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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2006, Volume 36 Issue 01
Research on LayerBundle Fine Structures and Physical Attributes of CrustMantle Boundary in Deep Earth
TENG Ji-wen
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  1-0023. 
Abstract ( 1219 )  
The media structures and attributes of crustmantle boundary in deep earth play an important role in the studies on sphere structure in the inner earth, especially in the lithosphere and deep dynamic processes. As the boundary between crust and upper mantle, it is closely related with the separation and regulation of deep matter and the movement and coupling of shallow and deep substance. The wavefield characteristics of wide angle and near vertical seismic reflections can be used to study the fine structure of crustmantle boundary, which has multistates structure with the thin layers of high velocity alternating low velocity and layer bundles. Near vertical and wide angle seismic reflections from the boundary have obvious and quite different dynamic features. The crustmantle boundary is a chemical interface composed of mainly with eclogite. A generalize model about the boundary is given in the last.
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Dismemberment of Bailazi Formation of the Qinghezhen Group
CHEN Yue-jun,PENG Yu-jing,LIU Yue-wen,SUN Gang
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  24-0031. 
Abstract ( 1216 )  
“The Qinghezhen Group” was composed of the Siheshun, Beidagou, Wujiapuzi and Bailazi Formations. In the group, the Bailazi Formation was at the top of the group and was believed to be distributed to the south and north of the Qinghe fault. The formation was once discussed for the presence of microfossils of the deep water facies. The new results from present geological field work show that: to the north of the Qinghe fault, “the Bailazi Formation” is composed of calcmarble and of the metamorphosed volcanics of the alkalicbasalt, monzonitic andesitequartz keratophyre series and contains the Sinian microflora fossils. To the south of the Qinghe fault, “the Bailazi Formation” is composed of the magnesian marble, continental clastbearing quartz sandstone and the metamorphosed lavas of daciterhyolite series. The strata contain no stromatolites and microflora fossils which have been discovered in the middle Proterozoic strata in the adjacent Fanhe area to the west and were more intensively metamorphosed and deformed. Thus the strata are supposed to be the PaleoProterozoic. Hence, the strata of the socalled Bailazi Formation to the north and south of the Qinghe fault should belong to different strata composed of different rocks and formed in different tectonic units of different natures and in different sedimentary basins, thus should be dismembered. Now the Bailazi Formation to the north and south of the Qinghe fault can be called the Lujiapuzi and the Xibaoan Formationcomplex temporarily.
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The Mineral Composition and Element Geochimestry of CoEnriched Crust from the YJA Sea Mount in the Central Pacific Ocean
HU Da-qian, CHU Feng-you, YAO Jie
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  32-0037. 
Abstract ( 1567 )  
The mineral composition and the concentration of oreforming and rare earth elements of different structure layers in the Cocrust from the YJA sea mount in the central Pacific ocean, were determined using ICPAES, ICPMS, XRD, FTIR and JSM. The results show that this crust is a large of plank new crust,ore mineral is vernadite, gangue minerals are quartz, plagioclase and apatite, minor minerals are montmorillonite, kaolinite, natrolite, hydrobiotite and heulandite and so on. The contents of total Mn, Ni, Cu, Ba, Zn are gradually decreased from lower to upper the structure layers while TFe increased and Co keep almost unchanged. Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Ti, P, Li and Rb are relatively enriched in the loose structure layers. In the crust, total REE content are 1 982.27×10-6 and Ce is distinctively positive anomalies.The varied tendency of Ce is similar to Mn while other REE (excepting Y) are more like Fe.
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Study on Sb Enrichment and Exploration Potential for Sb Deposits in East Kunlun Mountain, Xinjiang
HU Jian-wei, ZHENG Qi-ping
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  38-0043. 
Abstract ( 1495 )  
There exists a Sb anomalous belt of 700 km long in the eastern Kunlun Mountains, which represents an area of most intensive and wide enrichment Sb in Xinjiang. A large scale of Sb mineralization has been discovered at Huangyangling in the western part of this huge Sb anomalous belt. The Huangyangling Sb deposit contains four mineralization zones with the length of 1000-1500 m and width of 200-400 m each. A series of mineralized veins occurred in the detrital rocks of the Permian Huangyangling Group. The Sb mineralization with highgrade ores is closely related to the quartz veins. The Huangyangling Sb deposit may be a potential giant one. On the basis of Sb enrichment coefficient, orecontrolling factors, and spatial relationship between Sb mineralization and anomaly, we suggest that the eastern Kunlun Mountains be of favorable geological, metallogenetic and geochemical conditions to host large or superlarge Sb deposits in Xinjiang.
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The Prediction of Synthetic Information of Gold Mineral Resources in South of Shanxi Province
LIAO Gui-xiang,XU Ya-ming, FU Bao-xia
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  44-0048. 
Abstract ( 1573 )  
Based on the methodology of mineral resources prognosis of synthetic information, taken the Au deposits concentrated regions as model units and the Au anomaly concentrated regions as prediction units, the gold appraisal using the synthetic information is carried out. In Qinghai Province, it reveals that the Au deposits are mostly distributed on the sits between different tectonic units; and in the edge of the exposed and/or concealed metamorphic basement of the early Sinian Period; in the area of the exposed and concealed acid-instrusions and/or their contacts; and in the localities where the circular and linear anomalies of graviation and magnetism cut across. This is the first time to make this type of prognosis for large and superlarge Au deposits in Qinghai Province and the work will provide some clues to geological exploration efforts afterwards in the province.
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Holocene PaleoClimatic Environment in Ruins of the Shuidonggou, Ningxia
LI Bing-cheng
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  49-0053. 
Abstract ( 1482 )  
With a series of geological investigation, intensive samples chosen and a large amount of sporepollens analysis to some sections chosen from the ruins of Shuidonggou in Ningxia, the authors can see clearly that every sample had gained more than 100 grains of sporepollens and one of these samples even gained more than 3 654 grains of sporepollens at that time. By a careful analysis to the amount of the sporepollens, the evolution of the vegetations in the region was explored specifically. Furthermore, it proves the characteristics of the changeable climatic environment during the period of Holocene. Finally, it draws the conclusion about the vegetations grown at that time in this region and the climatic environments it represented during the three stages of Early Holocene, Middle Holocene and Late Holocene. The authors have worked out quite a few pollens and spores from in nineteen samples of the loess section, and plotted a concentration sporepollens diagrams of the loess strata. The evolution of vegetation during the Holocene and the corresponding climate in time and space in the region has been brought to light by an analysis of the variation of sporepollens assemblages in this section. The results indicate that the climate in the Early Holocene was colder and drier,Middle Holocene was warmer and wet and Late Holocene was dry and cold.
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Climate and Tectonic Controls on the Rift Stratigraphy:Analysis of Zscape Model and its Application in the BeianFaulting Depression of the Songliao Basin
JIANG Xue, CHENG Ri-hui, YU Min-feng
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  54-0059. 
Abstract ( 1636 )  
Climate and tectonics are the two key controls for the formation of the stratigraphy of a rift basin. Zscape numerical landscape evolution model reveals some climate and tectonic processes about the formation of the stratigraphy by the simulation to catchmentfan system of the rift basin. Some views from the analyses of sequence stratigraphic architecture and the relevant experiments results of Zscape model are:(1) there are an inverse relationship between the fan area and the fault slip rate;(2) the progradation of a large amount of sediments during highstand is result from the decreased fault slip rate;and (3) the formation of the sequence boundary and the sedimentation during the lowstand and the transgressive are the results from of the changes of precipitation rates. These views are used in analyzing the development of the fans of the Shahezi Formation in the Beian faulting depression and the formation of the sequence architecture. The tectonic activity was violent during the development of the lower sequence of the Shahezi, and it turned to be relatively stable during development of the upper sequence. The faulting and the changes of precipitation rates controlled the development of the sequences of the Shahezi Formation. The Zscape model and the geological analysis of its experimental results, as well as its application in the Beian faulting depression, demonstrate the significances for some geological understandings by analysis of tectonic and climate factors, especially in the theoretical interpretation of deposition lagging to faulting.
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A Comprehensive Evaluation Method on Seal Ability of Mudstone Caprock to Gas in WaterDissolving Phase and its Application
FU Guang,KANG De-jiang,Duan Hai-feng
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  60-0065. 
Abstract ( 1446 )  
To study seal ability of mudstone caprock to gas in waterdissolving phase, based on seal mechanism analysis of the mudstone caprocks to gas in waterdissolving phase, a research method of calculating relative percolation velocity, by Darch's law, of the gas in waterdissolving phase through mudstone caprocks under unit pressure difference was proposed. Based on the relative percolation velocity of gas in waterdissolving phase through mudstone caprocks, a comprehensive evaluation index (CSWI)for seal ability of mudstone caprock to gas in waterdissolving phase was established. CSWI can reflect not only the influence of the characteristics of mudstone caprock itself on its seal ability to gas in waterdissolving phase, but also the influence from the characteristics of the formation water to the seal ability of mudstone caprock to gas in waterdissolving phase. It is a comprehensive evaluation index for the seal ability of mudstone caprock to gas in waterdissolving phase. It was applied in evaluating comprehensively the seal ability of Kq1+2 mudstone caprocks to gas in waterdissolving phase to the east of the Daqing Pacanticline. The result reveals a good seal ability of Kq1+2 mudstone caprocks in waterdissolving phase in the west of research region, with a decreasing trendency in seal ability from west to east. The evaluation results are in accord with the actual geological conditions of gas accumulation in the west of research region, revealing the effectiveness of the evaluation.
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Correlativity Analysis of the Affect Factors on Groundwater Thermal Regime in the Plain Area of Central Jilin
FANG Yan-na,LIAO Zi-sheng,CHEN Hong-yan, DONG Wei-hong
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  66-0072. 
Abstract ( 1778 )  
The perennial change characteristics of groundwater temperature in phreatic aquifer, confined aquifer and Cretaceous porousfractured aquifer in the plain area of Central Jilin is analyzed systemically. A grey correlativity analysis method is applied to explore the affecting factors on variation of groundwater temperature. The study shows that the temperature of groundwater in the three aquifers have risen to different extent in recent twenty years. The climate warming is the governing factor on the rise of the groundwater temperature intensified by groundwater movement and precipitation,which is obvious for phreatic water and confined water. However,the governing factor on the rise of groundwater temperature of Cretaceous porousfractured water is due to over pumping of groundwater.
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Research on Water Resource Carrying Capacity in Semiarid Area--A Case Study in Huolin River Basin,Southwestern Songnen Plain
BIAN Jian-min,TANG Jie,LIN Nian-feng,LI Zhao-yang,ZHANG Fang
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  73-0077. 
Abstract ( 1374 )  
Water resource utilization is the key factor for the social and economic development of Songnen plain because of its ecological fragile zone between arid and semiarid area. A case study in Huolin River basin located in the southwestern Songnen plain shows the environmental features of local water resource and existing. Based on the constrained factors on the water resources utilization, an index system has been set up in order to evaluate the water resources carring capacity. This index system is composed of 9 indexes in three items,which includes the natural condition of water resources forming, water resources development and socialeconomical situation. Factor analysis about the water carrying capacity of the Huolin River basin shows that the water resources carring capacity is mainly controlled by the forming conditions of water resources and the water resources utilization situation.The evaluation result about the water resources carring capacity is the essence of the sustainable development of water resources.
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Feasibility Demonstration on Groundwater Reservoir in the Middle Reaches of Yinma River
DAI Chang-lei,CHI Bao-ming
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  78-0084. 
Abstract ( 1663 )  
The middle reaches of Yinma River,located 50 km east to Changchun in Jilin Province, is a potential place to build a pore groundwater reservoir,which will be an important strategic water resources field for Changchun City. Based on conditions of satisfying local water demand and no occurrence of environmental side effects, regulated water resources of 1.88×108m3/a can be obtained from saved discharge and induced recharge, but it will change largely over time. Maximal regulation volume is 8.21×108m3 and potential regulation volume is 4.98×108m3 for the objective aquifer composed of Quaternary sands and grits. In the case of artificial engineering for water exchange, groundwater reservoir in the middle reaches of Yinma River can supply water resources of 8 197.9×104m3/a theoretically.Just as a case study, this paper shows an overall idea about how to analyze and assess the feasibility of groundwater reservoir,from three aspects: sources,distribution, quality and quantity of regulated water; confined boundaries, structure and volume of regulating space; sites, ways and capacity of artificial exchanging engineering.
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A GISSupported Study of the Influence on the NorthPassage Bar after Executing Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Phase I & II Project
ZHENG Zong-sheng, ZHOU Yun-xuan,SHEN Fang
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  85-0090. 
Abstract ( 1728 )  
A number of charts of the Yangtze Estuary in the period of 1995-2003 are digitized. Supported by GIS tools (ArcInfo8.3),digital elevation models (DEM) of the Yangtze Estuary are then established with the Kriging girding method. Based on the DEM, underwater terrain variations of North Passage of the Yangtze Estuary are modeled quantitatively through various representations, including crosssections, thalweg sections, and overall terrain variations. It is in an attempt to quantify the scouring and silting sediment distribution and its variations in the mouth bar area of North Passage prior and after the First Phase of Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project. The results show that the 1st phase regulation project has increased the velocity of flow and reduced the sedimentation of the channel, and it has also resulted in an 8-10 m microbending trough. The 2ndphase regulation project has retained the form of 1stphase one with less modification in the profile of the channel.
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Regional Hydrogeology GIS System and AccessorialDesign for Engineering Based on ActiceX
CUI Xue-hui,CHEN Hong-han,CHEN Hong-kun,QIN Yan-jun,LIU Da-wei
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  91-0095. 
Abstract ( 1625 )  
In the Visual basic 6.0 programming environment embedded MapObjects 2.1 with the the ActiveX technique, a regional Hydrogeology GIS system with C/S structure and accessorial design modules for hydrogeology engineering acid design module has been developed. This system interfaced by this component makes the realization of exchanging/updating of hydrogeological spatial data and attribute data, which will provide input data for hydrogeology engineering accessorial design module. Application of this professional hydrogeological GIS based on ActiveX technique in Daqing oil field shows that this system can make development time short, common use strong and operation simple and can satisfy the demand of hydrogeological work.
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Application of the Theory of Groundwater Chemical Dynamics in the Parameter Determination in Qianjin Source Field
CAO Jian-feng,SHEN Yuan-yuan,PING Jian-hua,DU Quan-you,LIU Mei-xia
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  96-0102. 
Abstract ( 1809 )  
It is imperative to reevaluate groundwater resources in Qianjin source field, DaQing City where groundwater system has been changed since the 1980s as the result of intensive exploitation of groundwater resources. Based on hydrogeological data and groundwater chemical analysis data and the theory and methodologies of groundwater chemical dynamics in combination with limited pumping test data, some groundwater chemical index such as activity of component(α)、mineral saturation index(β) are calculated and some hydrogeological parameters such as hydraulic conductively(k),transmissibility(T),artual speed of groundwater(U)、specific velocity(V) and groundwater age(t) are also calculated zonally.The above calculation results are beneficial to quantificationally recognize the local hydrogeological conditions and to attest that the confined aquifer of Taconic formation has good permeability and transmissibility and t good renewal ability because of the active groundwater movement. This case can supply not only hydrogeological parameters for groundwater resources evaluation but also quantificational basis for sustainable and reasonable development and management of groundwater resources.
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The Study of the Analysis Method of Seepage Coupled Deformation in Slope and Its Application
ZHANG Yan-jun
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  103-0107. 
Abstract ( 1432 )  
The field of stress of slope will make changes under seepage action. And seepagefield coupled stressfield result in the changes. A technique for elastoplastic finite element method of slope under saturatedunsaturated seepage action is showed. The model of shear strength with water content is adopted. The stress and the stain of slope are determined by solving the coupling elastoplastic equilibrium equations with seepage force taken into account, and the analysis method is applied to a practical slope analysis caused by rainfall in the paper. Besides, the example is calculated and draws conclusion by calculation. As for the effect of seepage action, the deformation of slope becomes wide, and makes the sliding surface of the slope at last. It is feasible and beneficial try to use the numerical method for analysis of slope deformation during rainfall, and is succeed in the application.
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Seismic Modeling by Using Finite Sine and Cosine Transforms: Acoustic Equations
SUN Jian-guo,WANG Xue-qiu
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  108-0112. 
Abstract ( 1521 )  
The authors present a method for solving the acoustic wave equation with variable density by using finite sine and cosine transforms. The method consists of four steps: (1) applying the finite sine or the finite cosine transform to the wave equation; (2) inserting the unknown acoustic field given by the sine or the cosine series into the transformed wave equation; (3) applying the finite difference or other approximations to the time and spatial derivatives that are not transformed; (4) computing the wavefield by using the inverse transforms and the coefficients obtained by solving the discrete equation. In comparison with other methods, the method presented here is suitable for computing synthetic seismograms in the models with strong lateral velocity and density variations.
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Density Sructure of Crust and Mantle Beneath DuomaDeqingDazi Profile
ZHENG Hong-wei, HE Ri-zheng
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  113-0116. 
Abstract ( 1202 )  
On the basis of some existing studies, the authors study the transverse density structure of the crust and mantle beneath the DuomaDeqingDazi profile using gravityseismic integrated inversion method. The modeling results state that some lowdensity layers exist beneath most parts of profile. Two deep normal faults exist on both sides of the Nyainqentanghla Mountain and cut off the lowdensity layer. The lowdensity layer beneath Nyainqentanghla Mountain was uplifted from 5 to 10 km higher than others. Thus, the density structure beneath Nyainqentanghla Mountain like a horst. From the mountain to Duoma, the depth of Moho is basically even, but from the mountains to Dazi, namely from west to east, Moho beneath the profile is deeper and deeper. By contrast with the depth of Moho, the top of Asthenosphere beneath Nyainqentanghla is protuberant, like a anticline.
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The Application of P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity Inversion to the Identification of Gas Layer
JIANG Xiu-di, WEI Xiu-cheng, WANG Jian
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  117-0122. 
Abstract ( 1581 )  
An partial stack gather inversion method is put forward. Partial stack data retain original rich information. Restrained by logging and structural interperation results, initial model may be the most close to the actual underground conditions. Through nonlinear optimization theory, using trace by trace extrapolation, more accurate P-wave and S-wave velocity of every point can be inverted simultaneously, and then the P-wave and S-wave velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio can be obtained, so that provide rich elastic parameters information for reservoir prediction and fluid identification.
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FDTD Simulation of Ground Penetrating Radar Signal in 3-Dimensional Dispersive Medium
LIU Si-xin, ZENG Zhao-fa, XU Bo
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  123-0127. 
Abstract ( 1596 )  
To study propagation characteristic of radar wave in a dispersive medium, frequencydependent flux density D was introduced, and electromagnetic field E and flux density D were normalized. A finite difference time domain (FDTD) algorithm is developed to solve Maxwell’s equation in a dispersive medium, in which the dielectric constant varies with frequency and Debye relationship is satisfied. Assumed dielectric constant and magnetic permeability were introduced to realize the nonreflectively absorbing, which avoids the split of wave components in normal Berenger PML. Simulated example illustrates the wave propagation in a dispersion medium.
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The Electrical Resistivity Anomaly Simulation of Soil Layer Contaminated with Oil Sewage and a Case Study
GUO Xiu-jun,HUANG Xiao-yu
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  128-0131. 
Abstract ( 2055 )  
In order to improve the detecting capability for soil layer contaminated with oil sewage, the resistivity changes of soil layer, prior to and after the contamination, were analyzed. A geoelectrical resistivity model is established for such resistivity change analysis. The resistivity anomaly sections of Wenner, Schlumbeger, dipoledipole and polepole array were calculated with 2.5-D finite element method (FEM). The forward results show that the detecting capabilities of different arrays are different from each other. Comparatively, Wenner and Schlumbeger array image better the contaminated area. The calculated results also show that the electrical resistivity of the contaminated saturation soil is higher in Wenner array, and the resistivity anomaly area matches the contaminated area. The field study also favors this analysis.
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Study of the Excited Acoustic Spectroscopy in Cased Hole under Different Bonded Conditions
YANG Da-jun, WANG Zhu-wen
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  132-0136. 
Abstract ( 1113 )  
The excited acoustic spectroscopy (EAS) in cased calibration hole is calculated with the realaxis integral method. The effect on acoustic field in the hole from varied bondedconditions at the first and second interface and the thickness of the modeling formation is analyzed. The numerical results show that the effect of the outmost boundary of the formation on the EAS in the hole decreases with the increase of the formation thickness or with the deterioration of the two bonded interfaces. At low frequencies(less than 3 kHz), the outmost formationboundary have little effect on the EAS, when the radius of this boundary is great than 0.2 m, while effect from the two bonded interfaces can be ignored. In order to decrease the effect on the acoustic field from the artificial formation boundary in the calibration hole, not only the thickness of the modeling formation under different bonded conditions but also the measuring frequency of the source should be considered carefully when the authors design a cased calibration hole.
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The Forward Modeling of ThreeDimensional Geoelectric Field of Vertical Finite Line Source by FiniteDifference Method
XU Kai-jun,LI Tong-lin
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  137-0141. 
Abstract ( 1050 )  
A resistivity method with vertical line source has been used to study the distribution of injection water and surplus oil. The authors first infered the boundary condition for line source,then realised the forward calculation with finitedifference method.The forward calculation shown that when providing current through whole casing pipe,the electrical potential on surface is mainly effected by shallow resistivity anomaly,whereas when providing current only at gun perforation position,the electrical potential is on surface mainly effected by corresponding resistivity of gun perforation position.
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The Composition of the Sea Clay and Its Bleaching Test
TIAN Chun-yan,ZHANG Pei-ping,MA Li-yan,SHI Xue-fa,LV Hua-hua,YU De-li
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  142-0147. 
Abstract ( 1219 )  
In order to explore and utilize the sea clays, the minerals of the sea clay samples were determined by using infrared spectrum instrument and Xray diffraction instrument. It shows that the content of the clay mineral in the sea clays is very high, in which I/S interlayer and illite are the dominant mineral composition. Minor of other minerals, including magnetite and hematite, are also present. Chemical composition analysis reveals that the content of Fe2O3 in the sample reaches about 7%. The East Pacific clay samples were bleached by introducing the reducing method of acid dissolving hydrogen. The effect factors on the iron removal and bleaching were discussed, such as acid kind and its concentration, medicament dosage, reaction time, calcinations temperature, and etc.The best bleaching scheme was established, through which the whiteness of the sea clay increases from 23.8% to 73.1%. Besides, the granularity, special surface area and dispersing ability of the samples before and after bleaching were tested, and it reveals that their activity has also been improved along with the increasing in whiteness.
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Study on the Preparation of Active TiO2 and Its Performance for Remediation of Fluoride Ion (F-) Contaminated Groundwater
JI Gui-juan, ZHAO Yong-sheng
J4. 2006, 36 (01):  148-0152. 
Abstract ( 1373 )  
Influences on removal of F- contaminated groundwater by active TiO2 were discussed depending on stationary and dynamic adsorption experiments. Parameters which are the amount of active TiO2, resident time, and acidity etc. were considered. The experimental results indicated that in stationary experiments, 0.3 g active TiO2 added to 50 mL 10 mg/L F- contained groundwater, and with 15 min resident time, removal efficiency of F- is more than 90%. Moreover, pH of the sample has not changed. In the dynamic experiments, 0.3 g active TiO2 and 120 g gravel can treat 150 mL groundwater, and the removal efficiency of F- is also more than 90%. Both of them are satisfied the drinking water standard. Therefore,the active TiO2 can remove F- in groundwater efficiently.
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