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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 July 2005, Volume 35 Issue 04
The Xibiehe Section and Xibiehe Formation of the Bateaobao Area in Darhan Mumingan Joint Banner,Inner Mongolia
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  409-0415. 
Abstract ( 1569 )  
The Xibiehe section, as the original standard of the Xibiehe Formation, is located at the Bateaobao area in Darhan Mumingan Joint Banner, Inner Mongolia.Its age has been much debated. The conodont study clearly shows that the lower and middle part of the Xibiehe section should be assigned to the Late Silurian Xibiehe Formation(Ludlow to Pridoli) based on the finding of Ozarkodina uncrispa which can correlate with the lower part of Ozarkodina crispa Zone.The upper part of this section called the Alugong Formation, belongs to the Lochkovian of early Devonian, because typical Lochkovian conodont genus Ancyrodelloides and Lanea have been found. The Xibiehe section is not suitable for being the standard section of the Xibiehe Formation, however, the Baoerhantu section can be used as a standard section of the Xibiehe Formation.
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The Magma Source of Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks in Yanbian Area: Evidence from Sr-Nd Isotopes and DeepSeated Xenoliths(Xenocrysts)
ZHAO Quan-guo, XU Wen-liang, JIN Ke, PEI Fu-ping
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  416-0422. 
Abstract ( 1580 )  
The pyroxenite xenoliths and amphibole xenocrysts occur in Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks from Yanbian area. The pyroxenite xenoliths, showing cumulate texture, are composed of augites. The augites are similar to those of clinopyroxene (Cpx) megacrysts in Cenozoic basalts from Eastern China in chemical composition. The amphibole xenocrysts are pargasite and magnesium-hastingsite which are similar to those in the amphibolewebsterite xenoliths from Late Mesozoic basalt. The P-T estimated results show that the pyroxenite xenoliths and amphibole xenocrysts could be from the depth of 25~37 km. The (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios and εNd(t) values of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Yanbian area are 0.7043~0.7050 and 2.33~4.71, respectively, which implies the magma source could be composed of a suite of the depleted and newly accreted mantle material. On the basis of abovementioned characteristics, it is suggested that the primary magma of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Yanbian area could be derived from the partial melting of newly accreted material in the crustmantle transitional zone. The accretion event could take place in the Neoproterozoic.
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Establish and Genesis of Oceanic Island Basic Volcanic Rock Early Carboniferous in Northern of Daxing’anling
KUANG Yong-sheng,ZHAO Shu-yue,QIN Xiu-feng, MA Jiang-shui
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  423-0429. 
Abstract ( 1549 )  
There occur a series of fine clastic sedimentary rock and mediumbasic volcanic rocks assemblies (including the spite and metabasic basalt) in Genhe area of North Daxing’anling Mts.,belong to Moergen Formation.The studies on their geochemical characteristis show that basic valcanic rorks high contents of Na2O,K2O,TiO2,w(Fe2O3)/w(FeO)=0.8(average) (belong to alkaline series).Enrichment in LREE and with insignificant Eu anormalies ;compared with MORB,their lightly depleted in Ti, Y, Yb,but more enriched in others elements are similar to those of ocean intraplate basalts. Their initial w(87Sr)/w(86Sr) value is 0.7043,the εNd(t) value is 3.00,indicate that their source region are related to mantlesource.Based on above data,this paper proposes that the activity of mantle plume lead to basic volcanic rocks formed,reflecting of Hawaiitype oceanic island tectonic enviroment.
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Metamorphism Characteristics of Songduo Group in Menba Township Mozhugongka County, Tibet and the Discussion on Its Age
YANG De-ming, HE Zhong-hua, HUANG Ying-cong, ZHAO Liang, DAI Lin-na
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  430-0435. 
Abstract ( 1391 )  
Songduo Group in Mozhugongka County, Tibet had undergone deformation and metamorphism for three times. The main metamorphism (500~553℃, 0.93~1.15 GPa) belongs to middlelow temperature and middlehigh pressure dynamothermal metamorphism, and is similar to the metamorphism formed in a plate collision zone. Isotope ages indicate that the Songduo Group is the product of metamorphism in Caledonian. The appearance Sm-Nd age(1 516 Ma) of actinote schist may imply the original rocks of Songduo Group formed in middle proterozoic era.
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Two Stages of Mesozoic Lithogenesis and Mineralization in Daxing’anling Mountains
ZHU Hong-chen,ZHANG Jiong-fei,QUAN Heng
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  436-0442. 
Abstract ( 1536 )  
From the perspective of lithogenesis and mineralization, two stages of lithogenesis and mineralization in Daxing’anling Mountains have been studied. They were J1-J2 and J3-K1. The hydrothermal deposits which are mainly copper deposits formed in the early orogenic setting, and those mainly stannum deposits formed in late extending setting. The matter formed rocks and deposits in early stage mainly came from the earth mantle, and that in late stage was mainly from the crustal layer. The host rocks formed in early stage, which belong to calcalkali series, were acid and neutral hypabyssal ones, and those formed in late stage were acid hypabyssal ones belonging to calcalkali series.
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Sedimentary Characteristics for the Cretaceous Strata in the Northern Depression of the South Yellow Sea Basin
QU Xi-yu, LIU Li, CHEN Jian-wen, LI Gang
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  443-0448. 
Abstract ( 1645 )  
A comparison research on the latest drilling and seismic data indicates that the Cretaceous sedimentary characteristics of the Northern depression in the South Yellow Sea basin are characterized by a gradual enlargement of the depression from early to middle Cretaceous and a progressing shrinkage during Early Cretaceous. This shows that the water level in the Northern depression of the South Yellow Sea basin during the Cretaceous period experienced a rise and fall process. And the cretaceous lake deposit is widely distributed. The remained Cretaceous deposit in the whole region is 39 675 km2 in area, with a maximum thickness of 5 200 m, hence presenting good conditions for the generation and transformation of organic matter and indicating a better oil and gas potential in this region.
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On the SporopollenAlga Assemblages and Environments from the Third Member of Nenjiang Formation in the Xinzhan Area of Songliao Basin
TIAN Meng,ZHANG Mei-sheng,REN Yan-guang,QIAO Xiu-yun,WAN Chuan-biao,LIU Peng-ju
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  449-0455. 
Abstract ( 1750 )  
The Third Member of Nenjiang Formation is located in the Xinzhan area, the southwestern part of Songliao basin. According to the changes of sporopollenalga assemblages from bottom to top,seven sporopollenalga assemblages were recongnized for the Third Member of Nenjiang Formation,which can indicate the salinity changes of water body of the take. They are (in ascendling order):CyathiditesPinuspollenitesDinogymniopsis assemblage which indicates a brackish lake environment with a shrinking water body,DinogymniopsisLeiosphaeridiaPinuspollenites assemblage which indicates a slightlysaltied lake environment with a enlarging water body,CicatricosisporitesPinuspollenitesBotryococcus assemblage which indicates a freshwater to slightlysaltied lake environment with a shrinking water body,DinogymniopsisChlamydophorellaTaxodiaceaepollenites assemblage which indicates a shallow lake environment transforming from freshwater to brackish water frequently, CicatricosisporitesPinuspollenitesPediastrum assemblage which indicates a freshwater lake environment with a reducing water body,NenjiangellaBalmulaCyathidites assemblage which indicates a freshwater lake environment with a broad water body,and CyathiditesTrilobosporitesBotryococcus assemblage which indicates a brackish lake environment with a shrinking water body.
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Distribution Characters and Exploration Potential of Mesozoic Sea Facies Sedimentary Strata in the South China Sea Basin
WEI Xi, DENG Jin-fu,CHEN Yi-han
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  456-0461. 
Abstract ( 1715 )  
Mesozoic seafacies strata in the South China Sea Basin, 2 500~5 000 m thick and more than 125 000 km2 in total area, were formed in the Ancient South China Sea. These sedimentary strata distribute mainly in eastern Zhujiangkou basin in the northern shelf of the South China Sea, and northwest Palawan, Liyue bank, and Nanweixi-Beikang basins and its vicinity in the southern South China Sea Basin. These two parts were partitioned by antique basement and Cenozoic oceanic crust. The suture belt of the Ancient South China Sea exists in an area from north Kalimantan to north Palawan. Biology fountain is mainly plankton that constitutes the source rock of seafacies in the South China Sea Basin, and kerogen type is III, which mainly generates gas. There exists a good matching relationship among hydrocarbon generation, fluid flow, and traps, and generates self-generation-and-self-reservation hydrocarbon reservoir, newgeneration-and-oldreservation reservoir and oldgeneration-and-newreservation reservoir. In summary, Mesozoic seafacies sedimentary rocks in the Ancient South China Sea Basin have a very good exploration potential.
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Study on Sequence Stratigraphy of Es2+33 Formation in Gaoshangpu Oil Field
SONG Lai-ming, YANG Yong-qiang, PENG Shi-mi, LI Hai-yan
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  462-0468. 
Abstract ( 1496 )  
The sequence stratigraphy of Es2+33 formation in Gaoshangpu oil field is deeply studied with the method that seismic data controls well logs data while well logs data calibrates and adjusts seismic data dynamically. The target formation is classified into 1 sequence, 2 system tracts, 6 parasequence sets and 16 parasequences. Then, the features of sequence stratigraphic boundary are concluded. The thick shales on the top of Es23 and Es43 can be regarded as a general index horizon which is hard to recognize because of the complexity of lacustrine formation. And the sequence characteristics is debated that there are two sedimentation centers which prolong proximately eastward. The bottom regressive system tract, whose sedimentation center is well zone G35-1、G62 and G82, was formed in the early period of the lake shrinkage; The top transgressive system tract, whose sedimentation center is well zone G30-28 and G13-13, was formed in the later lake extension period, during which the two sedimentation centers migrated northward and eastward.
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Sequence Stratigraphy with Fills of Volcanic Rocks in Xujiaweizi Faulted Depression of Songliao Basin, Northeast China
CHENG Ri-hui,WANG Pu-jun,LIU Wan-zhu,SHAN Xuan-long, CHEN Shu-min, QU Yong-bao
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  469-0474. 
Abstract ( 1679 )  
Volcanic rocks widely developed during late JurassicFarly Cretaceous in Xujiaweizi faulted depression of Songliao basin, Northeast China. The basin filling geometric pattern of volcanic eruptive rocks depends on both of the eruptive locations in a basin and structural styles of fault terraces. It is divided into three types by eruptive locations and occurrences of eruptive rocks, including the pattern of eruption along fault and occurrence (PEAFO), the pattern of eruption on footwall of a fault and occurrence (PEOFO) and the pattern of eruption on hangingwall of fault and occurrence (PEOHO) in Xujiaweizi fault depression. Those basin filling patterns of volcanic eruptive rocks are with specific geometric characteristics, occurred at different stages of early lowstand, late lowstand and transgressive, controlling or affecting basin topography, sedimentation, the geometry of sedimentary body and sequence architecture during a sequence evolution. The sequence stratigraphic models may be used in oil and gas exploration to predict reservoirs.
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3D Computer Simulation of Sedimentation Process and Its Applications
XUE Lin-fu, PAN Bao-zhi, MI Shi-yun, SHI Guang-ren
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  475-0480. 
Abstract ( 1494 )  
Based on the mathematical model and algorithm of sedimentation process, a computer software of 3D sedimentation simulation, called SSSP, was developed using VC++ programming language. It can simulate transportation, sedimentation and erosion processes and display several types of graph realtimely by giving controlling parameters. Under the case of having known the sedimentary environmental parameters, evolution of a sedimentary basin can be reproductive and the future sedimentary development for modern basins can be predicted. Some simulation examples are given.
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Characteristics of Karst Medium System and Its Hydrogeologic Effect in the South Tianshan, Xinjiang
TANG Jian-sheng, XIA Ri-yuan, ZOU Sheng-zhang, LIANG Bin
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  481-0486. 
Abstract ( 1846 )  
Carbonate rocks are widespread along the south Tianshan, where the function of karst system depends on the texture of karst medium. It’s found that there are a lot of solution tectonic fissures, interlayer solution fissures, and solution joints in the carbonate rock strata through the karst investigation and analysis. According to the statistics, the density of solution tectonic fissures is to 1~4 per 10 m width, the fissure ratio on plane to 1.15%~5.71%, and the width of fissures to 10~500 mm, which are netted distribution and developed cross beds. The combination of all kinds of fissures compose a complicated karst system with the medium of fissuresolution fracture. The significance of the solution fissures system for the precipitation infiltration and water storage is analysed, and its function of transmission and storage in the process of hydrological circle is clarified as well. At last, a new method of relieving the lack of water resources and renovating the karst environment at the edge of Tarim basin is put forward, namely translating the surface runoff into underground seepage and reducing the evaporation in order to increase the recharge of precipitation in karst mountain areas through engineering measures.
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Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Evaluation of Water Resources Value in Zhengzhou City
QIN Li-juan, CAO Jian-feng,PING Jian-hua,JIANG Ji-yi, WANG Nan, SHEN Yuan-yuan, LI Sheng
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  487-0490. 
Abstract ( 1620 )  
The connotation of water resources value contains the scarcity of water resources, the property right of resources and working value. It should be evaluated by fuzzy mathematics since there are many uncertain factors affecting the water resources value. The water resources value in Zhengzhou City has been calculated by an established fuzzy mathematical model with evaluation factors such as water quality, water resources quantity, gross national product and population desity according to the real situation of Zhengzhou City. The result of water resources price in Zhengzhou is 2.11 yuan(¥)/m3. At present the average water price in the city is only 1.28 yuan(¥)/m3, which is low obviously. Therefore water price reform is necessary.
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Similarity in the Simulation Test for Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundation
LENG Xi-chen, NIE Lei, QI Bin
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  491-0495. 
Abstract ( 1248 )  
The similarity problem, existing in the simulation tests for bearing capacity of pile foundation, is studied. The emphasis is on the following three major aspects such as the similarity of the environments between test and engineering pile, the similarity between shearing friction test and the side friction force of engineering pile and the similarity between the triaxial test and endbearing capacity of pile. The study shows that in the simulation test the samples should be undisturbed and the state of the stress in test should be consistent to that of the engineering for the test of pile side friction in the simulation test. For endbearing capacity of pile, the samples should be undisturbed, but the confining pressure of samples is shrank according to geometry similarity constant, so as to obtain the practical endbearing capacity of pile by multiplying the test results.
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A Case Study on the Reinforcement Countermeasures for Strongly Swelling SoftRock Slope in Yanji Basin
HE Man-chao, LIU Cheng-yu, WU Xiong
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  496-0500. 
Abstract ( 1528 )  
The engineering problems-slope sliding and serious deformation in Yanji basin occurred frequently during the construction of highways. The results of research show that the main factor causing the slope sliding and deformation is that there is a kind of swelling soft rock well distributing and developing in the area. This soft rock contains much more particles of swelling clay characterized by low strength, easy disintegration, strong swelling and high swelling forces. In accordance with such characteristics of soft rock, the author presents the reinforcement means and countermeasures for the soft rock slope with the largedeformation design method, those are strong drainage, prereinforcement using high pressure anchor grouting piles, reinforcement using anchor cables with dispersive pressure, preventing bottom swelling using anchor piles and so on.
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The Measurement of the Hydrochemistry Mobility of the Oil Pollutant in the Aeration Zone
LI Xu-qian, SHANG Shu-bo, LIN Ya-ju, ZHOU Hong-yi,HOU Ge
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  501-0504. 
Abstract ( 1647 )  
Hydrochemical mobility is a parameter reflecting the velocity of the transference front sharp of pollutants in watersoil pore medium, which relates to the soil property, water flow state and physicochemical property of pollutants. The dynamic balance of the soil pillar leaching experiment is used in this article to simulate the transference and transformation of the oil pollutants in the aeration zone of Jilin oilfield under the conditions of natural rainfall infiltration. The results show that the hydrochemical transference can be divided into leaching stage, adsorption stage and equilibration stage. The microbe decomposition is very weak. The concentration attenuation curves of leaching liquid in differentthickness soil layers are quite similar. The scale effect has been considered between indoor experiments and natural environment to determine the retardation factor and the hydrochemical mobility properly.
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Selective Extraction of Fe and Mn Oxides from Biofilms Collected in Natural Waters
ZHAO Xing-min, HUA Xiu-yi, ZHANG Jing-jing, DONG De-ming, LI Yu
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  505-0509. 
Abstract ( 1353 )  
Selective extraction technology is employed to study the separation of manganese oxides and iron oxides in biofilms sampled from natural waters and reviews its applicability. Resulting the extraction technology of artificial culturing biofilms, the hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH·HCl) was selected to extract manganese oxides, and sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) was used to separate manganese oxides and iron oxides. Optimum extraction conditions were determined by changing only one of the experimental conditions such as extraction concentrations, extraction liquid acidity and extraction time and by considering these three factors affecting the extraction effect. Under the selected optimum conditions, the target components in biofilms sampled at different times and sites are extracted with efficiencies between 70.8% and 94.6%, and the affects on nontarget components are negligible(3.3%-11.0%). It satisfies the requirement of the extraction and separation. It shows that selective extraction technology can be applied broadly to the extraction and separation of manganese oxides and iron oxides in biofilms sampled from natural waters.
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Beer Wastewater Treatment Using Three-Phase Biofluidized Bed
HUANG Ji-guo, WEI Hai-juan,WANG Li-jun,WANG Tie-jun,YU Shuang, HUANG Guo-xin
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  510-0514. 
Abstract ( 1455 )  
Beer wastewater treatment using threephase biofluidized bed has been studied by experiments, and the effects of aeration quantity and hydraulic stay time on treatment efficiency have also been discussed. The result shows that the optimal aeration quantity is 0.25 m3/h, and the optimal hydraulic stay time is 1.5 h. Under the selected experimental condition, the average removal ratio of CODcr could reach more than 85% and the biological concentration could also reach 28.31 mg/L. The experimental result also indicates that the biomembrane is active and the reactor has strong capability to resist impact load.
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Inverse Spline Interpolation for the Calculation of All-Time Resistivity for the Large-Loop Transient Electromagnetic Method
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  515-0519. 
Abstract ( 1364 )  
A convenient and fast numerical calculation method of alltime apparent resistivity for the transient electromagnetic method-inverse spline interpolation method has been developed. Several conversion examples, from induced electromotive force through centralloop TEM2.5D forward program to apparent resistivity, illustrate the feasibleness of inverse spline method. At the same time, the method has also laid the foundations of initial model definition in TEM automatic inversion.
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Seismic Wave Field Modeling with Convolutional Differentiator Algorithm
DAI Zhi-yang,Sun Jian-guo,Zha Xian-jie
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  520-0524. 
Abstract ( 1472 )  
Convolutional differentiator (CD) is obtained by inverse Fourier transform of bandlimited Fourier spectra of partial derivative operator. CD is symmetric or antisymmetric and decays rapidly. According to spectral analysis theory, the authors use a window function whose sequences taper smoothly toward zero at the end of the sequences to truncate the CD and modify the central term of the operator by the law of conservation of energy for the differentiator. Thus the optimal weighting coefficients of CD suitable for wave field modeling are obtained. Finally, the realizing approach and examples for acoustic wave field modeling using CD are given. The theoretical analysis and numerical results show the accuracy and validity of the CD.
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A Database of Terrestrial Heat Flow in China Based on GIS
GUAN Yan-wu, JIN Xu, HAN Xiang-jun,CHEN Xiao-dong,ZHAO Fa-lan
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  525-0528. 
Abstract ( 1587 )  
The Database of Terrestrial Heat Flow in China is one of subdatabase under Chinese Lithosphere 3D Structure Database. The heat flow database is built on Microsoft Access 97 and Geographical Information System (GIS). And the database program is built with Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0, in which several technologies such as MO (MapObjects), DAO (Data Access Object), API (Application Programming Interface), are utilized. The database has many functions such as adding, deleting, edit, copy, browse, inquiring, display and maintenance the raw data etc., and the general data processing toolbox can help the general users solve many general problems. Double language versions were developed in this database. But they have the same functions.
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Management System Design of China Lithosphere 3D Structure Database Based on GIS
QIN Ru-fu, XU Hui-ping, YE Na,OU Shao-jia,LU Yan
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  529-0534. 
Abstract ( 1436 )  
Data are the base of GIS. Building a database is the key and the important process of designing GIS. Based on ArcSDE geodatabase, the authors store data on a database server and users can access to database with ArcSDE. It is convenient to data sharing and multiuser concurient operation. ArcObjects is designed by ESRI, an object oriented geographical data model which provides a compositive and standard COM library. SQL Server 2000 and ArcSDE8.1 act as spacial database platform on server. The client management system is designed with ArcObjects and VB6.
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Extraction of Remotely Sensing Alteration Information Based on Statistical Identification Model
LV Feng-jun, XING Li-xin,FAN Ji-zhang,PAN Jun
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  535-0538. 
Abstract ( 1454 )  
Remote sensing data are discrete, finite and nonlinear. On the basis of the analysis and extraction of thematic texture information, using the grey levels of the abnormal areas and the orecontrolling structure information as the characteristic values, the authors have constructed a statistical identification model based on statistical theory for classing the characteristic vectors of unknown area. It has been applied in the Xiaoxinancha of east Jilin multivariable metallogenic target forecast and the prospecting and assessment near mining area. Combining extracted altered information with mine engineering geological knowledge, it well shows coppergold mineralization and the results tallies with fact proved by exploring mineral engineering in the field.
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Multiscale Representation of Spatial Information on Voronoi Images
WANG Ming-chang,YING Shen,LI Lin
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  539-0542. 
Abstract ( 1145 )  
The multiscale representation of spatial information is one of the warmly studied issues in GIS and remote sensing information science. The useful geometric rules and algorithms on Voronoi images provide powerful approaches for the description and analysis of complicated spatial relationships among the map objects. Spatial conflicted problems, such as selections and abandons, intersections and crowds, etc., resulted from symbolization and generalization of ground features in spatial multiscale representation, were discussed. According to principles of Voronoi and Delaunary of computational geometry, the selection of point elements, the intersection of line elements, and the converging and predigesting of area elements, were studied to make them more favorable to the human visual and perceptive system, and consequently getting the spatial data more propitious to analyze, process and visualize.
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Prospect of Application of Foam Pump Increasing Pressure Equipment in Construction of Drilling Long Hole for Sucking and Exhaling Mash Gas
GAO Ke,SUN Rong-jun,SUN You-hong
J4. 2005, 35 (04):  543-0544. 
Abstract ( 1180 )  
To resolve the puzzle of collapse and buried comes forth owing to scouring the wall of hole in construction of drillng long hole for sucking and exhaling mash gas. Adopt the technic of foam increasing pressure to solve the problem by advancing the pressure of foam current. The application of technic of foam increasing pressure in construction of drillng long hole for sucking and exhaling mash gas is feasible and economical.
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