curve of oil-generation. The study shows that organic material from limestone and mudstone of the Upper Permian reached oil and gas threshold in 200 Ma and 109 Ma, and stopped oil-generaing in 170 Ma and 140 Ma.
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Development Porous Construction Ceramic Using Oil Shale
BAO Chang-li,ZHANG Jian-hui,LIU Zhao-jun,WANG Ying,SHENG Jiang,WANG Peng,LAN Xin-yan
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  600-0603. 
Abstract ( 1833 )  
A new type of porous construction ceramic was developed with oil shale that produces cavities from releasing gases after combustion. The low grade oil shale in the Nongan area, Jilin Province as a main material, turfs as pore-forming material, volcano dregs as additive and fly ash as intensifier were selected at ratio of 50∶25∶15∶10 (oil shale∶turf∶voicano∶fly ash) and sintered at 1 050 ℃ by extrusion molding. Testing and characterization have shown that compression strength was 16.8 MPa, porosity 48.19%, density 1.23 g/cm3, and the biggest pore size was about 20 μm in the porous ceramics.
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Early Cretaceous Basin Characteristics in the Middle Segment of Yanshanian Stuctural Belt
ZHANG Ying-li, MENG Qing-ren
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  604-0612. 
Abstract ( 1862 )  
There were three Early Cretaceous basins(Luanping Basin,Fengshan Basin and Shirengou Basin) in the middle segment of Yanshanian stuctural belt. According to sedimentary facies analysis, paleo-current directions, provenance and tectono-sedimentary evolution, the Early Cretaceous basin evolution in the belt can be divided into three stages. The first stage is featured by vigorous volcanic eruptions and developed Zhangjiakou Formation which consists of acid igneous rock. The second is characterized by extensional subsidence. The third is basin filling stage. During second stage the basins were mainly asymmetric half-graben, which were separately controlled by single fault. Alluvial fan and fan delta are dominated basin marginal areas, while fine-grained lacustrine sediments were well developed in the basin centre. Sediments mainly came from metamorphic basements on the north and/or west, only small proportion from southeastern margin, as indicated by restored paleo-current directions and provenance. Tectonic subsidence and deposition sedimentation were primarily controlled by basin border normal faults. Uplift of basement rocks of the footwall was due to the tilting of border faults and became main provenance areas.
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Characteristics of Strontium and Sulfur Isotopes in Shahejie Formation of Jiyang Depression
YUAN Bo, CHEN Shi-yue, YUAN Wen-fang, ZHU Jian-wei
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  613-0617. 
Abstract ( 2091 )  
By characteristic analysis of strontium and sulfur isotopes in the studied area, it was discussed whether the transgression has happened in Paleogene in the Jiyang depression. The results show that the content ratio of 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.707 6 to 0.709 9 in the upper fourth sub-member and the lower third sub-member of the Shahejie Formation, and the content ratio of δ34S ranges from 15‰ to 24‰ in the upper fourth sub-member. All of these isotopic ratios are within the range of the marine isotopes. Referring to other previous research, it is concluded that the transgressions have happened in the upper fourth sub-member and the lower third sub-member of the Shahejie Formation.
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Cenozoic Adakites in Papua New Guinea and Metallogetic Significance
ZHU Zhang-xian,YANG Zhen-qiang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  618-0623. 
Abstract ( 1878 )  
Based on the geochemical characteristics of adakites,the significance of the Cenozoic adakites in Papua New Guinea is discussed. The result shows that the adakites of Papua New Guinea are characterized by high Sr content(>596.80×10-6), by strongly positive Sr anomaly peaks (average Sr/Y ratio >41.7) and by apparent negative Nb and Th anomalies on the spider diagram of trace elements. However, both Y and Yb contents are very low(Y≤20×10-6 and Yb≤1.9×10-6 respectively)in the adakites. Meanwhile, in adakites of Papua New Guinea, Mg# values are >0.45 and 87Sr/86Sr values are generally <0.704 5. The adakites of Papua New Guinea are both located at the oceanic island arc and continental margin orogens in an arc-continent collision setting. Their distribution districts contain both worldclass porphyry copper-gold as well as hot-spring gold deposits.
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LI Ying-shu1,QIN De-xian1, ZOU Tao1,JIA Fu-ju1,WAN Chao-ying2,SUN Cai-xia3,ZHOU Nian-sheng4
LI Ying-shu,QIN De-xian, ZOU Tao,JIA Fu-ju,WAN Chao-ying,SUN Cai-xia,ZHOU Nian-sheng
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  624-0630. 
Abstract ( 1751 )  
Study on geology, geochemistry of the Ladinian basalts in Gejiu, Yunnan Province indicates that these basalts are of blastoamygdaloidal structure and belong to olivineous alkali-basalts and they are of features of unsaturated silicon, of abundant alkali, magnesium and iron and of excessive titanium and low aluminium. The basalts came from high basic magmas of mantle derivation and were formed by low degree of differentiation under a general extension setting in a rift.
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Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Meizuo Granite and Geological Significance in the Huanan Uplift,East Heilongjiang Province
HUANG Ying-cong, REN Dong-hui,ZHANG Xing-zhou,XIONG Xiao-song, ZHANG Chun-yan, WANG Yue, ZHAO Liang-liang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  631-0638. 
Abstract ( 2083 )  
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the Meizuo granite in eastern Heilongjiang Province is carried out in order to determine the age and to discuss the tectonics environment of the Majiajie Group’s contact metamorphism. The present results show that the zircons from the granite have clear oscillatory zones,their Th/U ratio is between 0.12-1.04,and their weighted average 206Pb/238U age is (259.0±3.6) Ma(n=14,MSWD=5.9). This shows that the crystalline age of the Meizuo granite is the Middle Permian. This age is also same as the age of the Qingshan, Chushan and Chaihe granites in the southern Jiamusi block, and the common geochemical characteristics(enrichment of light REEs, depletion of heavy REEs,negative Eu anomaly and obvious depletion in Nb, Ta, Sr and Ti) of these granites show that they are volcanic arc granites of crust derivation. They are probably related to the subduction of the Paleo-Asia Oceanic plate, and their intrusion resulted in the contact metamorphism of the Majiajie Group. The determination of the Meizuo granite’s crystallization age not only reveals that the contact metamorphism age of the Majiajie Group is the Later Permian, but also provides new evidence for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Jiamusi block.
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Uncertainty on Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Riverside Well Field
LIU Pei-gui, SHU Long-cang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  639-0643. 
Abstract ( 1606 )  
Based on detailed analysis of uncertain factors in the process of numerical simulation, an advanced first order second moment method (AFOSM) is proposed. The method is then applied to the reliability analysis of groundwater allowable withdrawal in the riverside well field. The evaluation result shows that the risk of over-pumping is 19.31% under abstraction of 4.7×104 m3/d, with consideration of the randomness of parameters.
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Stream-Water Quality Modelling with Influence of Groundwater Recharge
YE Dong-cheng, MU Shan, TAO Yue-zan
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  644-0648. 
Abstract ( 2639 )  
Based on the 1-D water quality model of stream, which taking into account the continuous discharge of groundwater along the stream way, a new analytical solution is proposed by superposition theorem. According to this new analytical solution, parameters estimation of stream water quality model response to groundwater discharge is analyzed quantitatively. The solute concentration decays when the groundwater discharge, a spot of pollution source, enters to streams and moves to lower reaches. The influence of seriate line-source to the decay of solute concentration in streams is not simply equal to the addition influence of several point-sources. It refers to line-source when describing the water exchange between aquifers and streams. Taking Yinghe River, Anhui Province as an example, the study of the deviation degree of parameters estimation of stream water quality model due to groundwater discharge shows that, the influence of the groundwater discharge to the variation rule of solute long streams, which affects the comprehensive attenuation coefficient k greatly, cannot be described simply by k in theory.
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Comparison of the Empirical Calculations for the Evaporation from the Shallow Phreatic Groundwater in Bare Soil of the Huaibei Plain
LIU Miao, HAO Zhen-chun , WANG Jia-hu, WANG Zhen-long
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  649-0653. 
Abstract ( 2297 )  
Based on experimental data on phreatic evaporation from the bare soil at the Wudaogou hydrology test station in Anhui Province, the representations of different empirical formulas have been compared for calculations of groundwater evaporation of fluvo-aquic soil and lime concretion black soil with the shallow groundwater table. The evaporation capacity calculated by Penman-Monteith formula is suggested to replace the water surface evaporation observed for an improved regression. It shows that A-Verianov formula, the hyperbola type formula, the exponential type formula and the power type formula are better fitting the phreatic evaporation of fluvo-aquic soil, while A-Verianov formula, the hyperbola type formula, the exponential type formula and the inverse-logistic formula are better fitting the phreatic evaporation of lime concretion black soil. The Tsinghua formula is not suitable for the calculation of the phreatic evaporation in the Huaibei plain. The coefficients of each empirical formula are also listed.
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Application of Uniform Design and Grey Theory in Analysis of Slope Stability
YANG Jing,CHEN Jian-ping,WANG Ji-liang
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  654-0658. 
Abstract ( 1462 )  
The uniform design was used to design the experiments, and the grey correlation analysis of grey theory was used to analyze the primary and secondary factors of slope stability. The results show that sensitivity factors of the slope stability are cohesion, internal friction angle, unit weight, prestress, inter-row spacing of the anchor, the length of cable, length of bond part and anchorage angle which take turns from the most important to less. It is easy to see that the shear strength parameters of rock are the most important factors that affect slope stability, next is the unit weight; and the design parameters of prestressed anchorage also have effect on slope stability. The results show a profound impact on design of the slope excavation and optimization of the reinforcement.
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Prospect Analysis and Application of Foam Increasing Pressure Device by a Dual Action Pump
PENG Xin-ming, LIU Da-jun, CHAI Er-hui, ZHU Ji-dong, SUN You-hong
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  659-0662. 
Abstract ( 1516 )  
A foam pressure increasing device was used to increase the secondary air and foam agent mixture pressure by using a dual action pump. The BWZ-1200 foam increasing pressure device was applied in the geothermal well exploration under 1 000 meters deep in Beijing, to solve the mud lost and well wash problem during drilling. The BWZ-1100 device was also applied in the mountain and dry areas of Ningxia to solve the mud lost during water well drilling, resulted in a good social and economical benefits. The device has a good prospect in drilling deep geothermal wells, water wells, oil and gas wells by combining the air-left reverse circulation drilling technique.
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Change of Landscape Pattern and Its Driving Mechanism of the Coastal Wetland in Dalian City
JIANG Ling-ling, XIONG De-qi, ZHANG Xin-yu, ZHANG Hong
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  670-0675. 
Abstract ( 2173 )  
Two Landsat TM images(obtained in 2000 and 2006 respectively) were interpreted as basic information sources. The basic data of coastal wetland were obtained with the application of remote sensing and GIS-technique. The index reflecting the special structure and the heterogeneity of landscape pattern were selected by the ecological principle of landscape pattern. Those indexes were used to analysis the dynamic change of wetlands in Dalian. The result showed that the average fractal dimension index, fragment index and predominance index increased, but landscape diversity index decreased; and the area of wetlands in Dalian decreased 97.62 km2 in the past six years. The change of wetland landscape pattern was a result of the expanding of industrial zone and development of the large-scale feeding. Human activity was the main driving force for the landscape change.
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Mechanism of Membrane Fouling in Membrane Bioreactor and Its Prevention
SONG Zhi-wei,YANG Fan,REN Nan-qi
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  676-0680. 
Abstract ( 1795 )  
In order to prevent membrane fouling and improve the elimination effect of phosphorus, polymeric aluminum and fly-ash were fed to membrane bioreactor to change the property of wastewater treatment; meanwhile active sludge was analyzed with X-ray diffraction and infrared spectrum methods, and hollow membrane was probed with SEM to investigate the mechanism of membrane fouling. The results show that the property of active sludge and bio-membrane structure were changed by adding polymeric aluminum, especially the removal rate of phosphorous could reach 85% and the membrane fouling was reduced effectively. Moreover no effect was observed when ash-fly was fed into the membrane bioreactor.
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Numerical Simulation of Frequency-Domain IP with FEM
YANG Xiao-hong, HE Ji-shan
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  681-0684. 
Abstract ( 1569 )  
On low frequency and ignoring the EM effect, the finite element method and the Cole-Cole model were used to take numerical simulation for IP response in frequency domain. Under the 3-D condition, the electrical field boundary value problems and the variational problems of were given, the frequency response of Cole-Cole model was introduced into geoelectric model, the finite element method was used for element subdivision, interpolation, integration and general synthesis of the model, and the parameter of IP-fs (breadth frequencies) represented the polarization strength in frequency domain was obtained by solving the equation. The different response curves of fs were obtained by changing the parameters of the geoelectric model, and the simulation results were consistent with the real results,indicating the method is correct and applicable.
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Gravity/Magnetic Modeling and Geological Explanation in Qiangtang Basin Geologic Aisle
WANG Xi-chen, JIA Jian-xiu, XU Bao-ci
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  685-0691. 
Abstract ( 1681 )  
The original gravity and magnetic data from two geologic profiles, south and north in Qiangtang petroleum geologic aisle, were processed by using the method, “gravity and magnetic apparent-depth filtering”, and the initialization characteristics of geologic-geophysical profile were extracted from the potential field abnormality in these profiles. And then, the latest software, “Gravity/Magnetic Modeling Software (GM-SYS)” , was used to inverse gravity and magnetic profile, the geologic fine structure profile plot and grid plot of the two geologic profiles were obtained under the restriction of the correlative seismic, geoelectric and geologic data. Primary analysis and explanation on several important geologic problems were made combining with the other materials in this aisle, more understood was got for the distribution of formation, basement, fracture and volcanic rocks in Qiangtang petroleum geologic aisle, and this provided some new evidences for the geologic explanation and hydrocarbon prospect evaluation of the whole Qiangtang Basin.
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Aquifer Parameters Inrersion under Model Constrain from Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
ZHANG Ji-ling, WENG Ai-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  692-0697. 
Abstract ( 2047 )  
The induced voltage of surface nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based on conduction model is a nonlinear function of water content distribution. A model constrained linear iteration inversion method was introduced to dissolve the nonlinear problem. And during the inversion, two constrained models, flattest and smoothest model, were incorporated into the sensitivity matrix calculated by theoretical formula. The inversion simulation was taken for the homogeneous half space, layered conductive model data and field data. And the results showed that the model constrained iteration inversion methods can get more veliable water contents and distribution from the indued volotage of surface NMR, and these results can be inverted by model constrained inversion from an initial homogeneous water content model. For noise free surface NMR signals, both flattest and smoothest model constrained inversions can infer correct water content distributions. However, to noisy data, by smoothest model constrained inversion, the inferred water content became lower and distributed in a larger range than real model, which can be inverted by flattest model constrained inversion correctly.
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Application of Magnetic Survey on Hidden Iron Deposit Prospecting-Case Study on Luanping Ⅱ Iron Deposit in Hebei Province,China
LU Yan,LI Jian,BAI Xue-shan,LI Yong-zhan
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  698-0702. 
Abstract ( 1417 )  
LuanpingⅡ iron deposit was a hidden deposit and was covered by Mesozoic strata. The magnetic anomalies were outlined and the magnetic data were obtained by magnetic survey. Magnetic anomalies consist by a series of over 800 nT positive anomalies were arranged in northeastern and partly in zigzag, the anomaly centers were located in the zigzag part. Based on the analysis of reduction-to-pole and upward continuation, 4 high anomaly areas were located, and the relatively depth of the high anomaly areas was analyzed. This provided geophysical foundations for mineral prospecting.
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Application of Wavelet Multi-Scale Product in Fracture Detection
WEN Xiao-tao, HE Zhen-hua, HUANG De-ji
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  703-0707. 
Abstract ( 1876 )  
Traditional fracture detection methods are based on difference detection among traces, so the noise will be detected when the fracture was detected. If large-scale fracture detecting methods were adopted or noise suppression methods were used together with fracture detection methods, fracture edges would be dim though signal-to-noise ratio will be raised. In order to solve these problems, the method based on wavelet multi-scale product was introduced for fracture detection. This method made use of the product of adjacent wavelet coefficients, and concealed the causal relationship of fracture in the different scale wavelet coefficients, at the same time of noise was suppressed, this method can enhance the precision of fracture detection. Application in theoretic model and real data had proved the effect of this method.
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Parallel Computing Strategy Based on PC Cluster for Wave Equation Prestack Depth Migration
PAN Hong-xun,FANG Wu-bao
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  708-0712. 
Abstract ( 1662 )  
Prestack depth migration based on wave equation is an efficient tool for seismic imaging in area with complex topography and geology characteristics. In practical application, however, it is confronted with two difficulties of enormous data volume and huge computation cost. Therefore, based on the PC Cluster and Message Passing Interface (MPI) program development environment, Job-by-Application master-slaver scheme was designed to implement the parallel computing of wave equation prestack depth migration. This method solved the problem of dynamic load balancing. Job registration and analysis approach used in this method settled the problem of fault-tolerance processing. The result with both theoretical model data and field data showed that this parallel program was correct, the running of the program was stable, and the efficiency was desirable. The Job-by-Application master-slaver scheme saved 23.68% time by using Job-by-average-allocation master-slaver scheme in processing one of 3D seismic data in eastern China.
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Determination of the Irreducible Water Saturation of Clastic Reservoirs in Hailaer Basin
HUANG Bu-zhou, FU You-sheng, LI Zhou-bo, LI Qing-feng, XU Shu-mei, ZHANG Ying
J4. 2008, 38 (4):  713-0718. 
Abstract ( 1945 )  
Constant T2 cuttoff was mainly used in the determination of irreducible water saturation with NMR log information before. Some new methods, such as taper T2cuttoff, film model and frequency model, have been developed recently. As for the clastic reservoirs with variable lithology and complicated pore structure, the methods using conventional log information or using NMR log information based on T2cuttoff all can’t obtain the irreducible water saturation meeting the require of log evaluation and interpretation. In this instance, film model or frequency model could be used. Both models suggested that irreducible water was existed in all pore size, and the percentage of irreducible water varies with the size of pore. Bur there has not been a criteria for that of what the size intervals of pore should be used in the determination of irreducible water saturation with the two models in practical application. Some attempts about the problem had been done upon the clastic reservoirs with variable lithology and complicated pore structure in Hailaer Basin. Firstly the distribution of power of 2 is used in multi-exponential inversion of NMR echo trains to obtain the T2 spectrum. Then nine pore volumes selected from T2 spectrum of NMR, together with the difference of neutron and density porosity reflecting the volume of clay, were used to calculate the irreducible water saturation with regression. Preferable results had been achieved in its application of clastic reservoirs of Hailaer Basin, the irreducible water saturation calculated had been improved compared to the core analysis data. Especially in Beier area, the average relative error between the irreducible water saturation predicted and the core analysis data is reduced from 15.1% to 8.7%.
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