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  1. 东南大学交通学院
  • 收稿日期:2012-08-27 修回日期:2012-12-07 发布日期:2013-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 王宝杰

BRT speed induction based on the Kalman travel time prediction

  • Received:2012-08-27 Revised:2012-12-07 Published:2013-06-20
  • Contact: Bao-Jie WANG

摘要: 为充分发挥快速公交系统效率高、运量大、能耗少、污染小的运营优势,避免BRT车辆在信号交叉口由于社会车辆和交通信号管控的影响而引发停车等待,提高BRT车辆的运营效率,减小交叉口待车能耗和由此引发的尾气污染,提出一种基于Kalman滤波行程时间预测的BRT车辆速度诱导模型。该模型从分析BRT系统运营特性和交叉口交通信号管控特征出发,首先建立站点停靠时间预测模型和Kalman滤波行驶时间预测模型,分别对BRT车辆在站点停车上下客时间和BRT车辆在站点与交叉口间行驶时间进行预测;然后根据车辆到达交叉口的时刻不同,分四种情况建立BRT车速推算模型对车辆行驶速度进行诱导;最后利用常州市13号BRT线路的调查数据,对模型进行有效性检验。结果表明,该模型可以显著提高BRT车辆的运行效率,具有很好的工程实用性。

关键词: 交通运输系统工程, 快速公交系统, 时间预测模型, 车速诱导模型

Abstract: Bus Rapid Transit is a public transport model with high efficiency, large capacity, less energy consumption and pollution. However, it cannot make full use of the advantages, with the influence of private vehicles and signal control in the intersection. In order to improve the efficiency of the BRT system and avoid the stop behavior in the intersection, this paper put forward a BRT speed induction model based on the Kalman travel time prediction. First of all, the stop time prediction model in the bus station, and the travel time prediction model between the bus station and the intersection are demonstrated. Secondly, according to the time the vehicle arriving at the intersection, it is introduced four speed induction models. Finally, the BRT travel data in the city of Changzhou is used in the paper to test the effectiveness of this model. The results show that this model can significantly improve the efficiency of the BRT system, and it should have a better engineering application prospect.

Key words: transportation engineering, bus rapid transit, time prediction model, speed induction model


  • U491.14
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