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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 September 2005, Volume 35 Issue 05
Mineralogy of the Stibnite-Antimonselite Series in the Nature
LIU Jia-jun, LI Zhi-ming,LIU Jian-ming,WANG Jian-ping,FENG Cai-xia, LU Wen-quan
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  545-553. 
Abstract ( 1855 )  
Minerals of the stibniteantimonselite series, in close association with tiemannite, clausthalite, kullerudite, Sebearing stibioluzonite, native gold, quartz and barite, were discovered in the Laerma and Qiongmo gold deposits, western Qinling, China. Based on Se/(S+Se) ratios of microprobe analyses this binary system of stibniteantimonselite is quarterly divided into stibnite, selenium stibnite, sulfur antimonselite and antimonselite. Microhardness of the stibnite subseries (Sb=58.47%-73.81%,S=11.86%-28.76%,Se=0.00%-29.12%) and the antimonselite series (Sb=43.78%-59.13%,Se=29.20%-49.72%,S=0.00%-11.43%) is 101.26 and 103.00 kg/mm2, respectively. Reflectivities of the series are (470 nm)Rg’=42.62%-47.62%,Rp’=30.83%-40.55%; (550 nm)Rg’=41.84%-46.75%,Rp’=31.48%-38.85%; (590 nm)Rg’=42.25%-46.63%,Rp’=30.73%-39.46%; (650 nm)Rg’=43.30%-46.48%,Rp’=30.01%-41.56%. Cell parameters obtained from two Sebearing stibnite samples are a=1.120 9-1.121 2 nm,b=1.129 9-1.130 3 nm,c=0.384 7-0.384 9 nm,respectively. As may be seen from the above data, the higher the Se concentration, the bigger the cell parameters.
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Spacetime Distribution Features, Migration Regularities andGenetic Types of Regional Fault System of MesoCenozoic in theCentral Section of Epicontinent of the East China
SUN Xiao-meng, WANG Pu-jun,HAO Fu-jiang,BAO Ya-fan,MA Xu,HAN Guo-qing
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  554-563. 
Abstract ( 1790 )  
Deep and large faults developed very well in the central section of epicontinent of the East China. Based on the spacetime distribution of the faults, four fault systems are divided, namely, Yanshan orogenic belt fault system, QinlingDabieSulu orogenic belt fault system, Tanlu fault system and East China Sea shelf basinOkinawa trough fault system.The four fault systems have different migration regularities of the faults. The faults of Indosinian epochYanshan epoch of Yanshan orogenic belt have deflective migration regularity from EW direction to NE direction to NNE direction from the early to the late periods. The strength of thrustnappe of the QinlingDabie orogenic belt fault system shows a tendency of being strong in the south and in the east, weak in the north and in the west and of faulting in the east and folding in the west in Indosinianearly Yanshan epochs. Meanwhile,the faults have the feature of diachronous migration evolution from the east to the west from the early to the late periods. On the contrary, the last Yanshanian-early Himalayaian epochs show the tectonic feature of being strong in the north and in the west ,weak in the south and in the east. The activity and basincontrolling function of the Talu fault system are characterized by the migration from south to north from early to late periods. The formation time of the East China Sea shelf basinOkinawa trough fault system become apparently younger from west to east. The four fault systems and their structural migration are the products of different geodynamic backgrounds: collision of plates, intracontinental subduction, intracontinental orogency, strikeslip, plate subduction and retreat.
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The Characteristics and Genesis of Cleavage in Daqingshan Thrust
WU Xin-wei,LIU Zheng-hong,XU Zhong-yuan
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  564-569. 
Abstract ( 1659 )  
A group of nonpenetrative cleavages developed in Daqingshan thrust. There are two different cleavages in the middle structural slice and in the outer structural zone. The first group of cleavage, being distributed at the footwall of main thrust and controlled by faults, behaves as a set of compressive planes whose occurrence, deformation characteristics and slipping direction are consistent with that of the main thrust . The second group belongs to interbeded cleavage controlled by lithology. Newlyformed syntectonic mineral assemblage along cleavage plane and clastic grain deformation characteristics indicates that the cleavages were formed at the low greenschist facies conditions in the middleupper crustal level and were featured by ductilebrittle deformation. Cleavages, being (121.6±1.6) Ma, has cut the Daqingshan folding. The stress field analysis showed that the cleavages formed under horizontal, S-N trending compressive stress.
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Primary Approach to the Strain Gauge in Bone-shape Boudins
XU Hai-ping,ZENG Zuo-xun,CHENG Ming,LI Quan
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  570-575. 
Abstract ( 1331 )  
The authors have taken the boneshaped boudins of two different stages into account. With the assumption that thickness of joints of the ‘bone’ is approximately the same as the original thickness of the layers of the boudins,the original length of the boudins has been reconstructed with the equalarea method to measure their finite strain. Meanwhile, this equalarea method is demonstrated by physical modeling, showing that the errors are 3.23%, 2.84%, 3.94% and 6.82%, respectively. This new strain gauge is successfully applied in the finite strain determination of rocks embedded boneshaped boudins and developed in Tieshan, Hubei, indicating the extension finite strain of the layers ranges from 33.80% to 48.22%. This result is relatively consistent to the other method applied in the measurement of the boudins’ finite strain. Furthermore, the authors have also successfully segregated the finite strain in two structural deformation periods.
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The Geochemical Characteristics of the Pana Volcanic Rocks of the Linzizong Group in the Zhaxue Area, Linzhou County,Tibet and Its Geological Implication
HUANG Ying-cong, YANG De-ming, ZHENG Chang-qing,HE Zhong-hua,DAI Lin-na, LI Jian-guo,ZHANG Yao-yu
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  576-580. 
Abstract ( 1726 )  
The Pana volcanic rocks of the Linzizong Group in Zhaxue area, Linzhou County, Tibet are mainly composed of rhyolitictrachy lavas and volcanoclastic rocks. Its geochemical characteristics (14.55% of Al2O3 8.78% of K2O+Na2O, 5.77% of K2O, K2O/Na2O=2.07) suggest that the Pana Formation volcanic rocks belong to highAl, highK calcalkalineshoshonite series. LREE in the volcanic rocks were slightly enriched with moderate to strong Eu anomalies. In the volcanic rocks, Rb and Th were intensively enriched, Ta, Ba and U moderately enriched while Y, Yb and Sr relatively depleted. The lithogeochemical study suggests that the Pana Formation volcanic rocks were formed about 40 Ma by anatexis of the thickened continental crust in the postcollision process between Indo plate and Eurasia plate.
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Distribution of Anthraxolite and Metallogeny of the Jinding LeadZinc Deposit
FU Xiu-gen,LIN Li,PANG Yan-chun,ZHU Li-dong,WANG Xin-li
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  581-586. 
Abstract ( 1995 )  
The occurrence mode of anthraxolites in the Jinding PbZn deposit can be divided into vein, schistositic, disseminated, eyeball and cystiformshaped and cementlike based on field observation and into integrain, fractureand disolved porefillings and shistositic under microscopy. These anthraxolites had played different roles during the formation processes of the Jinding PbZn deposit. Of all these anthraxolites, the cementlike, the vein and part of the squamashaped anthraxolite are most important for the roles they played during the formation of the deposit: dissolving, transportation and precipitation of the oreforming elements. The eyeballshaped and cystiform anthraxolites were formed later and they reworked the deposit. Most disseminated anthraxolite was primary and is characterized by reducing.
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The Sources of OreForming Fluid in the Huize LeadZinc Ore Deposits:Evidences for WaterRock Reaction
ZHANG Zhen-liang,HUANG Zhi-long,RAO Bing,GUAN Tao,YAN Zai-fei
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  587-592. 
Abstract ( 2056 )  
The characters of fluid inclusions in calcite and waterrock reaction of the ore deposits was systematical studied. It is suggested that the ore deposit under study was relative to the mixing of the lowtemperature and hightemperature hydrothermal solutions. δ18O and δD values of oreforming fluid of different ore bodies are unanimous, thus indicating that fluid homogenisation once happened before the formation of oreforming fluid. The oreforming fluid in fluid reservoir is of multiple derivation of the mixed circular waters in the strata, metamorphic fluids and magmatic waters.
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The Forming Mechanisms of Hongqiling Mafic and UltramaficIntrusive Bodies and Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposits
YANG Yan-chen,SUN De-you,MA Zhi-hong,XU Wen-liang
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  593-600. 
Abstract ( 1843 )  
The Hongqiling CuNi ore deposit is located to the northern flank of a contacting zone (the Huifahe fault systems) between the North China platform and the JilinHeilongjiang syncline system. There are over 30 mafic and ultramafic intrusions in the area and CuNi sulfide ore bodies were found in No.1 and No.7 ultramafic intrusive bodies which exhibit obvious zoning and cumulate texture. CuNi ore bodies, being in the shape of plate, vein and pocket, were found in the olivinepyroxenite facies at the base of the ultramafic intrusions. Petrological and geochemical studies indicate No.7 intrusion was formed mainly by flow differentiation while the No.1 intrusion by gravity differentiation; the source of magmas are of tholeiitic origin while the massores are of the products of pressure injecting; the addition and mixing of later magmas introduced more oreforming materials; the degree of immiscibility of sulfides was controlled by volatile components. This CuNi mineral deposit was derived from deep magma segregation with the oreforming age at Indosinian period.
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The Genesis and Evolution of Orebearing Fluids of the Xiaoxinancha Goldbearing Porphyry Copper Deposit in Yanbian Area: H,O,C,S,Pb Isotope Tracing
ZHAO Hong-guang,SUN Jing-gui, CHEN Jun-qiang,ZHAO Jun-kang, YAO Feng-liang,DUAN Zhan
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  601-606. 
Abstract ( 1958 )  
The authors present hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulfur and lead isotope compositions of the Xiaoxinancha goldbearing porphyry copper deposits, Yanbian. The concentrations of δ18Oquartzwater,δD andδ13CCO2 trapped in quartz and fluid inclusions of the ores are -0.1‰ to +5.6‰, -77‰ to -38‰ and -5.6‰ to -3.5‰, respectively. And the δ18Ocalcitewaterand δD of calcite are -4.3‰ and -62‰. In addition, concentrations of δ18OCc,δ13CPDB,δ34S trapped in calcites and sulphides are -4.3‰ to +11.39‰, -8.8‰ to -5.3‰, and +2.1‰ to +4.8‰, respectively.206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb,208Pb/204Pb ratios are 18.103 to 18.388, 15.405 to 15.590, 37.888 to 38.184 respectively with μ value varying from 8.52 to 8.79. The sulfur isotopic characteristics indicate that the oreforming fluids are similar to those of subcontinental island arc magmas, the oxygencarbon and the lead isotopic data reveal a primitive mantle source,and the hydrogenoxygen isotopic features show a complex fluid of the primary mantle,magmatic and metamorphic water, and with an evolutionary trendency towards meteoric and sea waters. So the authors suggest that the thermodynamic sources were derived from the primitive mantle, the oreforming fluids had been contaminated by meteoric hydrothermal system on the upper crust or near the surface during ascending, and the oreforming materials (such as Cu and Au) were from IMORB mantle.
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Study on the Occurrence States of the Platinum Group Elements in Basaltfrom Western Guizhou Province and Their Geological Significance
LAI Ya-wen,WANG Lin-gen, XIAO Guo-shi,GAN Shu-cai, DUAN Guo-zheng
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  607-610. 
Abstract ( 1834 )  
In a geochemical system, the affinity of an element controls its geochemical behaviors while its occurrence state represents its nature. The abundance and occurrence state of an element shows its difference in affinity and could provide important information for the geochemistry system and for the behaviors of an element in the system. The occurrences states of Pt and Pd in the parental rocks and in the fluid inclusions of the Western Guizhou Province basalt are studied. The result of this study shows the importance of determing the occurrence state of an element using its affinity, revealing that the PGE can be used in studying the migration and enrichment of elements in syngenetic fluid of the basalts.
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Regional Tectonic Characteristics and Significance of North Harbin Area in Songliao Basin: Evidenced from Long Seismic Profiles
YU Ping, LI Rui-lei, FU Lei, HAO Xue, ZHANG Xiang-jun,LIAN Guo-fen
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  611-615. 
Abstract ( 1779 )  
Songliao basin is located in north west of the Pacific continental margin, its main area lies in the middle of Heilongjiang plates.The compression stress field of the upper crust in Songliao basin is different from place to place especially from north to south of the area. With plate tectonics, the authors studied the regional tectonic characteristics of North Harbin in Songliao basin using the long seismic profiles. With seismic analytic interpretation the authors gained that there are uplifts and depressions in East and West of the area, and most of the depressions are in the middle part of the basin. From South to North the sedimentary thickness gradually becomes thin. The earlier fault movements resulted in the tectonic characteristics of the area with alternating uplifts and depressions.
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Classification of Tectonic Sequence and Dynamic Evolution of Jixi Basin, Eastern Heilongjiang Province
YANG Xiao-ping, LI Yang-chun,LIU Zhen, WANG Yan, WANG Hong-jie
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  616-621. 
Abstract ( 1964 )  
According to bore holes and exposures, the authors studied the structure sequences of the Jixi basin in Eastern Heilongjiang Province. With classification of tectonic sequence, the authors discussed the dynamics evolution of Jixi basin, suggesting that the Jixi basin was formed by pull apart of lefthanded strikeslip related to the Dunmi rift zone in the Cretaceous. Longitudinal expression include two tectonic evolution periods: blockfaulting stage in earlymiddle stage of the Early Cretaceous expressed, which was controlled by the growth of coalbearing sequence in Jixi Group; downwarping period in late stage of the Early Cretaceousearly stage of Late Cretaceous, which was controlled by the growth of red sequence in Huashan Group. The sequence classification and dynamic analysis of this basin provide an important evidence to the stratigraphic correlation,tectonic analysis and minerogenesis.
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Discussion on Development Regularities of Karst Cave on Top of the Ordovician of Tahe Oilfield and Relation in OilGas
JING Jian-en, WEI Wen-bo,MEI Zhong-wu
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  622-625. 
Abstract ( 1762 )  
In Tahe oilfield, reservoir room of oil and gas is mainly composed of solution pores and cavities. In order to analyze distributing characteristics of oil and gas in the Ordovician carbonate of Tahe oilfield, the authors studied development regularities of karst cave of the area. The recognition markers of karst cave in drilling, core, logging, seismic data are introduced and karst caves in 14 boreholes are recognized. And karst topography of this region in early Hercynian is recovered. Through the research work, it has been founded that karst caves, which appear in depth range of 40 to 80 m, 110 to 130 m, 150 to 190 m, 230 to 260 m below the top of twinpeaklike carbonate, are conserved on side of karst slope near karst and valley, and the oil and gas is productive in developed part of karst cave in most boreholes.
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Comprehensive Evaluation of Gas Sealing Ability of the Lower DengloukuFormation (K1d2) Mudstone Caprock in the East of the Daqing Placanticline
XUE Yong-chao,CHENG Lin-song,FU Guang
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  626-631. 
Abstract ( 1654 )  
In order to get objective and general result of caprock sealing ability, the authors put forward to the caprock sealing ability comprehensive evaluation method by using the index of permeation velocity of gas through mudstone caprock, and give, according to the Darcy law, the method of getting parameters and evaluation process.Based on thoroughly studying the macroscopic characterize and microcosmic sealing ability of the K1d2 mudstone caprock in the east of Daqing placanticline. The method has been used to evaluate the gas sealing ability of K1d2 mudstone cap-rock in the east of Daqing placanticline. The result tested in Zhaoshen 1-Fangshen 4-Fangshen 5-Fangshen 1-Wang 9-12-Wang 903 and its west show that the K1d2 mudstone caprock has the best sealing ability. In contrast results from the Zhaoshen 3-Chao 2-Sanshen 1 and its south and in Qing 2-Wushen 1-Sishen 1-Chuan 3 show that the K1d2 mudstone cap-rock has the middle sealing ability. In the south of Ershen 1-Chaoshen 2-Zhaoshen 2, the K1d2 mudstone cap-rock has bad sealing ability. In other areas, the K1d2 mudstone cap-rock has good sealing ability.
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Water Resources’ Artificial Regulation in Dalian Area
CHI Bao-ming, YI Shu-ping, LI Zhi-jun, ZHOU Yan-zhang
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  632-635. 
Abstract ( 1556 )  
The analysis results of local water resources’ natural characteristics as well as the present situation of artificial regulation show that, there’s still some potentiality of water resources’ artificial regulation in Dalian area. After the comprehensive research about watersheds runoff characteristic, artificial regulation condition and dam groundwater reservoir technology, 5 surface water works, 7 groundwater reservoir works and 13 potential groundwater reservoir zones have been proposed. Water balance indicates that available water resources of 437 640 000 m3/a could be increased through enhancing artificial regulation,which will be significant to resolve the water supply problem in the near future and increases the water supply ability during an emergency in Dalian area.
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Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Hydrogeological Research
LIANG Xiu-juan, LIN Xue-yu, YU Jun
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  636-640. 
Abstract ( 1619 )  
Virtual reality technology (VRT) is a new humancomputer interface technology that vividly simulates the human actions such as visual sense, hearing sense and movement in natural environment. The application foreground of VRT to hydrogeology is presented. The corresponding geological, hydrogeological and professional models are set up by using the immersion sense, interaction with computer as well as realtime forecast function of VRT so that hydrogeological conditions, groundwater flow, groundwater quality , environmental geological problems such as land subsidence, sea water intrusion, soil desertification, soil salinizationalkalization, swampiness and the development tendency of cone of depression caused by groundwater exploitation, can be represented in the virtual environment. The main steps in realizing virtual reality includes establishing virtual reality database, constructing threedimensional geological model, establishing groundwater flow model, establishing professional model and building realtime forecasting model.
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Seismic Risk Analysis of Some Electric Power Equipment Station in Suizhong
CHEN Li, NIE Lei, WANG Xiu-fan, LI Jin
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  641-645. 
Abstract ( 1559 )  
Some electric power equipment station in Suizhong, as one of the significant electric power stations in Northeast of China, is located on Suizhong erosion hills of longterm bulge. Through insitu prospecting, the data about the region and near region seismic activity, geological tectonics as well as the earth geophysical fields have been gained and, the seismic risk analysis of this site has been carried out. According to the need of design code for antiseismic of engineering constructure, the bedrock peak acceleration rate and response spectrum of exceeding probability of 63%,10% and 2% are given respectively and seismic motion parameters are also calculated, which will provide the evidences for antiseismic design of this electric power equipment station.
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The Geological Environment Evaluation in Northeastern Hainan Island
LIAO Xiang-jun, FENG Ya-sheng, DING Shi-jiang,ZHANG Ben-ren,XU Zhong-sheng,WU Dan
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  646-652. 
Abstract ( 1687 )  
Regional geological, hydrogeological, and soil environment quality and geologic hazard and so on are the primary influential factors that affect the geological environment quality in northeastern Hainan island. Seven evaluating key elements and eleven evaluating factors,including the regional climate, geological setting, geologic hazard, soil environment quality, groundwater resource, human activity and vegetation condition, are selected to constitute an evaluating system and a mathematical model on the basis of the weighted average method is employed to valuate the regional geological environment quality in the northeastern Hainan. The evaluating result indicates that the geological environment quality in the northeastern Hainan is statistically good quality. 22.3% of the studied area, up to 4 075 square kilometers, belongs to the high class of quality, including the volcanic mesas, hills, and erosion deposits; and 69.3% of the studied area, up to 9 700 square kilometers, belongs to the good class of quality, continuously distributed at different geological reliefs; while the remaining 8.4% of the studied area, 1 225 square kilometers, belongs to the middle class quality, mainly distributed in serious geologic hazard area including soil water loss, land desertification etc.
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Distribution of Soil Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Elementsand Their Correlativity in Huzhou City
JIANG Yue-hua,YIN Hong-fu,WANG Run-hua,KANG Xiao-jun
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  653-660. 
Abstract ( 1910 )  
Based on the test results of magnetic parameters and chemical analysis of 84 surface and 17 section soil samples, 11 rock samples, the distribution of soil magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal elements, origin and their correlativity were studied in Huzhou City where industry and agriculture are flourishing. The study revealed that: The high anomalous areas of magnetic susceptibility are consistent with those of soil heavy metal elements in the surface soils in the Huzhou City of developed industry and agriculture areas; The magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal element contents in the section soils are both decreasing from the upper to the lower; The high anomaly of the magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal element contents in the surface soils resulted from the influence of mankind economic and engineering activities in Huzhou City, such as free piling up mucipal garbage, applying garbage as fertilizer, discharge of industrial waste gas, material and water, overapplication of pesticide and chemical fertilizer in the local towns; It is obvious that the correlativity between soil magnetic susceptibility and Cd、Hg、Pb、As and Cr contents are different in the different environmental conditions. In dry land magnetic susceptibility is highly correlated with Hg and Pb and has poor correlativity with Cd、As and Cr; in paddy field magnetic susceptibility is highly correlated with Pb and As, and evidently with Cd and no correlativity with Hg and Cr.
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Analysis of Different Land Use Patterns and Soil Erosion Change in the Middle of Jilin Province
ZHAO Feng,FAN Hai-feng,TIAN Zhu-jun, WANG Zhi-gang
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  661-666. 
Abstract ( 2015 )  
Based on GIS, the information on land use and soil erosion was interpreted from TM Remote Sensed Images. And by overlapping the respective map layers, the analysis was made on the relation between land use and soil erosion in the middle of Jilin Province. Results show the decreasing trend of soil erosion in the middle area of Jilin Province, mainly result from the decrease in erosion area of cultivated land which takes a large proportion in the middle of Jilin. But for other types of land use, the results show the increasing trend in soil erosion is in accordance with the increased intensity of land use. The transformation form water erosion to wind erosion indicates that the trend of climate change towards arid. The unreasonable land utilizeation causes the land in middle of Jilin Province to degradate further, which forms the vicious circle. So, it is imperative to out the optical utilization and reasonable development of water and land resources.
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The Relationship Between Rock Resistivity and Water Saturation in WaterDriveOil and OilDriveWater Process
YANG Chun-mei, LI Hong-qi,LU Da-wei,ZHANG Fang-li,GAO Yuan,SHAO Ying-chao
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  667-671. 
Abstract ( 1678 )  
Aiming at problems existed in saturation evaluation of regulative wells in high water cut stage, the authors studied the relationship between resistivity (I) and water saturation (Sw) in waterdriveoil process through rock physics experiment for simulation of the oilfield development. It is a contradiction to the oildrivewater approach, relation between resistivity and water saturation in duallogarithm coordinates system in waterdriveoil process appears a nonlinear pattern, which shows an obvious two sections that corresponds respectively to high and low zones of water saturation. Saturation (Swp) related to the twosection inflexion varies as wetness alters, therefore the final oil recovery also varies in waterdrive approach. Characteristics of I-Sw curve under waterdriveoil process show that resistivity curve can not reflect the water saturation exactly in high water cut stage of oilfield development. Thus it is unsuitable to evaluate water saturation in middle and later development stages using model derived from oilwaterdrive experiment in exploration stage and early development stage. It is especially inappropriate in the high watercut stage, in which resistivity represents poorly water saturation so that the evaluation accuracy is severely limited.
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A Study on Seismic Attribute Optimization Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithm
YIN Wen,YIN Xing-yao,ZHANG Fan-chang
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  672-676. 
Abstract ( 1514 )  
The authors introduce the improvement strategies of each process stage systematically and comprehensively in genetic algorithm. Firstly, the authors create various initial colonies and introduce quinary coding strategy to improve searching speed. Then, they adopt random selection mechanism without reimbursement to prevent premature convergence. Twopoint crossover and multipoint mutation are adopted to extend searching range of model space and to keep individual diversity. In addition, they use generation gap technique to ensure the convergence. Finally, the authors bring forward the description of the ameliorated parallel genetic algorithm according to PCAM principle. Thus seismic attribute optimization of nonlinear multiparameter and multiextremum is achieved obviously by running the mended parallel genetic algorithm.
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Optimization of the JointThread of Diamond WireLine Coring Drill Pipe
SU Ji-jun, YIN Kun, GUO Tong-tong
J4. 2005, 35 (05):  677-680. 
Abstract ( 1469 )  
Diamond wireline coring drill is a kind of widely used drilling technology with the advantages of high quality, efficiency and economic. But the thread of wireline coring drill pipe made in our country is low strength and short service life.Drill pipe break trouble occurs constantly and it can’t fulfill the requirements of deep hole. Based on the nonlinear finite element theory, the effect of thread span and jointthread length of drill pipe on the strength of thread are studied by the application of largescale finite element analysis software. At the same time, optimization of thread span and thread length has been completed. The research results show that the stress distribution in the inner part of jointthread can be improved and the jointthread strength of drill pipe can be increased by 15.4% through enlarging the thread span and jointthread length of drill pipe.
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