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  1. 哈尔滨工程大学
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-26 修回日期:2013-04-18 发布日期:2013-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 王珏

Polyphase Orthogonal Waveform Design for Radar based on Biogeography-based Optimization

  • Received:2012-11-26 Revised:2013-04-18 Published:2013-06-20

摘要: 为了提高MIMO雷达发射信号多相序列的正交性能,提出基于改进生物地理学优化的雷达正交多相序列波形设计算法(POBBO).该算法首先对生物地理学优化算法(BBO)进行改进,直接采用个体的HSI值来确定迁入迁出率,对其原始确定机制进行大幅简化,在实时反映个体优劣程度的同时,缩短由排序带来的时间损耗.另外,引入分段logistic混沌映射改进原变异机制,实现对新个体的有效开采.POBBO利用改进后BBO的栖息地间物种迁移和变异进行信息交互,改善栖息地的适应度指数(HSI),从而得到具有较好正交性能的多相序列波形.仿真实验表明,POBBO较其它多相序列波形设计算法在整体上具有明显优势,可以有效兼顾搜索精度和速度的要求.

关键词: 人工智能, 生物地理学优化算法, 正交波形设计, 分段logistic混沌映射, 迁入迁出率确定机制

Abstract: To improve the orthogonal performance of polyphase sequences of transmitting signals for MIMO radar, a modified biogeography-based optimization algorithm, POBBO, is proposed for designing orthogonal waveform of polyphase sequences for radar. Biogeography-based optimization algorithm (BBO) is first improved by the proposed algorithm. The method that determines directly the immigration rate and the emigration rate by HSI for individuals is proposed to simplify the original method significantly, reflect the real-time quality for individuals and shorten the time loss by sorting. Simultaneously, the piecewise logistic chaotic map is introduced to improve the variation mechanism and achieve the effective exploitation for new individuals.In order to obtain the waveform of polyphase sequences with better orthogonal performance, the proposed algorithm, which utilizes the migration and the mutation among the habitats of biogeography-based optimization(BBO) to interact and improve the habitat suitability index(HSI).Numerical experiments have shown that POBBO is competitive with other waveform design algorithms in terms of search accuracy and speed.

Key words: artificial intelligence, biogeography-based optimization, orthogonal waveform design, piecewise logistic chaotic map, the method of obtaining the immigration rate and the emigration rate

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