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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2014, Volume 44 Issue 5
Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Buried Fault Zones in the Jinhu Sag
Wang Weifeng, Zhou Weiwei, Zhou Jie, Li Shaolong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1395-1405. 
Abstract ( 386 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 566 )  

There are many NE-trending faults and NW-trending faults in the Jinhu sag. NW-trending basement faults are weak with a little influence on the sedimentary cover, while there are NW-trending buried fault zones in the cover. NE-trending basement faults are strong with important influence on the sedimentary cover. The Yangcun fault zone and a lot of NE-trending buried fault zones formed in the sedimentary cover. The Shigang major fault zone divids the Jinhu sag into the western slope belt and the eastern sag belt. The eastern sag belt was influenced by “buried” activity of the NW-trending basement faults presenting as segments from tht north to the south.There are a great quantity of nearly parallel  third or fourth-order normal faults in the cover in the Jinhu sag. This fault belts include Bao-Ying parallel-echelon fault belt,Tang-Gang echelon fault belt, Bian-Min-Yang parallel-echelon fault belt, western slope parallel fault belt, Chajian-Nipei parallel-echelon fault belt, contributing to several enriched zone of oil and gas, and this hydrocarbon reservoirs are influenced by NE-trending basement faults and NWtrending basement faults, presenting as NE-,NW-, NS-trending stripe or string. On the basis of regional geological data, gravity and magnetic data, 10 NE-trending buried fault zones, 5 NW-trending buried fault zones, 6 NS-trending buried fault zones are identified. The buried fault zones control the distribution of the sandbody, and improve the reservoir physical property. They make the buried reservoir as zonal distribution, which are favorable zones for hydrocarbon accumulation.

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Sedimentary System Characteristics and Their Sedimentary Evolution from the Permian to Triassic in the Southern Yellow Sea Basin
Zhang Yinguo, Liang Jie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1406-1418. 
Abstract ( 321 )   PDF (1326KB) ( 548 )  

Southern Yellow Sea is the main body of Lower Yangtze plate. From shallowly buried continental strata to deeply buried marine strata, a breakthrough in oil and gas exploration can not be still obtained through many years work,and the exploration and understanding level are low. Fully combining with the achievements and understanding in the continental area of Lower Yangze plate and being based on seismic and drilling data in the Southern Yellow Sea, the Longtan Formation, the Dalong Formation of Permian period and the Qinglong Formation of Triassic period are divided into six sedimentary systems in the Southern Yellow Sea, which are fluvial, delta, tidal flat, open platform, limited platform and shelf, whose features of each sedimentary system were analysed. On the basis of seismic reflection characteristics, four types of seismic facies were recognized and the sedimentologic meaning of each seismic facies was studied. Combining with wells sedimentary facies and seismic facies, the sedimentary systems distribution characteristics were sculptured. Longtan Formation, Dalong Formation and Qinglong Formation share the similar sedimentary environment characteristics that the northwestern area has a deeper water depth than the southeastern area. Study area experienced twice larger-scale transgression to regression cycles, which formed the base-level oscillating texture in stratigraphic records. With the base-level changes, typical sedimentary evolution sequence formed, which is that tidal clastic rocks and coal bed combination changes to shelf shale, and up to open and restricted carbonation flatform combination from the bottom up.

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High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sandbody Geometry Characteristics of Complicated Fault Oilfield:Take Second Segment of Nantun Group in Bei 301 Region of Huhenuoren Oilfield of Beier Depression in Haita Basin for Example
Jiang Hongfu,Zhang Shiguang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1419-1431. 
Abstract ( 384 )   PDF (1673KB) ( 502 )  

Description of the geometric model of the fan delta single stage fan is the key geological technology which solving the development of Haita oilfield. Regarding high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and modern sedimentary theory as the guidance, we identify 3 long terms, 4 middle terms, 6 short terms, and 53 super short terms (equivalent to single sand body) base-level cycles in N2 of Nantun Group in Bei 301 region Huhenuoren oilfield. We also establish the monosandbody rank high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework in encrypted development zones of Haita basin for the first time. The study of sendimentary microfacies shows underwater distributary channel and microfacies for river mouth bar which are full of favorable sandbodies mainly develop in the little accommodate space that near the turnaround serface of SSC3,SSC4,SSC5 and SSC6. The width and thickness ratio for the single underwater distributary channel is generally between 50∶1 and 200∶1 ,the average value is about 85∶1. With the decreasing of the base level, the width of underwater distributary channel is increased,and the thickness is thickened, and the width and thickness ratio is increased. With the rising of the base level, the width of underwater distributary channel becomes narrower and the thickness is decreased,and the width and thickness ratio is decreased.The distribution area and thickness of river mouth bar has a certain positive correlation. The radius and thickness ratio is between 60∶1 and 120∶1, the average value is about 90∶1. This research established the industrial drawing of monosandbody rank sendimentary micro-facies in Haita basin for the first time, described geometry characteristic of the main monosandbody and provided the geological basis for comprehensive development.

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Based on Analysis of Sedimentary-Diagenetic Reservoir Facies to Determine “Sweet Spots” Distribution in Low Permeability from Wenchang 9 Area
You Li,Zhang Yingzhao, Li Cai,Zhang Shaonan,Zhao Zhanjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1432-1440. 
Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1233KB) ( 447 )  

Zhuhai Formation is the major reservoir in , Wenchang 9 area between the No.6 Fault and the South Fault of Wenchang A depression,which deeply buried over 3 km. It is the rontal subfacies of fan delta. The reservoir properties are low permeability mainly. In order to expanding the prospecting for oil and gas reserves and later the reasonable and effective development,diagenetic facies and the distribution of reservoir thickness and physical properties are recognized by normal physical characteristics,logging interpretatio,analysis of rock thin and two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance. The reasons of low permeability formation and factors of reservoir thickness and physics quality are analysed finly from sedimentary facies and diagenesis. It is determined that compaction is the main reseron to low permeability. The most favorable Sedimentary facies are underwater distributary channel,tidal channel,sand flat, the second is the mixed flat. All of them can form “sweet spots” reservoir. Less compaction, coarse grain size, the dissolution stronger intensity or chlorite grain-coatings are the areas of “sweet spots” reservoir. The area between the fault zone 6 to the South fault zone of weaker compaction is “sweet spots” reservoir zone. The zones near the fault are more favorable to sweet spots than the zones further away from the sixth fault with similar depth.

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Structural Properties of Paleo-South China Sea and Their Relationship with the Tethys and the Paleo-Pacific Tectonic Domain
Lu Baoliang, Wang Pujun, Liang Jianshe, Sun Xiaomeng, Wang Wanyin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1441-1450. 
Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 1160 )  

In order to further understand the pre-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the South China Sea, and figure out the tectonic attribute of Paleo-South China Sea(PSCS)and their relationship with the Tethys and the Paleo-Pacific tectonic domain,through the research on the PSCS relics (ophiolites, ophiolitic melange and subduction accretionary complex), in combination with geological and paleontological data of the surrounding land areas, the evolution of the PSCS is divided into four stages. ① Paleo-Tethys residual sea stage (T1-T2):The PSCS was in the Early-Middle Triassic Paleo-Tethys remnants sea,and the evolution with Paleo-Tethys remnants sea was a continuous progress. ②Paleo-Pacific marginal seas stages (T3): In the Late Triassic, due to the complete closure of the Paleo-Tethys, the PSCS was mainly influenced by the Paleo-Pacific. ③ Tethys and Paleo-Pacific superposition impact stage (J-K1): In the Early Jurassic, the PSCS began to expand, and was affected by the Tethys and ancient Pacific superimposition. In the Late Jurassic, the Nansha block began to drift towards to the South China continent, the PSCS further strongly expanded. ④Subduction stage (Later K2-E):In the Late Cretaceous,the Nansha block began to crack from the southern mainland, and the PSCS subducted southward. To the Eocene, along with the new expansion of the South China Sea, the PSCS accelerated demise under Sundaland, and in the meanwhile,Lupar line ophiolite belts were formed in the southern region of the South China Sea as well as a series of subduction accretionary complex.

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Genetic Mechanism of Effective Reservoirs in the Upper Part of the Fourth Member of the Shahejie Formation in Hexiwu Structural Zone of Langgu Depression
Xi Kelai, Cao Yingchang, Zhou Lei, Zhao Xianzheng, Jin Fengming, Yang Chunyu, Su Rui, Dong Xiongying
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1451-1465. 
Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1916KB) ( 283 )  

The origin of effective reservoir in mid-deep clastic reservoir has always been the popular research content of petroleum exploration. The reservoir petrological characteristic, physical properties and diagenetic characteristics of the upper part of the Fourth Member of the Shahejie Formation(Ess4)were systematically studied through cores observation,rock thin section identification,physical properties analysis and fluid-inclusion analysis, et al in Hexiwu structural zone of Langgu depression . Moreover, the authors analyzed controlling factors of effective reservoirs on the basis of the physical properties parameter cutoff calculation, summarized the genetic mechanism and established the genetic model of effective reservoirs. The results show that the rocks of Ess4 reservoirs are mainly composed of lithic arkose and a small amount of feldspthic lithic sandstone, and they have medium compositional maturity and high structural maturity. In diagenesis, compaction is strong, cementation is obviously difference in north and south, and dissolution is weak. The reservoirs have more primary and less dissolution pores, so porosity and permeability correlation is well. Reservoir cement content, sorting coefficient, sedimentary microfacies and formation pressure are the main controlling factors of effective reservoirs. The fine sandstone, moderate coarse sandstone and pebbled sandstone with little matrix contents, well sorted, and little carbonate debris in branch channel of braided delta front are favorable material foundation in effective reservoirs forming process. Early overpressure restrained compaction and protected primary pore, also early hydrocarbon charging restrained cementation and protected pore space. They both together contributed the main reason for the formation of effective reservoir. In addition, dissolution formed a little amount of secondary pore and early quartz overgrowths around particles edge restrained compaction, which played supporting roles in the formation of effective reservoir.

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Major Factors of Accumulation and Destruction Mechanisms of Marine Strata-Related Hydrocarbon in the Northern Margin of the Jiangnan-Xuefeng Uplift
Deng Dafei, Mei Lianfu, Shen Chuanbo, Liu Zhaoqian, Tang Jiguang, Fan Yuanfang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1466-1477. 
Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1313KB) ( 330 )  

The regions of huge amount of hydrocarbon mainly develop in passive continental margin, active continental margin and continental rifts in the global,while the northern margin of the Jiangnan-Xuefeng uplif has the different tectonic settings of the slopes about intracontinental depression and paleo-uplift margin. We explore the major factors and destruction mechanisms of marine hydrocarbon enrichment of the study area, and compare to the main reasons about the development of hydrocarbon enrichment zones (regions) all over the world, and try to build the related patterns of marine hydrocarbon enrichment and destruction. We attempt to explain a new marine enrichment unit in intercontinent block, which is a superimposed slope zone of intracontinental depression and paleo-uplift margin and similar to the northern margin of the Jiangnan-Xuefeng uplift. We suggest two main controlling factors for the massive accumulation. One is two sets of high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks of the Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian. The other is two stages of favorable space-time matching relation for accumulation on the middle-late Caledonian cycle and the early of Late Indosinian-Early Yanshannian cyle. During the two key destruction stages of the late Caledonian cycle and the late of the Late Indosinian-Early Yanshannian cycle, marine accumulation were destroyed by uplifting and denudation, fault opening and magmatic activity. Our results suggests the spactial-temperal matching superimposed slope zone is a favorable accumulation area, but also an active transformation area for hydrocarbon.

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Genetic Study on the Huaaobaote Pb-Zn-Ag Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia:Evidence from Fluid Inclusions and S,Pb,H,O Isotopes
Chen Yongqing,Zhou Ding,Guo Lingfen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1478-1491. 
Abstract ( 337 )   PDF (1607KB) ( 544 )  

Huaaobaote Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit, a hydrothermal vein-type deposit, is tectonically located at the central and southern Daxinganling Mountains Metallogenic Belt. In combination with the alteration and mineralization characteristics, the paragenetic sequence of ore minerals and gangue minerals, the metallogenic stages could be divided into Quartz-Pyrite, Sphalerite-Galena and Arsenopyrite-Pyrite ones. By the study of fluid inclusions, it was shown that the ore-forming fluid are characterized by middle-low temperature (146.7-274.3℃), low salinity (0.54%-8.52%) and low density (0.790-0.943 g/cm3). The estimated metallogenic pressure and the metallogenic depth reflect that the deposit was formed in a mesogene-hypergene environment. With sulfur, lead isotopic analytical results of metal sulfides, it was shown that the source of ore-forming materials had the characteristics of a crust-mantle mixed source. The δ18OSMOW and δD of the ore-forming fluid range from -11.78‰ to -6.01‰ and from -110.90‰ to -70.30‰, respectively. It was concluded  that the oreforming fluid of the deposit was mainly derived from mixing of magmatic water and meteorite water. In combination with regional geological features and tectonic evolution, it is considered that this middle-low-temperature hydrothermal vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit was formed under the stretch orogenic structure system, among southern Daxinganling in the Mesozoic Era, and controlled by the multiple geological factors, such as deep faults, the Early Cretaceous tectonic-magmatic activities and the Shoushangou Group.

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Geological Characteristics and Metallogenesis of the PHaLek Iron Deposit in Vientiane Province, Laos
Zhu Huaping,Fan Wenyu, Mao Hongjiang,Wu Zhenbo, Gao Jianhua, Liu Shusheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1492-1501. 
Abstract ( 526 )   PDF (1254KB) ( 686 )  

The PHaLek iron deposit is situated in the Northwest end of the Truongson fold belt, an elongate trending belt, which forms part of the Indochian Terrane of SE Asia. It is one of huge iron deposits associated with magmatic activities in the Truongson metallogenic belt. Combined their field geology survey, the micro-petrographic and element geochemical analyses are finished for the ore-forming intrusive rock, the wall-rock of the ore bodies and the iron ore. It was shown that the granitic rock related to the mineralization belongs to the “I” type granite, calcium alkali series and metaluminum, and formed in the tectonic environment of volcanic island arc. Three main ore types are recognized in PHaLek mine district, i.e. massive magnetite ore, pore-shaped hematite ore, gravel-earthy ore. Based on trace element geochemical analysis of the ore and wall-rock, it was concluded that the PHaLek iron deposit is characterized by composite metallogenesis, which can be divided three main metallogenic epochs. The earliest one is the skarn magnetite mineralization associated with the Variscan intrusive magmatism. Thereafter, the volcanic eruption resulted in pore-shaped lava-type hematite mineralization in continental rift basins, which formed in late stage of continental folding orogenic process. Finally, supergene physical and chemical weathering mineralization caused the gravel-earthy iron mineralization on the surface, due to the crustal uplift in the Cenozoic period.

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The Genesis of the Ore-Bearing Porphyry of the Tuoketuo Porphyry Cu-Au(Mo) Deposit in the East Kunlun, Qinghai Province:Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Geochronological and Geochemistry
Xia Rui, Qing Min, Wang Changming, Li Wenliang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1502-1524. 
Abstract ( 362 )   PDF (2527KB) ( 491 )  

The East Kunlun orogenic belt is one of the important areas of porphyry deposits in China. The authors report situ zircon U-Pb age and whole-rock geochemistry data for the ore-bearing porphyry in the Tuoketuo Cu-Au(Mo) deposit, which contrainted the processes of magmatism and mineralization. Zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the ore-bearing porphyries were emplaced at 232 Ma. These ore-bearing porphyry rocks have high SiO2 contents(63.11%-71.78%), high K contents(2.62%-3.61%), high MgO contents(0.52%-1.89%), and low Ti2O contents(0.26%-0.53%) contents, with aluminum saturation index(A/CNK) of 1.05-1.10. They are enriched in LILEs(Rb, Ba, K and Pb), depleted in HFSEs(Nb, Ta, Ti and P), metaluminous and high K calc-alkaline, ranging from granodiorite to monzogranite in I rock type. It is suggested that the Tuoketuo Cu-Au(Mo) deposit is possibly related to extensional regime, which result from the break-off of the slab during the northward subduction of Animaqing Ocean lithosphere.

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Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Chronology and Its Genetic Significance of Yindu Ore-Bearing Intrusion, in the West Slope of Great Xing’an Range
Mei Wei, Lü Xinbiao, Cao Xiaofeng, Tang Rankun, Wang Xiangdong, Zhang Lei, Song Shuang, Zhao Yan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1525-1539. 
Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (1587KB) ( 490 )  

The Yindu deposit, a silver polymetallic deposit of hydrothermal vein-type controlled by faults, is located in the west slope of Great Xing’an Range, Inner Mongolia. The magmatic body is quartz diorite in this mining area, in which the zircons are divided into magmatic ones and hydrothermal one. The magmatic zircons are colourless, transparent, euhedral columnar, with the characteristics of oscillatory zoning, whereas hydrothermal zircons are light brown, translucent-opaque, equiaxed, with its dark hyperplasia edge cutting significantly over the nuclear of magmatic zircons. Hydrothermal zircons are characterized by low values of Th/U and LREE, and high values of Hf and HREE, relative to magmatic zircons.206Pb/238U weighted mean age of magmatic zircons is (451.8±7.8) Ma in Yindu District. It belongs to the Caledonian, representing the crystallization age of the Yindu rock.206Pb/238U weighted mean age of hydrothermal zircons is (337.0±7.7) Ma. It belongs to the Middle Carboniferous, representing the hydrothermal age. It was indicated that there is a strong hydrothermal process in the mining area around 337 Ma. The hydrothermal process may be related to the peakmetamorphism of orogeny in the area. Accoring to the regional geological characteristics and fluid inclusion characteristics, it was shown that the formation of silver ore is likely closely related to this hydrothermal activity in the mining district.

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Geochronology, Geochemistry and Zircon Hf Isotope Compositions of the Ore-Bearing Gneiss Granite in the Tianhudong Iron-Molybdenum Ore Deposit in the Central Tianshan, West China: Implications for the Early Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of Central Tianshan
Lei Ruxiong, Wu Changzhi, Qu Xun, Gu Lianxing, Chen Gang,Uerna Amy, Sun Hongtao, Liu Guoling
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1540-1552. 
Abstract ( 341 )   PDF (1472KB) ( 431 )  

We present a case study of the Early Paleozoic orebearing gneiss granite in the Tianhudong iron-molybdenum ore deposit in the central Tianshan in an attempt to provide new insights for the early Paleozoic tectonic setting and tectonic evolution of the central Tianshan. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yields (445.3±4.6) Ma for the studied granite. The granite is composed mainly of biotite, amphibole, quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar. Geochemical analyses show the granite belongs to subaluminous calc-alkaline granite. The granite is generally enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) such as Rb, Ba and LREEs, but depleted in typical high field strength elements (HFSEs) such as Nb, Ta, Ti, Y and HREEs, consistent with the geochemical characteristics of typical arc igneous rock. The zircon Hf isotope compositions (εHf(445 Ma)) of the studied granite vary from -6.30 to -1.77, and the TDM2 ranges from 1.538 to 1.825 Ga, indicating the source rocks of the granite contain significant crustal materials. Integrating all the available data, we suggest that the granite is produced by melting of the mainly crustal protolith during a subduction process. Combined with the previous studies and our recent study results, it is suggested that the central Tianshan zone was a magmatic arc tectonic environment during the Early Paleozoic. The mechanism of the Early Paleozoic central Tianshan arc can be ascribed to the southern subduction of the ancient Tianshan ocean located between the Tuha block and Tarim block.

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Sedimentary Evidences of Jurassic Orogenic Process and Key Time Limit on the Northern Margin of North China Craton
Li Zhenhong, Dong Shuwen, Qu Hongjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1553-1574. 
Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (2308KB) ( 507 )  

Ningwu-Jingle basin and Hunyuan basin are located within the north-central of North China craton, and the Jurassic sedimentary sequences are complete from Early Jurassic to Late Jurassic, whose provenance came from the middle of Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt. Therefore, we may infer the orogenic process by the research of sedimentary sequences in these basin. According to U-Pb dating for the tuffaceous micritic limestone at the top of the Yungang Formation in the Middle Jurassic and the basalt-andesite at the bottom of the Tiaojiashan Formation, the recommended age of the Middle Jurassic in the international stratigraphic chart and the sedimentary rate of it, the key limit of the change of Jurassic sedimentary sequences was determined. The Jurassic sedimentary sequences experienced a conversion from the early lacustrine transgressive sedimentation to the late lacustrine regressive one at the bottom of the Middle Jurassic Yungang Formation (J2yg). It was indicated that the regional tectonic stress field converted from extensional environment to compressional one, giving birth to the beginning of the Jurassic orogenic movement, and the time limit is about 168 Ma. The colors of the tuffaceous micritic limestone on the top of the Yungang Formation in the Middle Jurassic varied from celadon to fuchsia , indicating a suddenly uplift of the lake basin topography and a quick strengthen of regional oxidizing. The Jurassic orogenic movement experienced a stage of quick development, and the time limit is about 161.0-159.0 Ma. The sedimentary sequence from the Middle Jurassic to the Late Jurassic is continuous and inherited. With the further uplift of the lake basin topography, the sedimentary scope of Jurassic retreated quickly the leading edge of the orogenic belt. It is characterized by the synorogenic conglomerates, while Jurassic orogenic movement reached to the peak period, and the time limit is about 159.0-153.0 Ma. In the Late Jurassic, the regional sedimentary sequences consisted of  basalt-andesite and the tuffaceous breccia, the Jurassic orogenic movement came into a post-orogenic adjustment stage.

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Magnetic Fabric Features and Its Significance of the Late Triassic Yanzhiba Pluton, South Qinling
Tao Wei, Liang Wentian, Zhang Guowei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1575-1586. 
Abstract ( 319 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 347 )  

Many geochronological and geochemical works had been done about the Yanzhiba granite pluton in South Qinling recently. However, opinions for its tectonic settings are contradictory. Internal fabrics of Yanzhiba pluton are interpreted by magnetic fabric method in order to explain the emplacement mechanism. 348 samples in 51 sites were measured in the lab. The values of Km(magnetic suscep-tibility) are less than 100 μSI generally, and PJ(corrected AMS degree) values of the samples are less than 1.10(the mean value is 1.06), which are consistent with paramagnetic granite. Hysteresis loops and χ-t curves show that the AMS of samples were controlled by biotite mainly. Most of the T(shape parameter) values of samples are positive, which show dominant oblate magnetic ellipsoids. It was indicated that the magnetic fabrics are associated with magma flow. Magnetic fabrics in the pluton show eastward magma flow with a NE-striking feeder zone in the western part of Yanzhiba pluton during emplacement. Such an emplacement model is accordant with the lateral extrusion tectonics in Qinling orogen during Late Triassic collision between North and South China blocks.

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence and Upheaval Deformation Caused by High-Rise Building Load
Fu Yanling,Jin Weize,Chen Xingxian,Tan Jinzhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1587-1594. 
Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (1002KB) ( 342 )  

Aiming at soil deformation caused by high-rise building load in the region where groundwater buried depth is more shallow, based on the Biot’s consolidation theory and combined with the nonlinear rheological theory of soil, the constitutive relation of soil was extended to viscoelastic plasticity, and the dynamic change relationship of mechanics parameters and hydraulic parameters with pore water pressure was also considered, a three dimensional finite element numerical model of land subsidence and upheaval deformation caused by high-rise building load was established. The characteristics of soil deformation that was affected by high-rise building load and variation characteristics of soil mechanics parameters and hydraulic parameters in this process were studied and analyzed in detail. It is shown that land subsidence caused by high-rise building load is funnel-shaped and the funnel center is high-rise building center. At the early stage of application of high-rise building load, land upheaval appears around building, and land upheaval disappears gradually after land upheaval reached the maximum value. The change trend of porosity,hydraulic conductivity and Poisson’s ratio of shallow soil under high-rise building performs an evolution of decreasing. But the change trend of modulus of elasticity performs an evolution of increasing.Porosity,hydraulic conductivity and Poisson’s ratio of shallow soil around high-rise building performs the tendency of increasing firstly and then decreasing. Modulus of elasticity performs the tendency of decreasing firstly and then increasing. The change trend of shallow soil parameters around the high-rise building is related to the upheaval and the compression of soil.

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Analysis of Condition of Ensuring High-Lift Siphon Drainage and Numerical Simulation of Choice of Optimum Diameter
Xiong Xiaoliang,Sun Hongyue,Zhang Shihua,Cai Yueliang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1595-1601. 
Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (968KB) ( 314 )  

Water-rich slopes are prone to landslides and even debris flows. Slope drainage is widely used in slope engineering as an important means of geological disasters prevention. It is known that siphon drainage has the merits of real-time and power-free however, high water level in slope drainage will generate low-pressure environment, and flow liquid shows intensive cavitations phenomenon under such circumstance, which finally leads to gas-liquid two phase flow patterns. If the bubble is not removed promptly, it will accumulate at the top of the pipe in the intermittent siphon drainage process of low flow rate, and ultimately undermine the entire siphon process. In this research, VOF model in a fluid numerical software “FLUENT” is used to analyze two-phase flow patterns, it is found that only complete slug flow could carry the bubbles off and ensure long-term stable operation of the siphon drainage. We also simulate the air and flow patterns in siphon pipes of 4,5,6 and 8 mm in diameters. Simulation results show that the surface tension plays a major role for the pipes with diameters of less than 5 mm, which can form complete slug flow. On the other hand, mural slug flow shows for those diameters are larger than 6 mm. This numerical simulation results are also been proved by physical model tests.

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Analysis of  Soil Thermal Properties with In-Situ Thermal Response Test Method
Liu Chunlei, Wang Guiling, Wang Wanli, Lin Wenjing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1602-1608. 
Abstract ( 450 )   PDF (942KB) ( 604 )  

At present, in-situ thermal response test is widely used to measure thermal conductivity parameter in engineering. However, due to the lack of unified technical standard of the test, results obtained from in-situ test have unsatisfactory reliability. Our main aim is to analyze the effects of test methods and data processing on the results of the tests. Series of in-situ tests were carried out by using various of thermal response equipments in a special test well. Results show that in order to reduce experimental error, time interval between two thermal response tests should not be less than 10 days and circulating water should be prevented from heat exchange with other media(except for geotechnical media). For thermal response tests with steady input power, the value of thermal conductivity is positively correlated with times not used(1.0-12.0 h). On the other hand, for thermal response tests with steady temperature difference, the thermal conductivity value  is negatively correlated with times not used (0.0-12.0 h).It is also found that the value of thermal conductivity is stabilized with times not used (>12.0 h). According to the uniform standard with times not used (>12.0 h), the values of thermal conductivity of the six units are all within 2.2-2.8 W/(m·℃), and the test results are reasonable and reliable.

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A Prediction Method for the Deformation of Deep Foundation Pit Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
Liu He,Zhang Hongqiang,Liu Bin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1609-1614. 
Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (858KB) ( 509 )  

Prediction of the deformation is one of the most important methods for the construction parameter adjustment for deep foundation pit. However, it is still a chilling task to effectively predict accurate deformation in engineering application. We proposed deformation prediction model, which is based on the neural network optimized by particle swarm optimization, for the deformation of the deep foundation pit based on filed data. The proposed model is established by using the existing monitoring data as input parameters of neural network. The initial weights and threshold values of neural network model are optimized by using particle swarm optimization to improve the prediction accuracy and prediction efficiency of the neural network algorithm. The proposed method is used for the foundation pit located in north plaza of Changchun railway station comprehensive traffic transfer center. The results show that for the No.8 point measuring horizontal displacement, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the horizontal displacement of No.8 points is 3.78%, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is 5.48%; for the No.9 point measuring ground settlement, the number respectively are 5.62% and 3.23%. Results show that the proposed method can be reliably used to predict the deformation of the deep foundation pit.

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Trend and Drying Characteristics of Haihe River Basin Under the Background of Climate Change
Yu Lei,Yang Jingquan,Xu Limei,Hu Guangxin,Hu Hong,Zhang Tao,Gao Mingjie,Li Zixuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1615-1624. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (1454KB) ( 413 )  

In order to further study the influence of various climate changes and hydrological factor on arid changes in Haihe River basin, we analyze temperature, precipitation and runoff of Haihe River basin by Mann-Kendall nonparametric tests. We also analyze the drying characteristics by the method of Z index .The results show that the drought of Haihe River basin has changed from wet to normal to dry since the 1950 s. At the beginning of the 21 st century, the northern basin became a little drought. Mostly, the area coverage is lower than 40%, but there were also some drought that covered more than 98% of the area. From the time, the 1980 was a watershed in droughts occurrence. In terms of both the frequency and on the average coverage, it was more dry after 1980 than before. From the drought occurrence frequency, mild and general drought of Haihe River basin in high frequency distributed in the Luanhe River basin as well as the northern mountains, and in central plains region the drought frequency is relatively low. Major drought event occurred more frequently in central and southern plains region. Overall, the drought occour frequence in Luanhe River basin is the highest ,and the eastern region of Haihe River basin is much lower, and the western region is relatively low frequency.

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Development and Application of Real Time Groundwater Quality Prediction System: An Example in Lower Liaohe River Plain
Du Chao, Xiao Changlai, Lü Jun, Tian Haoran
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1625-1632. 
Abstract ( 259 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 417 )  

Groundwater numerical simulation requires mass monitoring data as basic support. The input of data requires much time and energy, which may cause fault and could not predict groundwater quality immediately. Using VB language, based on calibrated and validated numerical model of groundwater flow and solute transport of Lower Liaohe River Plain, re-compiled MF2K and MT3DMS as calculation kernel programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database, the interface of real time groundwater monitoring system is established, integration of Lower Liaohe River Plain groundwater quality real-time forecast model is established, and the operation system is developed, achieving the function of real time groundwater quality prediction in Lower Liaohe River Plain. The system combines real-time monitoring technology with the groundwater numerical simulation technology. It has advantages of simple operation, strong timeliness and small error probability. The system can collect real time data of groundwater level and quality, and predict future groundwater level and groundwater solute concentration immediately. Meanwhile, update interface is pre-set to improve prediction accuracy according to accumulated groundwater monitoring data and calculated data.

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Coupled Thermal-Hydrodynamic Processes for Geothermal Energy Exploitation in Enhanced Geothermal System at Songliao Basin, China
Lei Hongwu, Jin Guangrong, Li Jiaqi, Shi Yan, Feng Bo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1633-1646. 
Abstract ( 489 )   PDF (1743KB) ( 543 )  

The geothermal energy exploitation in enhanced geothermal system involves the coupled processes of temperature and pressure, the spatial and temporal variation of which is the key issue. Based on the deep geological condition of Xujiaweizi in Songliao basin, using the TOUGH2 software, we simulate the variation of temperature and pressure in fracture-matrix media system, analyze the difference of geothermal development in different depth levels, and study the effects of important factors including the permeability and porosity of porous and fractured media, rock thermal conductivity, well radius, injection pressure and temperature, and surrounding matrix. The results show the pressure distribution is dominated by production well with large pressure gradient at the injection well and the impact of injection well increases with time. Temperature increases from injection well to production well and the area of decrease of temperature increases as the development of geothermal. Mass and heat extraction rate reduce and stabilize with time. The simulation results of different depth levels indicate the great mass and heat extraction rate and large change of pressure and temperature exist in the big depth level because of large water mobility. The effects of factors including fractured media permeability, injection/production well pressure and temperature, and well radius on pressure and temperature of the system are great, and ultimately it affects heat extraction efficiency. While the effects of another factors are not obvious.

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Numerical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Saline Aquifer of  Yancheng Formation in Subei Basin Using TOUGHREACT-MP
Mo Shaoxing,Long Xingjiao,Li Ying,Zheng Fei,Shi Xiaoqing,Zhang Keni,Zhao Liang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1647-1658. 
Abstract ( 376 )   PDF (1508KB) ( 429 )  

The two-dimensional radial model of CO2-water-rock reaction in carbon sequestration of Yancheng Group under section sandstone layer in Subei basin is built based on TOUGHREACT parallel version. The mineral sequestration potential in reservoir is evaluated. The influence of grid subdivision precision and anisotropy of reservoir on mineral sequestration simulations is analyzed. The simulation results show that dawsonite, calcite and siderite, significantly precipitated in the process of CO2 sequestration. The total mass of CO2 sequestrated by mineral trapping is as high as 34.0% after 5 000 a. The grid resolution has little impact on the reaction path of minerals sequestration, however, the total amount of CO2 mineral sequestration with coarser grid is overestimated comparing to that with finer grid. The discretion of the vertical permeability (kv) would lead to a more rapid horizontal migration of injected CO2 to the middle and bottom, which results in an incretion in solubility trapping and mineral trapping for a short period of time. However, for a long term, with the increasing instability of the system due to CO2 dissolution, the vertical convective mixing becomes significant, it turns out to be a significant inhibition of convection by decreasing kv. It shows that the mineral sequestration calculated by middle kv value model is higher than the larger kv and smaller kv value model after 1 000 a.

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Analysis on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and the Potential for Carbon Sequestration in the Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula
Dai Jierui, Yu Chao, Zhang Jie, Ning Zhenguo, Wang Zenghui, Cheng Xin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1659-1668. 
Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1KB) ( 285 )  

The study on soil carbon storage is of great significance in carbon cycle and global change research. However, past calculation accuracy of carbon storage was restricted by the data sources. Thanks to the double layer gridded sampling method and analysis, which was applied on the multi-target regional geochemical survey in Shandong Province, we gathered a bulk of large density, high precision soil organic carbon (SOC) data, which was a good foundation for the accurate quantification of soil carbon pool. These data were used for the calculation of SOC density and storage in the surface (0-20 cm), middle-top (0-100 cm) and full-thickness (0-160 cm) layers of the soil in the Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula, and the spatial distributions of SOC storage and the potential for soil carbon sequestration were also studied. The results showed that, in the Blue Economic Zone, the soil carbon pool compositions of the above 3 soil layers were different. The SOC storage in the surface soil accounted for 71.67% of total organic carbon (TC) storage, and decreased with the depth increases, whereas the proportion of SIC storage increased with the depth increases, both storage proportions of the full-thickness soil were close. Total SOC storage and average SOC density for the surface soil were 132.64 Mt and 2.06 kg/m2, respectively. For the middle-up soil, they were 458.27 Mt and 7.11 kg/m2, and for the fullthickness soil, they were 619.96 Mt and 9.61 kg/m2. The above SOC density numbers were all lower than the national average. In addition, SOC density was different with soil types, landforms and land uses. SOC density of the cinnamon soil surface was the largest (2.48 kg/m2), and that of the aeolian sandy soil was the smallest (0.91 kg/m2). SOC density of the irrigation paddy field soil surface was the largest (3.45 kg/m2), and that of the vegetable field was the smallest (1.61 kg/m2). The spatial distribution of the surface soil SOC density showed a pattern of low values in coastal areas, middle values in the North Shandong Plain and the Jiaolai basin, and high values in the hills and low mountains. According to the regression equations established using the second soil survey data and the multi-target regional geochemical survey data, and it shows that the surface soil in the Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula will act as a carbon sink in the future period. There will be a net increase of 60.94 Mt more TOC, of which, a decrease of 5.07 Mt will originate from carbon emissions and an increase of 65.97 Mt will originates from carbon sequestrations.

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Magnetism and Provenance Analysis of High Position Gravel Layer in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River
Zhang Yufen,Li Chang’an,Zhou Chou,Kang Chunguo,Xiong Deqiang,Jiang Huajun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1669-1677. 
Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (1KB) ( 204 )  

A large quantity of gravel depositions is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, especially at Yichang and Yangluo near Wuhan City. In order to investigate the magnetic characteristics and constrain the source of these gravel depositions, the magnetic characteristics of these sediments were studied. The results are as follows: 1)The content of ferromagnetic minerals in these profiles are different, with the Yunchi profile having highest concentrations, followed by Shanxiyao, Honghuatao, Baiyangdu and Yangluo profiles. 2)The results of SIRM/χ and F300 show that magnetic properties in the gravel depositions in the midstream of Yangtze River is dominated by ferromagnetic minerals. The Yangluo profile has the highest antiferromagnetic mineral proportions. 3)The values of χARM/χχARM/SIRM and χfd suggest that the magnetic minerals grains in Baiyangdu, Honghuatao and Shanxiyao profiles are coarser, but the magnetic minerals in Yunchi and Lijiayuan profiles are characterized by relatively finer grain. The magnetic particles in Yangluo profile near Wuhan City are dominated by single domain and superparamagnetic particles. 4)The magnetic characteristics of Shanxiyao, Yunchi, Honghuatao and Baiyangdu profiles are similar to these of present sediment of the Yangtze River, suggesting that these sediments were fed by the Yangtze River. However, the magnetic characteristics of Yangluo is similar to the modern sediments of the rivers around the Jianghan basin, which means that the sediment in Yangluo comprise a mixture of detritus derived from the Yangtze, Han River and some small rivers on the periphery of the Jianghan basin.

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Modeling for the Effect of Magnetotelluric 3D Topography Based on the Vector Finite-Element Method
Gu Guanwen, Wu Wenli, Li Tonglin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1678-1686. 
Abstract ( 362 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 840 )  

It is of great significance to study the effect of topography to the magnetotelluric inversion and interpretation. A vector finite-element algorithm has been applied to simulate magnetotelluric (MT) effect of 3D topography models. First, the algorithm was verified by comparison with the modeling result of a 2D ridge model. Then, the effect of 3D topography was simulated for a 3D positive trapezoidal-hill model and a negative trapezoidal-hill model respectively. In addition, we also compared the results of 2D and 3D simulation. The results show that  Zxy and Zyx are both affected by the terrain, the difference between 2D TE mode and real 3D response is great, whereas the 2D TM mode response is similar to the real 3D response. If we invert the 3D MT data by a 2D program with terrain, the TM polarization mode inversion is more reasonable.

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Conductivity-Depth Identification of HTEM 3D Anomalies Based on Multiple Linear Regression
Ji Yanju, Feng Xue, Yu Mingmei, Xu Jiang, Hu Yanpu, Guan Shanshan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1687-1694. 
Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (1040KB) ( 548 )  

Because of airborne time-domain electromagnetic measurement data is large and the CDI imaging consumes plenty of time, it is still difficult to carry on the three-dimensional inversion. Facing with these problems, we propose multiple linear regression method to identify the conductivity and depth of anomalies. First, we use three-dimensional time-domain finite difference method to calculate the electromagnetic response of anomaly on multiple sets of conductivity and depth. Second, we extract seven attributes by analyzing three-dimensional anomaly profile curve. Third, we obtain the stepwise regression equation for the conductivity and depth of three-dimensional anomalies. By outliers’ rejection, collinearity diagnostics and significance testing, we get the optimal regression equations at last. According to the model analysis and accuracy analysis on regression equation, the optimal regression suggests as follows: when sampling time of profile curve is within the scope of 0.2-1.5 ms, the relative error of conductivity is less than 11.95% and the sum of squared for error (SSE) is 4 653.724. With the same sampling time, the relative error of depth is less than 13.19% and SSE is 10 873.645. Therefore, stepwise regression is entirely feasible to estimate conductivity and depth of anomalies. It is an efficient, accurate and rapid method, which lay a foundation for HEM flight measurement of mass data of rapid detection and identification in the open air.

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Joint Inversion of PP and PS Waves Elastic Impedance
Zhang Guangzhi, Du Bingyi, Chen Huaizhen, Gao Jianhu, Li Chao, Li Yuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1695-1704. 
Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1941KB) ( 387 )  

Based on elastic impedance(EI) inversion, we focused on the study of joint EI inversion of PP and PS waves using both PP and PS wave seismic data information. First, we analyzed the precision of different equations, choosing appropriate PS wave EI approximate equation, and normalized the selected PS wave EI approximate equation. Then, the study presented method of joint EI inversion of PP and PS waves, proposing the workflow of this method. Finally, for 2D model and a well of a real project, it tested the method by adding random noise to angle gathers. The result showed that the estimated value of  inverted P wave velocity, S wave velocity and density consisted with the real data. Meanwhile, in comparison with single P wave EI inversion, the estimated density of joint EI inversion of PP and PS waves is more robust. It can provide reliable basis for reservoir identification and fluid detection.

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Activity in the Middle East of Bayan Har Block with Lushan MS 7.0 Earthquake
Meng Xiangang, Bo Wanju, Liu Zhiguang, LiuYong, Chang Liu, Li Chaozhu, Wang Ziping
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1705-1711. 
Abstract ( 393 )   PDF (1KB) ( 293 )  

Bayan Har block and peripheral is one of the main seismogenic area of mainland China in recent years, on April 20, 2013 Sichuan Lushan 7.0 strong earthquake was happend on the southwest segment of Longmenshan fault zone, the east margin of Bayan Har block. We take the middleeast segment of Bayan Har block as the research area, based on the proseccing of observation data come from the before and after the earthquake in this region by multiphase regional level observation and GNSS station observation, it can be obtained the study area image for both of the horizontal and vertical deformation rate. Combined with regional geological structure, the earthquake induced model was established, and the explaination for the main shock and aftershock earthquake activity mechanism come from the sudden rupture of Longmenshan fault zone for the huge blocks and small block the flow of the collection. By analyzing the image both of the vertical deformation rate and horizontal deformation rate, we conclude that the earthquake was the result of the Longmenshan fault zone thrust activity, and the middle east section of east Kunlun fault zone appear the possibility of strong earthquakes occurred in future. At last, the monitor based on the regional level and GNSS measurements in the next five years is suggested as for the technical means.

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Study and Application on Seismic Time-Depth Conversion with High-Precision
Xu Liheng,Xian Bo,Xue Yuying, Li Yanbin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1712-1719. 
Abstract ( 488 )   PDF (1515KB) ( 701 )  

Time-depth conversion of seismic body is a key point in seismic structural interpretation and reservoir prediction. Because of the conventional time-depth conversion is with low-precision, it has partly influenced the welllocation arrangement and exploration scheme. The time-depth integration grid method, i.e. the top and bottom surface horizon time-depth relation was based on multi-well synthetics seismogram calibration, is proposed, after this method had carried out, the accumulative conversion errors can be reduced by the physical transportation of one to one correspondence on the time domain and depth domain meshes between the top and bottom, thus the waveforms and sand body features of seismic body and inversion body can be kept consistent. Using this method, the inversion results of northern Lamadian oilfield were transformed into depth domain, the distribution characters of sand body near fault were fine depicted, three horizontal wells, such as L213, were deployed. The results show that the prediction accuracy for the sand body is up to 98%, oil increment is more than 17 000 tons per year, and the accuracy and reliability of new time-depth conversion methods are well showed.

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A Novel Approach for Electromagnetic Logging While Drilling Data Processing
Zhang Zhongqing, Pang Bingqiang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (5):  1720-1726. 
Abstract ( 320 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 498 )  

A novel method is proposed to explore both the dielectric constant and the apparent resistivity from the cross plot of phase difference and amplitude attenuation based on the relationship between (apparent resistivity, dielectric) and (amplitude, attenuation) in chart by using finite element method. Using FEM as the numerical solution for 3D layered media, we have investigated LWD(logging while drilling) response affected by anisotropic properties, layered dip and thickness:the smaller layered dip, the larger thickness, the more accurate measurement result. At the same time, the corresponding correction charts are plotted for EM LWD interpretation.

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