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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 July 2007, Volume 37 Issue 4
Prospecting for Metal Ore Deposits in Second Deep Space of Crustal Interior, the Building of Strategy Reserve Base of Northeast China
TENG Ji-wen,LIU Jian-ming,LIU Cai,YAO Jing-jin,HAN Li-guo,ZHANG Yong-qian
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  633-0651. 
Abstract ( 1559 )  
China is on the eve of rapid industrialization and economic development, the requirement about metal ore resources must rise increasingly. However, the resources detected and exploited in the first deep space(0-500m depth) is too deficient to satisfy the requirement. The resources all over the world may be used with different ways. At the same time, to guarantee the sustainable development of society and economy of our country, the geophysical survey and exploitation of ore resources in the second deep space(500~2000m depth) of crustal interior with high accuracy should be enforced at once, and the strategic reserve base for supplement of metal ore resource with safety,dependable and steady characters should be built in the northeast area of China,on account of the formation and collection of metal ore resources depend on the deep process of physicsmechanicschemistry and the dynamical response and the exchange of substance and energy. The following six problems are discussed: (1)the tendency of requirement about metal ore resources in each country of the world at the present time. (2)the demand of metal ore resources and the degree of dependence on abroad of our couitry in eve of fast industrialization and economic development. (3)one of our pledged ways of the necessary metal resources demanded by our country; multiutilization of the resources in the world. (4)we should depend on our own resources and share the resources in the world at the same time. (5)the survey, detection and exploitation about multimetal ore resources in deep space, and the buildcig of strategic reserve base in the northeast of our country. (6)the detection and exploitation of metal resources by geophysical technology in second deep space of crustal interior must be enforced rapidly.
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Geological features and ore prediction of Dixu gold deposit in southeast Yunnan Province, China
LIU Ji-shun,ZHOU Yu-guo,HAN Hai-tao,GAO Qi-zhi,LIN Jia-yong,LIU De-li,GUO Jun
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  652-0658. 
Abstract ( 2075 )  
Dixu gold deposit is one of the unusual medium-large-scaled gold deposits discovered in Southeast Yunnan Province, in which As and Au are closely associated. Genetically, the deposit belongs to epithermal (mesothermal) super fine-grained contaminated gold deposit. Based on the geological features, the genesis and the controlling factors of the deposit are discussed: (1)Dixu gold deposit is one of the gold deposits occurring as belts along Wenshan-Funing thrust nappe structure, which is the key controlling factor for gold deposits while short-axial anticline is one of the best locations for gold mineralization and short-axial anticlines are the favorite location for ore bodies; (2)Ermeishan basalt with joints, cracks, and pores are the most important ore-hosting rocks; (3)Rather trapped environment with low temperature is the necessary physical environment for the formation of epithermal (mesothermal) fine-grained disseminated gold deposits. The direction of exploration has been discussed and forecast in outer and deeper areas of this deposit.
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Sedimentary exhalative origin of the Baiyinnuoer zinc-lead deposit,Chifeng,inner mongolia:geological and sulfur isotope evidence
ZENG Qing-dong,LIU Jian-ming,JIA Chang-shun,WAN Zhi-min,YU Chang-ming,YE Jie,LIU Hong-tao
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  659-0667. 
Abstract ( 1979 )  
Baiyinnuoer zinc-lead deposit in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, is located at the middle segment of the Da Hinggan Mountains, in the Permian Huanggangliang Group. The distribution of the ore bodies are controlled by fold structures. The ore bodies are mainly composed of layered, disseminated and massive ores. The mineralization can be divided into two periods: the early mineralization including layered, layer parallel veined and brecciated ores, and the late mineralization including veinlets and veined ores. The sulfur isotopic compositions of the sulfides from ores show that the values (average -4.31‰) of the δ34S of the early mineraliztion ores are clearly lower than that (average -1.83‰) of the late mineralization ores. Comprehensive studies indicate that the Baiyinnuoer zinc-lead deposit is a type of sedimentary exhalative Zn-Pb-Ag deposit and superimposed by Yanshanian magma hydrothermal activity. The main metallogenic period is the Permian.
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H-O Isotopes of Gold Deposits in the Hanging Wall of Zhao-Ping Fault Belt
ZHOU Yan,ZHENG Pei-xi,WANG Tie-fu,ZHANG Yan-jie
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  668-0671. 
Abstract ( 1745 )  
Abstract: Zhao-Ping fault belt is the most important orecontrolling structure in Zhao-Ye gold belt in Jiaodong. The gold deposits that are located in the hanging wall of the Zhao-Ping fault belt are distributed mainly in the metamorphic rocks of Jiaodong Group. The ores are mainly of the auriferous quartz vein type hosted in NE trending fractures and faults. Wall-rock alterations are most potassic alteration, silicification, quartz-sericitization, pyritization and carbonatization. The δ18O value of the quartz vein ranges from 4.78‰ to 10.12‰,and the average value is 6.22‰.The δDH2O values of inclusion fluid vary from -100.15‰ to -73.13‰, and the average value is -86.63‰. The result shows that the ore hydrothermal fluid is mainly mantle derived, similar to the ore fluids in other deposits in the area.
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Zircon U-Pb Isotopic Ages of Amphibolite of Qinglongcun Group in Yanbian Area and Its Geological Significance
ZHANG Chun-yan, ZHANG Xing-zhou, QIU Dian-ming
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  672-0677. 
Abstract ( 1717 )  
Qinglongcun Group consists mainly of gneiss, amphibolite, fine-to coarse-grained schist and laminated marble. The geochemical features of Qinglongcun Group show their protolith belongs to calc-alkalic andesite-rhyolite series that were formed during crystallization differentiation of island arc basalt magma. It is suggested that the rock series constitute an island arc terrane within a rather wide accretion-collision zone along continental margin. The zircon U-Pb dating shows that the age from amphibolite of Qinglongcun Group is (274±6) Ma while the age of Lishugou granite is (187±3) Ma. It indicates that Qinglongcun Group metamorphosed at the end of Permian during the collision orogen event of northern margin of North China plate and the granite intruded into Qinglongcun Group at early Yanshan movement, which belongs to the results of postorogenic extension event.
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Comparison of analytical method on global scale international geochemical mapping between China and europe
LIU Hong-yan,WANG Xue-qiu,CHENG Zhi-zhong,XIE Xue-jin
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  678-0683. 
Abstract ( 2168 )  
The key problem is analytical problem in accomplishing international geochemical mapping project. Rather big difference exists between China and Europe in global geochemical mapping. The main differences are that uni-medium sampling in flood plain method is used in China while, in Europe, samples are taken from multi-media. Besides, large equipments are used to analyze 76 elements with the assistance of multiple analytical systems in China while only a few large instruments are used in Europe. Multi-media sampling used in Europe has obtained more information of elemental distribution in more natural materials, but it provided less element information because some key elements are not determined, which include Ag, Au, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, F, Cl, Br, I, Ge, In, Se, Te, K, N, S, B, La, Bi, and Sc etc. These differences may restrict the compilation of the whole global geochemical atlas.
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Sedimentary Paleogeography and Geological Background in the Pukou Stage of Late Cretaceous Period in the Lower Yangtze Area
BAI Yun-feng,CHENG Ri-hui,KONG Qing-ying,TANG Hua-feng,CUI Kun-ning,LIU Peng
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  684-0689. 
Abstract ( 1589 )  
The sedimentary rocks formed in Pukou stage of Late Cretaceous period are distributed widely in the Lower Yangtze area. There occur different rock assembles. Remnant rocks in the southern zone are thin and fine, while in the northern zone thick and coarse. The sedimentary facies includes alluvial fan, fan-delta, offshore lake, shallow lake and deep lake facies. The sedimentary basin was rebuilt by the Nanxiang movement and stage Ⅰ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ of Yanshan movement. The evolution of palaeogeography in this region took place under the background of subduction of the Kula-Pacific plate in NNW direction.
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Study on the Dawsonite Sandstones Reformation with CO2 Fluid
QU Xi-yu, LIU Li, HU Da-qian, MA Rui, YOU Li
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  690-0697. 
Abstract ( 1620 )  
Based on the study on the reformation of Dawsonite sandstones with CO2 fluids at different temperature (100℃, 200℃ and 300℃) and different the CO2/H2O/sandstone systems in inclosed containers, it is suggested that the corrosion intensity of dawsonite sandstone will gradually be enhanced as the temperature increases. At the same time, the SEM study shows that gibbsite occurs on the sample surface. At 200 ℃, as dawsonite sandstone is being dissolved authigenic siderite forms. At 300℃, chlorite deposit on parts of the sample surface. The weak solution of dawsonite sandstone at 100℃ and the formation of siderite at 200℃ illuminate that CO2 being in carbonates in the strata can not be released when CO2 phase is adding to the system.
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Relationship Between PoreSpace Evolution and Deeply Buried Alteration During Diagenetic Stage of the Volcanic Fragments in Reservoir Greywacke from the Songliao Basin,NE China
LIU Wan-zhu, PANG Yan-ming,WU He-yong,GAO You-feng,MEN Guang-tian,REN Yan-guang
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  698-0702. 
Abstract ( 1848 )  
Volcanic detritus are dominant in those composing the reservoir greywacke in the Songliao Basin,and their content can be up to 60%. Matrix of the lithic sandstones, with volume percent Ca. 11% to 19% of matrix, is dominantly tuffaceous, with minor siliceous and calcite cement. They formed in continental faulting basins and their sedimentary facies mainly include river, delta and fan delta. Both compositional and textural maturities of the sandstone are low,whereas such reservoir features as porosity and permeability are generally high. Data from thinsection, skeletal cast and electron microscope indicate that clastic components, matrix and diagenetic fluid are three main factors governing reservoir features of the sandstone rich in volcanic fragments. Alteration of volcanic grains during deeply buried stage can cause secondary inter-and/or intra-grain spores resulting in improvement of the reservoir features. Post-diagenetic variations related to the reservoir features include:(1) Primary porosity of greywacke is sharply reduced during burial-diagenesis;(2) Solution, devitrification as well as forming and recrystallization of secondary mineral can increase primary porosity as a whole;(3) Reaction between diagenetic fluid and volcanic materials can result in abundant secondary pore, which improved physical characteristics of the reservoir sandstone.
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Tectonic-sedimentary response of Foreland Basin in western margin of Ordos Basin
LI Bin, MENG Zi-fang, SONG Yan, LI Xiang-bo
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  703-0709. 
Abstract ( 1873 )  
The foreland basin in western margin of Ordos Basin experienced the Indo-China movement and the Yanshan movement from early stage of the Late Triassic period to the Middle Jurassic period. During those periods, the western margin was wholly uplifted and orogenic belts appeared in the southwest and northwest. The successive palaeogeographic framework shows that the south part of western margin was lacustrine environment and fluvial environment in the north. The sedimentary facies changed from littoral facies to lacustrine and swamp facies, which was resulted from the forming of Qinling orogenic belt. The foreland basin was formed from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous period by strongly thrusting and overriding during the Yanshan movement. There develop angular unconformities in this area. The deposition record indicates the foreland basin framework which is represented by uplifts alternating with depressions. The conclusion is obviously different from that the foreland basin formed in Late Triassic period. The fact that the foreland basin was rebuilt by the Himalaya movement from the Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic period, together with developed angular unconformities and deposition record responses, demonstrates the plain-swamp sedimentary environment.
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Study on Sedimentary Microfacies During the Middle-Late Development Stages of Wen 72 Block in Wenliu Oilfield
LI Hai-yan, PENG Shi-mi
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  710-0716. 
Abstract ( 1465 )  
For an oil reservoir in the middle-late development stages, a fine study about sedimentary condition, sedimentary microfacies and their features are very important in modeling a proper reservoir, getting a proper knowledge of remaining oil distribution and improving oil recovery rate. Based on core, well logging, mud log and related test data from Wenliu ore field, the sedimentary microfacies of Wusha Formation from middle section of the third member in Wen72 block were studied. This district belongs to meandering river delta deposit. Five microfacies can be classified as submerge distributary channel, mouth bar, distal bar, interdistributary and prodelta mud. The submerge distributary channel deposit and mouth bar deposit are major reservoir sands. The evolution and distribution of the microfacies in every number have also been studied. The discussion on the relationship between microfacies and oil-bearing indicates that the accumulation of oil and gas is controlled by microfacies. The oilbearing ability of submerge distributary channel is the highest, that of mouth bar secondly, and that of distal bar the lowest. The conclusions can provide a geological foundation for the development scheme adjustment and dynamic analysis of the Wenliu oil reservoir.
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Classification and Estimation of Sedimentary Organic Facies of Early Cretaceous Source Rocks in Jixi Basin
GAO Fu-hong,LIU Li,GAO Hong-mei,FAN Fu
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  717-0720. 
Abstract ( 1795 )  
Early Cretaceous source rocks in Jixi Basin include lacustrine mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone and coal. According to the organic petrology, sedimentology and organic geochemistry of source rocks, the sedimentary organic facies in this area can be divided into three types:hemideep-deep lacustrine organic, shore-swamp organic and high-stand swamp organic facies. Among them, the shore-swamp organic facies, the most important one, occurs widely in the area, and its organic matter is mainly Ⅲ-type. Its hydrocarbon-generation capacity varies largely, and oil and gas are its main products. In the locally distributed hemideep-deep lacustrine organic facies, the organic matter is mainly Ⅱ-type, partially Ⅲ-type. The hydrocarbon generation capacity of this facies is higher than others, and oil is the main product. The high-stand swamp organic facies just appears in the edge of the basin, and its hydrocarbon generation capacity is the lowest.
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Micro-fabrics of Reservoir Volcanic Rocks in the Qingshen Gas Field of the Songliao Basin
QU Yan-ming, SHU Ping, JI Xue-yan, DING Ri-xin,BAI Xue-feng, WANG Pu-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  721-0725. 
Abstract ( 1879 )  
The volcanic rocks of the Early Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation are the main reservoir rocks in the Qingshen gas field of the Songliao Basin. Reservoir space is classified as fissure and pore, the latter is premier and the former serves as main tunnels for fluid migration. There are 4 types of reservoir spaces, and the most common one is combined disoloved emposieu and micropore. By mercury penetration analyzing of volcanic samples, capillary pressure curves are on a scale from Ⅰ to Ⅴ. Volcanic breccias and breccias lava developing from volcanic conduit, vesicle rhyolith developing from intrafacies on top of effusion facies, and pyromeride or pearlite from inner zone intrafacies of intruded facies,are suggested to be the best reservoirs. Their sorting coefficient is from 0.3 to 2.6, coarse skewness, maximum pore throat’s radius is 4.9 μm, thus being of better reservoir’s physical properties. In all the ways, reservoir's pore structure of the region is featured by dominance of micropore throat, big proportion of pore and throat and wider distribution range. These reservoirs need commonly extensive fracture treatment so that commercial gas flows can be gained.
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Geological features of the volcanic reservoirs of the Songliao Basin and their geophysical detection
SHU Ping, QU Yan-ming, WANG Guo-jun, DING Ri-xin, AI Xing-bo,JI Xue-yan, TANG Hua-feng, BIAN Wei-hua, WANG Pu-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  726-0733. 
Abstract ( 2189 )  
The authors mainly focus on the description of various spaces in the volcanic reservoir and their response to some geophysical detection methods. Eleven types of volcanic rocks are found to be effective gas reservoirs in the Yingcheng Formation of the Songliao Basin. Association of different pores and fractures forms the reservoirs’ space in different rocks. The fracture density and their opening status controll the permeability and throughput of volcanic reservoirs and change along with the variation in lithology and lightfaces. These fractures are of multi-evolution stages. Micro-resistivity scan logging (MRSL) can be used to identify the length and density of fractures in volcanic reservoirs. The apparent porosity is calculated by using the results of MRSL. Fracture detection at pre-stack helps to identify the density and direction of fractures semi-quantitatively. These results are proven to be helpful in making well development arrangement and underground artificial fracturing.
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Accumulation Model of Reservoirs in the Heidimiao Area in the Southern Songliao Basin
YANG Guang, MIAO Hong-bo, GUO Wei, LIU Wan-zhu, XU Liang
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  734-0738. 
Abstract ( 1906 )  
Applying biomarks of m/z191 terpane-hopane series and sterane series, the authors analyzed the oil sources and suggested that the oil and gas of K1y1 came from the overlaid K1n1.The oil and gas generated in K1n1 migrated to the Putaohua oil layer of K1y1 through faults. The oil layer was of an assemblage type of upper source rocks and lower reservoirs. Faults were the main controlling elements. The main accumulation model of reservoirs was structuralstratigraphic trap and the Putaohua oil layer should be the main target layer for prospecting in the Heidimiao area in the future. The detailed research on the faults in K1y and the relationship between low-amplitude structures and sand deposits will be the key for oil and gas prospecting in future.
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Fluid Inclusion Study and Its Application to Tracing Gas-Trapping History in the Qingshen Gas Field of the Songliao Basin
JI Xue-yan, SHU Ping, QU Yan-ming, DING Ri-xin, GUO Zhen-hua, WANG Pu-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  739-0743. 
Abstract ( 1706 )  
Microscopic inspection, microthermometry and salinity measurement, systematic fluid inclusion studies in the Qingshen gas field of the Songliao Basin show that homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion varies from 97.1℃ to 156.7℃ in the reservoir. Through comprehensive analysis, we found that there are 6 thermal fluid activities and 4 charging periods of gas in the volcanic reservoir of the Yingcheng Formation in Xujiaweizi rift. Average homogenization temperature ranges recorded by hydrocarbon-bearing salt-water inclusions are 97.1℃ to 114.1℃, 121.4℃ to 128.3℃, 130.5℃ to 138.2℃ and 140.6℃ to 156.7℃, respectively. Regional burial history and other factors being considered, the third thermal fluid activity, which spans the time range from late Quantou Formation to middlelate Qingshankou Formation, is considered as a major period in which massive natural gas pools was formed among all periods charging of gas in the Yingcheng Formation reservoir in Xujiaweizi rift.
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The Model for Reservoir Formation Within the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Biyang Depression
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  744-0751. 
Abstract ( 1768 )  
Sequence stratigraphy research in Biyang depression indicates, the subtle reservoirs are related to system tracts of sequence stratigraphy, the updip pinchout reservoirs in south steep slope zone are mainly within the lowstand and highstand system tracts(LST and HST), the lithologic lens in the central depression are mainly abnormal geobody of LST and dolomite fracture reservoirs, the reservoirs in the north gentle slope are mainly stratigraphic unconformity, fault unconformity, fault-lithology, fault-nose reservoirs of HST, there also exist delta of LST, stratigraphic overlap of expanding system tracts(EST) and slump lithology of HST. Based on the sequence stratigraphy characteristics and the distribution of various types of reservoirs, the model for reservoir formation within the sequrence stratigraphic framework in the Biyang depression is established. The model indicates that the area around the salt lake zone is the keystone domains of subtle reservoirs exploration such as lithological/stratigraphic reservoirs, which include the geobody of LST, delta of LST, stratigraphic overlap of EST, dolomite fractures of HST, turbidite of HST and fault-lithology of HST.
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Changes of Wetland in Qaidam Basin in the Past 50 Years and Analysis of Climatic Background
ZHANG Ji-cheng,JIANG Qi-gang,LI Yuan-hua,WANG Li-hua
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  752-0758. 
Abstract ( 1786 )  
Based on the 1∶100 000 topographic maps of Qaidam Basin on 1956’s aerial photographs, remote sensing images of Landsat TM in 1990 and Landsat ETM in 2000,and the temperature and precipitation data of eight weather stations in Qaidam Basin,the distribution patterns of wetland, changes of wetland and background of climate factors were studied by using RS and GIS techniques. During 1956 and 2000,the average annual temperature and average precipitation in Qaidam Basin show an increasing trend, with the former rising significantly, with warm-dry period from 1990 to 2000. The trend of wetland degradation in Qaidam Basin is serious during 1956~2000 especially in 1990s.In the edge area of Qaidam Basin and along large rivers, there was a fluctuation trend of wetland, caused by climatic changes and human activities, i.e., the degradation of wetland in central and western basin is caused by temperature rise and human activities, while the slight increasing of wetland in edge area of the basin is caused by average annual precipitation change.
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Application of Virtual Geographical Technology on Dynamic Groundwater Simulation
HU Zhuo-wei, ZHU Lin, GONG Hui-li
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  759-0766. 
Abstract ( 1826 )  
Current commercial simulation software for groundwater flow have low capabilities of data preprocessing and 3D visualization effect. In order to solve these problems, Visual C++ 6.0 and OpenGL were selected as development environment and 3D graphic displaying/rendering tool and drill data for groundwater and geological strata as principal data source, to realize a process for groundwater information management and analysis, which included data processing, modeling, data storing, data transfer, querying and real 3D visualization. Based on this process, functions of dynamic simulation of groundwater were developed and virtual geographical technique was successfully applied in groundwater management. Visual virtual analyzing system of groundwater spatial information, characterized as open structure, abundant functions, flexible control, etc. was successfully applied in Su-Xi-Chang regions.
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Analysis on Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Pollutant and Sources of Pollutant in Zhangshi Irrigated Area of Liaoning Province
LI Xu-qian, PAN Xiao-feng, SUN Da-zhi, SHANG Shu-bo,LI Hong-yan, FU Xiang-ming, LIN Jing-yu
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  767-0772. 
Abstract ( 1687 )  
Groundwater in Zhangshi irrigated area is seriously polluted by both organic and inorganic pollutants, the spatial distribution of pollutant and characteristics are as a result of various sources of pollutant. The authors simply summarize the spatial distribution of pollutant enrichment factor and factor analysis methods are applied to study the sources of pollutant, and the contributing degree of each source. The result shows that the sources of pollutant mainly include non-point-source, line-source and point-source, with NH+4, NO-3, SO2-4, phenanthrene, BHC, Fe and Mn mainly from non-point-source, NH+4, Hg, Cd, COD, phenanthrene, BHC mainly from line-source, and SO2-4, dimethoate and CN- from point-source.Taking acconnt of above discussing,groundwater is not only pollutant by pesticide and fertilizer, but also by waste water from chemical plunt.
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Numerical Analyzing for Influence of Different Cases of Upstream Flow Velocity on Turbulent Backflow Above the Top of the Cube
MI Hai-rong, GAO Ye
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  773-0777. 
Abstract ( 1509 )  
Different cases of upstream flow were investigated and the occurring conditions of separation, separation degree, and attachment in the frontal face of the cube were analyzed. Based on the comparison of the experimental data, occurring conditions of backflow and attachment, which were analyzed using standard k-ε model, the attachment length ZR are directly related with the upstream flow velocity u, the equation is u= y1/m.When m is decreases, the ZR increases. When m is larger than 7, there is a strong separation above the top of the cube, but no attachment, ZR is over 1.0.
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Analysis of Expansion Condition of Soil Cavity Induced by Pumping
XIE Zhong-qiu, WAN Zhi-qing, QIAN Hai-tao
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  778-0782. 
Abstract ( 1446 )  
The formation and expansion of a soil cavity is among the basic conditions of the overburden karst collapse. To reveal the mechanism of karst collapse induced by groundwater pumping, the authors analyse the expanding condition of soil cavity by analytical method and put forward the concept of spalling force. It is indicated that the expanding condition of soil cavity is the spalling force exceeding tension strength of soil: increasing along with the continuous expansion of soil cavity, spalling forces caused by pumping water are heterogeneous around the soil cavity, so once expansion start, the soil cavity shows an accelerated developing trend because of the increasing spalling forces.
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Estimation of Long-Term Tensile Strength of Roof in No.1 Cave of Niuchang Ancient Underground Caverns, Longyou, Zhejiang Province
GUO Gai-mei, YANG Zhi-fa, TAO Bo,GAO Bing-li
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  783-0788. 
Abstract ( 1557 )  
The authors present a new method to estimate long-term tensile strength according to tensile cracks on roof of No.1 cave in Niuchang ancient underground caverns. Firstly, a model based on true initial and boundary conditions of Niuchang ancient underground caverns is established by Ansys, and then the range of tensile stress in cracked elements and perpendicular to cracks is obtained by FLAC-3D calculation, as 0.037-0.469 MPa. Because cracks in the roof occur after long time stress, and according to theory of strength I of material mechanics, such range can be regarded as roof long-term tensile strength in No.1 cave of Niuchang ancient underground caverns.
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Experimental Research on the Municipal Wastewater Treatment by Multi-stage Two-phase Anaerobic Process Using Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
SHAO Pi-hong, HAN Xiang-kui, AI Sheng-shu, LIU Hong-bo
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  789-0792. 
Abstract ( 1803 )  
The authors put forward a technical process to treat municipal wastewater using multi-stage two-phase anaerobic reactor, which not only increases the efficiency of mass transfer but also improves the biochemical activity of different kinds of microbe, and thereby greatly increases the efficiency of organic pollutants treatment through the design of anaerobic baffled reactor structure, flow velocity and multi-stage regulation of microbe. The experiment results show that when hydraulic residence time longer than 10 h is used, the removal rate of COD is above 90% and less affected by water temperature.
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Study on the Treatment of Acrylonitrile Wastewater by Fenton Reagent, Micro-electrolysis and Biological Contact Oxidation Process
ZOU Dong-lei, WANG Hong-yan, YANG Jin-ling, ZHANG Chun-li, ZHANG Guang-ming, ZHANG Si-xiang
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  793-0796. 
Abstract ( 1863 )  
The combined process of Fenton reagent, Microelectrolysis and Biological contact oxidation is proposed to treat the Acrylonitrile wastewater. The optimal technological conditions and the effect of this process are discussed. The results show that by providing wastewaters pH of about 3 and reaction time of 2 hours, the quantity of H2O2 of 40 mL/L, the concentration of ferrous iron is 0.4 g/L, the effluent of microelectrolysis goes into Biological contact oxidation process, in which DO, HRT and volume load are 4.5 mg/L, 10 hours and 1.0 kg CODCr/(m3·d) respectively, satisfying the first grade of the national standard.
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Extraction of Main Components and Characteristics of Heavy Metals Distribution in the Suspended Particulate Matters in Natural Waters
SHEN Xiu-e, DONG De-ming, LU Yong-zheng, LV Li-sha, HUA Xiu-yi
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  797-0803. 
Abstract ( 1642 )  
In order to investigate the effect of the main components of the suspended particulate matters on heavy metals in aquatic environments, a selective chemical extraction method was employed to extract Mn, Fe oxides and organic matters in suspended particulate matters sampled from Yitong River and Nanhu Lake in Changchun City. Optimum extraction conditions were selected by the condition experiments and the concentration of Cu, Pb, Zn in main components were also determined for revealing the distribution of the heavy metals in the suspended particulate matters. It was found that hydroxylamine hydrochloride (0.006 mol/L NH2OH·HCl+0.01 mol/L HNO3) can remove most of Mn oxides, and sodium dithionite (0.8 mol/L Na2S2O4 Related Articles | Metrics
Using DCT to Calculate Normalized Full Gradient of Gravity Anomalies
ZHANG Feng-qin, ZHANG Feng-xu, LIU Cai, XU Dong-hai, LIN Ze-fu
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  804-0808. 
Abstract ( 1812 )  
Normalized full gradient of gravity anomalies can be used to find the location of source and inspect hydrocarbon structure because of its characteristic of “one less value between two high values”. Traditionally, В. М. Березкин method and Fourier transform were used primarily, but using DCT to calculate normalized full gradient of gravity anomalies was a new method. The authors presented gravity anomalies conversion formula based on DCT, in succession studied GH field characteristics of these models that include infinite horizontal cylinder, symmetricaldensity spherecoronal and asymmetricdensity oil storage spherecoronal. These experiments had proved that the more was the depth, the smaller was the harmonic wave member, at the same time the singular point Maximum moved downwards and had linear attenuation. GH field contour line of asymmetricdensity oil storage spherecoronal had presented typical characteristic of “one less value between two high values”. GH field calculated by DCT has excellent stability and could enhanced the depth of downward continuation.
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On Regularization Inversion Method of Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data
ZHANG Wen-quan,WENG Ai-hua
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  809-0813. 
Abstract ( 1837 )  
To illustrate the influence of different regularization operator on the inversion of water content distribution from surface nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal, synthetic data of noise free and contaminated have been investigated. The water content distributions of two layers have been studied. Numerical results show that for the data with either high or low signal to noise ratio (SNR), inversion solution depends weakly on regularization operators, while strongly upon regularization parameter. Relatively large regularization parameters cause low resolution of solution, and a small parameter can improve data fitting and enhance the accuracy of inversed water content distribution.
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Ray-tracing Based on Wavefront Construction: A Java Implementation
SUN Jian-guo, HE Yang
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  814-0820. 
Abstract ( 1723 )  
In view of the existing difficulties and problems associated with the practical implementation of the ray-tracing based on wavefront construction, we present a Java implementation. In comparison with the conventional Fortran implementation, the Java implementation can avoid the problems caused by data point insertion and data point repositioning when mapping from an irregular grid to a regular one. As a result, the data point can be inserted at any time during computation,without needing to treat the data point repositioning problem. Since no implementation details have been published in the literature, we first review the basic equations, the numerical schemes, and the algorithm used for realizing the wavefront construction. After that, we shortly discuss the design of Java classes and Java functions. Our experience shows that using Java can both reduce the programming effort and provide a better basis for the future development cross different platforms.
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Support Vector Regression Based on Ricker Wavelet Kernel Function and Its Application to Seismic Prospecting Data Denoising
DENG Xiao-ying, LI Yue
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  821-0827. 
Abstract ( 1993 )  
Aiming at suppressing the strong stochastic noise in seismic prospecting data, support vector regression(SVR) is introduced. A new permitted support vector kernel function-Ricker wavelet kernel function is proposed and demonstrated. Based on the elementary idea of kernel mapping and the principle of structural risk minimization, SVR transforms the regression problem into a quadratic programming problem. The results of simulation experiments for single channel data or arbitrary channel of multi-channel data show the clearer event, the better wave shape and the higher SNR compared with the conventional convolution filter and common SVR based on RBF. So it is possible that SVR based on Ricker wavelet kernel function is applied to suppressing noise in seismic prospecting data.
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Study on the Theory of Spectrum Equilibrating Filter in Seismic Data Acquisition System
YUAN Zi-long, NING Jing, LI Ting-ting
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  828-0832. 
Abstract ( 1424 )  
A set of uniform thickness models of layered absorption media were established. The absorption and attenuation character of stratum were calculated as well. Based on these results the mathematic model and spectrum equilibrating filter (SEF) frame were designed. Ricker wavelet whose predominant frequency is 200Hz was chosen as the exciting wave, and the character parameters (predominant amplitude,predominant frequency and frequency bandwidth) of its reflected wave were calculated. Filtered by SEF the strata’s absorption and attenuation was compensated and the parameters of reflected wave could be improved as well. When time range changed from 0.5s to 3.0s, the predominant amplitude, predominant frequency and frequency band increased 20.55-30.40 dB , 104-74 Hz and 205-186 Hz , respectively, and the resolution increased to 2.9-13.9 m(increasing 56%-67%).
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Parasequence Automatical Partition Based on Wavelet Transform of Logging Data
FANG Wen-jing, FAN Yi-ren, LI Xia, DENG Shao-gui
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  833-0836. 
Abstract ( 1775 )  
The key of sequence stratigraphy analysis lies in recognizing sequence boundaries of different levels. Parasequence is the minimum unit of sequence stratigraphy analysis of well-logging. Logging curves changed abruptly due to obvious variation of physical properties at the interface of parasequence unit. The mutation can be revealed clearly by wavelet transform of logging data. Example was taken from the No.3 sequence in the third middle member of Shahejie Formation in a well of Shengli oilfield,the SP data were processed by two-scale wavelet transform using quadric spline wavelet. With this transformation the logging data were expended from one dimensional depth space into two dimensional depth-scale space and wavelet coefficient curves on different scales were obtained. When the optimum decomposed-scale was determined, the interface of parasequence unit can be recognized correctly according to the position of wavelet modulus and the result was finer than that of manual recognition. The research was of important significance in quantitative sequence demarcation at different levels.
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Study on Water-Saving Hydro-Percussive Tools and Pneumatic Steel Ball Percussion Tools
LU Chun-hua, YAN Tai-ning, Н.Г. Egorov, JIANG Guo-sheng, WU Xiang
J4. 2007, 37 (4):  837-0840. 
Abstract ( 1447 )  
The present situation of many areas lack water seriously in China and execution of strategy of national geology survey makes it become urgent assignment that how to drill soft-middle hard rock rapidly and with high efficiency encountered frequently in drought and water-scarce area. The authors studied the structural design and the working principle of two new types of water-saving percussion tools, water-saving hydro-percussive tools and pneumatic steel ball percussion tools. The results showed that the application of the two new types of water-saving percussion tools can not only saved a lot of water during the course of drilling, but also improved drilling efficiency greatly, and had developing prospect in drought and water-scarce area.
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