
• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


房绍宽,吴 江*,周春奎   

  1. 吉林大学第一医院神经内科,吉林 长春130021
  • 收稿日期:2005-09-19 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-05-28 发布日期:2006-05-28
  • 通讯作者: 吴 江

Protective effects of antipsychotic drugs Venlafaxine and Olanzapineon pheochromocytoma(PC12) cells in serum-free medium

FANG Shao-kuan,WU Jiang*,ZHOU Chun-kui   

  1. Department of Neurology, First Hospital,Jilin University,Changchun 130021,China
  • Received:2005-09-19 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-05-28 Published:2006-05-28
  • Contact: WU Jiang

摘要: 目的:研究抗精神失常药万拉法辛和奥氮平对撤掉血清诱发PC12细胞损伤的神经保护作用。方法:将培养的PC12细胞分为正常对照组、无血清损伤组和药物保护组。无血清损伤组撤掉血清,药物保护组在撤掉血清同时加入万拉法辛和奥氮平。采用细胞形态学方法、LDH法、MTT法观察万拉法辛和奥氮平的神经保护作用。结果:万拉法辛和奥氮平能抵抗无血清条件下PC12细胞的损伤,增加PC12细胞存活率,提高PC12细胞活性,减少LDH的释放,维持细胞膜的完整性。上述发挥最有效保护作用的是100 μmol·L-1奥氮平和20 μmol·L-1万拉法辛(P<0.01)。不同时间点细胞活性检测结果表明48 h细胞活性最大。结论:万拉法辛和奥氮平对撤掉血清诱发PC12细胞损伤有保护作用,在48 h时能较有效发挥保护作用。

关键词: 万拉法辛, 奥氮平, 精神治疗药

Abstract: Objective To study the protective effects of antipsychotic drugs Venlafaxine and Olanzapine on pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells after serum withdrawal. Methods The cells were cultivated in serum-free medium. Venlafaxine and Olanzapine were added in the medium.Morphological observation, MTT assays and LDH assays were used to study the protective effects of Venlafaxine and Olanzapine. Results Venlafaxine and Olanzapine prevented PC12 cells from the damage in serum-free medium, elevated PC12 cell survival rates,reduced the LDH release and kept cell membrane intact. The greatest effects were observed at concentrations of 100 μmol·L-1 Olanzapine and 20 μmol·L-1 Venlafaxine (P<0.01) and these effects were significantly different from their respective control groups and at 48 h the PC 12 cells had the greatest cell viabil ity.Conclusion Venlafaxine and Olanzapine can prevent PC12 cells from being injured after serum withdrawal. 100 μmol·L-1 Olanzapine and 20 μmol·L-1 Venlafaxine have the greatest protective effects and at48 h these drugs have greater protective effects than other groups.

Key words: Venlafaxine, Olanzapine, psychotropic drugs


  • R971.4