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  1. 1. 哈尔滨工程大学机电学院
    2. 哈尔滨工程大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-01-07 修回日期:2013-04-21 发布日期:2013-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 梁迎彬

Investigations on self-starting capacity of vertical axis wind turbine with collective pitch control

  • Received:2013-01-07 Revised:2013-04-21 Published:2013-06-20

摘要: 为提高立轴风力机的启动能力,提出了适宜低尖速比运行的桨距角变化规律,并设计了一种变桨执行机构以实现多组叶片的统一变桨距控制。从变桨执行机构、翼型选择、风轮结构和控制系统等方面介绍样机设计原理,并进行了样机性能实验。结果表明:对称翼型厚度为15%时最佳,而非对称翼型的最大厚度不超过10.4%;实验数据与理论值变化趋势一致,理论值相比实验数据高出20%~30%;通过增加上盘面顺风区叶片迎风面积可以提高启动能力。

关键词: 动力机械工程, 立轴风力机, 统一变桨距控制, 启动性能

Abstract: In order to improve the self-starting capacity of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), the variation of blade pitch angle, which is suitable for low tip speed ratio (TSR) cases, was proposed, and along with an actuator for collective pitch control which can change the blade pitch angle of multiple blades. A prototype was presented from the aspects of actuator of collective pitch control, airfoil selection, structure of wind wheel and control system, and then performance tests of prototype were implemented. The results show that the best thickness of symmetrical airfoil is 15%, while the maximum thickness of asymmetric airfoil is less than 10.4%; the theoretical data show good agreement with experimental data but is much higher than experimental data by 20%~30%; the results also show that it is effective to improve self-starting torque by increasing the frontal area of blade at downwind region of upstream.

Key words: Power machinery and engineering, Vertical axis wind turbine, Collective pitch control, Self-starting capacity


  • TK83
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