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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 November 2005, Volume 35 Issue 06
Geochemical Characteristics of the CalcSilicate Rocks in Khondalite Series in Daqingshan Area,Inner Mongolia
XU Zhong-yuan,LIU Zheng-hong,HU Feng-xiang,YANG Zhen-sheng
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  681-0689. 
Abstract ( 1942 )  
In the khondalite series in Daqingshan area, Inner Mongolia, Di gneiss association is a independent lithostratigraphic unit characteristic of calcsilicate rocks overlying a Ga-Bi gneiss association and being overlain by a marble association. Characterized by generally containing diopside, sphene, scapolite and apatite, the unit is composed of diopside gneisses(DG) and diopsidefeldspar granulitite(DFG), feldspardiopside granulitite(FDG), diopsidite(DD) and diopside marble(DM). The association is rich in Ca, Sr, Na and depleted in Cr, Ni, Co, Sc, suggesting the presence of chemical sediments in the unit. Moreover, the negative correlation of CaO and positive of Al2O3 with SiO2 reflect an increasing abundance of clastic rocks and a decreasing trend in chemical sediments from DM via DD, FDG to DFG and DG. The characteristics of major, trace and rare earth elements suggest a protolith association of ironrich dolomitic pelite,calcareous mudstone and greywacke intercalated by pelitic limestone and marlite, calcareousbearing arkose, which was deposited in the setting of dry, intertidal or laguna with insufficient supply of the terrigenous detrital material. Their similarity to Ga-Bi gneiss in geochemistry, especially in REE, when chemical sediments are considered separately, reflects that they probably shared a mutual provenance to Ga-Bi gneiss. The Di gneiss association, Ga-Bi gneiss association and marble association make up a sedimentary cycle from clastic via clastic mixed by chemical to chemical sediment, a sedimentary feature characteristic of MidProteroroic Changcheng Group, hence supporting the view that the khondalte series was deposited within an intracratonic basin.
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Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating of the Jinlin Pluton by Whole Rock-Hornblende Method in the Northeast Xiao Hinggan Mountains
LIU Jian-feng, CHI Xiao-guo, ZHOU Yan, WANG Tie-fu,JIN Wei, ZHOU Jian-bo, DONG Chun-yan, LI Guang-rong
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  690-0693. 
Abstract ( 1684 )  
The Xingdong Group distributed in the northern Xiao Hinggan Mountains and the Mashan Group in the Jiamusi area, Northeast China, are always considered to be Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks. However, the confirmation of approximate 500 Ma metamorphic age of the Mashan Group raised a question on the metamorphic age of the Xingdong Group. According to the research of the paper, the “migmatite” of the Sizishan Formation, Xingdong Group distributed in northern Xiao Hinggan Mountains should be a suit of gneissic quartz monzonitegranite intrusions. Their whole rockmineral (hornblende) Rb-Sr isochronic dating is (482±19) Ma, indicating that an Caledonian magmatic events existed in the giant granitic belt of the Xiao Hinggan Mountains. The metamorphism of the Xingdong Group may also have relation to the Early Caledonian tectonothermal events. The identification of the Early Caledonian granites is of important significance in studying the geological tectonic evolution of the area.
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Environment Indication of Phytolith in Peat Deposit:A Case in the Peat Section of Dunhua, Jilin Province
ZHANG Xin-rong,HU Ke, JIE Dong-mei,WANG Dong-po, LIU Li-li
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  694-0698. 
Abstract ( 1655 )  
Phytolith plays an important role in the study of paleobotany and paleoenvironment because of its small, high yield, and its ability of antierosion and hightemperature resistant. As a sensitivity zone indicating environmental changing, peat bog has become one heated topic in climatic and environmental research. The significance of phytolith in peat deposit is discussed. It shows that phytolith has its own advantage in paleoevironmental reconstruction of peat bogs, and will be of great help in discriminating the palaeoclimatic change.
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Discussion on the Formation, Evolution and Problems of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone
LUO Zhi-li,LI Jing-ming,LI Xiao-jun,LIU Shu-gen,ZHAO Xi-kui,SUN Wei
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  699-0706. 
Abstract ( 1617 )  
Based on the research results of the past, using the integrated geological,geophysical, geochemical etc. data at hand, and combining recent research results of lithosphere evolution of Eastern China, this paper is concentrated on the mechanics character, evolution phases and dynamics background of TanchengLujiang fault zone, and on the influence of the deep lithosphere activity on the TanchengLujiang fault zone and on the formation of Bohai bay basin by bringing up some different cognition from the past studies. For example, the TanchengLujiang fault zone may be a transform fault zone in south section during Late Paleozoic, and the formation of Bohai bay basin was not related to the TanchengLujiang fault zone. Finally three questions are raised to be discussed.
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Genesis and Significance of Dark Dikes in the Jinchanggouliang Mine Area, Inner Mongolia:Evidences from Geochemistry of the Major and Trace Elements
CHEN Jun-qiang,SUN Jing-gui, PIAO Shou-cheng,ZHAO Jun-kang, ZHAI Yu-feng
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  707-0713. 
Abstract ( 1822 )  
The dark dikes associated with mineralization in the Jinchanggouliang mine area, are mostly fine dioritequartz diorites and diorite porphyritedacite porphyries. The ALK of the fine dioritequartz diorites is 5.47%~5.88%, ratio of K2O/Na2O is 0.455~0.496. Therefore, it belongs to calcalkalic rock series and shows the characters of Ⅱtype Adakite; The ALK of dioritic porphyritedacite porphyries is 7.83%~8.28%, ratio of K2O/Na2O is 1.100~1.747, belonging to shoshonitic rock series. The characteristics of elements shows that magma of fine dioritequartz diorites derived from the enriched mantle or lower crust undergone ocean crust subducting and dehydrating, and was formed and emplaced in the process of crust growth. The magma of dioritic porphyritedacitic porphyries emplaced relatively late, it might derive from upper crust or undergo intensive contamination of crustal materials, and was formed in the proces of crust thining. These characteristics suggest that the geodynamics background of the Jinchanggouliang gold deposit formation is the transition process from compression to extension.
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Genesis of the Dashiqiao Granite and Its Significancein Borate Mineral Exploration
LIU Jing-dang, XIAO Rong-ge,WANG Cui-zhi,ZHOU Hong-chun,FEI Hong-cai
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  714-0719. 
Abstract ( 1965 )  
Based on the study of the genesis of granite in Dashiqiao borate district, considers that the granite in the area is a kind of stratified migmatitized granite. The direct result of this hypothesis is the discovery of three mediumsized borate deposits in Dashiqiao area. The granite, which is transitional to its host rock granulite, possesses some special structure and texture, fluctuating largely in its chemical component concentration. Granite displays an oversaturated Al, a higher AKCN and a higher Ti. Its petrochemical components and oxygen isotope δ18O of higher than 10‰ reveal features of migmatization. The granite is consistent with its host rock granulitite in REE. In granite, LR/HR is 3.86 on average, negative Eu anomaly is evident, δEu is 0.62 and Eu/Sm is 0.163 on average, suggesting its similarity to crust granites and sedimentary rocks. Hence, the granite in the area is considered as stratified migmatized granite, rather than magmatic granite formed by diapirism.
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Sedimentary Characteristics of Oil Shale Deposit of the Huadian Formation of Paleogene in Huadian Basin
WANG Yong-li,LIU Zhao-jun,JING Hui-lin,ZHANG Hai-long,ZHANG Jian
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  720-0724. 
Abstract ( 1684 )  
The Huadian basin situated in southern Jilin Province of NE China is a halfgraben basin and lies to north of the Dunhua-Mishan faults. The thickness of oil shalebearing strata and monolayer increase gradually from north to south under the control of the contemporaneity fault (F1). The fault also controlled basin filling features of the Huadian basin. The whole sequence of Huadian Formation of Paleogene in Huadian basin comprises a complete 3rd order sequence. The oil shales within the sequence were deposited in semideep to deep lacustrine environments, and were developed during transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract. In Huadian basin, there are 13 oil shale layers containing highmobile oil (commonly 8%~13%). These high quality oil shales may have the potential for industrial use.
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Fan Delta Deposits and Relation to Hydrocarbon of Upper Es4 at Yong 921 Area in Dongying Depression
WANG Jiao,JIANG Zai-xing,CAO Ying-chang,XING Huan-qing,WANG Yan-zhong,LUO Wen-sheng
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  725-0731. 
Abstract ( 1990 )  
Fan delta sediments are widely developed in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation at Yong 921 area in the north steep slope of Dongying depression. They are among the best reservoirs in the area. Based on the theory of sedimentology and reservoir geology, combined with outcrop, drilling data, well logging and analytical data, fan delta’s depositional characteristics, sedimentary model and reservoir characteristics are studied and summarized. According to characteristics of the deposits, fan deltas there can be subdivided into three subfacies and six microfacies. With analysis of lithological properties, diagenesis, sedimentary microfacies, structural features and sedimentary structure factors controlling the physical of reservoirs. The authors believed that channel fill sands are the most favorable reservoirs in the subject area,and can have the best combination of oil source bed, reservoir and caprocks.
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Quantificational Prospection of Petroliferous Quality of Lithologic Reservoir,Dongying Depression
ZHANG Jun,PANG Xiong-qi,JIANG Zhen-xue,SHAO Zhen-jun,CHEN Dong-xia,WANG Liang
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  732-0737. 
Abstract ( 1849 )  
Subtle oilgas pool has been the explorative emphases in Bohai bay basin and the lithologic pool is the important aim for reserves improvement. But the exploration in recent years indicated that the different petroliferous quality of lithologic trap is very distinct. The estimate that if the trap is oilbearing or not and how much is the fullness degree of lithologic trap has been indispensably important technology in the whole course of decisionmaking of exploration, arrangement of well position and exploitation of oil field. On the basis of geological statistics and AHP(analytic hierarchy process) analyses of 236 lithologic traps of Dongying depression, the main controlling factors of reservoir formation are found out and rationed. Then making use of multilinearity regress method, the fullness degree forecast models of lithologic trap at each structural zone in Dongying depression are established. The validation results of this forecast models indicate that 80% forecast fullness degree of lithologic trap is consistent to the factual value,implying that the forecast method can be used in oil and gas prospection.
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Sedimentary Characteristics and Model of Early-Middle Jurassic in Jiyang Depression
XU Zhen-zhong,CHEN Shi-yue,JIANG Pei-ren
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  738-0744. 
Abstract ( 1729 )  
In order to determine sedimentary characteristics and model of the EarlyMiddle Jurassic in Jiyang depression, the authors studied sedimentary features, core section, well logging of the EarlyMiddle Jurassic in Jiyang depression. There are many sedimentary facies in EarlyMiddle Jurassic of study area, such as river facies with fining upward cycle, delta facies with higher maturity of debris composition and texture , fan delta facies with lower maturity of debris composition and texture, coastal and shallow lacustrine subfacies with dominanttly mottle mudstone and biogliph, lake bay subfacies with dominanttly black mudstone and plant remains and swamp facies with dominanttly thin coal layers. The results indicate that EarlyMiddle Jurassic Jiyang depression was composed of several isolated basins, which were controlled and divided up by northwest faults. Lake levels of these isolated basins were instable, but on the whole, coastal and shallow lake is in the mojority.
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Forming Mechanism of Overpressure and Its Significance on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Damintun Sag
SHI Jian-nan, JIANG Jian-qun, CHEN Fu-xin, GU Guo-zhong
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  745-0750. 
Abstract ( 1348 )  
The overpressure states of sedimentary basin are multiform, and their evolutions are systematic. In Damintun sag, there are appropriate couplingmatching associations among burial histories, heat flow histories, histories of hydrocarbon generation and the process of overpressure evolution. Compaction disequilibrium or hydrocarbon generation is main controlling factor of different phases for the development and evolution of overpressure. The overpressure is the force of hydrocarbon migration and can offer the pathway of oil/gas migration and improve the expelling efficiency of highwaxy oil. Furthermore, it causes the formation of mud diapir and is the pressure confining beds for the underlying oil and gas accumulation.
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Whole Curve Matching Method for Aquifer Parameters Determination
XIAO Chang-lai,LIANG Xiu-juan, CUI Jian-ming, LAN Ying-ying,ZHANG Jun, LI Shu-lan, LIANG Rui-qi, ZHENG Ce
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  751-0755. 
Abstract ( 1614 )  
The aquifer’s parameters determination is an important basis for groundwater resources evaluation, numerical simulation, development and protection as well as scientific management. Pumping test is a main oftenused method to determine aquifer’s parameters. A new method, called whole curve matching method (WCMM), is presented to determine confined or unconfined aquifer’s parameters by using optimum theory together with computer technology on the basis of theis equation for the pumping test. Fully considering the measured data during the period of rapid and slowly decline of groundwater level and the period of water level recovery in pumping test, this method makes the sum of squares of errors between the measured water level and calculated water level minimum and the calculated water level hydrograph best match the measured water level hydrograph. A case study shows that this method has rapid speed and high accuracy and the results of parameter’s determination are optimized. This method can be used for both confined aquifer and for unconfined aquifer and it has important practical value for scientific research and engineering practice.
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The Sustainable Utilization of Urban Groundwater Resources in Mountain Areas of Northern China:A Case Study in Panshi City of Jilin Province
JIANG Ji-yi,CAO Jian-feng,XIE Xiao-feng,WANG Li-gang,PING Jian-hua
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  756-0761. 
Abstract ( 1753 )  
It is important to make the limited groundwater resources develop its maximum integrated benefit to guarantee the urban socioeconomy sustainable development of medium and small towns in mountain areas at present. In order to realize the sustainable utilization of urban groundwater resources just case study in Panshi City, a groundwater flow numerical simulation model is used with the drawdown and the burial depth of groundwater as the constraining conditions to optimize the arrangement of municipal water supply exploitation,to evaluate groundwater exploitation potentiality under the condition of optimizing exploitation scheme. In the end the measures of sustainable utilization of urban groundwater resources is promoted herein.
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The Finite Element Volume Method and Application of Mathematic Model of Karst Groundwater Flow
MA Rui-jie, LI Xin
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  762-0765. 
Abstract ( 1671 )  
The karst fissure medium can be regarded as dual medium of porosity. According to continuity principle of flow, law of conservation of mass and Darcy’s law, the dual medium mathematical model of unsteady flow in fissurekarst artesian aquifer is established, and the finite volume method is adopted to get the solution, taking Longgang district in Shenzhen as an example to verify this model. The consistency of the calculated groundwater level and the measured shows this simulation model can well reflect the actual hydrogeological condition.
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Forecasting Water Yield of Mine with the Partial LeastSquare Method and Neural Network
CHEN Nan-xiang, CAO Lian-hai,LI Mei,HUANG Qiang
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  766-0770. 
Abstract ( 1646 )  
There are many and complex factors affecting the gushing water in pit. The forecasting model of water yield of mine mostly takes into account of precipitation, surface water, irrigation and the relation of following variable and independent variable. The authors establish the forecasting model for water yield of mine, combining neural network model with the partial least square method. To deal with independent variables by the partial least square method can not only solve the relationship between independent variables but also to reduce the input dimensions in neural network model. And when the neural network is applied,it can solve the nonlinear problem better,and advance study and expression ability of the model. As the example of water yield of mine in Eighth mine, Hebi City, Henan Province, the model of water yield of mine,coupled with partial least square method and neural network, is founded and the case study shows it has rather high forecasting precision and the extending application value.
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Analysis of Groundwater and Environment Problems Based on GIS
KONG Jin-ling,WANG Wen-ke, WENG Xiao-peng,MAI Liu-yan
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  771-0774. 
Abstract ( 1901 )  
Hydrogeologic spatial information system (HSIS) based on GIS, supported on application models system of groundwater and environment evaluation, is composed of spatial database management module, models management module, spatial analysis module, spatial data’s inquiry and index module, spatial data conversion module and system management module. The application of HSIS in Hexi corridor shows that this system is useful to evaluate groundwater and environment, to realizes dynamic management for the information of groundwater and environment, to explore the law of groundwater chemical composition formation and distribution in this area.With the help of this system, the regional groundwater resources and extracting potential are calculated and analysed. When integrated with the model of groundwater flow numerical simulation,this system can realizes the automation of calculating process and the visualization of calculating results. The geology ecoenvironment quality in Heihe basin is evaluated by synthesis evaluation models provided by HSIS. The evaluation results show that the environment quality is better in the middle and the upper reaches of Heihe River but becomes worse in Ejina basin situated on the lower reaches of Heihe River,which well reflects on the whole the current situation of regional geology ecoenvironment.
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Engineering Geological Properties and Problems of Guilin Laterite
WEI Fu-cai
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  775-0781. 
Abstract ( 1694 )  
Depending on the field investigation, the tested results of soil samples and the previous data, the engineering geological characteristics of Guilin laterite were studied systematically. The minerals of the laterite mainly include Quartz sand and clay minerals (with a content of 40%~75%) such as kaolinite, illite and chlorite, and a few montmorillonite and vermiculite, etc. In the laterite, iron and aluminum oxides are rich with the content of Al2O3=15.3%~25.9% and Fe2O3=6.4%~11.2%, and the content of clay grain is usually more than 50%; the water content, the liquid limit, the void ratio and the saturability are high, i.e., w=26%~40%,wL=42%~70%,e=0.8~1.1,Sr=90%~100%; the shearing strength is large(c=40~85 kPa,Φ=15°~30°);the compressibility and the permeability coefficients are small with the value of 0.3 MPa-1 and 1.5×10-6~5.0×10-8 cm/s respectively. There are many engineering geological problems of Guilin laterite,such as a great quantity of earth caves in the laterite, a lot of soft soil developed in lapie of carbonate rock surface and that the thickness of soil layer varied within a little range. The collapse of land surface were often taken place by the earth caves and the soft soil. All engineering characteristics of Guilin laterite were completely depended on the forming environment of the laterite.
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Study on Mathematical Model of Urban Automobile Tailing Gas NOx Contamination
KONG Jian,HUANG Ji-guo,GAO Yan-jiao,JIA Guo-yuan,FAN Ting-yu
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  782-0785. 
Abstract ( 1440 )  
On the basis of analysis of the production, movement and transforming laws of urban automobile tailing pollutants (NOx), the mathematical model of urban automobile tailing gas pollutants (NOx) were presented and applied, to simulate and predict the automobile pollutants(NOx) concentration on the road with many automobile passing through. The comparison between the monitored data and the calculated results proves that the absolute value of average bias was less than 0.02 mg/m3, the value of relative bias was less than 0.32, which shows that the mathematical model of urban automobile tailing pollutants (NOx) concentration well reflects the actual situation.
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Study on the Characteristics of Refractory Wastewater by Membrane Bioreactor
ZHANG Feng-jun,ZHAO Zhi-qing,ZHOU Xiu-qing,SU Ke,ZHOU Hai-lin,YU Guang-ju
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  786-0789. 
Abstract ( 1377 )  
Under the similar operational conditions, a comparison between membrane bioreactor (MBR) and biocontact oxidation method was carried out. MBR demonstrated a more excellent effluent quality than that of biocontact oxidation. In the MBR effluent, the average removing rate of CODcr was 88.41%, higher 30% than that of biocontact oxidation;the removing rate of colority was 85.27% on average, higher nearly 30% than that of biocontact oxidation. The effluent compositions of the biocontact oxidation and the MBR were quite different. In the MBR effluent, both macromolecules with MW<10 000 and small molecules with MW>3 000 were dominant, approaching 88.36%. In the biocontact oxidation effluent, however, macromolecules with MW>10 000 were the major components, occuping with 72.04%, and molecules with 3 000 Related Articles | Metrics
Study and Application of the TEM Forward and Inversion Problem of Irregular Loop Source over the Layered Medium
LI Jian-ping, LI Tong-lin, ZHANG Hui, XU Kai-jun
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  790-0795. 
Abstract ( 2000 )  
The EM field of arbitrary point in an irregular loop can be considered as the sum of the EM field of many circle loops in the irregular loop at the point. Therefore the authors may obtain the EM field of the irregular loop as long as the authors work out the EM field of each of the circle loops. The key to the success of this method is how the circle loop in the irregular loop is divided. The authors make a circle with the center of the circle located at the measuring point so that the irregular loop is divided into two parts, i.e. inside and outside the circle. Then the authors divide the outside of the circle further into many small circles. By doing so, the authors transform the irregular loop EM field solving problem into the circle loop EM field problem.
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A Study of Engineering Reflect Seismic with Unconventional Geometry Layout
WANG Zhe-jiang,HE Qiao-deng,TIAN Gang,ZENG Zhao-fa,XUE Jian
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  796-0800. 
Abstract ( 1831 )  
The conventional layout for CDP reflection survey in engineering geophysics, in which the receiving arrays and the shooting points are moving simultaneously, often causes lower efficiency. Based on the principle of common depth point, the authors present an unconventional geometry system in which only shooting points are moved. The geometry system is discussed in detail, and is also compared with the conventional layout. It is believed that not only increases the new geometry field work efficiency, but also could improve the data S/N ratio and the accuracy of velocity analysis. It can be applied in refraction seismology and multichannel analysis of surface waves(MASW)survey as well.
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Analysis on the Influence of the PhaseState of Chaotic System in Duffing Equation by Complicated Stimulating Force Item
HU Yan-fei, ZHAO Xue-ping, QIN Shu-hong
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  801-0805. 
Abstract ( 1557 )  
The authors analyze the chaotic characters of the Duffing equation coacted on by the periodic stimulating force and bandlimited white noise. Firstly, the critical amplitude value and periodic amplitude value of the system free of noise are detected. Secondly, the phasestate graphs are analyzed with the timecourse curve by keeping the two particular amplitude values while varying the bandlimited noise amplitude values. A thirdly, a similar analysis is done by keeping the amplitude value of bandlimited white noise and varing the amplitude value of the periodic stimulating force. The results show that the system appears chummage state, chaotic state and periodic state in turn as the periodic stimulating force value increasing when the periodic stimulating force is the only input. When the system is in critical state as the bandlimited white noise increases the phasestate graph extends its dynamic range.
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A Hybrid 3D Data Model Based on MultiDEMs and QTPVs and Its Application in Geological Modeling
CHENG Peng-gen,WANG Cheng-rui,GAN Wei-jun,XIAO Gen-ru
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  806-0811. 
Abstract ( 7823 )  
A hybrid 3D spatial data model based on multiDEMs and quasi triprism volume (QTPV) is proposed. The model is composed of six primitive and six objects. The primitive elements are vertex, segment (edge, triangle side), triangle, secund quadrilateral, QTPV and DEM, respectively. And the objects are point, line, surface, volume, complex and spatial object, respectively. Data structures and topological relationship of the six primitives and two geological objects are designed in detail. Two modelling methods, based on sample points and interpolated points, are devised, separately. Two sets of simulation data and real borehole sample data are used to verify the prototype system developed in VC++. The results show that the proposed model has better abilities of describing the surface and the inner structure of spatial objects, which is suitable for 3D modeling in geological exploration field.
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A Remote Sensing Based Land Surface Evapotranspiration Model for the West of Jilin Province
ZHOU Yun-xuan, WANG Li-ming, CHEN Sheng-bo, WAN Li, YIN Nan
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  812-0817. 
Abstract ( 1717 )  
With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, it becomes promising for the estimation of regional evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surface. Remote sensing based regional evapotranspiration study has also become an important subject. Based on the surface energy balance theory and in association of the real world data from the west of Jilin Province, the authors established a remote sensing model for estimating evapotranspiration for the study area. Furthermore the authors proved the validity of the remote sensing model using data measured on sites by weather observatories and stations. The model provides a new approach for studying ecoenvironmental problems in the west of Jilin Province.
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A Study on Transformation Method Between the 3D Coordinates of a Geological Prospecting Line Section and the 2D Coordinates of the Line Section Drawing
LI Meng-wen, ZHAO Cai-sheng, ZHENG Rong-fen, CHEN Li
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  818-0822. 
Abstract ( 1909 )  
The authors mainly discuss the coordinates transformation technique with which the 3D coordinates in the section of a geological prospecting line and the 2D coordinates in the sectional drawing of the line can be converted reciprocally. A mathematical model of the transformation is given and it is validated through the calculation of real examples. Based on the attributes of the sectional drawing, the intersection point between surface trace of the selected prospecting line section and the vertical plane where the prospecting baseline is located is taken as the reference point (B). The line section is then rotated to the horizontal plane upon the horizontal line (L) which crosses the reference point (B). Upon the reference point(B) the prospecting line section in the horizontal plane is rotated till the horizontal line (L) is in eastwest direction. An expression describing the spatial elements prior and after the rotation is established, with which the 3D coordinates can be transformed into the 2D coordinates. The reverse process from 2D to 3D can also be realized when the 2D coordinates of the transformed sectional drawing of geological prospecting line are given.
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Gammaray Spectrometry in Exploration of Gold Deposit:A Case Study from Wulaga Gold Mine in Heilongjiang Province
WU Guo-xue, LI Shou-yi, CHEN Guo-hua,XU Hao, BAI Shi-jun, WANG Yong-xiang, LV Zhi-gang
J4. 2005, 35 (06):  823-0826. 
Abstract ( 1969 )  
Gold deposits are controlled by lithology, structure and alteration. The alteration may result in radioactivity difference between ore bearing structure zone and the wall rock. Therefore the gammaray spectrometry may be used in gold deposit exploration. Gammaray spectrometry survey made in the outer region Liushuhe area of Wulaga gold mine in Heilongjiang Province is taken as an example in which the ore bearing structure zone is revealed and the characteristic on the mineralization liquid at middle to low temperature is indicated. Potassium (K) and the total channels appear high anomalies on the mineralization zone while uranium (U) shows low anomalies. The overall results prove that spectrometry is effective in gold exploration in the study area. It is necessary to point out that gammaray spectrometry may be characterized differently over different exploration area and different deposit types.
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