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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2008, Volume 38 Issue 3
Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic Mayihe Pluton in Southern Jilin Province: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry
PEI Fu-ping,XU Wen-liang,YU Yang,ZHAO Quan-guo,YANG De-bin
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  351-0362. 
Abstract ( 1902 )  
The Mayihe pluton, located in southern Jilin Province, consists mainly of gabbro-diorite, granidiorite, and monzogranite. Such characteristics of zircons from gabbro-diorite and monzogranite imply their magmatic origin, as euhedral shape, typical oscillatory zoning and high Th/U ratios (0.14-2.56) . LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from gabbrodiorite range from 219 to 227 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of (224±4) Ma (n=8), and those of zircons from monzogranite from 217 to 241 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of (226±3) Ma (n=19). The petrogeochemistry of Mayihe pluton shows its bimodal rock association. Gabbrodiorites are characterized by lower content of SiO2, higher content of TiO2, MgO and CaO. Moreover, they are rich in both large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rareearth elements (LREEs), depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs). Their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd(t) values are 0.703 7 and 3.45 to 3.82, respectively, suggesting a depleted lithospheric mantle source. In contrast, grandiorites and monzogranites have higher SiO2 and lower TiO2, MgO and CaO. They are strongly rich in Rb, Th, U, and depleted in Nb, Ta, P, Ti, Ba, Sr. Their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd(t) values range from 0.705 3 to 0.705 8 and from -0.73 to -3.40, respectively. Characteristics above suggest that both grandiorite and monzogranite be derived from the partial melting of the lower continental crust. The bimodal rock association of the Mayihe pluton,together with the research on regional tectonics, demonstrates that the pluton were resulted from the post-collision extensional environment between the North China craton and Yangtse craton. It can be concluded that thinning or destruction of the lithosphere in the North China craton could be initiated in the Late Triassic, and the southern Jilin Province belongs to this lithosphere-thinning region.
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SHRIMP U-Pb Ages of Zircon and Its Geological Implications from Metamorphic Dacite of the Wudaogou Group in Yanbian Area
YU Jie-jiang,MEN Lan-jing,CHEN Lei,ZHAO Jun-kang,LIANG Shu-neng,CHEN Dong,PANG Wei
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  363-0367. 
Abstract ( 1817 )  
Zircons from the metamorphic dacite of the Wudaogou Group in Yanbian area have euhedralsubhedral shapes and high Th/U ratios (0.28-0.81), implying their magmatic origin. The dating of these zircons indicates that they can be divided into two groups according to their ages. One group,206Pb/238U ages of 10 spots ranging from (265±5)Ma to (291±5)Ma, the weighted mean age of (274±7)Ma (MSWD= 3.4), represents the formation time of the metamorphic dacite (the Early Permian), the other include three zircon grains, and its weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of is (323±37)Ma (MSWD = 3.6), should be interpreted as the captured zircon ages. Combining with the recently dating data, it is suggested that the Wudaogou Group formed in the Early Permian. Together with the Qinglongcun Group, it constitutes a volcanic-sedimentary formation in the Late Paleozoic continental margin.
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The Horizontal Bedding Extensional Deformation in the Archean High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks from Daqingshan Region-The Oldest Extensional Structure on Earth
LIANG Yu-hua,LIU Zheng-hong,FAN Hong-zhi
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  368-0375. 
Abstract ( 1635 )  
Located in the northern margin of North China craton, Daqingshan-Wulashan district is one of well-developed high-grade metamorphic regions in China. The high-grade metamorphic complexes, extending from east to west, experienced multiple phases of deformation and metamorphism. The horizontal bedding extensional deformation occuring in granulite facies rocks can be taken as the oldest plastic flow deformation in high grade metamorphic complex. Due to the deformation, accompanied by metamorphism in granulite facies and anatexis, such structural features were formed as bedding slid ductile belts, dome, intra-bedding diapiric folds and L-tectonite. The deformation is also responsible for horizontal structural contact between khondalite suite and granulites, the stack stratigraphic frameworks of lens slices among different stratigraphic units in khondalite suite, as well as different types of anatectic gneisses. The confirmation of horizontal bedding extensional deformation has an important theoretical significance on studying the crustal evolution of Early Precambrian high-grade metamorphic region and the high-grade metamorphic stratigraphic frameworks.
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Ore-Forming Conditions of Bairendaba Ag-Pb-Zn Polymetallic Ore Deposit, Inner Mongolia
SUN Feng-yue, WANG Li
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  376-0383. 
Abstract ( 1647 )  
Bairendaba Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, belongs to a mesothermal vein-type deposit controlled by fractures, which are mainly E-W trending compresso-shearing faults with the relative flat-dipping other than steep-dipping parts being the favorable ore-hosting locations. The wall rocks of the ore bodies are mainly Hercynian quartz diorite. It is suggested that the Hercynian mafic rocks are the source for ore-forming materials while Yanshanian felsites might provide the heat driving meteoric water cycling. Based on fluid inclusion study, it has been recognized that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid has the features like low salinity(5.0%~7.8% NaCl), low density(0.66-0.95 g/cm3),intermediate temperature(280-300℃). The ore-forming pressures are from 76 to 80 MPa, which reflect the mineralising depth ranges from 6.8 to 7.2 km. The sulfur isotope of the ore pyrites varies from -0.99‰ to 0.36‰ with an average value of -0.315‰, which is similar to mantle sulfur value. According to geological study, it is suggested that there exists a post-ore fault that extends along the NW-striked valley in the district, which dissects the ore district into two parts, i.e. north and south sections, and causes the former uplifted with bigger denudation and the latter relatively down. Therefore, the ore bodies are shallower within the north section than in the south section while the latter still has good potentiality for further ore prospecting.
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Characteristics and Implications of Daughter Minerals in Fluid Inclusions of Xiaoxinancha Gold-Rich Copper Deposit
ZHAO Jun-kang, SUN Jing-gui, MEN Lan-jing, CHEN Lei
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  384-0388. 
Abstract ( 1755 )  
Daughter minerals in fluid inclusions from sulphide-quartz in north mining area of Xiao-xinancha gold-rich copper deposit(Jilin Province), were studied by microscope and laser Raman technique. It is proved that daughter minerals in different fluid inclusions include anhydrite, halite, sylvine and chalcopyrite. Characteristics of both these fluid inclusions and their daughter minerals indicate that the ore-forming fluid is of high salinity, oxidation and deoxidization. The conclusion also gives some important clues for further study on both ore-forming fluid and genesis of the deposit.
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Uplifting Time of Huanan Uplift in the Northeastern Heilongjiang, China
HAN Guo-qing, LIU Yong-jiang, LI Jun-jie,BAI Jing-zhe,SUN Xiao-meng, WEN Quan-bo, WU Lin-na
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  389-0397. 
Abstract ( 1651 )  
The relationships between Huanan uplift and its surrounding basins, such as Sanjiang Basin, Hulin Basin, Boli Basin, Jixi Basin, Shuangyashan Basin and Shuanghua Basin,are playing an important role in the regional oil and gas resources exploration and development. The researches of regional stratigraphic correlation, marine fossils, basin boundary faults and geophysical MT profile suggest that these basins experienced the same evolution, and underwent one or more transgressions during Chengzihe and Muling Formations. The present basin boundary thrust faults and geophysical MT profiles crossing the basins and Huanan-uplift show that the present isolated basins belonged to a large-scale epicontinental offshore basin (Sanjiang-Muling Basin) during the period of Chengzihe and Muling Formations. Meanwhile, the Huanan uplift did not develop. Base on the directions of paleocurrent, sandstone provenance analysis and gravel composition statistics, it reveals that Huanan uplift were uplifted after the depositing of Dongshan Formation, and supplied the sediments for the surrounding basins during the period of Houshigou Formation, and the present basin-range topography appeared in the northeastern Heilongjiang Province.
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Provenance Analysis of Middle Jurassic Sediments and Its Geological Significance in Mohe Basin
HE Zhong-hua,LIU Zhao-jun,GUO Hong-wei,HOU Wei,DONG Lin-sen
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  398-0404. 
Abstract ( 1575 )  
Mohe Basin situates in the northern edge of Erguna massif and to the Mongolia-Okhotsk orogenic belt in north. Both Mohe Basin and Amur Basin in Russia belonged to the same basin in the Mesozoic. The Middle Jurassic of Mohe Basin includes Xiufeng Formation, Ershierzhan Formation, Emuer River Formation and Kaikukang Formation. According to the composition of gravel, debris and the heavy mineral of clastic rocks, it can be determined that the mother rocks are of mainly metamorphic rocks and intermediate-acid igneous rocks, few of sediments and basic igneous rocks. Taking the paleocurrent direction into account, the source of the sediments are in the south. Sediments were transported from multiple provenances, one provenance is the block-uplifted basement, and another is the opened magmatic arc. Comparing with the regional lithology, the block-uplifted basement may be from the Xinghuadukou Formation (Paleoproterozoic) and Xinglong Formation (Cambrian), the cut magmatic arc is related with the collision and post-collision granitic rocks of Paleozoic and acidic igneous rocks of Early Mesozoic. According to the supply of mother rock features, it is concluded that Mohe Basin in the Middle Jurassic period is not a typical foreland basin, but compressive flexure basin or intermountain basin under the setting of compression.
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The Diagenesis of Chang-8 Reservoir Sandstone and Its Effect on Porosity in Xifeng Oilfield
YU Bo,CUI Zhi-lin,LIU Xue-gang,QIAN Li-dan,BAI Chang-e,ZHU Tao
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  405-0410. 
Abstract ( 1720 )  
Based on the analysis of thin-section, casting lamella, scanning electron microscope,X-ray diffractions and so on,the characteristic of petrology and the diagenesis of Chang-8 reservoir in Xifeng oilfield in the Ordos Basin was summarized. The result shows that both feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose are the essential components of Chang-8 sandstone. The diagenesis is in the early A period of the late diagenesis stage. The compaction in the early stage and a number of minerals’ cementation lead the loss of primary porosity, the dissolution is the main diagenesis to form second porosity.
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Relationship Between No.2 Fault in Yitong Basin and Xilamulun River Fault and Its Significances for Petroleum
JIANG Tao, QIU Yu-chao, WANG Li-wu, SONG Li-zhong, MIAO Hong-bo, DING Ye
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  411-0416. 
Abstract ( 2011 )  
According to regional structural geological characteristics and aeromagnetic, gravity, CEMP and seismic data, the No.2 fault in Yitong graben was part of Xilamulun River fault extending eastwards in Jilin Province. The left-strike faulting of Jiamusi-Yitong graben causes the activities of Xilamulun River fault to form No.2 fault. As the differential subsidence of its hanging wall and footwall, the present configuration of No.2 fault evolves. As an important synsedimentary fault in Yitong graben, No.2 fault controls the hanging wall and footwall deposition and petroleum accumulation. No.2 fault and hanging wall formed a steep fractured slope-break belt, which controls sedimentary distribution of the hanging wall. Incising to basement, No.2 fault connects petroleum source rock of both Shuangyang and Sheling Formation. The formerly opening of No.2 fault is favorable for petroleum migration, and later sealed when the basin reversed. The No.2 fault plays an important role in the process of petroleum accumulation at Liangjia structural area.
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Major Factors Controlling Reservoir Quality of the Upper Triassic Chang2 Sandstones in the Qinghuabian Oilfield,Northern Shaanxi
FENG Juan-ping,LI Wen-hou,OUYANG Zheng-jian,YU Fang,CAO Hong-xia,ZHAO Yang
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  417-0424. 
Abstract ( 1863 )  
The reservoir quality is strongly influenced by the depositional facies and diagenesis of the Chang 2 sandstones of braided river facies in Qinghuabian oil field.It is suggested that the depositional facies controls reservoir quality by the grain size and clay minerals content of the sandstones,as a result,the reservoir quality of the main sandbodies within the braided rivers is better than both sides sandbodies of the braided river,while the reservoir quality of the depositions between braided rivers is the worst.It is also indicated that diagenesis is another key factor modifying reservoir properties,and the mechanical compaction is the main factor which caused the loss of primary porosity for the sandstones,carbonate cements,secondary enlargement of quartz are the main cementation that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones,while the reservoir quality for the braided river sandstones was improved by dissolution.So the braided river sandstone reservoir will be the dominant aims of exploration in this area for the future.
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Calculation of Oil and Gas Reserves and Its Distribution on the West of Centerline of Qijia-Gulong Depression with Grey Theory
LV Yan-fang,WAN Jun,LIU Jiang-tao,SHA Zi-xuan
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  425-0429. 
Abstract ( 2169 )  
Qijia-Gulong depression is master source area of oil and gas in Songliao Basin, a part of oil and gas from the source is held up in the depression, the other migrates to west clinoform zone. In order to calculate oil and gas reserves and its distribution in the half western depression and the west clinoform zone, on the basis of petroleum geological feature, gray GM(1,1) model about distance array is established. The assemble reserves of oil and gas and its distribution scale in every zone is calculated with this model, and according to this, after calculating discharge hydrocarbons quantity by genetic method, the reserve distribution in each zone on the west of centerline is calculated on different accumulative coefficient. According to conditions of hydrocarbons migration and gathering and preserving in Qijia-Gulong depression and west slope zone, combining exploration experience to Songliao Basin, selecting suitable accumulative coefficient, the final reserves to be possible explored is calculated that there are oil (4.4-6.2)×108 t,natural gas (770-1 078)×108 m3 in the west slope zone, and oil (1.0-1.3)×108 t,natural gas (208.4-291.7)×108 m3 in the half western Qijia-Gulong depression.
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Evaluation on Crude Oil Transporting Efficiency Though Fault at the Fold-Thrust Belt in Southern Margin of Junggar Basin
SUN Yong-he,LV Yan-fang,FU Xiao-fei,YANG Dian-dong
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  430-0436. 
Abstract ( 1593 )  
To evaluate crude oil transporting efficiency through fault at the fold-thrust belt in southern margin of Junggar Basin, an evaluating method on crude oil transporting efficiency through fault is established by defining fault transporting coefficient and analyzing effectiveness of crude oil accumulating process. Evaluating consequence indicates that fault transporting coefficient are banding distribution along the fold-thrust belt, and fault transporting districts with high efficiency are major Tuositai anticline, Dushanzi anticline, Anjihai anticline, Huoerguosi anticline and it’s southern areas, Tugulu anticline, Qingshuihe fault nose and Qigu anticline. In the fault transporting districts with high efficiency, the fault transporting efficiency is greatest at the first structural belt, and is secondary at the second structural belt, and is least at the third structural belt.The Dushanzi oilfield, Huoerguosi oilfield, Tugulu oilfield, Qigu oilfield and so on, are all located in the fault transporting districts with high efficiency, which indicates fault transporting with high efficiency is one of the significant condition of crude oil accumulation at the fold-thrust belt in southern margin of Junggar Basin.
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Spatial Evolution Character of Surface Water Bodies Pattern Due to Urbanization of Changchun City
CHEN Ding-gui,ZHOU De-min, LV Xian-guo
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  437-0443. 
Abstract ( 1266 )  
The changes of spatial pattern, distribution and composition of surface water bodies were analyze quantitatively by the spatial analysis method, fractal analysis method and remote sensing method from 1995 to 2005 within Changchun City, China. The results indicated that the density of surface water body increased slightly, the water body mass center moved to northwest in the urban area, while the density of surface water body decreased within the downtown. Fractal index showed that the distribution and spatial pattern became more complex due to urbanization of Changchun City. The trend and character of the surface water bodies changed in different way, though surface water areas have been increased generally. The area of lake and swamp by rainfall decreased due to drier climate, while the areas of reservoirs and irrigation drainages are increased rapidly due to higher demand from urbanization and more diversion activities. In the future, the spatial characteristics of urbanization of Changchun City will be influenced by the unbalanced distribution of surface water bodies.
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Application of Krige Method in Time Domain in Forecast of Surface Water Quality
GAO Yan-wei1,2, DONG De-ming, CHEN Dian-you, ZHANG Yan-kun,HAN Xiao-hua
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  444-0447. 
Abstract ( 1611 )  
The authors studied the basic theories of statistics method of multivariate information in time domain and characters about variogram in the first. Based on the observation data of BOD,COD and DO from Zhalong wet land in recent five years,the method of multivariate information was used to predict the trend of the water quality in 2005-2009. Under the condition of minimum variance, this kind of method could make the estimation unbiased. The result implied the changed trend of DO and BOD content in water was not obviously, but the COD content moved upward obviously, and water quality was changing. So it is necessary to reduce the quantity of foul water into wetland and strengthened to treat foul water in order to prevent water quality to be worsen.
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Features and Genetic Process of Ancient Xiufengsi-Dakuaizi Landslide in Wushan County Town, Three Gorges Reservoir Region
ZHANG Jia-gui
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  448-0454. 
Abstract ( 1847 )  
The former specified Xiufengsi landslide was extended as an ancient Xiufengsi-Dakuaizi landslide and its genetic process was probed by the author. The landslide is located between two trenches and shows as an irregular dumbbell. The slide body with a value of about 200×104 m3 was generated from marly stone of the first member in Triassic Badong Formation(T2b1). The slide was developed under special geomorphologic and geologic environment, and controlled by karstification. All the rockmass of slide part, slide zone and slide bed suffered strong karstification and has complex structure. The genetic process is as follows: ① Wushan syncline was put forward by Yanshan movement, and Xiufengsi-Dakuaizi located at the steep-dipping NNW wing of the syncline;② Denudation occured on surface, corrosion and argillation occured in depth in neotectonic era, the soft strata slid on the limestone top and the gentle local fold zone was put forth along the water-table level;③ the mudstone was denuded, the fold zone was exposed in the trench, the marly stone continually slid, and the fold zone was sheared by the sliding body, so the landslide was throughout, and at the same time, the below limestone rockmass was deformed by desolation;④The landslide was fractured, divided and decreased in value by the further karstification and denudation, the limestone layer near Shiban trench dipped reversely, and the limestone top dropped, so the recent appearance was shaped. That type of landslide can be concluded as bedding traction-bed flat-slowdown landslide in karst process.
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Relationship Among Overbreak-Underbreak of Tunnel, Joints and Tunnel Axes
XIAO Yun-hua, WANG Qing, CHEN Jian-ping,QIU Dao-hong
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  455-0459. 
Abstract ( 1508 )  
Applying the fractal geometry, it have been indicated that the overbreak-underbreak curve of tunnel has a self-similarity, and the fractal dimension of the overbreak-underbreak of tunnel is the function of structure of rock mass and the tunnel axes. On the basis of it, to a set of steep joints, it has the double logarithm linear relation between overbreak-underbreak and joints spacing, and it has the double logarithm linear relation between overbreak-underbreak and angle between joints and tunnel axes, too. Finally, the multi-relation among them is built up.
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Multi-Process Rotary Digging Tools and Their Application in Frozen Formation
LIU San-yi,XIAO Bai-ru
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  460-0462. 
Abstract ( 1598 )  
According to the problems of mismatching drilling tools with drilling rigs and maladjustment the structure of drilling tools to strata for the application of the rotary digging technology in China, the BS series of buckets and the AG series auger bits were developed. The benefits were resulted in field application case of Qing Tibet railway, and the technology problems of construction large diameter plies in frozen earth were solved. The average drilling PRM is 2~4 times than the import tools and up to 6~10 m/h.
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Study on Performance of Inorganic Modified Bentonite as Impermeable Layer
WANG Tie-jun, ZHAO Yong-sheng, QU Zhi-hui, ZHOU Rui,LIU Ying-ying, WU Qian-fang, LV Cong, HOU Ge
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  463-0467. 
Abstract ( 1342 )  
According to the laboratory experiments, 2 mol/L magnesium chloride, 0.5 mol/L sulfuric acid and 450℃ roasting were determined as the optimum conditions for the natural Na-bentonite by salt modification, acidification and roasting. The availability and feasibility of the 3 inorganic modified-layers to main contaminants removal in the leachate and leachate leaking control were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the adsorptive capacities and the capacities of the 3 inorganic modified bentonites were enhanced; the permeability of the layers was less than 1×10-7 cm/s, therefore the layers could be used as the “reactive layer”. In the same leaked amount sample, the best removal efficiency of the main pollutants was the roasted bentonite, and next was the acidified bentonite, and the salty modified bentonite was the lowest one.
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Treatment of Secondary Effluent of Pharmaceutical Wastewater by Combination of Membrane Separation with Coagulation
LIU Feng,ZHANG Lan-ying,LIU Peng,LANG Xian-ming,YANG Nan,LIANG Shu-qing
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  468-0472. 
Abstract ( 1157 )  
A pilot-plant test research was carried out by the process of coagulation-ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis to treat secondary effluent in Northeast General Pharmaceutical Factory. The results indicated that the removal efficiencies of turbidity and COD during the process of coagulation were more than 62.0% and 22.3% respectively. The removal efficiencies of turbidity and COD during the process of ultrafiltration were more than 87.4% and 54.5% respectively. And the desalting ratio during the process of reverse osmosis was more than 97.6%. The experimental results showed that the effluent’s quality of the process were satisfied and excelled to the quality index of circulation water, and the process operation was stable.
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Application of Electron Microscopic Analysis for the Sources Apportionment of Atmospheric Particles
ZHONG Yu-hong,FANG Chun-sheng,QIU Li-min, LV Li-sha, ZHANG Zi-yi, DONG De-ming,YU Lian-gui, LIU Hui, LIU Chun-yang, SU Hong-shi, ZHAO Jing
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  473-0478. 
Abstract ( 1355 )  
As a source of atmospheric particulate matter supporting analytical method of source apportionment studies, scanning electron microscopy presents a qualitative and semi-quantitative basis. The scanning electron microscopy is used to do qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of atmospheric particulate matter samples and the sample source during the heating and non-heating periods in Jilin City.These results are consistency well with those that gets from CMB 8.2 chemical mass balance receptor model for the source of analytical results. From the results, we know that the wind and soil dust sources contribute more portion to TSP in the heating period, while the soil dust and construction dust are the main sources of TSP in the non-heating period.
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Comparison of Effect of Solution pH on the Adsorption of Pb, Cd, Cu to Solid Phases in Natural Water
GUO Yuan-yuan, DU Xian-yuan, LIU Liang, HUA Xiu-yi, DONG De-ming
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  479-0483. 
Abstract ( 1613 )  
Simulating adsorption experiments were carried out to investigate adsorption thermodynamic characteristics of heavy metals to deposited sediments (DS), suspended particulate material (SPM) and surface coatings (SC) at different solution pH. The results indicated that Langmuir equation can be used to describe the adsorption thermodynamic processes of heavy metals well to those in the three solid phases. The decreasing order of adsorption capacity of the solid phases was SPM, SC and DS at the same pH, the adsorption capacity of heavy metals to the three solid phases was Pb>Cu>Cd; The adsorption capacity of the three solid phases was increased with the solution pH value, in which the adsorption capacity of SPM was influenced greatly by pH; Comparing with Cu and Cd, the effect of pH value on Pb adsorption to three solid phases was the most remarkable.
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Ecological Environmental Impact Analyzing in Construction of Development Area:A Case Study of Changchun High-Technology Industry Development Area
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  484-0488. 
Abstract ( 1061 )  
The authors analyze ecosystem change before and after development area construction from vegetation changing, species changing, the earth’s surface overlay changing, energy current changing and so on taking an example of Changchun hightechnology industry development area. The authors utilize landscape dominance means to calculate decorated blocks density(Rd), frequency(Rf), landscape proportion(Lp) and landscape dominance value(Do). The highest dominance value is green land 23.78%, second is industry land 20.42%, which indicates that the plan of development area is reasonable and the authorities of the development area pay attention to environmental protection. In ecological satisfaction degree evaluating system composed of 7 index in society, nature and pollution environments, based on definitude index contain number relation, contentment degree related to ecology environment and function influencing people’s life and work is evaluated in this area. The evaluating conclusion indicates that all the index achieve satisfaction degree completely expect of concentrated supplying heat. The investigation result provides feasible evaluating method for environment impact assessment and environment administer in development area or nearby development area.
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Noise Reduction for SAR Interferograms Based on Wavelet Packet Transform
ZHA Xian-jie, FU Rong-shan, DAI Zhi-yang, LIU Bin, SHAO Zhi-gang, XUE Ting-xiao
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  489-0494. 
Abstract ( 1347 )  
Based on the noise in the complex interferograms satisfying an additive noise model, a noise reduction scheme using wavelet packet soft thresholding method to respectively remove the noise in the real and imaginary part of the complex interferograms is proposed. A denoising experiment has been performed through a simulated SAR interferogram contaminated by noise, adopting Daubeachies wavelet as the base function of wavelet packet transform. It is shown that the noise reduction effect of three-level wavelet packet decomposition obviously outperforms that of one-level and two-level wavelet packet decomposition. Moreover, a denoising experiment result has been achieved using a practical interferogram including noise with the proposed scheme, and has been compared with that obtained by directly processing interferogram employing wavelet packet soft thresholding method. The experiment results demonstrated the validity of the scheme proposed by this paper.
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Design and Realization of the Real Time Gathering and Display System EchoViewer of Super Broad-Band Sea-Bottom Profile Instrument
GU Chun-hua,TAO Chun-hui,ZHANG Jin-hui,ZHOU Jian-ping,ZHOU Li-sheng,LI Hong-xing,LIU Cai
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  495-0501. 
Abstract ( 1286 )  
The real time gathering and display system, EchoViewer, is designed for the super broadband sea-bottom profile instrument. The characteristic of super broad-band and multi-frequency synthesizing, as well as the compatibility with other system, have been considered during the software design. The TVG arithmetic and the seabed track arithmetic have been achieved according to the characteristic of propagation of the sonic wave in seabed. The multi-frequency synthesization has been realized by combining the remote sensing image processing technique. The abilities of system control, data gathering, GPS navigation, map display and data playback and process of the system have been demonstrated by the successful application in many tests and the survey of 908 project.
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Investigating Depth of Mode Waves in the Borehole Surrounded by Transversely Isotropic Elastic Formation
CHEN Xue-lian,WANG Rui-jia
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  502-0507. 
Abstract ( 1227 )  
The curves of the dispersion and sensitivity for the mode waves in the borehole surrounded by a transversely isotropic elastic solid are numerically simulated. The results show that the flexural wave is sensitive to the velocity of the vertically propagating shear wave (vSV), while the Stoneley wave is sensitive to the velocity of the horizontally propagating shear wave (vSH). In the slow formation, the investigating depth of the Stoneley wave is about 1.5 radius of the borehole to the wall for the full calculating frequency range; the flexural wave exhibits frequencydependent characteristic of the radial depth of investigation, and the investigating depth is deep (about 4 radius of the borehole) with low wavenumbers and shallow (about 1.5 radius of the borehole) with high wavenumbers. In the fast formation, the sensitivity of the flexural wave to the vSV diminishes slightly, but the sensitivity of the Stoneley wave to the vSH diminishes significantly due to the influence of the fluid filled in the borehole.
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The Method of MRIL-Prime Logging Data Process and Interpretation
JIANG Yu-long, WANG Zhu-wen, WU Dong
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  508-0513. 
Abstract ( 1677 )  
After analyzing the different activation set and data format of MRIL-prime, the processing techniques of MRIL-prime in time domain and depth domain were discussed. A new inversion method was proposed. A fluid identification method based on T1 and T2 contrast was produced. Thus, a new processing and interpretation software for MRIL-prime logging data was programmed. The results in time domain from the new software are in good agreement with the result of DPP, but the program has a more facility in parameter selection and a faster processing speed.
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Locating the Middle Part of Lintong-Chang’an Fault in Shaanxi with Envisat-1 and ETM Remote-Sensing Data Mergence
JING Yan,FENG Xi-jie,DAI Wang-qiang,SHI Ya-qin,HAN Heng-yue,LI Xiao-ni,WANG Feng
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  514-0520. 
Abstract ( 1830 )  
Basing on the character of the penetrability of Envisat-1 image, many tests on remote-sensing data mergence with Envisat-1 and ETM image are done in our research. From the attempts, the multiplied image of Envisat-1 and ETM data is found to be better than other mergence image to delineate shallow buried faults. The multiplied emerge image of Envisat-1 and ETM has been applied successfully to detect the middle part of Lintong-Chang’an fault in Shaanxi.
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The Algorithm and Realization of Shapefile Geometry Transformation Based on Delaunay Triangulation
BU Kun, ZHANG Shu-wen, YANG Jiu-chun, ZHANG Yu-bo
J4. 2008, 38 (3):  521-0526. 
Abstract ( 1721 )  
Most commercial GIS software only offer the simple algorithm of global sense to transform the vector data. In this study, an algorithm for vector geometry transformation with local significance is proposed based on Delaunay triangulation algorithm. The algorithm is implemented on Visual Studio 2005 platform with C# 2.0 and C++, and can be used to perform the vector geometry transformation with Shapefile. The achievement is successfully used to solue the problem of spatial data integration in the project of land use database update of North East of China in 2005.
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