Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 313-332.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221475


Review of bridge crack detection based on digital image technology

Guo-jun YANG1,2(),Ya-hui QI1,Xiu-ming SHI1   

  1. 1.School of Civil Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Structural Dynamic,China Merchants Chongqing Communications Technology Research&Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Chongqing 400074,China
  • Received:2022-11-18 Online:2024-02-01 Published:2024-03-29


As one of the important contents of bridge health detection, crack detection reflects the stress and damage state of bridge structure. The traditional bridge crack detection is mainly based on human eye recognition, of which efficiency and accuracy are both low. Moreover, the human eye recognition has the following problems such as effected greatly by illumination, incapability to detect in some high-altitude positions like bridge towers and high piers and strong subjectivity. In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad have developed many bridges crack detection equipment based on digital image technology to solve the above problems, such as bridge detection vehicles equipped with high-definition cameras, drones, and climbing robots. Meanwhile, the efficient and high-precision crack detection algorithm is the basis of crack detection. How to balance the detection speed and accuracy has always been one of the hot issues studied by many scholars. In this paper, the bridge crack detection equipment based on digital image technology, the platform and calibration method of camera, preprocessing algorithm, traditional detection algorithm, deep learning algorithm, crack feature calculation, image stitching algorithm and three-dimensional output and monitoring of cracks are reviewed. In addition, summaries to deficiencies in the study and prospects the bridge crack detection method, crack three-dimensional expression, crack monitoring and management, bridge stiffness loss evaluation and early warning for the future development trend.

Key words: bridge engineering, crack identification, image processing, convolutional neural network, deep learning, intelligent detection

CLC Number: 

  • U446.3


Robotics bridge-inspection system"


Pier climbing robot detects the cracks of the pier"


Climbing robot with wheel electrode sensor"


UAV is used to detect pier cracks"


Bridge detection vehicle with camera group"


Binocular underwater vehicle"


Schematic diagram of camera imaging model"

Table 1

traditional camera calibration method"

传统相机 标定法可使用于任意的相机模型、精度高需要标定板、结果受标定板精度影响Tsai两步法、张氏标定法
主动视觉相机标定法算法简单、鲁棒性高成本高、 设备昂贵主动系统控制相机做特定运动
相机自标 定法灵活性强、可在线标定精度低、 鲁棒性差分层逐步标定、基于Kruppa方程

Table 2

Comparison of common bridge crack detection denoising algorithms"



Histogram equalization effect"


Segmented gray stretch"


Improved FAST algorithm"


Crack splicing diagram"


Convolutional neural network detects cracks"


U-Net structure"

Table 3

Open Source Bridge Crack Datasets"

Aft_Original_Crack_DataSet_Second782 068张1 024×1 024像素的桥梁裂缝图像全部包含裂缝语义分割及目标检测
Concrete Crack Images for Classification7940 000张227×227像素的混凝土表面裂缝图像, 部分无裂缝语义分割及图像分类
SDNET20188056 092张256×256像素的桥梁裂缝、缺损、孔洞图像, 部分无裂缝语义分割、目标检测及图像分类
Crack dataset816 069张224×224像素的桥梁裂缝图像,全部包含裂缝语义分割及图像分类
Deep Crack828 592张256×256像素的混凝土表面裂缝图像语义分割

Table 4

Comparison of common edge detection operators"



Comparison of 5 edge detection algorithms"


Schematic diagram of camera imaging model"


8 chain code diagram"


Crack width method based on inscribed circle"


Crack width method based on edge gradient"


Three-dimensional crack contour"


Visual point cloud model"


Bridge health management system"


New and old cracks"

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