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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2016, Volume 46 Issue 5
Fossil Plants from the Guadalupian Yujiabeigou Formation in the North Margin of North China Plate and Their Tectonic Implications
Sun Yuewu, Ding Haisheng, Liu Huan, Zhang Dejun, Gong Fanhao, Zheng Yuejuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1268-1283.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605101
Abstract ( 609 )   PDF (11915KB) ( 578 )  

Based on the studies of fossil plants and animals (including fusulinids, brachiopods and bivalves), and the U-Pb isotopic dating of zircons from the andesitic crystal-lithic tuff in the type section of the Yujiabeigou Formation, the geological age of the formation is confirmed to be Guadalupian (Middle Permian) in the Guangxingyuan Town, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China. The fossil plants in the type section of the Yujiabeigou Formation are characterized by the typical elements of the Cathaysia floras, such as Gigantonoclea hallei Asama, Fascipteris sinensis Stockm. et Math., Pecopteris taiyuanensis Halle, Pterophyllum daihoense Kaw. Therefore, the plant fossils in the Yujiabeigou Formation belong to the typical Cathaysia flora, phytogeographically. Among the Guadalupian floras in China, there isn't any mixed flora of Cathaysia and Angara found till now. This indicate further that the Paleo-Asian Ocean lain between the North China plate and the Jiamusi-Mongolia block was not closed during the Middle Permian, and being an important barrier in the Guadalupian global floristic geographical distribution.

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Characteristics and Controlling Factors of the Intermediate and Mafic Volcanic Reservoirs of the Paleogene Kongdian Formation in the Weibei Sag of the Bohaiwan Basin
Qu Changsheng, Qiu Longwei, Li Wentao, Shi Zheng, Wang Wei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1284-1296.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605102
Abstract ( 480 )   PDF (7148KB) ( 444 )  

Based on the core observation, thin section identification, and integration of well log and seismic data, we analyzed lithologic characteristics, lithofacies characteristic, pore type, reservoir physical property of the Third Member of Kongdian Formation in the Weibei sag.The results indicate that the volcanic reservoir rocks are mainly composed of the intermediate and mafic volcanic rock, the lithology of the study area is dominate by the thick basalt and thin volcanic breccia. Effusive facies, volcanic vent facies and volcanogenic sedimentary facies can be identified, with effusive facies well developed and widely distributed. The distribution of volcanic rocks are mainly affected by deep faults and paleotography. The types of reservoir spaces can be divided into pore and fracture, with primary pores, apricot kernel inner pore, structural fractures and weathering dissolution fracture. Reservoir property is controlled mainly by lithofacies, tectonic action and weathering leaching. Isolated primary pores accumulation in upper subfacies of effusive facies, the reservoir property greatly improved by muti-stage tectonic movement. The favorable volcanic reservoirs developed in the overlapping regions with both fractures and pores.

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Analysis of Depositional Characteristics of Tuchengzi Formation and BasinEdge Structures,ChichengXuanhua Basin, Northwestern Hebei Province
Liu Xiaobo, Liu Shaofeng, Lin Chengfa
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1297-1311.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605103
Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (8631KB) ( 536 )  

In order to reveal the nature of the Late Jurassic basin in the northern part of North China,we studied the depositional characteristics of Tuchengzi Formation and the pattern of basin edge structures.The depositional characteristics of Tuchengzi Formation indicate that,the sediments in middle and lower parts of the formation are fluviolacustrine facies,and the upper are coarse clastic sediments in alluvial fan.The systematically statistical analysis of components of conglomerates in the Tuchengzi Formation show that,Chicheng basin and Xuanhua-Xiahuayuan basin are similar in the cuttings lithology cycle,this similarity indicates that both of the basins went through similar piecemeal stoping process.Combined depositional characteristics of Tuchengzi Formation with the characteristics of the basin edge structure indicate that, Tuchengzi Formation formed in the compressive tectonic background,and the evolutionary process of basin was controlled by basin margin thrust faults.The tectonic background of the areas indicates that,it's the NW-trending subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate and the S-trending thrusting of the Shangyi-Chicheng thrust belt with a dextral strike slip component that controlled the formation of basin framework during the deposition of Tuchengzi Formation.

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Granite Buried Hill Reservoir Characterization and Modeling:Taking Offshore a Oilfield in Bohai Bay as an Example
Zhang Yuqing, Wang Hui, Fan Ting'en, Song Laiming, Nie Yan, Liang Xu, Chen Fei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1312-1320.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605104
Abstract ( 574 )   PDF (5192KB) ( 363 )  

Granite buried hill reservoir is rare in the world. No systematic research method on fracture characterization of granite buried hill reservoir has been formed so far. Meanwhile, as the reservoir was multiply reconstructed by tectonic, weathering and erosion processes, pores, fractures and caves developed inside together. So it’s difficult to characterize the reservoir as fractures developed with strong heterogeneity. For this reason, the article proposed a set of methods for fracture characterization and modeling of granite buried hill reservoir, taking offshore oilfield A in Bohai Bay as an example. Firstly starting from fracture genetic analysis, geomorphologic analytic method is introduced to determine main controlling factors of fracture distribution with evolutionary characteristic analysis. On the basis above, fracture development trend models of different genetic types are established. Secondly, with advanced DFN method, the DFN model is built with statistical fracture parameters of well point as prior information and fracture trend models as constraint condition, then fracture attribute models have been abtained with upscaling method. Finally fracture attribute models are verified and optimized with static and dynamic data. With the two methods of verification for quality control of fracture model, the ultimate fracture model is accordant with the geological understanding.

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Controlling Factors Analysis and Quantitative Model of Shahejie 3rd Sandstone Porosity in Linnan Sag
Qiu Longwei, Shi Zheng, Fu Dawei, Pan Zehao, Yang Shengchao, Qu Changsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1321-1331.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605105
Abstract ( 473 )   PDF (3947KB) ( 396 )  

Based on the data of physical properties anaylsis, thin sections identification, scanning electron microscope and digital image anaylsis,the authors studied the controlling factors of Shahejiie 3rd sandstone porosity in Linnan sag.And then using the method of grey incidence,the authors quantified the impact of different factors and established a comprehensive porosity prediction model.Studies have shown that the controlling factors of Shahejiie 3rd sandstone porosity in Linnan sag include sedimentation related granularity factors and selection factors as well as diagenesis related compaction factors, cementation factors and corrosion factors. Under specific compaction condition, the porosity varies with the burial depth, the granularity and the sorting. The coarser granularity is,the higher porosity is. The porosity varies much among different selected areas. Carbonatite is the main cementation type, which has unconspicuous influence on porosity when its content is less than 5%. Feldspar erosion is the main dissolution type. The grey incidence analysis made it possible to quantify the impact of various factors on reservoir porosity,and then establish the prediction model,with the assumption of that, the present porosity is the combination of normal compaction porosity and the contribution of diagenesis. After verification of 17 groups data,the accuracy of prediction method is 90.5%.

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AFM Based Pore Characterization of Shales and Its Relation to the Analytical Gas
Bai Yongqiang, Liu Mei, Yang Chunmei, Jiang Zhenxue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1332-1341.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605106
Abstract ( 590 )   PDF (1262KB) ( 617 )  

The pore structure of shale reservoirs has a very significant impact on shale gas reservoir. An atomic force microscope (AFM) has unique advantage in characterization of micro-nanoscale structure, and can reflect three-dimensional structure of the surface of a sample. For the study of the relationship between micro-nanometer pore characterization of shales and the amount of field analytical gas extracted from core, we choose typical samples of Jiaoye 1 well (JY1) and Yucan 4 well (YC4) from Fuling of Chongqing as research objects. We get the micro-structure characterization of the rock samples by atomic force microscope, by obtaining three-dimensional topographies of the samples, and by analyzing the features of pore distribution and reservoir space of the samples. We then build parameters that represent internal characteristics of rock samples. Having compared the differences of the characteristic parameters from different well sections in the same well, and the differences of characteristic parameters from different wells respectively, we describe the morphology features of the rock samples quantitatively. Combined with the data of field analytical gas, we build the relationship between the amount of field analytical gas and characteristic parameters of JY1 and YC4 samples, respectively. The results show that relative to the YC4 samples, JY1 samples show more intensive reservoir spacesis, and higher porosity, and more beneficial to the storage of gas. The results also show that there is a positive correlation between the fluctuation degree of interspace and the amount of the field analytical gas of JY1 and YC4 samples. Our results may have significance for the quantitative evaluation of the relation between exploitable volume and the micro-pore structure of shale gas.

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Fluid Inclusions Characteristecs and Ore Genesis of Sancha Gold Deposit in Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province
Zhang Yanjun, Sun Fengyue, Li Bile, Li Liang, Chen Yang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1342-1353.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605107
Abstract ( 869 )   PDF (4631KB) ( 348 )  

Sancha mining area located Qilian landmass among Qilian orogenic belt, which is a landmass and magmatic arc stacked construction units. It is Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic of middle-late stage magmatic arc, sandwiched between North Qilian suture zone and Shulenan Mountain-Laji Mountain suture zone. Based on detailed studies of field deposit geology, through petrography, microthermometry analysis, inclusions constituents LRM analysis, carbon-hydrogen-oxygen isotope analysis and comparison research on the fluid inclusions of each stage closely associated with ore-forming fluids, the results showed that: cryptoexplosive quartz breccia of early mineralization stages has three types fluid inclusions, i.e. gas-liquid two-phase inclusions, daughter minerals-bearing three-phase inclusions and liquid-rich CO2 inclusions. Its homogenization temperatures concentrates in the range of 200-280℃, salinity in the range of 6.00%-18.00% NaCleqv, density in the range of 0.64-0.73 g/cm3. Pyrite phyllic of the main mineralization stage and Quartz veins of late stage mainly has one type fluid inclusions, i.e. gas-liquid two-phase inclusions. The main mineralization stage homogeneous temperature varies from 160 to 240℃, salinity from 2.00% to 6.00% NaCleqv, density from 0.80 g/cm3 to 0.95 g /cm3. Late stage homogenization temperatures concentrates in the range of 120-190℃, salinity in the range of 2.00%-6.00% NaCleqv, density in the range of 0.76-0.86 g/cm3. Carbon-hydrogen-oxygen isotopic composition reveals early ore-forming fluid of Sancha deposits is mainly magmatic water. In the late stage of the evolution, ore-forming fluid is obviously involved the meteoricwater, and sulfur isotope studies reflect that ore-forming material has characteristics of deep source. Therefore, Sancha gold deposit genetic type is mesothermal vein-type deposit.

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Characteristics of Fluid Inclusions and Mineralization Age of Badaguan Cu-Mo Deposit in Erguna Area, Inner Mongolia
Wang Xi, Duan Mingxin, Ren Yunsheng, Hou Zhaoshuo, Sun Deyou, Hao Yujie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1354-1367.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605108
Abstract ( 939 )   PDF (6340KB) ( 395 )  

The Badaguan porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit was discovered early, but has been low-degree researched. To determine its ore-forming fluid and mineralization mechanism, fluid inclusions in quartz grains from the ore are analyzed, including petrographic characteristics, microthermometry and gas compontents. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of metallogenic quartz diorite porphyry and Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite mineral have been carried out. The Badaguan deposit is charactered by the veinlet, network and veinlet-disseminated mineralization and facial zonation of wall-rock alterations, which are similar with those of the porphyry deposits. The ore-forming fluid is of medium- low-density, medium-low-salinity, medium-high-temperature NaCl-H2O-CO2±CH4 fluid system, fluid boiling might be an important mechanism for the formation of mineral deposits. Weighted mean U-Pb age of zircon grains from the metallogenic quartz diorite porphyry is (217.6±2.6)Ma, and Re-Os model age of the molybdenite is (222.4±3.3)Ma, which indicates that the metallogenic intrusion and associated copper-molybdenum mineralization took place in Late Triassic. Moreover, according to the geochemical characteristics and previous data in tectonic environment of the metallogenic porphyry in this area, authors propose that the Badaguan deposit may be resulted from tectonic-magmatism induced by southward subduction of the Mongolia-Okhotsk ocean. These conclusions are very significant for discussion of regional metallogenic regularities and metallogeny in board area among China, Russia and Mongolia.

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Geological Characteristics of Skarn-Fracture Zone Altered Rock Type of the Kateba'asu Au-Cu Deposit in Western Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang
Liu Yunhua, Li Zhen, Mo Xuanxue, Huang Yu, Li Yuntao, Han Yixiao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1368-1382.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605109
Abstract ( 526 )   PDF (11443KB) ( 596 )  

The Au-Cu ore deposit Kateba'asu is one of recently discovered large gold-copper deposits in western Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang.The authors present a research result on geological characteristics,mineral composition and texture & structure of ores, wall-rock alteration,mineralization periods of and the ore-controlling factors of the Kateba'asu ore deposit.The geological,mineralogical and petrological studies of the deposit indicate that ore bodies are mainly occur in the monzogranite,and controlled by both the jointed structural system of fracture zone,and the contact zone of intrusion and marble strata.The ore bodies in jointed system are vein-shaped,with ore structures such as fine veins,veinlets-disseminated,and spotted massive,and the alterations are mainly potash feldspathization,silicification,sericitization and chloritization. The altertations are grossularization,diopsidization,tremolite-actinolitization and epidotization.There are two phases of mineralization in the deposit,which are related to monzogranite and diorite-dyke respectively and superposed in space to a certain extent.The deposit is controlled by strata,structure and magmatism,and is the type of Skarn-fracture zone altered deposit.The research results may provide the direction for the regional prospecting.

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Dawusu Complex of Xinlin District in Northern Greater Hinggan Mountains Zircon U-Pb Chronology,Petrogeochemistry,and Its Geological Implication
Liu Yu, Sun Jiapeng, Wang Xianzhong, Zhang Wenqiang, Yang Huaben, Liang Zhongkai, Xu Liming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1383-1405.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605110
Abstract ( 501 )   PDF (16373KB) ( 665 )  

Xinlin district located in the Tayuan-Xinlin-Xiguitu fracture where the west side of Erguna block, the east side of Xing'an block, in northern Greater Hinggan Mountains. Previous research suggests that "Wolegen Group" belongs to the orderly strata. Through field observation and comprehensive analysis, this paper considers that the strata in this area belongs to Non Smith stratigraphic unit by a plurality of tectonic block stacked and collaged, that experienced many times of metamorphic deformation. This paper conducted detrital zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating on matrix and rock mass of Dawusu complex in Xinlin district. The test results show that the magmatic crystallization age of rock mass in the spilite is (477.3±2.7)Ma,and the minimum peak age of metamorphic quartz sandstone in the matrix is 468 Ma, limiting the deposition time of Early Ordovician. Then, the two granite of local district dating results for 300 Ma, the paper considers that the Dawusu complex is actually a set of Non Smith stratigraphy that age from the Early Ordovician to Late Carboniferous,by based on the literatures and combined with the structural characteristics of the area. Geochemical characteristics show that the the content of SiO2 in ophiolite fragments is low, and it belongs to calc-alkaline or basalt of tholeiite series; The plots of chondrite-normalized REE patterns shows that Eu element is no abnormal or weak positive anomaly; The plots of primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns shows that the oceanic crust is enriched in Nb,Ta,Zr and other large ion lithophile elements, depleted in Ba,K, Sr and other high field strength element. And it can be speculated that the nature of oceanic crust of the ocean formed in the area,the spilite-keratophyre and intermediate-basic volcanic rock formed in the island arc, and the sandy muddy turbidite formed in the fore-arc during Xinglong-Huma back-arc basin further stretching process.

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Geochemistry and Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Tonalite from Fenghuangshan Area in Northern Daxing'anling
Guo Yufei, Yang Yanchen, Han Shijiong, Tan Yan, Bo Junwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1406-1417.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605111
Abstract ( 499 )   PDF (8823KB) ( 304 )  

Fenghuangshan is located in the transition zone between Erguna block in the north part of Daxing'anling Erguna and Xing'an block, where the Neoproterozoic granites are widely developed. According to this study, we found an ancient intrusive tonalite scattered within the Precambrian crystalline basement in Fenghuangshan area. Taking the tonalite developed in the Fenghuangshan area as the study object, we conducted an analysis for its geochemistry and zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating. The geochemical characteristics show that the tonalite belongs to per-aluminous calc-alkaline rock series, and the trace element compositions are characterized by enrichment of large ionic lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g., Rb, K),depletion of high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, P,Sr,Ta and Ti), and medium negative Eu anomaly (δEu=0.64-0.69),the geochemical characteristic of volcanic arc granite. The zircons from tonalite occurred as columnar in shape with fine-scale oscillatory growth zoning, showing a magmatic origin for these zircons, yield a weighted mean age of (807.7±2.2)Ma, which indicate that tonalite formed in Neoprpterozoic. Combined with the evolvement history of regional tectonics, we inferred that the formation of the tonalite in Fenghuangshan area was affected by the breakup and collision of Rodinia supercontinent, which is the product of crustal accretion of Erguna and Xing'an block.

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Formation Timing of the Volcanic Rocks from the Xiaofengmidingzi Formation in Central Jilin Province and Its Geological Implications: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotope Compositions
Zhang Haihong, Xu Wenliang, Wang Feng, Cao Huahua
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1418-1429.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605112
Abstract ( 591 )   PDF (4037KB) ( 383 )  

The data of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopes are reported for the rhyolite (JH21-1) from typical section and the andesite (JX1-1) from another section of the Xiaofengmidingzi Formation in the central Jilin Province, NE China. The zircons from two volcanic rocks are euhedral-subhedral in shape and display striped absorption or oscillatory growth zoning in the CL images, and have high Th/U ratios (0.27-0.81), implying their magmatic origin. The dating results indicate that the zircons from the rhyolite (JH21-1) yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of (192±2) Ma (MSWD=4.8), i.e., the Early Jurassic, and the zircons from the andesite (JX1-1) yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of (172±1) Ma (MSWD=0.27), i.e., the Middle Jurassic. The former is consistent with the timing of the typical section, and the latter is different from the typical Xiaofengmidingzi Formation. Their zircon εHf(t) (172-192 Ma) values range from +5.25 to +9.37, and Hf two-stage model ages vary from 803 Ma to 1 177 Ma,implying that their primary magmas were derived from partial melting of the juvenile lower crust. Taken together, it is suggested that the Jurassic magmatism can be subdivided into two stages, i.e., the Early Jurassic and Middle Jurassic. Combined with regional tectonic evolution history, we conclude that the Jurassic magmatism in the central Jilin Province could be related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent.

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Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Quartz Diorite from Delingshan Area of Urad Zhongqi in Inner Monglia and Its Geological Significance
Li Jianbo, Wang Baohong, Yang Liang, Jing Yaozu, Chen Lizhen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1430-1439.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605113
Abstract ( 517 )   PDF (4158KB) ( 307 )  

The quartz diorite in Delingshan, Urad, Inner Mongolia is tectonically located in the central-northern margin of the North China craton and geochronology and petro-geochemistry of quartz diorite are investigated, and it's forming age and tectonic background are discussed. The age of the quartz diorite dated by LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb of zircons is(278.1±1.6)Ma,indicating that it was formed in the Early Permian. Petro-geochemical characteristics show that the quartz diorites are I-type granites, belonging to high-K cale-alkaline series, enriched in large ionic lithophile elements (LIL) of Rb, Sr and K, and depleted in High field strength elements(HFS) of Th,Ta with weakly negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.61-1.46). This kind of intrusions were formed in an active continental margins, derived from the melt mixing of crust and lithospheric mantle. Combined with geological feature of regional magmatic belt, tectonic settings, forming conditions and emplacement times of the quartz diorite, it is suggested that the quartz diorite of Delingshan intrusion was a result of the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean beneath the northern margin of the North China craton.

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Extensional Detachment,Northern Great Xing'an Ranges,NE China
Liu Boran, Li Wei, Zhang Shouzhi, Peng Tianming, Feng Zhiqiang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1440-1448.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605114
Abstract ( 457 )   PDF (2155KB) ( 576 )  

We carried out a detail study of the large-scale extensional detachment structure in Qika, Erguna, northern Great Xing'an Ranges, NE China. The extensional detachment structures in the northern Great Xing'an Ranges and their relation to the uplift of Great Xing'an Ranges were also summarized and discussed. The extensional detachment structure in Qika dips northwest with NE strike. The shear deformation is a simple shearing with thinning strain and SL tectonites. The movement direction structures indicate a NW-directed sliding in the Qika extensional detachment. The comparing studies of the Nenjiang Keluo, Galashan, Cuogang extensional detachment structures indicate that the extensional detachment structures in Great Xing'an Ranges were produced by regional extension in Early Cretaceous. With developing of the large-scale extensional detachment, strong magmatic underplating took place in Great Xing'an Ranges, which resulted in the rapid uplift of Great Xing'an Ranges and extensional detachment structures with SE-directed sliding in the east side and NW-directed sliding in the west side of the Great Xing'an Ranges.

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Holocene Climate Changes Derived from Spore-Pollen Records and Neolithic Culture Succession in Northern Henan Plain
Li Kuangjia, Gu Yansheng, Liu Hongye
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1449-1457.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605115
Abstract ( 589 )   PDF (3041KB) ( 481 )  

Based on lithology and 14C dating survey, a spore-pollen analysis of Holocene sediments in northern Henan Plain was conducted. 6 grass, species, 3 species broad-leaved tree species, 2 gymnosperm tree species, and 2 fern species are found. The spore-pollen assemblages are divided into 6 zones that demonstrate a history of palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment changes, which indicates an evolvement trend of cool-wet→warm-humid→cool-dry. 10 200-8 200 cal BP,the temperature and humidity were both low, a significant cooling event could be found in 8 200 cal BP;8 200-4 000 cal BP,the spore-pollen assemblage indicated the humid-warm climate in the mid Holocene;4 000-3 300 cal BP,the humidity was lower than that of 4 000 cal BP, the paleoclimate was becoming cold-dry;3 300-2 400 cal BP,the palaeoclimate remained cold-dry in this period; 2 400-1 350 cal BP, climate got warm and humid; from 1 350 cal BP up to now, temperature fell down. The corresponding Peiligang culture, Yangshao culture and Longshan culture, showed a "less developed→prosperous→decayed" trend. The Holocene climate changes had a decisive influence on the ancient culture succession. During the period of high temperature and humidity, the increasing of vegetation, primitive farming productivity, population, and ancient cultural sites indicates the ancient cultural prosperity. On the contrary, primitive farming productivity, population and ancient cultural sites decreased when temperature and humidity drop. This indicates a decay of the ancient cultures. Generally speaking, ancient cultural development corresponds to the paleoclimate changes.

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Calculation Method and Application of Soil Deformation Induced by Pipe Jacking Construction
Pan Jianli
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1458-1465.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605201
Abstract ( 649 )   PDF (1119KB) ( 405 )  

Pipe jacking has been widely applied to water supply and drainage pipelines and small-diameter tunnels; however, the soil deformation induced by pipe jacking may increase the risk of serious construction problems. The main factors causing soil deformation include positive additional thrust of cutter, friction between jacking machine or subsequent pipes and soil, grouting pressure and soil loss. This research focused on and analyzed the soil deformation caused by above factors. The feasibility of deformation formula was proposed by addition of all deformation formula, and was applied to 0# test pipe jacking of Zhuhai connection highway in Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge project. The results show that the maximum soil deformation induced by soil loss, grouting pressure and frictional resistance between soil and jacking machine is respectively -8.000、2.500 and ±2.020 mm. It also indicates that they are major factors to influence soil deformation. However, the maximum soil deformation induced by positive additional thrust and frictional resistance between soil and subsequent pipes is only ±0.075 and ±0.230 mm respectively, which is non-significant. Except that the deviation is larger at maximum subsidence, the soil deformation calculated value is more close to measured value, compared to Peck formula.

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Variation Pattern of Temperature and Humidity for Saline Soil in Cold and Arid Regions of Hexi Corridor
Zhao Tianyu, Zhang Huyuan, Yan Gengsheng, Li Jin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1466-1474.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605202
Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 234 )  

The occurrence and development of salty soil diseases mainly depends on the temperature and humidity in cold and arid regions. In order to comprehend the variation pattern of temperature and humidity for saline soil of Hexi corridor, Gobi saline soil in Guazhou, Gansu Province was selected to monitor by thermo-sensitive probe and time domain reflectometry (TDR) during winter and summer. Based on the monitoring data, we knew that the soil temperature presented as sinusoid variation by a daliy or annual cycle, and the shallow soil temperature varied greater than the deep soil. With the depth increasing, not only the temperature amplitude decayed exponentially, but also the hysteresis increased proportionally. At a certain depth, soil temperature came to almost constant, the depth for daily was 40-50 cm while the depth for annual was 500-600 cm. Because of the large evaporation precipitation ratio and distant groundwater, there was no water supplied or lost in soil, which brought about an invariable humidity for soil, only a microvariation in shallow by the rainfall. It was considered that there was a probability for the salty soil diseases occurred in depth of 100-150 cm, which depended on the humidity of soil largely, so the waterproof and drainage should be enhanced on ground surface.

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Shear Strength of Silty Clay in Dalian by Ring Shear Tests
Hong Yong, Yue Yuqiu, Zheng Xiaoyu, Che Xiaowen, Liu Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1475-1481.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605203
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (2145KB) ( 700 )  

The change of the shear mechanics properties of typical silty clay in Dalian Binhai area was tested at different normal stresses and shear rates by ring shear apparatus.Test results indicate that: 1) strain-softening phenomenon of silty clay was observed in normal consolidation state. It was shown that strain softening feature is mainly related to the mass fraction and directionality of clay mineral in the soil in the process of shearing.2)At the same shear rate, the peak strength and residual strength increase with the increase of normal stresses, and showed a good linear relationship between normal stress and peak intensity.3)Due to internal cohesive force of soil changes in the process of peak intensity, the peak intensity increases with the increase of shear rate;the residual strength and shear rate have certain correlation, which has a relationship with shear zone (surface) of clay grain orientation arrangement at different levels under different shear rates.

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Stress Analysis of the Piston Rod Return in High-Energy Liquid-Jet Hammer Based on Ls-Dyna
Wang Fuping, Li Peng, Li Guolin, Peng Jianming
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1482-1489.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605204
Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (3683KB) ( 266 )  

The plastic deformation of piston rod of the liquid-jet hammer with high impacting energy is a key issue, which seriously affects the performance and working life. Numerical simulation is conducted to analyze the piston return impacting process and optimize parameters by nonlinear dynamics simulation software Ls-Dyna. Laboratory test is also carried out for the validation of the analysis. The results show that a very high concentrated stress of 3 339.2 MPa appears at the end of the piston rod when the piston rod impacts the cylinder block with the velocity of 4 m/s. The high transient stress is likely to lead to destruction of the piston rod. By optimizing the diameter ratio of the top surface to the bottom surface and the tail arc diameter of the piston rod to the value of 17/16 and 60 mm, respectively, the maximum transient stress is reduced to 1 419.66 MPa with a 58% decrease, which can largely improve the piston rod performance and working life.

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Estimating Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Jiaozhou Bay Using 226Ra
Yuan Xiaojie, Guo Zhanrong, Huang Lei, Zhang Bin, Ma Zhiyong, Liu Jie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1490-1500.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605205
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (2251KB) ( 426 )  

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a part of global water cycle, which delivers a large amount of solutes to the biogeochemical cycle and affects the coastal ecological environment. The 226Ra mass balance model was established to estimate the submarine groundwater discharge to the Jiaozhou Bay. The 226Ra sources include river transport, sediment diffusion and SGD, these sources should be in balance with the mixing loss of the bay water and open seawater when the seawater system is in the stable state. Except for the SGD was unknown item, other sources and sinks were quantified one by one. Calculated results showed that the SGD fluxes during September to October in 2011 was 7.85×106 m3·d-1, April to May in 2012 was 4.72×106 m3·d-1. Based on the SGD fluxes, the SGD derived nutrient fluxes were estimated.

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Determination of Complex Karst Water Channel Using Multi-Source High Power Mise-A-La-Masse Method
Han Kai, Zheng Zhijie, Gan Fuping, Chen Yixiang, Chen Yuling
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1501-1510.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605206
Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (1871KB) ( 450 )  

Due to the non-uniformity of spatial distribution of underground karst system, the positions of the underground karst water channels are very difficult to determine by general geophysical investigation method. The general geophysical method is often restricted by terrain and geological conditions, multi-solution is always present during the detection of underground karst water channels, which need to be integrated judegment with several geophysical methods. This paper aims to locate the underground karst water channels quickly and accurately using a high power mise-a-la-masse method. Several charging points were set to verify the reliability of the anomalies of mise-a-la-masse method. Two kinds of line layouts including arc lines with charging point as the center and parallel straight lines were chosen to analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Before data analysis, the normal field correction and Fraser filtering processing were used to deal with the data. The detection of Luotan reservoir complex karst water channels showed that the multi-source high power mise-a-la-masse method could quickly and accurately locate the position and direction of karst water channels in survey zone. The arc lines with charging point as the center could better control the karst water channel direction in the whole survey zone. The parallel straight lines could also position the karst water channels well after the normal field correction and Fraser filtering processing of the data. The ‘multi-source’ method could better identify anomalies effectively. It had been verified by drilling and tracer method, the detecting results of multi-source high power mise-a-la-masse method was accurate and reliable.

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Evaluating Mine Geology Environmental Quality Using Improved SVM Method
Lu Wenxi, Guo Jiayuan, Dong Haibiao, Zhang Yu, Lin Lin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1511-1519.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605207
Abstract ( 475 )   PDF (1630KB) ( 448 )  

The grid search method, as on kind of traditional evaluation model of SVM, can be influenced by subjective factors on selecting parameters. So in this study, particle swarm algorithm was chosen to optimize the SVM model and optimized SVM model (PSO-SVM) was used to evaluate geological environment of 135 mines in the Chang-Ji-Tu economic zone. It showed that the evaluation results were almost consistent with comprehensive evaluation results, the similiarity reached to 95.56%. Compared to traditional SVM, itreached to 91.11%. Based on the actual situation and comprehensive analysis of three kinds of evaluation results, we found out that PSO-SVM evaluation results were more in line with the actual situation. Optimized SVM model could effectively avoid the influence of human factors and improve the level of mine geological environment assessment, it was feasible and effective in the evaluation. Evaluation results based on the optimized SVM model showed that mine geological environment was affected by human activities in the study area such as mining, 54.1% of the mine suffered serious damage (III grade), 25.9% suffered moderate damage (II level). The evaluation results can provide decisions for environmental restoration in the study area.

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Tracing Heavy Metal Sources in the Atmospheric Dustfall Using Stable Lead Isotope
Hu Gongren, Yu Ruilian, Hu Qichao, Wen Xianhua, Liu Xianrong, Zhang Xilin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1520-1526.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605208
Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (900KB) ( 571 )  

In order to identify the sources of lead pollution in the atmospheric dustfall, as well as comfirm the contribution of each source to such pollution. We obtained 29 atmospheric dustfall samples in the different areas of Xiamen City. Total Pb isotopic composition of each sample was analyzed by thermal mass spectrometry and acid soluble Pb isotopic ratios were determined by ICP-MS. The results indicated that dustfall Pb isotope of 206Pb/207Pb in Xiamen City varied widely with the ranges of 1.111 9 to 1.173 8.Pb isotope of 206Pb/207Pb in acid solution was different from the ratios in residual form soil of Fujian, indicating the powerful impact of external lead sources. Pb isotopic composition of acid solution decreased significantly than total Pb isotopic composition. Lead isotope tracing techniques showed coal-fired was the main source of lead pollution in Xiamen City dustfall, followed by nature source and vehicle exhaust. Total and acid soluble Pb isotope composition of coal pile was closed to coal-fired, suggesting coal pile was a potential source. The results of ternary hybrid model were as follows: the contribution of coal-fired, nature source and vehicle exhaust to total lead in dustfall were 48.57%, 20.29% and 31.14%, respectively.

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Transient Electromagnetic Method Modeling in Ground-Borehole Model with Overburden Influence
Yang Haiyan, Yue Jianhua, Xu Zhengyu, Zhang Hua, Jiang Zhihai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1527-1537.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605301
Abstract ( 647 )   PDF (6080KB) ( 494 )  

As one of the effective methods used to geological prospecting, three dimensional modeling of ground-borehole transient electromagnetic method can offer help for data processing and interpretation. Based on time domain finite difference algorithm, ground-borehole transient electromagnetic response was simulated under three dimensional geological and overburden model. Ground-borehole transient response characteristics of conductive body and overburden, and influenced factors of overburden were analyzed by using the parameter EA. The results indicate that, ground-borehole transient response curves appear two high and one low extreme value when the conductive body locating below transmitter loop. The two high values occur at the depths of upper and down boundary of the body, while the low value occurs at depth of the center of the body. The curves show one single extreme value when the body locating beside loop, which is similar to overburden. Transient field value of overburden is higher than that of conductive body when the body has a lower resistivity because of skin effect. However, the value of overburden is comparatively lower making its influence can be ignored when the distance between transmitter loop and borehole is far enough. Conductor response is related to the ratio of overburden and body. Overburden effect can be effectively reduced.

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Vector Finite Element Method
Yan Jiabin, Huang Xiangyu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1538-1549.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605302
Abstract ( 669 )   PDF (2134KB) ( 475 )  

Based on the vector basis function,the generalized variational principle was adopted to deduce the discrete equations of magnetotelluric field.In order to increase the accuracy and efficiency of calculation, the direct method is used to impose boundary conditions, improving condition number of generalco efficient matrix. At the same time, the complex, symmetric,large sparselinear systems was solved by symmetric successive over relaxation preconditioned BICGSTAB method. The international standard model had been calculated,and the contrast with the results in related references had validated the accuracy of the algorithm. The forward modeling on a typical low resistivity model had been carried out, the response of apparent resistivity and phase had been got, and the results of 3D model and 2D model were compared.The results showed that in x direction, the change range of ρyx is less than that of ρxy. The response of both ρyx and ρxy for 3D model in thecentral survey line is similar to the 2D TM mode.

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Influence Factors and Strategy of Inversion for Density of Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion with Variable Density
Zhang Guangzhi, Sun Changlu, Pan Xinpeng, Zhang Zhiming, Jiang Lanjie, Yin Xingyao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1550-1560.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605303
Abstract ( 580 )   PDF (5217KB) ( 500 )  

The density can be used to predict saturation of reservoir fluid, obtaining the reliable density parameters has become an important consideration for full waveform inversion. In order to get more stable result of density, this paper studied the effecting factors for density from four aspects: frequency, the initial model of velocity and density and simultaneous inversion with density and velocity. According to the research results,this paper had get relatively stable inversion strategy: velocity is inversed with fixed density and then the wave equation is got without density, thus the accurate velocity model can be obtained. When the inversed velocity is treated as initial velocity model, the velocity and density can be simultaneously inversed which might reduced the effect of velocity on density better. The tests of theoretical model had shown the validity of this strategy.

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Channel Sand-Bodies of Putaohua Oil-Layer Seismic Description in Daqingzijing Area
Lian Xiaoliang, Guo Bo, Yan Qiaojie, Jiang Zhongcheng, Zhang Changsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1561-1570.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605304
Abstract ( 535 )   PDF (7422KB) ( 509 )  

Putaohua oil-layer out of Member 1st of Yaojia Formation in Daqingzijing area is constituted by delta-front and delta-plain sediments. The thin thickness reservoir sand and their rapidly lateral variation result in an insignificant seismic response; thereby it is difficult to do the reservoir prediction. In this paper, based on the well point and the integration technology of well and seismic data, the distribution of the channel sand bodies are identified by using the method of strata slice. By taking the advantage of seismic texture contrast and geostatistical inversion technique based on cloud transform in the delta front belts,the channel sand bodies, longitudinal wave impedance IP≤1.11×107 kg/(m2·s), and deep lateral resistivity RLLD≥15 Ω·m are finely described. Through a quantitative description of the boundary, strike and thickness in those target channel sand bodies that are narrow and small, the authors found that the coincidence rate attains to 83%. According to the results of reservoir prediction, the sand thickness figure in the study area is compiled. The overall strike of channel sand bodies in this area is southwest to northeast. And the provenance is from southwest. The oil and gas are mainly concentrated in the channel sand body of the central fault zone; the reservoir is a fault-lithological reservoir. The antithetic fault terrace zone is favorable for accumulation of oil and gas.

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Application of High-Precision Frequency Division Coherency Enhancement Technique in Micro-Fault Identification
Feng Zhihui, Zhang Wenchun, Li Xiangqun, Sun Guangli, Liu Cai
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1571-1579.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605305
Abstract ( 561 )   PDF (3713KB) ( 416 )  

With the deepening of unconventional petroleum resource exploration, such as tight oil, shale gas and so on, especially the large-scale horizontal well deployment, the accurate identification of micro-faults is more important than before. According to the characteristics that diffusion filtering technique can enhance seismic events lateral continuity and suppress noise at the same time, make the offset point more clear, and the feature of micro-fault is very obvious in narrow-frequency seismic data, the authors proposed a frequency division coherence method to identify micro-faults. The spectral decomposition technology based on matching pursuit is more suitable for the characteristic of a non-stationary seismic signal than the conventional short-time window Fourier transform spectral decomposition technique. This paper proceeds the corresponding improvement to make it more efficient and more accurate: adopting adjustable parameter Morlet wavelet to establish time-frequency atom dictionaries, using second-order differential complex trace analysis method to get three instantaneous parameters with high resolution, and giving the concrete implementation steps. The application of actual data shows that the frequency division coherence technique is clearer and more accurate for the identification of micro-faults comparing with the traditional coherence technique, and even more preferable for the geological information such as a river channel boundary and a lithology development zone. It provides more geological information for unconventional petroleum resources exploration (for horizontal well drilling and the large scale fracturing) and will play an important role in the development of the remaining oil with high containing water.

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Numerical Simulation of Structural Strain for Turbidite Sands Reservoirs of Low Permeability
Zhu Chuanhua, Wang Weifeng, Wang Qingzhen, Li Yukun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1580-1588.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605306
Abstract ( 622 )   PDF (2960KB) ( 500 )  

The Boxing depression where Palaeogene low-permeability sandstone reservoirs (LPSR) are widely distributed is an important oil-bearing depression in Bohai bay basin. Influenced by multi-stage tectonic inversions and reservoir hererogeneities, the stress field of these reservoirs is so complex that hydraulic fracturing according to results obtained in the simulation method for homogeneity reservoirs is of no avail. In this paper, to improve the accuracy of stress field simulation of heterogeneous reservoirs, the simulation method was mainly modified in three aspects: structure model, rock mechanics parameters (RMP) and boundary constrains. ① The structure and interval velocity models with PETREL was built. The interval velocity model built in the way of facies-controlled modeling can include all the heterogeneity features of the LPSR, such as, facies, lithology, physical properties and so on. ② The reverse engineering of cloud data was used to transfer the PETREL structure model into the ANSYS mechanical model. ③ The relation of the interval velocity and RMP in the study area were calculated, and the PETREL interval velocity model was translated into the RMP model. So, the RMP in every element of the ANSYS mechanical model was got. ④ Boundary constrains were inverted by the stress of fractured wells which were evenly distributed in the study area. After the result was carried out, we examined it with the stress of reserved fractured wells and found it was reliable.

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Application of Hyperion Hyperspectral Image for Studying on the Distribution of Oil Sands
You Jinfeng, Xing Lixin, Pan Jun, Shan Xuanlong, Fan Ruixue, Cao Hui
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2016, 46 (5):  1589-1597.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.201605307
Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (1951KB) ( 585 )  

The research was mainly based on the principles of hydrocarbon microseepage and spectral response of oil sands composition characteristics. The spectral information related to oil sands distribution was extracted and identified from the hyperspectral image to predict the favorable reservoir for oil sands. Based on the analysis of ground characteristics of hydrocarbon microseepage caused by oil sands, the anomalous feature from low plantation coverage was primarily in mineralization anomaly, the main identification features of medium and high vegetation covering areas were vegetation anomalies. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used to represent the different vegetation coverage degree. When NDVI is [0.0,0.4), SAM (spectral angle method) was used to extract mineralization anomaly information. When NDVI are [0.4,0.7] and (0.7,1.0], the vegetation anomaly information were taken by using LIC(lichenthaler index) and CTR(carter indices)respectively. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the extraction of mineralization and vegetation abnormal information caused by the leakage of hydrocarbons from oil sands, the spectral reflectance of oil sands was encouraged to be the endmember to get oil sands spatial information by using SAM. Finally, spatial superimposed analysis was applied to integrate oil sands composition spatial information with mineralization and vegetation exception information for delineating the prospective areas of oil sands distribution. The results showed that a combination of field measurement hyperspectral data and hyperspectral image could predict the distribution of oil sands reservoir. So hyperspectral image plays an important role in prediction of the oil sands bearing reservoir prospective areas, it could also provide some useful information for researching into recoverable reserves evaluation of oil sands by using remote sensing technology.

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