Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 27-38.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb20200509

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Multi object pedestrian tracking based on deep learning

Tao XU1,2(),Ke MA1,2,Cai-hua LIU1,2()   

  1. 1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
    2.Information Technology Research Base of Civil Aviation Administration of China,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
  • Received:2020-07-06 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2021-01-20
  • Contact: Cai-hua LIU;


A survey of the mainstream multi object tracking methods based on tracking by detection in recent years is carried out. Then, the concept of detection based multi object tracking is introduced. The multi object tracking methods are summarized in object detection, feature extraction and data association & tracking. The performance of some multi object tracking(MOT) methods are compared and evaluated on the MOTChallenge series datasets. The future development direction of multi object tracking is discussed.

Key words: computer vision, multi object tracking, object detection, feature extraction, data association

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Basic framework of tracking by detection"


Faster R-CNN network structure"


YOLO network structure"


Siamese network structure"


Bilinear LSTM network structure"

Table 1

Evaluation metrics for multi object tracking"


Table 2

Video sequences and their main properties included in MOT datasets"


Table 3

Evaluation results of general metrics of MOT15's multi object tracking methods"

RNN_LSTM [44]19.071.011 57836 7061 490
MARLMOT[41]27.772.56 09221 976767
SiameseCNN[38]29.071.25 16037 798639
MHT_DAM[23]32.471.89 06432 060435
QuadMOT[3]33.873.47 89832 061703
STAM[2]34.370.55 15434 848348
RAN[4]35.170.96 77132 717381
AMIR[39]37.671.77 93329 3971026
AP_HWDPL[27]38.572.64 00533 203586
MPN[30]51.576.07 62021 780375

Table 4

Evaluation results of general metrics of MOT16's multi object tracking methods"

DAN[18]40.874.415 14391 7921 051
MHT_bLSTM[5]42.175.911 63793 172753
QuadMOT[3]44.176.46 38894 775745
MHT_DAM[23]45.876.36 41291 758590
STAM[2]46.074.96 89591 117473
DMAN[35]46.173.87 90989 874532
AMIR[39]47.275.82 68192 856774
LMP[36]48.879.06 65486 245481
MPN[30]58.678.94 94970 252354
DeepSORT[24]61.479.112 85256 668781
NSH[17]63.978.59 82955 000913
POI[12]66.179.55 06155 914805
CTracker[28]67.678.48 93448 3051897
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