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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 March 2006, Volume 36 Issue 02
A New Oospecies,Dictyoolithus Gongzhulingensis,from theEarly Cretaceous Quantou Formation in the Central Jilin Province
WANG Qiang, ZAN Shu-qin, JIN Li-yong,CHEN Jun
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  153-0157. 
Abstract ( 1774 )  
A nest with four dinosaur eggs from the Early Cretaceous Quantou Formation in Gongzhuling area of Jilin Province is described here. The eggs are spherical in shape;the eggshell thickness varies between 1.4~1.7 mm;the outer surface of the eggshell is completely covered by circular or oval pits. Eggshell layer is composed of 2 to 3 superimposed basic structure units. There are some relatively wide pore canals between the units, which are laterally interlocked with interfusion each other to form a thin hard layer near the outer surface of the eggshell. The pore canals are irregular in shape. Based on all above mentioned characters of the egg fossils from Gongzhuling, Jilin Province the authors designate them as a new oospecies of Dictyoolithus, named as Dictyoolithus gongzhulinensis.Dictyoolithus gongzhulingensis is the first time found in the Northeast of China and also a new found in the Early Cretaceous strata.
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A Study on the Macro Mineral Compositions of the Dinosaur Egg Fossils in the Late Cretaceous Collected from Xixia Basin,Henan Province
LI Yan-fang, CAI Hou-an, LIANG Han-dong, ZHANG Jun,MEI Ya-qing, ZHANG Hong-gang
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  158-0163. 
Abstract ( 1722 )  
The dinosaur egg fossil group found in Xixia Basin, Henan Province occurs in the typical red clay strata in the Late Cretaceous. Therefore, the fossil itself probably recorded the global environment disaster information at that time. We have observed the appearance and surface features of the eggs through microscope. With the help of XRD and XRF methods it is found that the material compositions of the egg’s interior are extremely same as the clay of the egg’s exterior, therefore, we concluded that the material in the interior of the dinosaur eggs found in the Xixia Basin is derived from that of their exterior. We found the cracks on the surface of the dinosaur eggs by SEM. We also found particles of goethite, oxide of copper and zinc, barium sulfate and so on within the eggs, and gave an appropriate explanation on their formation and source. Based on the experimental results the environment disaster mechanism during the K/E transition period has been discussed.
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The Flora from the Middle Jurassic Yan’an Formation in the Northeastern Margin of Erdos Basin and Discussion on the Palaeoclimate
GE Yu-hui, SUN Chun-lin, LIU Mao-xiu
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  164-0168. 
Abstract ( 1691 )  
The Middle Jurassic Yan’an Formation in the Northeastern Margin of Erdos Basin belongs to a succession fluvial and shore facies middlefine grained feldspar sandstone, siltstone (pelitic siltstone), black shale, claystone intercalated with coal seams, in which there occur many plant fossils of 39 species belonging to 20 genera. It is considered that the fossils belong to the North Floristic province represented by ConiopterisPhoenicopsis in the early Middle Jurassic. This indicates that the Northeastern Margin of Erdos Basin had a slightly humid and warm climate condition in the age of the Middle Jurassic.
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Strik-Slip Features of the Machaoying Fault Zone and Its Evolution in the Huaxiong Terrane, Southern North China Craton
ZHANG Yuan-hou, ZHANG Shi-hong, HAN Yi-gui, ZHANG Hui-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  169-0176. 
Abstract ( 1814 )  
The authors describe the geometry and deformation features of the Machaoying fault zone in the Huaxiong terrane, southern margin of North China Craton. The Machaoying fault underwent ductile and brittle deformation stages. Ductile deformation mainly occurs in the southern area of the fault zone with greenschist facies metamorphism. Movement sense of the overthrust indicated by S-C fabrics in the fault zone is toward south in the southern part and toward north in the northern part, respectively. This positive flower pattern indicates that the fault is a typical strikeslip fault with thrusting feature. The ductile deformation happened likely in the preYanshanian epoch. The brittle deformation mainly occurred in the nouthern part during continent-continent collision in the Yanshanian epoch. NE trending Kangshan-Qiliping and Hongzhuang-Taocun faults are subsidiary shear fractures of the Machaoying strikeslip fault. Combining with the previous studies the movement sense of the NE trending faults and their distribution patterns suggest that the Machaoying fault is a sinistral strikeslip fault. Based on the dynamics of geological setting the evolution of the fault zone in the area has been discussed.
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An Experimental Study on the Relationship Between Stress and Rock Melt
DONG Chun-yan,MA Rui,CHI Xiao-guo,LIU Jian-feng,LI Guang-rong
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  177-0182. 
Abstract ( 1756 )  
In order to reveal the relationship among stress, rock melting and its melt composition, some experiments of static and dynamic melting of natural finegrained diorite in different conditions have been done by using an electrohydraulic servomechanism with confining pressure and heating system, which is made by Instron Company in U.K. The experiment results show that the stress can result in diorite melting. With the increasing of the stress the amount of the melt increases; the melt chemical composition changes toward rich in Si and Al.
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Application of Selective Leaching of Mobile Metal forms on the Exploration for Sandstonetype Uranium Deposit in Shihongtan, Xinjiang, China
LIU Hong-yan,WANG Xue-qiu
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  183-0186. 
Abstract ( 1364 )  
Exchangeable and adsorptive uranium in clay matter make up 17%~40% of total uranium in the soils over Shihongtan uranium deposit, Tuha Basin, Xinjiang. The uranium complex cations occur in the incompetent clay layers on the ground surface over the hidden uranium ore body. The study results show that there exist obvious U and Mo anomalies over the blind ore body. Selective leaching of mobile matal forms can be used for indication of blind sandstonetype uranium deposits.
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The Lacustrine Sediments of the Nam Co Basin in Tibet from 116 ka and Related Environmental Evolution and Climate Changes
QU Ya-jun,ZHU Da-gang,MENG Xian-gang,SHAO Zhao-gang,YU Jia,HAN Jian-en,MENG Qing-wei
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  187-0193. 
Abstract ( 1734 )  
The results of the measurement by the waterlevel instrument show that there are the lacustrine deposits from 48 to 139.2 meters and the six grade lake terraces whose heights are less than 48 meters above the lakelevel along the coasts of the Nam Co Lake. According to the measurement of geological sections, strata sequence and lithology, isotopic dating of the lacustrine and lakeshore deposits, the strata of the lacustrine deposits has been divided into one group and two formations. The studies of the salt sediments, pH value, geochemistry, clay minerals, ostracoda and sporopollen analysis show that the lakeshore deposits recorded the information of the environmental evolution and climate changes from 116 ka B.P. The dada shows that from 116 ka B.P. the best warm and humid climate occurred in Holocene, but from 90.1 to 86.5 ka B.P. the climate is relative warmer, temperature was equal or slightly higher than that of the present, belongs to warm and humid or slightly dry climate; from 36.0 to 35.0 ka B.P. air temperature and humidity is slightly high or higher than that of the present. The study results show that the environment have experienced many times of coldwarm changes and dryhumid changes within the total changing trend from cold to warm gradually since the Late Pleistocene.
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The Analyses of Cenozoic Sandstone Component in Hongsanhan No. 1 Area and Its Tectonic Implications
GUO Xin-zhuan, LIU Yong-jiang, GE Xiao-hong,YUAN Si-hua, SUN Zhi-ming, PEI Jun-ling, LI Wei-min
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  194-0201. 
Abstract ( 1482 )  
The highly precise magnetochronologic study indicates that the age of Xiaganchaigou and Shangganchaigou Formations in Hongsanhan No.1 area is in the range of 40-26.5 Ma. The dividing age between Xiaganchaigou and Shangganchaigou Formations is 35.5 Ma. According to the relativity of the sediment area and source provenance, Cenozoic sandstone samples, collected from Hongsanhan No.1 section in Qaidam Basin, have been analyzed by using DickinsonGazzi method. The results suggest that the sandstone components are sensitive to the provenance tectonic changes. The analyses of the sandstone components suggest that the sedimentary environment was relatively stable during Xiaganchaigou period, and reveal that the Altyn Mountains had not uplifted rapidly at that time. But during Shangganchaigou period the sedimentary environment became unstable, combining with regional thermochronologic data, it indicates that the Altyn Mountains were uplifted strongly in Oligocene, which may be caused by the fast strikeslip movement along the Altyn fault.
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Basin Tectonic Setting and Paleoclimate Revealed from Minerals and Geochemistry of the Sediments
WANG Guo-dong, CHENG Ri-hui, YU Min-feng, JIANG Xue, CUI Kun-ning
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  202-0206. 
Abstract ( 1713 )  
Changes of tectonic setting and climate are two important controlling factors for basin filling and evolution. They control the types and the distributions of the sediments. In the view of mineralogy and geochemistry of sediments, some dominating parameters are used to study the evolution of the basin tectonic setting and climate in the geological history, including δ13C and δ18O of carbonates, quartz/feldspar, kaolinite/clay and illite/clay. The low value of the quarter/feldspar occurred in Quan Ⅲ and Quan Ⅳ sequences indicates that there were tectonic activities happened at that time. The analyses of illite/clay and kaolinite/clay show that the climate had undergone the changes from aridity in the Quan Ⅲ period to humidity in the Qingshankou period, quickly to aridity in the Yaojia period, to humidity in the NenⅠperiod, and to hot humidity in the Nen Ⅲ and Ⅳ period during the Middle Cretaceous in Songliao Basin. The analysis of the stable isotope of carbon and oxygen from the carbonates shows that there was a transgression event at 83.3 Ma and a regression event at 82.8 Ma in Songliao Basin.
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Relationship Between Lithofacies and Logging Facies of the Volcanic Reservoir Rocks in Songliao Basin
GUO Zhen-hua, WANG Pu-jun, YIN Chang-hai, HUANG Yu-long
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  207-0214. 
Abstract ( 2229 )  
The Mesozoic volcanic rocks are the most important gas reservoir in the northern Songliao Basin. 5 lithofacies and 15 subfacies have been recognized in the volcanics. The best reservoirs were generally found in three of the fifteen subfacies including pyroclastic bearing lava flow(Ⅱ3), upper effusive(Ⅲ3) and inner extrusive(Ⅳ1)subfacies. The corresponding logging characteristics are as follows: the Ⅱ3 is characterized by high value of Gama Ray (GR) with low amplitude dentiform outline, and by mediahigh value of Dual Lateral Logging of Resistivity (DLL) with low frequency and low amplitude dentiform outline; the Ⅲ3 is high in GR with low amplitude dentiform shape, DLL value of the Ⅲ3 is mediamedia high and with shapes of finger or hill figure; the Ⅳ1 shows high value of GR with media amplitude dentiform shape, its DLL is media highhigh value with media amplitude dentiform shape. Besides, undergroundexplosive breccia facies(Ⅰ3)and outer extrusive facies(Ⅳ3)can also be good reservoirs. Gas can cause DLL of the reservoir volcanics increasing markedly but water does the contrary. The DLL of dry volcanic rocks indicates facies and rock type dependent, in the sequence of volcanogenitic sedimentary facies<extrusive facies<explosive facies<volcanic vent facies<effusive facies; tuff<lava.
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Structural Characteristics and Deformation Sequence of the Urxun Sag in Hailaer Basin, China
LIU Hang-jun,LIU Zhi-hong,FENG Yong-jiu, REN Yan-guang, LI Chun-bai
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  215-0220. 
Abstract ( 1588 )  
Urxun sag is a large unsymmetrical faultdepression sag with strikeslip characteristics in MesozoicCenozoic in Hailaer Basin. the structural system includes three orientations of plowgrowthnormal faults (NE, SN and NEE) and fault related folds. Besides the intensive pressing at the end of the Yinmin Formation period that has been reported by many researchers, the study suggests that there occurred another intensive pressing from the preDamoguaihe Formation to the beginning of the Yinmin Formation period. The sequence of the deformation in Urxun sag is: (1)the NW-SE intensive stretching; (2)the NW-SE pressing; (3)the E-W intensive tensoshearing; (4)the near E-W intensive compressoshearing; (5)the near E-W slight stretching.
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The Thermal Fluid Activities and Their Modification on Volcaniclastic Rock in Budate Group-An Example from the Beier Sag of Hailaer Basin
LI Chun-bai,ZHANG Xin-tao,LIU Li,REN Yan-guang,MENG Peng
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  221-0226. 
Abstract ( 1564 )  
The thermal fluid acted frequently in the Budate Group of the Beier sag, Hailaer Basin. The main characters of the thermal fluid activity are recognized as follow: many types and stages of veins are widely developed; vitrinite reflectivity of different areas varies apparently with the depth; there was a high temperature field during the formation of the thermal fluid. meanwhile, the volcaniclastic rocks were modificated by the thermal fluid activity, for example, sericitization of plagioclase, chloritization of volcanic detritus in andesitic detris tuff; in the tufaceous mud, the thermal fluid activity accelerates “maturating” of the organic carbon by heating; and the trace elements show an anomaly in the wall rocks. These changes prove further the existence of the thermal fluid activity in microscale.
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Diagenetic Facies Analysis and Anomalously High Porosity Zone Prediction of the Yuanyanggou Area in the Liaohe Depression
MENG Yuan-lin,GAO Jian-jun,LIU De-lai, NIU Jia-yu,SUN Hong-bin,ZHOU Yue,XIAO Li-hua,WANG Yue-chuan
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  227-0233. 
Abstract ( 2118 )  
The measured porosity data and the observations of the thin sections and blue epoxy resinimpregnated thin sections show that there exist three anomalously high porosity zones vertically in the Cenozoic reservoirs in the Yuanyanggou area, Liaohe Depression, Bohaiwan Basin. To predict the lateral distribution of anomalously high porosity zones, the diagenetic stages and diagenetic facies has been predicted by digital modeling of the diagenetic parameters, e.g. paleotemperature, vitrinite reflectance, sterane isomerization rate, smectite and authigenetic quartz concentrations in spacetime, respectively. The chosen diagenetic parameters are sensitive to diagenesis and applied to divide diagenetic stages commonly. The anomalously high porosity zones are dominantly formed in the channel mouth bar, braided channel and channel bar deposits in the early diagenetic stage B period to late diagenetic stage A1 period, and developed dissolution diagenetic facieses. Therefore, the anomalously high porosity zones in the reservoirs could be blocked out by superposing the diagenetic facies maps on the microfacies maps. The anomalously high porosity zone of the Shasan member is mainly located in the middle slope part of the Yuanyanggou area, and extends along the western slope of the Liaohe Depression.
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Research on Transform Relationship Between Surface Water and Groundwater in Taoer River Fan
XIAO Chang-lai , ZHANG Li-chun ,FANG Zhang ,JIA Tao
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  234-0239. 
Abstract ( 1926 )  
The transform relationship between surface water and groundwater is very complicated in Taoer River Fan because of the difficulties in determining the amount of water transform and the analysis of the affecting factors on this relationship. Through water balance method and groundwater budget approach, the transform amount of water from river water to groundwater is determined. In the water balance method, the local runoff yield is calculated firstly, and then the water transform amount is figured out by constructing a balance equation of surface water. In the groundwater balance approach, the transform amount is calculated by constructing a balance equation mainly of Quaternary phreatic groundwater. The main factors that influence the transfer relationship between surface water and groundwater mainly include lithology, precipitation, upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation. Lithology is a stable factor, while the upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation are unstable factors that directly influence the transform regularity.
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Analysis on the Asymmetrically Loaded Characteristics of the Mountain-Adjacent Tunnel
LIU Yan-ling,NIE Lei,LIU Yong-ping
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  240-0244. 
Abstract ( 1621 )  
Mountainadjacent tunnel is one of the asymmetrically loaded tunnel and its potential are very predominant. The characters of asymmetrically loaded tunnel were analyzed by FEM through specific project. At the same time the stress and deformation were formulated. With regard to the stress characteristic, the stress of the cave wall which faces the river is a little higher than the stress of inside wall, the maximum stress of the outside wall reaches 1.36 MPa while the inboard wall is only 1.13 MPa, the asymmetrically loaded parts mainly centre in the cave bottom and the spandrel, namely the distribution of the stress is asymmetrical between inside and outside spandrel, and the deformation pressure of outside spandrel increases. The displacement characteristic show that the cave bottom as curve fulcrum and displacement takes on a flat shape curve which offsets to the empty direction. The maximum horizontal displacement offset is about 7.4cm and the vertical is only about 4.1 cm. Distribution of the wall displacement is unsymmetrical and there is no character in consistent with displacement curve of cave bottom. The analysis result has offered the theoretical foundation for engineering design.
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The Stable Carbon Isotopic Characteristics of Carbonates in Salini alkani Soil in the West Jilin Province
YANG Jun-peng, HU Ke, LIU Yu-ying
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  245-0249. 
Abstract ( 1553 )  
Through the field investigation of physical properties of the salinialkani soil in West Jilin Province and the stable carbon isotopic analysis of carbonates in salinialkani soil,the results show that the δ13C value of the soil carbonates can reflect the developing tendency of the soil saliniation.In the shallow soil with the depth of 0~50 cm below the ground surface,the extent from 0 to 50 centimeters, the change of the δ13C of the soil carbonate is positively related with the depth in the upper soil profile from 0~30 cm,but it will increase rapidly in the lower soil profile as the result of the existence of salined and alkali soil layer.
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Fractal Research on Dynamic Change of Land Resources in Southwest of Songnen Plain
LI Zhao-yang, TANG Jie, SUN Ping-an, LIN Nian-feng
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  250-0258. 
Abstract ( 1716 )  
Based on the fractal theory and the calculation method of fractal dimension in the 2-D Euclidean space, fractal dimension values, stability index and correlative landscape index of main landuse types in southwest of Songnen Plain in 1989, 1996 and 2001 have been calculated on the data basis of TM satelite image supported by GIS technology. Meanwhile, the dynamic change regularility of landuse is also obtained according to the relation among fractal dimension,tability index and correlative landscape index. The research results show that the stability index of water body, grassland and wetland is inferior correspondingly and they are more fragile. Except woodland, the stability index of other landuse type is becoming degressive and the impact of arid climate and human activity on ecological environment is remarkable. In order to protect this fragile ecological environment,the fund for the research and investment for ecological environmental recoverary and rebuilding should be increased.
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The Dynamic Change and Trend Forecast of Land Use in the Lower Huolin River Basin
CUI Jian,LIN Nian-feng,TANG Jie,JIANG Ling-ling,CAI Yu
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  259-0264. 
Abstract ( 1671 )  
The lower Huolin River Basin is located in farmingpastoral zone and land use change have a great effect on the ecological environment in this area. Based on spatial analysis calculation model, it shows that spatial characteristics of land use change from 1989 to 2001 and the change regularity of land use types that the area of grassland, water area and marsh are decreasing and the area of barren land and infield are increasing. The evolution trend of land use types in future 24 years has been predicted by Markov model, and the growth of the area of woods and municipal land is based on the decrease of the area of grassland, water area and marsh in the future. The above conclusion is worthwhile for the protection of the ecological environment and rational utilization of the land resource.
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Analysis of Coordinated Development Between Resourceful County Economy and Ecoenvironment in Eastern Jilin Province
LIU Zhao-shun, SHANG Jin-cheng, XU Wen-liang, JIN Ke
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  265-0269. 
Abstract ( 1513 )  
Taken Wangqing Country, as a case,this study selects assessment index of social economy and eco-environment and appraises the coordination degree between social economy and eco-environment in Wangqing County by setting up the standards and a model of assessment. Research results show that the coordination degree of Wangqing County belongs to primary coordinated stage in 2000 and middling stage in 2002, respectively. The change of coordination degree indicates that the development of social economic and eco-environment is coordinative. And, the value of coordination degree also suggests that the sub-groups of coordinative development in Wangqing Country belongs to environment lag-type, which is coincident with the lower level of social economic, smaller population density and higher environmental capacity. The results also show that the coordinated development could be achieved by the population control, adjustment of industry structure, and development eco-industry.
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Experimental Study on Treatment of Furfural Wastewater with Membrane Distillation
ZHANG Feng-jun, LI Qing, MA Jiu-tong, YU Guang-ju
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  270-0273. 
Abstract ( 1478 )  
The effect of removing HAc and furfural from the wastewater by using membrane distillation is introduced and the influence of some factors,such as temperature, pH and concentration of HAc, flow velocity, concentration of feed solution on the process of the membrane distillation is also discussed. The experimental results showed that the concentration and flow velocity of absorption solution can be up to 25 g/L and 3 mL/min respectively when the temperature difference is 15℃ and the concentration and flow velocity of feed solution is 0.306 mol/mL and 8 mL/min.When the experiment has run for 12 hours, the value of pH of feed solution can be raised from 1.9 to 5.1 and the removing rate of HAc and furfural can be up to 76.3% and 40.1% respectively. The results can decrease the concentration of HAc and furfural in the feed solution and minimize the effect of low molecular weight organic acid on the microbial damage, which will supply the basis for later microbial disposal.
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Basic Characteristics of Cosine Transform Spectrum of Gravity Potential
ZHANG Feng-xu, MENG Ling-shun, ZHANG Feng-qin, YANG Shu, ZHAO Cheng-min
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  274-0278. 
Abstract ( 1527 )  
We proposed and proved three theorems through which the theoretical formula of cosine transform spectrum of gravity anomalies of the point mass and the vertical rectangularcylinder was deduced in order to obtain the general equation of gravity anomalies. Basic characteristics of cosine transform spectrum were analyzed, where contour lines of 2D cosine transform of point mass present the shape of a quarter of concentric circles and the number of counter become small along with the increasing of wave numbers. The spectrum of vertical rectangularcylinder put up periodic zero counters which mark off quadrate areas, the values of counter in each areas alternately change between the plus and the minus, and with the increasing of wave number, the values of counter present attenuation character alike e exponent.
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The Poisson’s Theorem Based Analysis Method and Application of Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies
ZENG Zhao-fa, WU Yan-gang, HAO Li-bo,WANG Zhe-jiang,HUANG Hang
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  279-0283. 
Abstract ( 1858 )  
The authors expatiate the physical meanings of three parameters of CA (corresponding analysis) of gravity and magnetic anomalies according to the formula deduction and the result analysis from Poisson’s theorem. The intercept of CA in interpretations of regional gravity and magnetic anomalies should only be the contribution of remanence anomalies, which can be obtained by total anomalies subtracting induced magnetism background and gravity anomalies related parts. The cases studies of hide geological body and lava activity show that this Poisson’s theorem based method has very good prospective in regional geophysical interpretation.
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3D Electromagnetic Inversion by Volume Integral Equation Method Based on Current Dipole Source
ZHANG Hui,LI Tong-lin,DONG Rui-xia
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  284-0288. 
Abstract ( 1214 )  
Volume integral equation method has been used to calculate forward and inverse problems of 3D electromagnetic fields in homogeneous halfspace. In the calculation, Eaton’s method was first referenced to decompose the Jacobian matrix into linear and nonlinear partial differential terms, damped least square method was then applied to fit it optimized iteratively. Numerical results indicate that the algorithm is more accurate and stable in modeling 3D electromagnetic responses. The inversion algorithm can obtain highresolution 3D anomaly body conductivity images.
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The Application of Seismic Attributes Analysis to Lithologic Gas Reservoir Description
ZOU Xin-ning,SUN Wei,ZHANG Meng-bo,WAN Yu-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  289-0294. 
Abstract ( 1910 )  
The He-8 sandstone lithologic gas reservoir in Permian system of Ordos Basin can be described by stronger heterogeneity, small number of wells, larger well spaces and more difficult reservoir prediction during earlier stage development. Three optimal attributesseismic reflection waveform, variance parameter of seismic wave velocity and absorption coefficients of seismic wavelet have been sought out according to seismic attributes analysis results integrating well data by using of geologic statistics method. These attributes are sensitive to sandstone thickness, physical properties and gas bearing. The classifying characteristics of above three attributes have been used in the thickness prediction and description of gas reservoir distribution of He-8 sandstone. The resulting two types gas bearing zones (type Ⅰand Ⅱ) have been confirmed as the next appraisal areas. The application of seismic attributes analysis provided an important proof in evaluation deployment and making development plan for heterogeneous lithologic gas reservoir.
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The Evaluation Method of Soil Radon and Mercury Gas Measurement about Urban Active Fault Zones
LIU Jing-hua,WANG Zhu-wen, LIU Shu-tian, WANG Xiao-li
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  295-0297. 
Abstract ( 1730 )  
The detection of urban active faults is one of the main goals in city developments. Accor ding to the mechanism of fault gases such as radon and mercury gases formed above faults, the authors analyzed the radon and mercury gases anomaly characteristics above active faults. The analyses had been made on these characteristics above these faults of the soil radon and mercury gases anomaly based on two known faults in Changchun. The fault locations and their occurrences can be determined and the fault scales can be predicted by these characteristics. The authors discussed the influences of super cover layer properties on abnormal form. These conclusions provided a useful reference for urban active faults surveying and evaluation.
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The Application of Fuzzy Logic Method to Gold Deposit Prediction in Qinling-Songpan Area
Xing Xue-wen, Hu Guang-dao
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  298-0304. 
Abstract ( 1843 )  
Based on introduction of fuzzy logic theory and detailed analysis of gold mineralization law in Qinling-Songpan area, ArcView GIS and its extension modules-Arc SDM were applied to process geological, geochemical and geophysical data, and extract predictive variables. A known gold deposit was used to construct membership function and confirm membership of different variables. The choice of fuzzy operator is based on the relationship between forecasting variables and known gold deposit. The final potential map of gold deposit is generated by combining ore controlling factors using gamma operator. The results show that fuzzy set theory can integrate effectively various spatial data for mineral potential mapping and the final map delineated most favorable potential areas of mineralization for further investigation.
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The Applied Research of Indicator Kriging Method in Visualized Reserve Computing of Ashele Copper Mine
ZHANG Xin-yu, XIAO Ke-yan, LIU Guang-sheng,CHUAI Yuan-yuan
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  305-0308. 
Abstract ( 1457 )  
A module about visualized reserve computation with indicator Kriging method has been developed under development environment by means of Open GL graphic functions. The computing procedure of indicator Kriging is given. A visual computing flow of indicator Kriging in Ashele has been designed. Visual reverse computing result by the method in Ashele copper mine is obtained. The result shows that indicator Kriging method can produce better mineral prediction.
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A New Type Integrally Retractable Alternative Cutting Element Bit
V.P.Onischin,CHEN Chen,ZHAO Bing-cheng,ZHU Ying
J4. 2006, 36 (02):  309-0312. 
Abstract ( 1876 )  
Based on analyses about the structures and existing problems of integrally retractable alternative cutting element bits, a integrally rotary replacing cutting element bit was proposed. The combination of spring, mandrel and spherical in the structure was adopted to control the orientation of replacable bit .A suit of conveyer utility was used to operate the bit ascent and descent. This design of the bit can overcome some shortcomings such as complicated structure and not reliable performance of drilling tool. It is proved that the drilling efficiency is 10%~50% higher than ordinary wire-line coring drilling tool.
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