Journal of Jilin University(Engineering and Technology Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (7): 1935-1943.doi: 10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20221144

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Risk factors for autonomous vehicle road testing based on risk-avoiding disengagement

Hui-zhao TU(),Chang LU,Miao-jia LU(),Hao LI   

  1. Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China
  • Received:2022-09-05 Online:2024-07-01 Published:2024-08-05
  • Contact: Miao-jia LU;


This study uses the risk-avoiding disengagement to represent the risk. This study first uses the LSTM method to identify the risk-avoiding disengagement of autonomous vehicles in the road-testing phase based on a large scale of realistic road-testing data, then use the Tobit model to analyze the impacts of factors on the risk-avoiding disengagement rate, and the risk analysis model of autonomous vehicle road testing was established. This method can avoid the accidents of autonomous vehicle road testing in advance, and promote the autonomous vehicle road testing in a safe and regulated way.

Key words: transportation engineering, autonomous vehicle road testing, risk-avoiding disengagement, risk factors, Tobit model

CLC Number: 

  • U491


Distribution of risk-avoiding disengagement frequency"


Distribution of risk-avoiding disengagement rate"

Table 1

Explanation of independent variables"

1车道宽度1>3.25 m
2(2.75,3.25] m
3[0,2.75] m
5限速140 km/h
260 km/h
380 km/h
10流量等级1[0,200] veh/(h·lane)
2(200,350] veh/(h·lane)
3(350,500] veh/(h·lane)
4(500,+∞) veh/(h·lane)


Training results of LSTM model"

Table 2

Proportions of risk-avoiding disengagement rate and non-risk-avoiding disengagement rate in different scenarios"



Changes of the autonomous vehicles′risk-avoiding disengagement rate"

Table 3

Analysis results of risk factors"

变量Coef.Std. Err.tP>|t|SigVIF
年份-205.902922.289 15-9.240.000***1.084
车道宽度67.638725.854 072.620.009**1.260
道路线形-46.587229.958 71-1.560.1201.070
道路平整度77.310 7432.798 592.360.019*1.478
坡度23.264 99153.31460.150.8791.048
限速69.840 5814.426 884.840.000***1.890
接入点数量14.854 4423.880 860.620.5341.273
车道数155.623735.821 784.340.000***2.878
机非隔离带202.634833.043 636.130.000***2.169
道路等级-4.915 70910.145 39-0.480.6281.822
流量等级-19.710 5912.2432-1.610.1081.142
大车比例-43.256 9229.406 83-1.470.1421.702
天气55.610 7921.388 542.600.009**1.021
间距41 5496.845***N/A
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