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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 May 2019, Volume 49 Issue 3
Sedimentary Characteristics of Carbonate Shoals of Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong and Shuntuoguole Area, Tarim Basin
Yan Wei, Zhang Guangxue, Fan Tailiang, Xia Bin, Gao Zhiqian, Zhang Li, Yang Zhen, Qiang Kunsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  621-636.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170307
Abstract ( 807 )   PDF (15992KB) ( 297 )  
The Ordovician carbonate shoals in Tazhong and Shuntuoguole area have good prospects for hydrocarbon resources. The definition and classification of carbonate shoals are clarified in this paper. Based on the analysis of thin sections, the carbonate shoals of Lianglitage Formation could be classified into three types:intra-clastic shoal, oolitic shoal and bioclastic shoal, containing mainly intra-clast, bio-clast, and ooid. Most of the carbonate shoals are bright crystal cement, reflecting a high-energy hydrodynamic environment. Different grains are often associated with each other because of migration. The compound ooid developed in low energy environment and the algae grain from middle-high energy environment are also identified. Algae grains are developed usually together with intra-clast and bio-clast, although not abundant, and formed in a middle-high energy tidal flat environment and gentle slope of carbonate platform. The cementation type, separation and grinding are affected by the energy of sedimentary environment and hydrodynamic conditions. Through the comparison analysis of connecting wells, Lianglitage Formation could be subdivided into three third-order sequences. The stacking pattern of carbonate shoals in transgressive system tract is thin-layer cake retrograde deposit, while in high system tract that is thick-layer cake deposit. At last, the sedimentary model of carbonate shoals in this area is built through combining their distribution characteristics.
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Influencing Factors and Quantitative Assessment of Pore Structure in Low Permeability Reservoir: A Case Study of 2nd Member of Permian Upper Urho Formation in Jinlong 2 Area, Junggar Basin
Shan Xiang, Guo Huajun, Guo Xuguang, Zou Zhiwen, Li Yazhe, Wang Libao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  637-649.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170330
Abstract ( 725 )   PDF (29358KB) ( 264 )  
The pore microstructure characteristics and their influencing factors of the 2nd member of Permian Upper Urho Formation (P3w2) in Jinlong 2 area were analyzed by using thin sections, SEM, porosity, permeability, and mercury injection curve data. The results show that:1)P3w2 is characterized by low porosity and low permeability. Based on mercury injection curves, the pore microstructure can be divided into three categories. 2)Diagenesis controls P3w2 pore microstructure. Quantitative assessments show that the average apparent compaction rate, average apparent cementation rate, average apparent dissolution rate, and average apparent micropore rate are 53.54%, 47.53%, 13.84%,and 60.67% respectively. P3w2 is characterized by moderate compaction, moderate to strong cementation, weak dissolution and well developed micropores. Thus compaction, cementation, micropores are the main factors controlling the P3w2 pore microstructure. 3)The comprehensive diagenetic coefficient was chosen to quantitatively assess the multiple diagenetic strength, and revealed good statistical correlation with displacement pressure, sorting coefficient,and RQI. The comprehensive diagenetic coefficient value of the reservoir typesⅠ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ are more than 8%, 2%-8%, less than 2%,respectively. It can be concluded that the comprehensive diagenetic coefficient can be taken as the quantitative characterization parameter for evaluating reservoir pore microstructure.
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Sedimentary Characteristics and Genesis of Middle Jurassic Conglomerates of Haifanggou Formation in Beipiao Basin, Western Liaoning
Zhao Jiaqi, Gao Youfeng, Liu Haibo, Wang Qingbin, Zhang Yan, Wang Pujun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  650-661.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180071
Abstract ( 1002 )   PDF (38441KB) ( 377 )  
The sedimentary characteristics and genesis of the Middle Jurassic conglomerates in Haifanggou Formation were determined by measuring the 2 705 m long two sections,identifying 40 micro-sections,and analyzing 419 gravel statistical particle size in Beipiao basin in western Liaoning. The main lithology of Haifanggou Formation in the northwest Liaoning is a set of compound conglomerate which is an alluvial fan facies including two series of intermediate-acid volcanic rocks,namely the lower effusive facies,air-fall and pyro-clastic flow deposit of explosive facies. The source of Haifanggou Formation is from the SSW area,where the Archaean metamorphic rock, crystalline basement and the volcanic rocks of Xinglonggou Formation in the Lower Jurassic were generally rapidly uplift and denuded. Based on the study of the tectonic setting of the area, the boundary between Beipiao Formation and Haifanggou Formation and the sedimentary characteristics of Haifanggou Formation, the multicomponent conglomerate is an important product of the tectonic movement of compression and extension in the second phase of Yanshanian movement, and the two series of intermediate-acid volcanic rocks are the important indicators of volcanic eruption.
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Estimation of Thermal Storage Temperature of Geothermal System in Changbai Mountain by Geothermometers
Shan Xuanlong, Cai Zhuang, Hao Guoli, Zou Xintong, Zhao Rongsheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  662-672.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180067
Abstract ( 734 )   PDF (8079KB) ( 405 )  
The research of geothermal system in Changbai Mountain is still in its infancy. Thermal storage temperature is still a controversial issue. In order to further clarify its high-temperature geothermal mechanism, we measured the ion and gas components of 4 hot springs and 2 geothermal wells in this area. We used geothermometers to estimate thermal storage temperature. Na-K-Mg ternary plot and IS values of some minerals indicate that the water-rock equilibrium of hot water and surrounding rocks in Changbai Mountain area has not been reached,and the dilution is serious; only quartz, chalcedony and some other minerals containing Ca2+ are saturated and precipitated. According to this study and predecessors', the existence of high temperature fumarole, high ρ(Cl-) water and high ρ (SO42-) water in the study area conforms to the geothermal surface display combination proposed by White's vapor-liquid separation model. Therefore, it is considered that vapor-liquid separation (boiling) of the fluids in the bottom of Changbai Mountain occurred, and the geothermal system is a Two-Phase geothermal system,limiting the application of hydro-chemical geothermometer and some gas geothermometers in the estimation of reservoir temperature in the study area. Based on the characteristics of gas components in the study area, the CO2/H2 geothermometer was selected as a reliable geothermometer, and estimated the temperature of the reservoir of 234.5-284.7℃. Based on the geological characteristics and geothermal fluid characteristics of Tianchi area in Changbai Mountain, a geothermal genesis model of Changbai Mountain is established.
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Petrogenesis and Forming Environment of Mesozoic Porphyritic Granite in Songjianghe Region of Dunhua,Jilin Province: Evidences from Element Geochemistry,Hf Isotope and U-Pb
Lu Qian, Sun Jinggui, An Jiuhai, Han Jilong, Chu Xiaolei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  673-689.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180271
Abstract ( 832 )   PDF (30049KB) ( 322 )  
As an important part of continental crust, granite is one of the main objects to reveal the dynamic process of crustal evolution. The research of geology,geochronology and geochemistry was carried out on the porphyritic granite in Songjianghe granite to reveal the Mesozoic geological evolution of Jiapigou-Haigou structural belt. The Songjianghe porphyritic granite is pink,and mylonitization and mylonite foliation structure are widely developed. Zircon U-Pb apparent ages range from 217 Ma to 169 Ma with a weighted mean age of (169.6±1.8)Ma (n=9,MSWD=1.3). The major element data show that the porphyritic granite is characterized by high SiO2(71.18%-71.99%),alkali (8.54%-8.93%),low MgO (0.42%-0.52%), CaO (0.93%-1.38%),A/NK greater than 1.0,and A/CNK less than 1.1. The trace element data reveal that the porphyritic granite is characterized by depletion of Rb and Zr,enrichment of Sr and Ba,and high Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N. The REEs are characterized by enrichment of LREE, loss of HREE, and weak negative Eu anomalies. Hf isotope data show that 176Yb/177Hf ranges from 0.010 517 to 0.050 159,176Lu/177Hf ranges from 0.000 476 to 0.001 784,176Hf/177Hf ranges from 0.282 310 to 0.282 457,and the εHf(t) value of zircon ranges from -12.7 to -7.5,and the two-stage Hf model ages range from 2 792 to 2 325 Ma. The above features indicate that the Songjianghe porphyritic granites belong to the medium differentiated Ⅰ-type granite,and its geodynamic background is related to the transition from syn-collision to extension. The primary magma was derived from a re-melting and emplacement of late Neoarchean crust in the early Middle Jurassic. The magmatism was associated with the continental crust activation caused by the subduction of the Paleo Pacific plate to the Eurasian plate in the Early Jurassic. The porphyritic granite was generated by medium differentiated magmatic crystallization during the magma rising in the Middle Jurassic crustal extension, and followed by the transformation of the Late Jurassic ductile-brittle tectonic action.
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Geochronology, Geochemistry and Tectonic Implications of Early Silurian Intermediate-Acid Intrusive Rocks in East of Jueluotage Belt, Eastern Tianshan
Yu Jielu, Yu Jiejiang, Yang Wanzhi, Zhang Yuanhou, Guo Xiuwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  690-708.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180240
Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (10851KB) ( 308 )  
In order to ascertain the formation age, source and tectonic properties of the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the Yuhai area of the eastern Jueluotage belt in the eastern Tianshan, this paper systematically presents LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology, whole rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopes data of the rocks in this area. The selected zircons of two samples show obvious oscillation zoning in cathodoluminescence (CL) images, and have Th/U value of 0.28-0.59, indicating a magmatic origin. The zircon U-Pb dates indicate that they formed in the Early Silurian of (433.2-431.2) Ma, representing the emplacement age of these host rocks. These samples have w(SiO2)=57.88%-69.01%,w(Na2O)=3.46%-5.07%,w(K2O)=0.50%-1.65%,Na2O/K2O=4.26-6.79,Mg#=45.1-52.3,and A/CNK=0.89-1.00; the rare earth element distribution patterns are right-slipped, LREE/HREE=5.55-11.47,(La/Yb)N=4.18-13.54,and δEu=0.82-1.25;the trace element spider diagrams show that they are enriched in LILE (Ba, U, K and Sr), moderately depleted of HFSE (Th, Ti, Nb and Ta); the value of εNd(t) of the whole rock is between 6.1 and 7.0. The study shows that the magma source of the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the Early Silurian is mainly young crustal material. Combining with the characteristics of igneous rock association, magmatism and regional tectonic evolution history, it is considered that the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks of the Early Silurian were formed in the active continental margin environment under the northward subduction of the Kanggur Ocean plate (Turpan-Hami block). Thus, the time of the Kanggur plate subduction can be traced back to the Early Silurian.
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Chronology and Geochemistry of Neoarchean Metamorphic Intrusive Rocks in Hongshanzi, Inner Mongolia
Wang Chunguang, Dong Xiaojie, Xu Zhongyuan, Ren Yunwei, Wang Wenlong, Chen Yusong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  709-726.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180266
Abstract ( 781 )   PDF (22147KB) ( 198 )  
A set of complicated granites are exposed in the Yinshan granite-greenstone belt of the western block of North China craton. The research on the types, genesis and relationship with greenstone belt is of great significance to discuss the formation and evolution of the granite-greenstone belt. The authors studied the granite greenstone belt in the red mountain area in the west side of the Sanheming iron deposit in Inner Mongolia. The greenstone belts contain not only a large amount of epi-crust rocks such as metamorphic Komatite, Komatite basalt, and tholeiite, but also a variety of metamorphic intrusive rocks. The study shows that there are mainly three types of intrusive rocks related to the greenstone belt in this area, namely metamorphic quartz diorite, metamorphic granite diorite, and metamorphic granite. The geochemistry and zircon dating of metamorphic quartz diorite and metamorphic granite were obtained in this study. Metamorphic quartz diorite is Archean high-alumina TTG rocks, with higher aluminum and potassium, lower magnesium, and strong differentiation of REEs. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age is 2534±7 Ma (MSWD=1.3), which is cotemporary with Sanukite and TTG in the southern part of the study area. The metamorphic granites belong chemically to a calcalkaline per-aluminous series, rich in silica and alkali, and low in iron, magnesium, titanium and manganese. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age is 2509±7 Ma (MSWD=1.5). The field geological phenomena show that metamorphic granite obviously intruded into greenstone strata and metamorphic quartz diorite. The study found that the metamorphic quartz-dolomite diorite was formed in TTG magmatic arc tectonic environment during plate subduction; while metamorphic granite genesis may be related to the melting of thick crust metasedimentary rocks.
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Systematic Mineralogy Data Characteristics and Database Construction
Dong Jinkun, Yang Mei, Wu Zhiyuan, Qin Shan, Wang Yuwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  727-736.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180064
Abstract ( 553 )   PDF (1893KB) ( 678 )  
In the era of big data and information sharing, it is urgent to build a database of mineralogy systems to provide support for scientific and technological innovation, talent training in geosciences and related fields, and to provide sharing services for the public. Based on the systematic mineralogy theory and practical experiences in the construction of national database, the authors put forward mineral level, classification and coding of mineral species, as well as the methods and specifications for the establishment of basic data items such as mineral names, chemical components, crystal forms, crystal structures, physical properties, chemical properties, and the origin and occurrence. The authors designed the overall technical architecture and the data dictionary, data types, and function modules used to build the database, introduced the software and hardware environment for the publication of the systemic mineralogy database, and practiced on the National Science & Technology Infrastructure. Moreover, the authors discussed the application of mineralogical data mining and wiki concepts and technologies in the construction of a big mineralogical database.
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Characteristics of Superposed Folds of Pyongnam Basin in Korean Peninsula
Kim Byongsong, Liu Yongjiang, Byon Changnam, Pak Myonghwa
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  737-745.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180023
Abstract ( 739 )   PDF (8445KB) ( 386 )  
The inverted folds developed in the sedimentary cap rocks in the Pyongnam basin are generally considered to be subordinate folds of upright folds. According to the detailed investigation and the geological and drilling data obtained in the process of coal development, we think that the main recognition marks of the superposed folds in the basin are as follows:The intersection of two different ridge lines of fold on the geological plane map; The axial surface of inverted folds reformed by upright folds; The inverted folds that developed in the two limbs of upright folds and showed the nature of two groups of traction folds. There are three stages of folds identified in the Pyongnam basin:the first stage is the E-W trending inverted folds formed in Indosinian stage; the second stage is the E-W trending upright folds formed in Early Yanshanian stage; and the third stage is the NNE trending upright folds formed in Late Yanshanian stage.
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Prediction of Consolidation Coefficient Based on Neighborhood Rough Set and Support Vector Machine
Yin Chao, Zhou Aihong, Yuan Ying, Wang Shuaiwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  746-754.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170238
Abstract ( 625 )   PDF (3684KB) ( 276 )  
The prediction model of soft soil consolidation coefficient in Hutuo River was established by neighborhood rough set (NRS) and support vector machine(SVM). Based on the modified osmotic oedometer, the consolidation coefficient was determined under different pressures. The soil indices were determined by laboratory tests,and the attributes were reduced by NRS method. Subsequently, by taking the reduced indices as the influencing factors; the prediction model of consolidation coefficient by SVM and back propagation neural network (BPNN) was used to predict the consolidation coefficient of unknown samples,and the results were compared with the measured values. The results show that:the consolidation coefficient can be determined by formula method. The consolidation coefficient prediction model established by SVM and BPNN can be applied to predict the consolidation coefficients, and the prediction accuracy of SVM is about 10% higher than that of BPNN. The results are validated by the standard solution. In summary, the method presented is based on experimental data, the prediction model of consolidation coefficient is established through easily accessible factors, and can predict the consolidation coefficient of other unknown points in this area.
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Experiment on Effect of Different Stress Conditions on Rock Strength Under Ultrasonic Vibration
Yin Songyu, Zhao Dajun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  755-761.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180192
Abstract ( 672 )   PDF (2599KB) ( 423 )  
Vibration contributes to crushing of rocks. Research on the mechanism of vibrating rock is usually carried out in the low frequency range. In order to fill in the gap of the mechanism of rock crushing by vibration of ultra-high frequency section, an experimental study on the effect of ultrasonic vibration on rock strength under different stress conditions was conducted based on static and dynamic loading models, under the condition that the ultrasonic vibration frequency was 20 kHz, and the preloading range was 100-500 N. It is demonstrated that the rock strength remained unchanged basically when the preloading was less than 200 N. The reason is that the internal stress state of rock did not meet the strength criterion. When the preloading was more than 200 N, the rock strength increased with vibration duration, and there is an optimal preloading value (400 N) to minimize the rock strength. The efficiency of ultrasonic vibration rock crushing can be improved by narrowing the difference between the vibration frequency and the natural frequency of the rock.
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Research on River Recharge Based on Environmental Isotope Technology: A Case Study of Huangjia Riverside Well Field in Shenyang City
Su Xiaosi, Gao Ruimin, Yuan Wenzhen, Lu Shuai, Su Dong, Zhang Lihua, Meng Xiangfei, Zuo Ende
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  762-772.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170322
Abstract ( 696 )   PDF (7507KB) ( 303 )  
River recharge is a main source of riverside well field, and determining the recharge intensity of groundwater is of great significance for a long-term and safe exploitation of riverside well field. By taking the Huangjia riverside well field as an example,the authors analyzed the hydro-chemical components and the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope characteristics of river and groundwater by using hydro-chemical technology and environmental isotope technology,and determined the recharge of groundwater and spatial and temporal variation of recharge intensity. The results show that the main recharges of groundwater are river recharge and regional lateral flow recharge. There are two main types of flow path from river to production wells, i.e. shallow flow path and deep flow path. The deep groundwater has a close hydraulic relationship with the river. The recharge from river to groundwater varies significantly in time and space. In terms of temporal variation, the intensity of river water in rainy season is larger than that in dry season; while in spatial variation, the effect of river infiltration declines with the increase of the distance from river bank to pumping wells.
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Temperature Tracing Method for Groundwater Flux Under Surface Warming
Dong Linyao, Ren Hongyu, Lei Junshan, Liu Jigen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  773-783.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170304
Abstract ( 455 )   PDF (5951KB) ( 271 )  
In order to construct the technical system of groundwater velocity calculation using heat Abstract:A least square solver was presented for groundwater flux estimation in one-dimensional conduction advection equation solved numerically with MacCormack scheme. This approach was utilized to estimate the groundwater fluxes of the observed borehole under the effect of ground surface temperature (GST) in both rural and urban areas in Leizhou Peninsula, China. The estimated average groundwater recharge rate is 0.796 m/a, while the average discharge rate is 0.269 m/a. The groundwater recharges occur in the north part of the study area; while the discharges occur near Nansan, Donghai and Luzhou Islands, which fit favorably with the local groundwater flow pattern. Relatively high correlations and low RMSE were detected between the observed and computed borehole temperature-depth profiles, indicating that the estimation is reasonable. The sensitivity analysis of surface temperature and thermal diffusivity of geological bodies and GST indicates that the evaluation of subsurface heat island effects is very important for improving the precision of groundwater flux estimation by using borehole temperatures.
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Study on Exploitable Groundwater Resources of Yangzhuang Basin in Shandong Province by Using Simulation-Optimization Model
Fu Xiaogang, Tang Zhonghua, Liu Bintao, Lin Linlin, Bu Hua, Yan Baizhong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  784-796.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180083
Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (11288KB) ( 297 )  
To quantify and optimize the maximum exploitation potential of groundwater, based on the analysis of the distribution characteristics, exploitation and existing problems of groundwater resources in Yangzhuang basin, on account of regional economic development and sustainable utility of water resources, through sorting and analyzing geological and hydrogeological materials, a conceptual model of groundwater flow system in the whole basin is established coupled with universal optimization software Ground-water Management Process (GWM) and assisted by the simulation software of Visual Modflow. Based on the target of maximum exploitation quantity and the constraint conditions that the groundwater level should not be lower than the controlled groundwater level, the evaluation shows that the maximum exploitation volume of the basin is 57,300,000 m3/a. Accordingly, the optimal exploitation quantities of Songtun, Houshiwan, Nanzhuang, Weizhuang, Xishilou, Xupo, Longshantou, Yangzhuang, Dongyu, Duanzhuang and Wanghang are 0.18×104, 1.40×104, 2.56×104, 1.86×104,3.80×104, 1.70×104, 0.40×104, 0.40×104, 0.50×104, 1.40×104 and 1.5×104 m3/d, respectively.
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Parametric Analysis of Different Injection and Production Well Pattern in Enhanced Geothermal System
Fan Dongyan, Sun Hai, Yao Jun, Li Huafeng, Yan Xia, Zhang Kai, Zhang Lin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  797-806.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170309
Abstract ( 573 )   PDF (8311KB) ( 270 )  
According to the process of heat extraction of fracture system in enhanced geothermal system (EGS) dry-hot-rock reservoir, a thermal-hydraulic coupling analytical model was established based on the discrete fracture network model. The Laplace transform was used to obtain the analytical solutions. The influence of the parameters of injection and production of five spot pattern was analyzed for the temperature and heat extraction at outlet. The results show that the temperature drop at outlet and the time of thermal breakthrough are different under different fracture network and well types. Under the same fracture network, the larger the fracture spacing is, the later the thermal breakthrough time is. When the fracture spacing is 50.0, 100.0 and 150.0 m, the thermal breakthrough time is 2.0 a, 5.2 a and 15.0 a, respectively. The smaller the injection rate is, the slower the temperature decreases. When the injection rate is 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 kg/s, in production of 20.0 a, the temperature decreases by 53.0, 34.5, and 26.8℃, respectively; Orthogonal experimental analysis shows that well spacing has the greatest influence on injection-production parameters with a range of 13.15, followed by injection rate and injection temperature, while well type has smallest influence.
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Combined Effects of Solution and Temperature on Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners
He Jun, Wang Xiaoqi, Yan Xing, Wan Juan, Zhu Zhizheng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  807-816.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20170279
Abstract ( 670 )   PDF (8265KB) ( 305 )  
The hydraulic tests were conducted on the geo-synthetic clay liners (GCLs) containing granular or powdery Na-bentonite under various temperatures and solutions by using GDS geoenvironmental permeameter. After hydration with 0.05 mol/L CaCl2 solution, the hydraulic conductivity of GCLs sample showed an upward trend with the increase of temperature. Taking deionized water as hydration solution, the hydraulic conductivity of granular bentonite GCLs decreased with the increase of temperature, while the hydraulic conductivity of powdery bentonite GCLs increased with the increase of temperature. The content of adsorbed water of bentonite decreased in deionized water with the increase of temperature, and the absorbed water was much lower in CaCl2 solution. In a given CaCl2 solution, the swelling index of bentonite increased slightly with temperature. When the temperature was constant, the swelling index decreased significantly with the increase of CaCl2 concentration. In the case of deionized water, the variation of hydraulic conductivity with temperature is mainly affected by the amount of montmorillonite gel, followed by fluid viscosity coefficient and the absorbed water content. The more heterogeneous pore structure of granular bentonite with deionized water is, the more significant the amount of gel montmorillonite is,resulting in the decrease of hydraulic conductivity and intrinsic permeability with the increase of temperature. In the case of CaCl2 solution, the variation of hydraulic conductivity with temperature is mainly affected by fluid viscosity and the amount of adsorbed water, while the effect of montmorillonite gel is weak. In conclusion, solution, temperature and bentonite form all have important influences on the hydraulic conductivity of GCLs.
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Geochemical Assessment of Land Quality Based on Comprehensive Grading Method: A Case Study of Wulajie Town in Jilin Province
Shan Chengheng, Wang Zheng, Shi Changhao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  817-829.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180069
Abstract ( 668 )   PDF (10583KB) ( 321 )  
Using patches + grid pattern and "S" sampling method, a total of 677 samples were collected from surface soil, irrigation water, atmospheric dry-wet deposition, and crops and root soil. By comprehensive grading method, the authors carried out a land quality geochemical evaluation in Wulajie Town of Jilin Province. The evaluation area is 153 km2. Based on the comprehensive geochemical grade, the first grade land accounts for 49.32% of the total area, the second grade land for 21.94%, and the third grade land for 28.38%.The contents of heavy metals of Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, and Pb in the corn in the evaluation area were <0.87,0.91-2.60,15-27,<0.050,0.003-0.018,<0.010,and <0.050 mg/kg,respectively, which were in accordance with the national standards. The variation of soil pH value was 4.43-8.09 with an average of 5.48, and soil acidification was serious. The acidic soil accounts for 78% of the total area, the strong acidic soil accounts for 15%. The comprehensive land quality of this area is at a good level and suitable for planting crops. However, acidification and boron deficiency (0.35 mg/kg) is at 4th level (0.2-0.5 mg/kg), and effective control measures should be taken.
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Normalized Total Gradient Method Based on Hartley Transform
Zhang Yachen, Liu Cai, Chen Guangyu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  830-836.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180274
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (7036KB) ( 359 )  
The normalized total gradient method is a normalized calculation of the gravity total gradient mode in the lower half space, and its extreme value is used to obtain the distribution of geological bodies. The existing calculation methods have the disadvantages of low calculation accuracy and unstable results. In this study, the Hartley transform is used to realize the normalized total gradient of gravity, and a new cosine filter factor is introduced to suppress high frequency interference. In addition, the power of the cosine filter factor is designed to overcome the serious interference of deeper calculation depth,which is a function of the depth,and leads to more stable calculation results. The model test and actual data in Linglong Goldfield show that the proposed gravity normalized total gradient method has the advantages of fast calculation, high precision and strong stability, and has a good practical application value.
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Rapid Detection of Urban Underground Cavity Based on Vehicle Gravity Measurement Platform
Wang Xinyue, Liu Jie, Sun Pengyong, Chen Ke, Li Jun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  837-844.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180201
Abstract ( 610 )   PDF (3175KB) ( 338 )  
Gravity and its related measurement technology are widely used in underground cavity detection. The widely used static gravity survey has many problems such as difficulty in work and low efficiency when used for urban gravity detection. Although the dynamic gravity measurement based on mobile platform is widely applied in the field of sea and space, it is seldom used in underground cavity detection. In view of the shortages of the static gravity measurement method, a rapid detection method of urban underground cavity based on vehicle borne gravity measurement platform is proposed. In this study, a vehicle mobile gravity measurement platform was built by using domestic high precision strap-down gravimeter SAG, which was tested near Changchun Satellite Square. First of all, the measurement data were corrected to void the building interference; and then, the gravity anomaly data were measured with ratio DEXP (depth from extrme points); and finally, the tilt gradient method was used to identify the site boundary. The location of underground light rail station was determined, by which the feasibility and effectiveness of vehicle mounted platform gravity measurement in urban underground cavity detection are verified.
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Edge Enhancement Method Based on Mathematical Morphology for Potential Field Data
Zhang Jianmin, Hu Yingsa, Zeng Zhaofa, Du Wei, Zhang Ling, Huai Nan, Hu Zhipeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  845-856.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180202
Abstract ( 466 )   PDF (7640KB) ( 288 )  
The edge enhancement of potential field data is of great significance for geological structure research and mineral exploration. Most of the existing edge enhancement methods are formed based on the derivatives of potential field data, however, these methods show a poor anti-noise ability,and often result in some false edges. Using the good performance of mathematical morphology on shape analysis and noise suppression, a new edge enhancement method for potential field data is proposed. The method is easy to carry out, and does not need to calculate the horizontal and vertical derivatives of the potential field data. The test results of plate model show that this method can effectively enhance the edges of gravity data and magnetic data after polarization. Compared with several traditional methods, this one can produce clearer edges without additional edges, and has stronger anti-noise ability. Finally, this method and several traditional methods are applied to the actual gravity anomaly data in Vientiane,Laos, and the results show that the edges depicted by this method are more continuous and clearer. At the same time, the favorable metallogenic location is inferred combined with the previous geological data.
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Fast Processing Method of Aeromagnetic Compensation Based on Fluxgate Estimation
Zhao Xiao, Zheng Xiaocheng, Jiao Jian, Yu Ping, Dong Xiangxin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  857-864.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20190010
Abstract ( 771 )   PDF (5392KB) ( 437 )  
In aeromagnetic compensation flight, the magnetic field generated by aircraft attitude change seriously affects the accuracy of aeromagnetic data. In order to compensate the magnetic interference generated by aircraft, a compensation model is established based on Tolles-Lawson equation, the key of which is to calculate the value of direction cosine. Leach's directional cosine method based on three-axis fluxgate is used to build the aeromagnetic compensation system. According to the rotation relationship between the local horizontal coordinate system and the aircraft coordinate system, the theoretical model of airborne three-axis fluxgate data is established to solve the direction cosine. The method is applied to the aeromagnetic compensation data of a test site in Yunnan, and the standard deviation is selected as an indicator for evaluating the compensation effect. The compensation quality satisfies the industry standards, which verifies the effectiveness of the aeromagnetic compensation method based on fluxgate estimation.
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Frequency Non-Stationary Characteristics of Longmenshan Fault Rupture
Li Qicheng, Guo Lei, He Shugeng, Qi Qingjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  865-871.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180087
Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (14608KB) ( 225 )  
In order to study the frequency non-stationary characteristics in seismic process, the frequency spectra were analyzed for the two major earthquakes occurred in Longmenshan fault in recent years. The near fault seismic records of Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes show that compared to Lushan earthquake, Wenchuan earthquake has large strike-slip components. Most stations located in front of fault slip of Wenchuan earthquake received higher frequency components, while stations located behind fault slip received lower frequency components. Although Lushan seismic fault has the smaller strike-slip component than that of Wenchuan earthquake, the conclusions that are the same as Wenchuan earthquake can still be drawn. The difference is that although the dip-slip component of Lushan earthquake is large than that of Wenchuan earthquake, the amplitude of the three-direction components recorded in the same station match each other in magnitude. We transformed the three-component records of Lushan earthquake into the directon of strike-slip and upward direction along the fault plane, it is proved that the high-frequency components in the upward direction along the fault plane are more abundant. Higher seismic wave frequency is received in front of the fault slip and lower frequency is received behind the fault slip, which is the result of Doppler effect. Due to the objective existence of Doppler effect, its influence on frequency non-stationary characteristics is as universal as source, propagation path and site effect. Therefore, the seismic wave frequency received in engineering site depends not only on the source, propagation path, site effect, but also on the fault sliding velocity (Doppler effect).
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Quantitative Identification of Volcanic Lithology Based on Comprehensive Principal Component Analysis and Bayes Discriminant Method: A Case Study of Mesozoic in Bohai Bay
Ye Tao, Wei Ajuan, Huang Zhi, Zhao Zhiping, Xiao Shuguang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  872-879.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180004
Abstract ( 692 )   PDF (4148KB) ( 428 )  
Because of the complexity of the lithologic characteristics and structures, the Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Bohai Bay area is difficult to identify. Based on the abundant data of cores, lateral cores and rock sections, and rock-electricity relationship, five logging curves of GR,CNL,DEN,AC, and Rd were selected. Using the principal component analysis, five comprehensive variables including F1-F5 were constructed. F1 and F2 were used to replace the original five variables efficiently, as their proportion account for 81.4%. According to the principal component information, combining with the Bayes discriminant method, the model for quantitative interpretation of different lithology was established, and nine types of volcanic rocks in the study area were identified. A back evaluation of the core data was carried out. The results show that this method can identify the rock composition and the rock structure better than cross-plotting. This method is an efficient one for volcanic lithology identification in the areas with less data of FMI and ECS.
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Prediction Model of Multiple Information Dry-Hot Rock in Dushancheng Area
Wu Yunxia, Lü Fengjun, Xing Lixin, Liu Xinxing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  880-892.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180092
Abstract ( 814 )   PDF (8513KB) ( 347 )  
To determine the target area of dry-hot rock exploration, based on the analysis of the characteristics of twelve kinds of geological data, the exploration of dry-hot rock resources was carried out in the middle south section of the Shanghuangqi -Wulonggou fault magmatic tectonic belt in Dushancheng area using remote sensing technology, supplemented by aeromagnetic, drilling and hydrographic exploration technology. A multiple information dry-hot rock prediction model was set up. The Mesozoic magma activity is strong in this area. Through remote sensing interpretation of strata, rock mass, ring structure, and linear structure, it is inferred that there are concealed rock masses in the study area, and the size of rock mass is controlled by compressive tectonic stress. The aeromagnetic negative anomaly confirmed the concealed rock mass, and the largest rock mass is close to 460 km2. Hot spring, geothermal field, the 107.1 times air helium concentration,and the aeromagnetic negative anomalies all support the existence of underground heat and high radioactivity sources. The mean geothermal gradient is estimated to be 3.87℃/hm, and the cap-rocks are interpreted as Paleoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic and Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks by remote sensing image. The geological characteristics of the dry-hot rock in Dushancheng area are superior to those of the dry-hot rock geothermal resources initially established by Lin Wenjing. It is presumed that there are high radioactive hot type dry-hot rock resources in depth, and the intersection locations of fractures are the most favorable places for storage and release of underground hot water. It is suggested that further geophysical prospecting, deep drilling and hot spring verification should be carried out.
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Alteration Information Extraction Based on Remote Sensing of Landsat 8 in Gongchangling Area of Liaoning
He Jinxin, Jiang Tian, Dong Yongsheng, Han Kaixu, Ma Ning, Xiong Yue
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  893-901.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180093
Abstract ( 691 )   PDF (24548KB) ( 316 )  
Based on a detailed interpretation of Landsat 8 remote sensing data of Gongchangling in Liaoning Province, combined with the theory of mineral spectrum and basic geological data in Gongchangling area (with serious vegetation cover), the alteration anomaly information in 2017-05 and 2017-08 was extracted by using the method of principal component and ratio analysis. The results show that the band combination formed by the method combination of principal component and ratio analyses is more obvious than the abnormal information extracted by principal component analysis alone. The information of hydroxyl alteration extracted from 2017-05 data and the iron dyeing alteration extracted from 2017-08 data are mainly distributed in the periphery of exposed orebodies in Gongchangling No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and Dumu-Bapanling mining areas. It is also shown that the combination of principal component analysis and ratio method is effective in extracting alteration information in the areas with serious vegetation cover.
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Horizontal Coordinates Computation in Route Survey Based on Gauss-Chebyshev Quadrature Rules
Zheng Lianlin, Yao Lianbi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2019, 49 (3):  902-908.  DOI: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20180304
Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (2064KB) ( 316 )  
In order to calculate the coordinates of the points on a horizontal curve, building block method is usually used to establish an integrated mathematical model. There are three types of line elements:straight line, circular curved line,and transition curved line. In this article, how to utilize building block method for data pretreatment is introduced, the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature rule is taken as a universal computational method, and the effect set by the count of Gauss points on the accuracy of unknown points is also discussed by means of numerical experiments. On the basis,the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature rules and the improved 5-point Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature rules are used to approximate the value of the definite integral so as to compute coordinates of the unknown points on horizontal curves. To test how the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature rules work in computing coordinates, mileage, and deviations, a portion of plane curve on a railway is selected as calculation data, and 16 adjacent points are selected as objects of a numerical experiment. The result shows that all the mileage and deviations acquired by the inverse computation are consistent with the initial given values.
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