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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2015, Volume 45 Issue 5
Oil and Gas Pool-Forming Law and Reservoir Model of LIanos Foreland Basin
Feng Fang, Wang Xiaojie, Lü Benxun, Wu Xiaobin, Li Haiyan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1269-1277.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505101
Abstract ( 695 )   PDF (1935KB) ( 345 )  

The MM oilfield is located in the eastern slope of LIanos foreland basin in Colombia, South America. It is made up of many micro amplitude, small scale lithologic-structural reservoirs far away from the western hydrocarbon source. A comprehensive analysis is conducted for the history of tectonic evolution of LIanos basin with full integration of geological logging and seismic data. The results show that the oil and gas pool was formed through "hydrocarbon migrated long distance through a complex transport system and accumulated by faults sheltered". The long distance transport system controls abundance of reservoirs, and lateral sealing faults control oil and gas distribution, while the size of trap and reservoir physical properties directly affect the reservoir scale. In the study area, for the hydrocarbon migration, the C7 formation of Carbonera group is the main lateral passage,and the faults are vertical passages. The matching relationship between the fault throw and the thickness of cap rock as well as the trap conditions jointly control MM oilfield reservoir model, fault nose, lithologic-fault, and fault-lithologic reservoir types.

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Fracture Characterization and Prediction of Permian Volcanic Reservoir in Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin: A Case from Jiamuhe Formation of Jinlong 2 Oil Field
He Hui, Kong Chuixian, Jiang Qingping, Deng Xili, Xiao Fangwei, Li Shunming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1278-1288.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505102
Abstract ( 616 )   PDF (2460KB) ( 431 )  

The fractures of Jiamuhe Formation of Permian volcanic reservoir are the main flowing channels for the reservoir in Jinlong 2 oil field. Through core observation, thin slice identification, and image logging data, the fracture types are identified: Unfilled or half-filled high-angle fractures are mainly develop in the reservoir, followed by half-filled low-angle oblique and netted fractures. The main orientations of fractures interpreted by image logging data are nearly E-W, and parallel with the current maximum principal stress direction. The fracture development in the volcanic reservoir is mainly affected by two factors: the tectonic position and rock type. The closer it is to the fault;the bigger the structure curvature is, and the greater the fractures are developed. They distributed zonally along the fault. The types of volcanic rocks impact the degree of fracture development. Through the image logging data analysis, the fractures mainly developed in the intermediate-acid volcanic lava and pyroclastic lava. The fracture density, fracture dip, and fracture porosity of single well can be quantitatively calculated. Combining with the method of amplitude versus azimuth (AVAZ) in pre-stack fracture detection technology, the fracture distribution in volcanic reservoir of Jiamuhe Formation can be predicted effectively and accurately. This study provides a reliable basis for a deployment of development well in a volcanic reservoir.

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Analysis on Main Controlling Factors of Archaeozoic Weathering Crust Reservoir:With Jiyang and Luxi Area as an Example
Zhang Pengfei, Liu Huimin, Cao Zhongxiang, Tian Meirong, Tang Dong, Ma Shikun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1289-1298.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505103
Abstract ( 598 )   PDF (1735KB) ( 452 )  

With the development of the exploration in every major petroliferous basin in Eastern China, Archaeozoic buried hill bubbles up and draws people's attention. The main objects of this study are defining the main controlling factors of Archaeozoic weathering crust reservoir, and establishing the reservoir evaluation criteria. This study is conducted through outcrop observation in Luxi area, dissecting analysis of representative Archaeozoic buried hill in Jiyang depression, as well as a comparatively analyzing the outcrop and its overlay area. The research shows that there are two models of development of the Archaeozoic weathering crust reservoir: residual hill and fault slid type. The main controlling factors of the Archaeozoic weathering crust reservoir include mineral composition, development degree of faults, weathering, and reforming degree of buried hill. Based on the definition of grade and mutual matching of three controlling factors, the evaluation criteria of the Archaeozoic weathering crust reservoir in Jiyang depression is established. The Archaeozoic weathering crust reservoir is subdivided into three classes, classⅠis the most favorable, while class Ⅲ is the worst in respect of its reserving capability.

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Main Controlling Factors of Natural Gas Accumulation in Carbonate in Fifth Member of Ordovician Majiagou Formation, Mid-Eastern Ordos Basin: Take Well Shaan 200 Area as a Study Example
Xu Bo, Tang Tiezhu, Li Chen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1299-1309.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505104
Abstract ( 525 )   PDF (1735KB) ( 321 )  

Jingbian gas field is one of the earliest marine carbonate gas reservoirs discovered in China, and its exploration area has been enlarging. Taking Well Shan 200 and its surrounding area as a study example, we discuss the main controlling factors of natural gas accumulation in Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the mid-eastern Ordos basin, and summarize the results as below: 1)The tectonic evolution of Jingbian gas field is the premise of gas accumulation. It determines the gas-field distribution range and the gas production layer. The location and cutting depth of the ancient valleys have a significant impact on the enrichment degree of Ma 5 gas reservoir. The nose structure is not the main controlling factor. 2)The sedimentary environment is a prerequisite for the formation of favorable reservoir rock. The favorable sedimentary microfacies are intertidal dolomite flat, supratidal dolomite flats, and gypsum-dolomite flats. 3)The constructive diagenesis with corrosion and dolomitization can improve reservoir quality; and multiple-phase corrosion diagenesis plays a role even more important. 4)Fracture is the important factor for natural gas enrichment, but the fracture development degree varies significantly from layer to layer. The efficient allocation of pore, cave, fracture, and ancient valley is controlled by tectonic structure,sedimentary, and diagenesis; therefore, the reservoir quality and gas enrichment of each gas layer segment are quite different.

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Characteristics of Mixed Sedimentations and Diagenesis of Terrigenous Clastic Rock and Carbonate:The Middle Jurassic in the East Qiangtang Basin, Tibet, China
Ma Boyong, Wang Genhou, Li Shanglin, Xu Hongyan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1310-1321.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505105
Abstract ( 589 )   PDF (2380KB) ( 434 )  

Geological researchers have paid more and more attention to the mixed siliciclastic carbonate sediments and its geological significance of oil and gas. Qiangtang basin is one of the most important strategic selection for oil and gas exploration. The mixed siliciclastic carbonate sediments are extensively developed in the eastern part of Qiangtang basin. Combined the regional geological data and indoor sample analysis with the previous researches, we study the characteristics of the mixed sediments, their sedimentary environment, and their diagenesis. The results show that the research area is characterized by interactive sediments of terrigenous clast and carbonate on the microscopic level, so called "mixed rock", and by interbedded rocks of terrigenous clastic rock, carbonate rock or mixed rock in macro. These lithoface types are mainly formed in a sedimentary environment of shore, carbonate ramp, or tidal flat-lagoon. It can be divided into four three-level sequences, which remarkably improves the precision of stratigraphic classification. The lithofacies palaeogeography of Quemocuo, Buqu and Xiali age are established. The diagenesis types of the mixed rocks are cementation, compaction, pressure solution, fragmentation, and dissolution. The pressure solution, fragmentation and dissolution are more common than others, which are conducive to form a mixed rock reservoir. This research can provide valuable information for petroleum and natural gas exploration.

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Sedimentary Characteristics and Reef-Forming Model of Changxing Formation in Panlongdong Section of Xuanhan,Sichuan
Li Qiufen, Miao Shunde, Jiang Qingchun, Wang Tongshan, Xu Anna, Zhai Xiufen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1322-1331.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505106
Abstract ( 629 )   PDF (1839KB) ( 502 )  

Based on the multidisciplinary analysis of outcrop and microfacies observation, the sedimentary characteristics and forming model of Changxing Formation reef are researched in detail in Panlongdong Section. The reef is located in the platform margin of Exi-Chengkou trough. It is a huge platform marginal reef deposition during aggradation-progradation in a background of relative sea-level fall. The reef is full of outcrops. Sponge skeleton reef limestone and sponge skeleton reef dolomite are the main rocks. According to the sedimentary facies' characteristics, Panlongdong region belongs to a carbonate platform marginal sedimentary system, and can be divided into slope facies, platform marginal reef, and platform marginal bio-clast bank. The platform marginal reef facies can be divided into reef base, reef core, reef cap, fore reef, and back reef. Panlongdong reef consists of three depositional cycles: the first cycle of reef was formed in a low energy environment which was drown without sufficient growth; the second cycle of reef was formed in a relative high energy environment which died of exposure after experiencing sufficient growth with weak dolomitization on the top; and the third cycle of reef was formed in a high energy environment which died of exposure after experiencing sufficient growth, and then the reef formed a bio-clast bank, and later was destroyed by waves and tides. The reef and bio-clast bank experienced an intensive dolomitization after a long-term exposure.

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Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Carboniferous-Permian Source Rocks in Northeast Jizhong Depression
Qian Zheng, Zhang Songhang, Liang Hongbin, Tang Shuheng, Yang Ning
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1332-1341.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505107
Abstract ( 543 )   PDF (1818KB) ( 369 )  

Carboniferous-Permian coal measures strata possess the conditions of a good source-reservoir-seal assemblage and thus a huge exploration potential of the self-generation and self-storage coal gas in the Upper Paleozoic strata in the northeast of Jizhong depression. However, the reality demonstrates only a few successful wells but a lot of empty ones in the historic exploration. We evaluated the hydrocarbon potential of source rock based on the pyrolysis data analysis and thermal simulation experiment to reduce the exploration risk in this strata. The results show that the contents of TOC (10% and 40%) is the effective demarcation of dark mudstone, carbon mudstone and coal. The source rock of Carboniferous-Permian coal measures strata are of mainly type III kerogen, and belong to poor-medium oil source rock and good gas source rock. Affected by magmatic thermal metamorphism and plutonic metamorphism respectively, the maturity of the three areas i.e. Wuqing depression, Su4-Su8-Su23-Wengu4, and Ge8-Dacan1 are relatively high. As hydrocarbon generation centers, their hydrocarbon generation amount is calculated for 4 trillion cubic square meters of gas.

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Discussion on Hydrocarbon Migration Based on Characteristics of Inclusions in Carboniferous- Permian of Yin'e Basin
Han Wei, Ren Zhanli, Lu Jincai, Wei Jianshe, Zhang Yunpeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1342-1351.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505108
Abstract ( 471 )   PDF (1854KB) ( 299 )  

The compositional characteristics of inclusions show the evolution and migration stages of oil and gas. Studying on the inclusions in the sandstone collected from Carboniferous-Permian of Yin'e basin, we find that most of the inclusions are ≤ 5 μm;and beaded gas-liquid inclusions distribute in the fracture of quartz grains. Based on the relationship of methane and organic components, we focus on the hydrocarbon migration process in the study area, and find out that Carboniferous-Permian in the study area experienced two hydrocarbon migration processes: high temperature and salinity and low temperature and salinity. Combined with the hydrocarbon source rock thermal evolution history,we find two corresponding hydrocarbon migrations: one occurred in the Middle-Late of Permian, and the other one in Late Cretaceous.

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Improved Simulation Method of Petroleum Inclusions Thermodynamics and Its Application in Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Mao Cui, Chen Yong, Zhou Yaoqi, Ge Yunjin, Wang Youzhi, Zhou Zhenzhu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1352-1364.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505109
Abstract ( 584 )   PDF (1973KB) ( 478 )  

Composition and thermodynamic behavior of hydrocarbon are complicated; so it is difficult to recover its trapping conditions. In this paper,by ways of petroleum inclusions and the corresponding period aqueous inclusions homogenization temperature correction before simulation, we reduced the petroleum inclusions thermodynamic error, increased the accuracy of trapping conditions. Through microthermometry,fluorescence spectroscopy,confocal scanning laser microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectrum analysis we obtained the homogenization temperature(90-170 ℃),salinity(0.71%-11.1%),gas and fluid ratio(7%-9%),and mole percent content of CH4(20%-25%),CH2/CH3(4-8)of reservoir fluid inclusions. Based on these thermodynamic parameters,using PIT simulated data of FIT-Oil and aqueous inclusions homogenization temperature calibration curve,we recovered the trapping pressure(22-27 Mpa) and temperature(125-157 ℃)of reservoir inclusions. By taking the synthetic hydrocarbon inclusion as a standard sample, we applied the PIT to the reservoir fluid inclusions of Fengshen 10 well in Dongying sag Es4 x to estimate the original temperature, pressure, and the accumulation period;by which the accuracy of the PIT method is verified. Because of its high effectivity that determine period of hydrocarbon accumulation, the method can be applied widely in various oil fields.

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Space-Time Distribution,Source Bed and Stratabound Mechanisms of Zn-Pb Deposits in Western Margin of Yangtze Platform
Chen Da
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1365-1383.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505110
Abstract ( 602 )   PDF (1706KB) ( 511 )  

In order to find the metallogenic pattern of the Zn-Pb deposits at the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces, comprehend the metallogenic theory and predict ore prospecting, the author studied the space-time distribution of these Zn-Pb deposits in this area. The conclusions are listed as follows: 1)Zn-Pb deposits are distributed together, and can be divided into three ore-concentration areas. 2)Statistically, Sinian and Carboniferous stratum have a higher metallogenic probability of 51.57%, and Dengying and Baizuo Formation hold 80.98% metal reserve. 3)Tectonic units control the distribution of ore-forming units, but ore-concentration area does not correspond to the second tectonic unit at all. Ore-concentration area Ⅰ and Ⅱ are jointly controlled by Kangdian axis, Longmenshan depression, and cross region of Yangtze platform. 4)The space coupling between siderite (hematite) deposits,lead-zinc deposits, and close association of Pb-Zn minerals with siderite (hematite) indicate the genetic relationship between Zn-Pb deposits and Fe deposits. During the early stage of basin evolution, at the depression belt (or sea basin) in the edge of the ancient land mass, two types of iron formations were formed from Llandovery Telychian stratum of Silurian to Dewuan stratum of the Lower Carboniferous and the Lower Kunyang Group (Huili Group) in the middle of Proterozoic. Ore-forming elements, such as Pb and Zn, are pre-concentrated and further enriched by the later circulated hydrothermal fluids during diagenesis to form the deposit. Iron-formations provided the main ore-forming materials for Pb-Zn deposits. 5)The sulfur source, gypsum beds, is derived from the underlain Cambrian stratum of Dengying and Baizuo Formations. 6)Both ore-forming elements and sulfur source beds control the formation of ore concentration areas and the strata bound distribution of orebodies, which are considered to be the most important controlling factors.

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Sm-Nd Dating of Hydrothermal Calcites from Jiaoli-Lae Mercury Deposit, Guizhou Province
Wang Jiasheng, Wen Hanjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1384-1393.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505111
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (1694KB) ( 378 )  

San-Dan mercury metallogenic belt is one of the most important parts of the large-scale low-temperature epithermal metallogenic region in Southwestern China, besides Guizhou-Hunan mercury metallogenic belt. To clarify the source of metallogenetic materials, mineralization ages, and geodynamical background is critical for understanding the mineralization mechanism of this region. Considering that the hydrothermal calcite is one of the main gangue minerals of this belt, Sm-Nd geochronology of hydrothermal calcites is used to date Jiaoli-Lae mercury deposit in the middle of the belt. An isochron age (129±20 Ma, MSWD= 0.21, εNd=-12.9) has been obtained. This age suggests that the Hg mineralization occurred in Late Yanshanian. This provides some important information and clues to discover the formation and evolution of the mercury deposits and other deposits of the large-scale low-temperature epithermal metallogenic region in Southwestern China. Referring to some other previous research, we conclude that this area underwent two main mineralizing stages, i. e., early stage of 145-155 Ma Sb mineralization, and late stage of 120-135 Ma Sb, Au, Hg, As mineralization. The limestone εNd value of wall rocks of the Guotang Formation (Lower Ordovician Series) is -12.6, which is in good agreement with the εNd of the hydrothermal calcite. This indicates that the ore materials of this mercury deposit probably originated from the ore-bearing Ordovician carbonatite.

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Geochronology and Geochemistry of Trachyandesite of Naozhi Gold Deposit in Yanbian Region,Southern Jinlin Province and Its Geological Significance
Liu Jinlong, Sun Fengyue, Lin Bolei, Wang Guan, Xu Qinglin, Ao Cong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1394-1404.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505112
Abstract ( 645 )   PDF (1908KB) ( 410 )  

LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data of the trachyandesite rocks from Jingouling Group in Yanbian region are obtained to figure out their formation time and the regional tectonic background. The zircons from the trachyandesite rocks are euhedral in shape with oscillatory ring displaying in CL images with high Th/U valwes 0.43-0.71(> 0.40). This implies their magmatic origin.The dating results indicate that these rocks formed in Early Cretaceous(130±2 Ma,MSWD=1.8). The composition of these rocks fall into the calc-alkaline category with enrichment in LILE(such as K,Ba,Rb),LREE and more mobile incompatible elements, such as Th, U, relative depletion of HFSE(such as Ta,Nb,Ti,P). Combined with their high Mg# values (43-52) and Na2O/K2O=1.73-2.25(> 1.17), it shows the characteristics of the rocks from an active continental margin magma. Based on its Nb/Ta (14.40-14.72), Rb/Sr (0.10-0.18), Th/Nb (0.29-1.04), and Ba/La (17.61-23.92),we conclude that the magma was a mixture of crust and mantle material. Together with the research of regional tectonics, the corresponding geodynamic mechanisms responsible for the formation of the rocks may be closely related to the subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate and Izanagi plate towards Eurasia continent.

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Zircon U-Pb Chronology,Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Diorites in Mining Area of Zhazhalong in Mid-Gangdese
Wei Qirong, Liu Xiaonian, Ding Pengfei, Wang Cheng, Wang Jingyuan, Sun Ji, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Bu Tao, Gao Manxin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1405-1417.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505113
Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (2010KB) ( 344 )  

Zhazhalong area is located in the Middle of Gangdese and also on the west part of Longgeer-Nyainqentanglha Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag metallogenic belt in Tibet. The petrology, LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating, and lithogeochemical characteristics show that the main rock type is diorite with individual quartz diorite. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age of the diorites is (64.15±0.52) Ma which indicates that the rocks were formed in the Early Paleocene. The diorites are meta-aluminous to per-aluminous(A/CNK date is 0.89-1.06), and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. The characters of REE are right-incline and LREE enrichment (LaN/YbN date is 1.78-2.08) with weak Eu anomaly(δEu date is 0.65-0.81). The characters of trace elements are rich in K, Th and depleted of Nb, P, Ti intensively. By synthesis analysis, the origin of the rocks was a mixture of crust-mantle, and they were formed in the subduction of Yarlung Zangbo Oceanic crust. This implies that the time of the collision between India and Asia land should be later than 65 Ma.

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Chronology, Geochemistry, Hafnium Isotope Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of Muztag-Kongur Indosinian Intrusive Rocks
Song Yue, Wang Jian, Liu Jinlin, Bao Zhenyan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1418-1435.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505114
Abstract ( 608 )   PDF (2101KB) ( 414 )  

Mazha-Kangxiwa suture zone (MKSZ), located to the south of the western Kunlun orogenic belt, is the location where Paleo-Tethys ocean finally closed. As the main peaks of Kunlun Mountain ranges, Muztag-Kongur granitoids closely distributed to the northeast of MKSZ and composed mainly of granodiorite and monzonitic granites. Based on the geochemical characteristics and U-Pb dating of Muztag-Kongur granitoids, we discussed the petrogenesis of granitoids and the evolution history of Paleo-Tethys ocean. The zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results show that the forming ages of granodiorite and monzonitic granite are at (213.0±0.5)-(215.4±0.9) Ma and (220.6±0.5)-(222.1±0.4) Ma respectively, which is the result of Late Triassic magmatism activities. Muztag-Kongur granitoids contain high silicon (SiO2>65%) and total alkali (K2O+Na2O>6%), and are characterized by high K calc-alkaline and metaluminous (A/CNK< 1). They are enriched in LILE and LREE and depleted of HFSE and HREE. The contents of minor elements, low zircon saturation temperature, and high differentiation index suggest that Muztag-Kongur granitoids are highly fractionated I-type granites. The zircon Hf isotopic results show a narrow range of εHf(t)=-4.46--0.17, suggesting that the magmas originated mainly from lower crust. The comprehensive studies indicate that Muztag-Kongur granitoids formed likely in a syn-collisional orogenic setting where old lower crust melted partially under the heating of uprising mantle magmas. These felsic magmas intruded into crust level and formed Muztag-Kongur granitoids.

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Geochemistry and Magma Source Characteristics of the Cretaceous Granites from Xiaoxinancha in Hunchun, Jilin
Fu Changliang, Sun Deyou, Wei Hongyan, Gou Jun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1436-1446.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505115
Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (2072KB) ( 427 )  

The Cretaceous granites from Xiaoxinancha in Hunchu area consist predominantly of tonalites and granodiorites. The tonalites belong to sodic calc-alkaline series (Na2O/K2O=1.99-2.76), and are characterized by high Al2O3 (15.46%-17.13%) and Sr (559×10-6-731×10-6), high Sr/Y (40-78) and La/Yb (16-21) ratios, but low Y (9×10-6-14×10-6) and Yb (0.8×10-6-1.3×10-6), similar to adakites. The granodiorites are high K and calc-alkaline. Na2O/K2O and Sr/Y ratios fall in the ranges of 1.01 to 1.56, 13 to 32 respectively, Sr and Yb contents are 312×10-6 to 410×10-6, 1.23×10-6 to 2.13×10-6 respectively, features of high-potassium calc-alkaline I-type granites. Both tonalites and granodiorites were resulted from partial melting of the basaltic lower crust. The tonalitic magmas were generated under a pressure greater than 1.0 Gpa and a depth over 33 km, while the granodioritic magmas were produced under a relatively lower pressure (0.8-1.0 GPa) and a depth from 26 km to 33 km.

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Early Cenozoic Altyn Mountains Uplift Recorded by Detrital Zircon Fission Track Age in Northwest Qaidam Basin
Wang Yadong, Zheng Jianjing, Sun Guoqiang, Zheng Youwei, Liu Xingwang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1447-1459.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505116
Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (2083KB) ( 425 )  

The Cenozoic uplift of Altyn Mountains has been closely concerned. A large number of thermochronology dates show that Altyn Mountains have periodically uplifted since Late Eocene (40-30 Ma). However, the thermochronology records of the early Cenozoic uplift of Altyn Mountains are rarely documented. The Cenozoic detrital zircon fission track age in the northwestern Qaidam basin shows that the detrital zircons came from the same source which did rapid uplift and exposed to the air in Early Cenozoic Paleocene-Middle Eocene(65-50 Ma), and provided the terrene clast. The previously reported analysis results suggested that the source of the western Qaidam basin were from Altyn Mountains. In consideration of the residual thickness of the sedimentary strata and sedimentary facies of Lulehe-Xiaganchaigou Formations in the western Qaidam basin, a brief and small-scale uplift of Altyn Mountains occurred in Early Cenozoic; which resulted in the small elevation difference between the mountains and the basin. Under the influence of the uplift, Qaidam terrain is high at southeast and low at northwest. The uplift represents the response of Altyn Mountains to the initial stage of collision between India and Eurasian plates. The zircon fission track thermal chronology data recorded the tectonic events of the middle-east part of Altyn Mountains in 65-50 Ma, which indicates the Cenozoic synchronicity uplifts of Tibetan plateau throughout south to north.

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Stratigraphic and Paleo-Environmental Evolution of Liaodong Bay Since Late Pleistocene: Evidence from Core LDD7
Sun Rongtao, Zhao Jingtao, Li Jun, Hu Bangqi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1460-1469.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505117
Abstract ( 584 )   PDF (2026KB) ( 459 )  

The benthic foraminifera and ostracoda faunas in 300 samples and the sediment grain sizes in 196 samples of a 50.1 m-long sediment core (LDD7) from the middle area of Liaodong bay are analyzed to document the stratigraphy and reconstruct the environmental evolution during Late Pleistocene. In addition,14C dating of the benthic foraminifera from 8 layers is analyzed using accelerator mass spectrometry to establish the accurate chronostratigraphic framework of the core. It is showed that the central area of Liaodong bay maintained a relatively continuous sedimentary sequence during Late Pleistocene. Core LDD7 recorded the sedimentary environment evolution of the last 60.85 cal.ka. Based on the result, 9 depositional units (U1 to U9 in descending order) in core LDD7 are identified. These units are interpreted as marine facies, continental facies, or transitional facies in the different stages of the Late Pleistocene glacial cycles in the central region of Liaodong bay. By correlation with other well-studied cores in the nearby area,two transgressive layers of Core LDD7 are in agreement with Xianxian transgression and Huanghua transgression, of which the durations of 45.84-27.66 cal.kaBP and 10.64-0 cal.kaBP are detected. Besides, the average subsidence rate and deposition rate in the middle part of Liaodong bay show values significantly lower than those in the south area after Xianxian transgression based on this study; however, the deposition rate in the middle part was higher than that in the south area during Xianxian transgression process.

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Risk Zoning of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on Slope Units: A Case Study on Lushan Earthquake
Qiu Dandan, Niu Ruiqing, ZhaoYannan, Wu Xueling
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1470-1478.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505201
Abstract ( 595 )   PDF (1624KB) ( 471 )  

Earthquake-induced landslide could cause serious damage, which could be even worse than the quake itself especial in a mountain area. We select Lushan as the research area where Lushan earthquake occurred on April 20, 2013. This earthquake caused massive landslides that resulted in a tragic loss of life and economy. Combining multi-source data, we select 10 evaluation factors after Pearson correlation analysis, including elevation, slope, aspect, shape, curvature classification, vegetation index, distance from drainages, slope structure, lithology, and distance from faults. Based on the digital elevation model, we use watershed overlay method to plot slope units, and resample the evaluation factors. After multi-group test, we get the appropriate parameter value of the neural network optimized by Genetic Algorithm model. The risk zoning of earthquake induced landslides is then calculated by using neural network optimized by Genetic Algorithm. The same risk zoning model is used to slope units and grid units. The accuracy rate of slope units is 96.6%; while the accuracy rate of grid units is 92.6%. In comparison with the grid units, the slope units are more accurate. Further, we analyze the uncertainty in this evaluation model by using multi-data receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC). Each curve has the equal position; and the areas under the line are almost the same. The result indicates that the proposed method has the advantages of high accuracy, stable performance, and small amount of data to process. It can be used for early warning and assessment of earthquake.

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Comparison Between Pressuremeter Test and Uniaxial Compression Test of Frozen Soil
Zhang Hu, Zhang Jianming, Su Kai, Liu Shiwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1479-1484.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505202
Abstract ( 581 )   PDF (1390KB) ( 348 )  

In order to identify the relationship between pressuremeter tests and indoor tests, the pressuremeter tests and uniaxial tests were performed and the comparisons between the test results were analyzed. The results indicate that the pressuremeter creep curve presents a decaying form; while a progressive flow stage appears in the uniaxial test once the frozen soil is broken. The stress-strain curves of pressuremeter test manifest a strain-hardening character with an initial quasi-elastic stage; while the uniaxial test shows a strain-softening stress-strain curve with peak strength at the axial strain of 10%. At the same temperature, the shear strength as well as the initial deformation modulus of pressuremeter test are greater than those of uniaxial tests; and the difference increases with the decreasing of temperature.

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New Harmonic Oscillator Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Groundwater Optimization and Management
Wu Ming, Wu Jianfeng, Shi Xiaoqing, Liu Jie, Chen Gan, Wu Jichun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1485-1492.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505203
Abstract ( 640 )   PDF (1599KB) ( 427 )  

Combining the advantages of conventional genetic algorithm (GA) with simulated harmonic oscillator algorithm (SHOA), we put forward a new efficient harmonic oscillator genetic algorithm (HOGA). Based on the application to an ideal test and an optimization test for the groundwater management model of a typical region in North China Plain (NCP), the comparisons among GA, SHOA and HOGA are performed in respect both of the quality of optimal solutions and the efficiency of algorithmic optimization. Compared with GA and SHOA, HOGA achieves an efficiency over two times higher than SHOA. The best pumping schemes achieved by HOGA can increase water supply by 1.1×103m3/d and 0.47×108m3/a compared with the pumping schemes achieved by GA in the two groundwater management models. This reveals that HOGA has the best global searching ability with the highest optimization efficiency. The results suggest that the HOGA presented in this study be of extensive perspectives in application to multi-dimensional and nonlinear groundwater management and optimization.

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Interaction of Rock-Brine-Supercritical CO2 in CO2-EGS Reservoir
Na Jin, Xu Tianfu, Wei Mingcong, Feng Bo, Bao Xinhua, Jiang Xue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1493-1501.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505204
Abstract ( 583 )   PDF (1535KB) ( 444 )  

Enhanced geothermal system (EGS) is an engineered reservoir that has been created to extract economical amounts of heat from geothermal resources with low permeability and/or porosity. CO2 enhanced geothermal system is a technology of geological storage of carbon with geothermal energy development. When the supercritical CO2 is injected into a deep reservoir, the surrounding rock will be dissolved or precipitated, and the porosity and permeability of the rock will also be changed. The interaction of rock-brine-supercritical CO2 in CO2-EGS was simulated by high-temperature & pressure reactor. The changes of ion compositions in the solution and scanning electron microscope of rock core showed that K-feldspar and calcite dissolved after the experiment, especially dissolution of calcite is too strong to be saturated. Meanwhile a very small amount of secondary calcite and albite were generated, with the generation of a new kind of mineral which is likely to be the intermediate product of siderite composed of C,O,Si, and Fe. The chemical reactions in the experiments were simulated by reactive transport modelling using TOUGHREACT. The information currently available by numerical simulations is generally consistent with the results from the laboratory experiment. This study provided geochemical evidences for chemical interaction mechanisms in CO2-EGS.

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Characters of Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope of Different Water Bodies in Huainan Coal Mining Area
Zhang Lei, Qin Xiaoguang, Liu Jiaqi, Mu Yan, An Shikai, Lu Chunhui, Chen Yongchun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1502-1514.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505205
Abstract ( 838 )   PDF (1987KB) ( 509 )  

Huainan is an important energy base in Eastern China with a large coal mining subsidence area due to the underground mining. Groundwater aquifers may be broken by the subsidence cracks to become a critical source of subsidence area water. It means that the water cycle system may be damaged due to coal mining. To resolve this geological hazards, establishing "plain reservoir" was suggested by using coal mining subsidence areas. The "plain reservoir" may also solve water shortage during drought year. However, how to evaluate the potential water sources of the "plain reservoirs" is still an issue; and a stable water supply is another question as it is essential for "plain reservoirs". In order to find out whether the subsidence cracks have broken the groundwater system and whether groundwater is a stable source of the subsidence area water, we analyzed the water sources of subsidence areas. We collected 23 water samples from wells, rivers, rainfalls, wetlands and subsidence areas in Huainan mining area in dry and rainy seasons, and compared with the deep groundwater. The composition of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope is used to trace the source of water. The results show that the atmospheric precipitation is the main water source of subsidence areas. Deep groundwater is not a stable water source to "plain reservoirs"; although groundwater systems are broken by subsidence cracks at present, and surface water filters down and mixes with the deep groundwater.

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Sorption and Desorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons onto Loam Soil
Zhang Fengjun, Jia Han, Liu Jialu, Dong Jiaxin, Lu Wei, Lü Cong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1515-1522.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505206
Abstract ( 622 )   PDF (1505KB) ( 383 )  

The sorption and desorption characteristics of the four organic chlorinated hydrocarbons (trichloroethylene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (cis-1,2-DCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA)) onto loam soil are investigated by a batch of experiments in this study. The results indicate that the sorption equilibrium time of the four chlorinated hydrocarbons onto the loam soil is about three days. The sorption isotherm for all compounds is nearly linear, and fits to Freundlich isotherm slightly over the entire concentration range. As for chloroethylenes, TCE is strongly sorbed to the loam samples (Kd = 0.624 L/kg), and followed by cis-DCE (Kd = 0.238 L/kg). For chloroethanes, 1,1,1-TCA is strongly sorbed (Kd=0.520 L/kg), and followed by 1,2-DCA (Kd=0.353 L/kg). This is consistent with the order of hydrophobicity of the compounds. In addition, the lgKoc value is estimated by Abdul, Dobbs, Rao and Cong empirical regression formula respectively in this study, and the results show that the estimated lgKoc value determined by Abdul regression is significantly lower than the calculated value, and the estimated lgKoc value determined by Cong regression is significantly higher than the calculated value, while the estimated lgKoc values determined by Dobbs and Rao regression are much closer to the calculated values. This demonstrates that the Dobbs and Rao regression is more suitable for lgKoc estimation for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Besides, it is found that there is a certain lag in desorption of chlorinated hydrocarbons from the loam soil; and the higher the sorption capacity of chlorinated hydrocarbon, the lower the desorption capacity of chlorinated hydrocarbon.

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Local Plane Wave Decomposition Methods in Different Domain
Gao Cheng, Sun Jianguo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1523-1529.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505301
Abstract ( 671 )   PDF (1533KB) ( 380 )  

To disclose the influence of the efficiency and the precision of the local plane wave decomposition method on Gaussian beam migration, we analyze three local plane wave decomposition methods in time domain, frequency domain, and frequency-wavenumber domain, and deduce the formulae of these three methods. The comparison of computational accuracy and efficiency are showed based on the characters of the local plane wave decomposition in different domains. The comparative analysis indicates that the local plane wave decomposition in frequency-wavenumber domain is not only more accurate but also more efficient, and can provide precise data for migration.

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Viscoacoustic Gaussian Beam Prestack Depth Migration
Wu Juan, Chen Xiaohong, Bai Min
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1530-1538.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505302
Abstract ( 547 )   PDF (1831KB) ( 404 )  

Gaussian beam migration is an effective and efficient depth migration method with its accuracy comparable to the wave equation migration and its flexibility comparable to Kirchhoff migration. The viscoacoustic prestack depth migration is of practical significance because it considers the viscosity of the subsurface media. Gaussian beam migration is used to perform seismic data compensation for frequency dependent absorption and dispersion. Gaussian beam prestack depth migration algorithms that operate on common-shot gathers are presented to derive expressions about attenuation and compensation which correct amplitude attenuation and phase distortion caused by Q in order to realize Gaussian beam prestack depth migration. The numerical modeling suggests that the viscoacoustic Gaussian beam prestack depth migration have a higher imaging resolution than the acoustic Gaussian beam prestack depth when the viscosity of the subsurface is considered.

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Evaluation of Formation Heterogeneity Using Lorentz Coefficient of Logging Curves
Yue Chongwang, Yang Xiaoming, Zhong Xiaoqin, Pan Baozhi, Wang Fei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1539-1546.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505303
Abstract ( 634 )   PDF (1865KB) ( 404 )  

We introduced the calculation principle and the application method of Lorentz coefficient of logging data. Lorentz coefficient and sand ratio were introduced into the logging data processing. Lorentz coefficient and sand ratio of conventional logging curves can be used to evaluate formation effectively. It provided a quantitative formation evaluation method. In order to evaluate the formation heterogeneity, firstly we selected GR logging curve as evaluating curve as it is more sensitive to heterogeneity; secondly, we evaluated the heterogeneity according to Lorentz coefficient combined with sand ratio; and further, we extracted more information on sand structure formation. The formation plane distribution map of Lorentz coefficient and sand ratio is given based on multi-well evaluation results. It can be concluded that the formation of middle region of Zhao-60 block of Sulige gas field of Ordos basin is more homogeneous with good sorting.

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A Pixel by Pixel Atmospheric Correction Algorithm and Its Application for MODIS Data Based on 6S Model
Xu Yan, Jiang Qigang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1547-1553.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505304
Abstract ( 911 )   PDF (1498KB) ( 547 )  

In order to obtain the real reflectance of earth objects, we introduced a new method to correct atmospheric parameters pixel by pixel. Considering with the six parameters, including solar zenith angle, sensor zenith angle, azimuth angle, aerosol optical depth, observation band, and surface elevation, we applied the 6S model pixel by pixel to generate a lookup table for analyzing the sensitivity of each parameter to reflectance; and compared the correction results with the ones by the old method using single parameter. The results show that the reflectance by 6S model pixel by pixel is much closer to the true reflectance of objects. By using the MODIS surface reflectance products, we verified the accuracy both of the 6S model pixel by pixel and the single parameter method, and found that their relative errors are 12.7% and 26.9% respectively. Taking vegetation index (NDVI) as an example for the subsequent quantitative remote sensing inversion, the NDVI by 6S pixel by pixel method is 14.4% higher than the single parameter atmospheric correction method.

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Application of Integrated Exploration Information System
Yuan Huixiang, WangYanggang, Ren Yongqiang, Wang Chunnü, Liu Na
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2015, 45 (5):  1554-1566.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201505305
Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (2302KB) ( 362 )  

To serve the business management and research on integrated exploration, and support the development and achievement on integrated exploration area, the integrated exploration information system (IEIS) is developed based on GIS. It is founded on the spatial data, such as geologic data, mine deposit data, geological survey extent data, mining right data, geophysical data, geochemical data, remote sensing data, and other potential evaluation results. We applied the system to Dahutang wolfram (cuprum) polymetallic ore integrated exploration area to validate its functions. The results show that: the system interfaces are user-friendly, and its functions are complete, clear, easy to learn,and easy to operate;the system can be used by all kinds of users to establish a spatial distribution pattern of mineral exploration progress through browsing mineral exploration progress by each area in a national map visually.A user can retrieve data for a statistical analysis or make thematic maps by using IEIS. The implementation of this system will greatly improve the efficiency of the business management and research on integrated exploration.

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