吉林大学学报(理学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 1461-1468.

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刘田田1,2, 郑澎1,3, 冷珏琳1,2, 刘伟杰1,2, 徐权1,2, 杨洋1,2   

  1. 1. 中物院高性能数值模拟软件中心, 北京 100088; 2. 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京 100094;
    3. 中国工程物理研究院 计算机应用研究所, 四川 绵阳 621900
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-14 出版日期:2021-11-26 发布日期:2021-11-26
  • 通讯作者: 刘田田 E-mail:liutt@lsec.cc.ac.cn

Local Tetrahedra Mesh Remeshing for Adaptive Computation

LIU Tiantian1,2, ZHENG Peng1,3, LENG Juelin1,2, LIU Weijie1,2, XU Quan1,2, YANG Yang1,2   

  1. 1. CAEP Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, Beijing 100088, China;
    2. Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100094, China; 
    3. Institute of Computer Application, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, Sichuan Province, China
  • Received:2020-09-14 Online:2021-11-26 Published:2021-11-26

摘要: 为有效满足h自适应的网格重划分要求, 提出通过前沿推进法和Delaunay算法对四面体网格进行局部重划分. 首先, 在重划分过程中, 采用由线到面、 由面到体的顺序保证整体网格的协调性; 其次, 通过局部尺寸函数保证网格尺寸平滑过渡; 最后, 用投影法使网格满足几何保形. 仿真实验结果表明, 该算法适用于包含多部件的复杂计算机辅助设计(CAD)模型, 在h自适应加密过程中网格更贴近真实几何形态, 且重划分后可保证网格单元的质量.

关键词: 网格自适应技术, 局部重划分, 四面体网格, 复杂CAD模型

Abstract: In order to effectively meet the requirements of h-adaptive mesh remeshing, we proposed a local tetrahedral mesh remeshing by advancing front method and Delaunay algorithm. Firstly, the order from line to surface and from surface to body was adopted to ensure the coordination of the overall network in the process of remeshing. Secondly, the local size function was used to ensure the smooth transition of mesh size. Finally, the projection method was used to make the mesh be shape-preserving. The simulation results show that the algorithm is suitable for the complex computer aided design (CAD) model with multiple parts, the mesh is closer to the real geometry in the process of h-adaptive encryption, and the mesh quality can be guaranteed after remeshing.

Key words: adaptive mesh technique, local remeshing, tetrahedra mesh, complex CAD model


  • TP391