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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2007, Volume 37 Issue 5
Reconsideration of the Seluohe Group in Seluohe Area, Jilin Province
LI Cheng-dong,ZHANG Fu-qin, MIAO Lai-cheng, XIE Hang-qiang, HUA Yan-qiu,XU Ya-wen
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  841-0847. 
Abstract ( 1823 )  
The Seluohe Group is located in eastern portion of the northern margin of the North China craton, Seluohe-Huajiling area, Jilin Province, China, and has been considered to be the Meso-Neoproterozoic metamorphic strata for long time. Based on the recent filed investigation and dating, however, the original Seluohe Group is actually composed of metamorphic strata and deformed granites with different ages, geneses, tectonic styles and metamorphic grades, so this lithostratigraphpic unit is no longer valid and should be dismembered. The original Seluohe Group contains at least four parts: Late Archean metamorphic rocks (zircon SHRIMP protolith ages 2 517-2 534 Ma), Late Paleozoic metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary strata (zircon SHRIMP 252 Ma), Permian gneissic granitic complex (zircon SHRIMP 260 Ma), and Jurassic mylonitized granites (zircon SHRIMP 168 Ma). The so-called Seluohe Group-complex defined previously in the Seluohe area is in fact a suit of low-grade metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary sequences which were probably generated during the late Paleozoic, or a complex composed of tectonic slices with various ages.
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Formation Process of Sapphirine and Related Mineral Association in the High-grade Region of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica
REN Liu-dong, WANG Yan-bin, ZHAO Yue
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  848-0855. 
Abstract ( 1930 )  
Study of sapphirine and related mineral association in the high-grade region of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, shows that sapphirine of the area is characterized by its magesio, iron-and aluminum-rich, but silico-poor feature, and the substantial intra-and intergrain changes in compositions. The change is mainly manifested by the Tschermark substitution (Mg, Fe) + Si = 2Al. In the high-grade metamorphism and anatexis process, in which sapphirine was formed, the multistage crystallization of minerals resulted in the complexity of the mineral association, such as the differentiation of leuco-and melano-components. Generally, the mafic-rich minerals formed earlier, and the differentiation of magnesio-and iron-components is responsible for the earlier presence of ironrich minerals, i.e., magnesio-rich minerals crystallized later, thus the successive associations of multistage occurred. The rock composition is an important but not the only critical factor for the occurrence of sapphirine. It is the mobilization of components that accounts for the formation of sapphirine. The multistage evolution of mineral association to some degree reflects the changing composition and opening of the setting. It can therefore, be deduced that the protolith from which sapphirine was derived is not necessarily magnesiorich pelite. The heterogeneity of sapphirine in composition is related to the composition changes of the settings, not to the changes in pT condition. Sapphirine was formed at 840-880℃, not at the ultrahigh temperature condition(>1000℃)previously thought. Its formation is thought to be related both to the filtration and diffusion processes during highgrade metamorphism and anatexis.
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Metamorphism of the Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic Metamorphic Series in the Western Segment of the Southern Altyn Tagh Tectonic Belt
QIN Xiao-feng,XIA Bin,LI Jiang,LI Chun-quan,LU Ji-pu,XU Hua,ZHOU Fu-sheng,HU Gui-ang,LI Qian
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  856-0867. 
Abstract ( 1568 )  
The Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic metamorphic series in the western segment of the southern Altyn Tagh tectonic belt is lithologically composed of the middle-shallow metamorphic series containing three metamorphic zones of progressive metamorphism from greenschist facies to low-amphibolite facies,namely,sericite-muscovite zone,biotite zone and garnet-hornblende zone. The detailed study of metamorphic p-T path from garnet-hornblende zone indicates three metamorphic evolutionary stages: the middle-high pressure metamorphism(M1) probably related to subduction and collision between ancient island arc and plate,at a depth of 30-35 km in response to crustal tectonic thickening at probable 7.27×108-9.63×108Pa. Subsequent isothermal decompression process(M2) took place at about 4.1×108-5.62×108 Pa as a result of rapid exhumation and the late retrograde metamorphic evolutionary stage(M3) at decreased temperature and pressure. They make up a clockwise p-T evolutionary path and their geodynamic settings belong to those of plate collision and orogenic uplifting,indicating that the southern Altyn Tagh tectonic belt once experienced processes of subduction, collision and rapid uplifting.
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Studies on Sulfur and Lead Isotope of the Arehada Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, Dong Ujmqin Qi(County),Inner Mongolia
ZHANG Wan-yi, NIE Feng-jun, LIU Yan,JIANG Si-hong,XU Zhi,HU Peng,LAI Xin-rong,PI Xiao-dong
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  868-0877. 
Abstract ( 2133 )  
Located at easternmost part of the Early Paleozoic tectono-magmatic belt of the Chaganobo-Aououte-Chaobuleng along the southern edge of the Siberian plate, the newly discovered Arehada deposit is a largescale Pb-Zn deposit occurring in the centraleastern Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.We present 20 new sulfur and lead isotope data of wall rock and orebodies. The sulfur isotope compositions of wall rock are similar to those of orebodies. The δ34S values vary from 1.2‰ to 8.6‰. The sulfur isotope compositions show different sources. The temperatures calculated from sulfideparas show high temperature stage and medium low temperatrue stage. The 206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 17 sulfide samples of orebodies vary in ranges of 18.153-18.431, 15.370-15.602 and 37.653-38.213,with the average values of 18.271,15.464 and 37.873,respectivly. The 206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 3 sulfide samples of wall rock vary in ranges of 18.281-18.293,15.470-15.484 and 37.874-37.909,with the average values of 18.288,15.477 and 37.893, respectively. The lead isotope compositions are similar to those of biotite granite and metasandstone from Chaobuleng skarn ironpolymetallic deposit. It indicates that the sources of lead is wall rock and Indosinian granite.
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Geochemistry and Significance of Modern Hot Spring Sinters in Western Sichuan
WANG Deng-hong,FU Xiao-fang,YING Han-long
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  878-0883. 
Abstract ( 1803 )  
There are more than 800 modern hot-springs in western Sichuan, China, but few know ledge has been obtained about hot-spring mineralization. Some new analytical data of siliceous and calc sinters from Rekeng, Batang County, and Reshuitang, Litang County, are reported, indicating that gold mineralization in both area, with Au contents from <0.1 to 1.89g/t. Being high in Li, Be, Mo, Ga, Rb and Cd contents and low in Cu, Pb and Zn contents in sinters of gold mineralization can be used as an indicator for further prospecting. Terrestrial siliceous sinters are different from submarine chert for the highly input of Al and other landphile elements. So, some widely applied diagrams such as the Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+Cu) diagram by P.A. Rona (1978,1988) can be used to discrimination its origin, but some can not be used directly, such as the Al-Fe-Mn diagram by Adachi et al.(1986). It is urgent to investigate and research the mineralization feature and metallogenic regularity related to the modern hotspring systems in western Sichuan and other sinters in the Sanjiang (Jinshajiang River, Nujiang River and Lancangjiang River) area.
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The Improved Gregorian’s Zoning Index Calculating Method
WANG Jian-xin,ZANG Xing-yun,GUO Xiu-feng,XIE Hai-dong,ZHAO Li-gang,SUN Yong-jie
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  884-0888. 
Abstract ( 1323 )  
The text takes the calculation of elemental vertical zoning of ZK001 in Yantonglazi Cu-Au deposit as an example, puts forward two improved aspects of calculating the Gregorian’s zoning index: in preparing the original data, normalization method of cluster analysis is used to get data format of \[0,1\] for deceasing calculation and for avoiding some manmade error; in calculating the variation degree, the reciprocal of the variation degree from traditional Gregorian’s zoning index method is used to represent the variation degree. This improvement can solve the problem that sometimes calculation cannot be carried out when some zoning index are zero. The calculation result by the method present here seems to match the geology in study area better than that by traditional Gregorian’s zoning index calculation method.
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An Application of GIS Based Weights of Evidence for Gold Prospecting in the Northwest of Heilongjiang Province
LIU Shi-xiang,XUE Lin-fu,QIE Rui-qing,ZHANG Xu-dong,MENG Qing-long
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  889-0894. 
Abstract ( 1576 )  
Based on the analysis of metallogenetic characteristics of the gold deposits in the northwest area of Heilongjiang Province, the gold prospecting model is built. Various geological anomalous information of the area is analyzed. Eleven evidence layers, relating to mineralization, such as strata, structures, magmatites, remote sensing, geophysical and geochemical anomalies, are extracted. The weight evidence method is applied to simulate the mine evaluation of the study area. Based on the posteriori probabilities, three-grade prospective subareas have been classified and five first-grade metallogenetic targets have been outlined. It provides a way of selecting target area in the process of looking for mineral resources.
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Phytolith Distribution in the Surface Peat Deposit of Northeast China
ZHANG Xin-rong,HU Ke,FANG Shi,WANG Dong-po
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  895-0900. 
Abstract ( 1803 )  
Phytolith analysis in the surface soils is not only an important approach of studying phytolith assemblages in the Quaternary sediments, but also a basis of Quaternary environment reconstruction. Phytolith from 41 sites of 6 areas and 3 climate belts of Northeast China were extracted and classified into 11 types: dumbbellshaped, saddleshaped, fanshaped, squareshaped, rectangularshaped, laddershaped, capshaped, pointshaped, crenateshaped, elongateshaped, and othershapes. Analysis showed that, there were relations between the phytolith distribution and the latitude, the altitude, temperature and heat: with the increase of the latitude and altitude, the contents of dumbbellshaped, saddleshaped, fanshaped, squareshaped, rectangularshaped and laddershaped phytolith decrease, or vice versa; a warmer temperature is always corresponding with higher contents of fanshaped and dumbbellshaped phytolith, the more humid, the higher content of fanshaped phytolith.
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Cenozoic Climate Changes in the Qaidam Basin, Western China: Evidenced From Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotope
YIN Cheng-ming,LI Wei-min,R. Andrea,LIU Yong-jiang,CHEN Yuan-zhong,GONG Qing-lin
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  901-0907. 
Abstract ( 2008 )  
Carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses on Eocene to Holocene carbonates from the Qaidam Basin at the northeastern edge of the Tibetan plateau in Western China show several distinct events related to regional climate and tectonism involving in the formation and uplift of the Tibetan plateau. The stable isotope record of the thick Cenozoic lacustrine-terrestrial sedimentary sequence indicates that the climates of Miocene were dominated by arid conditions. Carbon isotope data of the Hongsanhan section reveal two small and short cycles of 1 Ma to 3 Ma duration. Based on the results of stable isotope data, four distinct tectonic events can be detected: (1) An increase of the δ13C and δ18O values in Late stage of Shangganchaigou Formation should corespond to the surrounding mountain uplifting; (2) A sharp decrease both δ13C and δ18O values around the boundary between the Shangganchaigou Formation and Xiayoushashan Formation reveal a height increase of the whole basin and the uplifting event of Himalaya at ca. 24 Ma; (3) Positive isotopic ratios at 19 Ma to 18 Ma coincide with the strongest uplifting of the Altyn Mountains and the subsidence of the basin, resulting in drought climate; (4) Another height increase of the whole basin is documented by highly negative ratios at 12 Ma with the pronounced basin subsidence and relative mountain uplifting.
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Oil-Gas Migration and Accumulation of Taizhou Formation in Gaoyou Depression, Subei Basin
WANG Yong-jian, WANG Yan-bin, LIANG Bing, LIU Guo-feng
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  908-0912. 
Abstract ( 1786 )  
Migration time, trapping history and accumulation model have been studied, based on fluid inclusions, analysis of strato-structure and trap features. It was concluded that three episodes of significant tectonic movement occured during stages of Yizheng, Wubao and Sanduo, and the Gaoyou depression formed in Sanduo stage owing to the stong block-faulting movement and favorable trap forming conditions., There were three models of migration and accumulation in the studied area, which were reservoir-controlling lateral migrating, fault-controlling vertical migrating and composite migration controlled by both reservoir and fault.
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Sealing Ability Vertical Changes of the Vertical Fractures in Budate Group of Beier Depression, Hailaer Basin
FU Guang, WANG Guo-min,WANG You-gong
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  913-0918. 
Abstract ( 1546 )  
By means of cores observation and analysis of imaging welllogging data, it shows that vertical fractures were developed in Budate Group of Beier depression. The formation and distribution of vertical fractures were controlled by the faults. By the vitrinite reflectance required in deposition of silica or carbonate, the vertical seal of vertical fractures in Budate Group of Beier depression now was studied. It shows that vertical fractures are open in most of the area, and closed only in a few areas of the depression. Sealed areas distributed in stripe on the edge of the depression and in ring in the centre of the depression. The vertical sealing ability of the vertical fractures in Budate Group of Beier depression in geohistorical periods is better than that of the present. Oil & gas preservation conditions become worse and worse, a great deal of oil-gas has been lost in the past.
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The Characters and Evaluation of Source Rocks of the Late Cretaceous in the Sunwu-Jiayin Basin, NE China
FAN Fu, GAO Fu-hong, LIU Li, GAO Hong-mei
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  919-0922. 
Abstract ( 1418 )  
Taipinglinchang Formation is the important source rocks in the Sunwu-Jiayin Basin. Geochemical results indicate that the black mudstone is rich in saporpelinite+exinite,showing the tendency to generate oil, of which the average content of total organic carbon is 0.648%, chloroform bitumen “A”is 0.015%. The quality of the potential source rocks meet the standard of middle-good source rock. Carbon isotope, organic elements and microcomponents analysis indicate that they contain typeⅡ2 and Ⅲ kerogen. The distribution of Ro is from 0.55% to 0.92%,with an average of 0.78%,demonstrating the low mature-immature source rock. It is therefore concluded that the source rocks of Taipinglinchang Formation are middle-good with immature-low mature.
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Thermal History and Stratum Age in the Cenozoic of the Songliao Basin, NE China
FANG Shi,ZHANG Zhi-qiang,LIU Zhao-jun,DONG Qing-shui,WAN Jing-lin,DU Jiang-feng
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  923-0928. 
Abstract ( 1743 )  
Based on the relationship of stratum uplifting(or sedimentation) and rising (or falling) of paleotemperature ,and the thermal history simulation of apatite fission track, beginning time of Cenozoic unconformity and sedimentation of Songliao Basin was confirmed here. Thermal history was also revealed accurately, that there are three episodes of alternative uplifting and subsidence: falling temperature with basin uplifting during 65.50-53.49 Ma, rising temperature with basin sedimentation during 53.49-40.31 Ma; second falling temperature with uplifting and denudation during 40.31-36.18 Ma, second rising temperature with successive sedimentation during 36.18-5.83 Ma; third falling temperature with uplifting and denudation during 5.83-1.79 Ma, and last sedimentation during 1.79-?Ma. Result shows that Yi’an Formation is the earlymid part of Eocene with the age of 53.49-40.31 Ma, Daan Formation belongs to the terminal of Eocene and Miocene from 36.18 Ma to 5.83 Ma,and Taikang Formation is a stratum of Pleistocene with the beginning age of 1.79 Ma.
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Genesis and Characteristics of the Dongsheng Kaolin Deposits in Ordos Basin
MA Yan-ping, LIU Chi-yang, ZHANG Fu-xin, ZHAO Jun-feng, YU Lin, HUANG Lei
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  929-0936. 
Abstract ( 2341 )  
Dongsheng kaolin deposits lie in Jurassic Yan’an Formation in northeast of the Ordos Basin. Genesis of the kaolinites is disputed. Based on thin section observation, scanning electro microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction, major elements component (XRF) and REE analysis (ICP-MS), the characteristics of kaolin sandstone deposits in the studied area were determined. By contrasting with country rocks, the orebearing sandstone is white sandstone cemented by kaolinite with coarse and fine fraction in the same sample, and the original rock is red sandstone with clastic kaolinite and illite. The distribution of the ore beds are well correspondent to the oil seepage in northern basin. Field characteristics, petrography, bulk chemistry and natural gas migration and leakage suggest that the kaolin sandstone deposits experienced chemical reduction from the Neopaleozoic gas seepage in field south of the studied area where fluids reduced some Fe3+ of iron to Fe2+ within the red sandstone, and then the red beds were bleached. At the same time, acid fluid dissolved feldspar grains and transformed feldspar into kaolinite. Kaolin deposits experience later weathering and leaching and improve present scale.
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Impact of Lower Yellow River Flow Cutoff on the Formation and Exploitation of Groundwater in Alongside Areas
CAO Jian-feng, WANG Kai-jun, JIANG Ji-yi, YE Xue-yan
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  937-0942. 
Abstract ( 1774 )  
The frequent flow cutoff has serious effect on eco-environment of the region along the lower Yellow River. The authors studies the impact on lateral seepage quantity and groundwater cycling caused by flow cutoff of Yellow River and compares it with that of the year 1999 through the numerical simulation model of groundwater flow system of affected zone. The lateral seepage quantity will decrease 53.8% on condition that the flow cutoff stage from Huayuankou to river entrance and breaking time is 300 days. The lateral seepage quantity will decrease 46.3% if flow cutoff from Jiahetan to river entrance and breaking time were 300 days,and it will decrease 75.2% if flow cutoff occurs throughout the year. The lateral seepage quantity will decrease 19.8% if flow cutoff from Luokou to river entrance and brea king time were 300 days,and it will decrease 25.1% if flow cutoff throughout the year. The lateral see page quantity will decrease 4.7% if flow cutoff from Lijin to river entrance and flow cutoff throughout the year. Flow cutoff of Yellow River has minor effect on shape of groundwater flow domain of affected zone,so the boundary feather of shallow groundwater system will not change. Though flow cutoff has major influence on the riverside source fields in the lower Yellow River,yet it won’t has great effect on groundwater resources in the affected zone of Yellow River.
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Research on Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of the Lower Liaohe River Plain
SUN Cai-zhi,ZUO Hai-jun,LUAN Tian-xin
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  943-0948. 
Abstract ( 1715 )  
On the base of DRASTIC method,the depth to groundwater level and other 10 parameters were chosen to assess groundwater vulnerability in the lower Liaohe river plain according to specific features of this area.The rating system is performed by the way of typical areas and relative standards. AHP and decision analysis methods were used to obtain the weighting system.Based on the established assessment system,groundwater vulnerability assessment was conducted by the method of fuzzy pattern recognition in this area.There is a high fit degree between the assessment results and the pollution situation of groundwater.
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Water Quantity Simulation of the Zhangweinan Basin Based on SWAT Model
YU Lei,QIU Dian-ming
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  949-0954. 
Abstract ( 1188 )  
With 2000~2004 basic data,Zhangweinan distributed hydrological model is build up based on SWAT model.The water quantity process and water balance of Zhangweinan is also simulated.The siumlated result is compared with the observed data of the hydrometric station and data from the Haihe Basin water resource bulletin.The simulated result of the water balance shows that the inlet water is mainly precipitation and irrigation, the water consumption is mainly evapotranspiration and runoff.The water quantity simulated result is accordant with the actual situation of the Zhangweinan Basin.
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Research on Evaluation and Rational Exploitation and Utilization of the Salt Well Water Resources in Coastal Areas--A Case Study of Xingcheng Modern Fishery Garden
CHI Bao-ming,DING Yuan-fang,CUI Xin-ying,LU Yan-hong,SHI Feng-zhi,WU Fa-wei
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  955-0960. 
Abstract ( 1650 )  
The salt well water,also called underground brine with the low concentration,is caused by the seawater intrusion in coastal areas, and mainly distributes in the rudaceous or arenaceous shore plain of the Bohai bay and Liaodong bay and so on. Taking the Xingcheng modern fishery garden as case study area where the salt well water resources have been developed for local aquiculture in factories,the evaluation result of the salt well water resources with groundwater flow numerical simulation suggests that the groundwater balance is in the negative state. At the same time,some suggestions and tactics, which include strengthen the cyclic utilization of water resources, constructing engineering measures such as tidal barrage, building the dynamic monitoring net of the salt well water, will be of significance for the rational exploitation and utilization of the salt well water to avoid these environmental problems, such as seawater intrusion, drinking water quality deterioration.
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Detection for the Spatial Distribution of“Ten Thousand Ice Cave”in Ningwu, Shanxi Province
SHAO Zhao-gang,MENG Xian-gang,ZHU Da-gang,YU Jia,HAN Jian-en,MENG Qing-wei,LV Rong-ping
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  961-0966. 
Abstract ( 1451 )  
The unique “ten thousand ice cave” in Ningwu,Shanxi Province has the largest scale of the ice body preserved in the vertical cave with the most quantity and beauty except the global frozen soil zonal at present. In order to determine the shape, size and 3D distribution of this “ten thousand ice cave”,EH4 electromagnetic image system is used to maseaure sysmatically. The results of geophysical prospecting showed this ice cave extends about 25 m and 20 m in NS and EW direction respectively, and extends in NE direction locally.This cave distributes in the polar shape with 85 m deep. In the general,this “ten thousand ice cave” has the features of a smaller entry and a bigger middle part. The formation and retention of the ten thousand ice cave is the epitome, the true record and the witness of the same area climatic and environmental variation,which provides valuable practice evidence to deeply study the climatic and environmental change in this area and North China.
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Influence of Different Plant Communities On Erosion Rates of Limestone Rock Blocks
WU Kong-yun,JIANG Zhong-cheng,YE Ye
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  967-0971. 
Abstract ( 1460 )  
Erosion rates of limestone rock blocks in spring soil of three plant communities at Lijiadong, Chenzhou, Hunan Province were measured with microerosion meter made in Australia. After processing 1 650 erosion rate data with SPSS statistical software, it was believed that the average erosion rate of limestone rock blocks in spring water and soil of arbor community were very high with being 3.17 mm/a and 0.63 mm/a. When measuring erosion rates of limestone rock blocks, hydrochemical characteristics of fluids and TOC of soil were analyzed. Results showed that the erosion capacity of fluids in arbor community was stronger (the lower saturation index of calcite and the higher pCO2) and the content of TOC in arbor community is higher than that in shrub and herb community. Arbor community had more contribution to the sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide than shrubs and herbs.
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The Analysis of Deformation Mechanism and Its Stability of Tianchikou Landslide in Geheyan Reservoir on Qing River
YANG Wei-min, XU Rui-chun, WU Shu-ren, SHI Ju-song
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  972-0977. 
Abstract ( 1627 )  
Tianchikou landslide is a large unconsolidated deposit landslide in Geheyan reservoir area on Qing River. After the reservoir was impounded in April,1993,the landslide occurred to deform, especially the frontier edge of the landslide tended to be obvious. According to engineering exploration and lab tests data and field investigation, the deformation mechanism of the landslide has been discussed. The landslide stability has also been calculated and analyzed under the conditions of impounding and precipitation by means of limited equilibrium theory. The research shows that the landslide belongs to two layer structure. The deformation of the landslide results from reservoir impounding and sudden rise-fall of water level. The landslide is basically steady under the condition of normal impounding at present.
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The Study of Orthogonal Test in Concrete Corrosion
CHENG Zu-feng, SUN Xiu-juan,CUI Ji-xin
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  978-0982. 
Abstract ( 1488 )  
The study of groundwater concrete corrosion test now still takes single factor test. The main purpose of corrosion test is to analyse strong corrosion combination of factors and boats relations which based on known media components, and easy access to all the factors on the concrete effects of corrosion. Two composite etched test results show that Cl- and Mg2+ are the strong corrosion factors. There are interactions between every corrosion factor.It should consider the relationship of each corrosion factor on evaluation of corrosion effect.
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Study on the Variable Rule and Reason of Mn, Zn and Rb in the Soil of Shuangtai River Outfall
XIN Xin, YANG Jun-peng, ZHAO Kui-tao, HU Ke
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  983-0987. 
Abstract ( 1535 )  
The principal component analysis (PCA) model is applied to analyze the variation law of the contents of 11 trace elements in 20 soil samples collected in the Shuangtai River outfall in Liaoning Province. It is proved that Mn, Zn and Rb are the main elements which varied to the most extent. From the diagram of the content variation of Mn, Zn and Rb, it can be found that the contents of the three trace elements decrease with the distance to the blockingsea water dam and the closer the mudflat soil to the dam, the higher the content of Mn, Zn and Rb it contains. In the study area, the contents of Mn, Zn and Rb in the outfall take up 47.6%, 64.3% and 78.5% of the mudflat soil samples respectively, which indicates that the sediments in river water origined from two sources: the mud and sand in the river deposit in outfall and the colloid in the river gel through gelation in the estuary.
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The Source Analysis of the Components in Total Suspended Particulates in Ambient Air of Typical Cities in Jilin Province
FANG Chun-sheng, LV Li-sha, ZHONG Yu-hong, ZHANG Zi-yi, WANG Ju,DONG De-ming,YU Lian-gui, LIU Hui, LIU Chun-yang, SU Hong-shi, ZHAO Jing
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  988-0992. 
Abstract ( 1512 )  
The relationship between the inorganic components in TSP and their pollution sources in four typical cities in Jilin Province during heating and nonheating seasons are further studied by statistical analysis. The results show that,during heating season, the main sources of air pollution in the city of Jilin, Baicheng, Tonghua and Siping are road dust,soil and sand blown by wind, while coalfired dust and construction dust take a minor effect on the air pollution. During nonheating season, the main sources of air pollution in the four cities are road dust, soil and sand blown by wind, soil and sand blown by wind and particle mass, yet coalfired dust and construction dust still have inconspicuous impact on the quality of local air in these cities. The improvement measures of treating TSP can be put forward by analyzing and comparing the current situation of pollution in these four cities statistically. The results of analysis provide the treatment of pollution validly and scientifically.
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Preliminary Discussion on Bioconversion of Municipal Refuse to Ethanol
, ZHANG Lan-ying,LIU Na,LIU Hong,LI Shuang,ZHAO Zhe
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  993-0997. 
Abstract ( 1229 )  
As to the available components in the municipal refuse, the ethanol is produced by choosing microzyme with the refuse liquid hydrolyzed by enzyme. Through the orthogonal experiments, the optimum hydrolysis conditions are acquired as follows: pH is 5.5, 8 mg of cellulosic enzyme, 6 mg of amylase, 5 mL of water, 65℃ and the hydrolyzing time duration of 40 minutes. The fermenting experiments are carried out using microzyme named AQ selected as the best bacterium, and the effects of output are discussed by choosing inoculation, pH values and temperatures as the affecting factors. The experimental results show that the maximum output of ethanol is 148.37 mg per gram dry municipal refuse.
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A Case Study on the Ecological Compensation Price for the Farmland Transformation
LI Xiu-xia, LIU Jin-guo
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  998-1001. 
Abstract ( 1208 )  
The value of farmland is the comprehensive embody of function and benefit of farmland, however, a large amount of farmland are transformed into building land at low price because of the incomplete recognition to it in China. Taking Siping as an example, the authors explore the ecological value component of farmland from the aspect of complete resources price, and evaluates it by adopting some statistical methods in resources and environment economics such as the shadow price, market substitution and carbontaxes.
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Areomagnetic Anomaly of Subtle East-West Striking Faults in the Central Tibet and Its Significance
HE Ri-zheng,GAO Rui,ZHENG Hong-wei
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1002-1008. 
Abstract ( 1933 )  
To study regional tectonics in the midwestern Tibet plateau, the data of areomagnetic anomaly suveryed from 1998 to 2000 is reprocessed by upward continuation method. The results of different upward continuation levels reveal a significant anomaly of a subtle fault which located between the northern margin of Lhasa terrane and south side of Banggonghu-Nujing Suture, about along Geji North to Gaze South to Cuoqen North to Shenza North, from west to east. Combined with other results, this subtle fault, together with Jiali strikeslip fault, forms a largescale E-W strikeslip fault in the central Tibet. And the conclusion is also supported by other evidences from surface geology, geophysics and modeling. The E-W strikeslip faults control the force distribution and deformation within Tibet plateau.
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Study on Characteristics of Gravity Field of Line DB1 in Periphery of Daqing Prospect Area by Discrete Cosine Transform
ZHANG Feng-xu, MENG Ling-shun, WANG Shi-yu, ZHANG Feng-qin
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1009-1015. 
Abstract ( 1539 )  
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) is of relatively high accurate and numerical stability in the processing of gravity anomalies. The horizontal and vertical derivatives of the first order, the constant density single interface inversion, and Euler deconvolution technique based on the DCT method, are applied to process the gravity data of Line DB1 in periphery of Daqing prospect area. Euler deconvolution based on DCT reveals 14 faults, and the properties of the 7 deeper faults of them are analyzed. According to the inversed depth of crystalline basement and the characteristics of fault tracks, the profile is partitioned into a structural framework of 2 uplifts and 2 depressions, in which Qihulinhe depression is a superimposition basin of the depression in Paleocene(E) and the relic basin of the early Cretaceous period(K1), while Kaibei depression seems to be a relic basin of K1. After the comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of the investigation results, it is confirmed that the south and north part of Dun-Mi fault are the basin controlling faults.
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Wiener Filtering Technology and Its Application in Gravity Field Separation in Xinjiang Region
JIANG Fu-yu, MENG Ling-shun, ZHANG Feng-xu, JIA Zhen, LIU Dan
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1016-1022. 
Abstract ( 1577 )  
Based on Wiener filtering principle, Green’s equivalent multilayer model is used to simulate radial logpower spectrum, and gramschmidt orthogonal decomposition is applied to calculate the power spectrum density function of measured gravity data. These methods guarantee the numerical stability during processing. The results from theoretical model show that with the help of Wiener filtering technique, the low frequency parts of separated deep fields will not decay. Thus a accurate regional field can be extracted, implementing the separation of potential field in frequency domain. The method is also applied to the Bouguer anomaly in Xinjiang, and after separated regional field calculated by optimum filter principle, 9 deep faults and 5 firstclass structure units are recognized.
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Frequency-Space Domain Finite Difference Numerical Simulation of Elastic Wave in TTI Media
WU Guo-chen, LUO Cai-ming,LIANG Kai
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1023-1033. 
Abstract ( 1429 )  
The VTI media is caused by fine periodic thin layers, and it is one of most sedimentary rocks researched by geophysicists. In dipping thin layers, the symmetry axis of VTI media should be tilted by dip angle in observing reference system, and in this case, VTI media is named transversely isotropic media with tilted symmetry axis (TTI media). In the paper, in order to overcome the numerical dispersion, we have adopted a 25-points finite difference numerical simulation scheme and derived frequency-space domain elastic wave equations of TTI media. We make use of elastic wave equation in perfect matched layer to attenuate reflection of elastic wave at artificial boundary, and get optimized coefficients on the basis of optimization theory. Finally, we successfully implement numerical simulation of seismic elastic wave field in TTI media with concentrating force source. The results of seismic wave simulation illustrate that elastic wave fields of anisotropic media are very complex, transverse waves often have phenomena of singularity, and the difficulties of surface seismic record processing increase owing to TTI media.
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Study on Signal Denoising of MultiFrequency Seabed in Situ Sediment Acoustic Measurement
LI Hong-xing,TAO Chun-hui,LIU Cai,DENG Xian-ming,ZHOU Jian-ping,ZHANG Jin-hui,GU Chun-hua,HE Yong-hua
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1034-1037. 
Abstract ( 1657 )  
Multi-frequency seabed in situ sediment acoustic measurement system developed by the Second Institute of Oceanography , SOA, is the first system of same type in the country. The authors focuse on the primary results on the signal processing of the system. When contaminated by noise, the accurate identification of seabed sediment characteristics will be not easy. From the results of wavelet decomposition from measured signal, it can be found that the signal is similar to itself in different scales, which means that there is little difference in the signal and noise, leading to a hard denoising in frequency domain. Therefore, wavelet transform is applied to denoise signals of the in situ acoustic system. By wavelet method, the signal is decomposed and the wavelet coefficients are calculated. The reconstructed signal reveals true signal.
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Application of Signal Enhancement Method Based on Time-Frequency Peak Filtering to Seismic Data Processing
LIN Hong-bo,LI Yue,PAN Wei
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1038-1041. 
Abstract ( 1593 )  
It is essential to seismic data processing that event is recovered clearly from noisy seismic data without losing energy of the signal. The time-frequency peak filtering (TFPF) based on pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) was applied to process common shot point seismic record to eliminate the noise. This method achieved an unbiased estimation of the complex seismic record. The efficient information in seismic data was enhanced, and the random noise in the seismic data was removed, and the seismic event was recovered effectively. Compared the results from practical seismic record before and after TFPF processing, the effective information in seismic data was enhanced evidently, and the continuity of event was improved simultaneously.
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The Reassignment Method Based on Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Application in the Array Acoustic Logging Data Processing
WANG Zhu-wen, LIU Jing-hua, NIE Chun-yan
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1042-1046. 
Abstract ( 1362 )  
A reassignment method for nonstationary time-frequency joint analysis is introduced. This method creates a modified version of a representation by moving its values away from where they are computed, so as to produce a better localization of the signal components and improve the readability of the representation. A few examples are presented to show the effects of this method. Finally, the application of this method in array acoustic logging signal processing is proposed.
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3D Sealed Geological Block Modeling with Wire Frame Component
HOU Wei-sheng, WU Xin-cai, LIU Xiu-guo
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1047-1051. 
Abstract ( 1431 )  
To construct 3D geological blocks with the topology of spatial data model, the notion of wire frame component describing the outline of simple block is presented to organize the topology of elements in the 3D geological model. With the help of the notion, an automatic block identification approach is proposed, in which the directed edge and directed triangle are used as basic search unit. The simulation result illustrated that the approach presented not only can model complex blocks, but also can exactly represent the topology among the elements in the block and local geological phenomena such as small fault (free face). The method provides base of the application of 3D geology model to seismic forward modeling, ray tracing, etc.
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Development of QFGZ Type Bit for Simultaneous Casing While Reverse Circulation Drilling with DTH Air Hammer
ZHENG Zhi-chuan,YIN Kun,WANG Qing-yan,PENG Jian-ming,SU Ji-jun
J4. 2007, 37 (5):  1052-1054. 
Abstract ( 1372 )  
In order to implement simultaneous casing while drilling of larger diameter pile holes and water wells in complex strata, a new type of bit for simultaneous casing while reverse circulation drilling with DTH air hammer was developed. Its makeup, working principle and features of design are presented. Compared with conventional design, the new type reverse circulation bit for casing while drilling has several advantages. Novel passage design can improve the effectiveness of cuttings removal, result in cleaner hole, reduce fragmentation repeat, and speedup penetration. More peripheral carbon-tungsten teeth would improve the abrasion resistance and service life of the bit.
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