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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2005, Volume 35 Issue 03
Ordovician Nautiloid Fossils of Xainza Region,Tibet
CHENG Li-ren, ZHANG Yu-jie, ZHANG Yi-chun
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  273-0282. 
Abstract ( 1687 )  
The Taerma bridge-Zhakang in the Xainza area is the second spot of Ordovician in northern Tibet based on the discovery of some reliable fossils. The strata contain a large amount of fossils of many taxa, which developed well enough to attain reliable support for era and distinctive boundary. It is the best spot for the fossil study of the Ordovician in the northern Tibet up to now and provides important clues to the classification and correlation of the Ordovician and to the paleogeography distribution as well as to the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibet. 29 species of Nautiloid fossils, which belong to 3 orders, 8 families and 15 genera, have been identified. Among them,3 genera and 9 species are new. Here only one new genus Eneoceras gen. nov. and six new species are described in detail as example. Other two new genera Taremaoceras and Variabioceras will be described in other papers.Genus Eneoceras gen.nov.Diagnosis:The new genus Eneoceras gen. nov. is characterized by the features as “Conch orthoconic, medium in size. The surface is decorated with annulus which array in a distance as the septa. Conch enlarging slowly. Compressed laterally. Circular in cross section. Siphuncle small, situated central from ventral in position. Spetal neck subcyrtochoanitic. Slightly expanded in connecting rings. Siphuncle appears as a string of beads with thin parietal deposits in it. Medium in spetal density. Thin epithecal and hypothecal deposits developed in cameras.”
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Crystal Chemistry and Geochemistry of Thallium Minerals
FAN Yu,ZHOU Tao-fa, YUAN Feng
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  284-0290. 
Abstract ( 1788 )  
The authors preliminarily summarized 56 thallium minerals reported in literatures up to now. A list of these minerals, which has been classified as six categories, is given as a table and the crystal chemistry and geochemistry features of thallium minerals are reviewed. In low temperature and reductive environment, thallium belongs to sulfophile element, and forms thallium minerals with elements such as As, Sb, Pb, Hg, Cu and Au in two forms:①TlwBySz(thallium is the only metal element),②TlTlwAxBySz((thallium isn’t the only metal element). Most thallium minerals occur in base metal deposits in the lowtemperature metallogenic province. The problems concerning the further studies of thallium mineralogy and geochemistry are also briefly discussed.
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Preliminary Studies on Holocene Climatic In Fuping,Shaanxi Province
LI Bing-cheng
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  291-0295. 
Abstract ( 1671 )  
With the intention to comprehend the evolution characteristics of the prehistoric climate change of Holocene in the middle area of the loess plateau, the author divides the sporopollen diagram into three different zones according to the geological investigation, intensive sampling collected and sporopollen analysis of thirtyone samples from the cross section in the Fuping area, Shaanxi Province. These three zones represent early, middle and later periods respectively. The first zone is a combinatorial zone of PinusCompositae Typha, with the herbaceous plant pollen predominating and with high content of conifer pollen. The second zone is also a combinatorial zone of Pinus Quercus ArtemisiaConcentricystes,being characterized by increasing of arbor pollen and the decreasing of herbaceous pollen. The third is named as a combinatorial zone of Quercus Pinus Artemisia which is marked by herbal pollen increasing and arbor pollen decreaing. The result indicates that the vegetation of the early Holocene was a forest grassland-dry grassland, whose climate was dry and cool-dry and chill. The vegetation of the middle Holocene was forest grassland and aciculignosa and aeslilignosa grassland, and the climate was warm and wet. The vegetation of late Holocene was forest grassland and the climate was droughty and warmer or cool and droughty
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Petrography and Geochemistry of the Middle Ordovician Volcanic Rocks of Daliugou Group in Hami Wupu Area of Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang
TIAN Wen-quan,WANG Pu-jun,LI Song-ling,SUN Xiao-meng,WEN Nuan,LIU Xin
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  296-0301. 
Abstract ( 1864 )  
The middle Ordovician volcanic rocks of the Daliugou Group in the Hami-Wupu area of the Eastern Tianshan seem to be the oldest strata of the studied area. Its tectonic setting belongs to the Dananhu composite island arc volcanic belt of the Junggar plate. Here the volcanic rocks of the Daliugou Group belong predominantly to calcalkaline series and are featured by the enrichment and positive anomalies of Ba and Th of the largeion lithophile element(LIL ) group and by negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti of the high strenghth field elements (HFS). LREE is enriched while HREE is depleted in the intermediatebasic volcanic rocks. The study of the trace and rare earth elements indicates that the volcanic rocks belong to an islandarc environment in general.
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SHRIMP U[CD*2]Pb Dating of Zircons from Two-Mica Granite in Baga Area in Gangdise Belt
HE Zhong-hua,YANG De-ming,WANG Tian-wu,ZHENG Chang-qing
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  302-0307. 
Abstract ( 1953 )  
Twomica granites are exposed in the Gangdise backarc fault uplift area and are discontinually distributed along Serirong-Baga fault as an E-W trending tring. Their contents of SiO2, K2O, Al2O3 are higher, but the contents of CaO are lower, A/CNK>1.1 and the content of corundum exceeds 2.1% by CIPW standard mineral calculation. All those show these granites are the peraluminous granites with the rheomorphic remelting characteristics, which formed during the syncollision circumstances.The results of SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating reveal that the inherited zircon in twomica granitic rocks gave a few Archean and a large number of ages between 1 120 Ma and 1 489 Ma, which represent the age of the main source region of the zircon. Those ages are essentially in agreement with the protolith age of the metamorphic Nianqingtanggu Group, which indicate their close affinity. The rheomorphic remelting age of the twomica granites is 139 Ma. Combined with the regional data, it is suggested that the twomica granites were produced due to the crustal thickening which was caused by the Neotethys subducting underneath the Gangdise microblock and by its backarc oceanic basin closing in the same time.
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Geochemical Evaluation for Uncovered GoldBearing Structures in Jiaodong Area
JI Hong-jin,SUN Feng-yue2,CHEN Man,HU Da-qian,SHI Yan-xiang,PAN Xiang-qing
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  308-0312. 
Abstract ( 1929 )  
In order to evaluate the uncovered goldbearing structures, a new geochemical evaluation program, which consists of lengthwise sampling distribution and corresponding classification for data interpretation, is suggested. Replacing usual sampling distribution with new one,more economic results can be obtained by less cost,and 84 goldbearing structures have been found by 2 439 samples in Pingdu area. With corresponding classification, the usual methods are inherited and modified, the key information in data can be exposed more effectively based on simpler steps and single graph. According to this graph, the deferent types of element combinations, types of geochemical units, the equidistantness and zoning of units, a variety of geochemical characteristics of known mine units and the target districts etc., are all presented in Jishan area. Especially a typical geochemical zoning sequence is shown in it. The corresponding classification discussed here can also be applied to other subjects. In brief, this program possesses the nature of optimization to certain degree.
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Study on Multiphase Inclusions of Giant Barite Crystals in Gengzhuang Gold Deposit, Shanxi Province
HUANG Fei,JIN Cheng-zhu,YAO Yu-zeng,ZHAO Yu-Shan,WEN Shou-qin
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  313-0319. 
Abstract ( 1741 )  
Nirich pyrites, FeS2-Fe(Ni,Co)S2 whisker series and VL inclusions occur in giant barite crystals discovered in Gengzhuang gold deposit, Shanxi Province. The morphology, component and physical characteristics of barite and solid inclusion are studied by means of SEM and microprobe etc. The component, homogenous temperature of VL inclusions are researched through Laser Roman. The results indicate that the barites are pure and their structures are excellent. The component of FeS2-Fe(Ni,Co)S2 whisker series changes with the thickening of the whiskers. The component of Ni-rich pyrite is stable. The crystalline of solid inclusions is good with standard crystal shape. The hydrothermal liquid is of low sanity, and the component mainly is H2O with little CO2, and the general density is 0.79~0.95 g/cm3. The homogenous temperature varies greatly, i.e., 134.7~269.5℃. Combined the results above with the geological setting, the hydrothermal activity, the geochemical behaviors of the related elements, the forming conditions of barite and solid inclusions are discussed using the theories of crystal growth and geochemistry. Boiling and blending of the hydrothermal fluids are of great importance and multiple stages and insitu overlapping are believed to be a major features of the hydrothermal activities in the Gengzhuang gold deposit.
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The Growth Habit and Controlling Factors of the CobaltRich Crusts in Seamount of the Central Pacific
CHU Feng-you, SUN Guo-sheng,LI Xiao-min,MA Wei-lin, ZHAO Hong-qiao
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  320-0325. 
Abstract ( 1771 )  
The elementary discussions which are about the growth habit and controlling factors of the cobaltrich crusts in the investigation region of the midPacific seamounts have be given basing on the samples and photograph data from DY95-10, DY105-11, DY105-12 cruises (R/V Dayang Yihao). The cobaltrich crusts have no obvious selectivity to lithology and can growth in various rocks of seamounts. The types of the rocks bearing crusts have relationship with the nonbalanced regional distribution of rocks, but haven’t the inevitable relation with the rocks themselves. The thickness of crusts not only were influenced by the chronology, physical, chemical environment, but also closed related to the intension and frequency of the regional structure. The water depth can control the growth of crusts, but the crusts on the seamounts now haven’t obvious boundary of the water depth because the seamounts ever had moved or elevated after the crusts formed. The landform obviously had controlled the covered ratio, occurrence, morphological feature of the cobaltrich crusts. The very gentle or steep slopes of seamounts are unfavourable to the growth of the cobaltrich crusts. The crusts mainly are platy on the steep slopes of seamounts, and rippled or pillow on the gentle slopes. The platy crusts mostly appear on the slopes of the seamounts, but the pebble crusts or cobaltrich nodules on the flat or low areas.
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The Study on Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation History in Damintun Depression
JIANG Jian-qun,ZHANG Zhan-wen,LI Jun,SHI Jian-nan
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  326-0331. 
Abstract ( 1836 )  
Basing on detailed test data of the Damingtun depression, the main charging pathway of two petroleum system is reconstructed by means of hydrocarbon compositional heterogeneity. Migration tracing results are nealy the same based on hydrocarbon bulk compositional heterogeneity, molecule construction heterogeneity and the distribution of nitrogen compound respectivly. It clearly shows that both normal oil and highwaxy oil were migrated to the the slopes from the centre of hydrocarbon kitchen of depression centers and were enriched in the reservoirs of the favorable traps. Some reservoirs could be formed on the pathways of the petroleum system only if only some favorable traps are met. Hence the present research could provide some information for the reservoir targets. K-Ar dating technique shows that the major pool forming time of the Daming sag is from the Sa1-2 to the early Dongying period. The pool forming time of the Anfutun sag is earlier than that of the Rongshenpu sag, which indicates that the highwaxy oil is earlier than the normal oil.
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The Structural Features and Depositional Systems of the Early Tertiary in the Biyang Depression
LI Bin, MENG Zi-fang, LI Xiang-bo, LU Hong-xuan, ZHENG Min
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  332-0339. 
Abstract ( 1918 )  
Detailed studies of a number of core sections, well logs and seismic data of the Biyang depression reveal that the depression had a special construction style and forming mechanism. In southern and eastern basin, where the main controlling faulting is apparent, steep slope growth break sequence dominates. The northern side of the basin belongs to a typical gentle slope sequence, resembling the grouth fault sequence model of the Gulf of Mexico. Through analyzing the particular structural background, which controlled predominantly the sequence system tracts, the pattern of strata sequence and deposition of the Biyang depression are established. The authors believe that the whole terrigenous sequence stratigraphy of the Biyang depression could be divided into four parts: lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract, highstand systems tract , and regressive systems tract. Three types of delta sandstones, fandelta , near source delta and the far source delta, have been recognized in the primary oil bearing layers of the Early Tertiary Hetaoyang Formation. Their capibility to host petroleum is also discussed.
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The Application of Statistical Fractals to Describing the Reservoir Heterogeneity
WANG Qian, WU Zhi-fang, ZHANG Han-quan, MO Xiu-wen
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  340-0345. 
Abstract ( 1623 )  
The characters of heterogeneity widely exist in shaly sand, carbonate and igneous reservoirs. It is difficult to accurately characterize the parameter distribution through conventional linear methods. On the basis of detailed analyzing the characters of shaly sand reservoir heterogeneity, the authors describe the space distribution of parameters such as density and acoustic time difference by combining fractals with Kriging. By interpolation between two wells the pseudo logs are derived and they are in good accordance with the real log value. Under the suitable well distribution, the statistical fractals can describe the reservoir heterogeneity satisfactorily.
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Study on the Upheaval of the Bogeda Mountain Block from Angle of Oil and Gas Exploration
KUANG Li-xiong,GUO Jian-hua, MEI Lian-fu, TONG Xiao-lan, YANG Li
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  346-0350. 
Abstract ( 1978 )  
The characters and its primary times of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of source rocks are analysed, evolution of structure and sedimentation in the Bogeda mountain block, upheaval of the Bogeda mountain block and its significance to oil and gas exploration is studied using the techniques of structure movement, sedimentary prototype resume, effective source rock evaluation, and reformed basin modeling. It is demonstrated that the present Bogeda mountain block was deep to halfdeep lake at Late Permian and two sets of good to intermediate source rocks for hydrocarbons, that is, the Upper Permian Lucaogou and Hongyanci Formations, were developped in the Bogeda mountain block then. The primary time of hydrocarbon expulsion of the source rocks is at Late Jurassic to Cenozoic when upheaval of the Bogeda mountain block took place. At upheaval times of the Bogeda mountain, the amount of hydrocarbon expulsion of the source rocks from the Bogeda mountain block to the Chaiwopu depression and Miquan block were be reduced. However, the areas adjacent to the Bogeda mountain have thick source rocks themselves, thus their resources potential is still larger. Hence, the Chaiwopu depression and Miquan block adjacent to the Bogeda mountain are also favorable prospecting areas for oil and gas.
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Simulation Analysis of the Storage Capacity Based on DEM Before and After Connecting to Yangtze River in Zhangdu Lake
LI Tao, WU Sheng-jun, CAI Shu-ming, XUE Huai-ping, YASUNORI Nakayama
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  351-0355. 
Abstract ( 1326 )  
The DEM model of Zhangdu Lake region is set up by means of topographic map scan supported by geographical information system. Using RS and GIS technology, DEM model was overlaid with the LANDSAT-7 TM image, average elevation of different wetland was drawn out. By carrying on statistical analysis to the data, the relation models of the water level and area, the water level and volume, and area and volume is computed. Combining with the agriculture condition and the ability of draining flood of water conservancy projects, the authors simulate in quantity the difference of storage capacity in Zhangdu Lake region before and after connecting to Yangtze River. In Zhangdu Lake region, the largest storage capacity is 1.644×108m3 and the water area is 38.75 km2 before connecting to Yangtze River, however, after connecting to Yangtze River, the largest storage capacity is 9×108m3 and the water area is 2.73 ×108m2.
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An Application of Hydrological Response Units in Assessment of Soil Salinization Risks
ZHANG Guang-xin, DENG Wei, HE Yan, RAMSIS Salama
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  356-0360. 
Abstract ( 1779 )  
Based on three important parameters such as weight of hydrological zones (HZ), depth to water (DTW) and rate of rise(RR), a hydrological response units (HRU) map 2001 was created in the Tao’er River basin, Songnen plain, which can response sensitively to the spatial change of groundwater environment, and it is produced by the algebraic multiplication of the three classified grids: HRU = DTW*RR*HZ. The HRU mapping indicated that the risk degree is not high in the whole area, comparatively, the high risk zones are Momoge wetlands, Zhenlai county, Laifu and Chagan town, which attributed to the discharge alley of groundwater suffocated, the recharge of surface water body and irrational irrigation.
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Application of GIS[CD*2]Based Grouped Data Logistic Model in Evaluation of Slope Stability
LI Xue-ping, TANG Hui-ming
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  361-0365. 
Abstract ( 1739 )  
Grouped data Logistic model is a scheme for the solving the problem of whose dependent variable is a qualitative variable and independent variable is a categorical variable. Weighted least square is used to solve grouped data Logistic equation. New west area in Wushan county was chosen as experimental area. A grouped data Logistic model was set up based on that lithological characters, gradient, height, groundwater level depth and nearest distant of effected structure line were taken as independent variables. Historical landslide was taken as dependent variable. The second step was prominent testing of equation and regression coefficient. At last, slope stability was predicted by regression equation in the experimental area. The model predicts actual landslide occurrence at 72.55% accuracy and landslide nonoccurrence at 79.69% when criterion of probability is equal to 0.157 9.
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RS-GIS Integration Research on Land Use Dynamic Changes in Western Plain of Jilin Province
DU Chong, LIN Nian-feng, TANG Jie, LI Zhao-yang
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  366-0372. 
Abstract ( 1502 )  
In recent 20 years, the ecoenvironment in western plain of Jilin Province deteriorates evidently, and sustainable development of the area has been restricted by the saltilization, desertification and degradation of the grassland. Land Use/Cover Changes(LUCC) has seldom been used to settle the problems on ecoenvironment before. It was applied in the paper that dynamic monitor on TM image data of different time and RSGIS integration technology. Information on land use dynamic changes and the using styles transform were picked up throw RS image interpreting and space information superposing, which showed that two styles of infield and salinealkali soil increased and three styles of grassland, water area and marsh decreased. Discussion is given that the impulse forces on land use styles transform, and using suggestions on land resource were put forward at last.
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A Study on Treatment of Municipal Wastewater by Hybrid Biological Reactor
WANG Yu-sheng, MA Xiao-fan,WANG Yu-Liang, CHENG Hai-jun, LV Zhi-yong
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  373-0377. 
Abstract ( 1104 )  
The authors carried out the experiment research on treatment of municipal wastewater by hybrid biological reactor in order to improve its treatment efficiency and reduce its run cost. According to the experiment, the authors brought up the optimum parameter for run from detention time, organic loading and gas water ratio three aspects. The results showed that took this method can guarantee the rate of COD degradation more than 80%, under the condition that organic loading is 2.44 kg COD/kg MLSS·d; Detention time is 1.5~2 h; The ratio of gas to water is (2.5~3)∶1. This method can intensify the phase transfer efficiency.
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Realization of Absorbing Boundary Condition with Lossy Media for Ground Penetrating Radar Simulation
LIU Si-xin, ZENG Zhao-fa, XU Bo
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  378-0381. 
Abstract ( 1470 )  
Maxwell’s equations can be discretized by finite difference time domain(FDTD) to simulate ground penetrating radar(GPR). Perfectly matched layer(PML) as an absorbing boundary condition can absorb the outgoing wave effectively. As for lossy media modified Maxwell’s equations under stretched coordinates are adapted. If the stretched variables can satisfy certain conditions, the equations can also absorb the outgoing waves similarly. This absorbing boundary condition is called generalize perfectly matched layer (GPML).
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Automatic Identification of Algae Limestone with Well Logging Data
ZHANG Zhen-cheng,SUN Jian-meng,MA Jian-hai, ZHANG Wei, SU Yuan-da
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  382-0388. 
Abstract ( 1463 )  
Algae limestone represents different characteristics in the plot of well logging. Accordingly seven parameters(GR,SP,CAL,AC,CNL,DEN,RT) selected from well logging data are standardized to form sample parameters for lithologic identification. The LBG(LindeBuzoGray) algorithms in Fmeans cluster is used to classify the samples, a set of data is then selected for the identification and analysis. Based on Q gene analysis, three identification functions have been obtained and used in lithologic identification and prediction in terms of well logging data of Huatugou oilfield. The method is fast and efficient in identifying algae limestone based on well logging data.
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Application of RPROP Algorithm to Well Logging Lithologic Identification
ZHANG Zhi-guo, YANG Yi-heng, XIA Li-xian
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  389-0393. 
Abstract ( 1538 )  
A fast and practical backpropagation algorithm--resilient backpropagation (RPROP) has been introduced to better solve lithologic identification problems using well logging data. A backpropagation neural network model of lithologic identification based on the RPROP algorithm is established to study a real well logging data. The results indicate that the accuracy of identification is high and the RPROP algorithm is fast and practical compared with conventional backpropagation algorithm and some other modified backpropagation algorithm.
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A Study on Lithology Identification Methods for Volcanic Rocks
ZHOU Bo, LI Zhou-bo, PAN Bao-zhi
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  394-0397. 
Abstract ( 1573 )  
The lithology identification is a basic work in reservoir evaluation by well logging data. It is difficult to evaluate volcanic reservoirs with well logging data because volcanic lithology classification is not unanimous and the recognition methods are not perfect. Volcanic samples should be classified according to TAS (total alkalies vs silica) chart proposed by IUGS. The volcanic lithology can then be recognized by neural network method with well logging data. Only 65 percent volcanic rocks can be identified by conventional methods. With the method proposed, 81.8 percent rocks can easily be recognized.
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Application of Immobilized Proteases in Treating Water with High Concentration Organic Substance
YANG Xue-mei,ZHANG Lan-ying,ZHANG Lei,YU Hong-bing,ZHANG Yu-ling
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  398-0402. 
Abstract ( 1569 )  
Under a certain conditions, the experiment immobilizes proteases on silica gel, activated charcoal and largepore resin by physical adsorption, and then compares the immobilizing effect of the three supports to find out the optimal support. Subsequently, proteases on three different supports are used in enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean wastewater with highlyconcentrated protein in order to investigate the optimal pH for enzyme activity and treatment effect. At last, on optimal pH condition, study on the evolution of enzyme activity and treatment effect with the alteration of hydraulic retention time (HRT) is conducted. Comparing the immobilizing effect, enzyme activity and treatment effect at different pH and the evolution of enzyme activity and treatment effect with the alteration of HRT on the three supports, it can be concluded that resin has good immobilizing effect and best treatment effect on wastewater with highlyconcentrated protein. The optimal pH is 5.5, enzyme activity reaches the peak 30.82 mg/min at 0.5 h, and the loss of enzyme activity is relatively small, only 3.74 mg/min. The protein reduction ration is 39.93%.
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Study on Adsorbing Chromium(Ⅵ) and Cadmium(Ⅱ) Ions Coexisting in Water Body by Aureobacidium Pullulans
ZHANG Yu-ling,ZHANG Lan-ying,WANG Xian-sheng,WANG Xiao-hui,GAO Song
J4. 2005, 35 (03):  403-0406. 
Abstract ( 1282 )  
The authors focuse on the experiment taking advantage of Aureobacidium pullulans to adsorb chromium(Ⅵ) and cadmium(Ⅱ) ions coexisting in water body. The bacteria culture grows well under the condition that the toxicity concentrations of chromium(Ⅵ) and cadmium(Ⅱ) ions are 300 mg/L, respectively. The adsorptive experiment illustrates that the adsorption quantity of chromium(Ⅵ) is 8.575 mg/g on the optimum condition that pH is 3, adsorption time is 2 h and the temperature is 30℃; The adsorption quantity of cadmium(Ⅱ) is 15.49 mg/g on the optimum condition that pH is 5, adsorption time is 30 min and the temperature is 30℃.
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